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基于低温空气含湿量的太阳能耦合空气源热泵热水系统性能分析 被引量:2
作者 董旭 田琦 黎珍 《制冷与空调》 2018年第10期72-76,82,共6页
利用TRNEdit与宏编辑器,通过对TRNSYS软件空气源热泵模块蒸发器部件的数学模型优化,新建太阳能耦合空气源热泵模块,综合判断基于低温空气含湿量的太阳能蒸发集热器结霜除霜对于耦合热泵热水系统制热性能的影响。在太原地区典型气象年低... 利用TRNEdit与宏编辑器,通过对TRNSYS软件空气源热泵模块蒸发器部件的数学模型优化,新建太阳能耦合空气源热泵模块,综合判断基于低温空气含湿量的太阳能蒸发集热器结霜除霜对于耦合热泵热水系统制热性能的影响。在太原地区典型气象年低温空气含湿量典型日工况下,相比同型号常规热泵热水系统,耦合热泵热水系统的平均COP_h提高7.7%,耗电量节省6.9%,具有较好的节能效益。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能蒸发集热器 太阳能耦合空气源热泵热水系统 低温空气含湿量 COPh TRNSYS模拟
含气土地基热水气力耦合时变行为分析 被引量:4
作者 黄家晟 王路君 +2 位作者 刘燕晶 王心博 朱斌 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期2507-2517,共11页
含气土广泛存在于我国长三角、珠三角等滨海地区,气体通常在孔隙内以离散封闭气相的形式赋存。封闭气相对温度和压力变化敏感,导致土体压缩性、渗透性等改变。针对封闭气相热膨胀和土骨架蠕变特性对滨海含气软土固结过程的影响,基于精... 含气土广泛存在于我国长三角、珠三角等滨海地区,气体通常在孔隙内以离散封闭气相的形式赋存。封闭气相对温度和压力变化敏感,导致土体压缩性、渗透性等改变。针对封闭气相热膨胀和土骨架蠕变特性对滨海含气软土固结过程的影响,基于精细积分法(precise integration method,简称PIM)对含气地基热水气力耦合时变行为开展研究。在控制方程中引入考虑温度和压力影响的气相体积变化因子反映封闭气相热膨胀特性,采用分数阶Merchant流变模型描述骨架的蠕变过程,基于稳定性好和计算精度高的PIM并结合积分变换获得考虑蠕变效应的含气土多场多相耦合问题的解。对比所得解答与饱和土热水力耦合问题解析解和固结问题有限元结果,验证其有效性。针对不同饱和度、不同黏滞系数的含气地基,探讨了气相膨胀、骨架蠕变效应对地基时变行为的影响。研究发现含气地基的黏滞系数对热固结过程影响显著,地基蠕变效应对位移的影响大于孔压,当黏滞系数大于1×10^(12) MPa·s时孔压与弹性地基相近,而变形过程被大幅延缓;地基中封闭气相膨胀会显著提高孔压峰值和位移幅值,对埋地高温管线等产生不利影响;对于Gibson地基,采用平均剪切模量计算孔压往往导致不可忽略的偏差,预测表面位移时偏差一般小于5%。 展开更多
关键词 含气土 黏弹性 热水气力耦合 时变行为 精细积分法
太阳能-地源热泵耦合式热水系统优化匹配研究 被引量:16
作者 邹晓锐 周晋 +1 位作者 邓星勇 张国强 《太阳能学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期1281-1290,共10页
为解决传统太阳能或地源热泵生活热水系统独立运行时存在的问题,该文将两者进行组合匹配得到复合式系统,结合逐月负荷变化来确定系统各设备选型范围,从中选取正交试验设计所需的各因素水平值;同时以长沙地区某高校学生宿舍的复合式热水... 为解决传统太阳能或地源热泵生活热水系统独立运行时存在的问题,该文将两者进行组合匹配得到复合式系统,结合逐月负荷变化来确定系统各设备选型范围,从中选取正交试验设计所需的各因素水平值;同时以长沙地区某高校学生宿舍的复合式热水系统为研究对象,通过动态模拟软件对不同组合下系统性能进行考察,并对试验结果统计分析,得出复合式热水系统中主要的设备及控制参数的最优匹配方案。本文的结论可为实际工程设计提供设备选型及控制设定的参考,有助于提高热水系统的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能-地源热泵耦合热水系统 动态逐时模拟 正交试验法 优化分析
作者 张毅斌 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期96-101,共6页
近年来,由于我国社会经济转型、人口结构的变化,原先建造的大量建筑已经不满足市场经济的需要,存量旧建筑的改造成为一种行业现象。而改造项目由于新、旧标准不一致,建筑定位、功能、分隔变化,需要衔接原系统等原因,设计难度往往大于新... 近年来,由于我国社会经济转型、人口结构的变化,原先建造的大量建筑已经不满足市场经济的需要,存量旧建筑的改造成为一种行业现象。而改造项目由于新、旧标准不一致,建筑定位、功能、分隔变化,需要衔接原系统等原因,设计难度往往大于新建项目,通过海南三亚某小区3栋高层住宅楼改高端酒店式公寓的改造案例,分析阐述了原建筑集中热水系统存在着诸如系统过于复杂、热损失较大、采用太阳能+空气源热泵作为热源的双能源耦合热水系统无法实现耦合等比较典型的改造设计难点,并针对这些现存问题提供了如减少热源,简化、优化系统等一系列解决方案。旧建筑改造完毕后,至今运营良好。通过案例剖析,探讨了高端酒店式公寓热水系统改造设计思路。 展开更多
关键词 热源 高效节能 太阳能 空气源热泵 闭式系统 双能源耦合热水系统 集中热水系统 高端酒店式公寓
可变形孔隙介质中热、水耦合力学问题的代数多格子分析方法 被引量:2
作者 王希诚 葛增杰 吴宏宇 《应用数学和力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第12期1307-1313,共7页
研究了孔隙介质中包括热和质量传递的全耦合多相流问题的代数多格子分析方法· 数学模型包括质量、线性矩、能量平衡方程和本构方程 ,以位移、毛细压力、汽压和温度为基本变量 ,模型中采用了考虑毛细压力关系的修正有效应力概念 ,... 研究了孔隙介质中包括热和质量传递的全耦合多相流问题的代数多格子分析方法· 数学模型包括质量、线性矩、能量平衡方程和本构方程 ,以位移、毛细压力、汽压和温度为基本变量 ,模型中采用了考虑毛细压力关系的修正有效应力概念 ,并考虑相变、热传导、对流和潜热交换 (汽化_冷凝 ) ,气相是由易混合的干空气和水蒸气组成 。 展开更多
关键词 热水耦合 力学问题 代数多格子分析方法 多相流 可变形孔隙介质
冻土区油气管道周围土壤的热水力三场的数学模型 被引量:1
作者 薛洪江 吕宏庆 《中国储运》 2011年第11期106-107,共2页
针对穿越冻土区埋地管道存在冻害破坏的安全问题,根据冻土区管道周围实际环境的具体情况,分别综述了管道周围土壤温度场、水热耦合场及管道与水热力三场耦合的数学模型,提出在实际工程建立各个数学模型时需考虑的因素,以期为冻土区埋地... 针对穿越冻土区埋地管道存在冻害破坏的安全问题,根据冻土区管道周围实际环境的具体情况,分别综述了管道周围土壤温度场、水热耦合场及管道与水热力三场耦合的数学模型,提出在实际工程建立各个数学模型时需考虑的因素,以期为冻土区埋地油气管道的设计。 展开更多
关键词 冻土 管道 温度场 热水耦合 热水耦合 数学模型
作者 陈清华 苏国用 +2 位作者 陈孝杨 孙美华 吴宇 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2018年第5期4-7,共4页
自主设计一套复垦土壤传热传质性能实验系统,对煤矸石充填复垦土壤进行实验,结果表明:底部加热温度50℃,热源对土壤中的温度场、湿度场、CO_2浓度场影响不大,在加热温度为60℃、70℃时,矸石和土壤中的温度场变化明显,距离热源0.2 m处的... 自主设计一套复垦土壤传热传质性能实验系统,对煤矸石充填复垦土壤进行实验,结果表明:底部加热温度50℃,热源对土壤中的温度场、湿度场、CO_2浓度场影响不大,在加热温度为60℃、70℃时,矸石和土壤中的温度场变化明显,距离热源0.2 m处的测点出现湿度峰值,且在与充填物交界处,土壤含水率受底部水分迁移作用影响显著。本系统能够真实模拟重构土壤和填充层内部气、热、水运移规律,可对其影响因素进行系统研究。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿区复垦 重构土壤 热水耦合运移
Thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling stress intensity factor of brittle rock 被引量:3
作者 李鹏 饶秋华 +1 位作者 李卓 敬静 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第2期499-508,共10页
A new calculation formula of THM coupling stress intensity factor was derived by the boundary collocation method, in which an additional constant stress function was successfully introduced for the cracked specimen wi... A new calculation formula of THM coupling stress intensity factor was derived by the boundary collocation method, in which an additional constant stress function was successfully introduced for the cracked specimen with hydraulic pressure applied on its crack surface. Based on the newly derived formula, THM coupling fracture modes (including tensile, shear and mixed fracture mode) can be predicted by a new fracture criterion of stress intensity factor ratio, where the maximum axial load was measured by self-designed THM coupling fracture test. SEM analyses of THM coupling fractured surface indicate that the higher the temperature and hydraulic pressure are and the lower the confining pressure is, the more easily the intergranular (tension) fracture occurs. The transgranular (shear) fracture occurs in the opposite case while the mixed-mode fracture occurs in the middle case. The tested THM coupling fracture mechanisms are in good agreement with the predicted THM coupling fracture modes, which can verify correction of the newly-derived THM coupling stress intensity factor formula. 展开更多
关键词 stress intensity factor thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling boundary collocation method fracture mechanism brittle rock
Dynamic tensile strength and failure mechanisms of thermally treated sandstone under dry and water-saturated conditions 被引量:8
作者 Pin WANG Tu-bing YIN Bi-wei HU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2217-2238,共22页
To study the tensile strength and failure mechanisms of rock with hydro-thermal coupling damage under different loading rates,a series of static and dynamic splitting tests were conducted on thermally treated sandston... To study the tensile strength and failure mechanisms of rock with hydro-thermal coupling damage under different loading rates,a series of static and dynamic splitting tests were conducted on thermally treated sandstone under dry and water-saturated conditions.Experimental results showed that high temperatures effectively weakened the tensile strength of sandstone specimens,and the P-wave velocity declined with increasing temperature.Overall,thermal damage of rock increased gradually with increasing temperature,but obvious negative damage appeared at the temperature of 100℃.The water-saturated sandstone specimens had lower indirect tensile strength than the dry ones,which indicated that water-rock interaction led to secondary damage in heat-treated rock.Under both dry and water-saturated conditions,the dynamic tensile strength of sandstone increased with the increase of strain rate.The water-saturated rock specimens showed stronger rate dependence than the dry ones,but the loading rate sensitivity of thermally treated rock decreased with increasing treatment temperature.With the help of scanning electron microscopy technology,the thermal fractures of rock,caused by extreme temperature,were analyzed.Hydro-physical mechanisms of sandstone under different loading rate conditions after heat treatment were further discussed. 展开更多
关键词 SANDSTONE dynamic tensile strength hydro-thermal coupling damage loading rate dependence failure mechanism
Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical process in buffer material and self-healing effects with joints 被引量:2
作者 YANG Gao-sheng LIU Yue-miao +2 位作者 GAO Yu-feng LI Jian CAI Guo-qing 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第9期2905-2918,共14页
Within the multi-barrier system for high-level waste disposal,the technological gap formed by combined buffer material block becomes the weak part of buffer layer.In this paper,Gaomiaozi bentonite buffer material with... Within the multi-barrier system for high-level waste disposal,the technological gap formed by combined buffer material block becomes the weak part of buffer layer.In this paper,Gaomiaozi bentonite buffer material with technological gap was studied,the heat transfer induced by liquid water flow and water vapor was embedded into the energy conservation equation.Based on the Barcelona basic model,the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model of unsaturated bentonite was established by analyzing the swelling process of bentonite block and the compression process of joint material.The China-Mock-up test was adopted to compare the numerical calculation results with the test results so as to verify the rationality of the proposed model.On this basis,the effect of joint self-healing on dry density,thermal conductivity and permeability coefficient of buffer material was further analyzed.The results show that,with bentonite hydrating and swelling,the joint material gradually increases in dry density,and exhibits comparatively uniform hydraulic and thermal conductivity properties as compacted bentonite block.As a result,the buffer material gradually shifts to homogenization due to the coordinated deformation. 展开更多
关键词 buffer material thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling JOINTS self-healing effect
Railway subgrade thermal-hydro-mechanical behavior and track irregularity under the sunny-shady slopes effect in seasonal frozen regions 被引量:4
作者 REN Juan-juan ZHANG Kai-yao +4 位作者 ZHENG Jian-long WEI Hui ZHANG Yi-chi DU Wei YE Wen-long 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期3793-3810,共18页
The sunny-shady slopes effect is a phenomenon that impacts the temperature distribution of high-speed railway subgrades,resulting in uneven frost heaving deformation on the subgrade surface,which in turn causes static... The sunny-shady slopes effect is a phenomenon that impacts the temperature distribution of high-speed railway subgrades,resulting in uneven frost heaving deformation on the subgrade surface,which in turn causes static irregularity in the slab track.Based on the hydraulics theory,a thermal-hydro-mechanical(THM)coupled model of frozen soil is established and verified.We explore the process and characteristics of the temperature field and deformation of soil during the freezing process of high-speed railway subgrades and analyze the track irregularity variation law of China Railway Track SystemⅢslab tracks under uneven frost heaving deformation.The results show that,because the left and right slopes of high-speed railway subgrade are exposed to different amounts of solar radiation,which is the key factor causing uneven frost heaving of subgrade.Different strike angles cause changes in temperature of the subgrade’s upper part and the frost heaving amount on the surface,leading to differences in the deformation of the slab track structure:Increased strike angle weakens the rail level irregularity of the down line and marginally increases the rail level irregularity of the up line,and these become consistent in north-south directions.Therefore,when selecting railway lines in seasonal frozen areas,the west-east direction should be avoided to prevent the extremes in sunny-shady slopes effect on subgrades. 展开更多
关键词 frost heaving thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling sunny-shady slopes effect track irregularity
Crack initiation rate of brittle rock under thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling condition 被引量:2
作者 Zhuo LI Qiu-hua RAO +1 位作者 Peng LI Wei YI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期2107-2113,共7页
A calculation formula of thermal-hydro-mechanical(THM)coupling crack initiation rate for brittle rock was derived based on the energy conservation law.The self-designed THM coupling fracture test with conductive adhe... A calculation formula of thermal-hydro-mechanical(THM)coupling crack initiation rate for brittle rock was derived based on the energy conservation law.The self-designed THM coupling fracture test with conductive adhesive electrical measurement method was applied to measuring the THM coupling crack propagation rate of brittle rock continuously.Research results show that both calculation and test results of crack initiation rate increased with increase of the temperature and the hydraulic pressure.They are almost in good agreement,which can prove validity of the calculation formula of THM coupling crack initiation rate. 展开更多
关键词 crack initiation rate thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling test conductive adhesive electrical method fracture mechanism brittle rock
A new measurement method of crack propagation rate for brittle rock under THMC coupling condition 被引量:7
作者 Wei YI Qiu-hua RAO +1 位作者 Zhuo LI Qing-qing SHEN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期1728-1736,共9页
A new electrical method of conductive carbon-film(with waterproof and anticorrosion ability)was proposed to continuously measure crack propagation rate of brittle rock under THMC coupling condition.A self-designed cou... A new electrical method of conductive carbon-film(with waterproof and anticorrosion ability)was proposed to continuously measure crack propagation rate of brittle rock under THMC coupling condition.A self-designed coupling testing system was used to conduct THMC coupling fracture tests of the pre-cracked red sandstone specimens(where the temperature is only changed)by this new electrical method of conductive carbon-film.Calculation results obtained by the energy method coincide well with the test results.And the higher the temperature is,the earlier the crack is initiated and the larger the crack propagation rate and accelerated velocity are,which can prove the validity of the new electrical method.This new electrical method has advantages of continuously measuring crack propagation rate over the conventional electrical,optical and acoustic methods,and can provide important basis for safety assessment and cracking-arrest design of deep rock mass engineering. 展开更多
关键词 crack propagation rate electrical method of conductive carbon-film thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical coupling energy method brittle rock
Study on inhomogeneous cooling behavior of extruded profile with unequal and large thicknesses during quenching using thermo-mechanical coupling model 被引量:6
作者 Zhi-wen LIU Jie YI +3 位作者 Shi-kang LI Wen-jie NIE Luo-xing LI Guan WANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第5期1211-1226,共16页
The interfacial heat transfer coefficient between hot profile surface and cooling water was determined by using inverse heat conduction model combined with end quenching experiment. Then, a Deform-3 D thermo-mechanica... The interfacial heat transfer coefficient between hot profile surface and cooling water was determined by using inverse heat conduction model combined with end quenching experiment. Then, a Deform-3 D thermo-mechanical coupling model for simulating the on-line water quenching of extruded profile with unequal and large thicknesses was developed. The temperature field, residual stress field and distortion of profile during quenching were investigated systematically. The results show that heat transfer coefficient increases as water flow rate increases. The peak heat transfer coefficient with higher water flow rates appears at lower interface temperatures. The temperature distribution across the cross-section of profile during quenching is severe nonuniform and the maximum temperature difference is 300 ℃ at quenching time of 3.49 s. The temperature difference through the thickness of different parts of profile first increases sharply to a maximum value, and then gradually decreases. The temperature gradient increases obviously with the increase of thickness of parts. After quenching, there exist large residual stresses on the inner side of joints of profile and the two ends of part with thickness of 10 mm. The profile presents a twisting-type distortion across the cross-section under non-uniform cooling and the maximum twisting angle during quenching is 2.78°. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum profile unequal and large thicknesses water quenching heat transfer coefficient thermo-mechanical coupling model
Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-migratory model for dual-porosity medium and numerical analysis 被引量:6
作者 张玉军 杨朝帅 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1256-1262,共7页
A coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-migratory model of dual-porosity medium for saturated-unsaturated ubiquitous-joint rockmass was established,in which the stress field and the temperature field were single,but the see... A coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-migratory model of dual-porosity medium for saturated-unsaturated ubiquitous-joint rockmass was established,in which the stress field and the temperature field were single,but the seepage field and the concentration field were double,and the influences of sets,spaces,angles,continuity ratios,stiffnesses of fractures on the constitutive relationship of the medium were considered.Also,the relative two-dimensional program of finite element method was developed.Taking a hypothetical nuclear waste repository as a calculation example,the case in which the rockmass was unsaturated dual-porosity medium and radioactive nuclide leak was simulated numerically,and the temperatures,negative pore pressures,saturations,flow velocities,nuclide concentrations and principal stresses in the rockmass were investigated.The results show that the negative pore pressures and nuclide concentrations in the porosity and fracture present different changes and distributions.Even though the saturation degree in porosity is only about 1/10 that in fracture,the flow velocity of underground water in fracture is about three times that in porosity because the permeability coefficient of fracture is almost four orders higher than that of porosity.The value of nuclide concentration in fracture is close to that in porosity. 展开更多
关键词 ubiquitous-joint rockmass dual-porosity medium thermo-hydro-mechanical-migratory coupling model numericalanalysis
2D FEM analysis for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-migratory processes in near field of hypothetical nuclear waste repository 被引量:3
作者 张玉军 张维庆 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期612-620,共9页
In order to consider the influence of temperature and underground water movement, an elastoplastic model and a 2D FEM stress fields on the migration of radioactive nuclide with code for analysis of coupled thermo-hyd... In order to consider the influence of temperature and underground water movement, an elastoplastic model and a 2D FEM stress fields on the migration of radioactive nuclide with code for analysis of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes in saturated and unsaturated porous media were extended and improved through introducing the percolation and migration equation, so that the code can be used for solving the temperature field, flow field, stress field and nuclide concentration field simultaneously. The states of temperatures, pore pressures and nuclide concentrations in the near field of a hypothetical nuclear waste repository were investigated. The influence of the half life of the radioactive nuclide on the temporal change of nuclide concentration was analyzed considering the thermo-hydro-mechanical-migratory coupling. The results show that, at the boundary of the vitrified waste, the concentration of radioactive nuclide with a half life of 10 a falls after a period of rising, with the maximum value of 0.182 mol/m3 and the minimum value of 0.181 mol/m^3 at the end of computation. For a half life of 1 000 a, the concentration of radioactive nuclide always increases with the increase of the time during the computation period; and the maximum value is 1.686 mol/m^3 at the end of the computation. Therefore, under the condition of THM coupling, the concentration of radioactive nuclide with a shorter half life will decrease more quickly with water flow; but for the radioactive nuclide with a longer half life, its concentration will keep at a higher level for a longer time in the migration process. 展开更多
关键词 radioactive nuclide CONCENTRATION thermo-hydro-mechanical-migratory coupling 2D FEM analysis
Organotemplate-free Hydrothermal Synthesis of SUZ-4 Zeolite: Influence of Synthesis Conditions 被引量:1
作者 周华兰 吴雅静 +1 位作者 张伟 王军 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期120-126,共7页
Various conditions were investigated in detail for the novel organic template-free static hydrothermal synthesis of SUZ-4 zeolite in the presence of seeds. The obtained samples were characterized by XRD (X-ray diffra... Various conditions were investigated in detail for the novel organic template-free static hydrothermal synthesis of SUZ-4 zeolite in the presence of seeds. The obtained samples were characterized by XRD (X-ray diffraction), SEM (scanning electron microscope), TG (thermal gravimetric analysis), ICP (inductively coupling plasma) elemental analysis, nitrogen sorption isotherm and surface area. The results show that pure SUZ-4 zeolites with high crystallinity are obtained in a broad window of synthesis conditions: seed mass concentration 0.2%-2%, SIO2/A1203 molar ratio 21 25, KOH/SiO2 molar ratio 0.33 0.43, H20/SiO2 molar ratio 7.14-38.1, aging time 24 h, crystallization temperature 160℃, and crystallization time 6-10 d. Also, crystallinity and size of the rod-like SUZ-4 zeolite crystals are found to alter with the conditions. 展开更多
关键词 crystal growth microporous materials SUZ-4 zeolite zeolite synthesis organic template-free
A Novel Thermally Coupled Reactive Distillation Column for the Hydrolysis of Methyl Acetate 被引量:3
作者 Zhai Jian Liu Yuliang +1 位作者 Sun Lanyi Wang Rujun 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第2期101-108,共8页
A different pressure thermally coupled reactive distillation column(DPT-RD) for the hydrolysis of methyl acetate(Me Ac) is developed, and its design and optimization procedures are investigated. The sensitivity analys... A different pressure thermally coupled reactive distillation column(DPT-RD) for the hydrolysis of methyl acetate(Me Ac) is developed, and its design and optimization procedures are investigated. The sensitivity analysis is carried out to minimize the energy consumption, which is associated with the total annual cost(TAC). The influence of the proposed DPTRD scheme on energy consumption and economic efficiency are evaluated in comparison with the conventional reactive distillation column(CRD). Both the DPT-RD and CRD are simulated with the Aspen Plus?, and it can be observed that for the DPT-RD the energy consumption and the TAC are reduced, and the thermodynamic efficiency is increased as compared with the CRD process. 展开更多
关键词 different pressure thermally coupled distillation reactive distillation thermodynamic efficiency energy savings total annual cost
Rheological numerical simulation for thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling analysis for rock mass
作者 王芝银 许杰 +2 位作者 李云鹏 郭书太 艾传志 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第2期135-139,共5页
Under the environment of seepage field, stress field and temperature field interaction and influence, the three fields will not only produce coupling effect, but also have deformation with time due to the rheological ... Under the environment of seepage field, stress field and temperature field interaction and influence, the three fields will not only produce coupling effect, but also have deformation with time due to the rheological behavior of rock mass. In the paper, based on the fundamental theories of rock mass coupling theory and rheological mechanics, the rheological model for fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis for rock mass was set up, and the corresponding constitutive relationship, the conservation equation of mass and the conservation equation of energy were given, and the finite element formulas were derived for coupling analysis of rock mass. During establishing governing equations, rock mass was assumed approximately as macro-equivalent continuum medium. The obtained rheological numerical model for fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis can be used for analyzing and predicting the long-term stability of underground caverns and slope engineering under the condition of thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling with rheological deformation. 展开更多
关键词 thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling rheological analysis FEM model rockmass
Development of experimental study on coupled heat and moisture transfer in porous building envelope 被引量:2
作者 陈国杰 刘向伟 +2 位作者 陈友明 郭兴国 邓永强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期669-674,共6页
A new facility was presented which can expediently and cheaply measure the transient moisture content profile in multi-layer porous building envelope.Then,a common multi-layer porous building envelope was provided,whi... A new facility was presented which can expediently and cheaply measure the transient moisture content profile in multi-layer porous building envelope.Then,a common multi-layer porous building envelope was provided,which was constructed by cement mortar-red brick-cement plaster.With this kind of building envelope installed in the south wall,a well-controlled air-conditioning room was set up in Changsha,which is one of typical zones of hot and humid climate in China.And experiments were carried out to investigate the temperature and moisture distribution in multi-layer building envelope in summer,both in sunny day and rainy day.The results show that,the temperature and humidity at the interface between the brick and cement mortar are seriously affected by the changes of outdoor temperature and humidity,and the relative humidity at this interface keeps more than 80% for a long-term,which can easily trigger the growth of mould.The temperature and humidity at the interface between the brick and cement plaster change a little,and they are affected by the changes of indoor temperature and humidity.The temperature and humidity at the interface of the wall whose interior surface is affixed with a foam plastic wallpaper are generally higher than those of the wall without wallpaper.The heat transfer and moisture transfer in the envelope are coupled strongly. 展开更多
关键词 coupled heat and moisture transfer transient moisture content multi-layer porous building envelope
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