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郴州市烟叶分收一体化收购模式探讨 被引量:3
作者 罗武生 《现代农业科技》 2019年第24期259-259,261,共2页
本文以湖南省郴州市永兴县金龟点收购一线进行分收一体化收购试点工作,围绕加快烟叶流通环节、推动烟叶购销环节降本增效等主要考核指标,总结了分收一体化收购模式经验,分析了存在的问题,并提出了相应的改进建议,以期为今后的收购模式... 本文以湖南省郴州市永兴县金龟点收购一线进行分收一体化收购试点工作,围绕加快烟叶流通环节、推动烟叶购销环节降本增效等主要考核指标,总结了分收一体化收购模式经验,分析了存在的问题,并提出了相应的改进建议,以期为今后的收购模式优化升级提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 烟叶分收一体化 收购模式 专业化 质量管控 满意度 湖南郴州
烟叶初分存在的问题与对策 被引量:11
作者 李永辉 黄行灿 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10X期21-23,共3页
烟叶初分是烤烟分级收购基础工作.对烟叶初分存在的问题进行了深入分析,并提出:做好宣传发动、培训工作,按照鲜烟分类、"先分部位,再分颜色、后定级"等技术要求,分类入户指导烟农进行烟叶初分,可以提高烟农等级质量意识及烟... 烟叶初分是烤烟分级收购基础工作.对烟叶初分存在的问题进行了深入分析,并提出:做好宣传发动、培训工作,按照鲜烟分类、"先分部位,再分颜色、后定级"等技术要求,分类入户指导烟农进行烟叶初分,可以提高烟农等级质量意识及烟农初分水平,从而有效提高烟叶把内纯度和等级合格率. 展开更多
关键词 烤烟 烟叶 问题 措施
烤烟烟叶油分研究进展 被引量:20
作者 谢利丽 郭利 +4 位作者 朱金峰 李志刚 曹丽君 张凯 许自成 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2014年第9期61-64,共4页
关键词 烤烟 烟叶 品质 影响因素 研究进展
基于综合赋权法的河南不同油分档次烤烟烟叶质量评价 被引量:3
作者 付光明 高子婷 +7 位作者 贾保顺 李致新 韦凤杰 张士怡 杨晓朋 来苗 常剑波 姬小明 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期2289-2298,共10页
【目的】基于不同油分档次烟叶化学成分和感官质量的差异,构建综合赋权评价体系,建立不同油分档次烟叶的质量评价方法,对不同油分烟叶的可用性进行评价,为高油分优质烟叶的质量鉴评及利用提供参考依据。【方法】以河南省三门峡市灵宝县... 【目的】基于不同油分档次烟叶化学成分和感官质量的差异,构建综合赋权评价体系,建立不同油分档次烟叶的质量评价方法,对不同油分烟叶的可用性进行评价,为高油分优质烟叶的质量鉴评及利用提供参考依据。【方法】以河南省三门峡市灵宝县全叶位覆盖的不同油分档次(少、稍有、有和多)132份云烟87烟叶样本的化学成分和感官质量指标为数据集,利用隶属度函数对化学成分指标和感官质量指标赋值,通过主成分赋权法、变异系数赋权法、主观赋权法和综合赋权法,对各指标重新赋权,从而评价不同油分烟叶的可用性。【结果】随烟叶油分档次由少到多,总氮含量、氯含量和氮碱比总体上呈降低趋势,少油分烟叶的总氮含量较其余油分档次烟叶高5.15%~46.41%;总糖、还原糖、总植物碱和钾含量呈升高趋势,多油分烟叶的总糖和还原糖含量较其余油分档次烟叶分别高12.20%~28.96%和10.09%~30.64%;除总植物碱和氮碱比指标外,烟叶油分与其余7项化学指标均呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01,下同)相关。随烟叶油分档次由少到多,感官质量各项指标得分及总分均呈升高趋势,烟叶油分与各感官质量指标得分均呈极显著正相关。综合赋权法相较于单一赋权法,提高了不同油分档次烟叶可用性指数的区分度,随烟叶油分档次降低,可用性指数明显下降,多油分烟叶可用性指数最高(0.644~0.794)。相关分析结果表明,综合赋权法与各单一赋权法结果强相关。【结论】基于烟叶的化学成分指标和感官质量指标构建的综合赋权法,可对不同油分档次烟叶可用性进行科学有效地评价,为后续高油分烟叶的生产鉴评提供一种质量评价方法。 展开更多
关键词 烟叶 化学成 感官质量 综合赋权法 隶属度函数 可用性指数
烟叶风分气固两相流数值模拟及物理特性测定 被引量:1
作者 宋兆峰 袁锐波 黎西 《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第6期299-306,共8页
为提高烟叶打叶复烤过程中风分工艺中烟叶、叶含梗、光梗的分离质量,采用图像识别技术确定了纯烟叶、叶含梗、光梗3种类型烟叶的当量球型颗粒直径,并基于固两相流仿真模拟技术分析3种烟叶的气固两相流速度场和压力场。仿真结果显示:3种... 为提高烟叶打叶复烤过程中风分工艺中烟叶、叶含梗、光梗的分离质量,采用图像识别技术确定了纯烟叶、叶含梗、光梗3种类型烟叶的当量球型颗粒直径,并基于固两相流仿真模拟技术分析3种烟叶的气固两相流速度场和压力场。仿真结果显示:3种类型烟叶受浮力、重力等因素影响,在风分流场中出现分层现象;3种类型烟叶速度均发生变化,速度变化由大变小依次为:纯烟叶,叶含梗烟叶,光梗;纯烟叶与部分叶含梗风分至风分出口,光梗落入网袋。 展开更多
关键词 烟叶 当量球型颗粒 两相流 软件仿真 风场
“1-7-7S”烟叶采烤分一体化服务模式的探索与实践 被引量:1
作者 杨伊乐 王海涛 +1 位作者 马涛艺 苗圃 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2021年第14期239-242,共4页
通过2年的探索与实践,逐步完善和发展了适合伊川烟叶生产的“1-7-7S”烟叶采烤分一体化服务模式,有效整合了生产资源要素,推动了烟叶生产向专业化、集约化、工序化、标准化方向发展,实现了劳动生产效率的明显提高,减工降本增效成效突出... 通过2年的探索与实践,逐步完善和发展了适合伊川烟叶生产的“1-7-7S”烟叶采烤分一体化服务模式,有效整合了生产资源要素,推动了烟叶生产向专业化、集约化、工序化、标准化方向发展,实现了劳动生产效率的明显提高,减工降本增效成效突出,每公顷节约成本2491.5元;促进了烟叶烘烤质量明显改善,烘烤收益显著增加,上等烟提高10.4百分点,烘烤损失率降低7.98百分点,每公顷增加收益5447.3元。烟叶采烤分一体化作业,是加快现代烟草农业建设的重要举措,要大力推进,全面实施。 展开更多
关键词 烟叶采烤一体化 服务模式 探索与实践
烟叶多分技术在工业分级中的应用研究 被引量:5
作者 柏永超 郭佳佳 +7 位作者 赵权 严宁 杨悦章 王永齐 周家新 毕乐乐 叶谌睿 鲁松霖 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2020年第15期197-199,204,共4页
为提高烟叶复烤选叶质量、提高烟叶复配可用性,选用四川凉山、重庆、皖南烟叶开展烟叶多分技术研究。结果表明,烟叶多分技术的应用能够提高选后烟叶质量和选后烟叶的合格率。此外,烟叶多分技术的推广能够实现不同类别烟叶的区分及内在... 为提高烟叶复烤选叶质量、提高烟叶复配可用性,选用四川凉山、重庆、皖南烟叶开展烟叶多分技术研究。结果表明,烟叶多分技术的应用能够提高选后烟叶质量和选后烟叶的合格率。此外,烟叶多分技术的推广能够实现不同类别烟叶的区分及内在质量的细化,提高烟叶的可用性。 展开更多
关键词 烤烟 工业 烟叶技术 应用
作者 蔡长春 吴成林 +3 位作者 程君奇 李亚培 杨俊 任晓红 《湖北农业科学》 2023年第S01期1-6,12,共7页
关键词 烟叶 物质基础 烟叶质量 产业需求 展望
曲靖烟区气候因素分析及其对烤烟油分的影响 被引量:3
作者 谢利丽 张凯 +2 位作者 卢秀萍 解燕 许自成 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期28-33,39,共7页
为明确曲靖烟区气候因素特点与烟叶油分的关系,以云南曲靖烟区9个植烟县(市、区)2 541份烤后烟叶样品为材料,并收集对应采样点的气候数据,分析了曲靖烟区的气候特点及其对烤烟油分的影响。结果表明:与国外优质烟区相比,曲靖烟区大田... 为明确曲靖烟区气候因素特点与烟叶油分的关系,以云南曲靖烟区9个植烟县(市、区)2 541份烤后烟叶样品为材料,并收集对应采样点的气候数据,分析了曲靖烟区的气候特点及其对烤烟油分的影响。结果表明:与国外优质烟区相比,曲靖烟区大田生育期日照时数相对较少,日平均温度偏低,生育前期降雨适中,生育后期降雨量典型偏多;根据光照、降雨量和热量分配上的差异进行聚类分析可将曲靖烟区的植烟气候分为3类;油分较多的烟叶对应的气候特征表现为生育期内日照时数相对较多,≥17℃的有效积温较高,生育前期日平均气温相对较低、降雨量相对较多,生育后期日平均温度相对较高、降雨量相对较少;回归分析表明,当烟草生育期内日照时数〉670 h,≥17℃的有效积温〉180℃,生育前期日平均气温在17.0~17.5℃、降雨量在122~140 mm,生育后期日平均气温在19.0~19.3℃、降雨量在520~590 mm时,有利于烟叶油分的形成。 展开更多
关键词 烤烟 日照时数 气温 降雨量 烟叶 曲靖
作者 赵丰 袁锐波 黎西 《农业装备与车辆工程》 2021年第9期59-63,68,共6页
为了探究烟叶风分过程中影响风分效果的因素,通过采集某烟厂烟叶风分的生产数据,优选出叶含梗量最少的工况。基于Fluent模拟出相应工况下的烟叶流体在风分器中的风分过程,得到了打后叶片在风分过程中的运动轨迹,实现了烟叶风分过程的可... 为了探究烟叶风分过程中影响风分效果的因素,通过采集某烟厂烟叶风分的生产数据,优选出叶含梗量最少的工况。基于Fluent模拟出相应工况下的烟叶流体在风分器中的风分过程,得到了打后叶片在风分过程中的运动轨迹,实现了烟叶风分过程的可视化,提高了仿真的可靠性和精度,也为打叶复烤工艺流程中的烟叶风分工序提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 烟叶 FLUENT 烟叶流体 效果 打叶复烤工艺
Present Situation and Prospect of Professional Grading and Loose-leaf Purchasing of Flue-cured Tobacco 被引量:1
作者 袁胜国 李光雷 +1 位作者 张灿洪 冯景飞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第4期538-541,556,共5页
In terms of the common practice of professional grading and loose-leaf purchasing technology, the advantages of these technologies were demonstrated. The problems and proposals of the professional grading leaves purch... In terms of the common practice of professional grading and loose-leaf purchasing technology, the advantages of these technologies were demonstrated. The problems and proposals of the professional grading leaves purchasing model were also summarized and analyzed, so as to provide practical experiences for fur- ther promotion of loose-leaf purchasing. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Loose leaf GRADING PURCHASING
Effects of Tobacco-rice Continuous Cropping Years on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Tobacco Yield and Quality
作者 向鹏华 郭维 +3 位作者 单雪华 黄银章 陈山 龙世平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2668-2671,2676,共5页
To investigate the effects of long term tobacco-rice continuous cropping on soil nutrients and flue-cured tobacco leaf yield and quality, the soils of different con- tinuous cropping years were selected in tobacco-ric... To investigate the effects of long term tobacco-rice continuous cropping on soil nutrients and flue-cured tobacco leaf yield and quality, the soils of different con- tinuous cropping years were selected in tobacco-rice multiple system of Hengyang. Some important indexes, including pH, contents of organic matter and available nu- trients of N P K, contents of medium trace elements of soil samples, and contents of main chemical components of flue-cured tobacco samples were detected for fur- ther analyzing. The results showed that pH value of moderate continuous cropping soil(≤7 years) was more coordinated, in addition, leaf yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco were contained, and the sugar-nicotine ratio and potassium-chlorine ratio were proper. However, under long-term continuous cropping (≥10 years) condition, the soil became acidification, and yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco de- clined. It was suggested that improving soil quality by planting green manure or keeping fallow after continuous cropping 7 years in tobacco-rice system. 展开更多
关键词 Tobacco-rice continuous cropping Continuous cropping years Soil nutrients Leaf yield Chemical component
SWOT Analysis and Development Strategy of Tobacco Production in Chenzhou City
作者 黄国联 邓文 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期785-788,共4页
The research analyzed advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of tobacco production in Chenzhou and proposed a middIe and Iong-term objective for tobacco production, as weI as protection measures, providi... The research analyzed advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of tobacco production in Chenzhou and proposed a middIe and Iong-term objective for tobacco production, as weI as protection measures, providing refer-ences for transformation, innovation and spanning deveIopment. 展开更多
关键词 Tobacco productlon SWOT analysis Development strategy Chenzhou City
Regression Analysis of Nutrient Elements between Soil and Tobacco Leaves and Their Influences on Aroma Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco 被引量:1
作者 Xueqin XU Xiaolan LI +2 位作者 Zhiyan CHEN Defen ZENG Aifei XU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期493-498,共6页
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between nutrient elements K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Zn and Fe in tobacco-planting soils and tobacco leaves from six main tobacco-producing areas, and to investigate the influences... This study aimed to analyze the relationship between nutrient elements K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Zn and Fe in tobacco-planting soils and tobacco leaves from six main tobacco-producing areas, and to investigate the influences of these elements on chemical composition and aroma components in tobacco leaves. Results showed that there were certain relationship between contents of nutrient elements in tobacco-planting soils and contents of corresponding elements in tobacco leaves; various elements exhibited different influences on the aroma quality of flue-cured tobacco. Based on the actual situation of nutrient contents in soils from different tobaccoproducing areas, contents of various elements in tobacco leaves should be regulated by soil fertilization and foliar spraying, thereby improving the aroma quality of flue-cured tobacco. 展开更多
关键词 SOIL TOBACCO Nutrient elements Regression analysis Aroma quality
Quality Evaluation and Comprehensive Analysis of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf in Fuzhou 被引量:2
作者 冯小虎 李琰琰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第1期168-174,共7页
The appearance quality, physical properties, chemical components and sensory quality of 69 flue-cured tobacco leaf samples from 6 counties of Fuzhou City in 2013 were analyzed and evaluated, and were compared with tho... The appearance quality, physical properties, chemical components and sensory quality of 69 flue-cured tobacco leaf samples from 6 counties of Fuzhou City in 2013 were analyzed and evaluated, and were compared with those in southeast area of China. The results showed that the flue-cured tobacco leaves in Fuzhou in 2013 had better hygroscopicity, toughness and filling ability, as well as suitable dragging force. However, some of the tobacco leaves were slightly thin, and had relatively high stem ratio. The tobacco leaves in Fuzhou had higher potassium content, lower starch content, and higher potassium to chlorine ratio. The middle tobacco leaves had better coordination of chemical components and general sensory quality(medium to medium-super level). Most upper and middle flue-cured tobacco leaf samples had medium-super aroma quality, relatively sufficient aroma quantity,and relatively concentrated smoke; while the lower flue-cured tobacco leaves had little aroma quantity and insufficient smoke. The appearance quality score of lower tobacco leaf samples in Fuzhou in 2013 was slightly lower than that in southeastand whole China. The scores of maturity and leaf structure of middle tobacco leaves in Fuzhou were equivalent to those in southeast China and the national averages.The upper leaves in Fuzhou obtained an equivalent score in oil content and slightly lower scores in other indexes as compared with those in southeast China.The middle-lower tobacco leaves in Fuzhou had better hygroscopicity and toughness compared with those in southeastand whole China. The total alkaloid content per plant andreducing sugar content and potassium content in the middle and lower parts were higher than those in southeast and whole China. However, the scores of coordination of chemical components of lower and upper tobacco leaves in Fuzhou were slightly lower than those in southeast and whole China. The sensory quality of the 3 parts of tobacco leaves in Fuzhou were similar to that in southeast and whole China, but the score of consistency of upper tobacco leaves in Fuzhou was slightly higher. 展开更多
关键词 Fuzhou Tobacco quality Chemical component Analysis and evaluation
Detection and Quantitative Analysis of Dominant Bacteria On Aging Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves 被引量:3
作者 Fang LIU Zhe ZHAO Mingqin ZHAO 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2611-2614,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to construct the internal motivation of flued-cured tobacco natural aging. [Method] The variation of DNA copies of Bacillus megaterium, amylase activity, PPO, peroxydase and content of starch, ... [Objective] The aim was to construct the internal motivation of flued-cured tobacco natural aging. [Method] The variation of DNA copies of Bacillus megaterium, amylase activity, PPO, peroxydase and content of starch, neutro-protein, polyphenol in different aging period were investigated using Henan flue-cured tobacco leaves. [Result] Results showed that the DNA copies of Bacillus megaterium increased initially but decreased subsequently with the aging time. The DNA copies of Bacillus per gram of tobacco leaf surface reached the maximum number at 6 months aging. The activities of four enzymes showed the same variation trend as in DNA copies, and also reached the highest level at 6 months aging. Chemical ingredients, however, displayed a downward trend. The variation of enzyme activity and content of chemical composition were reflected in the changes of DNA copies in Bacillus megaterium. [Conclusion] The result indicate that Bacillus megaterium was the internal motivation of flue-cured tobacco natural aging. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco AGING Real-time PCR SYBR Green DNA copies
Problems and Countermeasures of Acquisition of Professionally-graded Flue-cured Tobacco Loose Leaf 被引量:2
作者 张明发 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第8期1122-1124,共3页
Based on existing problems of loose leaf acquisition,some measures can be taken,including improvement of acquisition infrastructure,innovation of acquisition and management models,reinforcement of professional service... Based on existing problems of loose leaf acquisition,some measures can be taken,including improvement of acquisition infrastructure,innovation of acquisition and management models,reinforcement of professional services and training,high-lighting grading management,which would not only reduce farmers' efforts,but also lower storage pressure,as well as improving grading quality of tobacco leaf. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Acquisition of loose leaf Professionally-graded COUNTERMEASURES
Three-Stage Six-Step Flue-Curing Technology for Viginia Tobacco Leaves and Its Application in China 被引量:1
作者 Hongfeng Wang Houlong Jiang +3 位作者 Chen Xu Daibin Wang Chao Yang Bojun Wang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第4期232-238,共7页
In order to overcome the problem that the leaf yellowing stage in tobacco curing reduces the fragrance of the product, this study introduced the principle and key parameters of a three-stage six-step curing technology... In order to overcome the problem that the leaf yellowing stage in tobacco curing reduces the fragrance of the product, this study introduced the principle and key parameters of a three-stage six-step curing technology. The field trail was conducted in Wulong county of Chongqing city in 2010, and Virginia K326 was the tested cultivar. The middle leaves were harvested and plaited after maturity, and then cured with the three-stage six-step curing technology and traditional three-stage curing technology, respectively. Three replicates were established for each of the two curing technologies. Then, chemical constituents, aromatic substances and smoking quality were analyzed. The results show that compared with the traditional three-stage curing technology, the three-stage six-step curing technology produces more suitable ratios of chemical constituents, higher aromatic component content and higher smoking quality grade of tobacco leaves. Therefore, the continuous improvement of corollary equipment and matching technologies is expected to widen the applications of the three-stage six-step curing technology in tobacco and provide a strong technical support for the development of the tobacco industry. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco curing technology quality index.
Changes of Soil nutrients and Tobacco Quality in Linli County and Some Suggestions on Fertilization
作者 KONG Wu-yuan PI Ben-yang +4 位作者 CAO Ming-feng XU Jian-qiang SUN Jin-zhao PEI Long ZHU Li 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2020年第4期10-14,共5页
In order to find out the main nutrient content of tobacco planting soil and the changing characteristics of tobacco quality in Linli County,the sampling survey data of tobacco planting soil samples in Linli in 2000 an... In order to find out the main nutrient content of tobacco planting soil and the changing characteristics of tobacco quality in Linli County,the sampling survey data of tobacco planting soil samples in Linli in 2000 and 2015,and the main chemical components,appearances and sensory qualities and physical indexes of B2F and C3F tobacco leaves from 2000 to 2015 were comprehensively analyzed and evaluated.The results showed that:the available phosphorus increased by 6.10%per year and the pH value of tobacco planting soil increased in a small range year by year,the organic matter content decreased year by year,the alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen showed a downward trend,and the water-soluble chlorine showed a rapid downward trend;the soil fertility index(SFI)was at the"high"level;in 2000—2015,the quality of tobacco leaf was relatively stable and the quality was good.In Linli tobacco planting area,the application of nitrogen control,phosphorus reduction and chlorine supplement and increase of organic matter could help us achieve the goal of high quality and efficiency of tobacco production. 展开更多
关键词 Tobacco planting soil Nutrient content Tobacco quality
Effect of Removing the Lower Leaves on the Physiological Features and Aroma Constituents of Flue-Cured Tobacco
作者 Jiang Hou Long Huang Fu Rao +6 位作者 Ran Hui Wen Xu Chen Wang Dai Bin Yang Chao Wang Hong Feng Cheng Hai Tao Liu Guo Shun 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第9期722-730,共9页
Yunyan 97 was selected as the raw material. The effects of removing different number (0, 2, 3 and 4) of lower leaves on root activity, chlorophyll content, physiological features and contents of neutral aroma consti... Yunyan 97 was selected as the raw material. The effects of removing different number (0, 2, 3 and 4) of lower leaves on root activity, chlorophyll content, physiological features and contents of neutral aroma constituents in the flue-cured tobacco were analyzed. The results showed that the removal of lower leaves could significantly increase the root activity, chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and transpiration rate (Tr), and delay the photosynthetic functional decline. Such effects were the greatest in lower leaves, followed by middle leaves and upper leaves. Moreover, the degree of the effects increased with higher number of leaves removed. After She lower leaves were removed, the water use efficiency (WUE) of leaves in the first 10 d became higher with more leaves removed. In the later periods (24 d, 38 d), WUE decreased with more leaves removed. For the middle and upper leaves, the removal of three leaves (T2) and two leaves (T1) resulted in the highest contents of aroma constituents, respectively. For the tobaccos cultured in soil with moderate fertility under the experimental conditions, the appropriate number of lower leaves removed should be 2-3. 展开更多
关键词 Physiological features aroma constituents flue-cured tobacco.
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