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典型通信机房设备发热量测试分析 被引量:2
作者 范坤 黄翔 +1 位作者 宋姣姣 侯捷 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2013年第6期773-778,共6页
对西安某通信机房进行设备发热量测试,得到机房内设备发热量参数.引用通信机房空调系统设计时常用的发热量估算方法对该通信机房的设备发热量进行估算,得出的结果与实测值及理论值进行对比,找出二者间的关系.根据对比的结果可以发现,针... 对西安某通信机房进行设备发热量测试,得到机房内设备发热量参数.引用通信机房空调系统设计时常用的发热量估算方法对该通信机房的设备发热量进行估算,得出的结果与实测值及理论值进行对比,找出二者间的关系.根据对比的结果可以发现,针对现有通信机房,可以使用实测的方法对空调系统负荷进行核算. 展开更多
关键词 通信机房 设备发热量 热量测试 机房空调 冷负荷
作者 王卫兵 韩剑辉 《黑龙江自动化技术与应用》 1997年第1期34-36,41,共4页
关键词 单片机 铂电阻 热容量 热量测试
作者 洪国铭 于之硕 《哈尔滨电工学院学报》 CSCD 1994年第1期60-65,共6页
关键词 热量测试 热量 微机
作者 刘培红 刘治青 +2 位作者 刘祥华 李绘新 张爱红 《煤》 2002年第1期59-59,68,共2页
关键词 热量测试 工作原理 煤炭 自动量热仪 称量 标准物质
作者 刘朝 《微型计算机》 2013年第13期46-50,共5页
我想很多人都有过这样的经历。艳糯照的夏天,使用手机一段时间之后,感觉拿着实在有些不舒适,甚至于烫手。而且这样的经历应该出现在最近一两年内。没错,随着智能物机硬件配置可以说是超速度的发展,以往属于PC专属的“发热量”也正... 我想很多人都有过这样的经历。艳糯照的夏天,使用手机一段时间之后,感觉拿着实在有些不舒适,甚至于烫手。而且这样的经历应该出现在最近一两年内。没错,随着智能物机硬件配置可以说是超速度的发展,以往属于PC专属的“发热量”也正在影响着智能手机的整体体验。—方面。硬件性能越来越强,另—方面,外观越来越轻薄,留给散热设计的余地非常小,发热量节节攀升也就不足为奇了。当发热量提高到一定程度的时候,必然会影响使用体验,拿着才玩一会儿就烫手,相信这是所有用户都不愿意有的经历。所以,我们是时候来探究一下手机发热量这个问题了。 展开更多
关键词 智能手机 热量测试 热量 硬件配置 硬件性能 散热设计 PC
浅谈鹤岗地区煤的含碳量与发热量的关系 被引量:4
作者 徐惠艳 王丽娟 赵岩 《质量天地》 1999年第4期22-22,共1页
煤的发热量是碳和氢燃烧热的总和减去氧变成水的热量损失后获得的热值,煤的发热量与含碳量之间有密切的关系。我们通过对鹤岗地区煤矿生产的1000多个煤样的检测发现,这里煤的含碳量均在60%以下,并且发热量与含碳量间有较好的线性关系,... 煤的发热量是碳和氢燃烧热的总和减去氧变成水的热量损失后获得的热值,煤的发热量与含碳量之间有密切的关系。我们通过对鹤岗地区煤矿生产的1000多个煤样的检测发现,这里煤的含碳量均在60%以下,并且发热量与含碳量间有较好的线性关系,只要绘制出标准曲线图,即可由含碳量预报出发热量的估计值与发热量的实测值进行对比,及时发现发热量测试中出现的问题。 展开更多
关键词 热量测试 鹤岗地区 含碳量 回归方程 煤矿生产 标准曲线图 黑龙江省 热量损失 置信区间 氢燃烧
有关量热仪测定煤发热量准确性的探讨 被引量:2
作者 李碧波 鄢兵华 《中国质量技术监督》 2009年第5期67-67,共1页
关键词 煤发热量 量热仪 测定 热量测试 市场经济 仪器使用 压力
作者 么正才 《哈尔滨建筑大学学报》 2000年第1期126-130,共5页
介绍了由MCS -51单片机和恒温式热量计所构成的热量自动测试仪的硬件组成和软件系统开发研究过程。着重介绍了为保证测量精度和计算精度而采取的内外筒双铂电阻同时自动测温、4线制连接法和查表方法 。
关键词 铂电阻 热量 热容量 热量测试 恒温式
作者 赵之莉 王卫华 王艳梅 《黑龙江电子技术》 1998年第5期10-12,26,共4页
关键词 煤质分析 热容量 热量测试 煤炭 热量分析仪
作者 牟灵泉 宋为民 +3 位作者 梁定铿 萧曰嵘 董重成 张善道 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2003年第1期26-28,共3页
介绍了近几年新编和修编的供暖散热器标准 ,并对各标准的要点作了重点说明 ,可供同行及厂家参考。
关键词 供暖 散热器 标准 采暖 热量测试
AHRI低GWP替代制冷剂评价计划(第一阶段)成果综述 被引量:2
作者 汪训昌 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2014年第5期55-65,20,共12页
概要介绍了AHRI低GWP替代制冷剂评价计划(Low-GWP AREP)的框架性内容。从空调与热泵、冷(热)水机组、大客车空调、拖车制冷机组、商用制冷、压缩机热量计测试等6个方面详细介绍了AHRI Low-GWP AREP第一阶段的成果。给出了AHRI Low-GWP A... 概要介绍了AHRI低GWP替代制冷剂评价计划(Low-GWP AREP)的框架性内容。从空调与热泵、冷(热)水机组、大客车空调、拖车制冷机组、商用制冷、压缩机热量计测试等6个方面详细介绍了AHRI Low-GWP AREP第一阶段的成果。给出了AHRI Low-GWP AREP第一阶段32篇测试报告和AHRI Low-GWP AREP会议19篇PPT报告的分类汇总表。 展开更多
关键词 基准制冷剂 替代制冷剂 直接充灌测试 软件优化后测试 压缩机热量测试
冰箱管翅式蒸发器应用研究 被引量:2
作者 李伟 李小红 +2 位作者 王一鸣 高志谦 逯兆栋 《家电科技》 2021年第4期114-122,共9页
现阶段风冷冰箱采用的蒸发器主要是以管翅式为主,除了现有的斜排、直排管翅式蒸发器外,近年来还衍生出斜胀、小管径、螺旋管等新型管翅式蒸发器,通过从工艺、成本、性能(单体仿真、单体换热量测试和整机测试)、使用可靠性方面系统的进... 现阶段风冷冰箱采用的蒸发器主要是以管翅式为主,除了现有的斜排、直排管翅式蒸发器外,近年来还衍生出斜胀、小管径、螺旋管等新型管翅式蒸发器,通过从工艺、成本、性能(单体仿真、单体换热量测试和整机测试)、使用可靠性方面系统的进行对比,分析各个类型管翅式蒸发器的特点和优劣,为后续冰箱管翅式蒸发器的应用提供建议。 展开更多
关键词 冰箱 管翅式蒸发器 小管径换热器 工艺 换热器仿真 热量测试
作者 陈画 《国际木业》 2006年第12期39-39,共1页
美国:在美国已成功地用巨形大豆秆生产炭燃料球,美国农业化学制品专家Justin Barone先生称,他现在相信,他们也能用大豆秆制造纤维板、刨花板和其它木材替代产品。此种大豆的秆能长到7ft高而不会倒伏。美国农业研究服务中心的遗传学... 美国:在美国已成功地用巨形大豆秆生产炭燃料球,美国农业化学制品专家Justin Barone先生称,他现在相信,他们也能用大豆秆制造纤维板、刨花板和其它木材替代产品。此种大豆的秆能长到7ft高而不会倒伏。美国农业研究服务中心的遗传学专家Devine猜测,此种类大豆的秆如此笔直,是因为秆茎中所含的纤维异常强壮。热量测试也表明,此茎秆与松木板材的热量相当。 展开更多
关键词 大豆秆 纤维板 刨花板 制造 美国农业 乙醇 种植 热量测试
作者 陈星 马齐林 《中国金属通报》 2020年第1期215-215,217,共2页
铝—空气燃料电池有着安全性高、能量比高、重量轻、环保、放电稳定等优点,被认为是未来很有发展和应用前景的新能源。但铝—空气燃料电池反应过程中产生大量的热量,导致电池的实际发电效率低,制约其大规模商业的应用。文章针对铝—空... 铝—空气燃料电池有着安全性高、能量比高、重量轻、环保、放电稳定等优点,被认为是未来很有发展和应用前景的新能源。但铝—空气燃料电池反应过程中产生大量的热量,导致电池的实际发电效率低,制约其大规模商业的应用。文章针对铝—空燃料电池的反应机理,对铝-空燃料电池的发热原因进行了分析,并对铝—空燃料电池的发热量测试及降低铝—空燃料电池的发热量提出了解决方法。 展开更多
关键词 铝—空气燃料电池 热量测试 发热原因
苏北平原区浅层地温能可开采资源量评价方法 被引量:4
作者 彭逸平 庞炳乾 +1 位作者 李贵 史云杰 《地质学刊》 CAS 2013年第1期110-115,共6页
随着地源热泵技术的推广应用,浅层地温能作为新型可再生资源得到了重视,对浅层地温能的资源评价业已展开。目前,从浅层地温能赋存地区的地质特点出发,分析其资源可开采量的研究尚不多见。重点介绍了浅层地温能可开采资源量的常规评价方... 随着地源热泵技术的推广应用,浅层地温能作为新型可再生资源得到了重视,对浅层地温能的资源评价业已展开。目前,从浅层地温能赋存地区的地质特点出发,分析其资源可开采量的研究尚不多见。重点介绍了浅层地温能可开采资源量的常规评价方法,并针对苏北平原区的地质特点,分析了在苏北平原区的具体地质特征下不同评价方法的适用性,得出了地下水式地源热泵可开采资源量的适宜评价方法为地下水量折算法;地埋管式地源热泵可开采资源量的适宜评价方法为换热量现场测试法;通过对本地区的工程案例分析,验证了上述2种方法在苏北平原区浅层地温能可开采资源量评价中能取得较高的精度。 展开更多
关键词 浅层地温能 资源量评价 地下水量折算法 热量现场测试 热传导法 江苏北部
Effects of retrogression heating rate on microstructures and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 7050 被引量:13
作者 李国锋 张新明 +1 位作者 李鹏辉 游江海 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第6期935-941,共7页
The effects of the retrogression heating rate(340℃/min,57℃/min,4.3℃/min)on the microstructures and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 7050 were investigated by means of hardness measurement,tensile properties ... The effects of the retrogression heating rate(340℃/min,57℃/min,4.3℃/min)on the microstructures and mechanical properties of aluminum alloy 7050 were investigated by means of hardness measurement,tensile properties testing,differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The results show that the retrogression heating rate significantly affects the microstructures and mechanical properties of the alloys treated by retrogression and re-aging(RRA)process, and it is found that the medium rate(57℃/min)leads to the highest mechanical properties.The strengthening phases in the matrix are mainly the fine dispersed η′precipitates and GP zones,and the grain boundary precipitates are coarse and discontinuous η phases. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy 7050 retrogression and re-aging treatment MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties
Chemical Oxygen Demand of Seawater Determined with a Microwave Heating Method 被引量:1
作者 LIULi JIHongwei LIUYing XINHuizhen 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2005年第2期152-156,共5页
This paper investigates a microwave heating method for the determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in seawater. The influences of microwave-power, heating time and standard substances on the results are studied.... This paper investigates a microwave heating method for the determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in seawater. The influences of microwave-power, heating time and standard substances on the results are studied. Using the proposed method, we analyzed the glucose standard solution, the coefficient of variation being less than 2%. Compared with the traditional electric stove heating method, the results of F-test and T-test showed that there was no significant difference between the two methods, but the microwave method had slightly higher precision and reproducibility than the electric stove method. With the microwave heating method, several seawater samples from Jiaozhou Bay and the South Yellow Sea were also analyzed. The recovery was between 97.5% and 104.3%. This new method has the advantages of shortening the heating time, improving the working efficiency and having simple operation and therefore can be used to analyze the COD in seawater. 展开更多
关键词 seawater COD alkalinity potassium permanganate microwave heating method
Preliminary High Heat Flux Tests of Small-Scale Be/Cu Mock-Ups
作者 LIU Xiang ZHANG Fu CHEN Jiming ZHANG Nianman PAN Chuanhong 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2005年第1期115-116,共2页
China, as one of the members of ITER (international thermonuclear experimental reactor) project, one of the most important construction tasks is the fabrication of the first wall panel and shield blankets, which is ... China, as one of the members of ITER (international thermonuclear experimental reactor) project, one of the most important construction tasks is the fabrication of the first wall panel and shield blankets, which is the key engineering technology of ITER construction and might be one of the crucial issues of the future reactor too. Since 2004, an associated research team including Southwestern Institute of Physics ( SWIP ), Ninxia Non-ferrous Metal Co. Itd and Chinese Institute of Engineering Physics, as well as Nuclear Power Institute of China has been established. Up to now, several series of interlayer for hot isostatic press ( HIP ) connection of beryllium and CuCrZr alloy have been tested. They are titanium film or coating, Cu coating and Al or AISiMg alloy etc. The bonding strength (tensile or shear strength ) of HIPed Be/Cu joints is up to 100 MPa. 展开更多
关键词 ITER High heat flux tests Be/Cu mock-ups
Measurement Module for Young for Thermal Insulation Composite Polymeric 被引量:1
作者 Jacques Cousteau da Silva Borges Manoel Leonel de Oliveira Neto George Santos Marinho 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第12期969-974,共6页
To analyze the feasibility of application of composite material as the insulating material, it is necessary to have knowledge of some of its mechanical properties. An insulating material may suffer from the most diffe... To analyze the feasibility of application of composite material as the insulating material, it is necessary to have knowledge of some of its mechanical properties. An insulating material may suffer from the most different efforts, but the major applications suggest mechanical bending and compression tests because the insulation can be applied on roofs of homes, liners similar to, in the form of plates. Thus, the product is continually flexed. When the material is used on a floor, it suffers constant compressions over its use. For tests performed in this study, we used the ASTM D695-96 for compression, an example of literature. Using such a standard test, specimens were produced for compression test, with specimens made of cylindrical shapes, respecting the condition that the height of the specimen corresponds to twice the diameter of the base. Polyurethane castor without charge vermiculite and mass loads of 10%, 15% and 20% matrix: four specimens for each type of material were produced. The composites were tested in a universal testing machine at a speed of 2 mm/s. The results are average values of four test samples, and initially show the behavior of castor oil polyurethane during the compression test, which is detailed in the stress versus strain curve. The achieved results are promising, and detailed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal properties mechanical properties composite polymeric.
Cooling Device Using the Natural Convection, Phase Change of Substance and Capillary Effect
作者 Patrik Neme~ AlexanderCaja Milan Malcho 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第8期1520-1526,共7页
Paper deals about testing of device with gravity assisted heat pipes and about researching of wick heat pipes used to effective heat transfers from power switches of energy converter. At first, to simulate ambient con... Paper deals about testing of device with gravity assisted heat pipes and about researching of wick heat pipes used to effective heat transfers from power switches of energy converter. At first, to simulate ambient condition was designed thermostatic chamber where was monitoring temperature course on main parts of cooling device (energy converter, air cooler and heat pipes) at various position of cooling device. It was found, if the cooling device is in tilt position the cooling performance is better. But if the tilt angel of gravity assisted heat pipe is higher the heat transfer is lower. From reason improve heat transfer cooling device at tilt angle are manufactured heat pipes with the sintered, mesh screen and grooved capillary structures and tested their thermal performance at vertical and tilt angel 45~ position by calorimetric method. Article describes manufacturing process and thermal performance measuring method of wick heat pipes. This experiment testify that the wick heat pipe is able operate at tilt angle position than gravity assisted heat pipe and application of wick heat pipes into cooling device will improve his cooling performance. 展开更多
关键词 Heat pipe heat transfer cooling device natural convection phase change capillary effect.
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