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作者 丁建国 《天津教育》 北大核心 1996年第2期37-38,共2页
语文课文蕴含丰富的情感、思想、文化内容,有着很强的“育人”功能.学生在获取语言知识,积累语言材料.练习语言技能时,必然要同时接受语言中包含的思想感情的熏陶、教育.那么,在阅读教学中,如何充分发掘课文的情感、思想、文化内蕴,把... 语文课文蕴含丰富的情感、思想、文化内容,有着很强的“育人”功能.学生在获取语言知识,积累语言材料.练习语言技能时,必然要同时接受语言中包含的思想感情的熏陶、教育.那么,在阅读教学中,如何充分发掘课文的情感、思想、文化内蕴,把语感领悟、语文训练和语言积累跟情感熏陶、审美体验、思想启迪、人格塑造等紧密结合起来呢?我们的体会有以下三点: 展开更多
关键词 语文阅读教学 教书育人 点燃火 归有光 孔乙己 审美体验 咸亨酒店 人格塑造 文化内蕴 语言知识
作者 吴新能 杨洞悉 《广西教育》 2002年第14期1-1,共1页
关键词 点燃火 后进生 创新教育 上海市金山区 积小胜为大胜 教学实践活动 教育者 生命意义 学习的革命 鼓励性评价
《世界儿童(童话版)》 2005年第4期26-27,共2页
关键词 小男孩 期待着 点燃火 等待着 炉里 气会 还没有 见红 心情
Experiments and Numerical Calculations on an Ignition System
作者 陈朗 冯长根 +2 位作者 张寿齐 王丽琼 向永 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1999年第2期8-12,共5页
Aim To present a new kind of rapid ignition tube for igniting the propellant of heavy calibre gun uniformly and synchronistically so as to decrease the pressure wave. Methods Firing tests were carried out. Relationsh... Aim To present a new kind of rapid ignition tube for igniting the propellant of heavy calibre gun uniformly and synchronistically so as to decrease the pressure wave. Methods Firing tests were carried out. Relationships between pressure and time ( p t curves) at different positions of the tube are measured. The mode of igniter tube of quasi one dimensional two phase flow is given. Results\ The test results indicate that the speed of ignition front in the ignition tube is very fast and the pressure distribution within the igniter tube is uniform. Results of experiments and numerical calculations of the combustion in the igniter tube are in reasonable agreement. Conclusion\ The new igniter tubes have a very high velocity of propagation of ignition stimuli and can ignite the propellant bed synchronistically. 展开更多
关键词 GUN IGNITION COMBUSTION two phase flow
Frictional ignition of Ti40 fireproof titanium alloys for aero-engine in oxygen-containing media 被引量:8
作者 弭光宝 黄旭 +2 位作者 曹京霞 曹春晓 黄秀松 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第8期2270-2275,共6页
The effect of friction pressure p and oxygen concentration xo on the fireproof performance of Ti40 titanium alloy was studied by frictional ignition test, the U--Xo relationship quantitatively describing the fireproof... The effect of friction pressure p and oxygen concentration xo on the fireproof performance of Ti40 titanium alloy was studied by frictional ignition test, the U--Xo relationship quantitatively describing the fireproof performance of Ti40 was established and the fireproof mechanism of Ti40 was analyzed by SEM, XRD and EDS. The results show that the p--xo relationship of Ti40 obeys parabolic rule. The varying range of xo is about 25% while p varies within 0.1-0.25 MPa. When Xo is 〉70%, Ti40 is ignited immediately at room temperature and develops into continual and steady burning, and the duration of burning is more than 10 s. The fireproof performance of Ti40 is better than TC4 while xo of Ti40 is at least 40% higher than TC4. When Xo is low, the fireproof performance of Ti40 is more sensitive to p; when Xo increases, it is more sensitive to Xo. The forming of fused oxides of V205, TiO2 and Cr203 with strong inner interaction during friction is the basic reason of high fireproof performance of Ti40. 展开更多
关键词 Ti40 fireproof titanium alloys fireproof performance fused oxides fireproof mechanism titanium fire
作者 何长华 《商业文化》 1995年第2期59-59,共1页
桑贵四命何长华宋朝,洪迈著《夷竖志》。书中有这样一篇记载,1172年,信州桑叶骤贵,一斤能值百文。沙溪有一商人,人称张六翁,家中有桑田,可产叠叶千斤,欲车桑叶暴利,于是对家中人说:“家中养蚕,又麻烦又利小,现在桑叶骤... 桑贵四命何长华宋朝,洪迈著《夷竖志》。书中有这样一篇记载,1172年,信州桑叶骤贵,一斤能值百文。沙溪有一商人,人称张六翁,家中有桑田,可产叠叶千斤,欲车桑叶暴利,于是对家中人说:“家中养蚕,又麻烦又利小,现在桑叶骤贵,斤值百钱,不如把蚕全部倒入江里... 展开更多
关键词 桑叶 蚕种 点燃火 桑林 官府 采桑 桑树 洪迈 解带 养蚕
作者 卢怀斌 《兵团工运》 2003年第5期47-47,共1页
关键词 季风 点燃火 队型 蛙鸣 月色 红柳 大雁 窗帘 跋涉 风筝
作者 刘玉洁 刘桂芹 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1999年第6期16-17,共2页
《空气的成分》一课首先通过实验,使学生知道空气中有一部分气体能支持燃烧,有一部分气体不支持燃烧;然后在此基础上,启发学生认识空气不是一种单纯的气体,至少有两类气体组成。 学生做第一个实验很成功。大家通过分析实验现象一致认为... 《空气的成分》一课首先通过实验,使学生知道空气中有一部分气体能支持燃烧,有一部分气体不支持燃烧;然后在此基础上,启发学生认识空气不是一种单纯的气体,至少有两类气体组成。 学生做第一个实验很成功。大家通过分析实验现象一致认为:燃烧消耗了一部分空气。接着我让同学们再分组做本课的第二个实验:在实验一的基础上一只手托住玻璃片,另一只手按住玻璃片,倒过来放在桌子上。点燃火柴,把玻璃片揭开一点儿,将点燃的火柴放进玻璃杯里,观察有什么现象发生。我刚说完实验要求,课堂里立刻沸腾起来。同学们都积极投入到探索之中。 展开更多
关键词 玻璃片 玻璃杯 燃烧消耗 再分组 泗洪县 点燃火 气体组成 生知 分析实验
作者 曾祥文 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1999年第Z2期43-43,共1页
《放大镜》一课中有一幅图,是形象说明放大镜有聚光作用的。在讲到这个知识点时,我告诉学生,利用放大镜的这个作用,可以点燃火柴。等把本课主要内容上完后,我就带学生到操场上,演示给他们看。但由于这时是下午第二节课,太阳快要西下,再... 《放大镜》一课中有一幅图,是形象说明放大镜有聚光作用的。在讲到这个知识点时,我告诉学生,利用放大镜的这个作用,可以点燃火柴。等把本课主要内容上完后,我就带学生到操场上,演示给他们看。但由于这时是下午第二节课,太阳快要西下,再加上恰好这时空中有些薄云,太阳时隐时现,光照不强,实验没有成功。这时,学生们开始叹气了,纷纷议论起来:怎么回事?怎么没点燃呢?有的甚至说:曾老师是不是哄我们的啊? 展开更多
关键词 自然课 放大镜 孩子们 柴头 太阳时 点燃火 摔坏 光作用 薄云 神感
作者 刘洪玉 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1999年第5期26-26,共1页
关键词 凸透镜 光点 厚纸 点燃火 汇聚成 书本 筒光 过凸 距离分布 太阳光
作者 吴成功 《陕西教育(教学)》 1998年第9期1-1,共1页
红烛,您的身躯用慈爱的乳汁凝成,您的红心用期盼的热线贯通,您昂首挺立,义无反顾,点燃火种,播洒光明,以自己日益消融的躯体迎来了一代又一代莘莘学子的茁壮成长,以自己崇高的道德情操营造了与时常新奋发向上的精神文明。您,是无私奉献... 红烛,您的身躯用慈爱的乳汁凝成,您的红心用期盼的热线贯通,您昂首挺立,义无反顾,点燃火种,播洒光明,以自己日益消融的躯体迎来了一代又一代莘莘学子的茁壮成长,以自己崇高的道德情操营造了与时常新奋发向上的精神文明。您,是无私奉献的化身,是鞠躬尽瘁的象征。人们把静静燃烧、坦然献身的您, 展开更多
关键词 精神文明 红烛 道德情操 无私奉献 价值取向 新的历史条件 茁壮成长 点燃火 体制转换 成才目标
Effect of Hydrogen Addition on Methane HCCI Engine Ignition Timing and Emissions Using a Multi-zone Model 被引量:1
作者 汪子涵 汪春梅 +2 位作者 唐华欣 左承基 徐宏明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期290-296,340,共8页
Ignition timing control is of great importance in homogeneous charge compression ignition engines. The effect of hydrogen addition on methane combustion was investigated using a CHEMKIN multi-zone model. Results show ... Ignition timing control is of great importance in homogeneous charge compression ignition engines. The effect of hydrogen addition on methane combustion was investigated using a CHEMKIN multi-zone model. Results show that hydrogen addition advances ignition tim- ing and enhances peak pressure and temperature. A brief analysis of chemical kinetics of methane blending hydrogen is also performed in order to investigate the scope of its appli- cation, and the analysis suggests that OH radical plays an important role in the oxidation. Hydrogen addition increases NOx while decreasing HC and CO emissions. Exhaust gas recir- culation (EGR) also advances ignition timing; however, its effects on emissions are generally the opposite. By adjusting the hydrogen addition and EGR rate, the ignition timing can be regulated with a low emission level. Investigation into zones suggests that NOx is mostly formed in core zones while HC and CO mostly originate in the crevice and the quench layer. 展开更多
关键词 Homogeneous charge compression ignition Multi-zone model METHANE Hy- drogen Ignition timing EMISSION
Spatial and temporal variability of open biomass burning in Northeast China from 2003 to 2017 被引量:5
作者 WANG Lili JIN Xin +4 位作者 WANG Qinglu MAO Huiqin LIU Qiyang WENG Guoqing WANG Yuesi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2020年第3期240-247,共8页
Open biomass burning(OBB)has a significant impact on the heavy haze pollution in Northeast China(NEC)in recent years,which requires the investigation of the spatiotemporal variations of OBB with different vegetation t... Open biomass burning(OBB)has a significant impact on the heavy haze pollution in Northeast China(NEC)in recent years,which requires the investigation of the spatiotemporal variations of OBB with different vegetation types to better monitor and control OBB in NEC.The MODIS C6 fire and land cover products,together with the emissions inventory from the Global Fire Assimilation System,were used in this study.The changes in the total number of MODIS fire points in NEC from 2003 to 2017 demonstrated a fluctuating but generally rising trend,with a peak during 2013–2017.Most fire points concentrated in two key periods,i.e.March–April(37%)and October–November(46%).The total number of crop residue burnings in March–April was basically slightly fluctuating and increased sharply from 2013,whilst the number in October–November had a fluctuating and upward trend until 2015,when a decline appeared.The amount of OBB in March–April was higher than that in October–November during 2016–17.OBB in Heilongjiang Province comprised a major proportion of all fires,which accounted for 70.7%from 2003 to 2017;however,the proportion was only 66.2%during 2013–2017.The largest proportion of all fires was in cropland(90.8%),then forest(5.3%)and grassland(3.1%).The cumulative emissions of fine particulate matter,nitrogen oxides,and ammonia from agricultural open burning in NEC reached 78.43 Gg,24.9 Gg,and 13.7 Gg for March–April during 2013–17,respectively,which were close to those in October–November. 展开更多
关键词 Open biomass burning MODIS Northeast China open agricultural residual burning
Ignition characteristics and combustion performances of a LO_2/GCH_4 small thrust rocket engine 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Jia-qi LI Qing-lian SHEN Chi-bing 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期646-652,共7页
A 500 N model engine filled with LO2/GCH4 was designed and manufactured.A series of ignition attempts were performed in it by both head spark plug and body spark plug.Results show that the engine can be ignited but th... A 500 N model engine filled with LO2/GCH4 was designed and manufactured.A series of ignition attempts were performed in it by both head spark plug and body spark plug.Results show that the engine can be ignited but the combustion cannot be sustained when head spark plug applied as the plug tip was set in the gaseous low-velocity zone with thin spray.This is mainly because flame from this zone cannot supply enough ignition energy for the whole chamber.However,reliable ignition and stable combustion can be achieved by body spark plug.As the O/F ratio increases from 2.61 to 3.49,chamber pressure increases from 0.474 to 0.925 MPa and combustion efficiency increases from 57.8%to 95.1%.This is determined by the injector configuration,which cannot produce the sufficiently breakup of the liquid oxygen on the low flow rate case. 展开更多
关键词 LO2/GCH4 small thrust rocket engine ignition characteristic combustion performance
Effects of CO_2 Dilution on Methane Ignition in Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution(MILD) Combustion:A Numerical Study 被引量:5
作者 曹甄俊 朱彤 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期701-709,共9页
Homogeneous mixtures of CH4/air under moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution(MILD) combustion conditions were numerically studied to clarify the fundamental effects of exhaust gas recirculation(EGR),espe-cially C... Homogeneous mixtures of CH4/air under moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution(MILD) combustion conditions were numerically studied to clarify the fundamental effects of exhaust gas recirculation(EGR),espe-cially CO2 in EGR gases,on ignition characteristics.Specifically,effects of CO2 addition on autoignition delay time were emphasized at temperature between 1200 K and 1600 K for a wide range of the lean-to-rich equivalence ratio(0.2~2).The results showed that the ignition delay time increased with equivalence ratio or CO2 dilution ratio.Fur-thermore,ignition delay time was seen to be exponentially related with the reciprocal of initial temperature.Special concern was given to the chemical effects of CO2 on the ignition delay time.The enhancement of ignition delay time with CO2 addition can be mainly ascribed to the decrease of H,O and OH radicals.The predictions of tem-perature profiles and mole fractions of CO and CO2 were strongly related to the chemical effects of CO2.A single ignition time correlation was obtained in form of Arrhenius-type for the entire range of conditions as a function of temperature,CH4 mole fraction and O2 mole fraction.This correlation could successfully capture the complex be-haviors of ignition of CH4/air/CO2 mixture.The results can be applied to MILD combustion as "reference time",for example,to predict ignition delay time in turbulent reacting flow. 展开更多
关键词 moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution combustion ignition delay time autoignition METHANE
Ignition and Emission Characteristics of Ignition-assisting Agents for Densified Corn Stover Briquette Fuel 被引量:4
作者 袁海荣 庞云芝 +4 位作者 王奎升 刘研萍 左晓宇 马淑勍 李秀金 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期687-694,共8页
Ignition-assisting agents for densified corn stover briquette fuel(DCBF) were developed,and their ignition and emission characteristics were investigated using type LLA-6 household cooking stove.Three waste liquid fue... Ignition-assisting agents for densified corn stover briquette fuel(DCBF) were developed,and their ignition and emission characteristics were investigated using type LLA-6 household cooking stove.Three waste liquid fuels,waste engine oil(E) ,diesel oil(D) ,and industrial alcohol(A) ,were used as raw materials to make 25 ignitionassisting agents by mixing at different ratios.Their ignition performance was evaluated in terms of ignition time and cost.It was found that ignition-assisting agents ED15(a mix of E and D at volume ratio of 1︰5) and DA51(a mix of D and A at volume ratio of 5︰1) presented better ignition results with shorter ignition time(40-53 s) and lower cost(6.1 and 5.3 cents) at the dosages of 9 ml and 8 ml,respectively.The emission of O2,CO,CO2,NOx,and SO2,the temperature in fume gas,and combustion efficiency were investigated for ED15 and DA51.The results show that the emission of ED15 with the dosage of 9 ml is lower than that of DA51 with the dosage of 8 ml in the ignition process.ED15 at the dosage of 9 ml achieves satisfactory combustion efficiency and emits less pollutant,so it is recommended for practical application.The study will provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach to fast ignite DCBF and break the barrier to the practical application of DCBF. 展开更多
关键词 ignition-assisting agent densified corn stover briquette fuel fume gas EMISSION
Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on the Homogeneous Charge Combustion Process of n-Heptane at Different Load Conditions
作者 刘德新 冯洪庆 +2 位作者 郑进才 MILLER David L CERNANSKY Nicholas P 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2005年第4期262-267,共6页
Effects of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on homogeneous charge combustion of n-heptane was studied through simulation and experiment. Experiments were carried out in a single cylinder, four-stroke, air cooled engi... Effects of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on homogeneous charge combustion of n-heptane was studied through simulation and experiment. Experiments were carried out in a single cylinder, four-stroke, air cooled engine and a single cylinder, two-stroke, water cooled engine. In the four-stroke engine, experiments of the effects of EGR were examined using heated N2 addition as a surrogate for external EGR and modifying engine to increase internal EGR. The ignition timing was sensitive to EGR due to thermal and chemical effects. EGR or extra air is a key factor in eliminating knock during mid-load conditions. For higher load operation the only way to avoid knock is to control reaction timing through the use of spark ignition. Experimental and modeling results from the two-stroke engine show that auto-ignition can be avoided by increasing the engine speed. The two-stroke engine experiments indicate that high levels of internal EGR can enable spark ignition at lean conditions. At higher load conditions, increasing the engine speed is an effective method to control transition from homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) operation to non-HCCI operation and successful spark ignition of a highly dilute mixture can avoid serious knock. 展开更多
关键词 homogeneous charge combustion exhaust gas recirculation N-HEPTANE AUTO-IGNITION
Mixture Preparation and Combustion of CNG Low-Pressure Compound Direct Injection Spark-Ignited Engines
作者 胡春明 侯圣智 +4 位作者 詹樟松 刘斌 刘娜 于勇 宋玺娟 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2011年第6期411-417,共7页
A set of compressed natural gas (CNG) multi-point direct injection system of spark-ignited engines and the corresponding measurement and data acquisition systems were developed in this paper. Based on different inject... A set of compressed natural gas (CNG) multi-point direct injection system of spark-ignited engines and the corresponding measurement and data acquisition systems were developed in this paper. Based on different injection modes, the mixture formation and combustion of CNG low-pressure direct injection (LPDI) engines were studied under varying factors such as air/ fuel ratio, injection timing. Meanwhile, three-dimensional simulations were adopted to explain the mixture formation mechanisms of CNG low-pressure compound direct injection (LPCDI) mode. On the basis of test results and simulation of the mixture homogeneous degree, the conception of injection window was proposed, and the LPCDI mode was proved to be more beneficial to the mixture concentration stratification formation in cylinder under lean-burning conditions, which resulted in effective combustion and stability. 展开更多
关键词 compressed natural gas (CNG) engine mixture homogeneous degree injection timing low pressure compound direct injection (LPCDI)
Emission Factors of Particulate Matter Emitted from Co-Firing of Thai Lignite and Agricultural Residues in Fixed Bed Combustor
作者 N. Mantananont S. Garivait S. Patumsawad 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第7期890-899,共10页
Emission factors (EFs) of particulate matter (PM) derived from mono and co-firing of Thai lignite and agricultural residues have been investigated. Two sampling methods for PM, total filtration (TF) and electric... Emission factors (EFs) of particulate matter (PM) derived from mono and co-firing of Thai lignite and agricultural residues have been investigated. Two sampling methods for PM, total filtration (TF) and electrical low-pressure impactor (ELPI), were used together. The study is focused on the influence of fuel mass fraction, and of secondary air to total air; SA:TA on EFs of PM. The results have shown that EFs of PM in mass-basis given by TF method are 8.9, 5.3 and 8.1 mg/kgfuel, while 3.3, 2.7 and 3.3 mg/kgfuel when using ELPI, for firing at constant SA:TA (30%) of lignite, rice husk and bagasse, respectively. For co-firing with 30%SA of coal/rice husk, higher EFs of PM is observed. They are 7.17 and 10.9 mg/kgfuel (TF) for 40 and 70% rice husk share, respectively, or 4.18 and 5.19 mg/kgfuel (ELPI). However, lower PM emission; 1-3.3 mg/kgruel (TF) or 0.72-2.83 mg/kgfuel (ELPI) are obtained during co-firing of coal/rice husk with lower degree of air staging (i.e. 0-10% SA:TA). For the influence of oxygenation state, increasing of SA: TA leads to a low formation of ultrafine particles (Dp 〈 0.1 μm). Apart from PM, major gases (CO, NO, SO2) will be documented in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Emission factors particulate matter CO-FIRING Thai lignite agricultural residues fixed bed.
作者 保罗·科埃略 何晨(编译) 《做人与处世》 2010年第5期53-53,共1页
关键词 点燃友谊之 当代作品 文学 作者
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