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作者 于秀芳 《山东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1999年第3期350-353,共4页
关键词 可逆反应 热动力学性质 微量量
Zr_4Al_2高压下热动力学性质的第一性原理研究 被引量:3
作者 苑晓丽 魏冬青 +2 位作者 程艳 张庆明 龚自正 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期325-333,共9页
本文主要通过平面波赝势密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算方法,采用广义梯度近似(GGA)交换相关函数,研究了六角结构的Zr_4Al_2的EOS态方程和热动力学性质.通过采用了声子效应的准谐近似德拜模型,我们成功得到了晶胞体积V随温度以及V/V_0、... 本文主要通过平面波赝势密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算方法,采用广义梯度近似(GGA)交换相关函数,研究了六角结构的Zr_4Al_2的EOS态方程和热动力学性质.通过采用了声子效应的准谐近似德拜模型,我们成功得到了晶胞体积V随温度以及V/V_0、德拜温度(?)、热熔C_V随压强P的变化关系.另外,我们还研究了热膨胀系数α及格林参数γ随温度和压强的变化关系,计算结果表明格林参数和热膨胀系数随温度的升高而增加,但是在较高的温度下,热膨胀系数几乎不受温度的影响. 展开更多
关键词 EOS态方程 热动力学性质 广义梯度近似(GGA) Zr_4Al_2晶体
作者 曹允玲 杨利 +1 位作者 张同来 张建国 《含能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 2007年第5期521-523,529,共4页
应用微热量热仪测定了斯蒂芬酸(TNR)在溶剂N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)中不同浓度(b)时的溶解焓,用计算机拟合的方法求得计算该物质溶解焓(ΔsolH)的经验公式(ΔsolH=-14.392-988.6b+34.992b1/2)。由此得到了该物质的标准摩尔溶解焓(ΔsolHm... 应用微热量热仪测定了斯蒂芬酸(TNR)在溶剂N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)中不同浓度(b)时的溶解焓,用计算机拟合的方法求得计算该物质溶解焓(ΔsolH)的经验公式(ΔsolH=-14.392-988.6b+34.992b1/2)。由此得到了该物质的标准摩尔溶解焓(ΔsolHmθ=-14.392 kJ.mol-1),并分别推导出了TNR的相对表观摩尔焓、相对偏摩尔焓以及配合物的稀释焓的经验公式。同时,对TNR溶液反应的动力学进行了研究,通过分析热流对时间的曲线图,确定了该溶解反应的速率常数为1.632×10-3s-1,反应级数为0.6158。 展开更多
关键词 物理化学 化学性质 热动力学性质 斯蒂芬酸(TNR)
高温高压下Ag-Mg-Zn合金中金属间化合物的微观结构与热动力学性质的第一性原理计算 被引量:5
作者 卢志文 仲志国 +2 位作者 刘克涛 宋海珍 李根全 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期334-342,共9页
采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算方法,研究了Ag-Mg-Zn合金中金属间化合物AgMg,Mg4Zn8和Ag8Mg4Zn4在高温高压下的结构稳定性、弹性性能和热动力学性质.理论计算结果与实验值和其他的理论结果符合得非常好.研究表明:金属间化合物AgM... 采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算方法,研究了Ag-Mg-Zn合金中金属间化合物AgMg,Mg4Zn8和Ag8Mg4Zn4在高温高压下的结构稳定性、弹性性能和热动力学性质.理论计算结果与实验值和其他的理论结果符合得非常好.研究表明:金属间化合物AgMg,Mg4Zn8和Ag8Mg4Zn4在零温零压下是力学稳定的;Mg4Zn8和Ag8Mg4Zn4为延性相,而AgMg则为脆性相;在这三种金属间化合物中,Ag8Mg4Zn4的塑性最好,AgMg的塑性最差.利用准谐Debye模型,讨论了高温高压下Ag-Mg-Zn合金中金属间化合物的摩尔振动内能Uvib,m,摩尔Helmholtz振动自由能Avib,m,摩尔振动熵Svib,m,摩尔定容热容Cv,m,摩尔定压热容Cp,m,热膨胀系数α,Grüneisen参量γ和Debye温度Θ. 展开更多
关键词 Ag-Mg-Zn合金 高温高压 结构稳定性 热动力学性质
高压下TiAl_3结构及热动力学性质的第一性原理研究 被引量:4
作者 王海燕 历长云 +2 位作者 高洁 胡前库 米国发 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期443-448,共6页
采用平面波赝势密度泛函理论研究了钛铝系金属间化合物TiAl3的结构性质,计算值与实验值及其他理论值相符合.通过准谐德拜模型研究了TiAl3的热动力学性质,计算得到了相对体积(V/V0)与压强和温度的关系,以及不同温度和压强下的热膨胀系数... 采用平面波赝势密度泛函理论研究了钛铝系金属间化合物TiAl3的结构性质,计算值与实验值及其他理论值相符合.通过准谐德拜模型研究了TiAl3的热动力学性质,计算得到了相对体积(V/V0)与压强和温度的关系,以及不同温度和压强下的热膨胀系数和热容.与TiAl的计算结果进行对比,发现随着温度的升高,TiAl的热膨胀系数增大的速度高于TiAl3,且随着压强的增大温度效应减弱;TiAl3的热容值近似为TiAl的热容值的2倍. 展开更多
关键词 结构性质 热动力学性质 第一性原理 高压
磁性薄膜热动力学性质的变分累积展开研究 被引量:6
作者 陈洪 阎玉立 梅花 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第10期2607-2611,共5页
采用变分累积展开方法 ,研究了立方格点上磁性薄膜的热动力学性质 .计算自发磁化强度、内能和热容到了三级累积展开 ,并对每一级给出了这些物理量对薄膜原子层数的依赖关系 .虽然变分累积展开的收敛性还没有严格证明 ,但计算结果显示这... 采用变分累积展开方法 ,研究了立方格点上磁性薄膜的热动力学性质 .计算自发磁化强度、内能和热容到了三级累积展开 ,并对每一级给出了这些物理量对薄膜原子层数的依赖关系 .虽然变分累积展开的收敛性还没有严格证明 ,但计算结果显示这些物理量的变分累积展开收敛很快 .三级计算结果足已表明 :对低于某一临界厚度的薄膜 ,自发磁化强度随原子层数的减少而减小 ;不论在临界温度以下 ,还是在临界温度以上 ,每单位格点的内能都随原子层数的减少而增大 ;每单位格点的热容在临界温度以下随原子层数的减少而增大 。 展开更多
关键词 磁性薄膜 热动力学性质 变分累积展开 自发磁化强度 内能 原子层数
作者 王海燕 李旭升 历长云 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期1103-1108,共6页
利用基于密度泛涵理论的全势能线性糕模轨函法计算了闪锌矿(ZB)和岩盐(RS)结构的SiC的相变和热动力学性质.结果发现SiC从ZB结构到RS结构的相变压力为55.9GPa,与其他计算结果一致.通过实验测得SiC在高温高压条件下的性质存在较大困难,因... 利用基于密度泛涵理论的全势能线性糕模轨函法计算了闪锌矿(ZB)和岩盐(RS)结构的SiC的相变和热动力学性质.结果发现SiC从ZB结构到RS结构的相变压力为55.9GPa,与其他计算结果一致.通过实验测得SiC在高温高压条件下的性质存在较大困难,因此基于准谐德拜模型本文研究了ZB结构和RS结构的热动力学性质,并且成功得到了相对体积V/V_0随压强P,热膨胀系数随温度T,德拜温度■和热容Cv随压强,以及热容随温度的变化关系,其中相对体积V/V_0随压强P的变化关系与实验结果吻合的较好. 展开更多
关键词 相变 热动力学性质 全势能线性糕模轨函法 SIC
作者 卢金凤 吴义芳 +1 位作者 郁章玉 林宪杰 《山东化工》 CAS 2010年第11期1-6,共6页
为了提供杂原予四面体AsnP4-n(n=1-3)的更多的结构和性质方面的信息,利用B3LYP/6—311++G一理论研究了P4,AsP3,As2P2,As3P和As4分子在气棚的几何体结构并进行了解析振动频率的分析。采用Drnol^3程序在GGA,BLYP/DNP和LDA,PWC... 为了提供杂原予四面体AsnP4-n(n=1-3)的更多的结构和性质方面的信息,利用B3LYP/6—311++G一理论研究了P4,AsP3,As2P2,As3P和As4分子在气棚的几何体结构并进行了解析振动频率的分析。采用Drnol^3程序在GGA,BLYP/DNP和LDA,PWC/DNP理论水平上研究了五个分子的能量和电离势,通过分析能量得出了五个分子的稳定性是依次减弱;通过比较电离势的大小得出五个分子失电子的能力依次增强。基于统计热力学,求得温度298.15~1000.00K范围五个分子的熵、热熔,焓及吉布斯自由能的大小。 展开更多
关键词 电离势 振动频率 热动力学性质
Molecular simulation study of the microstructures and properties of pyridinium ionic liquid[HPy][BF_(4)]mixed with acetonitrile
作者 XU Jian-Qiang MA Zhao-Peng +2 位作者 CHENG Si LIU Zhi-Cong ZHU Guang-Lai 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第4期27-32,共6页
The microstructures and thermodynamic properties of mixed systems comprising pyridinium ionic liquid[HPy][BF_(4)]and acetonitrile at different mole fractions were studied using molecular dynamics simulation in this wo... The microstructures and thermodynamic properties of mixed systems comprising pyridinium ionic liquid[HPy][BF_(4)]and acetonitrile at different mole fractions were studied using molecular dynamics simulation in this work.The following properties were determined:density,self-diffusion coefficient,excess molar volume,and radial distribution function.The results show that with an increase in the mole fraction of[HPy][BF_(4)],the self-diffusion coefficient decreases.Additionally,the excess molar volume initially decreases,reaches a minimum,and then increases.The rules of radial distribution functions(RDFs)of characteristic atoms are different.With increasing the mole fraction of[HPy][BF_(4)],the first peak of the RDFs of HA1-F decreases,while that of CT6-CT6 rises at first and then decreases.This indicates that the solvent molecules affect the polar and non-polar regions of[HPy][BF_(4)]differently. 展开更多
关键词 Pyridinium ionic liquids Thermodynamic properties Molecular dynamics simulation Radial distribution functions
极端条件下Mg-Zn-Cu合金中金属间化合物结构物性理论研究 被引量:1
作者 王爱华 张宇 +1 位作者 宋海珍 李根全 《材料热处理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期206-212,共7页
采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理赝势平面波方法,研究了Mg-Zn-Cu合金中金属间化合物在极端条件下(高温和高压)的结构稳定性和弹性性能。结果表明,金属间化合物Mg4Zn8、Mg8Cu16、CuZn、Cu0.7Zn2和Mg8Zn8Cu8在0℃和0 Pa下力学稳定;Mg4Zn... 采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理赝势平面波方法,研究了Mg-Zn-Cu合金中金属间化合物在极端条件下(高温和高压)的结构稳定性和弹性性能。结果表明,金属间化合物Mg4Zn8、Mg8Cu16、CuZn、Cu0.7Zn2和Mg8Zn8Cu8在0℃和0 Pa下力学稳定;Mg4Zn8、Mg8Cu16、CuZn和Cu0.7Zn2为延性相,Mg8Zn8Cu8为脆性相;在这5种金属间化合物中CuZn塑性相对较好,Mg8Zn8Cu8塑性相对较差。 展开更多
关键词 Mg-Zn-Cu合金 金属间化合物 结构稳定性 热动力学性质
一种MicroRNA duplex设计新技术研究
作者 周珏宇 马文丽 +2 位作者 丁大鹏 石嵘 郑文岭 《生命科学研究》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期109-112,共4页
利用microRNA数据库,获取3种微RNAmir-181a、mir-124和mir-1的成熟序列信息.基于siRNAdu-plex在形成RNA诱导的沉默复合物(RNA-inducedsilencingcomplex,RISC)过程中的不对称性的特点,初步设计了针对上述3种微RNA的microRNAduplex.采用... 利用microRNA数据库,获取3种微RNAmir-181a、mir-124和mir-1的成熟序列信息.基于siRNAdu-plex在形成RNA诱导的沉默复合物(RNA-inducedsilencingcomplex,RISC)过程中的不对称性的特点,初步设计了针对上述3种微RNA的microRNAduplex.采用生物学软件Oligo6.0分别评价其热动力学特性,并通过改变反义链3'端个别碱基序列使其满足热动力学的需求,从而确定最终的设计序列.结果显示,利用RISC形成过程的不对称性,结合生物学软件Oligo6.0的热动力学分析来设计miRNAduplex,是一种简便可行、准确有效的方法. 展开更多
关键词 微RNA SIRNA 生物信息学分析 热动力学性质
三元低共熔离子液体中CO2的吸收(英文) 被引量:3
作者 李桂花 单海芳 +1 位作者 艾宁 邓东顺 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第S1期25-31,共7页
由N,N-二甲基乙酰胺、氯化胆碱、乙二醇或丙三醇以不同的摩尔比(1:1:3,1:1:4)合成了一系列三元低共熔离子液体(nDMA:nCC:nethylene glycol=1:1:3,1:1:4,nDMA:nCC:nglycerol=1:1:3,1:1:4)。在293.15~323.15 K温度下,间隔10℃,0~600.0 k P... 由N,N-二甲基乙酰胺、氯化胆碱、乙二醇或丙三醇以不同的摩尔比(1:1:3,1:1:4)合成了一系列三元低共熔离子液体(nDMA:nCC:nethylene glycol=1:1:3,1:1:4,nDMA:nCC:nglycerol=1:1:3,1:1:4)。在293.15~323.15 K温度下,间隔10℃,0~600.0 k Pa压力范围内,用等温饱和法测量了CO2在三元体系中的溶解度。CO2在体系中的溶解度随压力增大呈线性增大趋势,随温度升高而减小。计算了亨利常数,结果表明,CO2在由N,N-二甲基乙酰胺,氯化胆碱,乙二醇以摩尔比1:1:3合成的三元体系,温度为293.15 K下,亨利常数最小,最小值为2.174 MPa·kg·mol-1。报道了关于CO2吸收的热动力学性质,包括焓变、熵变、Gibbs自由能变。其中,焓变为负值,说明此吸收为放热过程。 展开更多
关键词 溶解度 CO2 三元低共熔离子液体 亨利常数 热动力学性质
《重庆文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第2期F0002-F0002,共1页
关键词 科学技术奖 重庆市 人民政府 学院 热动力学性质 磁性薄膜 自然科学 信息工程
Targeted design of advanced electrocatalysts by machine learning 被引量:7
作者 Letian Chen Xu Zhang +3 位作者 An Chen Sai Yao Xu Hu Zhen Zhou 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期11-32,共22页
Exploring the production and application of clean energy has always been the core of sustainable development.As a clean and sustainable technology,electrocatalysis has been receiving widespread attention.It is crucial... Exploring the production and application of clean energy has always been the core of sustainable development.As a clean and sustainable technology,electrocatalysis has been receiving widespread attention.It is crucial to achieve efficient,stable and cheap electrocatalysts.However,the traditional“trial and error”method is time-consuming,laborious and costly.In recent years,with the significant increase in computing power,computations have played an important role in electrocatalyst design.Nevertheless,it is still difficult to search for advanced electrocatalysts in the vast chemical space through traditional density functional theory(DFT)computations.Fortunately,the development of machine learning and interdisciplinary integration will inject new impetus into targeted design of electrocatalysts.Machine learning is able to predict electrochemical performances with an accuracy close to DFT.Here we provide an overview of the application of machine learning in electrocatalyst design,including the prediction of structure,thermodynamic properties and kinetic barriers.We also discuss the potential of explicit solvent model combined with machine learning molecular dynamics in this field.Finally,the favorable circumstances and challenges are outlined for the future development of machine learning in electrocatalysis.The studies on electrochemical processes by machine learning will further realize targeted design of high-efficiency electrocatalysts. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROCATALYST Machine learning Targeted design Thermodynamics properties Kinetic barrier
Adsorptive Thermodynamic Properties and Kinetics of trans-1,2-Cyclohexandiol onto AB-8 Resin 被引量:1
作者 谢艳新 侯丽丽 +1 位作者 杨倩 蒋登高 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期277-283,共7页
AB-8 resin was used as an adsorbent for the removal of trans-1,2-cyclohexandiol(CHD) from aqueous solutions.Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of contact time and temperature on sorption effi... AB-8 resin was used as an adsorbent for the removal of trans-1,2-cyclohexandiol(CHD) from aqueous solutions.Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of contact time and temperature on sorption efficiency.The adsorptive thermodynamic properties and kinetics of CHD from water onto AB-8 resin were studied.The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were employed to discuss the adsorption behavior.Thermodynamic parameters such as G,H and S were calculated.The results indicate that the equilibrium data are perfectly represented by Langmuir isotherm model.Thermodynamic study reveals that it is an exothermic process in nature and mainly physical adsorption enhanced by chemisorption with a decrease of entropy process.The kinetics of CHD adsorption is well described by the pseudo second-order model.The adsorbed CHD can be eluted from AB-8 resin by 5% ethanol aqueous solution with 100% elution percentage. 展开更多
One-Parameter Equation of State for Gases and Gas Mixtures
作者 李鸿仪 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第2期163-166,共4页
The simplest equation of state that can be applied to calculate the thermodynamic properties of gases is the virial equation with the second coefficient B. The probability of applying the one-coefficient equation Z = ... The simplest equation of state that can be applied to calculate the thermodynamic properties of gases is the virial equation with the second coefficient B. The probability of applying the one-coefficient equation Z = exp(A/V) for the calculation of compressibility factor at critical temperature of gases and gas mixtures is investigated. It was verified that the one-coefficient equation of state can be applied to calculated the thermodynamic properties for both normal and strongly polar gases and gas mixtures. 展开更多
关键词 equation of state virial equation GASES FUGACITY correlation MIXTURE POLAR NONPOLAR
Analytical Bond-order Potential for hcp-Y
作者 Kai-min Fan Li Yang +5 位作者 Jing Tang Qing-qiang Sun Yun-ya Dai Shu-ming Peng Xiao-song Zhou Xiao--tao ZU 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期526-532,I0003,共8页
The lattice parameters, elastic constants, cohesive energy, structural energy differences, as well as the properties of point defects and planar defects of hexagonal closepacked yttrium (hcpY) have been studied with... The lattice parameters, elastic constants, cohesive energy, structural energy differences, as well as the properties of point defects and planar defects of hexagonal closepacked yttrium (hcpY) have been studied with ab initio density functional theory for constructing an ex tensive database. Based on an analytical bondorder poial scheme, empirical manybody interatomic potential for hcpY has been developed. The model is fitted to some properties of Y, e.g., the lattice parameters, elastic constants, bulk modulus, cohesive energy, vacancy formation energy, and the structural energy differences. The present potential has ability to reproduce defect properties including the selfinterstitial atoms formation energies, vacancy formation energy, divacancy binding energy, as well as the bulk properties and the thermal dynamic properties. 展开更多
关键词 Hexagonal close-packed yttrium Bond-order potential Density functionaltheory Molecular dynamics
Phonon Dispersion and Thermodynamics Properties of CaF_2 via Shell Model Molecular Dynamics Simulations
作者 CHENG Yan HU Cui-E +2 位作者 ZENG Zhao-Yi GONG Min GOU Qing-Quan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期904-908,共5页
The phonon and thermodynamics properties of face-centered cubic CaF2 at high pressure and high temperature are investigated by using the shell model interatomic pair potential within General Utility Lattice Program (... The phonon and thermodynamics properties of face-centered cubic CaF2 at high pressure and high temperature are investigated by using the shell model interatomic pair potential within General Utility Lattice Program (GULP). The phonon dispersion curves and the corresponding density of state (PDOS) in this work are consistent with the experimental data and other theoretical results. The transverse optical (TO) and longitudinal optical (LO) mode splitting as well as heat capacity at constant volume Cv and entropy S versus pressure and temperature are also obtained. 展开更多
关键词 shell model molecular dynamics phonon dispersion thermodynamic property CAF2
作者 Li Zhong Shu Wenli +2 位作者 Liao Yongzhong Huang Peiquan Xu Qingcai 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 1996年第1期84-91,共8页
The parameter identification model of largr scale chromatography separation process is proposed. The Phase equilibrium constants and lumped mass transfer coefficients of sugar and reducing sugar adsorption on D1, D2 a... The parameter identification model of largr scale chromatography separation process is proposed. The Phase equilibrium constants and lumped mass transfer coefficients of sugar and reducing sugar adsorption on D1, D2 and D3 resins as well as the axial dispersion coefficients of the fluid through packed columns are determined by means of the pulse-response experiment technique with an inert substance as a tracer and the chromatography measuring technique. The elution curve calculated from these parameters is good agreement with the experimental elution curve. The sensitivity analysis of these parameters is carried out, and the ressult shows that the elation curves of chromatography separation are more sensitive to the variations Of the Phase equilibrium relationship than to the variation of the axial dispersion as well as the lumped mass transfer coefficients. 展开更多
关键词 Chromatographic Separation RESINS Parameter Determination SUGAR Reducing sugar
Unique influences of reboiler inventory control on the operation of totally reboiled reactive distillation columns
作者 Kejin Huang Yang Yuan +3 位作者 Liang Zhang Haisheng Chen Shaofeng Wang Nian Liu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期103-115,共13页
In this work,the dynamics and operation of the totally reboiled reactive distillation columns are visualized in terms of transfer function based process models.This kind of processes is found to be characterized by un... In this work,the dynamics and operation of the totally reboiled reactive distillation columns are visualized in terms of transfer function based process models.This kind of processes is found to be characterized by underdamped step responses due to the special topological configuration and the intricate interplay between the reaction operation and the separation operation involved.The under-dampness can be substantially alleviated through the tight inventory control of bottom reboiler and this presents beneficial effects to process dynamics and operation.Two totally reboiled reactive distillation columns,separating,respectively,a hypothetical synthesis reaction from reactants A and B to product C,and a real decomposition reaction from 1,4-butanediol to tetrahydrofuran and water,are employed to demonstrate these uncommon behaviors.The results obtained give full support to the above qualitative interpretation.Despite the strong influences of reaction kinetics and thermodynamic properties of the reacting mixtures,the totally reboiled reactive distillation columns are generally considered to present such unique behaviors and require tight inventory control of bottom reboiler to facilitate their control system development. 展开更多
关键词 Reactive distillation column Totally reboiled operation Reboiler inventory control Process dynamics Process control
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