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空气–水双热源复合热泵系统性能试验 被引量:3
作者 徐俊芳 赵耀华 +2 位作者 王皆腾 赵会刚 李楠 《建筑技术》 2019年第1期16-19,共4页
利用恒温恒湿环境仓模拟室外环境条件,对空气–水双热源复合热泵系统的单水源制热、单空气源制热和空气–水双热源制热3种运行模式在不同环境温度和湿度、低温水箱水温、水流量等参数条件下的系统性能系数COP进行分析研究,试验结果表明... 利用恒温恒湿环境仓模拟室外环境条件,对空气–水双热源复合热泵系统的单水源制热、单空气源制热和空气–水双热源制热3种运行模式在不同环境温度和湿度、低温水箱水温、水流量等参数条件下的系统性能系数COP进行分析研究,试验结果表明:单水源制热模式系统随低温水箱水温的升高呈上升趋势;单空气源制热时空气温度变化对系统COP影响较大;蒸发器进风温度和进水温度的有效温差是空气–水双热源制热时影响从空气侧和水侧同时获取热量的关键因素。 展开更多
关键词 空气–热源 复合热泵 系统性能 运行模式
作者 范存养 《制冷与空调》 2002年第1期16-20,37,共6页
关键词 节能空调 UWSHP 单元式热源热泵机组 风机盘管 机组 合并运行
作者 陈国民 周荣辉 《机械制造与自动化》 2002年第2期14-16,共3页
本文介绍了一例国家重点新产品———LSBLG半封闭螺杆冷水组用于低温浅层水热源冷暖联供系统。该系统由多种建筑节能新技术、新产品集合而成 ,通过一年半的实际运行证明 ,节能节资和环保效果明显 ,适合城镇小区居民对集中供冷供暖方式... 本文介绍了一例国家重点新产品———LSBLG半封闭螺杆冷水组用于低温浅层水热源冷暖联供系统。该系统由多种建筑节能新技术、新产品集合而成 ,通过一年半的实际运行证明 ,节能节资和环保效果明显 ,适合城镇小区居民对集中供冷供暖方式个性化和经济性的要求 。 展开更多
关键词 半封闭螺杆冷机组 低温浅层热源 源热泵 冷暖联供
利用吸收式热泵回收热电厂循环水余热 被引量:4
作者 石会群 高立江 《电力勘测设计》 2013年第4期31-36,共6页
利用第一类吸收式热泵技术回收供热电厂冷却循环水余热用于城市供热,本文从设计的原始参数、系统方案和机组选型等进行介绍,并介绍了项目达到的节能效益、环保效益,以及方案存在的问题,通过说明利用热泵技术回收电厂余热技术是可行、可... 利用第一类吸收式热泵技术回收供热电厂冷却循环水余热用于城市供热,本文从设计的原始参数、系统方案和机组选型等进行介绍,并介绍了项目达到的节能效益、环保效益,以及方案存在的问题,通过说明利用热泵技术回收电厂余热技术是可行、可靠的,在北方供热电厂值得大力推广。 展开更多
关键词 吸收式热泵 热网 热源水 节能
水源热泵机组变工况特性的试验研究 被引量:2
作者 孔晓鸣 林建泉 +3 位作者 王福宝 许敬德 汪扬帆 刘杰 《制冷技术》 2014年第2期38-40,共3页
关键词 源热泵机组 变工况 热源侧进温度
作者 邵中亚 李景军 《建筑与设备》 2010年第1期66-67,共2页
关键词 地热盘管 锅炉房一次热源 板式换热机组二次热源 室外园林的配合
中深层地埋管热泵供热系统运行特性实测研究 被引量:2
作者 邓杰文 彭晨玮 +5 位作者 朱超 李骥 孔维政 李建峰 强文博 魏庆芃 《暖通空调》 2024年第4期113-119,共7页
通过大量工程实测研究,总结了中深层地埋管热泵供热技术的运行特性。中深层地埋管具有出水温度高、取热功率大、长期运行稳定的特点,为热泵系统提供了高品位的低温热源,以提升其运行性能;同时中深层地埋管自身存在间歇蓄热特性,能很好... 通过大量工程实测研究,总结了中深层地埋管热泵供热技术的运行特性。中深层地埋管具有出水温度高、取热功率大、长期运行稳定的特点,为热泵系统提供了高品位的低温热源,以提升其运行性能;同时中深层地埋管自身存在间歇蓄热特性,能很好地满足建筑供热需求变化与柔性用能;无级变频热泵机组更适合与中深层地埋管匹配运行,节能减排效果显著;热源侧水系统具有小流量、大扬程,且阻力随着流量变化而大幅度变化的特性。研究结果可为提升该技术的供热性能提供关键指导。 展开更多
关键词 中深层地埋管 热泵系统 热源系统 运行特征 阻力特性 实测研究
吸收式热泵制冷量影响因素试验研究 被引量:1
作者 郭江龙 王彦海 +2 位作者 李琼 赵长存 孟凡理 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第12期84-87,共4页
根据对实际运行工况下吸收式热泵制冷量影响因素的分析,提出了制冷量修正曲线的试验方法。将该方法应用于某300MW供热机组,测试计算了热泵边界参数对其制冷量影响的修正系数,首次给出了影响制冷量的定量数据。计算结果表明,以各参数偏... 根据对实际运行工况下吸收式热泵制冷量影响因素的分析,提出了制冷量修正曲线的试验方法。将该方法应用于某300MW供热机组,测试计算了热泵边界参数对其制冷量影响的修正系数,首次给出了影响制冷量的定量数据。计算结果表明,以各参数偏离设计值10%为判断条件,其影响制冷量的次序为:热网进口水温度→热源进口水温度→驱动蒸汽压力→热网水流量→热源水流量→驱动蒸汽过热度。 展开更多
关键词 吸收式热泵 制冷量 热网 热源水 驱动蒸汽
集中型热泵供热系统输配能效实测分析 被引量:8
作者 吴忠隽 魏庆芃 +1 位作者 邓杰文 张辉 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2017年第9期152-156,共5页
介绍了我国寒冷地区某城市13个集中型热泵供热系统输配能效的实测结果,对比了实测项目输配系统的额定性能系数和实测性能系数,分析了这些热泵供热系统中主机、热源水输配系统以及热水输配系统的能耗占比,归纳了导致输配系统能耗高的典... 介绍了我国寒冷地区某城市13个集中型热泵供热系统输配能效的实测结果,对比了实测项目输配系统的额定性能系数和实测性能系数,分析了这些热泵供热系统中主机、热源水输配系统以及热水输配系统的能耗占比,归纳了导致输配系统能耗高的典型问题:大流量小温差、水泵运行效率低、管网阻力偏大,并提出了提升集中型热泵供热系统输配能效的建议。 展开更多
关键词 集中型热泵 供热系统 输配能效 输送系数 热源水系统 系统 运行实测
石家庄循环化工废热利用及思考 被引量:4
作者 方国昌 尹红卫 +1 位作者 张云改 赵庆娟 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2013年第S1期5-9,共5页
石家庄循环化工基地余热热泵供暖项目总供热量为790.5 MW,可供暖2 000万m2。简要介绍了厂区工艺循环水系统改造、一级工艺循环水管网、换热首站、热源水二次管网及用户侧终端热泵站等内容,指出余热利用中应注重余热量的可靠性、输配系... 石家庄循环化工基地余热热泵供暖项目总供热量为790.5 MW,可供暖2 000万m2。简要介绍了厂区工艺循环水系统改造、一级工艺循环水管网、换热首站、热源水二次管网及用户侧终端热泵站等内容,指出余热利用中应注重余热量的可靠性、输配系统节能、发挥余热利用的优势等问题。 展开更多
关键词 供暖 余热利用 热源水二次管网 首站 工业余热
西藏东南缘地热泉华的地球化学特征和成因 被引量:5
作者 陆艺 苏金宝 +2 位作者 谭红兵 许鹏 陈振坤 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1207-1217,1223,共12页
青藏高原水热活动强烈,热泉分布广泛,泉华常伴随水热活动沉积,其中富含大量矿产资源。泉华的矿物组成和微量元素特征可用来示踪地热矿源和循环演化的路径。西藏东南缘地热资源与中部差异较大,八宿和德达泉华的微量元素含量整体低于藏中... 青藏高原水热活动强烈,热泉分布广泛,泉华常伴随水热活动沉积,其中富含大量矿产资源。泉华的矿物组成和微量元素特征可用来示踪地热矿源和循环演化的路径。西藏东南缘地热资源与中部差异较大,八宿和德达泉华的微量元素含量整体低于藏中(前者为上地壳的n×10^-5~n×10倍,后者在n×10^-3~n×10^3倍),其Li、Rb、Cs等元素含量更是低于藏中(前者低于后者数十倍甚至百倍)。出现这种差异的原因主要是地热水水源、冷热水混合比例、径流时间和循环深度的不同及基底的差异;八宿和德达泉华的稀土元素配分曲线为左倾型,藏中为右倾型,系地热水类型不同所致。八宿和德达地区的地表水沿深大断裂下渗受地温梯度和深部部分熔融层的循环加热,温度升高形成地热水,最终出露地表沉积形成泉华。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 泉华 微量元素 热活动 热源
Variation characteristics of aquifer parameters induced by groundwater source heat pump operation under variable flow 被引量:5
作者 王松庆 张旭 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1272-1277,共6页
The variation characteristics of aquifer parameters,induced by groundwater source heat pump(GWSHP) operation under variable flow,were theoretically analyzed through a case study,in which the characteristics of buildin... The variation characteristics of aquifer parameters,induced by groundwater source heat pump(GWSHP) operation under variable flow,were theoretically analyzed through a case study,in which the characteristics of building air conditioning load were considered.The results,compared with the constant flow operation,indicate that the influence on the variations of porosity,hydraulic conductivity and confined water head is decreased by 48%,51% and 71%,respectively,under variable flow operation.The security of variable flow operation is superior to that of constant flow.It is also concluded that the climate region and function of the buildings are primary factors which affect the suitability of variable flow operation in GWSHP. 展开更多
关键词 groundwater source heat pump variation characteristic aquifer parameter variable flow
内蒙古平庄盆地地热系统地热流体流动模型及勘查靶区预测 被引量:2
作者 张呈彬 韩晓平 +1 位作者 朱金海 仲米山 《地质与资源》 CAS 2014年第A01期105-108,共4页
通过对平庄盆地地热地质、热源、水源、封阻、盖层、地温等条件分析,建立了该区地热流体流动模型.研究表明:在地形高差的作用下,大气降水顺着盆地西北部山区的裂隙网络渗透到地下深处,被区域大地热流以及作为附加热源的玄武岩以热传导... 通过对平庄盆地地热地质、热源、水源、封阻、盖层、地温等条件分析,建立了该区地热流体流动模型.研究表明:在地形高差的作用下,大气降水顺着盆地西北部山区的裂隙网络渗透到地下深处,被区域大地热流以及作为附加热源的玄武岩以热传导方式加热.在热水变热密度变小的情况下,沿NNE向和近E-W向两组断裂交汇处的通道上涌,在浅部与第四系砂砾岩裂隙含水层发生冷水混合作用,形成了中低温裂隙水.根据与宁城地热田相同的地热成矿条件,在盆地西部确定了娄子店地热勘查靶区. 展开更多
关键词 平庄盆地 地热系统 热源 地热流体 地热勘查 内蒙古
Water, CO_2 and Energy Exchange at Vegetation-air Interface
作者 肖丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1908-1914,共7页
[Objective] The aim was to analyze water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes and energy balance in wheat ecosystem in Luancheng County of Hebei Province. [Method] Based on data of water and heat flux, and CO2 fluxes, routine ... [Objective] The aim was to analyze water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes and energy balance in wheat ecosystem in Luancheng County of Hebei Province. [Method] Based on data of water and heat flux, and CO2 fluxes, routine meteorological and biomass data in Luancheng in 2008, water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes and energy balance in wheat ecosystem were explored. [Result] The results showed that latent and sensible heat and CO2 fluxes were of obvious daily and seasonal changes; latent and sensible heat fluxes shaped an inverted U in daily change, and CO2 fluxes were of a U-shape; daily flux peak differed significantly. Furthermore, the change of latent heat, sensible heat and CO2 fluxes were closely related to environ- mental factors. Detailedly, the three were sensitive to light intensity and net radiation, and correlation coefficients were 0.92, 0.66, 0.65 and 0.90, 0.69, 0.74, respectively. Besides, the fluxes, sensitive to temperature, proved better in sunny day, especially for latent flux which is more sensitive to water in soils after precipitation. In addition, closure degree of energy balance in wheat fields was 0.91 and non-closure, caused by measurement error and neglection of heat storage, was observed, too. What's more. closure degree differed in months and time periods within a day. [Conclusion] The research concluded water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes, transport mechanisms and concerning factors, providing scientific reference for revealing mechanism of evapo- ration and heat dissipation of canopy, relationship between photosynthesis and water use efficiencyand energy distribution mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 Latent heat flux Sensible heat flux CO2 flux Energy balance Environ-mental factors
Heat transfer analysis and experimental verification of cast heat exchanger 被引量:1
作者 俞洁 董蕾 +1 位作者 张欢 由世俊 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1610-1614,共5页
From the viewpoints of environmental conservation and energy efficiency,seawater-source heat pump system(SWHP) to provide district cooling and heating is applied in coastal areas.Based on the system,a heat transfer mo... From the viewpoints of environmental conservation and energy efficiency,seawater-source heat pump system(SWHP) to provide district cooling and heating is applied in coastal areas.Based on the system,a heat transfer model was established for cast heat exchanger(CHE) adopted by SWHP systems.The CHE consists of pipes immersed in the seawater and used for transferring heat between the seawater and the heat exchanger pipes of SWHP system.An experimental study was carried out to test the validity of the model.A program was developed in VB language and the effects of inlet temperature,flow rate of the secondary refrigerant and length of CHE on the results were investigated.The results of the numerical simulation are in consistence with the experiments in both winter and summer conditions.As a result,application of SWHP systems with CHE in coastal areas in China is feasible due to the favorable geographical conditions and environment. 展开更多
关键词 seawater-source heat pump cast heat exchanger mathematical model experimental verification numerical simulation
Experimental study on viscosity characteristic of sewage in urban untreated sewage source heat pump system 被引量:2
作者 吴学慧 张承虎 +1 位作者 赵明明 孙德兴 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2010年第1期82-84,共3页
To confirm the rheological characteristic of sewage in the research and application of urban sewage source heat pump system, the viscosity of sewage was investigated. The tube-type rheometer was used in this experimen... To confirm the rheological characteristic of sewage in the research and application of urban sewage source heat pump system, the viscosity of sewage was investigated. The tube-type rheometer was used in this experimental study, and the sewage was treated as homogeneous non-Newtonian fluid. In addition, the relational expression between viscosity parameters was developed, and the function of apparent viscosity was obtained. It is concluded that the viscosity characteristic of sewage is influenced largely by complex mixture in sewage, and the sewage has the characteristic of sheared densification fluid. 展开更多
关键词 urban sewage viscosity characteristic experiment
Parallel Operation Characteristics Analysis of Sewage Source Heat Pump Units in Winter 被引量:2
作者 庄兆意 张承虎 +1 位作者 王海燕 孙德兴 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2010年第6期461-466,共6页
Sewage source heat pump unit operates under partial load most of the time, and study on the law of coefficient of performance (COP) of the unit varying with load ratio can provide basis for the heat pump units running... Sewage source heat pump unit operates under partial load most of the time, and study on the law of coefficient of performance (COP) of the unit varying with load ratio can provide basis for the heat pump units running in high efficiency. A mathematical model determining COP, evaporation temperature and condensation temperature of a single unit was proposed. Under the condition of uniform load distribution, the model was established according to different ways of bearing partial load with the same type multi... 展开更多
关键词 sewage source heat pump unit coefficient of performance (COP) partial load parallel operation
Effects of Elevated Air Temperatures on Soil Thermal and Hydrologic Processes in the Active Layer in an Alpine Meadow Ecosystem of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 被引量:4
作者 BAI Wei WANG Genxu LIU Guangsheng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期243-255,共13页
In this study,effects of elevated air temperatures on thermal and hydrologic process of the shallow soil in the active layer were investigated. Open-top chambers(OTCs)were utilized to increase air temperatures 1-2℃ i... In this study,effects of elevated air temperatures on thermal and hydrologic process of the shallow soil in the active layer were investigated. Open-top chambers(OTCs)were utilized to increase air temperatures 1-2℃ in OTC-1 and 3-5℃ in OTC-2 in the alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau.Results show that the annual air temperatures under OTC-1 and OTC-2 were 1.21℃ and 3.62℃ higher than the Control,respectively.The entirely-frozen period of shallow soil in the active layer was shortened and the fully thawed period was prolonged with temperature increase.The maximum penetration depth and duration of the negative isotherm during the entirely-frozen period decreased, and soil freezing was retarded in the local scope of the soil profile when temperature increased.Meanwhile, the positive isotherm during the fully-thawed period increased,and the soil thawing was accelerated.Soil moisture under different manipulations decreased with the temperature increase at the same depth. During the early freezing period and the early fully- thawed period,the maximum soil moisture under the Control manipulation was at 0.2 m deep,whereas under OTC-1 and OTC-2 manipulations,the maximum soil moisture were at 0.4-0.5 m deep. These results indicate that elevated temperatures led to a decrease of the moisture in the surface soil.The coupled relationship between soil temperature and moisture was significantly affected by the temperature increase.During the freezing and thawing processes, the soil temperature and moisture under different manipulations fit the regression model given by the equationθV=a/{1+exp[b(TS+c)]}+d. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal and hydrologic process TEMPERATURE Open-top chambers Alpine meadow Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
煤炭企业节能减排工作的探索与实践 被引量:1
作者 刘敏钦 《价值工程》 2013年第6期115-116,共2页
煤炭是我国的主要能源,煤炭企业在快速发展的同时,面临着资源浪费和环境污染问题,煤炭企业节能减排工作势在必行。实施技术改造和升级,淘汰落实产能和耗能设备,采取改善水源循环新方法,实现矿区水资源的高效利用,逐步消灭地面矸石山,使... 煤炭是我国的主要能源,煤炭企业在快速发展的同时,面临着资源浪费和环境污染问题,煤炭企业节能减排工作势在必行。实施技术改造和升级,淘汰落实产能和耗能设备,采取改善水源循环新方法,实现矿区水资源的高效利用,逐步消灭地面矸石山,使固体废物达到综合利用,是煤炭行业在集约、低碳、高效、循环发展的过程中找到的一套切实可行的新方法。 展开更多
关键词 低碳 矸石回填 变频 热源
Coupled Seepage and Heat Transfer Intake Model
作者 吴君华 由世俊 +1 位作者 张欢 李海山 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2009年第6期446-451,共6页
In the beach well intake system, heat is transferred from soil to fluid when seawater is filtered through the aquifer, providing higher temperature source water to the seawater source heat pump (SWHP) system in winter... In the beach well intake system, heat is transferred from soil to fluid when seawater is filtered through the aquifer, providing higher temperature source water to the seawater source heat pump (SWHP) system in winter. A 3-D coupled seepage and heat transfer model for studying beach well intake system is established by adopting the computer code FLUENT. Numerical results of this model are compared with the experimental results under the same conditions. Based on the experiment-verified coupled model, numerical simulation of the supply water tem-perature is studied over a heating season. Results show that the minimum temperature of supply water is 275.2 K when this intake system continuously provides seawater with flow rate of 35 m3/h to SWHP. Results also indicate that the supply water temperature is higher than seawater, and that the minimum temperature of supply water lags behind seawater, ensuring effective and reliable operation of SWHP. 展开更多
关键词 seawater source heat pump renewable energy seawater intake beach well
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