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生物炭质量分数对Cd污染紫色土壤修复的影响 被引量:1
作者 谯华 谢丹丹 +2 位作者 张煜行 朱龙辉 苏越 《当代化工》 CAS 2022年第12期2814-2818,共5页
为研究不同质量分数生物炭对Cd污染紫色土壤修复效果的影响,通过盆栽种植小白菜,以盆栽紫色土壤(添加外源Cd)为研究对象,未添加外源Cd的紫色土为对照,考察45 d内0、0.5%、1%、3%、5%生物炭质量分数对镉污染土壤修复效果的影响。结果表明... 为研究不同质量分数生物炭对Cd污染紫色土壤修复效果的影响,通过盆栽种植小白菜,以盆栽紫色土壤(添加外源Cd)为研究对象,未添加外源Cd的紫色土为对照,考察45 d内0、0.5%、1%、3%、5%生物炭质量分数对镉污染土壤修复效果的影响。结果表明:45 d后,当生物炭质量分数为0.5%、1%、3%、5%时,与空白(0)相比,土壤p H值升高了0.16~0.33,有机质升高了0.31~2.55 g·kg^(-1),酸提取态下降了6%~9%,5%的生物炭质量分数对提升土壤p H、有机质,减少有效态Cd效果最好;生物炭质量分数为0.5%、1%、3%、5%时,小白菜生物量先增大后减小,当质量分数为1%时,生物量最高;小白菜地下部分Cd降低了0.169~0.324 mg·kg^(-1),地上部分Cd降低了0.004~0.197 mg·kg^(-1),5%质量分数生物炭时降低最多。综合以上指标来看,5%的生物炭添加量对镉污染紫色土壤的修复效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 生物炭质量分数 紫色土壤 Cd 盆栽 修复
铝用炭阳极制品质量关系分析 被引量:5
作者 洪建中 《炭素技术》 CAS CSCD 2006年第6期39-45,共7页
通过对国外铝工业及阳极生产发展水平的介绍,借鉴国外对大量预焙炭阳极厂的质量调查数据及分析,了解铝用炭阳极制品各项性能指标与电解过程的相互关系,以及炭阳极性能对电解过程的各项影响因素,以便于通过改进阳极生产工艺及工艺设备,... 通过对国外铝工业及阳极生产发展水平的介绍,借鉴国外对大量预焙炭阳极厂的质量调查数据及分析,了解铝用炭阳极制品各项性能指标与电解过程的相互关系,以及炭阳极性能对电解过程的各项影响因素,以便于通过改进阳极生产工艺及工艺设备,提高铝用炭阳极制品质量。 展开更多
关键词 预焙阳极 阳极质量 阳极性能 基准水平阳极
用电导法研究“炒炭存性”的质量标准 被引量:9
作者 史克莉 孔一凡 《光明中医》 2007年第11期68-69,共2页
目的:研究电导率对制定炭药质量标准的意义。方法:采用电导法,分别对蔷薇科药材地榆、山楂、乌梅的生药及轻炭、标准炭、重炭进行了检测。结果:地榆、山楂采用电导法,乌梅采用pH值法,测得值具有规律性。结论:对含有酸性不稳定成分的药... 目的:研究电导率对制定炭药质量标准的意义。方法:采用电导法,分别对蔷薇科药材地榆、山楂、乌梅的生药及轻炭、标准炭、重炭进行了检测。结果:地榆、山楂采用电导法,乌梅采用pH值法,测得值具有规律性。结论:对含有酸性不稳定成分的药品多采用测其pH值法,而对相对较稳定的药品多采用电导法来作为其"炒炭存性"的衡量依据。 展开更多
关键词 存性 药/质量标准 电导法
作者 姜雪娇 李丹菁 李晓斌 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1247-1253,共7页
针对铝用炭阳极系统非线性、多变量、连续特性与离散事件等组合优化问题,研究对炭阳极工艺过程应用混合逻辑动态MLD(Mixed Logical Dynamical)建模与优化的方法,利用遗传算法(GA)并行计算优势进行优化,解决了MLD建模过程中产生的混合整... 针对铝用炭阳极系统非线性、多变量、连续特性与离散事件等组合优化问题,研究对炭阳极工艺过程应用混合逻辑动态MLD(Mixed Logical Dynamical)建模与优化的方法,利用遗传算法(GA)并行计算优势进行优化,解决了MLD建模过程中产生的混合整数二次规划问题,从而提高了优化速度,缩短了优化时间。仿真结果表明,基于该算法的炭阳极质量系统建模和寻优可以优化阳极质量,满足炭阳极国际质量指标,生产的炭阳极具有较高体积密度、高抗折强度和低渗透性。 展开更多
关键词 阳极质量 混合逻辑动态模型 遗传算法
以微波马弗炉法测定聚乙烯中炭黑的质量分数 被引量:1
作者 孙风琴 全乃佳 奚列闻 《石油化工技术与经济》 2022年第2期26-27,62,共3页
以聚乙烯管材料为研究对象,研究了用微波马弗炉法测定聚乙烯中炭黑质量分数的可行性,探讨了气体性质、热解时间和热解温度对测试结果的影响,同时将微波马弗炉法与传统管式炉法的测试结果进行比较和评价。结果表明:微波马弗炉法可以替代... 以聚乙烯管材料为研究对象,研究了用微波马弗炉法测定聚乙烯中炭黑质量分数的可行性,探讨了气体性质、热解时间和热解温度对测试结果的影响,同时将微波马弗炉法与传统管式炉法的测试结果进行比较和评价。结果表明:微波马弗炉法可以替代管式炉法测定聚乙烯中炭黑质量分数,且具有一定的优越性,可有效提高工作效率和测试精密度,降低分析成本。 展开更多
关键词 微波马弗炉法 质量分数 热解时间 热解温度
热解温度和时间对生物炭pH值的影响 被引量:23
作者 周强 黄代宽 +1 位作者 余浪 彭芙蓉 《地球环境学报》 2015年第3期195-200,共6页
以稻草、玉米秸秆、木屑、鸡粪为实验原料,分别在不同热解温度(250℃、300℃、350℃、450℃、650℃)和热解时间条件下(30min、60min、90min、120min、180min)制备出生物炭。并在不同生物炭与水的质量比条件下,依据正交实验设计的... 以稻草、玉米秸秆、木屑、鸡粪为实验原料,分别在不同热解温度(250℃、300℃、350℃、450℃、650℃)和热解时间条件下(30min、60min、90min、120min、180min)制备出生物炭。并在不同生物炭与水的质量比条件下,依据正交实验设计的方案,依次测定了各种生物炭的pH值。结果表明,热解温度是影响各种生物炭pH测定值的关键性因素,生物炭与水的质量比也对pH测定值产生一定的影响,而热解时间的长短并未对生物炭pH测定值产生显著影响。在250~650℃的热解温度条件下,随着温度的升高,四种生物炭的pH值均有不同程度的升高,尤其是在250~350℃这一温度区间,四种生物炭的pH值升高速率最快,此后,随着热解温度的升高,生物炭pH值升高速率逐渐放缓,其中在250~650℃的热解条件下,稻草的pH值升高幅度最大,木屑的pH值升高幅度最小,在350~450℃这一较为理想的热解温度区间范围内所制备的四种生物炭pH值的大小顺序依次为:稻草〉玉米秸秆〉鸡粪〉木屑。 展开更多
关键词 生物 PH 热解温度 热解时间 质量
原料与炭阳极生产工艺适应性研究的探讨 被引量:2
作者 王世杰 陆继东 +1 位作者 包崇爱 昌鹏 《炭素技术》 CAS CSCD 2002年第2期33-37,共5页
分析了世界阳极原料的发展趋势、原料对阳极质量的影响以及炭阳极质量与铝成本之间的关系 ,探讨了通过调整工艺参数来适应原料变化以达到阳极质量最优的可行性 ,论述了原料与炭阳极生产工艺适应性研究的迫切性。
关键词 素原料 阳极质量 适应性
作者 郭小林 《机械管理开发》 2019年第12期180-181,共2页
关键词 炭质量 矸石破碎机 双层直线振动筛
作者 李宁 王素生 +1 位作者 黎文湘 高守磊 《中国金属通报》 2017年第9期133-135,共3页
球磨粉料是配方中影响粘结剂的主要因素,球磨粉料控制稳定才能保证粉料与粘结剂形成的"胶料"稳定,制成塑性较好的糊料。糊料是成型生坯质量的前提;生坯质量是炭阳极质量的关键因素。离开粉料就形成不了炭阳极制品,忽视粉料的... 球磨粉料是配方中影响粘结剂的主要因素,球磨粉料控制稳定才能保证粉料与粘结剂形成的"胶料"稳定,制成塑性较好的糊料。糊料是成型生坯质量的前提;生坯质量是炭阳极质量的关键因素。离开粉料就形成不了炭阳极制品,忽视粉料的作用及其控制就生产不出高质量的产品。球磨粉的稳定对炭阳极的体积密度、电阻率和空气渗透率起决定性作用。 展开更多
关键词 球磨粉 阳极质量
作者 庞永艳 马亚清 《塑料助剂》 2015年第4期1-4,14,共5页
为了澄清聚合物在燃烧过程中成炭对阻燃的作用,本文详细讨论了"成炭三要素"对聚合物阻燃性能的影响。炭层对聚合物阻燃效率的影响主要受"成炭量"、"成炭速率"和"成炭质量"三个因素共同决定,但... 为了澄清聚合物在燃烧过程中成炭对阻燃的作用,本文详细讨论了"成炭三要素"对聚合物阻燃性能的影响。炭层对聚合物阻燃效率的影响主要受"成炭量"、"成炭速率"和"成炭质量"三个因素共同决定,但三者的作用效果并不独立,而是相辅相成的。成炭量主要是指炭层的多少与薄厚程度;成炭速率主要是指成炭的快慢;成炭质量则主要指炭层的稳定性、连续性和致密性。三者共同决定炭层对聚合物阻燃的作用效果。 展开更多
关键词 阻燃 速率 质量
攀钢配型煤炼焦试验研究 被引量:2
作者 黄先佑 祝永强 舒文东 《四川冶金》 CAS 2013年第1期36-40,69,共6页
在炼焦煤资源日益紧张,焦炭质量与优质炼焦煤资源之间的矛盾日趋突出的背景下,攀钢为了提高焦炭质量、扩大炼焦煤源而开展了配型煤炼焦试验,通过配型煤小焦炉试验表明:配型煤炼焦的型煤适合配比为30%。通过小焦炉试验和工业试验表明:配... 在炼焦煤资源日益紧张,焦炭质量与优质炼焦煤资源之间的矛盾日趋突出的背景下,攀钢为了提高焦炭质量、扩大炼焦煤源而开展了配型煤炼焦试验,通过配型煤小焦炉试验表明:配型煤炼焦的型煤适合配比为30%。通过小焦炉试验和工业试验表明:配型煤炼焦可使焦炭质量得到明显的改善,焦炭的M40可提高0.6~7.2个百分点,M10可改善1.1~3.8个百分点,焦炭反应后强度提高2.15~6.82个百分点。 展开更多
关键词 型煤炼 焦焦 炭质量
可膨胀石墨阻燃体系在聚丙烯中的作用 被引量:9
作者 雷长明 张朝 戴干策 《功能高分子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期137-142,共6页
采用可膨胀石墨(EG)为主阻燃剂,包裹红磷(MRP)为阻燃协效剂制备阻燃聚丙烯(PP)。在mEG∶mMRP≥2时,阻燃效果最佳。阻燃剂(FR)含量达到30%后,阻燃效果大幅度提高,氧指数大于28。采用热失重和流变学方法分析了炭层质量,探讨了在mEG∶mMRP... 采用可膨胀石墨(EG)为主阻燃剂,包裹红磷(MRP)为阻燃协效剂制备阻燃聚丙烯(PP)。在mEG∶mMRP≥2时,阻燃效果最佳。阻燃剂(FR)含量达到30%后,阻燃效果大幅度提高,氧指数大于28。采用热失重和流变学方法分析了炭层质量,探讨了在mEG∶mMRP≥2时,阻燃效率最高的原因。相容剂马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯(PP-g-MAH)能够改善阻燃剂和聚丙烯之间的相容性,提高粘结力,改善炭层质量,提高材料的氧指数,PP-g-MAH用量为30%时,材料的氧指数达到31.4。 展开更多
关键词 阻燃 可膨胀石墨 包裹红磷 聚丙烯 质量 相容剂
Effect of coal moisture content on coke’s quality and yields of products during coal carbonization 被引量:2
作者 FANG Hong-ming HAN Jun +2 位作者 ZHANG Hong-jie ZHAO Bo QIN Lin-bo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第12期3225-3237,共13页
The coal with low moisture during carbonization could not only increase the yield of coke,but also promote the coke quality and reduce the energy consumption.In this paper,the influence of the moisture in the blend co... The coal with low moisture during carbonization could not only increase the yield of coke,but also promote the coke quality and reduce the energy consumption.In this paper,the influence of the moisture in the blend coal(1.8%10.13%)on the product yields and coke quality during coal carbonization were investigated.The results show that the coke yield is increased from 75.90%to 77.16%,and the coke qualities such as coke strength after reaction with CO2(CSR),coke reactivity index(CRI),fragmentation index(M25)and abrasion index(M10))are also improved when the moisture of the blend coal decreases from 10.13%to 1.80%in a bench scale reactor.Due to the secondary reaction,tar become lighter when the moisture is decreased.In order to further prove the above results,the blend coal with 1.8%and 9%10%(common moisture used in coke plant)moisture is carbonized in a coke oven with 6 m height,the results show that CRI are 23.4%and 27.3%,CRS are 67.1%and 62.2%under 1.8%and 9%10%moisture of blend coal.Moreover,the variation of the moisture in blend coal has a limited influence on dust emission at the ascension pipe and the charging car. 展开更多
关键词 coking coals low moisture CARBONIZATION COKE coke qualities
Distribution and occurrence of trace elements in the No.14 coal from the Huolinhe mine 被引量:5
作者 Xiangfei Bai Yue Wang Wenhua Li 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2017年第3期199-213,共15页
Optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy in conjunction with energy dispersed X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), have been used to study the minerals and the concentrations of 12 trace elements in the No.14 c... Optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy in conjunction with energy dispersed X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), have been used to study the minerals and the concentrations of 12 trace elements in the No.14 coal from the Huolinhe mine, Inner Mongolia China. The distribution, affinity and removability of the trace elements were studied by float-sink experiments and petrological methods. A high mineral content, dominated by clay minerals, was found in the No.14 coal from the Huolinhe mine. The concentrations of As, Sb and Hg are relatively high compared to the average values for Chinese coals. As, Cr, Hg, Li, Mn, Pb are mainly associated with the minerals while Cd, Co, Ni, Sb, and Se are evenly distributed between the minerals and the organic matter. Be and Ba are mainly distributed in the minerals with a minor proportion in the organic matter. Most elements have a low organic affinity, although Sb, Se, Co, Cd, Ni are closely integrated with the organic matter. High theoretical removabilities are indicated for most trace elements. So it may be possible to lower the concentrations of trace elements during coal preparation. 展开更多
关键词 Trace elements Modes of occurrence - Organic affinity REMOVABILITY Huolinhe coal
Correlation between coal characteristics and methane adsorption on China's coals
作者 于洪观 苑健 +1 位作者 宋吉勇 冷树伟 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第2期183-189,共7页
It is highly important to investigate relationship between coal characteristics and methane adsorption on coal in the fields of coalbed methane recovery. Based on data examination of coal quality indexes collected fro... It is highly important to investigate relationship between coal characteristics and methane adsorption on coal in the fields of coalbed methane recovery. Based on data examination of coal quality indexes collected from the literatures, regression equations for Langmuir adsorption constants, VL or VLIPL, and coal quality indexes for selected coal samples were developed with multiple linear regression of SPSS software according to the degree of coal metamorphosis. The regression equations built were tested with data collected from some literatures, and the influences of coal quality indexes on CH4 adsorption on coals were studied with investigation of regression equations, and the reasons of low accuracy to Langmuir constants calculated with regression equation for a few coal samples were investigated. The results show that the regression equations can be employed to predict Langmuir constants for methane adsorption isotherms on coals obtained using volumetric gas adsorption experiments, which are conducted at 30 ℃ on a wet or dried coal samples with less than 30% ash content in coal. The influence of same coal quality index with various coal rank or influence of various coal quality indexes for same coal rank on CH4 adsorption is not consistent. The regression equations have different accuracy to different coal rank, in which the VL equations supply better prediction accuracy for anthracite and higher prediction error for lower metamorphosis coal, and the PL prediction error with VL and VL/PL equations is lower to bituminous coal and higher to anthracite. 展开更多
关键词 coalbed methane ADSORPTION coal quality METHANE regression equation
Research on the memory cutting path of shearer based on genetic algorithm
作者 MI Jin-peng TAN Chao +1 位作者 ZHANG Li-li SUN Dong-pei 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第3期333-336,共4页
In order to realize the memory cutting of a shearer, made use of the memorizedcutting path and acquisitioned cutting parameters, and realized the teaching and playbackof the cutting path.In order to optimize the memor... In order to realize the memory cutting of a shearer, made use of the memorizedcutting path and acquisitioned cutting parameters, and realized the teaching and playbackof the cutting path.In order to optimize the memory cutting path of a shearer, took intoaccount the constraints of coal mining craft, coal quality and the adaption faculty of coalmining equipments.Genetic algorithm theory was used to optimize the memory cutting ofshearer and simulate with Matlab, and realized the most valuable mining recovery rate.The experimental results show that the optimization of the memory cutting path of ashearer based on the genetic algorithm is feasible and obtains the most valuable memorycutting path, improving the ability of shearer automatic cutting. 展开更多
关键词 shearer drums automatic adjustment height memory cutting cutting path optimize genetic algorithm
作者 陶树人 王永君 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1994年第2期47-63,共17页
If assortment priee parity of Clase coking coal and its qtalty price danrcnee is nonreasonable, it deren't gulde in Anprotrig tbe quallry metaliurgical coking coal and may be influence theeconomic benefit of me... If assortment priee parity of Clase coking coal and its qtalty price danrcnee is nonreasonable, it deren't gulde in Anprotrig tbe quallry metaliurgical coking coal and may be influence theeconomic benefit of metallurgical enterprises. This paper propose the principles and mathematicmodel for determination aseortment party of clean cokingcoal and its quality difference of ash content in clean coking coal in order to urge wasbenes into producing superior clean coking cleal whichis under condition of consideration both interest waskeries and interest metallurgicai industry. It canbe used as a method in theory to make price strategies under condition of socialism maket economicfor washeries of clean coking coal 展开更多
关键词 assortment price parity of clean coking coal quality difference of ash content in clean coking coal Output rate of clean coking coal
The Study of the Influence of Load's Chemical Composition in the Coking Process on the Efficiency and the Quality of Coke
作者 Hadj Mimoun Noredine Bentahar Feriel Hennaoui Meriama Kerboua 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第7期631-637,共7页
This research was performed in order to allow the study of the chemical composition influence of the coking process load on the efficiency and the quality of coke. For this reason, the coking of the following loads wa... This research was performed in order to allow the study of the chemical composition influence of the coking process load on the efficiency and the quality of coke. For this reason, the coking of the following loads was realized: Atmospheric residue (RAT), vacuum Residue (RSV) and catalytic Residue of cracking (RCC). (The residues are obtained from an Algerian crude oil). As the oil residues are rich for their strongly polar composition, such as the asphaltene resins, and complex structures units (SCU), which has a role in the formation of coke, and as the dispersion of these latter improves the quality of coke, a study on the stability of aggregation was carried out by the addition of one stabilizer (oil Extract) in the coking process load, The Compounding (Extracted from/RCC oil) has been drived to the best efficiency of coke. The study consists of the influence this is characterized by the analyses Infra-red (IR) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). 展开更多
关键词 COKING oil residue DISPERSANT aggregation stability.
Effects of mushroom waste on improvement of reclaimed soil qualityin coal mining areas 被引量:3
作者 Shu-Li GUO Qian LI +2 位作者 Xin-Ju LI Yao-Lun ZHAO Xin-Gang WANG 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第2期237-242,共6页
Restoring soil quality is the main evaluation norm of the reclamation. In order to reveal the effects of mushroom waste on the quality improvement of reclaimed soil in coal mining areas, the physical, chemical and mic... Restoring soil quality is the main evaluation norm of the reclamation. In order to reveal the effects of mushroom waste on the quality improvement of reclaimed soil in coal mining areas, the physical, chemical and microbial characteristics of soil are studied. The results show clear improvement in the soil after using mushroom waste. Because of human cultivation and fertilization, cultivated soil after reclamation exhibits high comprehensive quality and the index of quality of surface soil reaches 0.64 and 0.73. The average index of surface soil quality is as high as 0.52 and 0.54. In comparison, the quality of reclaimed soil of forest land is low, with average index of 0.40. The effects of mushroom waste are mainly on the surface soil in the first 2 years after the application. After that period, with the decomposition of mushroom waste, soil quality index tends to be the same as the original soil. The quality of surface soil is higher than that of subsoil, especially after the application of mushroom waste, at which point the soil quality reaches a peak at about 15 cm. Cultivated soil after reclamation has great variance in quality, after the coefficient of 24.74%. Mushroom waste can reduce such variation, particularly with long-term use. The variance efficient falls to 3.59% after 3-year application. 展开更多
关键词 land reclamation soil quality mushroom waste mining area
Automatic Stamping Charger---Stamping of Blended Coal-Theorical Study and Practice Analysis at TKCSA
作者 Yan Samuel Ferreira Junqueira Leonardo de Souza Pinto +1 位作者 Robson Coelho Jose Maria Clemente 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第10期573-579,共7页
The coke plant of a steel plant corresponds to the area that transforms a blend of coal into coke for using in blast furnace and steam to power plant. The coking plant of ThyssenKrupp CSA uses the heat recovery techno... The coke plant of a steel plant corresponds to the area that transforms a blend of coal into coke for using in blast furnace and steam to power plant. The coking plant of ThyssenKrupp CSA uses the heat recovery technology with stamping charger for stamping and preparation a blend of coals for charging and coking. Stamping technology adds several benefits to the process, such as increased density, homogeneity and alignment of the coal cake charged into the oven, as well as provides better control of the coking process, improves parameters of coke quality and allows coal blending with lower coking power, thereby reducing the production cost of coke and power generation. Through the automation of stamping charger, it is possible to evaluate and calculate the stamped coal density charged and the productivity gains this system provides. 展开更多
关键词 Stamping charger DENSITY AUTOMATIC coke plant
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