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基于模糊数学和GIS的湖南浓香型烤烟化学成分综合评价 被引量:53
作者 李伟 邓小华 +2 位作者 周清明 肖春生 邹凯 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期946-953,共8页
为丰富和完善烤烟化学成分综合评价体系,了解湖南浓香型产区烤烟化学成分区域特征,本研究以湖南浓香型产区的2011年和2012年烤烟样品为材料,应用模糊数学和GIS对其化学成分可用性进行了综合评价。结果表明:湖南浓香型烤烟具有中糖高钾... 为丰富和完善烤烟化学成分综合评价体系,了解湖南浓香型产区烤烟化学成分区域特征,本研究以湖南浓香型产区的2011年和2012年烤烟样品为材料,应用模糊数学和GIS对其化学成分可用性进行了综合评价。结果表明:湖南浓香型烤烟具有中糖高钾的特点;2011年以新田县烤烟的化学成分可用性最高,2012年以永兴县烤烟的化学成分可用性最高;不同风格类型和地区的烤烟化学成分可用性指数差异不显著。湖南浓香型烤烟化学成分可用性指数空间分布中,2011年有从西北向南部方向递减的分布趋势,2012年呈斑块状分布。本试验对指导卷烟企业采购湖南浓香型特色优质烟叶具有重要参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 烤烟化学成分 可用性指数 模糊数学 GIS
作者 钟国辉 黄界 《西藏农业科技》 1997年第1期1-3,共3页
关键词 烤烟化学成分栽培技术
作者 梅玲丽 刘海业 李湘伟 《中南农业科技》 2024年第6期27-32,47,共7页
为研究玉溪市烟叶主产区烤烟化学成分特征,采集了玉溪市9个植烟市(县、区)10 618个烟叶样品,检测了烟叶6种常规化学成分及5种衍生指标,运用差异性比较、相关性分析等方法,探讨玉溪市烟叶化学成分特征与卷烟工业企业原料需求适配度。结... 为研究玉溪市烟叶主产区烤烟化学成分特征,采集了玉溪市9个植烟市(县、区)10 618个烟叶样品,检测了烟叶6种常规化学成分及5种衍生指标,运用差异性比较、相关性分析等方法,探讨玉溪市烟叶化学成分特征与卷烟工业企业原料需求适配度。结果表明,玉溪市各部位化学成分特征明显,各部位烟碱含量、氧化钾含量、两糖差、氯含量处于适宜范围,但烟碱变异系数偏大。从各等级来看,B1F、B3F、C2F化学成分最为适宜的地区是易门县,B2F、C4F化学成分最为适宜的地区是江川区,C1F、C3F、X2F化学成分最为适宜的地区是红塔区。 展开更多
关键词 烤烟化学成分 烟叶产区 相关分析 适配度 玉溪市
不同成土母岩类型与烤烟化学成分的灰关联聚类分析评价 被引量:3
作者 郑东方 翟欣 +2 位作者 许自成 陈雪 黄化刚 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期1065-1070,共6页
为了比较贵州省毕节烟区不同成土母岩间烤烟化学成分的差异,采用灰色关联聚类和决策分析方法,对149份烟叶样品(C3F等级)10个化学成分指标进行了综合评价。结果表明:根据烤烟化学成分的差异,16种不同成土母岩可分为4个类别:黄砂岩类、白... 为了比较贵州省毕节烟区不同成土母岩间烤烟化学成分的差异,采用灰色关联聚类和决策分析方法,对149份烟叶样品(C3F等级)10个化学成分指标进行了综合评价。结果表明:根据烤烟化学成分的差异,16种不同成土母岩可分为4个类别:黄砂岩类、白云岩类(包括紫红泥岩、紫红砂岩、紫色砂岩、泥岩、白云岩、砂页岩夹煤层、玄武岩)、第四纪红色黏土类(包括第四纪红色黏土、紫色砂页岩、黄色砂页岩、泥页岩、砂页岩、石灰岩和石英砂岩)和白云质灰岩类(包括白云质灰岩)。各类烤烟化学成分的综合表现为:黄砂岩类表现最优,综合评价值为0.92;白云岩类次之,综合评价值为0.65;第四纪红色黏土类和白云质灰岩类相对较低,综合评价值分别为0.54和0.52。 展开更多
关键词 成土母岩 烤烟化学成分 灰关联聚类 决策分析
基于卷烟品牌原料需求的桂阳烟叶化学成分可用性评价 被引量:13
作者 齐永杰 邓小华 +4 位作者 徐文兵 卢健 吴峰 李宏光 王生才 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期465-472,共8页
【目的】为丰富烟叶化学成分评价体系,了解广西中烟桂阳基地单元烟叶化学成分区域特征。【方法】以桂阳县2012年、2013年和2014年烟叶样品为材料,应用模糊数学方法对其化学成分可用性进行了综合评价。【结果】部分样品烟叶总糖、还原糖... 【目的】为丰富烟叶化学成分评价体系,了解广西中烟桂阳基地单元烟叶化学成分区域特征。【方法】以桂阳县2012年、2013年和2014年烟叶样品为材料,应用模糊数学方法对其化学成分可用性进行了综合评价。【结果】部分样品烟叶总糖、还原糖含量偏高,下部叶烟碱含量偏低,部分样品的烟叶氯含量偏高,部分样品的中部烟叶淀粉含量偏高。B2F等级烟叶化学成分可用性指数大于C3F和X2F等级。B2F等级是2013年烟叶化学成分可用性最高,C3F和X2F等级是2014年烟叶化学成分可用性最高。B2F等级是欧阳海镇烟叶化学成分可用性最高,C3F等级是莲塘镇烟叶化学成分可用性最高,X2F等级是泗州乡烟叶化学成分可用性最高。【结论】烟叶化学成分可用性指数可以用于卷烟品牌对产区烟叶化学成分的适配度评价。 展开更多
关键词 烤烟化学成分 可用性指数 模糊数学
氮钾肥施用方法对烤烟品质及经济效益的影响 被引量:7
作者 邢云霞 王蒙 +5 位作者 刘世亮 化党领 赵丹 刘芳 朱金峰 王国峰 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 2014年第6期90-96,共7页
针对河南烟区烤烟生产中施肥时所提供的氮、钾量与烟株生长的需氮、钾规律不吻合现状,采用大田小区试验,设置不同烟草专用氮钾肥基追肥比例10∶0、7∶3、5∶5,并配合钾肥在烟株生长旺长期—圆顶期不同兑水淋施处理,研究不同氮钾肥施用... 针对河南烟区烤烟生产中施肥时所提供的氮、钾量与烟株生长的需氮、钾规律不吻合现状,采用大田小区试验,设置不同烟草专用氮钾肥基追肥比例10∶0、7∶3、5∶5,并配合钾肥在烟株生长旺长期—圆顶期不同兑水淋施处理,研究不同氮钾肥施用方法对烤烟化学成分、中性致香成分质量分数及经济效益的影响。结果表明:1)采用前期施足基肥(70%烟草专用肥),适量追肥(30%烟草专用肥),硝酸钾在旺长期—圆顶期分3次兑水追施的施肥方式能够显著提高中、上部烟叶的钾质量分数,使烟叶糖/碱比、钾/氯比趋于协调,提高了上部烟叶的可用性;该处理与对照相比,中、上部烟叶钾质量分数分别提高了49.70%和95.2%。2)从香气物质上来看,该处理中部烟叶中性致香成分中的棕色化产物、类胡萝卜素类、新植二烯香气物质和香气总量分别比对照提高6.59、45.45、249.13和326.89μg/g,增幅分别达36.96%、36.29%、51.70%和49.52%。3)从经济效益上来看,该处理与对照相比增产125.05 kg/hm2,增加产值3 737.81元/hm2。因此,烟草专用肥以7∶3的比例分别在移栽时和大培土时施用、全部的硝酸钾肥在旺长期—圆顶期分3次兑水淋施的施肥措施下烟叶化学成分更协调。该处理增加了烟草香气物质的质量分数,从而显著提高了烟叶产值。 展开更多
关键词 施肥方法 烤烟化学成分 香气成分 经济效益
不同绿肥类型替代化肥对宜宾地区烤烟生长和品质的影响 被引量:8
作者 李尚军 邱诗蕊 +3 位作者 王永达 杨家源 刘雅洁 曾淑华 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1253-1257,共5页
【目的】本文探究了绿肥替代化肥对宜宾地区植烟田改善及烟叶生产的影响,以筛选出最适宜种植的绿肥品种。【方法】本试验采取小区试验,开展油菜、光叶紫花苕子和箭舌豌豆3种绿肥替代化肥对宜宾地区烤烟农艺性状和品质的影响。【结果】... 【目的】本文探究了绿肥替代化肥对宜宾地区植烟田改善及烟叶生产的影响,以筛选出最适宜种植的绿肥品种。【方法】本试验采取小区试验,开展油菜、光叶紫花苕子和箭舌豌豆3种绿肥替代化肥对宜宾地区烤烟农艺性状和品质的影响。【结果】①用绿肥替代化肥能够促进烟株各生育时期的农艺性状,在团棵期株高、最大叶长和最大叶宽分别显著增加了14.04%~19.29%、5.79%~14.86%和3.72%~19.14%;旺长期株高和有效叶数显著增加了7.52%~23.67%和3.45%~5.91%,打顶期株高显著增加了2.15%~6.13%,其中T1(油菜绿肥)处理对烟株农艺性状的促进最显著;②用绿肥替代化肥能够促进烤烟产量产值的增加,以T1(油菜绿肥)处理最为显著,但翻压过量有可能造成贪青晚熟而导致落黄较晚现象,从而降低的经济效益。③不同绿肥类型替代化肥对烤烟中部烟叶化学成分的影响不同。T1(油菜绿肥)处理对中部叶的全氮和烟碱含量提升较为显著;T2(光叶紫花苕子)处理对中部叶还原糖、总糖和总氮的提升较为显著;T3(箭舌豌豆)处理对中部烟叶K含量有显著提升。【结论】整体上不同绿肥类型替代化肥都能合理的改善烟叶化学成分含量,提升协调性。 展开更多
关键词 绿肥 农艺性状 烤烟化学成分
Effects of Tobacco Curing on Accumulation of Chemical Components and Aroma Components in Tobaccos 被引量:6
作者 崔国民 汪伯军 +4 位作者 许安定 陈益银 杨超 罗以贵 韩善红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第4期620-626,共7页
[Objective]The aim was to explore effects of curing technique parameters on chemical components and aromatic material accumulation to formulate a suitable curing technique and for and to achieve tobacco scalding, dryi... [Objective]The aim was to explore effects of curing technique parameters on chemical components and aromatic material accumulation to formulate a suitable curing technique and for and to achieve tobacco scalding, drying and giving aromat- ic flavor. [Method] With tobacco variety KRK 26 as test materials, the test involved parameters of three curing-techniques in down, middle and upper parts of flue-cured tobaccos in an oven to measure chemical components and aromatic substances in tobaccos. [Result] The effects of curing techniques on total sugar and reducing sug- ar differed upon temperature and humidity. The contents of chemical components, such as total alkaloid, total N and the ratio of sugar/ alkali by moderate temperature and high humidity technique were of significant differences with those by moderate temperature and moderate humidity technique and with low temperature and low hu- midity technique; the chemical components by moderate temperature and moderate humidity were of insignificant differences with the treatment by low temperature and low humidity technique. Total amount of aroma components by different curing tech- niques from high to low was the treatment by low temperature and low humidity technique (461.72 μg/g), the treatment by moderate temperature and moderate hu- midity technique (450.06μg/g) and the treatment by moderate temperature and high humidity technique (385.12μg/g), suggesting the content of aromatic substances is high at low temperature and low humidity. [Conclusion] Moderate temperature and high humidity curing technique has significant effects on total alkaloid, total N and the ratio of sugar/ alkali of tobaccos and different curing techniques also affect the total amount of aromatic substances of flue-cured tobaccos. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Curing technique Chemical components
Effects of Biological Organic Fertilizer on Flue-cured Tobacco Chemical Composition 被引量:3
作者 霍光 王镇 +1 位作者 孟贵星 化党领 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第8期1137-1141,1146,共6页
Through field experiment,special biological fertilizer and cake fertilizer were applied collectively to tobacco,and chemical compositions of Wanxi flue-cured tobacco leaves were researched.The results showed that the ... Through field experiment,special biological fertilizer and cake fertilizer were applied collectively to tobacco,and chemical compositions of Wanxi flue-cured tobacco leaves were researched.The results showed that the increase of biological organic fertilizer would significantly improve soil nutrient supplying capacity.Compared with conventional fertilization,the contents of reducing sugar,total sugar and starch in different parts of tobaccos which were applied with biological organic fertilizer were closer to standards of excellent tobacco.In the treatment,the ratio of reducing sugar and nicotine in tobacco was more suitable in middle and lower parts of the plant and the contents of total N,nicotine and chlorine in tobacco were lowered,improving tobacco quality. 展开更多
关键词 Biological organic fertilizer Soil Flue-cured tobacco Chemical composition
Analysis of F_1 Heterosis of Agronomic Traits and Chemical Components on Selfbred Highpotassium New Lines 被引量:2
作者 Linjian DAI Zhu PAN Jun ZHONG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第1期27-31,40,共6页
F1 heterosis of agronomic characters and chemical components of 8 fluecured tobacco varieties and 6 self-bred high-potassium new lines was studied. The results showed that 4-5 weeks after transplanting was the main ch... F1 heterosis of agronomic characters and chemical components of 8 fluecured tobacco varieties and 6 self-bred high-potassium new lines was studied. The results showed that 4-5 weeks after transplanting was the main changing period of agronomic traits. Compared with the comparative heterosis, among the proportions of combinations showing positive comparative heterosis at the significant level, the heterosis proportions of plant height (97.92%), internode length (100%) and stem girth (58.33%) were larger, these of total nitrogen (83.33%), protein (79.17%), nicotine (79.17%) and potassium (95.83%) in upper leaves were larger, these of total sugar (64.58%), total nitrogen (68.75%), protein (72.92%) and nicotine (64.58%) in middle leaves were larger, and in lower leaves, except that the proportion of chlorine was smaller (12.50%), the proportions of other chemical components all exceeded 40%. Compared with average heterosis, among the proportions of combinations showing positive comparative heterosis at the significant level, the heterosis proportions of plant height (54.17%), leaf width (43.75%), stem girth (43.75%) and internode length (72.92%) were larger, these of total sugar (47.92%) and reducing sugar (54.17%) in upper leaves were larger, these of all the chemical components in middle leaves exceeded 30%, and these of all the chemical components in lower leaves were in the range of 27.08%-41.67%. Compared with heterobeltiosis, among the proportions of combinations showing positive comparative heterosis at the significant level, that of the internode length (60.42%) was larger, these of chemical components in upper leaves were in the range of 8.33%-29.17%, these of chemical components in middle leaves were in the range of 20.83%-39.58%, and these of chemical components in lower leaves were in the range of 16.67%-35.42%. It was indicated that rational effective control of water and fertilizer in this sensitive period could significantly enhance heterosis. 展开更多
关键词 TOBACCO High potassium Agronomic character Chemical component HETEROSIS
Three-Stage Six-Step Flue-Curing Technology for Viginia Tobacco Leaves and Its Application in China 被引量:1
作者 Hongfeng Wang Houlong Jiang +3 位作者 Chen Xu Daibin Wang Chao Yang Bojun Wang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第4期232-238,共7页
In order to overcome the problem that the leaf yellowing stage in tobacco curing reduces the fragrance of the product, this study introduced the principle and key parameters of a three-stage six-step curing technology... In order to overcome the problem that the leaf yellowing stage in tobacco curing reduces the fragrance of the product, this study introduced the principle and key parameters of a three-stage six-step curing technology. The field trail was conducted in Wulong county of Chongqing city in 2010, and Virginia K326 was the tested cultivar. The middle leaves were harvested and plaited after maturity, and then cured with the three-stage six-step curing technology and traditional three-stage curing technology, respectively. Three replicates were established for each of the two curing technologies. Then, chemical constituents, aromatic substances and smoking quality were analyzed. The results show that compared with the traditional three-stage curing technology, the three-stage six-step curing technology produces more suitable ratios of chemical constituents, higher aromatic component content and higher smoking quality grade of tobacco leaves. Therefore, the continuous improvement of corollary equipment and matching technologies is expected to widen the applications of the three-stage six-step curing technology in tobacco and provide a strong technical support for the development of the tobacco industry. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco curing technology quality index.
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