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作者 杨华 李凤英 +4 位作者 肖淦辰 陈明英 吕岑 方志聪 熊芳丽 《中国民族民间医药》 2023年第20期84-87,共4页
苗族医学外治法是苗医药学特色体系的重要组成部分,苗医外治法具有简、便、廉、效的特点。苗医烧硫磺针疗法是苗医药针疗法的代表之一,因其取材方便,操作简易,临床疗效显著,善治风毒、冷毒、湿毒所致病症,在民间被广泛应用。苗族医学因... 苗族医学外治法是苗医药学特色体系的重要组成部分,苗医外治法具有简、便、廉、效的特点。苗医烧硫磺针疗法是苗医药针疗法的代表之一,因其取材方便,操作简易,临床疗效显著,善治风毒、冷毒、湿毒所致病症,在民间被广泛应用。苗族医学因受地域文化差异、传承方式的不同,在其传承与发展的过程中,出现同一技法在操作方法、适应症、禁忌症等方面存在差异性,不利于苗医外治法的传播、推广应用。在有关文献研究的基础上,结合临床应用,文章对苗医烧硫磺针疗法进行传统与改良后的操作方法、适应症等进行概述,使苗医烧硫磺针疗法技术操作更具有可操控性、实用性。为该疗法的临床应用及推广提供新思路、新操作技术参考,为更多研究苗医外治法的专家提供参考,推动苗医外治法的传承、发展与创新,并附临床应用病例介绍,以供大家参考。 展开更多
关键词 苗医学 外治法 烧硫黄针疗法 临床应用 概述
催化裂化再生过程碳、硫、氮燃烧及相关研究 被引量:5
作者 王伟 《炼油技术与工程》 CAS 2021年第8期18-22,共5页
催化裂化再生过程中涉及碳、氢、硫、氮的燃烧,中间产物一氧化碳、二氧化硫和一氧化氮相互之间还会发生氧化、还原等二次反应。现有的脱硫及脱硝设施虽然可以较好地实现环保目标,但在环保优化及长周期操作方面仍有较大的提升空间。当进... 催化裂化再生过程中涉及碳、氢、硫、氮的燃烧,中间产物一氧化碳、二氧化硫和一氧化氮相互之间还会发生氧化、还原等二次反应。现有的脱硫及脱硝设施虽然可以较好地实现环保目标,但在环保优化及长周期操作方面仍有较大的提升空间。当进行环保优化工作时,往往会忽视再生过程的前端治理功能,或者抛开再生烧焦过程单纯谈环保优化。容易进入这样的误区反映出当前该领域的理论研究不够全面。从工程设计角度出发,结合单项理论研究及工业实例,探讨如何既保证烧焦效果又能做好SO_(x)及NO_(x)的前端治理。按完全再生和不完全再生两条路线,梳理了SO_(x)及NO_(x)在再生全过程中的因果变量,并分别提出优化建议。 展开更多
关键词 催化裂化 再生过程 烧硫 SO_(x) NO_(x)
作者 刘德昌 邵敬爱 +1 位作者 陈汉平 张世红 《电力设备》 2004年第12期1-6,共6页
用循环流化床燃烧技术改造旧锅炉,烧高硫燃料,在国内外得到了很好的发展。文章总结了国内外用循环流化床燃烧技术改造旧锅炉。烧高硫燃料的一些典型示范工程。这些示范工程的成功经验证实:旧锅炉政循环流化床燃烧锅炉烧高硫燃料,是减少... 用循环流化床燃烧技术改造旧锅炉,烧高硫燃料,在国内外得到了很好的发展。文章总结了国内外用循环流化床燃烧技术改造旧锅炉。烧高硫燃料的一些典型示范工程。这些示范工程的成功经验证实:旧锅炉政循环流化床燃烧锅炉烧高硫燃料,是减少SO2污染的重要途径之一,是切实可行的。 展开更多
关键词 循环流化床 锅炉改造 燃料 SO2污染
作者 孙镇 孙玉升 尹雪 《有色矿冶》 2014年第1期36-39,共4页
关键词 精矿 高温氯化 铁氧化球团
某硫铁烧渣浮选脱硫试验研究 被引量:1
作者 郭开希 葛英勇 张凯熙 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2015年第5期129-132,共4页
重庆某硫酸厂硫铁烧渣硫含量高达5.79%,为了生产铁精矿,需要将硫含量降低至1.5%以下。试验在控制磨矿细度为-0.074mm占86%的条件下,以硫酸铜加硫酸为活化剂,丁基黄药为捕收剂,2#油作起泡剂,通过一粗二精的反浮选流程,使硫品位降低至1.32... 重庆某硫酸厂硫铁烧渣硫含量高达5.79%,为了生产铁精矿,需要将硫含量降低至1.5%以下。试验在控制磨矿细度为-0.074mm占86%的条件下,以硫酸铜加硫酸为活化剂,丁基黄药为捕收剂,2#油作起泡剂,通过一粗二精的反浮选流程,使硫品位降低至1.32%。浮选精矿再经磁选,得到精矿S品位0.81%,Fe品位60.25%,回收率82.45%的良好指标。 展开更多
关键词 浮选脱 活化剂
高温灼烧除硫-火焰原子吸收光谱法连续测定硫精矿和硫渣中的铜、镉、铅、锌 被引量:6
作者 肖晓辉 彭海姣 《中国无机分析化学》 CAS 2013年第B10期39-42,共4页
试样在800℃的马弗炉中灼烧除硫,用王水溶解,上清液用原子吸收光谱仪于波长324.7,228.8,283.3,213.8nm处,用空气-乙炔火焰分别测量铜、镉、铅、锌的含量。方法适用于直接浸出渣中的硫渣、硫精矿中铜、铅、锌、镉含量的测定。... 试样在800℃的马弗炉中灼烧除硫,用王水溶解,上清液用原子吸收光谱仪于波长324.7,228.8,283.3,213.8nm处,用空气-乙炔火焰分别测量铜、镉、铅、锌的含量。方法适用于直接浸出渣中的硫渣、硫精矿中铜、铅、锌、镉含量的测定。测定范围:铜0.025%~0.50%,镉:0.025%~0.50%,铅:0.26%~5%,锌:1.0%~10.00%。 展开更多
关键词 精矿和 原子吸收光谱法
硫铁矿烧渣直接还原回收有价金属 被引量:2
作者 范增 《有色矿冶》 2015年第5期32-34,共3页
研究了采用回转短窑对硫铁矿烧渣进行焙烧以回收有价金属的方法,考察了不同的工艺条件对硫铁矿烧渣焙烧的影响。研究结果表明:在还原温度在1 250℃下、还原时间为60min下,硫铁矿烧渣得到充分的还原。金、银、铜、铅、锌的挥发率中试分... 研究了采用回转短窑对硫铁矿烧渣进行焙烧以回收有价金属的方法,考察了不同的工艺条件对硫铁矿烧渣焙烧的影响。研究结果表明:在还原温度在1 250℃下、还原时间为60min下,硫铁矿烧渣得到充分的还原。金、银、铜、铅、锌的挥发率中试分别达到93.26%,82.20%,82.55%,88.53%和83.48%,此时球团的硬度可以达到2 100N。 展开更多
关键词 精矿 球团硬度 挥发率 还原温度
作者 周明德 毕才云 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第6期24-28,共5页
在工况运行的20t/h链条炉中进行了掺烧固硫剂来实现炉内固硫的生产试验,试验中研究了固硫剂的粒度,掺烧比等因素对固硫效率的影响。结果表明:在实际运行的链条炉中,根据燃烧含硫量的大小,掺烧适当比例(5~10%)的HUN... 在工况运行的20t/h链条炉中进行了掺烧固硫剂来实现炉内固硫的生产试验,试验中研究了固硫剂的粒度,掺烧比等因素对固硫效率的影响。结果表明:在实际运行的链条炉中,根据燃烧含硫量的大小,掺烧适当比例(5~10%)的HUN1#固硫剂,炉内固硫效率可达50%,不影响锅炉出力,具有节煤效果。 展开更多
关键词 链条炉 锅炉
利用硫铁矿烧渣生产铁精粉的研究与探讨 被引量:1
作者 米庆良 黄小琴 欧家国 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期67-68,共2页
关键词 利用 研究探讨
作者 宋紫欣 谢海云 +6 位作者 朱坤 晋艳玲 陈家灵 曾鹏 张群丽 陈海君 刘殿文 《昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第1期45-53,共9页
硫铁烧渣水洗液日产量大,并含有丰富金、铜等有价元素,具有极大的综合回收利用价值.采用硫化沉铜—微孔截金联合工艺实现从酸性硫铁烧渣水洗液中回收铜、金有价元素.通过对比不同pH值、Na_(2)S添加量以及沉淀时间对Cu^(2+)和Au回收率的... 硫铁烧渣水洗液日产量大,并含有丰富金、铜等有价元素,具有极大的综合回收利用价值.采用硫化沉铜—微孔截金联合工艺实现从酸性硫铁烧渣水洗液中回收铜、金有价元素.通过对比不同pH值、Na_(2)S添加量以及沉淀时间对Cu^(2+)和Au回收率的影响,确定硫化沉淀最佳条件.在水洗液pH值为4.5、Na_(2)S添加量为439.5 mg/L、沉淀时间10 min并采用孔径2μm滤布条件下,进行联合工艺试验.组合试验后,Cu^(2+)回收率为99.84%,Au总回收率达96.36%,实现了水洗液中铜、金元素的高效回收,在节能环保的同时具有较大的潜在经济效益. 展开更多
关键词 水洗液 Na2S Cu2+和Au 微孔过滤
Separation of halogens and recovery of heavy metals from secondary copper smelting dust
作者 Zhi-lou LIU Zhi-kang CHEN +7 位作者 Fu-ze SUN Zhi-heng ZHANG Kang YAN Shui-ping ZHONG Hui LIU Rui-xiang WANG Jia-yuan LI Zhi-feng XU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2686-2701,共16页
The separation of halogens and recovery of heavy metals from secondary copper smelting(SCS)dust using a sulfating roasting−water leaching process were investigated.The thermodynamic analysis results confirm the feasib... The separation of halogens and recovery of heavy metals from secondary copper smelting(SCS)dust using a sulfating roasting−water leaching process were investigated.The thermodynamic analysis results confirm the feasibility of the phase transformation to metal sulfates and to gaseous HF and HCl.Under the sulfating roasting conditions of the roasting temperature of 250℃ and the sulfuric acid excess coefficient of 1.8,over 74 wt.%of F and 98 wt.%of Cl were volatilized into flue gas.Approximately 98.6 wt.%of Zn and 96.5 wt.%of Cu in the roasting product were dissolved into the leaching solution after the water leaching process,while the leaching efficiencies of Pb and Sn were only 0.12%and 0.22%,respectively.The mechanism studies indicate the pivotal effect of roasting temperature on the sulphation reactions from various metal species to metal sulfates and the salting out reactions from various metal halides to gaseous hydrogen halides. 展开更多
关键词 secondary copper smelting dust sulfating roasting water leaching halogen volatilization heavy metal separation
作者 李静 李健 杨大正 《鞍钢技术》 CAS 2001年第3期17-19,共3页
对高炉炉身下部用不烧 Al2 O3 -C质耐火材料在水蒸气环境下的抗氧化性能进行了全面的氧化性能实验。通过对大量的实验结果进行归纳和分析 ,总结出其氧化规律 ,建立了不烧 Al2 O3 -C质耐火材料的氧化动力学模型。此外 ,还对氧化前后试样... 对高炉炉身下部用不烧 Al2 O3 -C质耐火材料在水蒸气环境下的抗氧化性能进行了全面的氧化性能实验。通过对大量的实验结果进行归纳和分析 ,总结出其氧化规律 ,建立了不烧 Al2 O3 -C质耐火材料的氧化动力学模型。此外 ,还对氧化前后试样的抗折强度进行了测定和比较。 展开更多
关键词 高炉 抗氧化性能 水蒸气 耐火材料
作者 朱晓彬 马明亮 李安平 《中国建材科技》 2008年第6期16-20,共5页
通过工艺设计和试生产期间主要问题的简要介绍,概括了土耳其Ak- cansa水泥公司、Canakkle工厂二线6000t/d项目的显著特点,尤其是100%烧石油焦和中控操作控制方式与水平取得巨大成功;项目按期顺利竣工投产并取得验收考核证书。
关键词 6000t/d 100%石油焦 35个自动控制回路 CE认证 标准要求
SO_2 emission characteristics from co-firing of petroleum coke and coal in circulating fluidized bed 被引量:2
作者 赵长遂 王文选 +2 位作者 王凤君 陈传敏 韩松 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期48-52,共5页
Combustion and sulfur retention experiments of mixed fuel of petroleum cokeand coal were conducted on a pilot-scale circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustor with the thermalinput of 0. 6 MW. The effects of several pa... Combustion and sulfur retention experiments of mixed fuel of petroleum cokeand coal were conducted on a pilot-scale circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustor with the thermalinput of 0. 6 MW. The effects of several parameters, such as the primary air percentage, excess aircoefficient, bed temperature, Ca/S molar ratio and mass ratio of petroleum coke to coal on SO_2emission were verified. Experimental results show that when the ratio of petroleum coke to coal inthe mixed fuel increases, the SO_2emission increases. The maximum SO_2 emission appears when purecoke burns. The SO_2 concentration in flue gas reduces with the increase in the primary airpercentage, excess air coefficient and Ca/S molar ratio for all kinds of fuel mixtures. Therangebetween 830 t and 850 t is the optimal temperature for sulfur retention during co-firing ofpetroleum coke and coal with the mass ratio R of 1 and 3 in CFB. 展开更多
关键词 circulating fluidized bed petroleum coke COAL CO-FIRING DESULFURIZATION
Kinetic model for calcium sulfate decomposition at high temperature 被引量:9
作者 闫志强 王泽安 +2 位作者 王小锋 刘豪 邱建荣 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3490-3497,共8页
A modified shrinking unreacted-core model,based on thermogravimetric analysis,was developed to investigate CaSO4 decomposition in oxy-fuel combustion,especially under isothermal condition which is difficult to achieve... A modified shrinking unreacted-core model,based on thermogravimetric analysis,was developed to investigate CaSO4 decomposition in oxy-fuel combustion,especially under isothermal condition which is difficult to achieve in actual experiments due to high-temperature corrosion.A method was proposed to calculate the reaction rate constant for CaSO4 decomposition.Meanwhile,the diffusion of SO2 and O2,and the sintering of CaO were fully considered during the development of model.The results indicate that the model can precisely predict the decomposition of CaSO4 under high SO2 concentration(1100×10-6).Concentrations of SO2 and O2 on the unreacted-core surface were found to increase first and then decrease with increasing temperature,and the average specific surface area and porosity of each CaO sintering layer decreased with increasing time.The increase of SO2 and/or O2 concentration inhibited CaSO4 decomposition.Moreover,the kinetics of CaSO4 decomposition had obvious dependence on temperature and the decomposition rate can be dramatically accelerated with increasing temperature. 展开更多
关键词 oxy-fuel combustion shrinking unreacted-core model CASO4 DECOMPOSITION CaO sintering
Model of limestone calcination / sulfation under oxy-fuel fluidized bed combustion
作者 王春波 刘洪才 陈亮 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第2期238-243,共6页
The characteristics of the simultaneous calcination/ sulfation of limestone under oxy-fuel fluidized bed combustion were studied and compared with those of the sulfation of precalcined CaO. During the calcination stag... The characteristics of the simultaneous calcination/ sulfation of limestone under oxy-fuel fluidized bed combustion were studied and compared with those of the sulfation of precalcined CaO. During the calcination stage, SO2 can react with product CaO and slow down the CaCO3 decomposition rate by the covering effect of the CaSO4 product. The sulfation rate of simultaneous calcinatiort/sulfation is slower than that of precalcined CaO, but with a long enough sulfation time, the calcium conversion of simultaneous calcination/sulfation is higher than that of the precalcined CaO. A grain-micrograin model is established to describe the simultaneous calcination, sintering and sulfation of limestone. The graln-micrograln model can reflect the true reaction process of the calcination and sulfation of limestone in oxy-fuel fluidized bed combustion. 展开更多
关键词 OXY-FUEL LIMESTONE simultaneous calcination/sulfation grain-micrograin model
Reaction kinetics of roasting high-titanium slag with concentrated sulfuric acid 被引量:12
作者 隋丽丽 翟玉春 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第3期848-853,共6页
A novel method of roasting high-titanium slag with concentrated sulfuric acid was proposed to prepare titanium dioxide, and the roasting kinetics of titania was studied On the basis of roasting process. The effects of... A novel method of roasting high-titanium slag with concentrated sulfuric acid was proposed to prepare titanium dioxide, and the roasting kinetics of titania was studied On the basis of roasting process. The effects of roasting temperature, particle size, and acid-to-ore mass ratio on the rate of roasting reaction were investigated. The results showed that the roasting reaction is fitted to a shrinking core model. The results of the kinetic experiment and SEM and EDAX analyses proved that the reaction rate of roasting high-titanium slag with concentrated sulfuric acid is controlled by the internal diffusion on the solid product layer. According to the Arrhenius expression, the apparent activation energy of the roasting reaction is 18.94 kJ/mol. 展开更多
关键词 roasting kinetics high-titanium slag concentrated sulfuric acid TITANIA
Sulfur phase and sulfur removal in high sulfur-containing bauxite 被引量:15
作者 胡小莲 陈文汨 谢巧玲 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第7期1641-1647,共7页
The sulfur phase in high sulfur-containing bauxite was studied by an X-ray diffraction analysis and a chemistry quantitative analysis.The methods for the removal of different shaped sulfur were also discussed.The resu... The sulfur phase in high sulfur-containing bauxite was studied by an X-ray diffraction analysis and a chemistry quantitative analysis.The methods for the removal of different shaped sulfur were also discussed.The results show that sulfur phases in high sulfur-containing bauxites exist in the main form of sulfide sulfur (pyrite) or sulfate sulfur,and the main sulfur forms of bauxites from different regions are not the same.Through a combination of an X-ray diffraction analysis and a chemistry quantitative analysis,the sulfur phases of high sulfur-containing bauxite could be accurately investigated.Deciding the main sulfur form of high sulfur-containing bauxite could provide theoretical instruction for choosing methods for the removal of sulfur from bauxite,and an oxidizing-roasting process is an effective way to remove sulfide sulfur from high sulfur-containing bauxite,the content of S^2-in crude ore in the digestion liquor is above 1.7 g/L,but in the roasted ore digestion liquor,it is below 0.18 g/L.Using the sodium carbonate solution washing technology to wash bauxite can effectively remove sulfate sulfur,the content of the total sulfur in ore is lowered to below 0.2% and can meet the production requirements for the sulfur content. 展开更多
关键词 high sulfur-containing bauxite sulfur phase oxidizing-roasting sodium carbonate solution washing technology
Extraction of molybdenum and nickel from roasted Ni-Mo ore by hydrochloric acid leaching, sulphation roasting and water leaching 被引量:2
作者 羡鹏飞 周升帆 +2 位作者 王明玉 王学文 陈边防 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期220-226,共7页
To extract molybdenum and nickel from the roasted Ni-Mo ore, a process of hydrochloric acid leaching, sulphation roasting and water leaching was investigated. The results showed that this process could get a high leac... To extract molybdenum and nickel from the roasted Ni-Mo ore, a process of hydrochloric acid leaching, sulphation roasting and water leaching was investigated. The results showed that this process could get a high leaching rate of Mo and Ni. Under the optimum conditions of hydrochloric acid leaching (roasted Ni-Mo ore leached with 0.219 mL/g hydrochloric acid addition at 65 ℃ for 30 min with a L/S ratio of 3 mL/g), sulphation roasting (51.9% sulfiaric acid addition, roasting temperature 240 ℃ for 1 h), followed by leaching with the first stage hydrochloric acid leaching solution at 95 ℃ for 2 h, the leaching rates of Mo and Ni reached 95.8% and 91.3%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 MOLYBDENUM NICKEL Ni-Mo ore hydrochloric acid leaching sulphation roasting water leaching
Sulfidation mechanism of cerussite in the presence of sulphur at high temperatures 被引量:3
作者 GE Bao-liang PANG Jie +2 位作者 ZHENG Yong-xing NING Ji-lai Lü Jin-fang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第11期3259-3268,共10页
In this paper,sulfidation mechanism of cerussite in the presence of sulphur at high temperatures was investigated based on micro-flotation,X-ray powder diffractometry(XRD),electron probe microanalysis(EPMA)and X-ray p... In this paper,sulfidation mechanism of cerussite in the presence of sulphur at high temperatures was investigated based on micro-flotation,X-ray powder diffractometry(XRD),electron probe microanalysis(EPMA)and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).The micro-flotation test results showed that flotation recovery of the treated cerussite increased to above 80%under a suitable flotation condition.It was found that the S/PbCO3 mole ratio and pH obviously affected flotation recovery.XRD analysis results confirmed that the cerussite was decomposed into massicot and then was transformed into mainly PbS and PbO·PbSO4 after sulfidation roasting.EPMA analysis results demonstrated that surface of the obtained massicot was smooth,but surface of the artificial galena was rough and even porous.Content of oxygen decreased,whereas content of sulphur increased with an increase in the S/PbCO3 mole ratio.XPS analysis results revealed that various lead-bearing species,including mainly PbS,PbSO4 and PbO·PbSO4,were generated at the surface.Formation of PbS was advantageous to flotation of the treated cerussite.Based on these results,a reaction model of the cerussite sulfurized with sulphur was proposed. 展开更多
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