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作者 周文强 《中华传奇(下旬)》 2021年第33期0123-0124,共2页
本文研究了底吹炉炼铜渣含铜的热力学分析及其降低方法。首先对底吹炉炼铜渣的组成和形成机理进行了分析,然后对底吹炉炼铜渣中铜的热力学行为进行了研究,包括铜在高温下的相变规律、在底吹炉炼过程中的赋存形式分析以及传质动力学行为... 本文研究了底吹炉炼铜渣含铜的热力学分析及其降低方法。首先对底吹炉炼铜渣的组成和形成机理进行了分析,然后对底吹炉炼铜渣中铜的热力学行为进行了研究,包括铜在高温下的相变规律、在底吹炉炼过程中的赋存形式分析以及传质动力学行为探讨。接着,提出了降低含铜物质的方法,包括调整工艺条件、优化操作方法和分析原料影响元素等。改变工艺条件,如调整炉温和炉压、优化炉内气体流动方式、控制氧气供给量和气体进口位置等。其次是优化操作方法,确定最佳喷吹速度和方向,合理控制喷吹时间和间隔,优化转炉操作参数等。分析底吹炉炼铜渣入炉原料的影响,包括对原料成分进行分析和调整,并分析可能引起渣含铜升高的元素。实验结果表明,这些方法可以有效降低底吹炉炼铜渣中的含铜物质,并提高铜的回收率。 展开更多
关键词 底吹炉炼铜渣 含铜物质 热力学分析
铅渣炼铜:清代郴桂矿厂铅铜共生矿冶炼技术 被引量:2
作者 周文丽 罗胜强 +1 位作者 莫林恒 陈建立 《自然科学史研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期135-148,共14页
郴桂矿厂是清代湖南最重要的铜、铅、锌等币材原料产地。该矿厂使用一种先炼铅、再炼铜的铅铜共生矿冶炼技术,史料中称其为“铅渣炼铜”。2016年,桂阳桐木岭遗址发现了多金属冶炼遗迹、遗物,为复原郴桂矿厂铅渣炼铜技术提供了重要的实... 郴桂矿厂是清代湖南最重要的铜、铅、锌等币材原料产地。该矿厂使用一种先炼铅、再炼铜的铅铜共生矿冶炼技术,史料中称其为“铅渣炼铜”。2016年,桂阳桐木岭遗址发现了多金属冶炼遗迹、遗物,为复原郴桂矿厂铅渣炼铜技术提供了重要的实物证据。文章通过对铅渣炼铜的史料记载、桐木岭炼铅遗存以及炼铅炉渣的研究,判断郴桂矿厂采用的技术是:先用铁还原法在竖炉中炼铅,将冶炼得到的冰铜和铅分离开,最后用冰铜炼铜。该技术不同于其他铜铅共生矿冶炼技术,是铁还原法炼铅、冰铜炼铜两种技术的结合,为清代郴桂矿厂特有,在冶金史上系首次发现。这种技术产生的原因,是郴桂矿厂铜矿资源少,但又要尽可能满足宝南局铸钱对铜料的需求。 展开更多
关键词 清代 郴桂矿厂 炼铜 铅铜共生矿冶炼技术
炼铜尾渣−湖泊底泥复合陶粒制备及其性能 被引量:7
作者 周鹏飞 罗立群 涂序 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第12期4210-4218,共9页
以炼铜尾渣和湖泊底泥协同资源化利用为目的,采用炼铜炉渣的再选尾矿和周边湖泊的底泥为原料,通过化学分析、ICP、XRD、SEM和热分析等手段,分析原料的物理化学性质和燃烧特性,考察炼铜尾渣-湖泊底泥制备陶粒过程中的工艺特性和产品性能... 以炼铜尾渣和湖泊底泥协同资源化利用为目的,采用炼铜炉渣的再选尾矿和周边湖泊的底泥为原料,通过化学分析、ICP、XRD、SEM和热分析等手段,分析原料的物理化学性质和燃烧特性,考察炼铜尾渣-湖泊底泥制备陶粒过程中的工艺特性和产品性能。首先,探讨预热温度、预热时间、焙烧温度、焙烧时间和原料配比等条件对炼铜尾渣-湖泊底泥复合陶粒性能的影响;其次,采用毒性浸出方法,测定常见重金属的浸出毒性,评估复合陶粒重金属的固化效果;最后,分析化学成分变化和微观形貌特征,探讨复合陶粒的膨胀机理。研究结果表明:炼铜尾渣的掺入对湖泊底泥复合陶粒的制备及性能均具有重要的影响,当炼铜尾渣与湖泊底泥质量比为10:100,500℃下预热15 min,1 140℃下焙烧12 min,制得表面光滑、内部孔隙发育、膨胀良好的复合陶粒制品,其表观密度为936 kg/m3、抗压强度为1.74 MPa、1 h吸水率为14.9%。当焙烧温度为1 140℃时,复合陶粒中重金属固化效果较好,其中Cu,Pb,Zn,Ni和Cr等常见重金属的浸出毒性都小于国家限定标准,炼铜尾渣-湖泊底泥陶粒制品具有自身质量轻、孔隙率高、重金属固化率高的特点。 展开更多
关键词 炼铜 湖泊底泥 陶粒 烧结 重金属固化
炼铜尾渣提取重介质产品的特性及矿物学分析 被引量:2
作者 王明细 陈荣升 +2 位作者 罗立群 李国栋 李儒仁 《中国矿业》 2021年第11期109-114,共6页
资源绿色开发和冶炼废渣的高效利用已成为战略技术的需求。本文结合炼铜尾渣的矿物学性质和重介质选矿的现实需求,采用分级-磁选-浓缩脱泥流程获得炼铜尾渣重介质产品,采用化学分析、XRD、SEM和EDS等手段,研究了其化学成分、物相组成及... 资源绿色开发和冶炼废渣的高效利用已成为战略技术的需求。本文结合炼铜尾渣的矿物学性质和重介质选矿的现实需求,采用分级-磁选-浓缩脱泥流程获得炼铜尾渣重介质产品,采用化学分析、XRD、SEM和EDS等手段,研究了其化学成分、物相组成及残余铅锌杂质的矿物学特征,探讨了炼铜尾渣重介质产品应用的环境影响。研究表明,重介质产品密度为4.42 t/m^(3),铁(TFe)含量为56.57%,SiO_(2)含量为23.49%,少量Pb、Zn、Cu等金属杂质;主要矿物为磁铁矿、铁橄榄石、铅铁硅质玻璃体和石英,含量达99.41%。因磁铁矿和铁橄榄石的嵌布粒度较细,解离度低,磁性物含量可达95.4%,便于回收使用;残余铅锌铜重金属元素溶出率很低、环境影响风险较小。研究结果为炼铜尾渣的资源化应用开辟了新的途径。 展开更多
关键词 炼铜 重介质 提取 矿物学 资源化利用
作者 卢绿荣 陈建华 张一兵 《现代矿业》 CAS 2017年第12期244-246,共3页
某炼铜烟尘缓冷渣铜、锌、镉含量分别为2.15%、14.30%、9.92%,长期堆放不仅占用土地,还污染环境,因此进行浸出试验。结果表明,缓冷渣磨至-0.28 mm,在浸出矿浆液固比3∶1、浸出时间15 min的条件下进行常温水浸,最终可获得铜、锌浸出率分... 某炼铜烟尘缓冷渣铜、锌、镉含量分别为2.15%、14.30%、9.92%,长期堆放不仅占用土地,还污染环境,因此进行浸出试验。结果表明,缓冷渣磨至-0.28 mm,在浸出矿浆液固比3∶1、浸出时间15 min的条件下进行常温水浸,最终可获得铜、锌浸出率分别达到62.1%、72.0%的浸出指标,实现了该炼铜缓冷渣中有价金属的回收利用,经济效益和环境效益显著。 展开更多
关键词 炼铜烟尘缓冷 液固比 浸出率
湖北大冶四方塘遗址出土炉渣检测与研究 被引量:1
作者 崔春鹏 李延祥 陈树祥 《湖北理工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2022年第5期1-6,共6页
文章选择2012年大冶四方塘遗址西区出土的炉渣20枚,运用SEM-EDS方法对其进行科学检测和研究。结果表明,该遗址的炉渣渣系为SiO_(2)-FeO-Al_(2)O_(3)三元系,冶炼产物均为红铜。炉渣高铝、低镁钙的特征显示冶炼所用物料与铜绿山矿山具有... 文章选择2012年大冶四方塘遗址西区出土的炉渣20枚,运用SEM-EDS方法对其进行科学检测和研究。结果表明,该遗址的炉渣渣系为SiO_(2)-FeO-Al_(2)O_(3)三元系,冶炼产物均为红铜。炉渣高铝、低镁钙的特征显示冶炼所用物料与铜绿山矿山具有良好的对应关系,并推测强势文化融入当地生产生活以及对矿冶业的干预控制,使得当地青铜产业格局纳入楚文化技术体系。文章的综合探讨旨在为系统认识铜绿山铜矿及长江中游冶金文明的发展框架提供全新的技术资料。 展开更多
关键词 四方塘 炼铜渣 冶炼技术 物料来源 产业格局
Phase equilibria of slag systems“FeO”−SiO_(2)−CaO−Al_(2)O_(3)and“FeO”−SiO_(2)−CaO−MgO at 1200℃and p(O_(2))of 10^(−7)kPa
作者 Sui XIE Qin-meng WANG +2 位作者 Xue-yi GUO Chun-fa LIAO Bao-jun ZHAO 《中国有色金属学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期338-348,共11页
High-temperature experiments were carried out for the slag systems of“FeO”−SiO_(2)−CaO−Al_(2)O_(3)and“FeO”−SiO_(2)−CaO−MgO at 1200℃and p(O_(2))of 10^(−7)kPa.The equilibrated samples were quenched,and the phase co... High-temperature experiments were carried out for the slag systems of“FeO”−SiO_(2)−CaO−Al_(2)O_(3)and“FeO”−SiO_(2)−CaO−MgO at 1200℃and p(O_(2))of 10^(−7)kPa.The equilibrated samples were quenched,and the phase compositions were measured by electron probe microanalysis(EPMA).A series of pseudo-ternary and pseudo-binary phase diagrams are constructed to demonstrate their applications in copper smelting process and evaluation of the thermodynamic database.Spinel and tridymite are identified to be the major primary phases in the composition range related to the copper smelting slags.It is found that the operating window of the smelting slag is primarily determined by w_(Fe)/w_(SiO_(2))ratio in the slag.Both MgO and Al_(2)O_(3)in the slag reduce the operating window which requires extra fluxing agent to keep the slag to be fully liquid.Complex spinel solid solutions cause inaccurate predictions of the current thermodynamic database. 展开更多
关键词 phase equilibrium “FeO”−SiO_(2)−CaO−Al_(2)O_(3)slag system “FeO”−SiO_(2)−CaO−MgO slag system oxygen partial pressure copper smelting slag FactSage
《中国高校科技》 1997年第11期22-22,共1页
玻璃质装饰材料类型:1、铁尾矿玻璃质装饰材料(黑色)铁尾矿用量:80~90%2、铜尾矿玻璃质装饰材料(黑色或其它色泽)铜尾矿用量:80~90%3、粉煤灰质装饰材料(黑色)粉煤灰用量:65~90%4、炼铜渣(或钢渣)玻璃质装饰材料(黑色)炼铜渣(或钢渣... 玻璃质装饰材料类型:1、铁尾矿玻璃质装饰材料(黑色)铁尾矿用量:80~90%2、铜尾矿玻璃质装饰材料(黑色或其它色泽)铜尾矿用量:80~90%3、粉煤灰质装饰材料(黑色)粉煤灰用量:65~90%4、炼铜渣(或钢渣)玻璃质装饰材料(黑色)炼铜渣(或钢渣)用量:60~70% 展开更多
关键词 装饰材料 玻璃质 铁尾矿 粉煤灰 铜尾矿 炼铜渣 用量 黑色 工业废
Recovery of valuable metals from spent lithium ion batteries by smelting reduction process based on FeO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 slag system 被引量:40
作者 任国兴 肖松文 +4 位作者 谢美求 潘炳 陈坚 王奉刚 夏星 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期450-456,共7页
NA novel smelting reduction process based on FeO-SiO2-Al2O3 slag system for spent lithium ion batteries with Al cans was developed, while using copper slag as the only slag former. The feasibility of the process and t... NA novel smelting reduction process based on FeO-SiO2-Al2O3 slag system for spent lithium ion batteries with Al cans was developed, while using copper slag as the only slag former. The feasibility of the process and the mechanism of copper loss in slag were investigated. 98.83% Co, 98.39% Ni and 93.57% Cu were recovered under the optimum conditions of slag former/battery mass ratio of 4.0:1, smelting temperature of 1723 K, and smelting mass ratio of time of 30 min. The FeO-SiO2-Al2O3 slag system for the smelting process is appropriate under the conditions of m(FeO):m(SiO2)=0.58:1?1.03:1, and 17.19%?21.52% Al2O3 content. The obtained alloy was mainly composed of Fe-Co-Cu-Ni solid solution including small amounts of matte. The obtained slag mainly consisted of fayalite and hercynite. Meanwhile, the mechanism of copper loss is the mechanical entrainment from strip-like fayalite particles in the main form of copper sulfide and metallic copper. 展开更多
关键词 lithium ion battery smelting reduction cobalt nickel copper slag FAYALITE
《企业科技与发展》 1994年第6期32-33,共2页
4601 代木仿瓷富丽板加工工艺 该板由添加了添加剂的改性氧氯化镁为基料,以玻纤布为骨架构成底板,以装饰纸为面料,在纸面上涂敷感光漆。具有不变形,防水,阻燃,耐酸碱,抗折,抗压等优异性能。表面光彩照人,美观大方。 4602 翻新外墙瓷釉... 4601 代木仿瓷富丽板加工工艺 该板由添加了添加剂的改性氧氯化镁为基料,以玻纤布为骨架构成底板,以装饰纸为面料,在纸面上涂敷感光漆。具有不变形,防水,阻燃,耐酸碱,抗折,抗压等优异性能。表面光彩照人,美观大方。 4602 翻新外墙瓷釉面砖的冷作瓷制法 该瓷耐低温可达-80℃,表干小于2小时,实干24小时,外观光滑均匀,耐高温,在水泥基层涂瓷后,在沸水中煮3小时无变化,防水性纤维板刷瓷后,水中浸泡49天无变化,白度95%,附着力1级,耐磨性:0.0033g/cm^2,1000次不露底,耐酸碱,成本低廉,易操作使用。 展开更多
关键词 中国专利 液化石油气 聚乙烯 炼铜渣 玻璃纤维 使用方便 重晶石 制造方法 杀虫剂 添加剂
Thermodynamic analysis and process optimization of zinc and lead recovery from copper smelting slag with chlorination roasting 被引量:8
作者 Bei-kai ZHANG Xue-yi GUO +1 位作者 Qin-meng WANG Qing-hua TIAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第12期3905-3917,共13页
An efficient chlorination roasting process for recovering zinc(Zn)and lead(Pb)from copper smelting slag was proposed.Thermodynamic models were established,illustrating that Zn and Pb in copper smelting slag can be eff... An efficient chlorination roasting process for recovering zinc(Zn)and lead(Pb)from copper smelting slag was proposed.Thermodynamic models were established,illustrating that Zn and Pb in copper smelting slag can be efficiently recycled during the chlorination roasting process.By decreasing the partial pressure of the gaseous products,chlorination was promoted.The Box−Behnken design was applied to assessing the interactive effects of the process variables and optimizing the chlorination roasting process.CaCl_(2) dosage and roasting temperature and time were used as variables,and metal recovery efficiencies were used as responses.When the roasting temperature was 1172℃ with a CaCl_(2) addition amount of 30 wt.%and a roasting time of 100 min,the predicted optimal recovery efficiencies of Zn and Pb were 87.85%and 99.26%,respectively,and the results were validated by experiments under the same conditions.The residual Zn-and Pb-containing phases in the roasting slags were ZnFe_(2)O_(4),Zn_(2)SiO_(4),and PbS. 展开更多
关键词 chlorination roasting copper smelting slags thermodynamic models optimization Zn and Pb recovery Box−Behnken design
Smelting chlorination method applied to removal of copper from copper slags 被引量:6
作者 李磊 王华 胡建杭 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期59-65,共7页
In order to reasonably utilize the iron resources of copper slags, the smelting chlorination process was used to remove copper from copper slags. Higher holding temperature and O2 flow rate are beneficial to increasin... In order to reasonably utilize the iron resources of copper slags, the smelting chlorination process was used to remove copper from copper slags. Higher holding temperature and O2 flow rate are beneficial to increasing copper removal rate. However,the Cu2O mode is formed by the reaction of surplus O2 and CuCl with O2 flow rate increasing over 0.4 L/min, causing CuCl volatilization rate and copper removal rate to decrease. The resulting copper removal rate of 84.34% is obtained under the optimum conditions of holding temperature of 1573 K, residence time of 10 min, Ca Cl2 addition amount of 0.1(mass ratio of CaCl2 and the copper slag) and oxygen flow rate of 0.4 L/min. The efficient removal of copper from copper slags through chlorination is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 copper slags smelting chlorination copper removal volatilization waste utilization
Removing chlorine of CuCl residue from zinc hydrometallurgy by microwave roasting
作者 卢帅丹 夏仡 +4 位作者 黄昌元 吴国钦 彭金辉 巨少华 张利波 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期1290-1295,共6页
Most Zn hydrometallurgy factories adopt Cu2SO4 as a dechlorination reagent from zinc solution nowadays, thus much CuCl residue is produced. The existing process of treating this residue is washing with water or sodium... Most Zn hydrometallurgy factories adopt Cu2SO4 as a dechlorination reagent from zinc solution nowadays, thus much CuCl residue is produced. The existing process of treating this residue is washing with water or sodium carbonate solution, which would cause a lot of troubles to water treatment and waste discharge. A method of microwave roasting was adopted for dechlorination of CuCl residue. A 1.5 kW microwave roasting equipment with dust collection and tail gas adsorption systems was set up and applied during the experiment. By investigating the effect of temperature, heat preservation time, moisture content of raw material and grain size of samples on the dechlorination, the optimal experimental condition is obtained. When the samples with 2% moisture and <150 μm grain size are microwave roasted at 400 °C for 2 h, the Cl content turns from 14.27% to 1.35% and the dechlorination rate is as high as 90%, while that with conventional heating is only 60%-80%. The phase change of the roasting process investigated with X-ray diffraction verifies that CuCl in CuCl residue is removed by being transformed into CuO. 展开更多
关键词 microwave roasting zinc hydrometallurgy dechlorination CuCl residue
选矿法回收某废杂铜冶炼尘渣中的铜锌 被引量:2
作者 李岩 王巍 徐政 《矿业研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第3期40-42,54,共4页
采用选矿法对某废杂铜炼铜尘渣中的铜锌进行了回收研究。根据尘渣的物相分析结果和粒度分析结果,经简单破碎、自磨、筛分后丢弃含铜、锌低的粗粒部分,细粒部分并入其他处理流程。中粒级部分经磁选除铁后即得到铜作业回收率为96.46%、锌... 采用选矿法对某废杂铜炼铜尘渣中的铜锌进行了回收研究。根据尘渣的物相分析结果和粒度分析结果,经简单破碎、自磨、筛分后丢弃含铜、锌低的粗粒部分,细粒部分并入其他处理流程。中粒级部分经磁选除铁后即得到铜作业回收率为96.46%、锌作业回收率为97.76%,铜锌综合品位为80.25%的合格精矿产品;细粒级部分经磁选、摇床重选后得到铜作业回收率为33.07%、锌作业回收率为2.15%,铜锌综合品位为79.81%的精矿产品。 展开更多
关键词 炼铜 选矿法 磁选 粒度分级
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