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作者 汪晨星 史凌亚 李瑞东 《陕西煤炭》 2024年第10期14-20,共7页
为进一步探究煤矿矿区沉降的更多细节特征内容,本次研究以西北地区某煤矿矿区为实际案例,综合应用基于Stacking-InSAR的煤矿沉降监测与综采面参数反演方法对该矿区的沉降特征进行监测。首先,以该矿区的Sentinel-1A卫星影像数据为基础,... 为进一步探究煤矿矿区沉降的更多细节特征内容,本次研究以西北地区某煤矿矿区为实际案例,综合应用基于Stacking-InSAR的煤矿沉降监测与综采面参数反演方法对该矿区的沉降特征进行监测。首先,以该矿区的Sentinel-1A卫星影像数据为基础,确定本次应用Stacking-InSAR方法进行建模和解算的有效性与可行性。其次,在确定应用Stacking-InSAR方法后,对目标矿区的3个典型沉降区域进行解译,对具体沉降速率变化、沉降量特征和季节性变化特征等因素进行分析,以初步明确各个沉降区域的沉降规律,识别可能存在的风险因素。最后,进一步应用Okada均匀弹性半空间矩形位错模型对综采面参数进行反演,以探究目标矿区综采面开拓煤量,结果显示,反演结果较具准确性,因此初步证明了本次基于Stacking-InSAR的煤矿沉降监测与综采面参数反演研究工作具有一定的实际应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 Stacking-InSAR 煤矿沉降监测 反演
作者 胡爽 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2018年第23期33-34,共2页
采用短基线集技术(SBAS)对覆盖棋盘井矿区的25景PALSAR数据进行处理,获取了棋盘井煤矿的地面沉降分布特征及沉降速率。研究结果表明,棋盘井煤矿沉降面积约10. 3km2,年平均沉降-76. 8mm。证明了SBAS技术在煤矿沉降监测应用的可行性。
关键词 Sentinel-1 SBAS 煤矿沉降
作者 张帆 王娜 《能源与环保》 2024年第5期127-132,共6页
煤炭等矿产资源大规模的开采,满足了我国经济建设需求的同时,也导致了地面塌陷、采空区沉降等一系列灾害,严重制约着矿区环境、社会经济的可持续发展。合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术以其全天时、全天候、高精度和大面积覆盖监测的优势将成... 煤炭等矿产资源大规模的开采,满足了我国经济建设需求的同时,也导致了地面塌陷、采空区沉降等一系列灾害,严重制约着矿区环境、社会经济的可持续发展。合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术以其全天时、全天候、高精度和大面积覆盖监测的优势将成为监测矿区灾害的首选技术。以新疆某露天矿区为研究对象,选取2018年2—12月的升降轨哨兵数据,基于SARscape软件,采用SBAS-InSAR技术进行处理,得到该煤矿的时间序列形变图及形变速率图,并对形变速率进行了二维分解,获取到东西向和垂直向的形变速率,矿坑内坡体的东西向形变速率在-140~40 mm/a,垂直向形变速率在-196~20 mm/a。研究表明,InSAR技术可以有效应用于露天矿恢复治理过程中的形变监测,为边坡稳定及治理工作提供有效的数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 新疆矿区 煤矿沉降 SBAS-InSAR 升降轨哨兵数据 SARscape
初论引黄工程对桃-阿海子湿地生境恢复的作用与影响——兼谈泊江海子采矿区地表沉降成塘的例示 被引量:8
作者 何芬奇 邢小军 +7 位作者 肖红 任永奇 包小峰 白兆勇 程百旺 李守好 刘宝良 杨之兵 《湿地科学与管理》 2019年第2期36-38,共3页
桃力庙-阿拉善湾海子(桃-阿海子)是鄂尔多斯遗鸥国家级保护区核心区暨全球第1148号国际重要湿地,干涸10余年后,在各方的协调努力下,引黄济湖工程于2018年5月中旬正式开通放水。至8月下旬,在桃-阿海子栖居的水鸟总量近1万只,其中白鹭和... 桃力庙-阿拉善湾海子(桃-阿海子)是鄂尔多斯遗鸥国家级保护区核心区暨全球第1148号国际重要湿地,干涸10余年后,在各方的协调努力下,引黄济湖工程于2018年5月中旬正式开通放水。至8月下旬,在桃-阿海子栖居的水鸟总量近1万只,其中白鹭和普通翠鸟为桃-阿海子的鸟种新纪录,灰雁、赤嘴潜鸭、白骨顶为繁殖新纪录,秋季桃-阿海子栖居的水鸟总量逾2万只。补水使冬季上冻前桃-阿海子拥有面积超过5km^2的明水水面和大于2km^2且发育良好的芦苇沼泽。另外,在桃-阿海子天然注入河上游附近,由于采矿区地表沉降,出现一处面积约0.6km^2的水塘,夏季吸引了20余种水鸟栖居,其中7种水鸟有见繁殖。 展开更多
关键词 桃-阿海子 引黄补水的作用 煤矿采区地表沉降成塘的生态效应
2种SAR数据在沉降监测应用中的对比分析 被引量:1
作者 贾秋英 《测绘技术装备》 2020年第2期18-21,共4页
利用D-InSAR技术进行地表沉降监测时,可监测的形变量级、形变梯度受到雷达波长的限制,波长越长可监测的形变量级和形变梯度越大,因此采用单一波长的数据无法准确反映实际形变情况。利用二轨法D-InSAR技术,分别采用C波段的Sentinel-1A数... 利用D-InSAR技术进行地表沉降监测时,可监测的形变量级、形变梯度受到雷达波长的限制,波长越长可监测的形变量级和形变梯度越大,因此采用单一波长的数据无法准确反映实际形变情况。利用二轨法D-InSAR技术,分别采用C波段的Sentinel-1A数据和L波段的ALOS-2数据,对处于Sentinel-1A数据和ALOS-2数据重合处的3个煤矿的监测结果进行对比分析,并对C波段和L波段数据在煤矿开采沉降这一类大量级、大梯度形变监测应用中的不同特点进行总结,为今后的监测工作提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿沉降监测 数据分析 D-INSAR Sentinel-1A ALOS-2
作者 牛辉 陈培国 《科技创新与应用》 2015年第2期48-48,共1页
在煤矿沉降池中,排水泵是保证水循环的重要设备。但是由于煤矿沉降池工作环境恶劣,对排水泵的性能和工况条件要求较高,单纯采用传统的排水泵,难以满足实际使用需要。基于这一分析,对排水泵的改进,成为了满足煤矿沉降池使用的重要发展方... 在煤矿沉降池中,排水泵是保证水循环的重要设备。但是由于煤矿沉降池工作环境恶劣,对排水泵的性能和工况条件要求较高,单纯采用传统的排水泵,难以满足实际使用需要。基于这一分析,对排水泵的改进,成为了满足煤矿沉降池使用的重要发展方向。结合当前煤矿沉降池的工作现状,排水泵的改进逐渐适应了煤矿沉降池的需要,改进后的排水泵在煤矿沉降池中得到了重要应用。为此,我们不但要对煤矿沉降池中排水泵的改进进行认真分析,还要对煤矿沉降池中改进后的排水泵的应用进行探讨,保证改进后的排水泵能够在煤矿沉降池中得到有效应用。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿沉降 排水泵 改进和应用
基于SBAS-InSAR技术和Logistic模型的矿区沉降动态预测方法 被引量:11
作者 徐子兴 季民 +1 位作者 张过 陈振炜 《自然资源遥感》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期20-29,共10页
根据矿区开采沉降规律对后续沉降进行预测是评估矿山开采风险、调整开采规划的关键。对使用Logistic时间函数模型进行矿区沉降预测中的可用条件进行了分析和模拟实验,并提出了一种基于小基线集合成孔径雷达干涉测量(SBAS-InSAR)技术和Lo... 根据矿区开采沉降规律对后续沉降进行预测是评估矿山开采风险、调整开采规划的关键。对使用Logistic时间函数模型进行矿区沉降预测中的可用条件进行了分析和模拟实验,并提出了一种基于小基线集合成孔径雷达干涉测量(SBAS-InSAR)技术和Logistic模型的矿区沉降动态预测方法。首先,通过SBAS-InSAR获得矿区的时序沉降数据;然后,以时序沉降数据作为拟合数据,采用信赖域算法逐像元计算其Logistic模型参数,根据Logistic模型可用条件,确定出可以对后续沉降进行预测的像元范围;最后,根据Logistic模型对可预测范围内的后续沉降进行预测。以内蒙古鄂尔多斯市某矿区为研究区对上述预测方法进行了实验,采用对应日期的InSAR监测结果对预测结果进行了验证,结果表明:36 d后和108 d后预测结果的均方根误差分别为0.0101 m和0.0236 m,预测误差小于0.03 m的比例分别达到98.9%和89.3%,表明该动态预测模型预测精度较高。 展开更多
关键词 SBAS-InSAR LOGISTIC模型 煤矿开采沉降 动态预测
作者 刘海亮 《当代化工研究》 2019年第8期28-29,共2页
为实现绿色持续发展,针对煤矿开采沉降区的土地复耕工作是十分有必要的。本人就煤矿开采沉陷区的土地复耕工作展开了讨论,针对当前煤矿开采沉降区的现状,我们重点提出了相应的化学土地复垦以及工程土地复垦的措施。以期为煤矿开采沉陷... 为实现绿色持续发展,针对煤矿开采沉降区的土地复耕工作是十分有必要的。本人就煤矿开采沉陷区的土地复耕工作展开了讨论,针对当前煤矿开采沉降区的现状,我们重点提出了相应的化学土地复垦以及工程土地复垦的措施。以期为煤矿开采沉陷区的土地复垦工作提供相应的意见以及参考。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿开采沉降 土地复垦 重要性 化学土地复垦技术 工程土地复垦技术
Settlement behavior of coal mine waste in different surrounding rock conditions 被引量:1
作者 马春德 李夕兵 +3 位作者 胡炳南 陈枫 徐纪成 李地元 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第3期350-355,共6页
In order to investigate the influence of complex conditions of in-situ surrounding rocks on the settlement behavior of nubbly coal mine waste subjected to high gravity pressure,four kinds of loading chambers made of d... In order to investigate the influence of complex conditions of in-situ surrounding rocks on the settlement behavior of nubbly coal mine waste subjected to high gravity pressure,four kinds of loading chambers made of different similar materials with different elastic moduli in experiments were used to simulate the deformation features of in-site rocks,including soft,moderate hardness,hard and extra-hard rocks. The results show that all the settlement-axial load (or axial strain-stress) curves obtained under four different surrounding rock conditions present power-exponential function feature. The final settlement of coal mine waste under the same axial load is closely related to the lumpiness gradations and the deformation behavior of chamber materials used to simulate behaviors of different in-situ surrounding rocks. In the same surrounding rock condition,the final settlement under the same maximum axial load decreases with the decrease of the proportion of larger gradation of coal mine waste. While for the same lumpiness gradation case,the settlement increases with the decrease of elastic modulus of simulated surrounding rocks and the lateral pressure induced by axial load increases with the increase of elastic modulus of loading chambers that are used to simulate different surrounding rocks. The test results also reveal that both the compaction curve and lateral pressure curve show a three-stage behavior,and the duration of each stage,which is closely related to gradations and the deformation feature of loading chamber materials,decreases with the increase of the proportion of the small size of coal mine waste and elastic modulus of the simulated rock materials. 展开更多
关键词 coal mine waste settlement behavior surrounding rock conditions final settlement lateral pressure
Moving Behavior of an Object in Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds 被引量:4
作者 WEILu-bin WANGGeng-yu HAOLiang ZHAOYue-min 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2005年第1期7-11,共5页
The settling behavior of coarse particles in a gas-solid fluidized bed was experimentally studied by using magnetic tracer. It is well known that the calculation of terminal velocity is of interest in dense medium sep... The settling behavior of coarse particles in a gas-solid fluidized bed was experimentally studied by using magnetic tracer. It is well known that the calculation of terminal velocity is of interest in dense medium separation. However, this problem has not been completely solved up to now. In this work, the terminal velocity of an object mov-ing in a gas-solid fluidized bed was experimentally measured and theoretically calculated. The experimental results in-dicated that the plastic viscosity and yield stress of the bed increase as the size of fluidized particles increases, but it varies little when some coarser particles are mixed with the fluidized particles. The resistance to a rising object was an order magnitude greater than that to a settling object. The efficient buoyancy on a flaky object, which lies flatly on the gas distributor, was much less than that calculated by the Archimedes principle. The object does not always rise or set-tle with minimal projective area owing to radial motion of the fluidized particles. But in the lower part of the bed, the bar-shaped objects were likely with minimal projective area rising or settling. 展开更多
关键词 object motion fluidized bed settling velocity coal dry beneficiation
Modeling of time dependent subsidence for coal and ore deposits 被引量:4
作者 Ryszard Hejmanowski 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2015年第4期287-292,共6页
Coal and ore underground mining generates subsidence and deformation of the land surface. Those defor- mations may cause damage to buildings and infrastructures. The environmental impact of subsidence will not be acce... Coal and ore underground mining generates subsidence and deformation of the land surface. Those defor- mations may cause damage to buildings and infrastructures. The environmental impact of subsidence will not be accepted in the future by the society in many countries. Especially acceptance of the ground deformations decreases every year there, where the mining regions are densely urbanized, the The only solution is to limit the subsidence or its impact on the infrastructure. The first is not rentable for the mining industry, the second depends on the precise subsidence prediction and good preventing management involved in the mining areas. The precision of the subsidence prediction depends strictly on the mathematical model of the deformation phenomenon and on the uncertainty of the input data. The subsidence prediction in the geological conditions of the raw materials used to be made on the basis of numerical modeling or the stochastic models. A modified solution of the stochastic model by Knothe will be presented in the paper. The author focuses on the precise description of the deposit shape and on the time dependent displacements of the rock mass. A two parameters' time function has been introduced in the algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Subsidence prediction Influence function Modeling in time
Breakability analysis of the elastic rock beam based on the winkler model
作者 孟祥瑞 高召宁 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第2期118-122,共5页
Based on the Winkler model, a mechanic model was established with formulas derived concerned with the deformations before and after a roof breakage at places in front of and at the back of the working face. In accorda... Based on the Winkler model, a mechanic model was established with formulas derived concerned with the deformations before and after a roof breakage at places in front of and at the back of the working face. In accordance with the theory for rock beam breakage, the beam breaking position in front of the working face is specified. In addition, the formulas were developed for the velocity of the subsidence at observatory point A in front of the working face when the coal wall serves as the coordinate center and the advance distance at time t as the dynamic coordinate. In the application of the above-mentioned achievements to the practice of Xieqiao Mine and the mines of the Eastern Panji Company of Huainan Mining(Group) Co. Ltd., the results concerned with the velocity with which the roof stratum tends to subside before and after breakage as derived from the mechanic model are well compatible to the results based on in-situ observations and measurements. 展开更多
关键词 ELASTIC rock beam breaking place SUBSIDENCE
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