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作者 梁洪达 刘玉枋 《山西矿业学院学报》 1990年第1期28-33,共6页
关键词 焦结 炉体 设计 型煤 焦结
作者 刘玉枋 程德元 《山西煤炭》 1990年第6期45-46,48,共3页
关键词 型煤 焦结 焦结 KZ型
作者 董丰库 《硫酸工业》 CAS 1989年第1期42-43,共2页
我厂是以火法炼锌为主的大型冶炼厂。近年来,蒸馏锌产量达120kt/a;硫酸240kt/a,现有焦结炉8座。蒸馏炉(称竖罐)26座。在焦结蒸馏过程中,产生大量烟气,由于生产系统负压操作,漏气率较大,排出烟气量约450,000~500,000m^3/h。烟气在收尘... 我厂是以火法炼锌为主的大型冶炼厂。近年来,蒸馏锌产量达120kt/a;硫酸240kt/a,现有焦结炉8座。蒸馏炉(称竖罐)26座。在焦结蒸馏过程中,产生大量烟气,由于生产系统负压操作,漏气率较大,排出烟气量约450,000~500,000m^3/h。烟气在收尘前含尘高达2~3g/m^3(其中含锌36.4~43.99%、镉1.3~3.7%、铅2.7~4.2%)。国家规定的粉尘排放标准最高允许浓度为100mg/m^3,故烟气含尘量超过国家规定20~30倍。 展开更多
关键词 焦结蒸馏炉 布袋收尘器 烟气 炼锌
作者 丁世军 朱威 《有色矿冶》 2004年第2期31-33,共3页
关键词 锌煤团矿 焦结 再燃烧室 不着火
作者 张卓 王明辉 +1 位作者 黄志刚 郭天立 《有色矿冶》 2008年第4期55-56,共2页
关键词 电收尘 竖罐炼锌 焦结烟气 比电阻
真空下低价化合物法提取铝的新工艺——原料烧结实验研究 被引量:7
作者 李秋霞 罗志敏 +1 位作者 熊今春 戴永年 《真空》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第1期54-58,共5页
概述了我国炼铝工艺的现状以及铝冶炼方法的研究状况,并初步讨论与研究了煤烧结的一些基本规律。基于常规冶金存在的局限性以及真空冶金的优势,我们探索一种新炼铝的工艺,对低价化合物直接提取法作了一定的研究,低价化合物提取法主要包... 概述了我国炼铝工艺的现状以及铝冶炼方法的研究状况,并初步讨论与研究了煤烧结的一些基本规律。基于常规冶金存在的局限性以及真空冶金的优势,我们探索一种新炼铝的工艺,对低价化合物直接提取法作了一定的研究,低价化合物提取法主要包括了原料烧结实验、提取实验两大部分。本文着重研究了原料烧结实验部分中不同煤的配比,焦结温度对烧结团块性能的影响,得到最佳煤配比,焦结温度等重要的工艺条件和参数。它们是实验成功的关键。实验得到物料的最佳配比为10#煤∶5#煤∶16#煤∶工业A l2O3=3∶7∶10∶5,最佳烧结温度为520℃。 展开更多
关键词 氧化铝 铝冶金 真空 低价化合物 配比 焦结
真空碳热还原提取金属镁过程中菱镁矿热分解行为的实验研究 被引量:6
作者 裴红彬 徐宝强 +2 位作者 李一夫 杨斌 郁青春 《轻金属》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期46-50,共5页
针对真空碳热还原菱镁矿提取金属镁的过程,直接将菱镁矿、煤粉和萤石按一定比例配料后,经球磨、混匀、压团,得到Φ20mm×15mm的块状混合原料。在20Pa^100Pa的压强下,分别控制不同温度、不同时间考察了混合原料中菱镁矿的热分解行为... 针对真空碳热还原菱镁矿提取金属镁的过程,直接将菱镁矿、煤粉和萤石按一定比例配料后,经球磨、混匀、压团,得到Φ20mm×15mm的块状混合原料。在20Pa^100Pa的压强下,分别控制不同温度、不同时间考察了混合原料中菱镁矿的热分解行为,其分解对还原剂碳的影响以及混合原料的焦结情况。结果表明,混合原料中菱镁矿在873K,30min的条件下可以完成分解过程,且该条件下分解后的物料具有较好的焦结强度。因此,采用菱镁矿、煤粉和萤石直接混合后入真空炉完成真空热分解-焦结工艺从技术上是可行的,可明显缩短流程。实验分析表明在菱镁矿的真空热分解同时由于伴随着布多尔反应会造成还原剂碳的损失。 展开更多
关键词 真空冶金 热分解 碳热还原 焦结 菱镁矿
真空法直接炼镁工艺中的煤烧结研究 被引量:8
作者 李志华 薛怀生 戴永年 《冶金能源》 北大核心 2004年第2期20-22,35,共4页
研究了真空法碳热还原氧化镁工艺中的煤烧结 ,考察了常压和真空两种条件下不同焦结温度和不同焦结时间对还原物料焦结后孔隙度及C与MgO摩尔比的影响规律 ,证明了真空焦结要优于常压焦结 。
关键词 炼镁 氧化镁 孔隙度 真空焦结 煤烧结
真空下直接提取铝新工艺原料烧结实验 被引量:3
作者 李秋霞 罗志敏 +2 位作者 熊今春 李秋霞 戴永年 《冶金能源》 北大核心 2005年第6期17-19,共3页
关键词 铝冶金 低价化合物 配比 焦结
煅白真空碳热还原试验研究 被引量:6
作者 薛怀生 李志华 《有色金属设计》 2004年第1期21-24,共4页
通过改变试验条件 ,用真空碳热还原煅白得到了生长良好的金属镁的晶体 ,认为要得到理想的试验结果 ,必须使反应温度高于 1 5 0 0℃、冷凝温度在镁的熔点附近 ,减小冷凝的温度梯度 ,反应过程中炉内压力变化能反映反应的进行情况 。
关键词 真空 碳热还原 晶体 冷凝 压力 焦结
真空碳热还原过程中喷料问题的解决 被引量:3
作者 徐宝强 李志华 戴永年 《有色矿冶》 2004年第4期30-32,共3页
针对真空碳热还原过程中,粉状物料出现的喷料现象,我们通过用焦煤代替石墨粉和在还 原工艺前增加真空焦结工艺的方法,使之得以成功解决。而且实验证明了此法是行之有 效的。
关键词 真空冶金 喷料 碳热还原 真空焦结
作者 王继良 王晓飞 +1 位作者 赵立全 宫承君 《装备制造技术》 2017年第3期83-86,共4页
针对海上注聚油田,如SZ36-1油田、LD5-2油田、LD10-1油田,原油系统换热器堵塞严重,引起换热器换热周期缩短,换热器清洗频繁的问题,研发了超声波螺旋扁管换热器工艺,并在绥中陆地终端进行了现场试验。该工艺集超声波的空化作用、振动作... 针对海上注聚油田,如SZ36-1油田、LD5-2油田、LD10-1油田,原油系统换热器堵塞严重,引起换热器换热周期缩短,换热器清洗频繁的问题,研发了超声波螺旋扁管换热器工艺,并在绥中陆地终端进行了现场试验。该工艺集超声波的空化作用、振动作用、热作用以及螺旋扁管的强化传热、防垢除垢作用于一体,使得超声波螺旋扁管换热器在对含聚原油加热过程中,能够避免目前换热器出现的问题。现场试验表明,超声波螺旋扁管换热器工艺对提升含聚原油温度的效果十分明显,且没有结垢堵塞现象。 展开更多
关键词 超声波防垢 螺旋扁管换热器 焦结堵塞
锌氧化物杂料中氯的脱除工艺研究 被引量:3
作者 王明辉 未立清 郭天立 《有色矿冶》 2012年第4期26-27,31,共3页
以阴极锌铸型渣为原料,对水洗除氯工艺进行了系统的条件试验研究,并得出结论:在固液比1∶10、温度70℃、时间1.5 h、中等搅拌强度的条件下,氯的脱除率为84.64%。在此试验条件下,以阴极锌熔铸电炉烟尘、蒸馏炼锌焦结烟尘、挥发窑氧化锌... 以阴极锌铸型渣为原料,对水洗除氯工艺进行了系统的条件试验研究,并得出结论:在固液比1∶10、温度70℃、时间1.5 h、中等搅拌强度的条件下,氯的脱除率为84.64%。在此试验条件下,以阴极锌熔铸电炉烟尘、蒸馏炼锌焦结烟尘、挥发窑氧化锌多膛炉除氯烟尘为原料,进行了半工业试验,一次水洗脱氯率可达85%~92%,高于火法烟化工艺,也高于文献报道的湿法脱氯水平。 展开更多
关键词 铸型渣 熔铸电炉烟尘 焦结烟尘 多膛炉除氯烟尘 水洗除氯
Evidence of Ultrastructure and Physiology of F-actin as Component of Plasmodesmata 被引量:2
作者 王冬梅 王学臣 张伟成 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第11期1278-1285,共8页
The characters and ultrastructure of the intercellular connection were revealed in the outer epidermis of the garlic clove sheath by means of fluorescent probe TRITC_Phalloidin (TRITC_Ph) labeling combined with confoc... The characters and ultrastructure of the intercellular connection were revealed in the outer epidermis of the garlic clove sheath by means of fluorescent probe TRITC_Phalloidin (TRITC_Ph) labeling combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), immuno_gold labeling and transmission electron microscopy. These results show that transcellular channel is a complex of rod_like cytoplasm channel and grouped plasmodesmata (PDs) in pit. The former remains a portion of the cell protoplast. The diameter of PD is normally 60-70 nm. The PDs are the real intercellular symplasmic connections of the cells. The transcellular fibers labeled with the TRITC_Ph obviously become narrow in the primary pit fields, which is the same as the characters observed under the electron microscope. The bright fluorescent spot in the primary wall reflects the grouped PDs in pit, and hence the presence of F_actin in the PDs can be confirmed. In immuno_gold labeling experiment, a lot of gold particles were massively distributed in the rod_like cytoplasm channel and grouped PDs. The result provides effective support that these fluorescent filaments possibly are the existing form of F_actin. 展开更多
关键词 PLASMODESMATA F_actin confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) ULTRASTRUCTURE Allium sativum
《国外科技资料目录(医药卫生)》 CAS 1997年第1期209-212,共4页
关键词 主题索引 目次表 首字 血碘 外文字母 股骨 白斑 绿氧 焦结 轻氢
Measurement and analysis of defects in high-performance concrete with three-dimensional micro-computer tomography 被引量:8
作者 郭丽萍 Andrea Carpinteri +1 位作者 孙伟 秦文超 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期83-88,共6页
In order to investigate the effects of two mineral admixtures (i. e., fly ash and ground slag)on initial defects existing in concrete microstructures, a high-resolution X-ray micro-CT( micro-focus computer tomogra... In order to investigate the effects of two mineral admixtures (i. e., fly ash and ground slag)on initial defects existing in concrete microstructures, a high-resolution X-ray micro-CT( micro-focus computer tomography)is employed to quantitatively analyze the initial defects in four series of highperformance concrete (HPC)specimens with additions of different mineral admixtures. The nigh-resolution 3D images of microstructures and filtered defects are reconstructed by micro- CT software. The size distribution and volume fractions of initial defects are analyzed based on 3D and 2D micro-CT images. The analysis results are verified by experimental results of watersuction tests. The results show that the additions of mineral admixtures in concrete as cementitious materials greatly change the geometrical properties of the microstructures and the spatial features of defects by physical-chemistry actions of these mineral admixtures. This is the major cause of the differences between the mechanical behaviors of HPC with and without mineral admixtures when the water-to-binder ratio and the size distribution of aggregates are constant. 展开更多
关键词 high-performance concrete DEFECT MICROSTRUCTURE X- ray micro-focus computer tomography mineral admixtures
Effect of heat treatment on structure and gasification reactivity of petroleum coke 被引量:9
作者 Chao Li Xin Liu +3 位作者 Zhijie Zhou Zhenghua Dai Ji Yan Fuchen Wang 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第1期53-61,共9页
Petroleum coke was thermally treated on a fixed bed reactor in a temperature range of 1173-1673 K. The changes of the elemental composition and crystalline structure of petroleum coke, with heat treatments as well as ... Petroleum coke was thermally treated on a fixed bed reactor in a temperature range of 1173-1673 K. The changes of the elemental composition and crystalline structure of petroleum coke, with heat treatments as well as the gasification reactivity of the heat-treated petroleum cokes were investigated. The results showed that the petroleum coke was carbonized and grapbitized to a higher degree with increasing heating temperature, while the gasification reactivity decreased. The treatment at temperatures of 1173 and 1473 K significantly enlarged the specific surface area and the pore volume of petroleum coke. Both the specific surface area and the pore volume decreased at 1673 K. An empirical normal distribution function model (NDFM) was found to fit the gasification rates of petroleum coke well. The correlation coefficient of petroleum coke by normal distribution function model at different heat treatment temperatures is between 0.93 and 0.95. 展开更多
关键词 Petroleum coke Heat treatment Gasification reactivity GRAPHITIZATION
The correlation between nitrogen species in coke and NO_x formation during regeneration 被引量:6
作者 Teng Li Chaohe Yang +3 位作者 Xiaobo Chen Libo Yao Wei Liang Xuemei Ding 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期606-611,共6页
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission during the regeneration ofcoked fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts is an en- vironmental issue. In order to identify the correlations between nitrogen species in coke and diffe... Nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission during the regeneration ofcoked fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts is an en- vironmental issue. In order to identify the correlations between nitrogen species in coke and different nitrogen- containing products in tail gas, three coked catalysts with multilayer structural coke molecules were prepared in a fixed bed with model compounds (o-xylene and quinoline) at first. A series of characterization methods were used to analyze coke, including elemental analysis, FT-IR, XPS, and TG-MS. XPS characterization indicates all coked catalysts present two types of nitrogen species and the type with a higher binding energy is related with the inner part nitrogen atoms interacting with acid sites. Due to the stronger adsorption ability on acid sites for basic nitrogen compounds, the multilayer structural coke has unbalanced distribution of carbon and ni- trogen atoms between the inner part and the outer edge, which strongly affects gas product formation. At the early stage of regeneration, oxidation starts from the outer edge and the product NO can be reduced to N2 in high CO concentration. At the later stage, the inner part rich in nitrogen begins to be exposed to 02. At this period, the formation of CO decreases due to lack of carbon atoms, which is not beneficial to the reduction of NO. There- fore, nitrogen species in the inner part of multilayer structural coke contributes more to NOx formation. Based on the multilayer structure model of coke molecule and its oxidation behavior, a possible strategy to control NOx emission was discussed merely from concept. 展开更多
关键词 NOx Basic nitrogen compounds FCC catalyst COKING REACTION MULTILAYER
Structural Characteristics of Mesophase Spheres Prepared from Coal Tar Pitch Modified by Phenolic Resin 被引量:10
作者 李同起 刘秀军 +1 位作者 王成扬 王慧 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第5期660-664,共5页
Mesocarbon microbeads (MCMB) were prepared from coal tar pitch modified by phenolic resin and from the same pitch modified by phenolic resin and hexamethylenetetramine at 440℃ for lh. By investigating the morpholog... Mesocarbon microbeads (MCMB) were prepared from coal tar pitch modified by phenolic resin and from the same pitch modified by phenolic resin and hexamethylenetetramine at 440℃ for lh. By investigating the morphology of mesophase spheres and the structure of the MCMB carbonized at 1000℃ for lh using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and XRD, it was found that phenolic resin accelerated the formation and coalescence of mesophase spheres. Some of the obtained MCMB were hi- or tri-spheres with the distorted microtextural carbon layers. Hexamethylenetetramine in the pitch modified by phenolic resin accelerated the condensation of phenolic resin and consequently expedited the combination of mesophase spheres, which was proved by the formation of some tetra-spheres. Owing to the cross-linkage of the additives, MCMB with complex structure were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 mesocarbon microbeads MESOPHASE phenolic resin scanning electron microscopy
Effect of Injecting Inert Particles on Coking Prohibition and Particle Velocity Uniformization in Downer Reactors 被引量:1
作者 张济宇 祝媛 +1 位作者 田亚峻 谢克昌 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期17-23,共7页
The coking observation and particle flow behaviour in both thermal plasma and cold plexiglas downers were investigated in a binary particle system formed by injecting coarse inert particles (carrying coke away and sco... The coking observation and particle flow behaviour in both thermal plasma and cold plexiglas downers were investigated in a binary particle system formed by injecting coarse inert particles (carrying coke away and scouring wall) and fine coal powders into the downer reactor. The results demonstrate that this scheme is a rational selection to prevent coking on downer walls and improve particle velocity distribution along the radial direction. When injected coarse particles mixed with fine powders in downers, the fluctuation of local particle velocity in the radial direction becomes smaller and two peaks in the radial distribution of local particle velocity occur due to the improved dispersing character and flow structure, which are beneficial to the thermo-plasma coal cracking reaction and coking prevention. 展开更多
关键词 thermal plasma COKING DOWNER particle velocity binary mixture
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