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中华鳖新孵幼体的热耐受性、体温昼夜变化和运动能力的热依赖性 被引量:11
作者 孙平跃 徐晓寅 +1 位作者 陈慧丽 计翔 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第9期1161-1165,共5页
研究中华鳖新孵幼体的热耐受性、体温及温度对运动能力的影响 .结果表明 ,在干燥和潮湿环境下 ,选择体温分别为 2 8.0℃和 30 .3℃ ;潮湿环境下 ,临界高温和低温分别为 40 .9℃和 7.8℃ .在缺乏温度梯度的热环境中 ,水温对幼鳖体温的影... 研究中华鳖新孵幼体的热耐受性、体温及温度对运动能力的影响 .结果表明 ,在干燥和潮湿环境下 ,选择体温分别为 2 8.0℃和 30 .3℃ ;潮湿环境下 ,临界高温和低温分别为 40 .9℃和 7.8℃ .在缺乏温度梯度的热环境中 ,水温对幼鳖体温的影响比气温更直接 ,体温和环境温度的昼夜变化相一致 ,说明幼鳖生理调温能力很弱 .在有温度梯度的热环境中 ,幼鳖能通过行为调温将体温维持到较高且较恒定的水平 ,导致体温昼夜变化不明显 .幼鳖运动能力有显著的热依赖性 ,在一定温度范围内随体温升高而增强 .体温31.5℃时 ,幼鳖的运动表现最好 ,最大续跑距离、单位时间跑动距离和单位时间停顿次数分别为 1.87m、4 92m·min-1和 6 .2次·min-1.体温过高时 ,运动能力下降 .当体温为 33 .0℃时 ,最大续跑距离、单位时间跑动距离和单位时间停顿次数分别为 1.30m、4.2 8m·min-1和 7.7次·min-1. 展开更多
关键词 中华鳖 新孵幼体 受性 体温昼夜变化 运动能力 热依赖性
中华花龟幼体热耐受性、体温昼夜变化和运动表现的热依赖性 被引量:10
作者 潘志崇 张永普 计翔 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期45-52,共8页
为研究中华花龟 (Ocadiasinensis)幼体的热耐受性和运动表现热依赖性 ,设计了具有和缺乏温度梯度两种热环境 ,研究幼龟体温的昼夜变化。高、低温耐受性分别用临界高温和临界低温表示 ,体温为泄殖腔温度 ,水温和气温分别是幼龟所处位置... 为研究中华花龟 (Ocadiasinensis)幼体的热耐受性和运动表现热依赖性 ,设计了具有和缺乏温度梯度两种热环境 ,研究幼龟体温的昼夜变化。高、低温耐受性分别用临界高温和临界低温表示 ,体温为泄殖腔温度 ,水温和气温分别是幼龟所处位置的水温和 1cm高气温。临界高温和临界低温分别为 41 9℃和 1 8℃。在有温度梯度的热环境中 ,体温、水温和气温平均值有显著的昼夜差异 ,水温和体温的日平均值无显著差异 ,两者均大于气温的日平均值。在缺乏温度梯度的热环境中 ,体温、气温和水温平均值亦有显著的昼夜差异 ,但气温、水温和体温的日平均温度无显著差异。温度梯度是幼龟进行体温调节不可或缺的条件 ,选择体温有显著的昼夜变化 ,最大值和最小值分别为 2 9 2℃和 2 5 4℃。在 0 2 :0 0~ 0 6 :0 0时间段内 ,幼龟选择体温明显较低 ,其它测定时刻的选择体温无显著差异。幼龟各测定时刻的平均体温与平均气温和水温均呈正相关。处于温度梯度中幼龟特定气温的体温比处于缺乏温度梯度中的幼龟高 3 7℃ ,这种差异是前者利用温度梯度进行体温调节的结果 ;处于不同热环境中幼龟特定水温的体温无显著差异。体温显著影响幼龟的运动表现。 18~ 39℃体温范围内 ,疾跑速随体温增加而增加 ,36℃和 展开更多
关键词 中华花龟 幼体 耐受性 体温 昼夜变化 运动表现 热依赖性
鼎突多刺蚁热适应及运动行为的热依赖性 被引量:6
作者 苏丽娜 李晓晨 靳川 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期374-378,共5页
将鼎突多刺蚁(Polyrhachis vicina)分别置于15、20、25和30℃的恒温恒湿培养箱内,对其热适应及运动行为的热依赖性进行了研究。驯化2周后,采用温度梯度仪测量其热适应参数,并选用停顿频率(PF)、疾跑速度(SS)和最大持续运动距离(MDCCL)... 将鼎突多刺蚁(Polyrhachis vicina)分别置于15、20、25和30℃的恒温恒湿培养箱内,对其热适应及运动行为的热依赖性进行了研究。驯化2周后,采用温度梯度仪测量其热适应参数,并选用停顿频率(PF)、疾跑速度(SS)和最大持续运动距离(MDCCL)来衡量其运动能力。结果表明,驯化温度对鼎突多刺蚁的热适应和运动行为有极显著影响(P<0.01)。最适温度(PT)、临界低温(CLT)、临界高温(CHT)随驯化温度(AT)的升高而增大,最终适温为30.54℃,临界低温不低于3℃,临界高温不高于45℃;经过高温驯化的鼎突多刺蚁的运动能力显著大于经过低温驯化的个体运动能力,驯化温度与疾跑速度、最大持续运动距离呈显著的正相关,而与停顿频率呈极显著的负相关。 展开更多
关键词 鼎突多刺蚁 适应 运动行为 热依赖性
广东罗坑自然保护区鳄蜥运动能力的热依赖性 被引量:2
作者 武正军 王振兴 +3 位作者 刘海洋 何南 于海 黄乘明 《广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第3期276-281,共6页
爬行动物的行为表现对体温具有明显的依赖性。在一定温度范围内,相对较高且稳定的体温有利于爬行动物的运动表现。为了解温度对鳄蜥运动表现的影响,2009年7—8月在广东省罗坑自然保护区,我们对鳄蜥研究中心的部分人工饲养鳄蜥进行运动... 爬行动物的行为表现对体温具有明显的依赖性。在一定温度范围内,相对较高且稳定的体温有利于爬行动物的运动表现。为了解温度对鳄蜥运动表现的影响,2009年7—8月在广东省罗坑自然保护区,我们对鳄蜥研究中心的部分人工饲养鳄蜥进行运动能力的测定。实验动物分为成年雄性组、成年雌性组、亚成体组和幼体鳄蜥组,并设置20、22、24、26、28、30、32、34°C共8个温度组。结果显示:温度对鳄蜥的运动能力影响显著(allP<0.001),年龄对鳄蜥的平均跑速和跑道停顿次数有显著的影响,表现为:①22°C时,鳄蜥的平均跑速显著最慢,持续运动距离最小,在跑道停顿的次数最多(allP<0.05);②成体鳄蜥与亚成体鳄蜥间的平均跑速、持续运动距离和跑道停顿次数差异均不显著(allP>0.05),但与成体鳄蜥相比,幼蜥的平均跑速较慢,持续运动距离较小,在跑道的停顿次数较多(allP<0.05);③成体鳄蜥在20~28°C的平均跑速随温度升高而加快,超过28°C后,平均跑速随温度升高而减慢;亚成体在20~30°C的平均跑速随温度升高而加快,超过30°C后,平均跑速随温度升高而减慢;幼蜥20~34°C的平均跑速随温度升高而加快,在34°C时达到峰值。鳄蜥的运动能力存在温度组和年龄组的差异,可能与其体温调节和选择体温的年龄漂移密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 温度 鳄蜥 运动表现 热依赖性
凉血石膏汤与针刺治疗湿热毒蕴型面部激素依赖性皮炎疗效观察 被引量:3
作者 袁朵 涂焱华 《四川中医》 2021年第5期171-174,共4页
目的:观察凉血石膏汤结合祛湿解毒针刺疗法治疗湿热毒蕴型面部激素依赖性皮炎疗效及安全性。方法:研究纳入85例湿热毒蕴型面部激素依赖性皮炎患者,均由我院2017年1月~2019年1月收治,采取随机数字表法将患者分组对照组以及观察组,对照组... 目的:观察凉血石膏汤结合祛湿解毒针刺疗法治疗湿热毒蕴型面部激素依赖性皮炎疗效及安全性。方法:研究纳入85例湿热毒蕴型面部激素依赖性皮炎患者,均由我院2017年1月~2019年1月收治,采取随机数字表法将患者分组对照组以及观察组,对照组患者(42例)停用激素药物,采取氯雷他定片、阿奇霉素等治疗,观察组患者(43例)在对照组治疗基础上联合凉血石膏汤及祛湿解毒针刺疗法治疗,比较两组患者临床疗效、治疗前后患者中医症状(瘙痒、潮红、肿胀、不适感、疼痛、皮肤萎缩)积分变化、治疗前后患者血清炎症因子水平变化,随访1年比较两组患者治疗6个月后、治疗12个月后疾病复发率。结果:观察组患者治疗总有效率(95.35%)高于对照组(80.95%),P<0.05;治疗前,两组患者瘙痒、潮红、肿胀、不适感、疼痛、皮肤萎缩等中医证候积分比较,P>0.05,治疗后各组患者瘙痒、潮红、肿胀、不适感、疼痛、皮肤萎缩等中医证候积分均下降,观察组患者治疗后瘙痒、潮红、肿胀、不适感、疼痛、皮肤萎缩等中医证候积分均低于对照组,P<0.05;治疗前,两组患者血清C反应蛋白(CRP)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)比较,P>0.05,治疗后各组患者CRP、TNF-α、IL-6、IL-8水平均下降,观察组各项水平低于对照组,P<0.05;观察组患者不良反应率(2.33%)与对照组(4.76%)均较低,P>0.05;治疗6个月后,对照组复发率(0.00%)与观察组(4.76%)相当,P>0.05,治疗后12个月后观察组患者复发率(0.00%)低于对照组(9.52%),观察组患者治疗满意率(97.67%)高于对照组(80.95%),P<0.05。结论:凉血石膏汤结合祛湿解毒针刺疗法治疗湿热毒蕴型面部激素依赖性皮炎效果好,值得应用。 展开更多
关键词 湿毒蕴型面部激素依赖性皮炎 凉血石膏汤 祛湿解毒针刺疗法 疗效 不良反应 复发率
Temperature Dependence of the Energy-Band Structure for the Holstein Molecular-Crystal Model
作者 李德俊 彭金璋 +1 位作者 米贤武 唐翌 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期845-850,共6页
We study the influences of the temperature on the energy-band structure for the Holstein molecular-crystal model. We show that the energy-band width and the energy-gap width of a solid are relevant to both the interac... We study the influences of the temperature on the energy-band structure for the Holstein molecular-crystal model. We show that the energy-band width and the energy-gap width of a solid are relevant to both the interaction between an electron and thermal phonons and to thermal expansion. For a one-dimensional Li atom lattice chain, under the chosen parameters,the width of the ls and 2s energy bands narrows as the temperature increases and the energy-gap width between the two bands widens. These results agree qualitatively with those observed experimentally. Studying temperature dependence of the energy-band structure is of great importance for understanding optical and transporting characteristics of a solid. 展开更多
关键词 temperature dependence energy-band structure thermal phonon thermal expansion
Strain-induced α-to-β phase transformation during hot compression in Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe alloy 被引量:10
作者 Kai LI Ping YANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第2期296-304,共9页
The dynamic phase transformation of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe alloy during hot compression below theβtransus temperature was investigated.Strain-inducedα-to-βtransformation is observed in the samples compressed at 0-10... The dynamic phase transformation of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe alloy during hot compression below theβtransus temperature was investigated.Strain-inducedα-to-βtransformation is observed in the samples compressed at 0-100 K below theβtransus temperature.The deformation stored energy by compression provides a significant driving force for theα-to-βphase transformation.The re-distribution of the solute elements induced by defects during deformation promotes the occurrence of dynamic transformation.Orientation dependence for theα-to-βphase transformation promotion is observed between{100}-orientated grains and{111}-orientated grains.Incomplete recovery in{111}-orientated grains would create a large amount of diffusion channels,which is in favor of theα-to-βtransformation.The effects of reduction ratio and strain rate on the dynamic phase transformation were also investigated. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloy hot compression phase transformation orientation dependence
3种增塑剂对发光菌Q67联合毒性作用定量评估 被引量:1
作者 张颖 张瑾 +2 位作者 周娜娜 陈如荔 申慧彦 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期465-477,共13页
增塑剂(plasticizers,PLAs)是工业生产中广泛使用的高分子材料助剂,伴随着主产品的使用而进入环境中,很可能会对环境中的生物甚至人类的健康产生危害。因此,以3种常见的PLAs:双酚A(bisphenol A,BPA)、双酚S(bisphenol S,BPS)和三丁氧基... 增塑剂(plasticizers,PLAs)是工业生产中广泛使用的高分子材料助剂,伴随着主产品的使用而进入环境中,很可能会对环境中的生物甚至人类的健康产生危害。因此,以3种常见的PLAs:双酚A(bisphenol A,BPA)、双酚S(bisphenol S,BPS)和三丁氧基乙基磷酸酯(tris(2-butoxyethyl)phosphate,TBEP)为研究对象,运用直接均分和均匀设计射线法分别设计二元和三元混合物体系,应用时间微板毒性分析方法系统测定3种污染物及其混合物体系对淡水发光菌青海弧菌(Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67,Q67)的毒性,应用浓度加和(concentration addition,CA)分析混合物的毒性相互作用,采用绝对残差(deviation from CA model,dCA)定量评估毒性相互作用强度,并结合热图法分析相互作用强度变化规律。采用电镜扫描分析Q67细胞形态,二苯胺显色法和考马斯亮蓝法测定Q67细胞的DNA和可溶性蛋白质大分子的泄露情况来探究3种PLAs及其混合物可能的毒性作用机理。结果表明,BPA、BPS、TBEP对Q67均具有明显的急性毒性,且急性毒性均大于长期毒性;以半数效应浓度负对数值为毒性指标,3种PLAs在同一暴露时间的毒性顺序:BPA>BPS>TBEP;混合物体系BPA-BPS呈现协同作用,而BPS-TBEP、BPA-TBEP、BPA-BPS-TBEP呈现拮抗作用,且相互作用强度均受暴露时间和混合物浓度的影响;BPA-BPS-R4射线的协同作用强度最强,dCA绝对值为0.411,BPA-BPS-TBEP-R1射线的拮抗作用最明显,dCA绝对值为0.670;3种PLAs及其混合物对Q67的作用主要通过破坏细胞的结构和形态,使其DNA和可溶性蛋白质大量流失,造成细胞大量死亡。 展开更多
关键词 增塑剂 青海弧菌 拮抗作用 协同作用 时间依赖性
Dynamic tensile strength and failure mechanisms of thermally treated sandstone under dry and water-saturated conditions 被引量:8
作者 Pin WANG Tu-bing YIN Bi-wei HU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2217-2238,共22页
To study the tensile strength and failure mechanisms of rock with hydro-thermal coupling damage under different loading rates,a series of static and dynamic splitting tests were conducted on thermally treated sandston... To study the tensile strength and failure mechanisms of rock with hydro-thermal coupling damage under different loading rates,a series of static and dynamic splitting tests were conducted on thermally treated sandstone under dry and water-saturated conditions.Experimental results showed that high temperatures effectively weakened the tensile strength of sandstone specimens,and the P-wave velocity declined with increasing temperature.Overall,thermal damage of rock increased gradually with increasing temperature,but obvious negative damage appeared at the temperature of 100℃.The water-saturated sandstone specimens had lower indirect tensile strength than the dry ones,which indicated that water-rock interaction led to secondary damage in heat-treated rock.Under both dry and water-saturated conditions,the dynamic tensile strength of sandstone increased with the increase of strain rate.The water-saturated rock specimens showed stronger rate dependence than the dry ones,but the loading rate sensitivity of thermally treated rock decreased with increasing treatment temperature.With the help of scanning electron microscopy technology,the thermal fractures of rock,caused by extreme temperature,were analyzed.Hydro-physical mechanisms of sandstone under different loading rate conditions after heat treatment were further discussed. 展开更多
关键词 SANDSTONE dynamic tensile strength hydro-thermal coupling damage loading rate dependence failure mechanism
Investigation of Temperature Dependency of Morphological Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane using WAXS and SAXS Monitoring 被引量:1
作者 Steffen Thomas Witzleben Katharina Walbrueck +1 位作者 Stephanie Elisabeth Klein Margit Schulze 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第8期494-499,共6页
Polyether and polyether/ester based TPU (thermoplastic polyurethanes) were investigated with wide-angle XRD (X-ray diffraction) and SAXS (small angle X-ray scattering). Furthermore, SAXS measurements were perfor... Polyether and polyether/ester based TPU (thermoplastic polyurethanes) were investigated with wide-angle XRD (X-ray diffraction) and SAXS (small angle X-ray scattering). Furthermore, SAXS measurements were performed in the temperature range of 30 ℃ to 130 ℃. Polyether based polymers exhibit only one broad diffraction signal in a region of 2 θ 15° to 25°. In case of polyurethanes with ether/ester modification, the broad diffraction signal arises with small sharp diffraction signals. SAXS measurements of polymers reveal the size and shape of the crystalline zones of the polymer. Between 30 ℃ and 130 ℃ the size of the crystalline zone changes significantly. The size decreases in most of investigated TPU. In the case of Desmopan 9365D an increase of the particle size was observed. 展开更多
关键词 Thermoplastic polyurethanes MORPHOLOGY mechanical properties SAXS WAXS temperature influence CRYSTALLINITY
Transient thermal behavior of radial fins of rectangular,triangular and hyperbolic profiles with temperature-dependent properties using DTM-FDM 被引量:4
作者 Sobhan Mosayebidorcheh Mohammad Rahimi-Gorji +3 位作者 D.D Ganji Taha Moayebidorcheh O Pourmehran M.Biglarian 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期675-682,共8页
This work focuses on transient thermal behavior of radial fins of rectangular,triangular and hyperbolic profiles with temperature-dependent properties.A hybrid numerical algorithm which combines differential transform... This work focuses on transient thermal behavior of radial fins of rectangular,triangular and hyperbolic profiles with temperature-dependent properties.A hybrid numerical algorithm which combines differential transformation(DTM) and finite difference(FDM) methods is utilized to theoretically study the present problem.DTM and FDM are applied to the time and space domains of the problem,respectively.The accuracy of this method solution is checked against the numerical solution.Then,the effects of some applicable parameters were studied comparatively.Since a broad range of governing parameters are investigated,the results could be useful in a number of industrial and engineering applications. 展开更多
关键词 transient thermal behavior radial fin thermal conductivity temperature-dependent property hybrid differential transformation-finite difference (DTM-FDM)
Continuously Dependent on Boundary Value for Solution of Semi-liner Heat-conduction Equation
作者 曹殿立 王建平 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期140-143,共4页
Reference [1] deals with the uniqueness of solution to problem (A) and solution of problem (A) is continuously dependent on free term and initial value under certain conditions. This paper discuss the solution of ... Reference [1] deals with the uniqueness of solution to problem (A) and solution of problem (A) is continuously dependent on free term and initial value under certain conditions. This paper discuss the solution of problem (A) is continuously dependent on boundary value on the basis of references [2] and [3]. 展开更多
关键词 semi-liner heat-conduction equation boundary value problem continuously dependent
Thermal preference, thermal tolerance and the thermal dependence of digestive performance in two Phrynocephalus lizards (Agamidae), with a review of species studied 被引量:7
作者 Yanfu QU Hong LI +2 位作者 Jianfang GAO Xuefeng XU Xiang JI 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期684-700,共17页
We reported data on thermal preference, thermal tolerance and the thermal dependence of digestive performance for two Phrynocephalus lizards (P. frontalis and P. versicolor), and compared data among lizards so far s... We reported data on thermal preference, thermal tolerance and the thermal dependence of digestive performance for two Phrynocephalus lizards (P. frontalis and P. versicolor), and compared data among lizards so far studied worldwide. Mean values for selected body temperature (Tsel) and critical thermal maximum (CTMax) were greater in P versicolor, whereas mean values for critical thermal minimum (CTMin) did not differ between the two species. The two lizards differed in food intake, but not in food passage time, apparent digestive coefficient (ADC) and assimilation efficiency (AE), across the experimental tem- peratures. Four general conclusions can be drawn from published data. Firstly, thermal preference and thermal tolerance differ among lizards differing in distribution, temporal activity pattern and habitat use. Lizards in thermally more variable regions are better able to tolerate low and high temperatures. Diurnal lizards generally select higher body temperatures than nocturnal lizards, and lizards using habitats with direct sun exposure generally selected higher body temperatures and are better able to tolerate high temperatures. Secondly, CTMax is positively correlated with Tsel. Lizards more likely exposed to extremely high temperatures while active select higher body temperatures than those using shaded habitats. Thirdly, the effects of body temperature on food intake, food passage time, ADC and AE differ among lizards, but it seems to be common among lizards that ADC and AE are less thermally sensitive than food intake and food passage time. Lastly, ADC is dependent on the type of food ingested, with insectivorous lizards digesting food more efficiently than herbivorous lizards 展开更多
关键词 LIZARDS Selected body temperature Critical thermal limits Food intake Food passage time Apparent digestivecoefficient Assimilation efficiency
Quantitative sufficient conditions for adiabatic approximation 被引量:7
作者 CAO HuaiXin GUO ZhiHua +1 位作者 CHEN ZhengLi WANG WenHu 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期1401-1407,共7页
Two linear In this letter, we prove the following conclusions by introducing a function Fn(t): (1) If a quantum system S with a time-dependent non-degenerate Hamiltonian H(t) is initially in the n-th eigenstate... Two linear In this letter, we prove the following conclusions by introducing a function Fn(t): (1) If a quantum system S with a time-dependent non-degenerate Hamiltonian H(t) is initially in the n-th eigenstate of H(0), then the state of the system at time t will remain in the n-th eigenstate of H(t) up to a multiplicative phase factor if and only if the values Fn(t) for all t are always on the circle centered at 1 with radius 1; (2) If a quantum system S with a time-dependent Hamiltonian H(t) is initially in the n-th eigenstate of H(0), then the state of the system at time t will remain c-uniformly approximately in the n-th eigenstate of H(t) up to a multiplicative phase factor if and only if the values F,(t) for all t are always outside of the circle centered at 1 with radius 1-ε. Moreover, some quantitative sufficient conditions for the state of the system at time t to remain ε-uniformly approximately in the n-th eigenstate of H(t) up to a multiplicative phase factor are established. Lastly, our results are illustrated by a spin-half particle in a rotating magnetic field. 展开更多
关键词 quantitative condition adiabatic approximation uniformly slowly evolving 6-uniformly slowly evolving
Thickness-dependent patterning of MoS2 sheets with well-oriented triangular pits by heating in air 被引量:11
作者 Haiqing Zhou Fang Yu +9 位作者 Yuanyue Liu Xiaolong Zou Chunxiao Cong Caiyu Qiu Ting Yu Zheng Yan Xiaonan Shen Lianfeng Sun Boris I. Yakobson James M. Tour 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期703-711,共9页
Patterning ultrathin MoS2 layers with regular edges or controllable shapes is appealing since the properties of MoS2 sheets are sensitive to the edge structures. In this work, we have introduced a simple, effective an... Patterning ultrathin MoS2 layers with regular edges or controllable shapes is appealing since the properties of MoS2 sheets are sensitive to the edge structures. In this work, we have introduced a simple, effective and well-controlled technique to etch layered MoS2 sheets with well-oriented equilateral triangular pits by simply heating the samples in air. The anisotropic oxidative etching is greatly affected by the surrounding temperature and the number of MoS2 layers, whereby the pit sizes increase with the increase of surrounding temperature and the number of MoS2 layers. First-principles computations have been performed to explain the formation mechanism of the triangular pits. This technique offers an alternative avenue to engineering the structure of MoS2 sheets. 展开更多
关键词 layered MoS2 oxidative etching thickness-dependent triangular pits
Low-temperature antiferromagnetic order of Ni_4 single-molecule magnets
作者 ZUO JunWei LIU HaiQing LI YanRong SU ShaoKui WANG YunPing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期11-13,共3页
The low-temperature specific heat of Ni4 single-molecule magnets (SMMs) is measured in a PPMS He-3 system. The tem- perature-dependent specific heat of Ni4 SMMs shows an antiferromagnetic phase transition at 0.91 K. T... The low-temperature specific heat of Ni4 single-molecule magnets (SMMs) is measured in a PPMS He-3 system. The tem- perature-dependent specific heat of Ni4 SMMs shows an antiferromagnetic phase transition at 0.91 K. The experimental results are in good consistency with Monte Carlo simulation of 3D-Ising model, indicating two independent diamond-like antiferro-magnetic structures with an exchange energy J = 0.020 K in Ni4 system. 展开更多
Spin-Wave Analysis of the Spin-1 Two-Dimensional Frustrated Heisenberg Antiferromagnet with the Single-Ion Anisotropy
作者 吴悠 陈渊 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第9期357-362,共6页
In this paper, the lowtemperature properties of the spin1 twodimensionM frustrated Heisenberg antifer romagnet with the singleion anisotropy are investigated on a square lattice by using the spinwave theory. The influ... In this paper, the lowtemperature properties of the spin1 twodimensionM frustrated Heisenberg antifer romagnet with the singleion anisotropy are investigated on a square lattice by using the spinwave theory. The influence of the frustration and anisotropy is found in the thermodynamics of the model, such as the temperature dependence of the staggered magnetization and specific heat. For some selected values of the frustration and anisotropy parameters, the results for the specific heat are compared with those of existing theories and numerical estimates. Within a spinwave analysis, we have found the evidence for an intermediate magnetically disorder phase to separate the Nel and collinear phases. 展开更多
关键词 Heisenberg antiferromagnet spin-wave theory FRUSTRATION single-ion anisotropy
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