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生物炭滤-砂慢滤处理农村分散式饮水的试验研究 被引量:7
作者 张键 程吉林 +1 位作者 伏培仟 鲁梦江 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2007年第8期131-134,共4页
采用生物活性炭滤-砂慢滤工艺对农村饮水处理进行了试验研究。试验结果表明,在原水为Ⅳ类水的情况下,生物炭滤-石英砂慢滤对水中CODMn和UV254的平均去除率分别为76.8%和68.8%,对NH3-N、NO3-N、TOC及浊度的平均去除率分别为91.6%、55.0%... 采用生物活性炭滤-砂慢滤工艺对农村饮水处理进行了试验研究。试验结果表明,在原水为Ⅳ类水的情况下,生物炭滤-石英砂慢滤对水中CODMn和UV254的平均去除率分别为76.8%和68.8%,对NH3-N、NO3-N、TOC及浊度的平均去除率分别为91.6%、55.0%、45.2%和93.0%。生物炭滤-石英砂慢滤有望成为一种农村分散式饮水水质净化的新工艺。 展开更多
关键词 生物炭滤 砂慢 农村饮水
砂滤/炭滤工艺对原水中腐殖质类有机物的去除效能 被引量:4
作者 冯令艳 崔崇威 袁一星 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第23期73-75,共3页
我国特别是北方寒冷地区的地表型水库原水普遍存在因腐殖质类有机物引起高色度的问题,采用液氯消毒的常规处理工艺很难满足人们对水质安全性的要求,为此,选择北方某自来水厂滤后水为处理对象,在中试条件下考察了砂滤/炭滤共同作用... 我国特别是北方寒冷地区的地表型水库原水普遍存在因腐殖质类有机物引起高色度的问题,采用液氯消毒的常规处理工艺很难满足人们对水质安全性的要求,为此,选择北方某自来水厂滤后水为处理对象,在中试条件下考察了砂滤/炭滤共同作用对腐殖质类有机物的去除效能。结果表明,砂滤/炭滤工艺可以有效去除原水中分子质量为1-5ku、容易生成消毒副产物的有机物;在试验进水浊度为0.10~0.27NTU、CODMn为1.10~1.47mg/L的条件下,出水浊度〈0.10NTU、CODMn降为0.43~0.79mg/L,对浊度和CODM。的平均去除率分别为59.07%和50.61%。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水 炭滤 腐殖质类有机物
超滤与活性炭组合工艺对有机物去除效果研究 被引量:2
作者 马孟 靖大为 《平顶山工学院学报》 2008年第6期28-30,34,共4页
关键词 工艺 炭滤工艺 有机物 工艺组合
酚醛树脂基微滤炭膜的制备及表征 被引量:8
作者 魏微 胡浩权 尤隆渤 《材料研究学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期318-322,共5页
以酚醛压塑粉为原料,用炭化法制备了平均孔径为 0.30~3.3μm、孔径分布狭窄、孔隙率为40%~55%的管状炭膜研究了原料粒度、成型压力、添加剂种类及含量等对膜的平均孔径和孔径分布的影响,测定了膜的水和N2通量,并... 以酚醛压塑粉为原料,用炭化法制备了平均孔径为 0.30~3.3μm、孔径分布狭窄、孔隙率为40%~55%的管状炭膜研究了原料粒度、成型压力、添加剂种类及含量等对膜的平均孔径和孔径分布的影响,测定了膜的水和N2通量,并用扫描电镜观察膜的形态结构结果表明,随着原料粒度的增加和成型压力的减小,炭膜的平均孔径增大,孔径分布变宽气体通量和水通量增大.添加剂对炭膜性能也有影响。将所制得的炭膜用于染料水处理。 展开更多
关键词 酚醛压塑粉 制备 表征 染料水处理 化洁
热固性酚醛树脂基微滤炭膜的制备 被引量:2
作者 魏微 胡浩权 +1 位作者 秦国彤 尤隆渤 《材料科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期205-208,共4页
实验合成了球形热固性酚醛树脂微粒,并以此为原料制备了微滤炭膜。炭膜的孔径分布结果表明,在原料粒度较小的情况下,所制得的炭膜孔径分布较窄,平均孔径和气体透量较小。对几种常见的粘结剂进行了筛选,当以甲基纤维素为粘结剂时,随着甲... 实验合成了球形热固性酚醛树脂微粒,并以此为原料制备了微滤炭膜。炭膜的孔径分布结果表明,在原料粒度较小的情况下,所制得的炭膜孔径分布较窄,平均孔径和气体透量较小。对几种常见的粘结剂进行了筛选,当以甲基纤维素为粘结剂时,随着甲基纤维素用量的增加,微滤炭膜的孔径分布变窄,平均孔径及气体透量减小。炭化条件中炭化终温对炭膜性能的影响较大。 展开更多
关键词 热固性酚醛树脂 孔径分布
缺氧-好氧-亚滤-富氧生物炭工艺处理印染废水 被引量:15
作者 肖利 刘振鸿 陈季华 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期33-34,共2页
简要介绍了采用缺氧 好氧 亚滤 富氧生物炭工艺对上海某漂染厂印染废水处理工程进行技改的情况。处理量2 5 0 0m3 d ,进水CODCr6 0 0~ 12 0 0mg L、色度 30 0~ 6 0 0倍、pH 11~ 13。经过一年多的运行结果说明了该工艺处理效果稳定... 简要介绍了采用缺氧 好氧 亚滤 富氧生物炭工艺对上海某漂染厂印染废水处理工程进行技改的情况。处理量2 5 0 0m3 d ,进水CODCr6 0 0~ 12 0 0mg L、色度 30 0~ 6 0 0倍、pH 11~ 13。经过一年多的运行结果说明了该工艺处理效果稳定、耐冲击负荷 。 展开更多
关键词 缺氧-好氧-亚-富氧生物工艺 印染废水 水解酸化 生物接触氧化 富生物 废水处理
高密度沉淀–砂炭过滤联合处理煤矿废水 被引量:2
作者 林永生 《建筑技术开发》 2018年第9期64-65,共2页
项目废水为某煤矿废水,主要污染物为SS,构成煤矿矿井水悬浮物的主要成份是粒径极为细小的煤粉和岩尘。靠自然沉淀去除是困难的,必须借助混凝剂,采用混凝沉淀的处理方法以实现对悬浮物的去除。本案采用"高密度沉淀池+压力砂滤+压力... 项目废水为某煤矿废水,主要污染物为SS,构成煤矿矿井水悬浮物的主要成份是粒径极为细小的煤粉和岩尘。靠自然沉淀去除是困难的,必须借助混凝剂,采用混凝沉淀的处理方法以实现对悬浮物的去除。本案采用"高密度沉淀池+压力砂滤+压力炭滤+消毒"的多级联合工艺对其进行处理。该工程自2016年8月投产至今,处理处理效果稳定,各项出水指标均可以达到预期的指标并实现废水的回用。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿废水 高密度沉淀池 压力砂 压力炭滤
作者 房金厚 《中国战略新兴产业(理论版)》 2019年第23期0138-0138,共1页
夹炭布(双效)滤网自 2016 年以来被大量使用于空气净化器中,但随着使用的普及,也伴随着出现了很多客户投 诉出现“酸味”。对此问题,做出以下分析,望借鉴。
关键词 布(双效) 酸味 分析研究
双膜法与常规过滤工艺在双水源给水厂中的应用 被引量:1
作者 田兆东 《市政技术》 2013年第3期102-105,共4页
北京市房山区长阳第三供水厂采用地下水和地表水双水源系统。其中地下水处理系统采用超滤(UF)/反渗透(RO)双膜法处理工艺,主要去除总硬度和硝酸盐等离子杂质;地表水处理系统采用砂滤/炭滤联合处理工艺,主要去除浊度、总大肠菌群和大肠... 北京市房山区长阳第三供水厂采用地下水和地表水双水源系统。其中地下水处理系统采用超滤(UF)/反渗透(RO)双膜法处理工艺,主要去除总硬度和硝酸盐等离子杂质;地表水处理系统采用砂滤/炭滤联合处理工艺,主要去除浊度、总大肠菌群和大肠埃希氏菌等常规性杂质。着重介绍了工艺流程,各处理单元设计参数以及2种处理工艺的接合特点,为类似双水源或高含盐水给水厂的设计提供可借鉴经验。 展开更多
关键词 给水厂 双水源 高盐水 (UF) 反渗透(RO) 炭滤
造纸中段废水深度处理中试试验 被引量:8
作者 王磊 谢益民 赵芳 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第4期43-46,共4页
采用电化学催化氧化处理、曝气生物滤池(固定化微生物BAF和生物活性炭滤床)处理的工艺组合进行造纸中段废水深度处理的中试试验,并对试验现象和结果进行了分析。全流程对色度去除率可达92.0%,COD_(Cr)去除率可达91.3%,处理后出水回用对... 采用电化学催化氧化处理、曝气生物滤池(固定化微生物BAF和生物活性炭滤床)处理的工艺组合进行造纸中段废水深度处理的中试试验,并对试验现象和结果进行了分析。全流程对色度去除率可达92.0%,COD_(Cr)去除率可达91.3%,处理后出水回用对纸张白度影响不大,纸张白度可达82.2%。 展开更多
关键词 电化学 固定化微生物 生物炭滤 中段废水 深度处理
制罐废水处理工艺研究 被引量:1
作者 罗德春 《西北建筑工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 1999年第2期58-61,共4页
关键词 废水处理 制罐废水 混凝 化学氧化 生物炭滤
作者 卢玲玲 曾鸣刚 《黑龙江环境通报》 2012年第2期65-68,共4页
制药废水组成复杂,污染物浓度高,污水CODcr浓度达10000mg/l,含有大量有毒、有害物质。本中采用催化氧化预处理+水解酸化+UASB+接触氧化+炭滤吸附的工艺流程,通过改善细部参数及改良配套设备设计,提高了各单元去除效率,降低了能耗及处理... 制药废水组成复杂,污染物浓度高,污水CODcr浓度达10000mg/l,含有大量有毒、有害物质。本中采用催化氧化预处理+水解酸化+UASB+接触氧化+炭滤吸附的工艺流程,通过改善细部参数及改良配套设备设计,提高了各单元去除效率,降低了能耗及处理成本,出水CODcr浓度达到污水综合排放标准. 展开更多
关键词 制药废水 催化氧化 水解酸化 UASB 接触氧化 炭滤吸附
作者 杨放 《化纤与纺织技术》 2022年第7期122-124,共3页
金属产品浇筑完成后,需要对某些部件进行荧光探伤检测,常见的含油探伤废水成分较为复杂,主要污染物为SS(固体悬浮物)、色度,有机物含量较高并含有大量石油类物质。针对该废水水质特点采用初沉+气浮+砂滤炭滤+AO工艺处理,经处理后的尾水... 金属产品浇筑完成后,需要对某些部件进行荧光探伤检测,常见的含油探伤废水成分较为复杂,主要污染物为SS(固体悬浮物)、色度,有机物含量较高并含有大量石油类物质。针对该废水水质特点采用初沉+气浮+砂滤炭滤+AO工艺处理,经处理后的尾水可达到《污水排入城镇下水道水质标准》(GB/T31962—2015)。在后续运行期间,其废水处理系统能够稳定运行,出水中SS、色度、COD(化学需氧量)各指标都能稳定达到设计要求。 展开更多
关键词 含油探伤废水 气浮 炭滤 AO工艺
Experimental Investigation of Environmental Hydraulic Parameters for Dual Mixed Media Biofilter for Greywater Treatment 被引量:1
作者 Karim Rashid Gubashi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第8期986-992,共7页
Laboratory scale model of DMMBF (dual mixed media biofilter) were designed and installed in AI-Mustansiriya University Environmental Hydraulic Lab. Experiments were conducted using two mixed layers through PVR colum... Laboratory scale model of DMMBF (dual mixed media biofilter) were designed and installed in AI-Mustansiriya University Environmental Hydraulic Lab. Experiments were conducted using two mixed layers through PVR column--2.2 m height and 300 mm diameter. The first mixed media filter of depth 640mm mixed of sand, rice husk and granular activated carbon. The percentage volume mix is 1:1:1. While the other mixed media of depth 740 mm, consisting of coal, crash porcelinaite, rock and granite with equally percentage volume. Fifty samples were collected during the experiments, which was spread over a period of forty two weeks. The obtained results indicate that when the flow loading raised from 0.15 L/min to 2.7 L/rain, the removal efficiency of BOD decreased 8%-11%, and the removal efficiency of COD deceased 3%-4%, while the removal efficiency of turbidity increased with the decreasing of hydraulic loading. The results showed that the removal efficiency of turbidity is more than 95% at the lower discharge (0.15 L/min). Therefore, infiltration should be conservatively designed using low loading rates. 展开更多
关键词 Hydraulic parameters dual mixed media greywater treatment removal efficiency TURBIDITY COD BOD.
The theoretical research on localization using improved particle filter for mine rescue robot in unknown underground space 被引量:1
作者 马宏伟 李晓鹏 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2008年第3期497-500,共4页
The localization for mine rescue robot in unknown space of coal mine emer- gency was researched,basing on the requirement of mine rescue robot localization which enters the scene of the coal mine accident,unknown circ... The localization for mine rescue robot in unknown space of coal mine emer- gency was researched,basing on the requirement of mine rescue robot localization which enters the scene of the coal mine accident,unknown circumstance,the unstructured, non-Gaussian and nonlinear work-space for robot works.The localization using particle filter was proposed to which is applied in mine rescue robot in unknown under-ground space.Meanwhile,focusing on severe particle sample degeneracy in the primary particle filter,an improved particle filter was proposed to reinforce the stability of particle filter.Be- ing compared with localization using extended Kalman filter through simulation experiment the localization using particle filter is proved to have more locating accuracy in unknown underground space and better computational real-time ability,which solves the pre-local- ization problem of robot underground. 展开更多
关键词 LOCALIZATION particle filter rescue robot unknown underground space
Effect of a biological activated carbon filter on particle counts
作者 Su-hua WU Bing-zhi DONG +1 位作者 Tie-jun QIAO Jin-song ZHANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第11期1576-1581,共6页
Due to the importance of biological safety in drinking water quality and the disadvantages which exist in traditional methods of detecting typical microorganisms such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, it is necessary to... Due to the importance of biological safety in drinking water quality and the disadvantages which exist in traditional methods of detecting typical microorganisms such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, it is necessary to develop an alternative. Particle counts is a qualitative measurement of the amount of dissolved solids in water. The removal rate of particle counts was previously used as an indicator of the effectiveness of a biological activated carbon (BAC) filter in removing Cryptosporidium and Giardia. The particle counts in a BAC filter effluent over one operational period and the effects of BAC filter construction and operational parameters were investigated with a 10 m3/h pilot plant. The results indicated that the maximum particle count in backwash remnant water was as high as 1296 count/ml and it needed about 1.5 h to reduce from the maximum to less than 50 count/ml. During the standard filtration period, particle counts stay constant at less than 50 count/ml for 5 d except when influ- enced by sand filter backwash remnant water. The removal rates of particle counts in the BAC filter are related to characteristics of the carbon. For example, a columned carbon and a sand bed removed 33.3% and 8.5% of particles, respectively, while the particle counts in effluent from a cracked BAC filter was higher than that of the influent. There is no significant difference among particle removal rates with different filtration rates. High post-ozone dosage (>2 mg/L) plays an important role in particle count removal; when the dosage was 3 mg/L, the removal rates by carbon layers and sand beds decreased by 17.5% and increased by 9.5%, respectively, compared with a 2 mg/L dosage. 展开更多
关键词 Biological activated carbon (BAC) filter CRYPTOSPORIDIUM GIARDIA Particle counts TURBIDITY
Inactivation Removal for Excess Propagation of Copepod of Zooplankton in Ozone-Granular Activated Carbon Filter in Southern China
作者 林涛 陈卫 王磊磊 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期639-644,共6页
Comparative experiments on the inactivation of Copepod were investigated in southern China. The 100% of inactivation effect may be attained by 3.0 mg/L of ozone for contacting time of 25 min, whereas 0.5 mg/L of dosag... Comparative experiments on the inactivation of Copepod were investigated in southern China. The 100% of inactivation effect may be attained by 3.0 mg/L of ozone for contacting time of 25 min, whereas 0.5 mg/L of dosage resulted in only 30% of inactivation rate. Copepod may not be completely inactivated by ozone oxidation for feasible dosage limited by higher bromide in raw water. The favorable environment of granular activated carbon (GAC) filter provided Copepod with conditions for excess propagation, The disinfection experimental results show that the inactivation rate is 90% by 2.0 mg/L of chloramines for contacting time of 30 min, whereas only 70% is attained with chlorine. The GC-MS examination indicates that the total organic substance is increased to 92 specie: inciuding 13 sorts of halogenated hydrocarbon by chlorine disnfection, which is more than that of chloramines. More products of bromiinated trihalomethanes occur in treated water by chlorine, disinfection and total amount of THMs is 3 times as high as that of chloramines. 展开更多
关键词 drinking water Copepod of zooplankton granular activated carbon (GAC) filter INACTIVATION iisinfiection
Micro-Polluted Surface Water Treatment by PAC-MBR Process
作者 张江朝 顾平 米宝霞 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第3期159-164,共6页
A kind of hybrid membrane process, which integrated powdered activated carbon (PAC) with membrane bioreactor (MBR), was designed for bench scale experiment for micro-polluted surface water treatment. Molecular weight ... A kind of hybrid membrane process, which integrated powdered activated carbon (PAC) with membrane bioreactor (MBR), was designed for bench scale experiment for micro-polluted surface water treatment. Molecular weight analysis was used to evaluate the efficiency of each unit process and the integration of them. The result of analysis indicated that organic molecules in the treated water from PAC-MBR process were concentrated on the section of below 1000, while PAC adsorption could enhance the removal efficiency of this section due to the high percent of biodegradation recalcitrant organic matter with low molecular weight. It was demonstrated that PAC adsorption and biological treatment promoted each other in PAC-MBR process, with a removal efficiency of 70% for COD Mn and UV 254, 100% for UV 410 and 92% for ammonia nitrogen in its stable stage. 展开更多
关键词 membrane bioreactor (MBR) powdered activated carbon (PAC) hollow fiber membrane microfiltration (MF) micro-pollution organic matter molecular weight distribution
Determination and Removal of Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater by Activated Carbon
作者 MarceloA. Nolasco Kamila O. Guimaraes Grace Cardoso 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第7期653-662,共10页
This study aimed to evaluate the EDC (endocrine disruptors compounds) in the city of Sao Paulo's water sources, from samples collected at predetermined sampling points and to evaluate the adsorptive capacity of the... This study aimed to evaluate the EDC (endocrine disruptors compounds) in the city of Sao Paulo's water sources, from samples collected at predetermined sampling points and to evaluate the adsorptive capacity of these compounds in different types of activated carbon. The effects of these EDC on humans are not well established due to the necessary large exposure time for the effect's manifestation. After tests using powdered and granular activated carbon, all samples were filtered under vacuum using cellulose acetate membrane (0.45 μm) to remove eventual impurities, and posteriorly carded out the solid-phase extraction SPE (solid-phase extraction) and chromatographic analysis. The results lead to the conclusion that both powdered activated carbon have removal effectiveness of these compounds by adsorption. Furthermore, great amount of endocrine disruptors were found at several sampling points in river and city's water reservoirs, which shows different levels of pollution of water sources, some of them responsible for the watersupply of the city of Silo Paulo, Brazil. 展开更多
关键词 Activated carbon endocrine disruptors ADSORPTION solid-phase extraction chromatographic analysis MICROPOLLUTANTS
Investigation on the Key Factors and the Solution for pH Value Decrease in Carbon Filter in O3-BAC Process* 被引量:1
作者 陆少鸣 陈江玲 李芳 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第8期914-919,共6页
An investigation was carried out to eliminate the decrease of effluent pH value in carbon filter in O3-biological activated carbon process. The influence factors were examined in a pilot test, and pH was adjusted in t... An investigation was carried out to eliminate the decrease of effluent pH value in carbon filter in O3-biological activated carbon process. The influence factors were examined in a pilot test, and pH was adjusted in the pilot and waterworks. Results show that the carbon filter is an acid-base buffer system and the activated carbon is the key factor. Chemical functional groups on activated carbon surface present acid-base properties to buffer the water but decrease with time, so that effluent pH value decreases. The effects of ozone dosage, CO2 in the carbon filter, and the filter influent quality are negligible. A new method to adjust pH is developed: the activated carbon is first modified by soaking in sodium hydroxide solution to make its pH reach the desired value, and then the pH value of inflow is controlled to certain value by dosing lime in sand filter influent. The method is economical and effective. 展开更多
关键词 pH carbon filter activated carbon surface functional groups MODIFICATION
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