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战区亚热带地域重大传染病防治管理中存在的问题及对策 被引量:2
作者 赵升阳 边中启 +3 位作者 王双印 范泉水 刘斌 孙林辉 《西南国防医药》 CAS 2011年第12期1394-1395,共2页
关键词 传染病 防治 热带地域 问题 对策
亚热带地域现代主义的探索和实践--华南建筑学人综述 被引量:6
作者 彭长歆 肖毅强 《世界建筑》 2018年第5期10-13,共4页
关键词 中国建筑教育 华南理工大学建筑学科 热带地域现代主义
作者 苏伟业 《花卉》 2022年第22期25-27,共3页
伴随改革开放和经济发展的春风,植物花境这个“舶来品”在广阔的神舟大地上应运而生。作为改革开放的前沿城市广州,植物花境经过近五年的蓬勃发展,已在公园、主干道等公共绿地上稳固扎根并迅速发展。但在植物的应用、配置手法和特色亮... 伴随改革开放和经济发展的春风,植物花境这个“舶来品”在广阔的神舟大地上应运而生。作为改革开放的前沿城市广州,植物花境经过近五年的蓬勃发展,已在公园、主干道等公共绿地上稳固扎根并迅速发展。但在植物的应用、配置手法和特色亮点上与北京、上海和成都等城市相比有所逊色,至今尚未形成地域特色。本文通过对广州市黄埔区植物花境中南亚热带、热带植物进行应用调查,对各品种的适应性、观赏性、耐久性进行分析。探索南亚热带、热带植物资源的应用价值和配置手法,从而启迪对南亚热带地域特色花境的探索。 展开更多
关键词 南亚热带 热带植物 南亚热带地域特色花境
作者 赵明苑 洪世军 +1 位作者 符书贤 吴立威 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第15期6779-6783,共5页
依据规划设计理念、热带兰花生态习性及游览视线,结合乡土植物等,通过营造热带兰花树生、岩生、地生及室内园林景观,构建具有浓郁地方特色的热带兰花观赏园;因地制宜地塑山叠水、堆积岗阜,营建具有古典韵味的"山水园林"。土... 依据规划设计理念、热带兰花生态习性及游览视线,结合乡土植物等,通过营造热带兰花树生、岩生、地生及室内园林景观,构建具有浓郁地方特色的热带兰花观赏园;因地制宜地塑山叠水、堆积岗阜,营建具有古典韵味的"山水园林"。土方内部平衡与造园材料的乡土化,有效地降低了工程建设成本。 展开更多
关键词 热带兰花景观 热带地域风格 园林景观 乡土树种
Land cover change and carbon stores in a tropical montane cloud forest in the Sierra Madre Oriental,Mexico 被引量:4
作者 Edgar G.LEIJA-LOREDO Numa P.PAVóN +2 位作者 Arturo SáNCHEZ-GONZáLEZ Rodrigo RODRIGUEZ-LAGUNA GregorioáNGELES-PéREZ 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期2136-2147,共12页
Tropical montane cloud forest is one of the ecosystems with the highest biomass worldwide, representing an important carbon store. Globally its deforestation index is –1.1%, but in Mexico it is higher than –3%. Carb... Tropical montane cloud forest is one of the ecosystems with the highest biomass worldwide, representing an important carbon store. Globally its deforestation index is –1.1%, but in Mexico it is higher than –3%. Carbon estimates are scarce globally, particularly in Mexico. The objective of this study was to simulate future land-cover scenarios for the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico, by analyzing past forest cover changes. Another objective was to estimate stored carbon in the two study areas. These objectives involve the generation of information that could be useful inputs to anti-deforestation public policy such as the REDD+ strategy. Remote sensing was used to measure land cover change and estimate carbon stocks. Satellite images from 2015, 2000 and 1986 were used, and Dinamica EGO freeware generatedmodels of future projections. Between 1986 and 2015, 5171 ha of forest were converted to pasture. The annual deforestation rates were –1.5% for Tlanchinol and –1.3% for the San Bartolo Tutotepec sites. Distance to roads and marginalization were highly correlated with deforestation. By 2030, an estimated 3608 ha of forest in these sites will have been converted to pasture. Stored carbon was estimated at 16.35 Mg C ha-1 for the Tlanchinol site and 12.7 Mg C ha-1 for the San Bartolo site. In the Sierra Madre Oriental deforestation due to land cover change(–1.4%) is higher than levels reported worldwide. Besides having high values of stored carbon(14.5 Mg C ha-1), these forests have high biodiversity. The models' outputs show that the deforestation process will continue if action is not taken to avoid the expansion of livestock pasturing. This can be done by paying incentives for forest conservation to the owners of the land. The results suggest that REDD+ is currently the most viable strategy for reducing deforestation rates in tropical montane cloud forests in Sierra Madre Oriental. 展开更多
关键词 Cloud forest Carbon stores C mitigation Climate change Dinamica EGO Forest management Remote sensing.
Change Numbers of Microorganisms under Vegetable Cultures of Irrigated Soils of Subtropical Zone of Azerbaijan
作者 N. H. Orujova 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第3X期394-400,共7页
Number of microorganisms of soils of subtropic zones in a vegetable-fodder and vegetable-bean crop rotations compared with permanent cultivation of these cultures has been studied. The results of the analyses have sho... Number of microorganisms of soils of subtropic zones in a vegetable-fodder and vegetable-bean crop rotations compared with permanent cultivation of these cultures has been studied. The results of the analyses have shown that character of change of number of the basic physiological groups of microorganisms (a bacteria, sporeforming bacteria, actinomysetes and microscopic fungies) depends not only on soil-ecological conditions but also on the kind and biological features of cultivated cultures. In soils of subtropical zones the greatest number of organisms using organic nitrogen in food was observed on alluvial meadow-forestry soils and yellowish-gley soils. Gray-brown soils are rich in actinomycetes in comparison with alluvial meadow-forestry soils, but meadow-serozem is rich in spore-forming bacteria forms. A number of microscopic fungi of the studied soils were the least. High intensity of processes of mineralization was marked in meadow-serozem soils, the least in alluvial meadow-forestry and yellowish-gley soils. Under permanent cultures the quantity of microorganisms was less, and factor of mineralization is higher above, than in crop rotation. 展开更多
关键词 Rotation vegetable cultures permanent cultivation irrigated soils numbers of microorganisms the coefficient ofmineralization.
对建立淋溶土纲的几点认识 被引量:3
作者 徐盛荣 吴克宁 刘友兆 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第6期241-244,共4页
为使我国土壤分类系统与国际接轨,本文对我国首次方案提出的硅铝土、一铁硅铝土与美国上壤系统中分类的淋溶土、始成土等土纲进行分析和对比。建议我国在温带到热带这一地域土纲的划分采用初育土(新成土)-雏形土(始成土)-淋溶土... 为使我国土壤分类系统与国际接轨,本文对我国首次方案提出的硅铝土、一铁硅铝土与美国上壤系统中分类的淋溶土、始成土等土纲进行分析和对比。建议我国在温带到热带这一地域土纲的划分采用初育土(新成土)-雏形土(始成土)-淋溶土-老成土-铁铝土(氧化土)的系列。据此,本文试拟了中国淋溶土纲系统分类。 展开更多
关键词 淋溶土纲 土壤系统分类 温带 热带地域
环境对广西当代油画创作的影响 被引量:3
作者 陆丽娟 韩文利 《文艺争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10X期146-148,共3页
近年来,自然资源在广西当代油画创作中由辅助作用发展到了主导地位,艺术家逐渐认识到亚热带自然资源在广西当代油画创作中的优势,并创作出许多杰出的作品。为了能够凸显自然资源在广西油画发展的潜在优势,本文从分析广西油画在自然方面... 近年来,自然资源在广西当代油画创作中由辅助作用发展到了主导地位,艺术家逐渐认识到亚热带自然资源在广西当代油画创作中的优势,并创作出许多杰出的作品。为了能够凸显自然资源在广西油画发展的潜在优势,本文从分析广西油画在自然方面可开发利用的资源,阐述当下油画家对亚热带自然资源利用现状,以及剖析其在广西当代油画中崛起的重要因素,并进一步探讨自然资源向广西当代油画创作转化过程中的方法。 展开更多
关键词 热带地域 广西油画 自然资源 创作方式
烟青虫的分类地位和起源地辨析 被引量:4
作者 宋南 李为争 +3 位作者 董钧锋 丁识伯 汤清波 马继盛 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期735-743,共9页
烟青虫Helicoverpa assulta(Guenée,1852)现今分布于东亚、东南亚、大洋洲和非洲等地,但其起源地尚不清楚。本文在梳理烟青虫分类地位和系统发生资料的基础上,根据其食性、习性、地理分布及其与重要寄主植物烟草分布格局关系等资料... 烟青虫Helicoverpa assulta(Guenée,1852)现今分布于东亚、东南亚、大洋洲和非洲等地,但其起源地尚不清楚。本文在梳理烟青虫分类地位和系统发生资料的基础上,根据其食性、习性、地理分布及其与重要寄主植物烟草分布格局关系等资料,推断其起源地很可能是热带雨林地域。同时从烟青虫种群特性以及人类活动、大陆漂移理论等因素的作用对该推断进行解析。 展开更多
关键词 烟青虫 系统发生 起源地 热带雨林地域
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