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作者 季瑞翔 《山东煤炭科技》 2024年第5期110-114,共5页
针对矿用带式输送机煤量测量方法误差较大的问题,提出基于视觉感知的带式输送机煤量测量方法,对视觉感知煤量测量系统(包括煤料识别、煤料三维信息提取和煤料量计算三部分)进行介绍;对煤料测量方法进行研究,采用基于二维离散小波变换进... 针对矿用带式输送机煤量测量方法误差较大的问题,提出基于视觉感知的带式输送机煤量测量方法,对视觉感知煤量测量系统(包括煤料识别、煤料三维信息提取和煤料量计算三部分)进行介绍;对煤料测量方法进行研究,采用基于二维离散小波变换进行增强图像,结合K-means聚类方法实现煤料识别;识别图像再经T-S模糊修正测量对煤料进行图像校正,得到带式输送机煤料三维点云信息,采用Delaunay算法进行剖分并结合煤料密度得到带式输送机煤量;利用煤矿井下实际图像进行了实验研究。研究表明,基于视觉感知的带式输送机煤量测量方法可以将最小误差、最大误差和平均误差降低为1.08%、4.11%和3.02%;与传统带式输送机煤量测量方法相比最小误差下降5%,最大误差下降12%,平均误差下降7%;稳定性和精确度都可以满足实际煤矿生产测量需求,具有良好的应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 带式输送机 煤量测量 视觉感知 料识别
煤场存煤量测量中煤堆三维立体图生成方法研究 被引量:12
作者 杨耀权 于希宁 施仁 《动力工程》 CAS CSCD 1999年第2期76-78,13,共4页
对大型露天煤场存煤量测量中激光扫描采集到的三维不规则数据场的显示方法进行了研究,提出了一种基于平面域三角剖分的显示算法。首先对三维深度数据在矩形平面域上投影,并对平面域内的采样点按Delaunay优化准则进行三角剖分... 对大型露天煤场存煤量测量中激光扫描采集到的三维不规则数据场的显示方法进行了研究,提出了一种基于平面域三角剖分的显示算法。首先对三维深度数据在矩形平面域上投影,并对平面域内的采样点按Delaunay优化准则进行三角剖分,然后把网格节点变换到三维曲面上,从而实现了煤堆三维立体图的显示。它可直观地给出煤场存煤体积的测量结果,并可提高体积计算的精度。该算法已成功用于露天煤场存煤量测量系统。实验结果表明了该方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 火电厂 煤量测量 三维图形 管理
基于煤量测量的燃烧优化解决方案 被引量:2
作者 肖国涛 刘勇 《电力设备》 2006年第2期26-27,共2页
介绍了西门子公司基于在线煤量测量的燃烧优化解决方案,使用专利技术静电方式(ECT)实现对每个燃烧器的煤粉量的测量,根据测量的结果对每个燃烧器的二次风进行调整,保持每个燃烧器的风煤比,然后根据氧量对总风量进行优化调整,以... 介绍了西门子公司基于在线煤量测量的燃烧优化解决方案,使用专利技术静电方式(ECT)实现对每个燃烧器的煤粉量的测量,根据测量的结果对每个燃烧器的二次风进行调整,保持每个燃烧器的风煤比,然后根据氧量对总风量进行优化调整,以保持整个锅炉燃烧达到最优状态。文章指出,采用基于煤量测量的燃烧优化方案,一般可提高燃烧效率0.3%-1%。 展开更多
关键词 燃烧优化 煤量测量 发电厂
作者 唐燕 《甘肃冶金》 2018年第3期101-102,共2页
针对350 MW超临界机组给煤机系统中,存在给煤机煤量偏差大、煤量波动等问题,通过检查给煤机系统控制器、变频器、转速与称重传感器等部件,分析并制定有效的措施保证给煤机系统煤量测量的准确性。
关键词 转速传感器 称重传感器 煤量测量
作者 尚伟栋 杨大山 张坤 《工矿自动化》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第S01期139-145,共7页
针对带式输送机煤量检测技术精度较低、实时性较差等问题,提出了一种基于深度神经网络的煤量测量方法。首先,在BiSeNet的基础上引入TFF结构和交叉熵损失函数,构建new Large TFF模型。其次,在深度预测方面,构建Large TFF2网路模型,针对... 针对带式输送机煤量检测技术精度较低、实时性较差等问题,提出了一种基于深度神经网络的煤量测量方法。首先,在BiSeNet的基础上引入TFF结构和交叉熵损失函数,构建new Large TFF模型。其次,在深度预测方面,构建Large TFF2网路模型,针对边缘检测效果差等问题,引入新的损失函数指导模型训练。然后,针对带式输送机上实时煤量预测任务需求,基于new Large TFF和Large TFF2构建Large TFF4多任务网络模型,并引入深度与语义的组合损失函数。最后,在静态煤量计算的基础上,引入ORB关键点定位技术,实验动态煤量测量。实验结果表明,带式输送机动态煤量检测方法的FPS为25左右,误差为5%左右,能够满足带式输送机高速运转时煤量测量要求。 展开更多
关键词 带式输送机 煤量测量 语义分割 深度预测 多任务模型 ORB关键点
基于线性模型划分的煤流体积测量 被引量:1
作者 陈湘源 薛旭升 《工矿自动化》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期35-40,106,共7页
针对基于线激光条纹的带式输送机煤量测量精度和计算效率较低、胶带运行过程中存在拖尾现象及跑偏、飘带造成的数据不对齐问题,提出了一种基于线性模型划分的煤流体积测量方法。首先,利用高速线激光相机进行煤流数据采集;然后,通过基于... 针对基于线激光条纹的带式输送机煤量测量精度和计算效率较低、胶带运行过程中存在拖尾现象及跑偏、飘带造成的数据不对齐问题,提出了一种基于线性模型划分的煤流体积测量方法。首先,利用高速线激光相机进行煤流数据采集;然后,通过基于线性模型划分的点云配准算法将胶带底部点云数据与煤流表面数据融合,形成完整的三维煤流数据;最后,通过煤流体积测量模型实现对煤流体积的测量。试验结果表明,基于线性模型划分的煤流体积测量方法在高粉尘环境、煤流表面洒水环境、昏暗环境及正常光照环境下测量粗糙表面铁块、光滑表面铁块及实物(煤和矸石)所得结果精度均在95%以上;且光滑表面铁块较粗糙表面铁块在4种模拟环境下的测量精度高,说明物体表面平整度越好测量精度越高,环境对测量精度影响不大。实际测试结果表明,基于线性模型划分的煤流体积测量方法的测量精度均在97%以上,对应平均耗时均在80 ms以内;与基于KD树的测量方法相比,整体精度提高了6%以上,处理时效性提高了1倍。 展开更多
关键词 带式输送机煤量测量 线性模型划分 流体积测量 点云配准 点云三角网格化 线激光条纹
煤场盘点三维模型的建立 被引量:1
作者 郭永安 《广东电力》 2006年第12期35-37,40,共4页
煤场存煤量的盘点是电厂燃料管理的重要组成部分,目前常用的盘点工具是激光电脑盘煤仪,它采用三角剖分算法,对采集到的煤堆表面的三维数据点集进行拟合,使拟合出的曲面能够更好地逼近煤堆表面,采用光照和消隐处理后,使绘出的图形更逼真... 煤场存煤量的盘点是电厂燃料管理的重要组成部分,目前常用的盘点工具是激光电脑盘煤仪,它采用三角剖分算法,对采集到的煤堆表面的三维数据点集进行拟合,使拟合出的曲面能够更好地逼近煤堆表面,采用光照和消隐处理后,使绘出的图形更逼真。针对激光电脑盘煤仪在湛江电厂实际应用中使用的误差问题,对激光电脑盘煤仪的软件部分进行了改进,优化了算法,一是除去封闭点,二是编写了独立的边生长算法作为独立的子程序,改进后的激光电脑盘煤仪在实测中效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 煤量测量 三角剖分 三维图形 计算机软件
DNDGN型多功能激光盘煤仪在火力发电厂的应用 被引量:2
作者 郝山武 《科技情报开发与经济》 2011年第26期173-176,共4页
对DNDGN型多功能激光盘煤仪在阳城国际发电有限责任公司的实际应用情况进行了归纳总结,详细介绍了该系统的构成部件、盘煤原理和安装操作过程。结合公司4号煤场实际盘点数据,重点进行了盘煤精度分析。实际运行表明,DNDGN型多功能激光盘... 对DNDGN型多功能激光盘煤仪在阳城国际发电有限责任公司的实际应用情况进行了归纳总结,详细介绍了该系统的构成部件、盘煤原理和安装操作过程。结合公司4号煤场实际盘点数据,重点进行了盘煤精度分析。实际运行表明,DNDGN型多功能激光盘煤仪可实现火电厂露天煤场存煤量的快速自动测量,而且精度高,有效解决了火电厂普遍无法获得煤场精确存煤量的难题。 展开更多
关键词 煤量测量 多功能激光盘 火电厂
针对GSP气化炉运行参数波动的控制策略优化改造 被引量:3
作者 许力强 徐亚昆 呼宏安 《化工自动化及仪表》 CAS 2013年第11期1440-1441,共2页
某煤基烯烃气化装置的西门子GSP干煤粉气化工艺,除了气化炉的构造与其他工艺有所不同外,其负荷控制方式也与众不同,是以煤量定氧量的,这就对煤量的测量准确性和稳定性提出了较高的要求。在此,详细介绍对以煤定氧的负荷控制方式的优劣以... 某煤基烯烃气化装置的西门子GSP干煤粉气化工艺,除了气化炉的构造与其他工艺有所不同外,其负荷控制方式也与众不同,是以煤量定氧量的,这就对煤量的测量准确性和稳定性提出了较高的要求。在此,详细介绍对以煤定氧的负荷控制方式的优劣以及控制方式的优化与改造。 展开更多
关键词 GSP干粉气化炉 煤量测量运行参数波动 控制策略优化
Advances in gas content based on outburst control technology in Huainan, China 被引量:11
作者 Xue Sheng Yuan Liang +1 位作者 Xie Juna Wang Yucang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第3期385-389,共5页
The sudden and violent nature of coal and gas outbursts continues to pose a serious threat to coal mine safety in China. One of the key issues is to predict the occurrence of outbursts. Current methods that are used f... The sudden and violent nature of coal and gas outbursts continues to pose a serious threat to coal mine safety in China. One of the key issues is to predict the occurrence of outbursts. Current methods that are used for predicting the outbursts in China are considered to be inadequate, inappropriate or impractical in some seam conditions. In recent years, Huainan Mining Industry Group(Huainan) in China and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO) in Australia have been jointly developing technology based on gas content in coal seams to predict the occurrence of outbursts in Huainan. Significant progresses in the technology development have been made, including the development of a more rapid and accurate system in determining gas content in coal seams, the invention of a sampling-while-drilling unit for fast and pointed coal sampling, and the coupling of DEM and LBM codes for advanced numerical simulation of outburst initiation and propagation. These advances are described in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Coal mining OUTBURST Outburst prediction Gas content Numerical model ing
Forecasting Model of Coal Requirement Quantity Based on Grey System Theory 被引量:10
作者 孙继湖 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2001年第2期192-195,共4页
The generally used methods of forecasting coal requirement quantity include the analogy method, the outside push method and the cause effect analysis method. However, the precision of forecasting results using these m... The generally used methods of forecasting coal requirement quantity include the analogy method, the outside push method and the cause effect analysis method. However, the precision of forecasting results using these methods is lower. This paper uses the grey system theory, and sets up grey forecasting model GM (1, 3) to coal requirement quantity. The forecasting result for the Chinese coal requirement quantity coincides with the actual values, and this shows that the model is reliable. Finally, this model are used to forecast Chinese coal requirement quantity in the future ten years. 展开更多
关键词 coal requirement quantity FORECAST grey system theory
Greenhouse gas emissions from shallow uncovered coal seams 被引量:3
作者 Saghafi Abouna 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第3期341-344,共4页
This study discusses a method of quantifying emissions from surface coal mining that has been trialled in Australia. The method is based on direct measurement of surface emissions from uncovered coal seams in mine pit... This study discusses a method of quantifying emissions from surface coal mining that has been trialled in Australia. The method is based on direct measurement of surface emissions from uncovered coal seams in mine pits, concurrent measurement of residual gas content of blasted coal in mine pits, and measurement of pre-mining gas content of the same seam from cores retrieved from exploration boreholes drilled away from active mining. The results from one of the mines studied are presented in this paper. In this mine,the pre-mining gas content of the target seam was measured using cores from an exploration borehole away from active mining. Gas content varied from 0.7 to 0.8 m3/t and gas composition varied from16% to 21% CH4(84–79% CO2). In-pit measurements included seam surface emissions and residual gas content of blasted and ripped coal. Residual gas content varied from 0.09 to 0.15 m3/t, less than twofold across the mine pit. Composition of the residual gas was in general 90% CO2and 10% CH4, with slight variation between samples. Coal seam surface emissions varied from 1.03 to 7.50 mL of CO2-e per minute and per square meter of the coal seam surface, a sevenfold variation across the mine pit. 展开更多
关键词 Coal mining Gas content Gas emission CO2 CH4 Greenhouse gas
A novel method for measuring the moisture content of coal powder by microwave resonator 被引量:1
作者 黄孟阳 彭金辉 +3 位作者 黄铭 张世敏 杨晶晶 李静 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第2期190-193,共4页
A novel technique for the quick measurement moisture content of coal powder by microwave was studied. The effects of the various moisture contents on the measurement results were also discussed. The experimental resul... A novel technique for the quick measurement moisture content of coal powder by microwave was studied. The effects of the various moisture contents on the measurement results were also discussed. The experimental results show that the standard deviation is less than 0.36% when the moisture content of coal powder is 0.74%-16.90% and the standard deviation is less than 0.16% when the moisture content is 0.31%-1.49%. The experimental results indicate that a process of quick measurement moisture content of coal powder by microwave is practical. 展开更多
Technique and experiment of active direct gas pressure measurement in coal roadway
作者 CHEN Xue-xi MA Shang-quan QI Li-ming 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第2期210-214,共5页
An active measurement method and its principle was introduced consideringthe low success rate,special difficulty,and long measurement time of the direct gas pressuremeasurement currently used in coal roadways.The tech... An active measurement method and its principle was introduced consideringthe low success rate,special difficulty,and long measurement time of the direct gas pressuremeasurement currently used in coal roadways.The technology of drilling,boreholesealing depth,borehole sealing length,sealing control of the measuring process,compensatorycomputation of gas loss quantity and other key techniques were discussed.Finally,based on the latest instrument the authors developed,a series of experiments of directgas pressure measurement in the coal roadways of the Jincheng and Tongchuanmine district,were carried out.The experimental results show that active gas pressuremeasurement technique has advantages as follows:(1) the application scope of direct gaspressure measurement technique is wide and it does not have the restriction of coalhardness,coal seam fissure and other conditions;(2) the measured results are credible,which can be tested by the same gas pressure value acquired from a different borehole inthe same place;(3) the measurement process is convenient and quick,it takes about 2 to3 days to acquire the gas pressure value in a coal seam. 展开更多
关键词 coal roadway active gas pressure measurement method key techniques experimental research
Maximum Posterior Adjustment of Extended Network and Estimation Formulae of Its Variance Components
作者 汪善根 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2001年第2期108-112,共5页
This paper derives the maximum posterior adjustment formulae of the extended network and the estimation formulaes of variance components of Helmert, Welsch and Frstner types when there are two types of uncorrelated ob... This paper derives the maximum posterior adjustment formulae of the extended network and the estimation formulaes of variance components of Helmert, Welsch and Frstner types when there are two types of uncorrelated observations in it, and perfects the theory of the maximum posterior adjustment. 展开更多
关键词 common parameter priori weight extended network variance components
Methane adsorption-induced coal swelling measured with an optical method 被引量:3
作者 Tang Shuheng Wan Yi +2 位作者 Duan Lijiang Xia Zhaohui Zhang Songhang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第6期949-953,共5页
In order to quantify the effect of matrix shrinkage on reservoir permeability during coalbed methane production, coal samples from Huozhou, Changzhi and Jincheng areas in Shanxi province (classified as high-volatile ... In order to quantify the effect of matrix shrinkage on reservoir permeability during coalbed methane production, coal samples from Huozhou, Changzhi and Jincheng areas in Shanxi province (classified as high-volatile bituminous coal, low-volatile bituminous coal and anthracite, respectively) were collected, and adsorption-induced coal swelling in methane were determined by an optical method at 40 ℃ and pressure up to 12 MPa. All three coals showed similar behavior-that swelling increased as a function of pressure up to about 10 MPa but thereafter no further increase in swelling was observed. Swelling in the direction perpendicular to the bedding plane is greater than that parallel to the bedding plane, and the differences are about 7.77-8.33%. The maximum volumetric swelling ranges from 2.73% to 3.21 %-increasing with increasing coal rank. The swelling data can be described by a modified DR model. In addition, swelling increases with the amount of adsorption. However, the increase shows a relatively slower stage followed by a relatively faster stage instead of a linear increase. Based on the assumption that sorption-induced swelling/shrinkage of coal in methane is reversible, the permeability increases induced by coal shrinkage during methane desorption was analyzed, and the results indicate that the permeability change is larger for higher rank coal in the same unit of pressure depletion. 展开更多
关键词 CoalAdsorptionMethaneSwellingPermeability
Laser triangulation measurement of the level in a coal silo 被引量:2
作者 Sun Jiping Jiang Jing 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第6期881-884,共4页
Laser triangulation theory was used to develop a novel contact-free method for measuring the coal level in a silo under harsh environmental conditions found in coal mines, such as the presence of dense dust, high humi... Laser triangulation theory was used to develop a novel contact-free method for measuring the coal level in a silo under harsh environmental conditions found in coal mines, such as the presence of dense dust, high humidity, and low illumination. A laser source and a camera were mounted at the top of the silo. The laser spot projected into the silo was imaged by the camera. The pinhole imaging principle allows the level to be found from the lateral shift of the spot image on the sensor. A pre-calibrated look-up table of the coal depth versus spot position was used to obtain the depth. The measurement accuracy depends on the step size used during pre-calibration. The actual application of a device designed according to these principles shows that it is easy to implement. The detection of the coal level in a silo at the low illumination level found in coal mines is demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 Laser triangulation measurement Coal level of coal silo Image segmentation Look-up table
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