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青藏高原与同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压变化特征的比较 被引量:5
作者 周顺武 郑丹 +3 位作者 秦亚兰 郭栋 王传辉 胡开喜 《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期660-671,共12页
基于1979—2014年ERA-Interim逐日再分析温度资料,依据温度递减率插值法计算出青藏高原及同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压数据,比较了高原和同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压季节变化和长期变化趋势,讨论了热带对流层顶气压与高空温度的... 基于1979—2014年ERA-Interim逐日再分析温度资料,依据温度递减率插值法计算出青藏高原及同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压数据,比较了高原和同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压季节变化和长期变化趋势,讨论了热带对流层顶气压与高空温度的关系。结果表明:1)在季节变化上,除12月和1月外,青藏高原热带对流层顶气压全年低于同纬度其他地区;青藏高原热带对流层顶气压、对流层中上层以及平流层下部平均温度均表现出比同纬度其他地区更明显的单峰型特征。2)热带对流层顶气压与高空温度变化关系密切,对流层中上层(平流层下部)平均温度升高(降低),有利于热带对流层顶气压降低;相对于同纬度其他地区,青藏高原对流层顶气压与对流层中上层平均温度的关系更密切。3)1979—2014年青藏高原和同纬度其他地区各季节的热带对流层顶气压均呈现出不同程度的下降趋势,冬春季下降趋势更加显著;青藏高原各季节对流层中上层增温和平流层下部降温的幅度均超过同纬度其他地区,导致其热带对流层顶气压的下降趋势比同纬度其他地区更加明显。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 热带对流层 气压 季节变化 趋势
热带对流层顶层结构的变化特征和趋势 被引量:6
作者 辛玉姣 田文寿 《气候与环境研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期378-388,共11页
利用1989-2008年欧洲中期天气预报中心高时空分辨率的再分析资料以及1980~2019年的大气化学-气候模式模拟资料分析了热带对流层顶层(Tropical Tropopause Layer,TTL)结构的变化特征,并且预测了其未来变化趋势。结果表明,TTL结构存在... 利用1989-2008年欧洲中期天气预报中心高时空分辨率的再分析资料以及1980~2019年的大气化学-气候模式模拟资料分析了热带对流层顶层(Tropical Tropopause Layer,TTL)结构的变化特征,并且预测了其未来变化趋势。结果表明,TTL结构存在明显的季节和空间变化。其厚度在北半球的春、秋两季比较薄,其季节变率在北半球的冬季最大;再分析资料表明1991年皮纳图博(Pinatubo)火山爆发导致对流层顶温度大幅升高,1992~1995年之间对流层顶温度明显下降。不考虑火山爆发的影响,1996年后对流层顶温度有所升高。近年来热带对流层顶层有抬升增暖的趋势,厚度有所减小,平流层水汽含量增多。大气化学气候模式资料预测的TTL的特征从1980~2019年也是同样的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 热带对流层顶层 平流层水汽 大气化学-气候模式
作者 韩元元 田文寿 +3 位作者 张健恺 胡定珠 王飞洋 桑文军 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期444-457,共14页
利用UARS卫星卤素掩星试验(HALOE)的观测资料结合同时期的ERA-Interim再分析资料分析了1994—2005年热带对流层顶温度异常与低平流层水汽异常的关系。结果表明,1994—2005年期间大部分年份都是热带对流层顶温度异常偏高(偏低)对应平流... 利用UARS卫星卤素掩星试验(HALOE)的观测资料结合同时期的ERA-Interim再分析资料分析了1994—2005年热带对流层顶温度异常与低平流层水汽异常的关系。结果表明,1994—2005年期间大部分年份都是热带对流层顶温度异常偏高(偏低)对应平流层水汽异常增加(减小)的温度-水汽的"匹配"现象,但是在1996年则出现了温度-水汽的"不匹配"现象。对比同年中所出现的"不匹配"月份与"匹配"月份,"不匹配"月份的对流活动发生频率低于"匹配"月份,对流活动月平均强度弱于后者,但"不匹配"月份的对流活动瞬时强度较大,在四个时段内发生了强而深厚的深对流活动,地面气旋活动与海温升高则是造成这四个时段发生强深对流活动的主要因素。在较强上升气流的作用下,水汽能够从对流层低层直接传输至低平流层,使平流层水汽增加。另一方面,较强的深对流活动抬升对流层顶,使对流层顶温度降低。因而,短时强烈的深对流活动是造成1996年温度-水汽"不匹配"的关键因素。此外,"不匹配"月份期间BD环流的异常增强使得低平流层的水汽更进一步增加,加剧了温度-水汽的"不匹配"现象。 展开更多
关键词 热带对流层顶温度 低平流层水汽 不匹配 对流 BD环流 QBO ENSO
夏季热带对流层上层超长波的维持机制 被引量:1
作者 林海 《大气科学学报》 1987年第3期296-309,共14页
本文应用波数空间的动能与有效位能方程.采用ECMWF/WMO资料,讨论了1983年6月11日至8月13日64天热带对流层上层200百帕东风带纬向平均气流与超长波的动能和有效位能的维持机制。发现夏季热带东风气流是正压稳定的,波动向平均气流输送动能... 本文应用波数空间的动能与有效位能方程.采用ECMWF/WMO资料,讨论了1983年6月11日至8月13日64天热带对流层上层200百帕东风带纬向平均气流与超长波的动能和有效位能的维持机制。发现夏季热带东风气流是正压稳定的,波动向平均气流输送动能。2波在与其它波动发生非线性作用时是一个动能源。另外侧边界的气压力作功与非线性项的边界辐合作用对热带超长波的动能维持亦有重要贡献。 展开更多
关键词 热带对流层 波动 纬向风 维持机制 东风带 纬向平均动能 有效位能 可用位能 百帕 超长波
对流层增暖热带放大现象:基于FGOALS-g3的模拟研究 被引量:1
作者 刘士嘉 周天军 +2 位作者 江洁 左萌 巫明娜 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期86-100,共15页
热带地区的湿绝热过程会放大地表的增暖幅度,在约200 hPa高度上产生增暖峰值,该现象被称为“热带对流层放大”。热带对流层放大是气候变化的显著特征之一,是检验气候模式性能的重要指标。本文基于RSS4.0卫星数据和ERA5.1再分析资料,系... 热带地区的湿绝热过程会放大地表的增暖幅度,在约200 hPa高度上产生增暖峰值,该现象被称为“热带对流层放大”。热带对流层放大是气候变化的显著特征之一,是检验气候模式性能的重要指标。本文基于RSS4.0卫星数据和ERA5.1再分析资料,系统分析了FGOALS-g3模式对气温变化特别是热带对流层放大的模拟能力,并通过新旧版本模式(FGOALS-g3与FGOALS-g2)的比较指出了新版本模式模拟技巧的提升;通过比较FGOALS-g3历史模拟试验与GAMIL3单独大气模式AMIP试验结果,研究了海气耦合过程对模拟结果的影响。结果表明,FGOALS-g3能够合理再现观测中的全球对流层显著增温趋势,但模拟的增温趋势偏强,这与气候系统内部变率以及两代气候系统模式所使用的历史气候外强迫差异有关。其对于观测中热带平均增温廓线以及热带对流层放大的空间分布均表现出良好的模拟性能,模拟的热带对流层放大现象的量值大小存在正偏差,与模拟的对流层低层温度变化偏强有关。FGOALS-g3较FGOALS-g2在性能上有一定提升,主要表现为增加了对于火山气溶胶强迫的响应,并在热带对流层放大的空间分布及平均气温趋势廓线的刻画方面更加合理。由于缺少海气耦合过程,GAMIL3 AMIP试验无法有效体现外强迫变化对于对流层增温趋势的作用,故在长期趋势的模拟上存在结构性偏差,但由于受观测海温驱动其在年际变率方面表现合理。 展开更多
关键词 对流层增暖 长期趋势 热带对流层放大 FGOALS-g模式
青藏高原两类对流层顶频率的季节分布特征及其与同纬度地区的差异 被引量:1
作者 秦亚兰 周顺武 +2 位作者 张人禾 杨双艳 闫梓宇 《气候与环境研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期508-518,共11页
基于1979~2014年ERA-Interim逐日再分析温度资料,依据温度递减率插值法,计算出北半球两类对流层顶(热带对流层顶和极地对流层顶)频率数据。对比分析了青藏高原与同纬度地区两类对流层顶频率在季节变化上的差异,并讨论了青藏高原两类对... 基于1979~2014年ERA-Interim逐日再分析温度资料,依据温度递减率插值法,计算出北半球两类对流层顶(热带对流层顶和极地对流层顶)频率数据。对比分析了青藏高原与同纬度地区两类对流层顶频率在季节变化上的差异,并讨论了青藏高原两类对流层顶频率分布与高空温度的关系。结果表明:1)依据温度递减率插值法计算出的再分析两类对流层顶频率可以反映青藏高原两类对流层顶频率季节变化特征:热带对流层顶全年频率高,冷、暖季节差异不明显;极地对流层顶盛夏频率极低,冷、暖季节差异明显。与极地对流层顶频率相比,青藏高原热带对流层顶频率的可信度更高。2)青藏高原和同纬度地区热带(极地)对流层顶频率在暖季增加(减少),在冷季减少(增加)。相比同纬度地区,青藏高原热带(极地)对流层顶频率在冬季偏少(多),其他季节偏多(少)。青藏高原两类对流层顶频率等值线的梯度更大,表明青藏高原对流层顶更易断裂。3)青藏高原两类对流层顶频率与高空温度关系密切。青藏高原对流层中上层(平流层下部)温度升高(降低),有利于青藏高原热带对流层顶频率增加,极地对流层顶频率减少,反之亦然。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 热带对流层 极地对流层 频率 季节变化 高空温度
2005~2008年海口地区对流层顶要素的统计特征 被引量:2
作者 戴丽琼 黄祖辉 吴立新 《广东气象》 2010年第2期27-28,共2页
利用2005~2008年海口高空气象探测站逐日07:00和19:00定时观测探空资料,分析海口地区对流层的要素统计特征。结果表明,海口上空是没有第1对流层顶的亚热带地区,而第2对流层顶每日都可以观测得到。海口地区对流层顶的要素变化特征属于... 利用2005~2008年海口高空气象探测站逐日07:00和19:00定时观测探空资料,分析海口地区对流层的要素统计特征。结果表明,海口上空是没有第1对流层顶的亚热带地区,而第2对流层顶每日都可以观测得到。海口地区对流层顶的要素变化特征属于副热带大陆型和热带海洋型之间偏向于热带海洋型。第2对流层顶的月平均高度、温度都表现出明显的季节变化特征,其中月平均高度,冬春季高,夏秋季偏低,8月最低,2月最高;月平均温度7月最高,12月最低,与地面气温变化相似。 展开更多
关键词 气候学 热带对流层 平均高度 平均温度 海口地区
台风麦莎与赤道穿透对流云团的初步比较分析 被引量:2
作者 陈丹 吕达仁 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期885-895,共11页
利用TRMM卫星的测雨雷达、微波成像仪、可见光和红外扫描仪资料详细分析比较了麦莎台风和位于南海南部的赤道穿透对流云团(EPCC)的云高以及降水结构特征。首先,对热带地区对流层到平流层的过渡带(TTL)以及进入TTL的穿透对流云团进行了... 利用TRMM卫星的测雨雷达、微波成像仪、可见光和红外扫描仪资料详细分析比较了麦莎台风和位于南海南部的赤道穿透对流云团(EPCC)的云高以及降水结构特征。首先,对热带地区对流层到平流层的过渡带(TTL)以及进入TTL的穿透对流云团进行了阐述和定义。然后,分析对比了赤道穿透对流云团和台风麦莎不同生命史阶段的云高、降水结构特征,分析对比结果表明:(1)在强降水区:麦莎台风和EPCC的云顶上部均出现了冰粒子散射现象,但EPCC的散射强度强,微波亮温值均低于180 K,并且其雷达云高和红外云顶亮温云高相差较大、云顶亮温曲线平缓。(2)EPCC的深对流数量百分比、穿透对流数量百分比、尤其是穿透对流数量占深对流数量比,都比麦莎台风各阶段的高;在麦莎台风和EPCC(10—20 km)云体中大部分云高集中在10—12 km,但EPCC(10—20 km)的云高谱相对具有连续性、相对较宽。(3)麦莎台风以层云降水为主,对总降水量的贡献中也是层云降水贡献大,但是EPCC中却是对流性降水的贡献大,且EPCC对流降水与层云降水的像素数量比值和降水量比值也比麦莎台风的3个时次都高。(4)EPCC的降水廓线深度无论是层云降水还是对流降水都比麦莎台风深,层云廓线深度达11km,对流廓线深度达18 km。另外,从EPCC的穿透对流数量百分比比麦莎台风多,层云、对流降水廓线比麦莎台风深这几方面,一定程度上说明了EPCC的局部垂直对流强度比麦莎台风强。 展开更多
关键词 TRMM 麦莎台风 赤道穿透对流云团 热带对流层到平流层的过渡带(TTL)
Impacts of the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation on the tropospheric circulation and climate in the Northeast Asia-North Pacific region in early summer
作者 Xiang Gao Jinggao Hu +1 位作者 Rongcai Ren Yifan Shen 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2023年第3期14-19,共6页
本文研究了平流层准两年振荡(QBO)对东北亚-北太平洋地区初夏对流层环流和地表气温的影响.在QBO西风位相年,东北亚至北太平洋地区存在一支由QBO引发的平均经向环流异常,该经向环流异常可在东北亚至北太平洋地区激发正涡度,并形成异常气... 本文研究了平流层准两年振荡(QBO)对东北亚-北太平洋地区初夏对流层环流和地表气温的影响.在QBO西风位相年,东北亚至北太平洋地区存在一支由QBO引发的平均经向环流异常,该经向环流异常可在东北亚至北太平洋地区激发正涡度,并形成异常气旋式环流.气旋左侧出现的异常偏北风导致6月东北亚地表气温下降.QBO东风位相年的结果与西风位相年大致相反.这些结果为QBO对热带外地区天气,气候的影响提供了新的证据,并为东北亚初夏地表气温的预测提供了新的线索。 展开更多
关键词 平流层准两年振荡 平均经向环流 初夏时期 地表气温 热带对流层
台风“麦莎”活动期间TTL区域的物质分布特征分析 被引量:2
作者 陈丹 苏涛 《气象科学》 北大核心 2016年第6期760-769,共10页
利用ECMWF逐6 h的ERA-Interim再分析资料,分析了台风"麦莎"的环流场、位势高度场以及涡度场随时间的演变,了解台风的发生发展过程。在此基础上,进一步分析了台风发生发展期间热带对流层顶(TTL,称为热带对流层到经流层的过渡带... 利用ECMWF逐6 h的ERA-Interim再分析资料,分析了台风"麦莎"的环流场、位势高度场以及涡度场随时间的演变,了解台风的发生发展过程。在此基础上,进一步分析了台风发生发展期间热带对流层顶(TTL,称为热带对流层到经流层的过渡带)区域的云覆盖情况和微量物质(臭氧、云冰、水汽)分布特征,并对其产生的原因进行了初步探究。结果表明:(1)台风活动强盛地区的TTL区域臭氧浓度相对较低。(2)台风活动期间TTL区域云冰和水汽的浓度明显升高,浓度的高值中心处于台风中心附近。(3)台风活动会使其上空TTL区域的云覆盖量增加,在TTL区域上存在一个云量的极值区。(4)台风引起的垂直运动造成了对流层和平流层之间的物质交换,进而对TTL区域的微量物质产生重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 台风“麦莎” 热带对流层到平流层的过渡带(TTL) 平流层对流层交换过程 物质分布
《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期I0001-I0008,共8页
关键词 夏季降水异常 热带对流层 太平洋年代际振荡 中国东部夏季降水 亚澳季风环流 集合预报 持续性暴雨过程 海温异常 极端降水 热带气旋生成 预报不一致性 强降水过程 大气科学学报
Tropical Cyclone Tilts Under Vertically Varying Background Flows:Preliminary Results Based upon TCM4 Simulations 被引量:1
作者 ZHENG Qikang LI Qingqing 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1066-1074,共9页
The characteristics of tropical cyclone(TC) tilts under vertically varying background flows were preliminarily examined in this study based on numerical simulations with the Tropical Cyclone Model version 4(TCM4).The ... The characteristics of tropical cyclone(TC) tilts under vertically varying background flows were preliminarily examined in this study based on numerical simulations with the Tropical Cyclone Model version 4(TCM4).The tilt magnitudes presented a linearly decreasing tendency in the simulation with the environmental wind speed vertically varying throughout the troposphere and in the simulation with the vertical wind shear concentrated in the lower troposphere,while the vortex tilt showed a linearly increasing tendency in magnitude in the simulation where the vertical shear was concentrated in the upper troposphere.The change in tilt magnitude was found to be related to the evolution of the penetration depth near the eyewall.When the shear was concentrated in the lower troposphere,the vortex tended to tilt downshear right during the early integration and underwent more precession processes.When the shear was concentrated in the upper troposphere,the vortex rapidly tilted downshear left during the early simulation and vortex precession was less frequently observed.The storms simulated in all experiments were finally in downshear-left tilt equilibrium. 展开更多
关键词 tropical cyclone TILT vertical wind shear penetration depth
作者 龚振淞 何敏 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2007年第2期169-172,共4页
Relationships between large-scale zonal wind anomalies and annual frequency of NW Pacific tropical cyclones and possible mechanisms are investigated with the methods of correlation and composition. It is indicated tha... Relationships between large-scale zonal wind anomalies and annual frequency of NW Pacific tropical cyclones and possible mechanisms are investigated with the methods of correlation and composition. It is indicated that when A U2oo- A U850 〉0 in the eastern tropical Pacific and A U2oo- A U850 〈0 in western tropical Pacific, the Walker cell is stronger in the Pacific tropical region and the annual frequency of NW Pacific tropical cyclone are above normal. In the years with zonal wind anomalies, the circulation of high and low troposphere and the vertical motions in the troposphere have significant characteristics. In the time scale of short-range climate prediction, zonal wind anomalies in high and low troposphere are useful as a preliminary signal of the annual frequency prediction of NW Pacific tropical cyclones. 展开更多
关键词 zonal wind anomalies in high and low troposphere annual frequency of tropical cyclone short-rangeclimatc prediction
New Metrics of the Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation in the East Asian Summer Monsoon and Its Interdecadal Shift
作者 DAI Zhi-Xiu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第6期440-444,共5页
This study designed a simple index for measuring irregular tropospheric biennial oscillation(TBO) activities, which was used to determine that the TBO in the East Asian Summer Monsoon(EASM), the most important summer ... This study designed a simple index for measuring irregular tropospheric biennial oscillation(TBO) activities, which was used to determine that the TBO in the East Asian Summer Monsoon(EASM), the most important summer precipitation system for China, has strengthened rather than weakened since the late 1970s. The lead/lag correlations between the EASM and tropical Indian-Pacific sea surface temperature(SST) suggest a relationship between interbasin SST and EASM coupling processes and that this alternative correlation pattern is likely related to TBO. Significant correlation occurred only in recent decades, which implies a reinforcement of TBO in the EASM. From records of representative points in the Indian-Pacific, the interdecadal intrinsic SST modes of the areas can be obtained with ensemble empirical mode decomposition owing to its good temporal locality. Statistical results show Indian-Pacific SST interdecadal trends that include out-of-phase and in-phase warming before and after the late 1970s, respectively, which may be responsible for the TBO interdecadal augmentation present since the late 1970s. 展开更多
关键词 TBO interdecadal shift EASM Indian-Pacific SST
作者 郑彬 梁建茵 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2005年第1期1-9,共9页
There are obvious biennial phenomena of circulation, meteorological and climatic elements in the troposphere, named as Tropospheric (Quasi-) Biennial Oscillation (TBO). Many phenomena of TBO are discovered, such as va... There are obvious biennial phenomena of circulation, meteorological and climatic elements in the troposphere, named as Tropospheric (Quasi-) Biennial Oscillation (TBO). Many phenomena of TBO are discovered, such as variations of TBO in tropospheric temperature, pressure, winds field, monsoon and subtropical high etc. The mechanism of TBO is explored and the results demonstrate that tropical ocean (the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, mainly) and Stratospheric QBO play important roles in the TBO. In addition, Eurasian snow cover and solar activity of 11yr period can affect TBO very possibly. 展开更多
关键词 tropospheric biennial oscillation (TBO) tropical ocean quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO)
Does a monsoon circulation exist in the upper troposphere over the central and eastern tropical Pacific?
作者 LOU Pan-Xing LI Jian-Ping +2 位作者 FENG Juan ZHAO Sen LI Yan-Jie 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第6期458-464,共7页
Considering the central and eastern tropical Pacific (CETP) has important climate impacts, and its seasonal variability is also thought to be important, the authors used the monsoon investigation method named 'dyna... Considering the central and eastern tropical Pacific (CETP) has important climate impacts, and its seasonal variability is also thought to be important, the authors used the monsoon investigation method named 'dynamical normalized seasonality', which can precisely describe the wind vector direction over time, to analyze the upper-tropospheric circulation over the region. The authors discovered that there is a clear reversal of seasonal changes between winter and summer wind, just like the classic monsoon. Accordingly, the authors propose the new concept of the upper- troposphere monsoon over the CETP. The results extend the classical lower-troposphere monsoon region into the upper troposphere. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamical normalizedseasonality tropical Pacific seasonal variability upper-troposphere monsoon
Distribution and Variation of Carbon Monoxide in the Tropical Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
作者 LI Qian SHI Hua-Feng +2 位作者 SHAO Ai-Mei BIAN Jian-Chun Lü Da-Ren 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第3期218-223,共6页
The authors examine the distribution and varia- tion of carbon monoxide (CO) in the tropics from the sur- face to the lower stratosphere. By analyzing space-borne microwave limb sounder (MLS) measurements, measure... The authors examine the distribution and varia- tion of carbon monoxide (CO) in the tropics from the sur- face to the lower stratosphere. By analyzing space-borne microwave limb sounder (MLS) measurements, measure- ments of pollution in the troposphere (MOPITT) and mod- em-era retrospective analysis for research and applications (MERRA) meteorological products, and atmospheric chemistry and climate model intercomparison project (ACCMIP) surface emission inventories, the influences of atmospheric dynamics and surface emissions are investi- gated. The results show that there are four centers of highly concentrated CO mixing ratio over tropical areas in differ- ent seasons: two in the Northern Hemisphere and another two in the Southern Hemisphere. All of these centers cor- respond to local deep convective systems and mon- soons/anticyclones. The authors suggest that both deep convections and anticyclones affect CO in the tropical tro- posphere and lower stratosphere--the former helping to transport CO from the lower to the middle troposphere (or even higher), and the dynamical uplift and isolation effects of the latter helping to build up highly concentrated CO in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). Similarly, there are two annual surface emission peaks in- duced by biomass burning emissions: one from the North- ern Hemisphere and the other from the Southern Hemi- sphere. Both contribute to the highly concentrated CO mixing ratio and control the seasonal variabilities of CO in the UTLS, combining the effects of deep convections and monsoons. Results also show a relatively steady emission rate from anthropogenic sources, with a small increase mainly coming from Southeast Asia and lndia. These emis- sions can be transported to the UTLS over Tibet by the joint effort of surface horizontal winds, deep convections, and the Asian summer monsoon system. 展开更多
关键词 CARBON monoxidetropicstropospherelower stratospheresurface EMISSIONS
作者 杨胜朋 邹晓蕾 《中国科学:地球科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期1978-1989,共12页
热带对流层低层的大气折射率场比其他地区受水汽的影响更大.在这项研究中,文章首先将2009年气象、电离层和气候星座观测系统(COSMIC)的无线电掩星数据与CloudSat云剖面雷达资料进行了匹配.然后,基于模式模拟,又研究了掩星射线路径在何... 热带对流层低层的大气折射率场比其他地区受水汽的影响更大.在这项研究中,文章首先将2009年气象、电离层和气候星座观测系统(COSMIC)的无线电掩星数据与CloudSat云剖面雷达资料进行了匹配.然后,基于模式模拟,又研究了掩星射线路径在何处以及为什么与其上下的射线路径相交.利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA5再分析作为射线追踪观测算子的输入,在热带对流层低层模拟得到的掩星影响参数沿着某些射线路径恒定.为简洁起见,文章把某射线路径与其上下射线相交这一现象称为一次掩星多路径模拟.在二维掩星平面上,把模式模拟得到的射线轨迹叠加在大气折射率垂直和水平梯度分布场上,可以生动地说明掩星多径模拟事件发生折射率梯度的关系.统计结果表明,造成掩星多路径现象的主要原因是在距近地面点水平距离300km范围内大气水汽折射率有较强的局部垂直梯度.掩星多路径现象大多在5km影响高度下发生,最大发生频率在3.4km影响高度附近(约1.8km几何高度).不管是有云还是晴空条件,多路径现象和水汽折射率局部强垂直梯度都有可能存在,但在层积云环境下最为常见. 展开更多
关键词 全球导航卫星系统掩星观测 掩星多路径 热带对流层低层
Diurnal variations of turbulence parameters over the tropical oceanic upper troposphere during SCSMEX 被引量:3
作者 LIU Xiao XU JiYao YUAN Wei 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期351-359,共9页
Using the method of Thorpe analysis, the TKE (turbulence kinematic energy) dissipation rate (e) and turbulence diffusivity (K) were derived from the RS (radiosounding) measurements in the tropical oceanic uppe... Using the method of Thorpe analysis, the TKE (turbulence kinematic energy) dissipation rate (e) and turbulence diffusivity (K) were derived from the RS (radiosounding) measurements in the tropical oceanic upper troposphere. The measurements were performed four times per day during two intense observation periods (May 5-25, and June 5-25) on the Kexue #1 scientific observation ship of SCSMEX (South China Sea Monsoon EXperiment) in 1998. There are three new features obtained from our analysis. First, the responses of e and K to the onset of monsoon are negligible over the ocean at least for the data used here Second, the temporal variations of e and K are in a similar manner and exhibit strong diurnal variations. The diurnal variations achieve their maxima in the morning (08 LT) and early afternoon (14 LT), and achieve their minima in the evening (20 LT) and early morning hours (02 LT). The diurnal variations of turbulence parameters (e and K) and their responses to the onset of monsoon are entirely different from those derived over land at similar latitudes. Finally, although the correlations between the variations of e and MCSs (mesoscale convective systems), which were derived from TRMM (tropical rainfall measuring mis- sion) satellite, are not very well in only few days, the diurnal variations of e averaged over May and June are strongly correlat- ed with the diurnal variations of MCSs with correlation factors of 0.79 and 0.94, respectively. This indicates that the turbulence and its diurnal variations over the tropic oceanic upper stratosphere region are highly related to the MCSs. 展开更多
关键词 diurnal variation TURBULENCE tropical troposphere mesoscale convection systems
Seasonal variability in tropical and subtropical convective and stratiform precipitation of the East Asian monsoon 被引量:11
作者 HU Liang LI YaoDong +1 位作者 SONG Yang DENG DiFei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第10期1595-1603,共9页
Seasonal variations in tropical and subtropical convective and stratiform precipitation of the East Asian monsoon are analyzed using 10-year (1998-2007) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation radar (... Seasonal variations in tropical and subtropical convective and stratiform precipitation of the East Asian monsoon are analyzed using 10-year (1998-2007) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation radar (PR) rain products (2A25). Datasets from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) 24 general circulation models (GCMs) are evaluated using TRMM PR rain products in terms of their ability to simulate convective and stratiform precipitation and their deficiencies. The results show that Asian monsoon convective and stratiform precipitation increases significantly after onset of the summer monsoon, but the percentage of convective precipitation clearly decreases over tropical areas while it increases in subtropical regions. The GCMs simulate well the seasonal variation in the contribution of Asian monsoon subtropical convective precipitation to the total rainfall; however, the simulated convective precipitation amount is high while the simulated stratiform precipitation amount is low relative to TRMM measurements, especially over the Asian monsoon tropical region. There is simultaneous TRMM-observed convective and stratiform precipitation in space and time, but GCMs cannot simulate this relationship between convective and stratiform precipitation, resulting in the deficiency of stratiform precipitation simulations. 展开更多
关键词 convective precipitation stratiform precipitation Asian monsoon seasonal variability
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