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作者 毋翔 张义凯 +8 位作者 张鹏 马昕伶 陈玉林 陈惠哲 张玉屏 向镜 王亚梁 王志刚 李良涛 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期685-694,共10页
[目的]水稻秧苗良好的根系盘结力,利于提高机插效率和质量。探明2,4-表油菜素内酯(2,4-epibrassinolide,EBR)在稻草生物炭育秧基质中对水稻根系生长的影响及作用机制具有重要意义。[方法]采用以300℃下制备的稻草生物炭为主的育秧基质,... [目的]水稻秧苗良好的根系盘结力,利于提高机插效率和质量。探明2,4-表油菜素内酯(2,4-epibrassinolide,EBR)在稻草生物炭育秧基质中对水稻根系生长的影响及作用机制具有重要意义。[方法]采用以300℃下制备的稻草生物炭为主的育秧基质,以甬优538为试验材料,分析了不同浓度EBR(0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0mg/kg)对生物炭基质育秧水稻秧苗根系生长及生理特性的影响。[结果]在生物炭基质中加入EBR后水稻秧苗的根系盘结力增强了4.13%~22.46%,根系活力提高了0.93~1.65倍,根冠比增加了2.20%~14.10%,极大促进根系的生长。基质中添加EBR显著提高水稻秧苗的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)等抗氧化保护酶的活性,降低丙二醛(MDA)、过氧化氢(H_(2)O_(2))的含量,增加秧苗的可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量。施用EBR后水稻根系和叶片中OsCu/Zn-SOD1和OsCu/Zn-SOD2、OsCAT1和OsCAT2四个基因的表达水平显著高于对照。[结论]生物炭育秧基质中增施EBR能够提高水稻秧苗抗氧化系统酶活性和相关基因表达,降低植株内MDA和H_(2)O_(2)的含量,改善水稻秧苗根系的生长和盘结能力,促进健壮秧苗的形成。基施EBR最适宜的浓度为1.0~1.5 mg/kg。 展开更多
关键词 生物炭基质 水稻 根系 2 4-表油菜素内酯 抗氧化酶 基因表达
作者 王邓红 《清洗世界》 CAS 2021年第1期32-33,共2页
随着城市化建设进程的不断加快,城市污染等问题也变得愈发紧张,直接危害着人们的身体健康,迫切需要我们采取对策进行解决。目前,人工湿地被大量地应用在农业污染及城市废水处理等领域,且获得了令人称赞的成绩和效果。通过对生物质炭基... 随着城市化建设进程的不断加快,城市污染等问题也变得愈发紧张,直接危害着人们的身体健康,迫切需要我们采取对策进行解决。目前,人工湿地被大量地应用在农业污染及城市废水处理等领域,且获得了令人称赞的成绩和效果。通过对生物质炭基质对强化人工湿地脱氮效果的影响展开研究,希望能为相关工作人员提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 生物质炭基质 强化 人工湿地 脱氮 效果 影响研究
稻壳生物炭基质中添加壳聚糖对辣椒、番茄生长质量的影响 被引量:6
作者 王灿 倪云江 +2 位作者 杨婷玉 许俊强 张应华 《湖南生态科学学报》 CAS 2019年第4期26-32,共7页
为探究稻壳生物炭育苗基质中添加不同量壳聚糖对辣椒、番茄穴盘育苗效果的影响,以稻壳生物炭、蛭石、珍珠岩、发酵鸡粪按7∶1∶1∶1比例配成育苗基质,设4个不同添加量壳聚糖处理,测定辣椒、番茄幼苗生长质量及生理代谢指标,并计算壮苗... 为探究稻壳生物炭育苗基质中添加不同量壳聚糖对辣椒、番茄穴盘育苗效果的影响,以稻壳生物炭、蛭石、珍珠岩、发酵鸡粪按7∶1∶1∶1比例配成育苗基质,设4个不同添加量壳聚糖处理,测定辣椒、番茄幼苗生长质量及生理代谢指标,并计算壮苗指数和G值.结果表明在该复合基质中,壳聚糖添加量8 g/L时,辣椒、番茄幼苗株高、茎粗、叶绿素、可溶性糖含量等显著高于其他处理,辣椒、番茄幼苗壮苗指数分别比对照提高56.57%和57.75%.因此,在该稻壳生物炭基质中,适量添加壳聚糖可促进辣椒、番茄幼苗生长发育,以8 g/L添加量育苗效果最佳. 展开更多
关键词 辣椒 番茄 穴盘育苗 稻壳生物炭基质 壳聚糖
皇竹草生物炭基质对垂直流人工湿地处理城市污水厂尾水中COD的影响 被引量:3
作者 王忠诚 《化工管理》 2019年第6期150-151,共2页
人工湿地系统已被用于处理各种生活污水和工业废水,是一种具有较高经济效益和环境效益的污水处理技术,尤其适用于农村污水处理。系统中填料在湿地污水处理过程中起着重要的作用。本文通过对传统湿地的一般操作和处理问题的分析,设计了... 人工湿地系统已被用于处理各种生活污水和工业废水,是一种具有较高经济效益和环境效益的污水处理技术,尤其适用于农村污水处理。系统中填料在湿地污水处理过程中起着重要的作用。本文通过对传统湿地的一般操作和处理问题的分析,设计了不同的人工湿地基质对农村生活污水进行处理。在使用同种植物的基础上,选用,即麦饭石,钢渣,竹炭和石灰岩基质构建人工湿地系统,研究它们的效果。结果表明,四种不同的填料的组合对农村生活污水污染物的去除效果良好。以上四种填充物的理论最大吸附能力强弱对比:麦饭石>钢渣>竹炭>石灰岩。废水水质符合《市政污水处理厂污染物排放标准》一级排放标准(gb18918-2002)。基质填料的选择对人工湿地污水处理系统的运行结果具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 污水处理 人工湿地 生物炭基质
生物炭基质对无土栽培草莓生长及果实品质的影响 被引量:6
作者 聂萍 袁希元 +2 位作者 赵方奎 袁珺 梁潇 《安徽农学通报》 2020年第22期57-59,共3页
为探讨生物炭作为草莓无土栽培基质的可行性,以“红颜”品种为试验材料,在温室立体高架栽培模式下制备不同配比生物炭基质,测定其对草莓生长和果实品质的影响。结果表明:(1)生物炭基质在草莓现蕾期、开花期和结果期能够显著促进草莓生长... 为探讨生物炭作为草莓无土栽培基质的可行性,以“红颜”品种为试验材料,在温室立体高架栽培模式下制备不同配比生物炭基质,测定其对草莓生长和果实品质的影响。结果表明:(1)生物炭基质在草莓现蕾期、开花期和结果期能够显著促进草莓生长,随着生物炭添加量的增大,对草莓生长的促进作用相对减弱,其中C2处理在株高、茎粗、冠幅和叶面积方面均表现最高;(2)生物炭基质能够促进草莓提前开花结果,开花期提前15d,但对叶绿素含量的影响不大;(3)不同配比的生物炭基质对草莓的单果重、硬度和糖度均有所提高,随着生物炭添加量的增加,促进作用降低,但对成熟度和香气影响无显著影响。 展开更多
关键词 生物炭基质 无土栽培草莓 生长 品质
作者 陈晔 《农家致富顾问》 2021年第14期102-102,共1页
关键词 水稻 生物炭基质 育秧技术 沈阳 应用
生物炭和腐殖酸钾配施对草莓生长的影响 被引量:1
作者 李兴徽 高智 +2 位作者 袁希元 开秀丽 梁潇 《安徽农学通报》 2023年第8期61-64,共4页
本研究以红颜草莓品种为试验材料,主要探究不同生物炭和腐殖酸钾配施对红颜草莓生长发育的影响。采用常规温室栽培,基质按草炭∶椰糠∶珍珠岩体积比2∶1∶1配制,生物炭按总基质体积比0、5%、10%添加,腐殖酸钾按总基质质量比0、1%、2%添... 本研究以红颜草莓品种为试验材料,主要探究不同生物炭和腐殖酸钾配施对红颜草莓生长发育的影响。采用常规温室栽培,基质按草炭∶椰糠∶珍珠岩体积比2∶1∶1配制,生物炭按总基质体积比0、5%、10%添加,腐殖酸钾按总基质质量比0、1%、2%添加,对照CK组采用普通农家土。在草莓现蕾期、开花期、结果期调查生长指标。结果表明,不添加生物炭,腐殖酸钾添加2%的基质对草莓的生长发育无促进作用,生物炭添加5%、腐殖酸添加2%处理对草莓的生长发育促进效果最显著。 展开更多
关键词 草莓 生物炭基质 腐殖酸钾 生长发育
作者 Phil Gates 郭爱 《北京园林》 2003年第2期44-46,共3页
英国低地泥炭沼泽十几年来一直是人们争夺的宝地。不顾一切地保护那些数量很少却无法替代的野生动植物栖息的野生动植物保护者正在催促园艺栽培者使用不含泥炭的基质。园艺栽培者和环境保护者争论的焦点是开发泥炭并供应给半个多世纪以... 英国低地泥炭沼泽十几年来一直是人们争夺的宝地。不顾一切地保护那些数量很少却无法替代的野生动植物栖息的野生动植物保护者正在催促园艺栽培者使用不含泥炭的基质。园艺栽培者和环境保护者争论的焦点是开发泥炭并供应给半个多世纪以来依靠泥炭繁殖和栽培植物的园艺栽培者们的泥炭开采行业。在争论中,双方都列举了各自的数据,支持或反对使用泥炭的园艺栽培者们未来的购买模式可以很大程度上决定这场斗争的结果。 展开更多
关键词 园艺栽培 沼泽 植物保护 野生动植物 开采 炭基质 英国 替代产品 栽培植物 生产者
Effects of Biochar with Organic Materials on Substratum for Raising Rice Seedlings
作者 王晓燕 方玉凤 +2 位作者 庞荔丹 孟婷婷 戴建军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第5期1155-1160,共6页
[Objective] With a rice variety "Long Rice 11" as a test cultivar,an experiment of raising rice seedlings with the new substrata prepared from biochar,and maize stalks,rice husks,organic fertilizer,turf,zeolite,fine... [Objective] With a rice variety "Long Rice 11" as a test cultivar,an experiment of raising rice seedlings with the new substrata prepared from biochar,and maize stalks,rice husks,organic fertilizer,turf,zeolite,fine river sand and arable layer soil by mixing according to certain volume proportions was caried out,in order to investigate the physical and chemical properties of different organic-material seedling-raising substrata and the effects of these substrata on seedling growth.[Method] The experiment raised seedlings in greenhouses and adopted randomized block arrangement.[Result] The substratum of biochar mixed with maize stalks and rice husks could increase the maximum water-holding capacity of the substratum,reduce the volume weight of the substratum and improve the buffering effect of the substratum.It also had great effects on the contents of alkali-hydrolyzale nitrogen and rapidly available potassium in the substratum,and could improve the root number and substantial degree of rice seedlings.[Conclusion] Biochar with maize stalks and rice husks(the treament HC) is the optimal substratum in this study. 展开更多
关键词 BIOCHAR Rice seedling substrate Physical and chemical properties Seedlings growth
Study on Rooting of Strawberry Bechika 被引量:1
作者 胡婷婷 利爽 +2 位作者 吕天舒 高方可 吴荣哲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2412-2415,2440,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study rooting environment of strawberry "Bechi- ka" seedlings, and the somaclone domesticated transplanting was carded on. [Method] With the stem tip of stolon as material, the influence f... [Objective] The aim was to study rooting environment of strawberry "Bechi- ka" seedlings, and the somaclone domesticated transplanting was carded on. [Method] With the stem tip of stolon as material, the influence factom of rooting and the effects of different transplanting substrata on survival rate was investigated. [Result] The results showed that: 1/2MS was the best concentration for rooting and the rooting rate could reach 100%. IBA was better than IAA for rooting on growth regu- lator levdls, and it had the best effect on rooting with 0.3 mg/L, which produced the thickest and most-fibrous roots. Activated carbon had positive influences on the growth of roots, and the suitable concentration of activated carbon was 0.5 mg/l_ for rooting. The study found that survival rate of tissue culture seedlings was obviously higher in the combination of perlite and vermiculite than that in the combination of humus and sand, and the survival rate could reach 98.1% (perlite:vermiculite=l:l). Seedlings in various transplanting substrata could normally bloom, fruit and form stolons. [Conclusion] The study provided technical support for achieving large-scale production of virus-free strawberry and quickly cultivating good seedlings. 展开更多
关键词 Strawberry "Bechika" MS concentrotion AUXINS Activated carbon Transplanting substratum
Mechanical behavior and microstructural mechanism of improved disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone 被引量:9
作者 ZENG Ling YU Hui-cong +1 位作者 GAO Qian-feng BIAN Han-bing 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第7期1992-2002,共11页
This study aims to improve the mechanical behavior of disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone, which is used as road embankment filler in southwestern China. Triaxial tests were performed on disintegrated carbonaceous mud... This study aims to improve the mechanical behavior of disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone, which is used as road embankment filler in southwestern China. Triaxial tests were performed on disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone modified by fly ash, cement, and red clay. Then the stress-strain relationships and shear strength parameters were analyzed. The microstructure and mineral composition of the materials were identified via scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the stress-strain relationships changed from strain-hardening to strain-softening when disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone was modified with cement. By contrast, the addition of fly ash and red clay did not change the type of stress-strain relationships. The order of these three additives is cement, red clay and fly ash according to their influences on the cohesion. Disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone without cement all showed bulging failures, and that modified with cement exhibited shear failures or bulging-shear failures. The soil particles of the improved soil were well bonded by cementitious substances, so the microstructure was denser and more stable, which highly enhanced the mechanical behavior of disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone. The findings could offer references for the use of carbonaceous mudstone in embankment engineering. 展开更多
关键词 embankment engineering carbonaceous mudstone ADDITIVE mechanical properties MICROSTRUCTURE
Fundamental study on iron ore sintering new process of flue gas recirculation together with using biochar as fuel 被引量:3
作者 甘敏 范晓慧 +3 位作者 姜涛 陈许玲 余志元 季志云 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期4109-4114,共6页
It is of great significance for cleaner production to substitute bio-energy for fossil fuels in iron ore sintering. However, with the replacement ratio increasing, the consistency of heat front and flame front is brok... It is of great significance for cleaner production to substitute bio-energy for fossil fuels in iron ore sintering. However, with the replacement ratio increasing, the consistency of heat front and flame front is broken, and the thermal utilizing efficiency of fuel is reduced, which results in the decrease of yield and tumble index of sinter. Circulating flue gas to sintering bed as biochar replacing 40% coke, CO in flue gas can be reused so as to increase the thermal utilizing efficiency of fuels, and the consistency of two fronts is recovered for the circulating flue gas containing certain CO2, H2 O and lower O2, which contributes to increasing the maximum temperature, extending the high temperature duration time of sintering bed, and results in improving the output and quality of sinter. In the condition of circulating 40% flue gas, the sintering with biomass fuels is strengthened, and the sintering indexes with biomass fuel replacing 40% coke breeze are comparative to those of using coke breeze completely. 展开更多
关键词 iron ore sintering biomass fuel flue gas recirculation
Influence of nitrogen hetero-substitution on the electrochemical performance of coal-based activated carbons measured in non-aqueous electrolyte 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG Chuan-xiang DUAN Yu-ling +3 位作者 XING Bao-lin ZHAN Liang QIAO Wen-ming LING Li-cheng 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第3期295-299,共5页
Nitrogen-containing carbons were prepared by modification of activated carbons.The modified carbons were used as electrode materials with improved electrochemical performance.Precursor anthracite was activated by KOH(... Nitrogen-containing carbons were prepared by modification of activated carbons.The modified carbons were used as electrode materials with improved electrochemical performance.Precursor anthracite was activated by KOH(KOH:anthracite= 1:1), modified by melamine or urea and then treated at 1173 K to obtain the modified carbons.The porous structure, the chemical composition and the electrochemical characteristics of the carbons were investigated by nitrogen sorption, XPS and electrochemical methods respectively.Electrochemical experiments were performed in an organic electrolytic solution of 1 M(C2H5)4NBF4/PC.The samples modified by the different methods showed differences in chemical composition that introduced varying degrees of electrochemical performance enhancement.The presence of nitrogen enhanced the electron donor properties and the surface wettability of the activated carbons:this ensured a sufficient utilization of the exposed surface for charge storage. 展开更多
关键词 activated carbon electrochemical double layer capacitor heteroatom of nitrogen modification
Effects of Different Substrate Composition on Growth of Gesneriaceae Plants
作者 Zhijing QIU Chunqing ZOU +2 位作者 Zhengjun SHI Yaoliang DAI Ruixing XIE 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1335-1338,共4页
The cultivation experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of dif-ferent proportions of peat soil, perlite, vermiculite and yel ow mud on growth of Gesneriaceae species (Chirita gueilinensis, Sinningia spe... The cultivation experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of dif-ferent proportions of peat soil, perlite, vermiculite and yel ow mud on growth of Gesneriaceae species (Chirita gueilinensis, Sinningia speciosa, Lysionotus pauci-florus, Hemiboea henryi, Aeschynanthus acuminatus, Saintpaulia ionantha). The growth traits of each plant growing in 7 different matrix materials were investigated. The plant height, crown width and chlorophyl content of each plant were mea-sured. The results showed that the best substrate ratio was peat soil∶vermiculite=2∶1 for C. gueilinensis, L. pauciflorus and H. henryi; peat soil∶perlite∶vermiculite = 2∶1∶1 for S. ionantha; peat soil∶vermiculite∶yel ow mud=2∶1∶1 for S. speciosa; peat soil∶per-lite∶vermiculite∶yel ow mud=2∶1∶1∶1 for A. acuminatus. 展开更多
关键词 GESNERIACEAE Substrate composition GROWTH Chlorophyll content
Effects of surface chemical properties of activated coke on selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH_3 over commercial coal-based activated coke 被引量:12
作者 Xie Wei Sun Zhongchao +3 位作者 Xiong Yinwu Li Lanting Wu Tao Liang Daming 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期471-475,共5页
Surface chemical properties of typical commercial coal-based activated cokes were characterized by Xray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) and acid-base titration, and then the influence of surface chemical properties on... Surface chemical properties of typical commercial coal-based activated cokes were characterized by Xray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) and acid-base titration, and then the influence of surface chemical properties on catalytic performance of activated cokes of NO reduction with NH3 was investigated in a fixed-bed quartz micro reactor at 150 ℃. The results indicate that the selective catalytic reduction(SCR) activity of activated cokes with the increase of its surface acidic sites and oxygen content,obviously, a correlation between catalytic activity and surface acidic sites content by titration has higher linearity than catalytic activity and surface oxygen content by XPS. While basic sites content by acid-base titration have not correlation with SCR activity. It has been proposed that surface basic sites content measured by titration may not be on adjacent of acidic surface oxides and then cannot form of NO2-like species, thus the reaction of reduction of NO with NH3 have been retarded. 展开更多
关键词 Activated coke SCR Surface chemical properties Catalytic reduction
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