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“双碳”目标下清洁高效灵活煤电技术现状及煤电前景展望 被引量:4
作者 牟春华 居文平 +1 位作者 王洋 黄嘉驷 《热力发电》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1-10,共10页
阐述了“双碳”战略对煤电目前总体影响以及面临的发展问题;对煤电机组清洁排放、节能减碳、供热提效、灵活运行的现状和关键技术进行了梳理分析,展望了煤电发展前景,得出了基于我国资源禀赋及能源战略安全来积极看待煤电发展的结论,应... 阐述了“双碳”战略对煤电目前总体影响以及面临的发展问题;对煤电机组清洁排放、节能减碳、供热提效、灵活运行的现状和关键技术进行了梳理分析,展望了煤电发展前景,得出了基于我国资源禀赋及能源战略安全来积极看待煤电发展的结论,应重视清洁高效灵活煤电技术的研发与应用,与各种新能源的优势互补,动态协同发展,以推动新型电力系统稳健发展。 展开更多
关键词 “双碳” 清洁 高效 灵活 煤电技术
煤电技术未来发展 被引量:1
作者 周顺文 《锅炉制造》 2020年第6期22-23,共2页
本文综合统计数据介绍了近年来我国煤炭行业发展趋势,在煤炭企业去产能和发电企业执行超低排放的政策背景下,IGCC、IGFC煤气化联合发电技术,不仅拥有更高效率,还实现了更清洁的燃气燃烧和从燃料的化学能直接转化为电能,将成为未来煤电... 本文综合统计数据介绍了近年来我国煤炭行业发展趋势,在煤炭企业去产能和发电企业执行超低排放的政策背景下,IGCC、IGFC煤气化联合发电技术,不仅拥有更高效率,还实现了更清洁的燃气燃烧和从燃料的化学能直接转化为电能,将成为未来煤电发展的重要转型方向。 展开更多
关键词 煤电技术 IGCC IGFC 整体气化联合发
作者 谭恢曾 《电工技术》 1996年第2期1-1,3,共1页
关键词 煤电技术 联合循环发 燃料
新能源发电基地配套煤电技术研究 被引量:1
作者 李文凯 林祥东 《中国工程咨询》 2023年第8期94-99,共6页
长期以来,受制于资源禀赋、经济结构和发展条件等因素,我国能源产业长期选择以煤为主的发展道路,形成了煤电作为主力电源的电力格局。截至2022年底,我国煤电装机容量11.2亿千瓦,占发电总装机容量的43.8%,发电量占比58.4%左右。煤电的发... 长期以来,受制于资源禀赋、经济结构和发展条件等因素,我国能源产业长期选择以煤为主的发展道路,形成了煤电作为主力电源的电力格局。截至2022年底,我国煤电装机容量11.2亿千瓦,占发电总装机容量的43.8%,发电量占比58.4%左右。煤电的发展有力支撑了我国经济快速发展的用电需要,但在“双碳”战略目标要求下,煤电的增量空间日益收窄,而新能源基地配套煤电则逐渐进入大家的视野,其系统作用、技术要求、发展方向等均受到广泛关注。 展开更多
关键词 新能源发 总装机容量 煤电技术 能源产业 资源禀赋 战略目标 经济快速发展
中国燃煤电厂CO_2捕集技术开发及应用 被引量:9
作者 林永明 《广西电力》 2013年第3期16-19,27,共5页
关键词 CO2 捕集 绿色煤电技术
作者 贾存孝 赵乐超 《安装》 2023年第S01期156-157,共2页
一、成果研究背景随着国民经济的持续快速发展,我国对电力方面的能源需求量会持续增长,国家“碳达峰、碳中和”目标的明确提出,大型化、高参数、高效节能型燃煤机组成为我国今后发展煤电技术的必然趋势。为了进一步提升机组的效率,探索... 一、成果研究背景随着国民经济的持续快速发展,我国对电力方面的能源需求量会持续增长,国家“碳达峰、碳中和”目标的明确提出,大型化、高参数、高效节能型燃煤机组成为我国今后发展煤电技术的必然趋势。为了进一步提升机组的效率,探索在目前材料结构下机组的潜力,完成更高效的百万千瓦级二次再热汽轮发电机机组的技术研究,上海汽轮机厂首次设计并制造了二次再热六缸六排汽、超低背压汽轮发电机组,有效降低了机组热耗。 展开更多
关键词 汽轮发机组 上海汽轮机厂 百万千瓦级 煤电技术 二次再热 高效节能型 能源需求量 持续增长
未来煤电驱动电动汽车的全生命周期分析 被引量:31
作者 欧训民 张希良 +1 位作者 覃一宁 齐天宇 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期169-172,共4页
利用清华大学Tsinghua—CA3EM模型的从矿井到车轮(Well-to—Wheels,WTW)模块,以2020年为目标年份,对5条煤电技术供电驱动电动汽车路线进行了全生命周期能耗和温室气体排放定量计算,并与综合电网供电路线和传统汽油车路线进行了对... 利用清华大学Tsinghua—CA3EM模型的从矿井到车轮(Well-to—Wheels,WTW)模块,以2020年为目标年份,对5条煤电技术供电驱动电动汽车路线进行了全生命周期能耗和温室气体排放定量计算,并与综合电网供电路线和传统汽油车路线进行了对比分析。在电力使用环节分析基础上全面考虑了资源开采、运输和电力输配等阶段能耗和排放情况。结果表明:电动汽车的全生命周期能耗为1123~1592kJ/km,温室气体排放当量CO,为131~162g/km;相对汽油车路线,电动汽车路线的节能减排优势明显,节能35%以上,减排20%左右;电动汽车替代汽油车,煤炭消耗增加3~5倍,但石油消耗减少97%以上,符合中国以煤代油的能源战略;采用整体煤气化联合循环发电和碳捕捉及封存技术组合的先进供电技术供电驱动电动汽车,与汽油车路线相比,温室气体减排达80%,能耗降低仍达40%。 展开更多
关键词 煤电技术 动汽车 全生命周期分析 能耗 温室气体
作者 徐践 安文德 《农村实用工程技术(温室园艺)》 2003年第9期29-31,共3页
关键词 北方地区 温室采暖 技术 可行性分析 技术经济
陕西省“煤改电”现状及市场开拓分析 被引量:1
作者 俞文瑾 贾蓉蓉 +2 位作者 肖夏 郑浩天 胡宝华 《山东电力技术》 2020年第5期61-65,共5页
“煤改电”技术对于优化能源消费结构、促进节能减排具有十分重要的意义。为确保陕西省“煤改电”技术与实施方案的顺利进行,简要分析陕西省常见“煤改电”技术的工作原理、适用范围及技术优势。基于客户细分战略以及地域和行业差异战略... “煤改电”技术对于优化能源消费结构、促进节能减排具有十分重要的意义。为确保陕西省“煤改电”技术与实施方案的顺利进行,简要分析陕西省常见“煤改电”技术的工作原理、适用范围及技术优势。基于客户细分战略以及地域和行业差异战略,探究陕西省“煤改电”市场的潜力以及并提出开拓市场的可行性措施,对构建陕西省绿色能源发展模式有着积极的作用。 展开更多
关键词 技术 能源结构 节能减排 市场开拓
中国火电结构优化和技术升级研究概论 被引量:6
作者 吕伟业 汤蕴琳 方正 《电力建设》 北大核心 2002年第11期9-22,共14页
中国以煤电为主的格局将长期存在。对于煤电的发展 ,应提高到能源战略安全和电力可持续发展的高度来审视。中国目前煤电的经济性、环保性与世界先进水平相比还有很大差距 ,因此发展高效的、清洁的煤电技术 ,节约煤炭资源 ,减少大气污染 ... 中国以煤电为主的格局将长期存在。对于煤电的发展 ,应提高到能源战略安全和电力可持续发展的高度来审视。中国目前煤电的经济性、环保性与世界先进水平相比还有很大差距 ,因此发展高效的、清洁的煤电技术 ,节约煤炭资源 ,减少大气污染 ,节约用水 ,是我们必需认真研究并解决的课题。借鉴发达国家的经验和教训 ,充分抓住中国国民经济快速增长对电力需求带来的发展机遇 ,加快引进技术、消化吸收和自主创新的进程 ,可以在 展开更多
关键词 结构 优化 煤电技术 升级
作者 秦建明 李振伟 《企业管理》 2018年第S02期304-305,共2页
IGCC既可像天然气发电一样实现污染物近零排放,又可实现煤基发电多联产,未来减排C02具有成本优势,是突破煤基发电的污染和高碳排放瓶颈的一条有效技术途径,被认为是国际能源领域战略必争的核心技术。开发IGCC技术、建成具有自主知识产权... IGCC既可像天然气发电一样实现污染物近零排放,又可实现煤基发电多联产,未来减排C02具有成本优势,是突破煤基发电的污染和高碳排放瓶颈的一条有效技术途径,被认为是国际能源领域战略必争的核心技术。开发IGCC技术、建成具有自主知识产权的IGCC电站也是几代中国电力工作者的梦想。华能(天津)煤气化发电有限公司负责建设和运营华能天津IGCC电站(以下简称"天津IGCC")。 展开更多
关键词 华能集团 绿色煤电技术
Economic Comparison of Three Gas Separation Technologies for CO2 Capture from Power Plant Flue Gas 被引量:8
作者 YANG Hongjun FAN Shuanshi LANG Xuemei WANG Yanhong NIE Jianghua 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第4期615-620,共6页
Three gas separation technologies,chemical absorption,membrane separation and pressure swing adsorption,are usually applied for CO2 capture from flue gas in coal-fired power plants.In this work,the costs of the three ... Three gas separation technologies,chemical absorption,membrane separation and pressure swing adsorption,are usually applied for CO2 capture from flue gas in coal-fired power plants.In this work,the costs of the three technologies are analyzed and compared.The cost for chemical absorption is mainly from $30 to $60 per ton(based on CO2 avoided),while the minimum value is $10 per ton(based on CO2 avoided).As for membrane separation and pressure swing adsorption,the costs are $50 to $78 and $40 to $63 per ton(based on CO2 avoided),respectively.Measures are proposed to reduce the cost of the three technologies.For CO2 capture and storage process,the CO2 recovery and purity should be greater than 90%.Based on the cost,recovery,and purity,it seems that chemical absorption is currently the most cost-effective technology for CO2 capture from flue gas from power plants.However,membrane gas separation is the most promising alternative approach in the future,provided that membrane performance is further improved. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 capture cost flue gas chemical absorption membrane gas separation pressure swing adsorption
作者 程久龙 李莉 于师建 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1999年第1期24-29,共6页
The overburden failure causes the changes of the constant electric field, and the resistivity is the main parameter in these changes. The experimental simulation about tbe response relation between the overburden fail... The overburden failure causes the changes of the constant electric field, and the resistivity is the main parameter in these changes. The experimental simulation about tbe response relation between the overburden failure and its electrical parameter changes is made by building the similar material physics model of mining. The experiment results are used to analyze and test the in-situ detection. The research indicates that the resistivity changes with the electric characteristic of the rock in cracked zone and caving zone caused by overburden failure, the response characteristics of resistivity vary with the failure degrees at different overburden failure zone and that they are corresponding. The resistivity method used in monitoring the overburden failure can determine the height and the affecting scopes of the cracked zone and caving zone. This can provide reliable techaological guarantee for mining design and safe production. 展开更多
关键词 overburden failure geophysics field characteristic RESISTIVITY model experiment insitu betection
Online fault recognition of electric power cable in coal mine based on the minimum risk neural network 被引量:2
作者 汪梅 STATHAKI Tania 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2008年第3期492-496,共5页
Firstly,the concepts of the traveling wave entropy and the feature function of traveling wave entropy were defined.Then the statistic characters of the traveling wave entropy feature function,mean value and variance w... Firstly,the concepts of the traveling wave entropy and the feature function of traveling wave entropy were defined.Then the statistic characters of the traveling wave entropy feature function,mean value and variance were analyzed after the zero-order component of the traveling wave of online cable was selected to serve as the observed object.Finally,the new recognition algorithm of minimum risk neural network was pre- sented.The simulation experiments show that the recognitions of the early fault states can be completed correctly by using the proposed recognition algorithm.The classes of cable faults include in 1-phase ground faults,and the 2-phase short circuit faults or ground faults and the 3-phase short circuit faults or ground faults,open circuit.The fault resistance range is 1×10^(-1)~1×10~9Ω. 展开更多
关键词 minimum risk neural network traveling wave entropy zero-order component online cable recognition algorithm early fault
Research on application of transient electromagnetic technology in coal mine 被引量:3
作者 王玉和 李伟 程久龙 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第3期310-313,共4页
Studied the principle of transient electromagnetic method in coalmine and solved the computation of the whole time apparent resistivity and the relation between apparent resistivity and exploration depth and so on. St... Studied the principle of transient electromagnetic method in coalmine and solved the computation of the whole time apparent resistivity and the relation between apparent resistivity and exploration depth and so on. Studied the work method of transient electromagnetic method in coalmine and obtained reasonable arrangement way. Studied data processing and explanation method of transient electromagnetic method and obtained high quality electric section. Finally the purpose to detect water-bearing body and water-bearing structure in front of roadway in advance, and detect the water-bearing property of the roof and floor rock layer of coal face were realized by use of transient electromagnetic method. 展开更多
关键词 mine transient electromagnetic method whole time apparent resistivity roadway advanced detection the roof and floor of coalface water-bearing property detection
Fundamental and Technical Challenges for a Compatible Design Scheme of Oxyfuel Combustion Technology 被引量:10
作者 Chuguang Zheng Zhaohui Liu +4 位作者 Jun Xiang Liqi Zhang Shihong Zhang Cong Luo Yongchun Zhao 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第1期139-149,共11页
Oxyfuel combustion with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a carbon-reduction technology for use in large-scale coal-fired power plants. Significant progress has been achieved in the research and development ... Oxyfuel combustion with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a carbon-reduction technology for use in large-scale coal-fired power plants. Significant progress has been achieved in the research and development of this technology during its scaling up from 0.4 MWth to 3 MWth and 35 aWth by the combined efforts of universities and industries in China. A prefeasibility study on a 200 MWe large-scale demonstration has progressed well, and is ready for implementation. The overall research development and demonstration (RD&D) roadmap for oxyfuel combustion in China has become a critical component of the global RD&D roadmap for oxyfuel combustion. An air combustion/oxyfuel combustion compatible design philosophy was developed during the RD&D process. In this paper, we briefly address fundamental research and technology innovation efforts regarding several technical challenges, including combustion stability, heat transfer, system operation, mineral impurities, and corrosion. To further reduce the cost of carbon capture, in addition to the large-scale deployment of oxyfuel technology, increasing interest is anticipated in the novel and next- generation oxyfuel combustion technologies that are briefly introduced here, including a new oxygen-production concept and flameless oxyfuel combustion. 展开更多
关键词 oxyfuel combustion research development anddemonstration CO2 capture
Detection technology and application of electromagnetic method for hidden danger of water gushing at coal face 被引量:2
作者 SHI Xian-xin YAN Shu +1 位作者 CHEN Ming-sheng FU Jun-mei 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第2期197-205,共9页
The principles, methods, technologies and application effects of several electromagnetic methods for the detection of the hidden danger of water gushing at the coal face were introduced. Also, emphasis was laid on exp... The principles, methods, technologies and application effects of several electromagnetic methods for the detection of the hidden danger of water gushing at the coal face were introduced. Also, emphasis was laid on expounding the methods, principles and effects of down-hole detections by electric transmission tomography and transient electromagnetic method. The potential of point power supplied in the underground homogeneous semi-space, as well as the response to a low-resistivity abnormal body in the homogeneous semi-space, was simulated by adopting 3-D finite element method to interpret the basic theory of the electric transmission tomography. The results of actual measurement show that the mine electromagnetic method is sensitive to water-bearing low-resistivity bodies and can play a unique role in detecting the hidden danger of water gushing at the coal face. 展开更多
关键词 hidden trouble of water gushing electric transmission tomography mine transient electromagnetic method coal face high-density resistivity method 3-D finite element simulation
Flue Gas CO_2 Emission Reduction Technologies and Applications
作者 Li Hui1, Liu Jianmin1, Zhu Fahua1, Ji Junfeng2, Xue Jianming1, Zhao Liang2 1. State Power Environmental Protection Research Institute 2. Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University Zhang Jianping 《Electricity》 2012年第1期48-54,共7页
The current status and trend of CO2 emission from coal-fired power plants in China are introduced. Main flue gas decarbonization technologies and their prospective of applications in China are discussed in two separat... The current status and trend of CO2 emission from coal-fired power plants in China are introduced. Main flue gas decarbonization technologies and their prospective of applications in China are discussed in two separate parts-capture and sequestration. It is stated that the selection of CO2 capture and sequestration technologies relates closely with the geographical location of power plants, with the destination of CO2 being the key. Further, it is suggested that industrialized test centers or test platforms of national or industrial level should be set up. 展开更多
关键词 coal-fired power plant flue gas decarbonization CO2 capture and sequestration technical analysis
Clean Coal Technology and Market in China
作者 本刊编辑部 《Electricity》 2001年第4期8-11,共4页
This paper briefs the current clean production and consumption levels of coal in China and the pollution harmbrought to the atmospheric environment, present status and orientation of clean coal technology development ... This paper briefs the current clean production and consumption levels of coal in China and the pollution harmbrought to the atmospheric environment, present status and orientation of clean coal technology development in Chinacoal industry, progress and perspective of clean coal power generation technology in China, as well as application andmarket of flue gas desulphurization technology in coal-fired power plants.[ 展开更多
关键词 energy structure clean coal technology electricity generation flue gas desulfurization
Comparison between Current Technologies for the Best Choice of Thermoelectric Plant with Coal or Uranium
作者 Dagoberto Catssio da Silva Mariana Natale Belato Rogerio Jose da Silva 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第9期1719-1728,共10页
Between the alternative sources available for the electricity production, still lacks reliability for the production in base units. For the electricity production from 500 MW to 1,000 MW or more, the coal-fired therma... Between the alternative sources available for the electricity production, still lacks reliability for the production in base units. For the electricity production from 500 MW to 1,000 MW or more, the coal-fired thermal and nuclear power plants with uranium have proved competitive and with a high level of reliability and maturation, besides presenting the fuel supply security. This paper presents an analysis of technical feasibility for the choice of the best technology for generating electricity on a large scale, based on coal-fired thermal or nuclear power plant using uranium. This paper takes in account the availability of fuel sources, investments costs, thermal power generation systems, pollutants emission and mitigation technologies, global efficiency, fuel consumption, costs of electricity, construction time and an average lifespan of the installation. Thus the analysis allows the most rational choice of technology for the production of electricity with lower electricity costs and lower COz emissions. 展开更多
关键词 Energy COAL URANIUM power plants.
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