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谈关于汽轮机热电冷系统节能的研究 被引量:1
作者 赵英英 《中小企业管理与科技》 2008年第11期76-76,共1页
对于吸收式制冷系统节能性的问题,几年来一直是国内学术界争论的热点。直接以锅炉蒸汽为热源的吸收式制冷机或直燃机一次能耗高于压缩式制冷机,这一点大家的观点是一致的。对于热电冷三联供,即以热电厂供热汽轮机抽汽或背压排汽为热... 对于吸收式制冷系统节能性的问题,几年来一直是国内学术界争论的热点。直接以锅炉蒸汽为热源的吸收式制冷机或直燃机一次能耗高于压缩式制冷机,这一点大家的观点是一致的。对于热电冷三联供,即以热电厂供热汽轮机抽汽或背压排汽为热源的吸收式制冷相对于压缩式制冷机的节能性,则在已发表的文章中众说纷纭,多数文章认为热电冷三联供系统是节能的,一些文章认为该系统节能是有条件的,而另一些文章则认为热电冷三联供系统并不节能。本文结合国内一些关于热电冷三联供系统节能性的典型文献,谈一下自己的看法。 展开更多
关键词 汽轮机 热电冷系统 节能
热电(冷)联产系统的优化性能 被引量:5
作者 张晓晖 杨茉 《热能动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期52-56,共5页
依据有限时间热力学原理导出了不可逆热电联产和热电 (冷 )联产系统在系统最大火用输出时的基本优化关系 ,确定了热电 (冷 )联产系统优化参数和优化构形选取范围 ,得到了供热 (制冷 )和发电间的匹配优化特性 ,通过数值算例得出不同参数... 依据有限时间热力学原理导出了不可逆热电联产和热电 (冷 )联产系统在系统最大火用输出时的基本优化关系 ,确定了热电 (冷 )联产系统优化参数和优化构形选取范围 ,得到了供热 (制冷 )和发电间的匹配优化特性 ,通过数值算例得出不同参数对系统性能影响的规律。所得结论可为热电(冷 ) 展开更多
关键词 有限时间热力学 热电()系统 参数优化 构形优化
热电冷三联供系统热电分摊方法研究 被引量:3
作者 孙志高 郭开华 《热电技术》 2000年第3期25-26,共2页
关键词 热电分摊 热量利用率 热电三联供系统 热电
热电冷三联产系统中制冷废热利用的研究 被引量:4
作者 朱家贤 卢玫 《动力工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期567-571,共5页
针对热电冷三联产系统中溴冷机排出的大量废热,提出了2种回收制冷废热的方案,并对其一次能耗综合热利用率和综合效率进行了计算与分析.结果表明:2种方案的能源利用率均得到了有效提高,在供冷/供热蒸汽量比较小时,系统相对简单的方案1优... 针对热电冷三联产系统中溴冷机排出的大量废热,提出了2种回收制冷废热的方案,并对其一次能耗综合热利用率和综合效率进行了计算与分析.结果表明:2种方案的能源利用率均得到了有效提高,在供冷/供热蒸汽量比较小时,系统相对简单的方案1优于方案2;当供冷/供热蒸汽量比增大时,方案1的一次能耗综合热利用率和综合效率变化极小,而采用热泵的方案2的一次能耗综合热利用率和综合效率均先提高后降低,且在供冷/供热蒸汽量比为3.3 k时达到最大值. 展开更多
关键词 热电三联产系统 废热回收 一次能耗 综合热利用率 综合效率
作者 田晓涛 郭平 《压力容器》 北大核心 2007年第3期35-38,57,共5页
参照JB 4723—1995《钢制压力容器——分析设计标准》和《ASME锅炉及压力容器规范Ⅷ第二册.压力容器建造另一规则》,对某热电厂空冷系统的波纹管膨胀节建立了有限元计算模型,并对其进行应力评定,然后以双铰链膨胀节为例加以说明。
关键词 热电厂空系统 波纹管膨胀节 有限元计算 分析设计
作者 侯晓平 《煤矿设计》 北大核心 1997年第4期42-45,共4页
改造矿区现有锅炉房建设综合利用型热电冷三联供电站北京煤炭设计研究院侯晓平目前,矿区的采暖基本上是由分散的小锅炉房供热,这些锅炉主要燃用地产原煤,一般冬季运行,夏季停炉保养。随着矿区正在向高产高效大型集团化企业发展,矿... 改造矿区现有锅炉房建设综合利用型热电冷三联供电站北京煤炭设计研究院侯晓平目前,矿区的采暖基本上是由分散的小锅炉房供热,这些锅炉主要燃用地产原煤,一般冬季运行,夏季停炉保养。随着矿区正在向高产高效大型集团化企业发展,矿区的建设规模不断扩大,行政、生活福... 展开更多
关键词 矿区 锅炉房 热电冷系统 供电站 综合利用型
以生物质能为基础的区域型分布式能源系统应用探索 被引量:1
作者 魏玮 毕超 何旭波 《中国新能源》 2011年第7期57-60,共4页
在分析了分布式能源系统在可再生能源发展中的重要作用的基础上,本文提出了推动以生物质能为基础的区域型分布式能源系统在东部地区,特别是在长三角、珠三角等中小城市和小城镇大规模应用的发展思路,并就这一系统的基本特征框架、系... 在分析了分布式能源系统在可再生能源发展中的重要作用的基础上,本文提出了推动以生物质能为基础的区域型分布式能源系统在东部地区,特别是在长三角、珠三角等中小城市和小城镇大规模应用的发展思路,并就这一系统的基本特征框架、系统的发展模式、并网选择以及系统的建设成本和能源利用效率等问题进行了深入的分析,最后,探讨了推动以生物质为基础的区域型分布式能源系统的大规模应用所需要的相关政策支持和配套措施。 展开更多
关键词 分布式能源供给系统 热电三联供能系统 以生物质为基础的区域型分布式能源系统
作者 高晏飞 姜建军 《林业机械与木工设备》 北大核心 2003年第6期39-39,共1页
1 系统简介 热、电、冷三联产是能源技术发展的重要方向,是一种先进的能源利用系统.近年来随着社会的发展和进步,人们对生活、工作环境也有了更高的要求,不但要求冬季室内能采暖,也要求夏季室内有空调.
关键词 热电三联产系统 能源系统 系统构成 能源综合利用
作者 曹业玲 夏文庆 余莉 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2005年第4期339-343,共5页
With the entropy generation minimization (EGM) method, the thermodynamical performance optimization in a thermoelectric refrigeration system is studied. The optimization is affected by the irreversibility of heat tr... With the entropy generation minimization (EGM) method, the thermodynamical performance optimization in a thermoelectric refrigeration system is studied. The optimization is affected by the irreversibility of heat transfer caused by finite temperature differences, the heat leak between external heat reservoirs and the internal dissipation of working fluids. EGM is taken as an objective function for the optimization. The objective function and design parameters are obtained. Optimal performance curves are presented by thermal and electronic parameters. Effects of these parameters on general and optimal performances are investigated. Results are helpful in determining optimal design conditions in real thermoelectric refrigeration systems. 展开更多
关键词 thermoelectric refrigeration system entropy generation minimization finite-time thermodynamics
Performance analysis of aircraft low-power thermoelectric refrigeration system 被引量:2
作者 张兴娟 王羽白 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期372-374,共3页
An optimal design method for an aircraft low-power thermoelectric refrigeration system(TRS)is proposed using an existing experimental model as the research platform under given aircraft flight conditions.The variati... An optimal design method for an aircraft low-power thermoelectric refrigeration system(TRS)is proposed using an existing experimental model as the research platform under given aircraft flight conditions.The variation curves of the cooling capacities and the refrigeration coefficients of the system running at three flight altitudes are investigated.The performance of the system is evaluated by the minimum-entropy-generation method and the performance penalty is also calculated.The power variation curves of the cooling system are obtained by an electric power experiment.The peak values of these curves are less than the maximal electric power supply of airborne equipment,proving that the use of the low-power TRS for airborne equipment is feasible.The COP,cooling capacity and entropy generation of the system are relative to the flight altitude and the current of the TRS.Through the analyses of these data,the optimal values of the COP are obtained,and the optimization measures are proposed to maximize the use of the advantages of the TRS. 展开更多
关键词 thermoelectric refrigeration entropy generation anal-ysis aircraft cooling system performance penalty
Mathematical model of absorption and hybrid heat pump 被引量:1
作者 Grazia Leonzio 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第10期1492-1504,共13页
Recovering waste heat from industrial processes is bene ficial in order to reduce the primary energy demands and heat pumps can be used to this purpose.Absorption heat pumps are energy-saving and environment-friendly ... Recovering waste heat from industrial processes is bene ficial in order to reduce the primary energy demands and heat pumps can be used to this purpose.Absorption heat pumps are energy-saving and environment-friendly because use working fluids that do not cause ozone depletion and can reduce the global warming emissions.The hybrid heat pump processes combine the conventional vapor-compression and the absorption heat pump cycles.Studies about the simulations and modeling of hybrid heat pumps are few in literature.In this research a mathematical model for single effect absorption and hybrid heat pump is carried out with Chem Cad? 6.0.1.LiBr–H_2O is used as working fluid while electrolytic NRTL and electrolytes latent heat are used as thermodynamic model due to the better results.Binary parameters of activity coef ficients are regressed from experimental vapor pressure data while default constants are used for the solubility expressions.A design of heat pumps is developed and a new modeling of generator is analyzed.The coef ficient of performance of absorption heat pump and hybrid heat pump is equal to 0.7 and 0.83 respectively.For absorption heat pump a sensitivity analysis is carried out to evaluate the effect of temperature and pressure generator,the concentration of Li–Br solution on coef ficient of performance,cooling capacity and working fluid temperature.For hybrid heat pump,the different coef ficients of performance,the primary energy ratio,the generator heat,and the compressor power are analyzed for different values of compressor proportion.Results show that comparing the two systems the hybrid pump allows to save more primary energy,costs and carbon dioxide emissions with respect to absorption heat pump with the increasing of compressor proportion parameter.Future researches should focus on the construction of this heat pumps integrated in chemical processes as a biogas plant or trigeneration systems. 展开更多
关键词 Absorption heat pumps Hybrid heat pumps LiBr–H2O modeling Energy efficiency Process simulation Mathematical model
作者 张巨瑞 《供用电》 2017年第10期72-77,共6页
深圳国际低碳城是以热电冷三联供系统为基础,以可再生能源为辅助,以智能调度为核心的能源供应系统,统筹解决启动区内电、热、冷等能源需求,辅以中水循环再利用、植物吸碳等多种节能减排手段,打造清洁、低碳、节能、智能的能源体系,实现... 深圳国际低碳城是以热电冷三联供系统为基础,以可再生能源为辅助,以智能调度为核心的能源供应系统,统筹解决启动区内电、热、冷等能源需求,辅以中水循环再利用、植物吸碳等多种节能减排手段,打造清洁、低碳、节能、智能的能源体系,实现能源的就地供应和消纳。文章从深圳国际低碳城配电系统的设计思路、网架设计、通信与智能用电等多方面进行研究和论证,阐述了低碳城在以上各方面的设计上具有的优势与可行性。深圳国际低碳城项目不仅把发电、输电和配电有效整合形成分布式能源平台,而且为实现分时电价、智能用电、竞价上网等形式提供可行性。该项目具有扩展性和前瞻性,其建设将为我国分布式能源的发展提供了有益的借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 热电三联供系统 低碳 智能电网 分布式电源
Water, Air Emissions, and Cost Impacts of Air-Cooled Microturbines for Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power Systems: A Case Study in the Atlanta Region
作者 Jean-Ann James Valerie M. Thomas +2 位作者 Arka Pandit Duo Li John C. Crittenden 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第4期470-480,共11页
The increasing pace of urbanization means that cities and global organizations are looking for ways to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions. Combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) systems have the po... The increasing pace of urbanization means that cities and global organizations are looking for ways to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions. Combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) systems have the potential to improve the energy generation efficiency of a city or urban region by providing energy for heating, cooling, and electricity simultaneously. The purpose of this study is to estimate the water consumption for energy generation use, carbon dioxide (CO2) and NOx emissions, and economic impact of implementing CCHP systems for five generic building types within the Atlanta metropolitan region, under various operational scenarios following the building thermal (heating and cooling) demands. Operating the CCHP system to follow the hourly thermal demand reduces CO2 emissions for most building types both with and without net metering. The system can be economically beneficial for all building types depending on the price of natural gas, the implementation of net metering, and the cost structure assumed for the CCHP system. The greatest reduction in water consumption for energy production and NOx emissions occurs when there is net metering and when the system is operated to meet the maximum yearly thermal demand, although this scenario also results in an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and, in some cases, cost. CCHP systems are more economical for medium office, large office, and multifamilv residential buildings. 展开更多
关键词 Combined cooling heating and power (CCHP) Air-cooled microturbines Distributed energy generation Water for energy production Net metering
Building Sector: The Different Ways to Improve Their Energetic Efficiency
作者 Clito Afonso Ricardo Pereira 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第5期243-253,共11页
The building sector has a significant weight in the global energy consumption in almost of the countries. So, there is a high potential for increasing its energy efficiency. With the enforcement of the energetic certi... The building sector has a significant weight in the global energy consumption in almost of the countries. So, there is a high potential for increasing its energy efficiency. With the enforcement of the energetic certification, it was tried to select different solutions that presents less energy consumption and waste, as well as an effective reduction of CO2 emissions. This work fits in this perspective, since the main goal is to evaluate the contribution of passive and active solutions that can be used in buildings for the improvement of its energetic efficiency, as well as to evaluate the contribution of renewable energy sources. Contribution of solar systems for hot water heating and electric energy production has been studied, as well as cogeneration, Combined Heat and Power (CHP). The case studied is a hotel. To improve the building performance, there were proposed several changes, with the goal of evaluating the contribution of the different solutions proposed. It was concluded that they contribute to a reduction of thermal needs of 25.2% and avoided emissions of CO2 is 30.4%. The analysis of the implementation of trigeneration, Combined Heat, Cooling and Power (CHCP) turns it executable. The payback period is less than 8 years. 展开更多
关键词 CHP CHCP energy analysis avoided CO2 emissions economic analysis.
Integrated Renewable Energy Solutions for Aquaculture Processing Enerfish
作者 Hidde Ronde Aulis Ranne +2 位作者 Eric Peirano Ian Byrne Huy Le Duc 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第2期259-265,共7页
The European Union Framework Programme 71 Enerfish project aims to demonstrate a new poly-generation application with renewable energy sources for the fishery industry in Vietnam. The fish processing plant under consi... The European Union Framework Programme 71 Enerfish project aims to demonstrate a new poly-generation application with renewable energy sources for the fishery industry in Vietnam. The fish processing plant under consideration can be made by energy self-sufficient when all fish waste oil is processed into biodiesel and further converted to electricity and heat (for cooling) in a CHP (combined heat and power) unit. The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the profitability of such plants in southeast Asia. The economic model shows that electricity production is, due to the low electricity tariff, uneconomical (except during electricity blackout), even if cogeneration heat can be utilized. This prompt a design of the plant whereby the necessary heat for the biodiesel process is taken from the waste heat produced by the compressors of a CO2 cooling system. According to the calculations and assumptions of the present study, the profitability of biodiesel production from fish cleaning wastes in Vietnam depends strongly on the market prices for fish waste and fish oil. Different business case scenarios are described. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIESEL COGENERATION energy efficiency energy from waste environmental economics distributed power generation food technology waste heat.
Compact Thermosyphon Heat Exchanger for Power Electronics Cooling
作者 Bruno Agostini Mathieu Habert 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第5期972-978,共7页
The heat losses density in power electronics products follows an ever increasing trend. Nowadays they reach 200 W/cmz at chip level and 50 W/cm2 at heatsink base level. Water cooling is the most effective cooling meth... The heat losses density in power electronics products follows an ever increasing trend. Nowadays they reach 200 W/cmz at chip level and 50 W/cm2 at heatsink base level. Water cooling is the most effective cooling method but unfortunately water is often undesired due to high voltages or costumer requirements. Two-phase cooling is a promising technology for electronics cooling. It allows using dielectric fluids in passive systems and still benefits from very high heat transfer coefficients. Thermosyphons are a particularly interesting technology in the field of power electronics because it is entirely passive and a simple equipment. ABB has developed a compact thermosyphon heat exchanger based on automotive technology, which uses numerous multi-port extruded tubes with capillary sized channels disposed in parallel and brazed to a heated base plate in order to achieve the desired compactness. The experimental performances of this novel power electronics cooling system are presented with R134a as a working fluid. The influence of several parameters on the performances was studied experimentally: coolant flow rate, coolant temperature, heat load and fluid filling. 展开更多
关键词 THERMOSYPHON heat pipe power electronics.
Data Center as a Key Player of a District Electric Power and Heat Network System: A Comparison in Urban and Suburb Regions
作者 Shunsuke Mori Yuuki Hori +1 位作者 Masashi Ohkura Kazuhisa Kamegai 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第10期548-555,共8页
A DC (data center) demands air-conditioning power as large as the 1/3-1/2 of total electricity consumption. Thus, energy saving of cooling power of DC yields considerable effect on both economic and environmental vi... A DC (data center) demands air-conditioning power as large as the 1/3-1/2 of total electricity consumption. Thus, energy saving of cooling power of DC yields considerable effect on both economic and environmental views. PV (Photovoltaic) and absorption refrigerator with CGS (cogeneration systems) or gas boiler are possible power saving options. The waste warm air from DC would be utilized for greenhouse heating when DC and greenhouse locate near in the suburbs. In this study, the authors develop an energy network model to assess the potential contribution of DC as a major electric power and chilled air consumer as well as the warm air supplier in a district to the energy efficiency improvement. The evaporation heat of LNG (liquefied natural gas) utilization is also considered as well as PV, CGS. This model is applied to the cases of the urban area in Tokyo which involves athletic center, shops and hospital and the suburbs including greenhouse and then compared. 展开更多
关键词 Data center distributed energy systems urban and suburbs.
Analysis of an electricity-cooling cogeneration system for waste heat recovery of gaseous fuel engines 被引量:4
作者 SHU GeQun WANG Xuan +3 位作者 TIAN Hua LIANG YouCai LIU Yu LIU Peng 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期37-46,共10页
Waste heat recovery(WHR)is one of the most useful ways to improve the efficiency of internal combustion engines,and an electricity-cooling cogeneration system(ECCS)based on Rankin-absorption refrigeration combined cyc... Waste heat recovery(WHR)is one of the most useful ways to improve the efficiency of internal combustion engines,and an electricity-cooling cogeneration system(ECCS)based on Rankin-absorption refrigeration combined cycle for the WHR of gaseous fuel engines is proposed in the paper.This system can avoid wasting the heat in condenser so that the efficiency of the whole WHR system improves,but the condensing temperature of Rankin cycle(RC)must increase in order to use absorption refrigeration system,which leads to the decrease of RC output power.Therefore,the relationship between the profit of absorption refrigeration system and the loss of RC in this combined system is the mainly studied content in the paper.Because the energy quality of cooling and electricity are different,cooling power in absorption refrigeration is converted to corresponding electrical power consumed by electric cooling system,which is defined as equivalent electrical power.With this method,the effects of some important operation parameters on the performance of the ECCS are researched,and the equivalent efficiency,exergy efficiency and primary energy rate are compared in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 gaseous fuel engines waste heat recovery electricity-cooling cogeneration Rankin cycle absorption refrigeration
Performance Research of a Micro-CCHP System with Adsorption Chiller 被引量:1
作者 孔祥强 王如竹 +1 位作者 李瑛 吴静怡 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2010年第6期671-675,共5页
This paper describes a new micro-combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system, which is especially suitable for domestic and light commercial applications. It mainly consists of a natural gas-fired internal com... This paper describes a new micro-combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system, which is especially suitable for domestic and light commercial applications. It mainly consists of a natural gas-fired internal combustion engine, a silica gel-water adsorption chiller and other heat recovery units. In order to study the energy efficiency and economic feasibility, an experimental investigation has been carried out. The experimental system has a rated electricity power of 12 kW, a rated cooling capacity of 9 kW and a rated heating capacity of 28 kW. Evaluation and analysis of the system are discussed in detail. The testing results show that the energy efficiency of the overall system depends on different modes. The overall thermal and electrical efficiency is over 70%. Higher heat load supplied causes higher efficiency of the system. Economic evaluation shows that the micro-CCHP system enjoys a small capital cost and short payback period, which is easily accepted by customers. At current natural gas price of 1.9 RMB/m^3 (nominal condition) and electric price of 0.754 RMB/(kW.h), the total capital cost is only 90 000 RMB with a payback period of 3.21 years. 展开更多
关键词 micro-CCHP gas engine adsorption chiller PERFORMANCE
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