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作者 吴晓武 蔡衍芳 +1 位作者 倪贵东 孙树宽 《山东电力技术》 2008年第6期32-34,共3页
关键词 耐火耐磨材料 热养生 温度
“养生热”现象折射的社会问题研究 被引量:5
作者 敬继红 闫文凯 席永平 《吉林体育学院学报》 2012年第1期134-136,共3页
"养生热"现象具有双重性,一方面是养生需求的突出表现,另一方面体现为一种非理性的舍身投入。这种现象必然是社会发展的寄生物,并成为观察中国社会问题的一个特定角度。"养生热"现象折射出当前养生事业缺乏相关的... "养生热"现象具有双重性,一方面是养生需求的突出表现,另一方面体现为一种非理性的舍身投入。这种现象必然是社会发展的寄生物,并成为观察中国社会问题的一个特定角度。"养生热"现象折射出当前养生事业缺乏相关的传播与推广机制,不能积极、科学地引导社会对养生文化的认知。因此,传统养生文化学科的建设已成为迫在眉睫的任务。 展开更多
关键词 养生 传统养生 社会问题 推广策略
从盲目养生热谈中医药文化传播的迫切性 被引量:6
作者 李海英 段逸山 《中医药文化》 2011年第5期15-17,共3页
关键词 养生 中医 文化 传播
中医文化传播与推广机制的思考——试论“养生热”背景下的中医文化建设 被引量:6
作者 谢世平 程传浩 《中医药管理杂志》 2011年第3期208-209,共2页
当前的"养生热",本质在于公众对中医药的依赖和信任,而其流弊也反映了社会对中医药的认知存在一定的偏差。"养生热"这一当代中医药文化现象,折射出当前中医药事业极度缺乏相关的推广、传播机制,不能积极、科学地引... 当前的"养生热",本质在于公众对中医药的依赖和信任,而其流弊也反映了社会对中医药的认知存在一定的偏差。"养生热"这一当代中医药文化现象,折射出当前中医药事业极度缺乏相关的推广、传播机制,不能积极、科学地引导社会对中医药文化的认知。因此,中医文化学及其学科建设已成为中医药生存、发展迫在眉睫的任务。 展开更多
关键词 养生 中医文化 传播 推广机制
茶文化在健康传播中的积极影响——基于“养生热”的茶文化社会营销案例研究 被引量:2
作者 叶盛珺 《南宁职业技术学院学报》 2016年第4期15-18,共4页
近年国内"养生热"背后折射出健康传播存在诸多问题,传统养生重要组成部分的茶文化同样面临着危机。基于茶叶既可作为商品,又可作为健康行为的传播载体,从社会营销的角度,通过对茶文化社会营销两个案例进行实证研究,从仪式观... 近年国内"养生热"背后折射出健康传播存在诸多问题,传统养生重要组成部分的茶文化同样面临着危机。基于茶叶既可作为商品,又可作为健康行为的传播载体,从社会营销的角度,通过对茶文化社会营销两个案例进行实证研究,从仪式观、媒介观、营销观、训育观、受众观等方面,提出推动茶文化在健康传播中发挥积极作用的建议和对策。 展开更多
关键词 茶文化 健康传播 社会营销 养生 茶叶
作者 高敏 《医学信息》 2011年第23期66-67,共2页
关键词 医学高校图书馆 养生 服务公众
养生节目火爆荧屏背后的冷思考——对当下养生节目制作的几点建议 被引量:1
作者 曹德兴 金燕 王征 《西部广播电视》 2015年第14期145-146,共2页
关键词 养生节目 养生乱象 电视养生节目制作
作者 小非 百合春天 《美容院》 2004年第2期34-36,共3页
取材自天然.讲究身、心、灵合一的百合春天Spa馆.是现代人解除疲劳积极养生的良好场所.也成为都市人减去压力的一方净土。Spa馆里的特色疗程琳琅满目.目前最热门的疗程莫过于从流行于欧美而传到国内的热石养生疗法.其以蕴含大地能... 取材自天然.讲究身、心、灵合一的百合春天Spa馆.是现代人解除疲劳积极养生的良好场所.也成为都市人减去压力的一方净土。Spa馆里的特色疗程琳琅满目.目前最热门的疗程莫过于从流行于欧美而传到国内的热石养生疗法.其以蕴含大地能量的石头.搭配精油与按摩手法.达到排毒净化,恢复能量,提高免疫力的功效。加上神奇的选石、养石过程.以及印地安民族的净化仪式,热石疗法授渲染得神奇而又神秘.一举成为百合春天Spa馆中罪具特色的服务项目。据调查,现代人对于快乐的缺失,并非因物质的缺乏,而是与自然的联结越来越少。潜意识里.人们就更渴望亲近自然.接收来自大地之母的讯息,香氛热石可以帮助我们开启美丽的身,心.灵新境界。 展开更多
关键词 养生疗法 美容功效 美容方法 百合春天Spa馆 美容院 护理方法
作者 高燕菁 王融冰 《家庭中医药》 2020年第1期78-80,共3页
“阿胶一碗,芝麻一盏,白米红馅蜜饯。粉腮似羞,杏花春雨带笑看。润了青春,保了天年,有了本钱。”这是著名元曲作家白朴对阿胶的描述。在养生热愈演愈烈的今天,各类滋补品中阿胶无疑是翘楚,现在一盒品牌阿胶的售价甚至已经高于一瓶名酒了... “阿胶一碗,芝麻一盏,白米红馅蜜饯。粉腮似羞,杏花春雨带笑看。润了青春,保了天年,有了本钱。”这是著名元曲作家白朴对阿胶的描述。在养生热愈演愈烈的今天,各类滋补品中阿胶无疑是翘楚,现在一盒品牌阿胶的售价甚至已经高于一瓶名酒了!阿胶首载于《神农本草经》,被列为滋补上品。它是由马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而成的胶,为补血止血、滋阴润燥之良药。 展开更多
关键词 滋阴润燥 马科动物 《神农本草经》 阿胶 补血止血 脾气 滋补品 养生
Macroalgae Blooms and their Effects on Seagrass Ecosystems 被引量:5
作者 HAN Qiuying LIU Dongyan 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第5期791-798,共8页
Seagrass decline caused by the macroalgae blooms is becoming a common phenomenon throughout temperate and tropical regions. We summarized the incidence of macroalgae blooms throughout the world and their impact on sea... Seagrass decline caused by the macroalgae blooms is becoming a common phenomenon throughout temperate and tropical regions. We summarized the incidence of macroalgae blooms throughout the world and their impact on seagrass beds by direct and indirect ways. The competition for living space and using resources is the most direct effect on seagrass beds when macroalgae are blooming in an aquatic ecosystem. The consequence of macroalgae blooms(e.g., light reduction, hypoxia, and decomposition) can produce significant indirect effects on seagrass beds. Light reduction by the macroalgae can decrease the growth and recruitment of seagrasses, and decomposition of macroalgae mats can increase the anoxic and eutrophic conditions, which can further constrict the seagrass growth. Meanwhile, the presence of seagrass shoots can provide substrate for the macroalgae blooms. Controlling nutrient sources from the land to coastal waters is a general efficient way for coastal management. Researching into the synergistical effect of climate change and anthropognic nutrient loads on the interaction between searsasses and macroalgae can provide valuable information to decrease the negative effects of macroalgae blooms on seagrasses in eutrophic areas. 展开更多
作者 陈瑞瑞 《美容院》 2004年第3期56-57,共2页
关键词 美容院 美容疗法 SPA 美容服务 人性化 养生
Comparative Utilization of Different Fibre Feedstuffs by Weaning/Growing Pigs in the Tropics 被引量:2
作者 Emmanuel Oluropo Akinfala Omotola Macaulay Samuel Temitope Ogundeji 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第2期149-154,共6页
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding different fibre feedstuffs on the performance, nutrient utilization and economics of production of weaning/growing pigs. Five fibre feedstuffs--palm kernel... This study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding different fibre feedstuffs on the performance, nutrient utilization and economics of production of weaning/growing pigs. Five fibre feedstuffs--palm kernel cake (PKC), wheat offal (WO), corn bran (CB), rice bran (RB) and brewers' dried grain (BDG) were used at 25% in each of the five experimental diets that were formulated in this study. Twenty weaner pigs (12.75 ± 0.6 kg) were used for the growth study while 15 pigs (14.95 ± 0.57 kg) were used for the digestibility study. The design of the experiment was completely randomized. The results of the study showed that the performance of the experimental animals were significantly influenced (P 〈 0.05) by the dietary treatments. The apparent digestibility of the crude protein, crude fiber and ether extract showed significant differences (P 〈 0.05) while there was no significant difference (P 〉 0.05) in the apparent digestibility of their dry matter, ash and nitrogen free extract. The diet that contained WO had the best growth response and apparent nutrient digestibility. Results of economics of production also showed that diet with WO gave the best (P 〈 0.05) value in feed cost/'kg gain and net profit/animal. It can be concluded from this study that although all the animals fed the different fibre feedstuffs performed satisfactorily on all the parameters monitored, but for optimum growth, apparent nutrients digestibility and economics of production. WO should be used as a fibre feedstuff in the diets of weaning/growing pigs in the tropics. 展开更多
关键词 PIGS performance DIGESTIBILITY economics of production DIETS
Survival,growth and immune activity of scallop Chlamys farreri cultured at different depths in Haizhou Bay(Yellow Sea,China) during hot season 被引量:1
作者 于宗赫 杨红生 +3 位作者 刘保忠 邢坤 张立斌 许强 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期498-507,共10页
Survival, growth and immune response of the scallop, Chlamys farreri, cultured in lantern nets at five different depths (2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 m below the sea surface) were studied in Haizhou Bay during the hot season ... Survival, growth and immune response of the scallop, Chlamys farreri, cultured in lantern nets at five different depths (2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 m below the sea surface) were studied in Haizhou Bay during the hot season (summer and autumn) of 2007. Survival and growth rates were quantified bimonthly. Immune activities in hemolymph (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and acid phosphatase (ACP)) were measured to evaluate the health of scallops at the end of the study. Environmental parameters at the five depths were also monitored during the experiment. Mortalities mainly occurred during summer. Survival of scallops suspended at 15 m (78.0%) and 20 m (86.7%) was significantly higher than at 2 m (62.9%), 5 m (60.8%) or 10 m (66.8%) at the end of the study. Mean shell height grew significantly faster at 10 m (205.0 μm/d) and 20 m (236.9 μm/d) than at 2, 5 or 15 m in summer (July 9 to September 1); however, shell growth rate at 20 m was significantly lower than at the other four depths in autumn (September 2 to November 6). In contrast to summer, scallops at 5 m grew faster (262.9 μm/d) during autumn. The growth of soft tissue at different depths showed a similar trend to the shell. Growth rates of shell height and soft tissue were faster in autumn than in summer, with the exception of shell height at 20 m. SOD activity of scallops increased with depth, and ACP activity was significantly higher at 15 and 20 m than at other depths, which suggests that scallops were healthier near the bottom. Factors explaining the depth-related mortality and growth of scallops are also discussed. We conclude that the mass mortality of scallop, C. farreri, during summer can be prevented by moving the culture area to deeper water and yield can be maximized by suspending the scallops in deep water during summer and then transferring them to shallow water in autumn. 展开更多
关键词 Chlamysfarreri SURVIVAL GROWTH mortality immune activity hot season water depth
Optimization of Culture Conditions for Production of Cellulase by a Thermophilic Bacillus Strain 被引量:3
作者 Zambare Vasudeo Christopher Lew 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第6期521-527,共7页
The production of cellulase in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens UNPDV-22 was optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). Central composite design (CCD) was used to study the interactive effect of culture conditi... The production of cellulase in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens UNPDV-22 was optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). Central composite design (CCD) was used to study the interactive effect of culture conditions (temperature, pH, and inoculum) on cellulase activity. Results suggested that temperature and pH all have significant impact on cellulase production. The use of RSM resulted in a 96% increase in the cellulase activity over the control of non-optimized basal medium. Optimum cellulase production of 13 U/mL was obtained at a temperature of 42.24 ℃, pH of 5.25, and inoculum size of 4.95% (v/v) in a fermentation medium containing wheat bran, soybean meal and malt dextrin as major nutritional factors. 展开更多
关键词 Cellulase production Bacillus amyloliquefaciens culture conditions response surface methodology central compositedesign.
《家庭医学(上半月)》 2022年第3期1-1,共1页
中国传统养生格言青牛道士言:人不欲使乐,乐人不寿,但当莫强为力所不任,举重引强,掘地苦作,倦而不息,以致筋骨疲竭耳。然劳苦胜于逸乐也。能从朝至暮常有所为,使之不息乃快,但觉极当息,息复为之。此与导引无异也。南朝·陶弘景《养... 中国传统养生格言青牛道士言:人不欲使乐,乐人不寿,但当莫强为力所不任,举重引强,掘地苦作,倦而不息,以致筋骨疲竭耳。然劳苦胜于逸乐也。能从朝至暮常有所为,使之不息乃快,但觉极当息,息复为之。此与导引无异也。南朝·陶弘景《养生延命录》曾听一位对养生颇有研究的老友评价当前的养生热,说养生应是件辛苦事,岂能像有些人那样。 展开更多
关键词 养生延命录 陶弘景 有所为 养生
Sweet ionic liquids-cyclamates: Synthesis, properties, and application as feeding deterrents
作者 PERNAK Juliusz WASINSKI Krzysztof +4 位作者 PRACZYK Tadeusz NAWROT Jan CIENIECKA-ROSLONKIEWICZ Anna WALKIEWICZ Filip MATERNA Katarzyna 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期1532-1541,共10页
In this paper, we show that sweet quaternary ammonium, pyridinium, and imidazolium cyclamates are cheap, thermally stable, surface and biologically active ionic liquids, with potential application as feeding deterrents.
关键词 ionic liquids cyclamates DETERRENTS biological activity
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