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深松方式对山地烟根系形态与烤烟性状的影响 被引量:2
作者 朱惠斌 赵浩然 +3 位作者 左玉坤 白丽珍 马世骜 张旭 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第S02期60-68,共9页
为探讨不同深松方式对山地烟根系形态及烤烟性状的影响,寻求培育山地烟的优良措施,通过设置改进深松(NS)、传统深松(TS)、不深松(CK)3个处理,开展了田间试验。结果表明:自主设计的深松铲与传统凿式深松铲相比,土壤扰动系数提高了14.79... 为探讨不同深松方式对山地烟根系形态及烤烟性状的影响,寻求培育山地烟的优良措施,通过设置改进深松(NS)、传统深松(TS)、不深松(CK)3个处理,开展了田间试验。结果表明:自主设计的深松铲与传统凿式深松铲相比,土壤扰动系数提高了14.79个百分点、耕后土壤地下30 cm处的土壤紧实度减小了53.95%、土壤容重变化率提高了5.84%;改进深松处理后土壤与传统深松相比,栽植的烟株在成熟初期的总根长、根表面积、根体积、株高、茎围、叶面积指数、最大叶长、最大叶宽、地下部干物质量、地上部干物质量、产量、上等烟比例分别增加了33.80%、30.41%、45.67%、18.36%、10.72%、16.53%、4.02%、2.15%、28.26%、18.28%、6.43%、4.11%,有效叶片数均增加了一片叶,均价和产值分别增加了4.83%和11.63%,而与未进行深松作业的对照组相比,上述各项指标均大幅提升。研究表明:深松措施能有效地改善云南省山地烟烟田的耕层结构,从而促进山地烟的根系生长,使根系吸收更多的水分、养分以供给地上部发育,提高烟叶干物质量,使经济性状的表现更佳。自主设计的深松铲及其配套搭载机具,在云南滇中烟区进行深松作业的效果更为显著。 展开更多
关键词 山地烟 土壤性状 根系形态 烤烟性状 深松处理
作者 况帅 冯迪 +4 位作者 沈冬梅 蒋桂花 李秀春 邱铭生 宋文静 《江苏农业科学》 北大核心 2024年第17期115-121,共7页
为明确火土灰对植烟土壤微生物群落结构及烤烟产质量的影响,采用连续2年的田间定位试验,共设置不施火土灰(CK)、半量火土灰(T1,3000 kg/hm^(2))、常量火土灰(T2,6000 kg/hm^(2))、倍量火土灰(T3,12000 kg/hm^(2))4个处理,研究3种梯度用... 为明确火土灰对植烟土壤微生物群落结构及烤烟产质量的影响,采用连续2年的田间定位试验,共设置不施火土灰(CK)、半量火土灰(T1,3000 kg/hm^(2))、常量火土灰(T2,6000 kg/hm^(2))、倍量火土灰(T3,12000 kg/hm^(2))4个处理,研究3种梯度用量的火土灰对土壤细菌群落组成、优势菌群相对丰度及烟叶长势、经济性状和烤后烟化学成分的影响。结果表明:(1)连续2年施用火土灰的处理土壤中绿弯菌门、放线菌门相对丰度呈增加趋势,增幅最大的是T3处理,分别为15.35%和6.16%,同时T3处理的细菌OTU数量较CK增加了15.40%;(2)连续2年施用火土灰对烟株叶片生物量的提升作用显著,随着火土灰施用量的增加,2021、2022年T3处理叶片生物量的增幅分别为35.78%、51.12%,同时T3处理的产量和产值也是增幅最大的;(3)第1年还原糖和总氮含量因施用火土灰出现显著降低;第2年各堆肥处理的烤后烟叶化学成分趋于稳定,化学指标配比趋于平衡。倍量施用火土灰在优化土壤微生物群落结构、提高烤烟产质量等方面均具有优势,今后考虑在烟田生产上连续多年施用以强化效果。 展开更多
关键词 火土灰 植烟土壤 细菌群落结构 烤烟经济性状 烤烟化学品质
起垄方式和垄间覆盖物互作对坡地烟田土壤理化性状及烤烟经济性状的影响 被引量:6
作者 管赛赛 于晓娜 +8 位作者 李志鹏 宗胜杰 程昌新 徐小红 董石飞 刘忠 宗胜杰 黄维知 叶协锋 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1573-1578,共6页
为了探索适宜重庆市坡耕地植烟的保护耕作措施,采用田间试验,研究了起垄方式和垄间覆盖物互作对坡地烟田土壤理化性状及烤烟经济性状的影响。结果表明:1等高线起垄和垄间覆盖秸秆、等高线起垄和垄间种植黑麦草组合的烟株主要农艺性状较... 为了探索适宜重庆市坡耕地植烟的保护耕作措施,采用田间试验,研究了起垄方式和垄间覆盖物互作对坡地烟田土壤理化性状及烤烟经济性状的影响。结果表明:1等高线起垄和垄间覆盖秸秆、等高线起垄和垄间种植黑麦草组合的烟株主要农艺性状较好,有利于烟株的生长发育;2等高线起垄和垄间覆盖秸秆、等高线起垄和垄间种植黑麦草组合能有效改善土壤理化性状;3烤烟经济性状表现为处理组合等高线起垄和垄间覆盖秸秆、等高线起垄和垄间种植黑麦草的烟叶产量、产值及上等烟比例较高,表现较优。综合分析,在坡地上植烟时,采用等高线起垄和垄间覆盖秸秆、种植黑麦草方式,不仅能保障烤烟的长势和产值,还有利于保持土壤养分,改善土壤的理化性状。 展开更多
关键词 起垄方式 垄间覆盖物 植烟坡地 土壤理化性状 烤烟经济性状
作者 李富华 徐丹 《农家科技(理论版)》 2018年第12期38-38,共1页
在烤烟生产过程中,烤烟烘烤属于十分重要的工序及环节,对于烤烟生产整体质量会产生重要影响,因而对于烤烟烘烤应当加强研究。本文主要通过实验方法对烤烟烘烤性状与烟叶化学成分的相关性进行分析,从而对烤烟烘烤更好了解,为烤烟烘烤工... 在烤烟生产过程中,烤烟烘烤属于十分重要的工序及环节,对于烤烟生产整体质量会产生重要影响,因而对于烤烟烘烤应当加强研究。本文主要通过实验方法对烤烟烘烤性状与烟叶化学成分的相关性进行分析,从而对烤烟烘烤更好了解,为烤烟烘烤工序更理想开展提供更理想的支持与依据,进而使烤烟生产得以更好发展。 展开更多
关键词 烤烟烘烤性状 烟叶化学成分 相关性
培肥措施对植烟土壤主要理化性状及烟草经济效益的影响 被引量:12
作者 骆园 张欢欢 熊德中 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期351-356,共6页
为了改善福建省长汀县烟草种植区土壤肥力状况,提高烟叶质量,通过田间小区试验,在等量氮、磷、钾的施用条件下,研究不同培肥措施对土壤主要肥力性状及烟草经济性状的影响。结果表明,各种培肥措施中生石灰的施用对于提高土壤p H效果最明... 为了改善福建省长汀县烟草种植区土壤肥力状况,提高烟叶质量,通过田间小区试验,在等量氮、磷、钾的施用条件下,研究不同培肥措施对土壤主要肥力性状及烟草经济性状的影响。结果表明,各种培肥措施中生石灰的施用对于提高土壤p H效果最明显,但对土壤培肥效果最差,而施用硝化抑制剂及进行稻草还田的处理改土培肥的效果最好。硝化抑制剂在提高土壤碱解氮含量、脲酶活性和烟草产量、产值、均价和上等烟比例上效果最好,与对照相比,分别提高17%、17%、17%、25%、7%、14%。稻草还田(3 000.0 kg/hm^2)对提高土壤有机质、有效磷、速效钾含量,过氧化氢酶、磷酸酶、蔗糖酶活性和各种微生物数量的效果最好。生物质炭(炭化谷壳6 000.0kg/hm^2)处理的改土培肥效果仅次于硝化抑制剂和稻草还田处理,但其中上等烟比例最高,烟草产量和产值也高于稻草还田处理,具有良好的经济效益。过磷酸钙和钙镁磷肥处理则在提高土壤交换性钙、镁上表现明显,土壤交换性钙、镁含量比对照均高41%。 展开更多
关键词 培肥措施 土壤理化性状 烤烟经济性状
腐殖酸对连作烟田土壤性状及烟株生长的影响 被引量:16
作者 田艳洪 赵晓锋 +3 位作者 刘文志 元野 朱保国 胡广民 《黑龙江农业科学》 2012年第3期58-61,共4页
针对北方烟田多年连作而产生土壤肥力衰退和产量下降等问题,通过大区对比试验方法,以JY-02为供试品种,腐殖酸为土壤改良剂,于2010年在黑龙江省汤原烟区连作5a土壤上进行试验,研究其对土壤性状及烟株生长的影响。结果表明:腐殖酸用作基... 针对北方烟田多年连作而产生土壤肥力衰退和产量下降等问题,通过大区对比试验方法,以JY-02为供试品种,腐殖酸为土壤改良剂,于2010年在黑龙江省汤原烟区连作5a土壤上进行试验,研究其对土壤性状及烟株生长的影响。结果表明:腐殖酸用作基肥降低连作烟田土壤容重,提高土壤含水量,增加土壤养分,明显促进烟株生长,增产8.30%~16.26%,其中施用腐殖酸300kg.hm-2效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 腐殖酸 烤烟:土壤性状:产量
绿肥还田对旱地烤烟产量与品质的影响 被引量:10
作者 莫凯明 徐辉 +1 位作者 熊霞 张一扬 《湖南农业科学》 2009年第4期73-75,78,共4页
采用冬种绿肥与烤烟轮作方式,研究绿肥还田对促进旱地烤烟生长发育与提高烤烟产量、品质的作用。研究结果表明:冬种绿肥可解决旱地烟区有机肥源缺乏的矛盾。旱地烤烟生长动态监测结果显示,绿肥还田对促进旱地烤烟中、后期生长发育有利,... 采用冬种绿肥与烤烟轮作方式,研究绿肥还田对促进旱地烤烟生长发育与提高烤烟产量、品质的作用。研究结果表明:冬种绿肥可解决旱地烟区有机肥源缺乏的矛盾。旱地烤烟生长动态监测结果显示,绿肥还田对促进旱地烤烟中、后期生长发育有利,其烤烟农艺性状综合指标为黑麦草区>油菜区>对照,差异明显;绿肥还田对促进旱地烤烟地上部干物质积累量在烤烟生长前期不明显;打顶期烟叶干物量黑麦草区、油菜区分别比对照区增加88.4%、40.8%,茎秆干物量黑麦草区分别比对照区增加91.8%、73.7%,处理间比较,黑麦草区>油菜区>CK;旱地绿肥还田可促进烟叶后期生长,防止烟叶早衰,显著提高烟叶产量且黑麦草还田效果优于油菜。 展开更多
关键词 旱地绿肥还田 烤烟农艺性状 烟叶产量
生物炭对烤烟生长、根际土壤性质及叶片重金属含量的影响 被引量:12
作者 邵慧芸 张阿凤 +6 位作者 李紫玥 刘丹 李熠凡 鲁璐 王旭东 杜红宇 张艳玲 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期46-53,64,共9页
【目的】研究生物炭对烤烟生长、根际土壤性质及叶片重金属含量的影响,为生物炭的烟田施用提供理论依据。【方法】采用盆栽试验,设烟杆生物炭用量(生物炭/(土+生物炭)×100%)分别为0%(对照),0.1%,0.5%,1%,2%,3%6个处理,依次记为B0、... 【目的】研究生物炭对烤烟生长、根际土壤性质及叶片重金属含量的影响,为生物炭的烟田施用提供理论依据。【方法】采用盆栽试验,设烟杆生物炭用量(生物炭/(土+生物炭)×100%)分别为0%(对照),0.1%,0.5%,1%,2%,3%6个处理,依次记为B0、B0.1、B0.5、B1、B2、B3,研究不同用量生物炭对烤烟生长、烟草根际土壤理化性质及烟叶重金属含量的影响,并分析烤烟生长指标、烟草根际土壤理化性质及烟叶重金属含量三者之间的相关关系。【结果】与B0处理相比,生物炭处理还苗期烟草的叶片数无显著变化,但烟草的株高、最大叶面积均增加;生物炭处理提高了团棵期烟草的叶片数、株高、最大叶面积、地上和根干质量。施用生物炭后,还苗期和团棵期烟叶的叶绿素含量总体均降低。与B0处理相比,生物炭处理明显影响了烤烟根际土壤的理化性质,其中土壤体积质量降低,土壤pH以及有机碳、全氮含量增加,全磷含量降低。此外,与B0处理相比,生物炭处理烟草根际土壤硝态氮和速效磷含量均降低;铵态氮含量总体无显著变化;B1、B2和B3处理烟草根际土壤的速效钾含量均增加,其余处理无显著变化。与B0处理相比,生物炭处理总体降低了烟叶中重金属Pb、Cd、Cu和Zn的含量。【结论】施用生物炭促进了烤烟的生长,影响了土壤理化性质,减少叶片中重金属含量,本试验条件下生物炭用量为0.1%和1%时效果较佳。 展开更多
关键词 烟杆生物炭 烤烟农艺性状 烟草根际土壤性质 烟叶重金属
锌及锌与其他元素配施对烤烟产量质量的影响 被引量:2
作者 陈春玲 《云南农业》 2017年第6期54-56,共3页
研究单施锌及锌与其他元素配施对烤烟农艺性状、抗病性及产量产值的影响。结果表明,在农艺性状上,处理2和处理3比处理1(CK)有所改善,但差异不显著。在抗病性方面,处理2和处理3比处理1(CK)有所改善,但没有显著性差异。在产值产量上,处理... 研究单施锌及锌与其他元素配施对烤烟农艺性状、抗病性及产量产值的影响。结果表明,在农艺性状上,处理2和处理3比处理1(CK)有所改善,但差异不显著。在抗病性方面,处理2和处理3比处理1(CK)有所改善,但没有显著性差异。在产值产量上,处理2和处理3比处理1(CK)高,且处理3对烤烟的改善作用比处理2要大。 展开更多
关键词 锌及锌与其他元素配施 烤烟农艺性状 抗病性 产量产值
Effects of Vermicompost on Agronomic Characters and Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco 被引量:2
作者 黄德文 戴林建 +1 位作者 钟军 戴彬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1345-1348,共4页
The effects of vermicompost on the agronomic characters and yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco were investigated. The results showed that, the field growth periods of various treatments were 117-118 d, 1-2 days l... The effects of vermicompost on the agronomic characters and yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco were investigated. The results showed that, the field growth periods of various treatments were 117-118 d, 1-2 days longer than that of the CK. The numbers of effective leaves of the treatments applied with vermicompost were 0.1-0.3 leaf more than the CK. The highest yield and the highest proportion of high-grade tobacco occurred in treatment 3 as 2 095.5 kg/m^2 and 49%, respectively, which were higher than those in the CK by 6.58 kg and 5.3%. In conclusion, the treatment with the application of vermicompost at 7 500-10 500 kg/hm^2 was the best. 展开更多
关键词 VERMICOMPOST Flue-cured tobacco Agronomic characters Yield and quality
Effects of Soil Amendment on Growth,Yield and Output of Flue-cured Tobacco in South Anhui Province 被引量:1
作者 潘金华 庄舜尧 +3 位作者 史学正 曹志洪 蔡宪杰 程森 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2682-2687,2702,共7页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil amend- ment composed of biochar and inorganic mineral material on growth and develop- ment, yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco in South A... [Objective] The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil amend- ment composed of biochar and inorganic mineral material on growth and develop- ment, yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco in South Anhui Province. [Method] A field plot experiment was conducted. The agronomic traits, yield and output value, as well as appearance quality and flavor of flue-cured tobacco were evaluated. [Re- suit] The soil amendments composed of biochars and inorganic mineral materials could significantly increase plant height, stem diameter, leaf size, yield and output of flue-cured tobacco, as well as proportion of first-grade tobacco leaves at the middle and late growth period. The yield in the X3 treatment group (70% T20 + 30% ZC) was highest, and it was higher than that in the control group by 398 kg/hm2. Com- pared with that in the control group, the output of flue-cured tobacco in the X3 treatment group was increased by 10 290 yuan/hm2. In terms of appearance quality and flavor, the flue-cured tobacco leaves in the soil amendment treatment groups were all better than those in the control group. [Conclusion] The application of soil amendment composed of biochar and inorganic mineral material is an effective mea- sure to improve tobacco-growing soil, promote tobacco growth and development, im- prove tobacco yield and output and improve tobacco leaf quality in South Anhui re- gion. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Soil amendment Agronomic traits Yield and output Appearance quality Smoke panel test
Characterization of 124 Flue-cured Tobacco Germplasm Resources
作者 许美玲 肖炳光 +1 位作者 焦芳婵 吴兴富 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第2期286-294,383,共10页
[Objective] This study aimed to characterize 124 flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources, and to provide reference for making the best use of the existing flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources. [Method] A total of 124... [Objective] This study aimed to characterize 124 flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources, and to provide reference for making the best use of the existing flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources. [Method] A total of 124 flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources were studied via field experiment and statistic analysis to investigate characteristics of their growth period, morphologic characters, main agronomic traits, and economic characters. [Result] There were significant differences among the 124 flue-cured tobacco germplasm resources in growth period, morphologic characters, main agronomic traits, and economic characters. The coefficients of variation (CV) varied in a range of 7.9%-22.5%. Among them, CV of bud stage was higher, and that of corolla length was lower. Many germplasm resources were attacked seriously by black shank disease at the end of field experiment, including those with disease index higher than 90, like Kutsaga 110, TI706, Ky 151, KM10, Longshe, Chaoxian Kangchi, Kutsaga 51E, Yongding No.1, and those with disease index among 75-90 such as Liaoyan No. 8, Lingnong No.2, Shandong Duoye, 581, Cunjingyan, KRK26, and Special 400. The tobacco root knot nematode invasion was light in some germplasm or never happened in other germplasm resources. TMV happened sporadically. CV 87, Yunyan 99, Yunyan 85, K326, Yunyan 87, Zhubuo No.1, T64 and T66 produced higher yield, production value, proportion of good leaves and sold at a higher price. Finally, we screened out the germpalsm resources with good comprehensive economic values and high disease resistance such as CV 87, Yunyan 99, Yunyan 85, K326, Yunyan 87, Zhubuo No.1, T64, T66, Honghuadajinyan, G-28, Taiyan No. 8, 77089-12, Yunyan 97, K346, V2, K149, NC567, NC297, Yunyan 201, Yunyan 203, KRK22. [Conclusion] This study provides reference for making better use of tobacco germplasm resources, and breeding new varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Germplasm resources Cluster analysis Economic characters Agronomical characters
Effects of Green Manure Mixed Cropping Patterns on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil and Economic Characters of Flue-cured Tobacco 被引量:4
作者 陈治锋 邓小华 +2 位作者 周米良 田峰 张明发 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1723-1727,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to clear the suitable green manure cropping pat- terns in Xiangxi tobacco-planting areas. [Method] 8 treatments were set to study the effects of the monoculture and mixed cropping of common vet... [Objective] The aim was to clear the suitable green manure cropping pat- terns in Xiangxi tobacco-planting areas. [Method] 8 treatments were set to study the effects of the monoculture and mixed cropping of common vetch (Vicia gigantea Bge.), perennial ryegrass (Lofium) and rapeseed (Brassica campestris L.) on physi- cal and chemical properties of soil and economic characters of flue-cured tobacco. [Result] (1) Green manure turnover can reduce soil bulk density by 1.08%-8.62%, and the effect of green manure mixed cropping pattern was the best. (2) Green manure turnover also can increase the soil nutrient, soil organic matter, total nitro- gen (N), total phosphorus (P), total potassium (K), alkali-hydrolyzale N, rapidly available P and rapidly available K by 1.44%-6.10%, 0.01-0.12 g/kg, 1.89%- 11.32%, 0.12%-3.56%, 1.06%-11.76%, 0.04%-18.93% and 0.98%-23.12%, respec- tively, and the effect of the monoculture of common vetch was the best.(3) The overall change of soil pH was not obvious.(4)Green manure turnover can increase the yield and output of flue-cured tobacco, and the effect of the monoculture of common vetch was the best. [Conclusion] The monoculture of common vetch can be generalized in the dry land of Xiangxi tobacco-planting areas. 展开更多
关键词 Green manure Mixed cropping Soil physical and chemical properties Economic characters of flue-cured tobacco
Study on Effect of Engran Series of Microbial Organic Fertilizers on Flue-cured Tobacco 被引量:5
作者 毛云 田峰 +2 位作者 张明 陈红丽 钟军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期624-628,共5页
[Objective] This study was conducted to provide theoretic support for improving yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco by applying microbial organic fertilizers. [Method] A field plot experiment was conducted to stud... [Objective] This study was conducted to provide theoretic support for improving yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco by applying microbial organic fertilizers. [Method] A field plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of the Engran series of microbial organic fertilizers on growth and development, diseases and pests and economic traits of flue-cured tobacco. [Result] The result showed that the treatment of conventional fertilization + Engran microbial agent could promote the growth and dry matter accumulation of flue-cured tobacco during the growth period in the field, enhance the disease resistance of tobacco, and improve yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco and income of tobacco growers. Compared with T1,the proportion of high-grade tobacco, the proportion of mid-high grade tobacco,yield, output value and average price increased by 4.4%, 3.8%, 5.48%, 11.51% and5.73% respectively. [Conclusion] The treatment of conventional fertilization + Engran microbial agent showed outstanding performance, is optimum for field production,and could be applied to Flue-cured tobacco. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Microbial organic fertilizer Agronomic characters Economic traits
Effects of Soil pH on Growth and Dry Matter Accumulation of Tobacco Plants 被引量:9
作者 侯壮伟 周斌 +3 位作者 杨洁敏 邓小华 田峰 张明发 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1443-1447,共5页
In order to clarify the relationships between soil pH and flue-cured tobacco growth and dry matter accumulation, effects of soil pH on root morphology and vigor, aboveground agronomic traits and dry matter accumulatio... In order to clarify the relationships between soil pH and flue-cured tobacco growth and dry matter accumulation, effects of soil pH on root morphology and vigor, aboveground agronomic traits and dry matter accumulation of flue-cured tobacco were investigated by pot experiment. The results showed that on the whole, the intensity of soil pH on flue-cured tobacco growth and dry matter accumulation ranked as pH=6's 〉 pH=7's 〉 pH=5's 〉 pH=4's 〉 pH=8's. Acidic soil (pH=4) was not conducive to the early growth of tobacco plants, reduced root vigor and affected dry matter accumulation; and alkaline soil (pH=8) was not conducive to the growth of tobacco roots and shoot, reduced root vigor and affected dry matter accumulation. In conclusion, the suitable pH of soil for growth of flue-cured tobacco in Xiangxi is 5-7, but weakly acidic soil is the best. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Soil pH Root growth Agronomic traits Dry matteraccumulation
Effects of Different Biochar Dosages and Types on Growth, Yield and Output Value of Flue-cured Tobacco in Hanzhong Area
作者 牛玉德 聂兆君 +8 位作者 李金峰 韩治建 杨宏星 王国良 梅运鹏 李先锋 汤建华 叶协锋 刘红恩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2476-2480,共5页
[Objective] This study was to investigate the effects of different biochar dosages and trpes on growth, yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco in Hanzhong. [Methods] In May-September of 2013, Xiaonanhai Town, Na... [Objective] This study was to investigate the effects of different biochar dosages and trpes on growth, yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco in Hanzhong. [Methods] In May-September of 2013, Xiaonanhai Town, Nanzheng County, Hanzhong City, a field experiment was carded out to study the effects of- biochardosage and type on tobacco agronomic traits, yield and output value in each growth period. [Results] Biochar application significantly increased plant height, stem diameter and leaf size in the early growth pedod, and raised tobacco yield, output value and the proportion of high grade leaf: With the increase of biochar dosage, tobacco agronom~ traits were significantly improved, and yield, output value and proportion of high-grade tobacco leaves also increased significantly, and the highest tobacco yield and output value occurred at the dosage of 900 kg/hm2. Agronomic traits of tobacco leaves with the application of rice husk char and wheat straw char were significantly better than those with the application of peanut shell char, appli- cation of rice husk char was more conducive to the development of leaves in the vigorous pedod and stems in the squaring period, but straw char was beneficial to improvement of plant height and leaf number in the vigorous period and leaf growth in the squaring period, and application of rice husk char had the best effect on the increases of yield and output value of tobacco leaves. [Conclusion] Application of biochar is an effective measure forimproving tobacco-planting soil and promoting the growth and development of tobacco in Hanzhong, biochar application amount should be controlled at about 600-900 kg/hm2, and rice husk char is the preferred choice as soil improvement material. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco BIOCHAR Agronomic traits Yield and output value
Study on Application Effect of Earthworm Manure on Tobacco in Hengnan 被引量:1
作者 姚强 郭维 张小良 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2815-2817,2822,共4页
Objective] This study was conducted to investigate the effect of earth-worm manure on agronomic traits, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco. [Method] A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects o... Objective] This study was conducted to investigate the effect of earth-worm manure on agronomic traits, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco. [Method] A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of different amount of earthworm manure on growth and economic benefit of tobacco. [Result] The results showed that: the application of earthworm manure could promote vegetative growth of tobacco to different degrees, and significantly increase high-grade tobacco yield and output value, thereby increasing the total output value of tobacco. Among the different application amounts, basal application of earthworm manure 4 500 kg/hm2 could significantly increase the proportion of high-grade tobacco and tobacco output, improve benefit and maintain sustainable production capacity. [Conclusion] This study provides a theoretical basis for the improvement of tobacco-planting soil with earth-worm manure. 展开更多
关键词 Earthworm manure Flue-cured tobacco Agronomic trait BENEFIT
Analysis of F_1 Heterosis of Agronomic Traits and Chemical Components on Selfbred Highpotassium New Lines 被引量:2
作者 Linjian DAI Zhu PAN Jun ZHONG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第1期27-31,40,共6页
F1 heterosis of agronomic characters and chemical components of 8 fluecured tobacco varieties and 6 self-bred high-potassium new lines was studied. The results showed that 4-5 weeks after transplanting was the main ch... F1 heterosis of agronomic characters and chemical components of 8 fluecured tobacco varieties and 6 self-bred high-potassium new lines was studied. The results showed that 4-5 weeks after transplanting was the main changing period of agronomic traits. Compared with the comparative heterosis, among the proportions of combinations showing positive comparative heterosis at the significant level, the heterosis proportions of plant height (97.92%), internode length (100%) and stem girth (58.33%) were larger, these of total nitrogen (83.33%), protein (79.17%), nicotine (79.17%) and potassium (95.83%) in upper leaves were larger, these of total sugar (64.58%), total nitrogen (68.75%), protein (72.92%) and nicotine (64.58%) in middle leaves were larger, and in lower leaves, except that the proportion of chlorine was smaller (12.50%), the proportions of other chemical components all exceeded 40%. Compared with average heterosis, among the proportions of combinations showing positive comparative heterosis at the significant level, the heterosis proportions of plant height (54.17%), leaf width (43.75%), stem girth (43.75%) and internode length (72.92%) were larger, these of total sugar (47.92%) and reducing sugar (54.17%) in upper leaves were larger, these of all the chemical components in middle leaves exceeded 30%, and these of all the chemical components in lower leaves were in the range of 27.08%-41.67%. Compared with heterobeltiosis, among the proportions of combinations showing positive comparative heterosis at the significant level, that of the internode length (60.42%) was larger, these of chemical components in upper leaves were in the range of 8.33%-29.17%, these of chemical components in middle leaves were in the range of 20.83%-39.58%, and these of chemical components in lower leaves were in the range of 16.67%-35.42%. It was indicated that rational effective control of water and fertilizer in this sensitive period could significantly enhance heterosis. 展开更多
关键词 TOBACCO High potassium Agronomic character Chemical component HETEROSIS
Variance Analysis of Growth Characteristics and Partial Production and Quality Characters of Different Tobacco Varieties
作者 母少东 祖庆学 +6 位作者 邓兆权 赵雍平 段琼 朱祖发 谭建 刁朝强 陈兵林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2771-2776,共6页
Objective] This study was conducted to discuss growth characteristics and partial production and quality characters of different varieties, so as to provide can-didates for tobacco production as wel as a theoretical b... Objective] This study was conducted to discuss growth characteristics and partial production and quality characters of different varieties, so as to provide can-didates for tobacco production as wel as a theoretical basis for variety deployment in Guizhou. [Method] ‘K326’ was used as control, the experiment for variance analysis of growth characteristics and partial production and quality characters of dif-ferent tobacco varieties was carried out in Fengsan Town, Kaiyang County, Guizhou Province in 2015. [Result] GY8 grew faster in early stages and slower in late stages, the growth periods of GY2 (130 d) and GY5(129 d) were the longest, while those of Yun85 (121 d) and Yun87 (121 d) were the shortest; and GY2, GY5 and GY8 had larger plant heights, maximum leaf widths and maximum leaf areas, and Yun85, Yun87 and K326 showed larger stem girths and maximum leaf lengths. Yun87 exhibited lower natural incidences of diseases, while Yun85 and GY8 showed higher incidences of diseases. GY2, GY5 and GY8 had higher nicotine, total nitro-gen, K and Cl contents, while Yun85, Yun87 and K326 had higher total sugar and reducing sugar contents and higher total sugar/nicotine ratio. Yun85 and Yun87 showed better economic characters, while GY5 and GY8 showed poorer economic characters. [Conclusion] Yun85 and Yun87 have quality characters better than GY2 and GY8, field natural incidences of diseases lower than GY2 and GY8, and better economic characters, and thus could serve as candidates in future flue-cured tobac-co production in Guizhou. 展开更多
关键词 VARIETIES Growth characteristics Production and quality characters Dif-ference Flue-cured tobacco
Effects of Different Phosphorus Application Rate on the Growth and Development, Yield and Quality of Tobacco in Yongzhou Area 被引量:1
作者 XIAO Qin-zhi ZHANG Shuang-shuang +8 位作者 WANG Gui DENG Bin WANG Xi-chun JIN Zhi-li LI Jia-yin GAN Zai-de YU Jie LIU Feng YI Ke 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2020年第3期13-17,共5页
In order to explore the optimal phosphorus application rate of tobacco in Yongzhou area and provide scientific basis for the rational application of phosphorus fertilizer in tobacco production,field plot experiments w... In order to explore the optimal phosphorus application rate of tobacco in Yongzhou area and provide scientific basis for the rational application of phosphorus fertilizer in tobacco production,field plot experiments with 4 phosphorus application rates were conducted to study the effects of different phosphorus application rate on the growth period,agronomic characters and economic characters of tobacco.The results showed that when the nitrogen fertilizer,phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer was 135,135 and 418.5 kg/hm2,respectively,namely the ratio of 1∶1∶3.1,the field growth period was the shortest,only 107 d;the agronomic characters and physical indexes showed good results in their performance;the ratio of superior tobacco leaves,average price and output value were 49.36%、26.04 yuan/kg and 56064.12 yuan/hm2 respectively,significantly higher than that of other treatments.Therefore,the suitable phosphorus application in Yongzhou tobacco area was 135 kg/hm2.In conclusion,rational phosphorus application rate was conducive to accelerating the growth and development of tobacco plant and early harvest;it could also effectively increase the output value and yield of tobacco leaves and was more conducive to the formation of high-quality tobacco leaves. 展开更多
关键词 TOBACCO Phosphorus fertilizer Growth and development Agronomic characters
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