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普通消费品、药品抑或烟草制品:电子烟产品的规制路径 被引量:2
作者 蒋佳艺 《医学与法学》 2022年第4期58-64,共7页
电子烟产品危害健康;监管的推进及法治化,需明确规范属性和规制路径;国际上将其作为烟草制品和药品监管的两种路径;其合理规制需要平衡其销售所带来的经济效益与民众健康权受其侵害之间的冲突;规制路径应对接我国控烟政策和烟草专卖制度... 电子烟产品危害健康;监管的推进及法治化,需明确规范属性和规制路径;国际上将其作为烟草制品和药品监管的两种路径;其合理规制需要平衡其销售所带来的经济效益与民众健康权受其侵害之间的冲突;规制路径应对接我国控烟政策和烟草专卖制度,原则上应将之作为烟草制品监管,但对其中宣称具有健康功效的则应作为药品监管。 展开更多
关键词 电子烟产品 草制品 利益冲突平衡 规制路径
作者 付东华 《科技与企业》 2016年第2期78-78,共1页
关键词 烟产品 均质化 对策 措施
作者 张轲 王春琼 +8 位作者 张晓伟 孙浩巍 龙杰 张冀武 童治军 盖小雷 蔡洁云 李海燕 陈丹 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2022年第24期204-206,225,共4页
[目的]探索高效、准确地鉴别类烟产品的抽样方案和检验方法,对保障真品卷烟的合理流通、市场监管和烟草专卖具有重要意义。[方法]以400支类烟产品(茶烟)为材料,按统计抽样检验原理,研究设计适合类烟产品最小抽样量和最大抽样量的序贯抽... [目的]探索高效、准确地鉴别类烟产品的抽样方案和检验方法,对保障真品卷烟的合理流通、市场监管和烟草专卖具有重要意义。[方法]以400支类烟产品(茶烟)为材料,按统计抽样检验原理,研究设计适合类烟产品最小抽样量和最大抽样量的序贯抽样检验方案,以卷烟标准样品为参比,利用已开发的DNA标记对抽取的类烟产品准确性、可靠性进行鉴定验证。[结果]该研究建立的序贯抽样检验方案保证了目前行业标准检验方法的可靠性和精确度,使用该方案,确定了抽样理论最小样本数52个,最大抽样量363个,最多进行11次检验即可得出鉴别结论,且抽样特性曲线具有相对较高的稳定性和灵敏度。DNA标记检验表明,卷烟标准样品在250 bp分子量处扩增出了特异性条带,而初次抽样的52个类烟产品均未在250 bp分子量处扩增出特异性条带。[结论]按该研究设计的序贯抽样检验方法,只需检验很小的样本(52个),经DNA标记验证,其抽样确定的类烟产品真伪准确、客观。 展开更多
关键词 烟产品 DNA分子标记 鉴别检验 序贯抽样
作者 何素兰 唐自慧 +1 位作者 蔡雨荷 王宋平 《环境与职业医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期411-419,共9页
[背景]近年来,青少年电子烟使用率不断上升,且电子烟相关肺损伤病例激增,引起各领域研究人员的关注。[目的]通过文献计量学及可视化分析探讨2013-2022年全球范围内电子烟或电子烟产品使用相关肺损伤(EVALI)的研究热点与趋势。[方法]选用... [背景]近年来,青少年电子烟使用率不断上升,且电子烟相关肺损伤病例激增,引起各领域研究人员的关注。[目的]通过文献计量学及可视化分析探讨2013-2022年全球范围内电子烟或电子烟产品使用相关肺损伤(EVALI)的研究热点与趋势。[方法]选用Web of Science核心数据库,获取2013-2022年全球EVALI相关的文献,从国家/地区、机构、作者、期刊、被引文献、关键词等方面进行统计,采用CiteSpace 6.2.R1绘制发文量趋势分析图、作者合作网络分析图、论文共被引聚类时间分布图、关键词聚类分析图等图谱,并对数据进行可视化分析。[结果]通过检索,2013-2022年间EVALI相关研究的文献共有888篇。发文量逐年增加,在2020年增幅明显,从2021年开始有所下降,但引用量逐年增加。发文量最活跃的国家是美国(631篇),欧美国家合作紧密且中心性更为突出,发文机构中加州大学系统以103篇居榜首。Rahman I (27篇)发表论文最多,中心度较高;Goniewicz M L被引文献最多;网络分析图显示作者间的合作相对较弱。American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine(《美国呼吸与重症监护医学杂志》)是发文量最高的期刊(94篇)。被引次数前5名的文献均被引用超过300次。EVALI相关研究的高频关键词依次是nicotine(尼古丁,149次),exposure(暴露,118次)、oxidative stress(氧化应激,80次)等。共同引用网络中关键节点的聚类和聚类时间分布图表明青少年电子烟成瘾开始受到社会的广泛关注。从突现分析得到排名前25个关键词来看,对EVALI发病机制的研究重点逐渐从电子烟蒸气对肺产生的氧化应激损伤转向调味化学物质在肺损伤过程中发挥的氧化作用,目前该领域研究的兴趣主要是电子烟中各种化学物质以及加热元件对肺的损伤机制。[结论] EVALI正受到政府、医疗机构等领域研究人员的持续关注。多种电子烟成分如调味化学物质产生了不同程度的细胞毒性、炎症和肺损伤。但EVALI的病理生理机制仍不清楚,未来应鼓励更多的中国学者参与该领域研究。 展开更多
关键词 电子或电子烟产品使用相关肺损伤 电子 CITESPACE 文献计量 可视化分析
论加快云南非烟农产品加工业发展的必要性——从供给侧结构性改革的视角 被引量:1
作者 郑宝华 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期79-83,共5页
农业现代化和供给侧结构性改革已经成为中国应对经济新常态的两个重要举措。从理论和实践的角度来看,农产品加工业是推动供给侧结构性改革的重点。云南农产品加工业总体上取得了较快发展,但如果去掉烟草工业的光环,非烟农产品加工业发... 农业现代化和供给侧结构性改革已经成为中国应对经济新常态的两个重要举措。从理论和实践的角度来看,农产品加工业是推动供给侧结构性改革的重点。云南农产品加工业总体上取得了较快发展,但如果去掉烟草工业的光环,非烟农产品加工业发展就显得极其缓慢,该行业因此成为制约云南三次产业协同发展的重要因素。应从强化和提高认识、优化农业和农产品加工业结构、启动非烟农产品加工工业创新驱动战略、提升产业品牌、龙头与源头齐头并进等方面着手,加快云南非烟农产品加工业发展。 展开更多
关键词 产品加工业 供给侧结构性改革 三次产业融合发展
作者 张世高 《广西经贸》 2002年第1期37-38,共2页
关键词 中国 花炮竹产品 出口贸易 产品结构 技术标准 网络营销
浅论提高卷烟消费税率的现实效应 被引量:1
作者 赵玲 《中国证券期货》 2009年第10X期54-55,共2页
关键词 烟产品 消费税改革 效应
作者 汪子涵 《健康教育与健康促进》 2022年第3期280-284,共5页
电子烟产品作为一种新兴烟草制品,在中国受到广大中青年烟民的喜爱,其中不乏未成年人群体,对其身心健康产生隐患。该研究以保护未成年人视域为起点,阐述电子烟产品的基本情况及其销售监管中的法律缺位,分析电子烟产品销售与监管中存在... 电子烟产品作为一种新兴烟草制品,在中国受到广大中青年烟民的喜爱,其中不乏未成年人群体,对其身心健康产生隐患。该研究以保护未成年人视域为起点,阐述电子烟产品的基本情况及其销售监管中的法律缺位,分析电子烟产品销售与监管中存在的主要问题,梳理域外规制现状,提出保护未成年人视域下电子烟的规制路径。 展开更多
关键词 电子烟产品 保护未成年人 规制路径
基于高斯受限玻尔兹曼机的工业产品质量智能异常检测 被引量:2
作者 黄聪 农英雄 张毅 《工业工程》 北大核心 2022年第6期152-159,共8页
为了提升基于复杂数据特征的工业产品质量异常检测性能,利用高斯受限玻尔兹曼机在高维数据非线性建模和计算复杂性上的综合优势,提出一种智能异常检测方法FE-GRBM。利用GRBM模型中自由能量与边缘概率自然对数的数学关系,设计基于自由能... 为了提升基于复杂数据特征的工业产品质量异常检测性能,利用高斯受限玻尔兹曼机在高维数据非线性建模和计算复杂性上的综合优势,提出一种智能异常检测方法FE-GRBM。利用GRBM模型中自由能量与边缘概率自然对数的数学关系,设计基于自由能量的模型训练及检测策略。通过真实烟支成品质量检测案例开展实验验证。结果显示,FE-GRBM平均性能高于3个传统方法最高分0.29,高于RE-GRBM 0.04,验证了方法的有效性和优越性。 展开更多
关键词 异常检测 受限玻尔兹曼机 自由能量函数 质量检测 产品
作者 彭博 时国朝 《国际呼吸杂志》 2024年第3期249-254,F0002,共7页
电子烟早期作为一种戒烟辅助工具被发明,近年来其使用越来越普及,特别是青少年,电子烟已成为他们吸食传统卷烟的门户。但是人们对电子烟的健康危害,特别是肺健康危害所知甚少。事实上电子烟作为一种戒烟辅助工具缺乏循证证据,电子烟烟... 电子烟早期作为一种戒烟辅助工具被发明,近年来其使用越来越普及,特别是青少年,电子烟已成为他们吸食传统卷烟的门户。但是人们对电子烟的健康危害,特别是肺健康危害所知甚少。事实上电子烟作为一种戒烟辅助工具缺乏循证证据,电子烟烟雾含有尼古丁、多环芳香烃、挥发性有机化合物、超细颗粒、重金属和硅酸盐等多种有害物质,甚至含有致癌物质,可产生多种急慢性生物效应,包括气道上皮细胞损伤、呼吸道免疫功能抑制、黏蛋白MUC5AC增加,导致肺功能损害,乃至肺癌的发生发展。2019年爆发于美国的电子烟或电子烟产品应用相关肺损伤流行被证实与吸食含四氢大麻酚的电子烟相关。目前中国已出台多部有关法律法规。建议有关部门加强严格执法,学界加深对电子烟健康危害的研究,以控制电子烟的流行,降低其健康危害。 展开更多
关键词 电子尼古丁释放系统 吸电子 肺健康危害 电子或电子烟产品应用相关肺损伤 肺功能
Effects of Different Transplanting and Harvest Dates on Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves 被引量:1
作者 彭世逞 吴昊 +3 位作者 官宇 潘兴兵 罗蔓 董华芳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第5期1255-1260,共6页
In this study,the effects of nine different combinations of transplanting and harvest dates on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves were investigated.The results showed that different combinations of transpl... In this study,the effects of nine different combinations of transplanting and harvest dates on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves were investigated.The results showed that different combinations of transplanting and harvest dates had few effects on growth period and agronomic characters of tobacco plants but exerted remarkable effects on economic characters and chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco leaves.With the postponing of transplanting stage,output value of flue-cured tobacco leaves increased.Output value of flue-cured tobacco leaves in C1treatment(normal harvest) was higher than that in C2(harvest 7 d later) and C3(harvest 14 d later) treatments.Different combinations of transplanting and harvest dates had significant effects on chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco leaves,which exhibited no obvious law.Overall,flue-cured tobacco leaves in T3C1treatment(transplanting 14 d earlier,normal harvest) displayed excellent performance compared with other treatments. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco leaves Transplanting date Harvest date YIELD QUALITY
Effects of Iron-zinc Combined Application on Yield and Quality of Tobacco
作者 孙立娟 吴国贺 +4 位作者 安承荣 金妍姬 高崇 朴龙铁 崔元浩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第9期2114-2118,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to improve the yield and quality of tobacco. [Method] Different proportion combinations of zinc sulfate and iron sulfate were applied to Jiyan 9, and its agronomic traits, field natural in... [Objective] This study aimed to improve the yield and quality of tobacco. [Method] Different proportion combinations of zinc sulfate and iron sulfate were applied to Jiyan 9, and its agronomic traits, field natural incidence, economic characters and chemical composition were compared among different treatments. [Result] Iron-zinc combined application improved the yield and quality of tobacco. Among all the treatments, Treatment 2 (FeSO4 15 kg/hm2 + ZnSO4 10 kg/hm2) and Treatment 5 (FeSO4 15 kg/hm2 + ZnSO4 15 kg/hm2) were the best. [Conclusion] This study will provide a theoretical basis for the improvement of yield and quality of tobacco. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco IRON ZINC YIELD Quality
Effect of Amino Acid Fertilizer on Flue-cured Tobacco Fertilizer Reducing and Efficiency Increasing 被引量:1
作者 Xia NI Wenzheng PAN +10 位作者 Yongping TAO Song GAG Hongbo ZHA Tanggui YOU Xu CHEN Zexu ZHAO Bizhi JIN Yakun HU Dedong JIANG Bing FENG Qinmin ZHAO 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1925-1928,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the effect of amino acid fertilizer on the growth, development and quality of flue-cured tobacco. [Method] With Yunyan 87 as tested flue-cured tobacco varieties, three treatments (c... [Objective] The aim was to explore the effect of amino acid fertilizer on the growth, development and quality of flue-cured tobacco. [Method] With Yunyan 87 as tested flue-cured tobacco varieties, three treatments (chemical fertilizer (control), chemical fertilizer+solid amino acid, chemical fertilizer+liquid amino acid) were set up to study the effects of amino acid fertilizer on flue-cured tobacco fertilizer reducing and efficiency increasing by means of contrast in the same field. [Result] The flue-cured tobacco applied solid amino acid fertilizer had the best performances of overall agronomic traits and the highest yield, while liquid amino acid fertilizer was conductive to the top leaf opening, making the raw tobacco appearance best, and could increase the proportion of middle and high quality tobacco, gaining good economic benefits. The flue-cured tobacco treated by liquid amino acid fertilizer had the optimal ratio of total sugar to nicotine and disaccharide differences in tobacco leaves, and the best coordination of chemical composition. Compared with the contrel, tobacco treated by amino acid fertilizer had less irritating and more comfortable taste, and the tobacco treated by liquid amino acid had light miscellaneous gas, and the best overall performance of sensory quality. [Conclusion] Chemical fertilizer+liquid amino acids is conductive to promote the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco and improve the quality of tobacco leaves. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Amino acid fertilizer YIELD Quality
Study on the Built-up Effect of Inorganic Compounds to Flame Retardant Containing Organophosphorus in Suppression of Smoke
作者 林苗 咸春颖 杨勇 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第4期40-43,共4页
The built-up effect of inorganic compounds containing more active metal ions, such as Ca^2+ , Al^3+ , Cu^2+ , and Zn^2+ , as additives adding to phosphorus-containing flame retarding systems in suppression of smok... The built-up effect of inorganic compounds containing more active metal ions, such as Ca^2+ , Al^3+ , Cu^2+ , and Zn^2+ , as additives adding to phosphorus-containing flame retarding systems in suppression of smoke was studied. The data presented herein suggested that the amount of smoke in the burning process can be better suppressed after the cotton fabric finishing with built-up system was burnt. Some general principles were identified, and the likely causes of the observed effects were analyzed according to test data. 展开更多
关键词 flame retardant ORGANOPHOSPHORUS inorganic compound built-up effect smoke suppression.
Adoption and Impact of Tobacco Recommended Varieties among Smallholder Farmers in Tabora Region
《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第5期553-562,共10页
The research examines the status of adoption of improved tobacco recommended varieties among smallholder farmers with a view to assess the impact of tobacco production on household income in the region. A survey appro... The research examines the status of adoption of improved tobacco recommended varieties among smallholder farmers with a view to assess the impact of tobacco production on household income in the region. A survey approach was used to collect data from a sample of 160 tobacco farmers who were randomly selected. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression model were used to analyze the data. Results show that farmers have responded appreciably to intervention programme that promote the use of the tobacco recommended varieties with an adoption rate of 61.6%. Information flow from various tobacco companies was the significant factor influencing the decision of farmers to adopt the tobacco recommended varieties. Constraints in the adoption noted include poor germination of seeds, high demand of inputs, unreliable availability of seeds and inadequate knowledge on tobacco production. The mean household income from tobacco production (4,232,415 Tshs) was significantly higher than the mean income of other income sources cumulatively (211,333 Tshs) with an income advantage of 4,021,082 Tshs. The study concludes that farmers are responding appreciably to intervention programmes that promote the use of tobacco recommended varieties in the region. Also tobacco sub-sector has higher contribution on household total income as compared to other enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 ADOPTION tobacco varieties logistic analysis.
Potential Hazards in Smoke-Flavored Fish
作者 LIN Hong JIANG Jie LI Donghua 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第3期294-298,共5页
Smoking is widely used in fish processing for the color and flavor. Smoke flavorings have evolved as a successful alternative to traditional smoking. The hazards of the fish products treated by liquid-smoking process ... Smoking is widely used in fish processing for the color and flavor. Smoke flavorings have evolved as a successful alternative to traditional smoking. The hazards of the fish products treated by liquid-smoking process are discussed in this review. The smoke flavoring is one important ingredient in the smoke-flavored fish. This paper gives the definition of smoke flavorings and the hazard of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) residue in the smoke flavorings on the market. It gives also an assessment of chemical hazards such as carcinogenic PAHs, especially Benzo-[α]pyrene, as well as biological hazards such as Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, histamine and parasites in smoke-flavored fish. The limitations in regulations or standards are discussed. Smoke flavored fish have lower content of PAHs as compared with the traditional smoking techniques if the PAHs residue in smoke flavorings is controlled by regulations or standards. 展开更多
关键词 smoke-flavored fish hazards smoke flavoring PAHS
Models for Assessing Pollution Damage of Asian Hair
作者 Qu Xin Bernice Niu +1 位作者 Bert Kroon Linda Foltis 《China Detergent & Cosmetics》 2018年第1期63-68,共6页
Cigarette smoke was used to simulate a polluted environment and an experiment was performed to reveal how healthy and bleached hair are damaged by a polluted environment. The dry/wet combability, surface contact angle... Cigarette smoke was used to simulate a polluted environment and an experiment was performed to reveal how healthy and bleached hair are damaged by a polluted environment. The dry/wet combability, surface contact angle, tryptophan content, and cuticle morphology of the smoke-exposed hair were evaluated, and compared to unexposed virgin hair. The results showed that pollution exposure can cause significant chemical damage to hair. In particular, virgin hair exposure to pollution can cause damage to the hair cuticles(higher wet/dry combing), protein degradation, and a more hydrophilic hair surface. 展开更多
关键词 hair damage cigarette smoke POLLUTION protein damage
作者 陈佐鸣 《花炮科技与市场》 1998年第2期24-26,共3页
每当听到或看到花炮行业发生事故的消息,作为一个编辑,心灵是同样的震撼,同样的难过。开辟“安全与管理”这个栏目,对典型的事故原因进行剖析,是为了让花炮工作者从中吸取用鲜血和生命写成的教训,不要让悲剧重演。恩施土家族苗族自治州... 每当听到或看到花炮行业发生事故的消息,作为一个编辑,心灵是同样的震撼,同样的难过。开辟“安全与管理”这个栏目,对典型的事故原因进行剖析,是为了让花炮工作者从中吸取用鲜血和生命写成的教训,不要让悲剧重演。恩施土家族苗族自治州产品质检所陈佐鸣所长的这篇文章,对这次事故原因进行了分析,还从一个侧面揭示了花炮经济要发展,必须注入科学技术。使用禁用药物雄磺生产爆竹发生悲剧是必然的,安全没有保障,一切都无从谈起。花炮技术落后,不注重科技开发,不是个别问题,整个花炮行业都要牢固树立“科技是第一生产力”的思想,只有以科技为先导,花炮行业才能走上健康发展之路。 展开更多
关键词 原因剖析 爆炸事故 氯酸钾 国家标准 化学稳定性 恩施土家族 拖拉机 利川市 禁用药物 花炮竹产品
作者 丛培琴 《现代家电》 2011年第4期40-41,共2页
关键词 产品 市场分析 经营策略 家用电器行业
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