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热幔-冷壳背景下的高角度俯冲:海相火山岩型铁矿的形成 被引量:30
作者 张招崇 柴凤梅 谢秋红 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期367-379,共13页
海相火山岩型铁矿指的是产于海相火山-沉积岩系的铁矿床,是中国一种重要的铁矿类型,分布于中国西部。近年来该类型铁矿找矿取得了重大突破,并已引起广泛的关注。该类型铁矿形成于与俯冲有关的活动大陆边缘,但为什么只有少数活动大陆边... 海相火山岩型铁矿指的是产于海相火山-沉积岩系的铁矿床,是中国一种重要的铁矿类型,分布于中国西部。近年来该类型铁矿找矿取得了重大突破,并已引起广泛的关注。该类型铁矿形成于与俯冲有关的活动大陆边缘,但为什么只有少数活动大陆边缘能形成海相火山岩型铁矿的机理尚不清楚,严重制约了该类型铁矿今后的找矿。过去对含矿火山岩以及矿石的同位素测年结果显示,铁矿化与火山作用同期,表明铁矿的形成与海底火山作用密切相关。对不同地区的含矿火山岩的研究表明,含矿火山岩为一套连续演化的拉斑-钙碱性系列玄武岩-玄武安山岩-安山岩-英安岩-流纹岩,具有Nb、Ta和Ti负异常的岛弧地球化学信号以及正的εNd值。岩石地球化学特征指示了岩浆起源于软流圈地幔,并在上升过程中经历了地壳岩浆房的分离结晶作用。上述特征表明,地幔发生部分熔融,而俯冲的洋壳并不发生部分熔融,因此俯冲带的热结构是"热幔-冷壳"。考虑到该类型铁矿产出于大陆边缘的海相环境,推测其为大洋岩石圈高角度俯冲作用的结果。"热幔-冷壳"背景下的高角度俯冲模式可以很好地解释海相火山岩型铁矿总的特点及其形成机制,如早期高盐度岩浆热液的形成与挤压背景下岩浆房内岩浆的分离结晶作用有关,而成矿阶段岩浆热液与海水的混合热液是由于在伸展背景下岩浆流体释放后与下渗海水混合的结果。不仅如此,该模式同样很好地解释了为什么该类型铁矿很少与斑岩铜矿产于同一大陆弧,以及即使在一些特殊条件下两者同时出现在一个弧中,为什么海相火山岩型铁矿总是分布在大陆弧靠近大洋一侧,而斑岩铜矿则出现在大陆弧的主体位置。 展开更多
关键词 海相火山岩型铁矿 高角度俯冲 俯冲结构 岩浆源区 矿床成因
俯冲带流体不混溶及其演化 被引量:1
作者 刘颖员 张立飞 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期4101-4130,共30页
流体在俯冲加工厂中扮演着重要的角色。岩石学研究通常针对矿物中的“固定流体”,而对俯冲带内自由活动的流体,特别是自由流体不混溶分离演化过程及其影响的研究较为缺乏。流体的不混溶及其演化在自然界普遍存在,这一点在自然样品研究... 流体在俯冲加工厂中扮演着重要的角色。岩石学研究通常针对矿物中的“固定流体”,而对俯冲带内自由活动的流体,特别是自由流体不混溶分离演化过程及其影响的研究较为缺乏。流体的不混溶及其演化在自然界普遍存在,这一点在自然样品研究、高温压实验和流体状态方程理论计算的结果中得到验证。俯冲带中实际的流体体系是多元的、开放的和复杂的系统。随着流体的运移和演化过程,流体及流体-岩石体系将更加多样化。因此流体不混溶及其演化具有普遍性、复杂性和多样性的特点。地球物理的证据表明俯冲带内的流体集中在俯冲板片靠近海沟处、俯冲板片与上覆地幔楔界面附近和上覆地幔楔内部。这些单相或多相的流体可以通过多种路径、机制和传输方式进行运移。在大范围尺度上,流体可以沿着俯冲板片与上覆地幔楔之间的密封界面自下而上倾斜流动。在一些密封破裂的排泄口处(如岩体形变或断裂/断层处)流体向上流入地幔楔。不排除由岩石裹挟或在俯冲板片弯折处向下运移的流体。在局部尺度上,流体运移受到不同岩性以及具有各向异性渗透率的构造界面的控制。通过结合俯冲带中流体运移可能的路径、流体高温压范围的P-T-X相图和俯冲带热结构模型,我们构建并探讨了简单二元体系流体在俯冲带弧前运移过程中不混溶演化的理想理论模型。一方面,不同热结构俯冲带中的流体具有不同的循环和演化特征,冷俯冲带相比热俯冲带具有更深更广阔的流体不混溶空间。另一方面,在相同俯冲带中,不同体系流体具有不同的可以发生不混溶的空间范围(对于二元体系流体表现为H_(2)O-CO_(2)<H_(2)OCH_(4)<H_(2)O-N_(2)<H_(2)O-H_(2))。流体在俯冲带中不同的位置和不同运移路径也控制着流体的演化过程。此外,俯冲热结构随长期演化逐渐变冷,以及更长时间尺度的地球冷却,这些过程扩大了地球内部流体不混溶的空间范围,可能长期促进这些流体随演化依次或同时释放,进而对地球内部和地表环境产生重大影响。流体不混溶、分离、选择性运移和富集的演化过程直接影响岩石学的研究、矿藏的形成和环境气候的变化,并与多种地质现象、过程(如表现在构造边缘地表处的冷泉、热泉、泥火山以及自然界中较常见的石英和碳酸盐脉体形成)相关联。流体不混溶过程对地球内部物理和化学过程的影响可能受到较大的低估。因此本文旨在希望能够在流体不混溶问题上引起更多地质学家的注意。 展开更多
关键词 俯冲带流体 不混溶 流体运移 P-T-X相图 俯冲结构
锦州-迁安太古宙赞岐岩类片麻岩成因及其动力学意义 被引量:4
作者 刘树文 付敬浩 +2 位作者 孙国正 高磊 胡雅璐 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期1083-1098,共16页
详细的野外地质调查和综合研究表明冀东-辽西南部地区太古宙变质基底主要由富钾花岗质岩石组成,由锦州至迁安构成一条NEE向延伸200余千米的富钾花岗质岩石带。这些富钾花岗质岩石主要由似斑状/中粒石英二长闪长质-花岗闪长质-二长花岗... 详细的野外地质调查和综合研究表明冀东-辽西南部地区太古宙变质基底主要由富钾花岗质岩石组成,由锦州至迁安构成一条NEE向延伸200余千米的富钾花岗质岩石带。这些富钾花岗质岩石主要由似斑状/中粒石英二长闪长质-花岗闪长质-二长花岗质片麻岩和中粒二长花岗岩-正长花岗岩构成。全岩地球化学分析表明这些石英二长闪长质-花岗闪长质-二长花岗质片麻岩具有高FeO^T、MgO、K_2O和Mg~#值的地球化学特征,与全球范围内中-新太古宙赞歧岩类相似。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素定年结果表明这些岩石形成于2546~2543Ma。岩石成因研究表明这些赞歧岩类片麻岩形成于俯冲板片及其拖曳的洋壳沉积物、增生楔物质的熔体和受俯冲流体、熔体交代的地幔楔之间相互作用引发的一系列的岩浆作用。这一多样化的赞岐岩类岩浆作用形成了一条新太古代赞岐岩类带,该赞岐岩类带反映了冀东-辽西南部地区新太古代从NNW向SSE向板片热俯冲的动力学体制。 展开更多
关键词 新太古代 冀东-辽西 富钾花岗质岩石 赞歧岩类 热俯冲
班公湖-怒江缝合带西段洞错石榴石麻粒岩岩石学特征及其构造意义 被引量:2
作者 苑婷媛 刘焰 张惠民 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期3663-3673,共11页
班公湖-怒江缝合带是青藏高原中部一条重要的构造边界,将北部的羌塘地块与南部的拉萨地块分隔开,当前对班公湖-怒江洋壳的俯冲过程知之甚少,本文报道班公湖-怒江缝合带西段洞错地区的石榴石麻粒岩,将有助于提升班公湖-怒江缝合带构造演... 班公湖-怒江缝合带是青藏高原中部一条重要的构造边界,将北部的羌塘地块与南部的拉萨地块分隔开,当前对班公湖-怒江洋壳的俯冲过程知之甚少,本文报道班公湖-怒江缝合带西段洞错地区的石榴石麻粒岩,将有助于提升班公湖-怒江缝合带构造演化过程的认识。石榴石麻粒岩呈5.0~_10mm的透镜体产出于斜长角闪岩内,后者呈构造岩片产出于班公湖-怒江缝合带内,与超基性岩片呈断层接触。石榴石麻粒岩的石榴石呈变斑晶产出,具有不规则的成分环带,石榴石核部成分较均匀,以富Ca和Mg,贫Fe和Mn为特征,石榴石边缘及内部裂隙成分则与之相反,富Fe和Mn,与绿泥石和黝帘石组成的细脉共生,反映了石榴石遭受后期流体的交代作用。单斜辉石为透辉石,在其内部发现早期进变质阶段的细小石榴石与角闪石颗粒,石榴石粒径<_10μm,该石榴石相对富Fe和Mn,贫Ca和Mg。角闪石均为钙质系列的角闪石,早期角闪石以相对富Na和Fe^(3+),含有微量Ba,而与晚期角闪石区分开。早期角闪石常产出于石榴石和透辉石变斑晶内部,脱水熔融生成富Ca、贫Fe^(3+)和Na的透辉石和以钠长石为主的熔融囊体,囊体内部发育斜长石和富Ba冰长石的包体/出溶体。晚期角闪石常与斜长石呈细小的后成合晶产出于石榴石边部或呈变斑晶产出于基质之中,表明斜长角闪岩系石榴石麻粒岩退变质的产物。此外,金红石斑晶常变成细粒、不规则的贫Al榍石和钛铁矿,基质中有相对富Al榍石产出。因此该麻粒岩进变质阶段矿物组合由早期石榴石(Grt__1)、早期角闪石(Amp_1)、相对富Al的榍石(Spn_1)等矿物组成。峰期矿物组合包括:核部石榴石(Grt2)+透辉石+斜长石(Pl_1)+石英+金红石+富Na和Ba的熔体,采用传统温/压计估算此峰期矿物组合形成条件为870℃、11.7kbar。退变质矿物组合有:边部石榴石(Grt3)+晚期贫Na和Fe^(3+)的角闪石(Amp_1)+黝帘石+绿泥石+斜长石(Pl_2)+白云母+贫Al榍石(Spn2)+钛铁矿。岩相学观察与地球化学示踪、变质温压估计表明洞错石榴石麻粒岩系热洋壳俯冲的产物,为前人提出的"班公-怒江洋盆包含次级小洋盆"之观点提供了变质岩石学的证据。从峰期到退变质阶段,角闪石的Fe^(3+)含量明显下降,铁铝榴石含量明显升高,指示该麻粒岩经历了还原反应,早期角闪石脱水熔融时被还原,生成了高氧逸度的埃达克质岩浆,促进了Cu、Au等成矿元素从俯冲热洋壳的活化与迁移至弧岩浆之中,因此本文的研究提供了一个探讨俯冲热洋壳与上覆地幔楔之间化学反应的研究案例,这有助于理解班公-怒江成矿带内众多斑岩型铜、金矿床的形成。 展开更多
关键词 洞错 石榴石麻粒岩 热俯冲 角闪石脱水熔融 高氧逸度的埃达克质岩浆 班公湖-怒江缝合带
作者 张继 程素华 《地球科学与环境学报》 CAS 2017年第1期65-82,共18页
在以往的研究中,华北恒山—宣化—兴和地区基性岩墙所代表的是一种裂解伸展构造背景,但近年来有研究提出这些基性岩墙可能为赞岐岩,代表了俯冲汇聚构造背景,因此,广泛出露于恒山—宣化—兴和地区的大量元古代基性岩墙是否为赞岐岩,对于... 在以往的研究中,华北恒山—宣化—兴和地区基性岩墙所代表的是一种裂解伸展构造背景,但近年来有研究提出这些基性岩墙可能为赞岐岩,代表了俯冲汇聚构造背景,因此,广泛出露于恒山—宣化—兴和地区的大量元古代基性岩墙是否为赞岐岩,对于明确该地区在古元古代是汇聚还是伸展构造背景具有重要科学意义。恒山—兴和—宣化地区岩石手标本可见典型的辉绿结构。恒山地区岩墙岩石主要由具角闪石后成合晶的辉石、自形的斜长石和石榴石组成;兴和地区岩墙岩石主要由角闪石和中性斜长石组成,角闪石填充在斜长石组成的三角形"骨架"中;宣化地区样品岩石薄片镜下无明显的辉绿结构,由石榴石、斜长石、单斜辉石、斜方辉石、角闪石组成。恒山、宣化地区样品岩石主量元素特征为高铁高镁富钛,略富集相容元素和不相容元素,且轻稀土元素较重稀土元素富集,与赞岐岩的地球化学标准不尽相似。兴和地区样品Mg#值偏低,但同样富铁富钛,更富集不相容元素,未见明显富集相容元素,与赞岐岩的地球化学标准相差较大。因此,华北恒山—宣化—兴和地区基性岩墙不属于赞岐岩,而为高铁玄武岩,且经历了一定程度的结晶分离作用和地壳混染作用,很可能属于板内裂解的产物。 展开更多
关键词 赞岐岩 基性岩墙 热俯冲 板内裂解 结晶分离作用 地壳混染作用 高铁玄武岩 华北
Variability of subduction rates of the subtropical North Pacific mode waters 被引量:3
作者 胡海波 刘秦玉 +1 位作者 张媛 刘伟 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期1131-1141,共11页
The climatology subduction rate for the entire Pacific is known, but the mechanism of interannual to decadal variation remains unclear. In this study, we calculated the annual subduction rates of three types of North ... The climatology subduction rate for the entire Pacific is known, but the mechanism of interannual to decadal variation remains unclear. In this study, we calculated the annual subduction rates of three types of North Pacific subtropical mode waters using a general circulation model (LICOM1.0) for the period of 1958-2001. The model experiments focused on interannual variations of ocean dynamical processes under daily wind forcings and seasonal heat fluxes. The mode water formation region was defined by a potential vorticity minimum at outcrop locations. The model results show that two subduction rate maxima (>100 m/a) were located in the Subtropical Mode Water (STMW) and the Central Mode Water (CMW) formation regions. These regions are consistent with a climatologically calculated value. The subduction rate in the Eastern Subtropical Mode Water (ESTMW) formation region was smaller at about 75 m/a. The subduction rate shows clear interannual and decadal variations associated with oceanic dynamic variabilities. The average subduction rate of the STMW was much smaller during the period of 1981-1990 compared with other periods, while that of the CMW had a negative anomaly before 1975 and a positive anomaly after 1978. The variability agreed with Ekman and geostrophic advections and mixed layer depths. The interannual variability of the subduction rate for the ESTMW was smallest during 1970-1990, as a result of a weak wind stress curl. This paper explores how interannual signals from the atmosphere are stored in different parts of the ocean, and thus may contribute to a better understanding of feedback mechanisms for the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) event. 展开更多
关键词 subduction rate North Pacific subtropical mode water ocean modeling
冀东-辽西太古宙火成岩岩石组合和动力学意义 被引量:15
作者 刘树文 王伟 +5 位作者 白翔 郭荣荣 付敬浩 郭博然 胡方泱 王茂江 《地球科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期44-56,共13页
冀东-辽西地区是华北克拉通北部出露面积最大的太古宙变质基底区.经过岩石组合填图和综合研究,将其太古宙变质火成岩分为2.64~2.60Ga MORB型拉斑玄武质火山岩、2.61~2.52Ga拉斑玄武质-钙碱性变质火山岩、2.52~2.50Ga浅变质钙碱性火山岩... 冀东-辽西地区是华北克拉通北部出露面积最大的太古宙变质基底区.经过岩石组合填图和综合研究,将其太古宙变质火成岩分为2.64~2.60Ga MORB型拉斑玄武质火山岩、2.61~2.52Ga拉斑玄武质-钙碱性变质火山岩、2.52~2.50Ga浅变质钙碱性火山岩组合和2.54~2.50Ga英云闪长质-奥长花岗质-花岗闪长质片麻岩、2.54~2.51Ga闪长质-石英闪长质-英云闪长质-奥长花岗质-花岗闪长质片麻岩、2.54~2.51Ga紫苏花岗闪长质-紫苏花岗质岩石、2.57~2.52Ga闪长质-石英二长闪长质-花岗闪长质-二长花岗质片麻岩和2.53~2.51Ga弱片麻状到块状二长花岗质-正长花岗质深成侵入体岩石组合.这些岩石组合从东北部的辽西阜新到西南部的遵化马兰峪地区呈现出条带状时-空分布特征.变质作用研究揭示了青龙-上营-洒河桥-马兰峪为高压麻粒岩带,记录了ITD型PTt轨迹,与NNW-NW向SSE-SE方向逆冲推覆构造相伴生;而三屯营-太平寨高温麻粒岩带,记录了IBC型PTt轨迹,与锦州-兴城-安子岭-界岭口-太平寨-三屯营伸展-底劈构造带相伴生.综合分析表明冀东-辽西太古宙晚期的构造-岩浆活动形成于热造山带型俯冲-弧后伸展到碰撞隆升的侧向增生动力学过程. 展开更多
关键词 冀东-辽西 太古代变质基底区 火成岩组合分带性 地壳侧向增生 热俯冲-碰撞造山带 岩石学
Initial subduction-related magmatism in southern Alaska identified by geochemistry and zircon Hf-O isotopes 被引量:2
作者 Jin-Hui Yang Hao Wang +2 位作者 Sun-Lin Chung Yu-Sheng Zhu Ronald Cole 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第10期1030-1036,M0004,共8页
Abundant arc-type magmatic and metamorphic rocks exist on Earth today,which provide insights into the equilibrium state of the subduction process.However,magmatic samples generated during the initial stage of subducti... Abundant arc-type magmatic and metamorphic rocks exist on Earth today,which provide insights into the equilibrium state of the subduction process.However,magmatic samples generated during the initial stage of subduction is largely unknown.This hinders our understanding of the subduction initiation process and by inference,the onset of plate tectonics as well as the history of crustal formation.To address this issue,we carried out a comprehensive geochemical-geochronological study of a suite of Late Triassic to mid-Jurassic plutonic rocks from southern Alaska that potentially represent magmas from the initial to mature stages of arc formation.While all studied samples show typical arc-type geochemical signatures,i.e.,enrichment of large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)and depletion of high field strength elements(HFSEs)relative to the heavy rare earth elements(HREEs),the Late Triassic trondhjemites show unique geochemical features such as strongly positiveε_(Hf)(t)andε_(Nd)(t)coupled with lowerδ^(18)O(average 4.77‰±0.09‰).These signatures,along with its higher zircon saturation temperatures compared with younger plutonic rocks,are best explained by shallow partial melting of subducting high-temperature hydrothermally altered lower oceanic crust(i.e.,gabbro).If true,these surprising findings would open up new ways to study subduction initiation which would have important bearing on future research on the onset of global plate tectonics and the formation of the continental crust. 展开更多
关键词 Initial subduction Arc magmatism Zircon Hf-O isotopes Subduction of the Paleo-Pacific oceanic PLATE
Material transportation and fluid-melt activity in the subduction channel: Numerical modeling 被引量:20
作者 LI ZhongHai LIU MingQi Taras GERYA 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1251-1268,共18页
The subduction channel is defined as a planar to wedge-like area of variable size,internal structure and composition,which forms between the upper and lower plates during slab subduction into the mantle.The materials ... The subduction channel is defined as a planar to wedge-like area of variable size,internal structure and composition,which forms between the upper and lower plates during slab subduction into the mantle.The materials in the channel may experience complex pressure,temperature,stress and strain evolution,as well as strong fluid and melt activity.A certain amount of these materials may subduct to and later exhume from>100 km depth,forming high to ultra-high pressure rocks on the surface as widely discovered in nature.Rock deformation in the channel is strongly assisted by metamorphic fluids activities,which change composition and mechanical properties of rocks and thus affect their subduction and exhumation histories.In this study,we investigate the detailed structure and dynamics of both oceanic and continental subduction channels,by conducting highresolution petrological-thermomechanical numerical simulations taking into account fluid and melt activities.The numerical results demonstrate that subduction channels are composed of a tectonic rock melange formed by crustal rocks detached from the subducting slab and the hydrated mantle rocks scratched from the overriding plate.These rocks may either extrude sub-vertically upward through the mantle wedge to the crust of the upper plate,or exhume along the subduction channel to the surface near the suture zone.Based on our numerical results,we first analyze similarities and differences between oceanic and continental subduction channels.We further compare numerical models with and without fluid and melt activity and demonstrate that this activity results in strong weakening and deformation of overriding lithosphere.Finally,we show that fast convergence of orogens subjected to fluid and melt activity leads to strong deformation of the overriding lithosphere and the topography builds up mainly on the overriding plate.In contrast,slow convergence of such orogens leads to very limited deformation of the overriding lithosphere and the mountain building mainly occurs on the subducting plate. 展开更多
关键词 subduction channel fluid activity partial melting TOPOGRAPHY numerical modeling
Geodynamic modeling of thermal structure of subduction zones 被引量:8
作者 LENG Wei MAO Wei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1070-1083,共14页
During subduction processes, slabs continuously have heat exchange with the ambient mantle, including both conduction and advection effects. The evolution of slab thermal structure is one of the dominant factors in co... During subduction processes, slabs continuously have heat exchange with the ambient mantle, including both conduction and advection effects. The evolution of slab thermal structure is one of the dominant factors in controlling physical and chemical property changes in subduction zones. It also affects our understanding of many key geological processes, such as mineral dehydration, rock partial melting, arc volcanism, and seismic activities in subduction zones. There are mainly two ways for studying thermal structure of subduction zones with geodynamic models: analytical model and numerical model. Analytical model provides insights into the most dominant controlling physical parameters on the thermal structure, such as slab age, velocity and dip angle, shear stress and thermal conductivity, etc. Numerical model can further deal with more complicated environments, such as viscosity change in the mantle wedge, coupling process between slabs and the ambient mantle, and incorporation of petrology and mineralogy. When applying geodynamic modeling results to specific subduction zones on the Earth, there are many factors which may complicate the process, therefore it is difficult to precisely constrain the thermal structure of subduction zones. With the development of new quantitative methods in geophysics and geochemistry, we may obtain more observational constraints for thermal structure of subduction zones, thus providing more reasonable explanations for geological processes related to subduction zones. 展开更多
关键词 subduction zones thermal structure analytical model numerical model
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