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城市垃圾热化学转化处理技术进展与应用 被引量:10
作者 苏毅 朱惠春 +4 位作者 张金亮 沈克宇 夏同伟 李志强 沙永涛 《工业锅炉》 2015年第1期7-14,19,共9页
垃圾问题已经成为城市可持续发展的严重阻碍,热化学处理技术可以最大程度地实现垃圾的减量化和资源化。对垃圾焚烧、气化和热解三种典型的热化学处理技术的现状和发展进行了详细的综述,对三种技术在世界范围内的应用和示范情况进行了介... 垃圾问题已经成为城市可持续发展的严重阻碍,热化学处理技术可以最大程度地实现垃圾的减量化和资源化。对垃圾焚烧、气化和热解三种典型的热化学处理技术的现状和发展进行了详细的综述,对三种技术在世界范围内的应用和示范情况进行了介绍,并对三种技术存在的问题和发展趋势进行了全面的分析。 展开更多
关键词 城市垃圾 热化学技术 焚烧 气化 热解
气井热化学解堵技术 被引量:7
作者 蒋晓明 尹启业 +3 位作者 贺素玲 于君祥 曹广霞 陈建斋 《断块油气田》 CAS 2004年第2期84-85,共2页
中原油田气井地层能量日渐衰弱 ,致使措施入井液大量漏失 ,凝析气在孔喉中凝析而产生“液锁”效应等损害地层的因素。针对这种情况 ,采用了热化学解堵技术 ,通过室内试验研究了热化学解堵剂配方以及配套施工工艺 ,应用现场后取得了明显... 中原油田气井地层能量日渐衰弱 ,致使措施入井液大量漏失 ,凝析气在孔喉中凝析而产生“液锁”效应等损害地层的因素。针对这种情况 ,采用了热化学解堵技术 ,通过室内试验研究了热化学解堵剂配方以及配套施工工艺 ,应用现场后取得了明显的增产效果。 展开更多
关键词 气井 热化学解堵技术 发热剂 延缓剂 地层 凝析气
全氧燃烧玻璃窑炉热化学再生技术实验研究 被引量:1
作者 曾红杰 周文彩 +5 位作者 官敏 沈中杰 陈淑勇 李红强 齐帅 左泽方 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第12期4509-4517,4541,共10页
玻璃窑炉热化学再生技术相较于传统全氧燃烧技术和空气燃烧技术,节能效果显著,是未来高耗能玻璃工业绿色低碳发展的前沿、颠覆性技术。采用常压管式炉对玻璃窑炉热化学再生技术进行了实验研究,分析了不同实验条件对甲烷-烟气热化学重整... 玻璃窑炉热化学再生技术相较于传统全氧燃烧技术和空气燃烧技术,节能效果显著,是未来高耗能玻璃工业绿色低碳发展的前沿、颠覆性技术。采用常压管式炉对玻璃窑炉热化学再生技术进行了实验研究,分析了不同实验条件对甲烷-烟气热化学重整反应性能的影响。结果表明,甲烷-烟气在高温、无催化剂条件下可以自发进行热化学重整。当重整反应温度低于900℃时,甲烷-烟气不发生热化学重整反应,1200℃的反应温度和10 s以上的反应时间能够保证重整反应充分进行。重整反应气中甲烷、二氧化碳含量的升高分别有利于合成气中氢气和一氧化碳产率的增加。 展开更多
关键词 热化学再生技术 全氧燃烧玻璃窑炉 甲烷-烟气重整 反应温度 反应时间 节能减排
面向太阳能热发电的CaO-CO_(2)热化学储热技术研究进展 被引量:5
作者 徐运飞 吴水木 李英杰 《发电技术》 2022年第5期740-747,共8页
太阳能热发电技术是缓解能源危机、改善生态环境的重要技术,其通过配备储热系统可解决太阳能不连续供给与连续的电能消耗之间的矛盾。CaO-CO_(2)热化学储热技术具有来源广泛、成本低廉及储热密度高等优势,具有广阔应用前景。对CaO-CO_(2... 太阳能热发电技术是缓解能源危机、改善生态环境的重要技术,其通过配备储热系统可解决太阳能不连续供给与连续的电能消耗之间的矛盾。CaO-CO_(2)热化学储热技术具有来源广泛、成本低廉及储热密度高等优势,具有广阔应用前景。对CaO-CO_(2)太阳能储热系统展开回顾与总结,介绍了其储热原理及与太阳能电站集成方案,分析了影响钙基材料储热的影响因素,阐述了提高钙基材料循环储热性能及机械性能的方法,以期为高性能钙基储热材料的设计与制备,及其在太阳能发电厂中的大规模应用开发提供参考与指导。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能热发电 热化学储热技术 CaO-CO_(2)储热系统 储热性能
作者 孙晓飞 周云 赵鋆泽 《科技和产业》 2020年第12期183-188,共6页
为促进中国生物质能源产业的发展,进一步解决能源短缺与环境污染问题,运用专利分析的方法从专利申请趋势、技术生命周期、申请地域与技术领域等角度对我国生物质热化学转化技术的发展现状做了相关分析,总结并展望了生物质热化学转化技... 为促进中国生物质能源产业的发展,进一步解决能源短缺与环境污染问题,运用专利分析的方法从专利申请趋势、技术生命周期、申请地域与技术领域等角度对我国生物质热化学转化技术的发展现状做了相关分析,总结并展望了生物质热化学转化技术的发展路线。结果表明近几年中国生物质热化学转化技术的专利申请数量飞速增长,虽然气化、热解、液化等子技术发展不均,但都表现出很大的发展潜力,为更好实现技术与产业的对接提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 生物质能 热化学转化技术 专利分析 技术生命周期 技术路线
作者 许湘宁 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2021年第4期167-167,共1页
伴随科学技术的持续进步,油田开采技术取得了长足的进步。但是,在采矿过程中,特别是在采矿的后期阶段,大量的石油油污在采矿作业中造成重大问题,并对环境产生重大的负面影响。为了解决这些危险,出现了越来越多的油污处理技术,本文优选... 伴随科学技术的持续进步,油田开采技术取得了长足的进步。但是,在采矿过程中,特别是在采矿的后期阶段,大量的石油油污在采矿作业中造成重大问题,并对环境产生重大的负面影响。为了解决这些危险,出现了越来越多的油污处理技术,本文优选了更广泛使用并且具有更显着的处理效果的热化学处理技术。 展开更多
关键词 超稠油污油 热化学处理技术 应用研究
纤维素类生物质热解技术研究进展 被引量:24
作者 张洪勋 李林 《北京联合大学学报》 CAS 2004年第1期16-19,共4页
生物质是地球上存在的最丰富的可再生资源 ,通过热解技术实现生物质高值转化是一种前途乐观的工艺。热解是在完全无氧或有限供氧条件下 ,极少发生气化反应的情况下进行的降解反应。热解的主要产物有生物油、焦炭和气体。通过热解技术可... 生物质是地球上存在的最丰富的可再生资源 ,通过热解技术实现生物质高值转化是一种前途乐观的工艺。热解是在完全无氧或有限供氧条件下 ,极少发生气化反应的情况下进行的降解反应。热解的主要产物有生物油、焦炭和气体。通过热解技术可以实现把低能量密度的生物质转化为高能量密度的液、固、气产品 ,同时还能从生物油中提取多种化学品。主要综述了纤维素类生物质热解的一般原理 ,热解反应器及其工艺参数 。 展开更多
关键词 纤维素类生物质 热解 生物油 热化学处理技术
易腐垃圾就近就地处理技术浅析 被引量:13
作者 吕凡 章骅 +2 位作者 郝丽萍 邵立明 何品晶 《环境卫生工程》 2020年第5期1-7,共7页
目前,我国正在普遍推行城乡垃圾分类制度。易腐垃圾是我国生活垃圾的主要成分。因此,实施生活垃圾分类后,城市需要建立易腐垃圾集中和分散就地处理相结合的处理模式,农村也需要就近就地处理易腐垃圾。从技术过程、产物类型和利用途径3... 目前,我国正在普遍推行城乡垃圾分类制度。易腐垃圾是我国生活垃圾的主要成分。因此,实施生活垃圾分类后,城市需要建立易腐垃圾集中和分散就地处理相结合的处理模式,农村也需要就近就地处理易腐垃圾。从技术过程、产物类型和利用途径3个层面,概述了国内外用于就近就地处理主要采用的处理技术;基于规模效应,探讨了小型处理技术与大中型处理技术的差异。根据我国城镇和农村易腐垃圾管理的实际情况,针对各技术的原理、技术设备特点、产物和残余物特征及利用途径、环境污染风险、技术成熟度和处理成本,比较了好氧生化处理机(房)、厌氧消化罐、动物养殖、简易厌氧发酵装置、酵素生产、热干化、热解气化和炭化等代表性技术的优缺点,分析评价了目前这些易腐垃圾就近就地处理应用存在的障碍因素和技术法规需求。 展开更多
关键词 易腐垃圾 垃圾分类 城乡生活垃圾 就近处理 就地处理 生物处理技术 热化学处理技术
作者 庞星龙 杜娟 洪宇翔 《广东化工》 CAS 2013年第24期67-69,共3页
关键词 太阳能 热化学储能技术 反应器研究 催化剂堆积
国外可再生能源文献信息 被引量:1
作者 周良虹 黄亚晶 《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2004年第4期74-74,共1页
关键词 中国 国内可再生能源文献 太阳能吸收式制冷循环 地热泵循环工质 生物质热化学液化技术
餐厨垃圾资源化处理研究与展望 被引量:3
作者 刘劲驰 张苏皖 +1 位作者 龚习炜 李根灿 《资源节约与环保》 2020年第6期141-141,143,共2页
随着人们生活方式的改变和城市化的快速发展,产生的餐厨垃圾越来越多。餐厨垃圾中含有丰富的有机物质,传统餐厨垃圾处理技术存在污染环境、处理效率低、经济效益低等缺陷。因此,探寻更清洁绿色、高效循环的餐厨垃圾处理方法成为社会关... 随着人们生活方式的改变和城市化的快速发展,产生的餐厨垃圾越来越多。餐厨垃圾中含有丰富的有机物质,传统餐厨垃圾处理技术存在污染环境、处理效率低、经济效益低等缺陷。因此,探寻更清洁绿色、高效循环的餐厨垃圾处理方法成为社会关注的热点。文章阐述了目前国内外利用生物技术、热化学技术将餐厨垃圾转化为能源方面的现有知识,对我国餐厨垃圾处理提出了一些建议。 展开更多
关键词 餐厨垃圾 生物技术 热化学技术 资源化
作者 吴月先 《吐哈油气》 2004年第1期52-52,共1页
新疆采油研究院研制出的新型简易热采井口装置、辽河石油勘探局机械修造集团公司新研制出的专利产品——真空隔热油管、稠油开采螺杆泵、蒸汽供热技术和次生热化学技术、次生热压裂技术、次生热增能酸化技术、稠油掺稀技术、耐高温压裂... 新疆采油研究院研制出的新型简易热采井口装置、辽河石油勘探局机械修造集团公司新研制出的专利产品——真空隔热油管、稠油开采螺杆泵、蒸汽供热技术和次生热化学技术、次生热压裂技术、次生热增能酸化技术、稠油掺稀技术、耐高温压裂液技术、耐高温酸化技术等,如此产品和技术恰当地匹配在一起,可以寻求出稠油开采新途径。一个油气田要有容纳百川的心胸,就将在科技创新方面大展宏图。 展开更多
关键词 稠油 热采技术 井口装置 次生热化学技术 耐高温酸化技术 稠油掺稀技术
《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2004年第4期72-72,共1页
关键词 生物质 氢能 废物利用 环境保护 生物转化技术 热化学转化技术
Iron Arene Salts as Initiators for Thermal Curing of Epoxides by Photo-catalysis 被引量:1
作者 王涛 李保山 +1 位作者 于萌 万平玉 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第2期250-253,共4页
[Cyclopentadien-Fe-naphthalene]BF4(CFN) and [cyclopentadien-Fe-anisole]BF4(CFA) as thermal cationic initiators for the curing of epoxide E44 and GGE were investigated. CFN brought out the curing of E44 at 89.1℃ and t... [Cyclopentadien-Fe-naphthalene]BF4(CFN) and [cyclopentadien-Fe-anisole]BF4(CFA) as thermal cationic initiators for the curing of epoxide E44 and GGE were investigated. CFN brought out the curing of E44 at 89.1℃ and that of GGE at 148.7℃. However, CFA had much less thermal initiating activity under 300℃. Under UV radiation for short time, the thermal initiating activities of CFN and CFA were enhanced obviously. It was observed that the initiating onset temperature decreased and the evolved heat of the curing increased. Both CFN and CFA can carry out the polymerization of E44 and GGE near 85℃ and 112℃ by UV radiation. 展开更多
关键词 thermal initiators photo-catalyses EPOXIDE
Intergranular Corrosion of UNS S31803 Heat Treated at 800 ℃ Varying Range Times 被引量:1
作者 Najara Barros Dias Bianca Barros dos Santos Pedro Rupf Pereira Vlana 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第8期503-508,共6页
The aim of this work is evaluate the intergranular corrosion on UNS S31803 steel, with heat treatments at 800 ℃, varying treatment times of 30 mins, 360 mins and 1,440 mins. The results confirm the formation of o pha... The aim of this work is evaluate the intergranular corrosion on UNS S31803 steel, with heat treatments at 800 ℃, varying treatment times of 30 mins, 360 mins and 1,440 mins. The results confirm the formation of o phases and secondary austenite (γ2). For the analysis of the influence of o and γ2 phases, metallographic analysis were conducted through optical microscopy, potentiokinetic reactivation electrochemical techniques and potentiodynamic polarization in NaCI 3.5% solution. Microstructural analysis has shown a formation of γ2 and o phase in heat treatment, due to diffusion of chromium and molybdenum from δ phase to y phase, precipitating on δ/γ and δ/δ interfaces. The DL-EPR (Double loop electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation) results have shown an increase of the DOS (degree of sensitization) for long periods of time on heat treatment. The results of potentiodynamic polarization showed a reduction of the corrosion and pitting potentials, followed by an increase of the current density when the UNS S31830 steel is heat treated during long periods of time. 展开更多
关键词 Intergranular corrosion a phase DL-EPR pitting corrosion
The Chemical Principle of Green Coal Power 被引量:1
作者 Li Zhou 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第11期1918-1925,共8页
Coal is still a major source of energy, also a major source of SO_2, NOx and CO_2 emission though. Removal of SO_2 and NOx doubled the cost of power generation, and capture of CO_2 is equivalent to double the market p... Coal is still a major source of energy, also a major source of SO_2, NOx and CO_2 emission though. Removal of SO_2 and NOx doubled the cost of power generation, and capture of CO_2 is equivalent to double the market price of power coal. The GCP (green coal power) is the power generated in coal-combustion with zero emission. The author indicates that it is possible to make coal-fired power plants emission free based on thermodynamic analysis and purposely designed experiments using SFG (simulated flue gases). It is concluded in the study that all SO_2 and NOx in the post-combustion flue gas are reduced to inoffensive substances at temperature lower than 750 ℃ when contacting carbon and elemental sulfur is separated in succeeded cooling of flue gas at temperatures 200-400 ℃, and the ultrafine dusts are trapped in condensed water at temperature blow 100 ℃. Based on chemical engineering expertise the author is sure that the cost for removing acid gases is much lower than any clean coal technologies known to today. Instead of capture, the remained CO_2 is converted to CO in the second time contact with carbon at 900-950 ℃. CO is the raw material of chemical synthesis and, thus, CO_2 is stored in chemical products such as methanol, fertilizer, plastics, etc. The simple and low-cost processing allows GCP utilized in practice easily. 展开更多
关键词 Chemical principle green coal power clean coal technology C0_2 emission carbon reduction.
The Repairing of Concrete Walls in Structure for Water Treatment in Thermo Power Plant
作者 Naser Kabashi Cene Krasniqi Ali Muriqi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第2期147-152,共6页
As a result of longer term exploitation, exposure to severe weather conditions or influence of chemical conditions, concrete walls of concrete structures get damaged internally as well as externally. This study includ... As a result of longer term exploitation, exposure to severe weather conditions or influence of chemical conditions, concrete walls of concrete structures get damaged internally as well as externally. This study includes a preliminary analysis of chemically treated water in existing concrete structures, and another after the application of the method and using materials for the structures in future. One of the priorities was to examine the existing concrete structures by using nondestructive and destructive methods. After that, based on the results of the analysis, adequate new materials are proposed for the repairs, most commonly new technology polymer carbonated materials, in order to achieve durability of structure elements in using technological processes. Behavior of the repairing structures was tested using the in situ methods, and especially pull-of test, to verify the adhesion force between the old concrete structures and new applied layer. After the repairing, the concrete structures will be monitored to record the behavior under the chemical treated water. 展开更多
关键词 Concrete structures POLYMERS pull-of test behavior under the treated water.
Synthesis, Thermal Stability and Photochemical Properties of DNA Containing Fluorescent Biaryl-Type Nucleoside Surrogates
作者 Mari Iwata Aya Ogata +1 位作者 Yasutomo Ito Yoshihito Ueno 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第10期962-971,共10页
A major goal of research in biotechnology and nanotechnology is to develop assemblies of novel biomaterials that can be used in analytical, industrial, and therapeutic applications. The synthesis of DNA (oligodeoxyri... A major goal of research in biotechnology and nanotechnology is to develop assemblies of novel biomaterials that can be used in analytical, industrial, and therapeutic applications. The synthesis of DNA (oligodeoxyribonucleotide) has been described containing the biaryl-type nucleoside surrogates, 6-deamino-2'-deoxy-6-(l-naphthyl) adenosine (AN) and 6-deamino-2'-deoxy-6-(1-pyrenyl) adenosine (AP). It is found that incorporation of multiple ATM or AP residues in the middle of DNA duplexes does not significantly destabilize the duplexes and that the fluorescence intensities of the oligonucleotides containing AN or Ap significantly increases in the duplexes formed. 展开更多
关键词 DNA OLIGONUCLEOTIDE biaryl-base fluorescent probe thermal stability
Mass Spectrometric Investigation of the Chemical Composition of Caramel Formed upon Heating of Disaccharides
作者 Agnieszka Golon Nikolai Kuhnert 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第11期625-641,共17页
Disaccharides are a very important group of carbohydrates, being main components of many daily food products. The heating of these biomolecule causes the formation of caramel, an extremely complex material. The domina... Disaccharides are a very important group of carbohydrates, being main components of many daily food products. The heating of these biomolecule causes the formation of caramel, an extremely complex material. The dominant fraction of non-volatile compounds, responsible for both color and flavor of food products, has been studied on a few occasions. Herein, the composition of caramels obtained by heating of sucrose, lactose and maltose were studied using combined mass spectrometry techniques. High resolution electrospray mass spectrometry was applied followed by targeted multi-stage LC-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) and MALDI-MS. Novel graphical interpretation strategies such as van Krevelen and Kendrick mass analysis have been applied to study the composition of caramels. Products of caramel include oligomerization, depolymerization, hydration and dehydration products. Oligomers with up to eight carbohydrate units and dehydrated oligomers losing up to eight water molecules have been identified. 展开更多
关键词 BROWNING caramelization carbohydrates DISACCHARIDES SUCROSE complex mixtures mass spectrometry.
Energetic and Exergetic Analysis of Organic Rankine Cycle Powered by Hot Geothermal Water
作者 Fathi Latrash Mohammed A. Al-Weshahi +1 位作者 Basim M.A Makhdoum Brian Agnew 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第7期1217-1231,共15页
The paper presents an investigation of energy and exergy analysis of an existing ORC (organic rankine cycle) unit powered by hot geothermal water. The validated model of this unit was used to examine 25 refrigerants... The paper presents an investigation of energy and exergy analysis of an existing ORC (organic rankine cycle) unit powered by hot geothermal water. The validated model of this unit was used to examine 25 refrigerants belonging to different chemical compositions. The study revealed that R141b and R123 produced the best net power, energy efficiency, and exergy efficiency, whereas R125 was the lowest. Hydrofluorocarbons (except R143a), hydrocarbons, and inorganic reflected attractive energy and exergy efficiencies. All investigated mixtures gained low performance compared with other studied candidates. The R245ca was the best among the hydrofluorocarbons studied refrigerants, and R501 was the best among the mixture refrigerants. Furthermore, within the ORC system, the evaporator was found to have the highest exergy destruction and the refrigerant pump was the lowest. 展开更多
关键词 Organic Rankine cycle EXERGY ENERGY refrigerants.
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