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景德镇窑一组照子的形制与功能研究 被引量:2
作者 郑乃章 王建保 +1 位作者 裴亚静 张庆玉 《中国陶瓷》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期98-100,共3页
归纳了一组景德镇窑照子(135枚)的形制,对照文献探求了它们的功能。指出:照子作为试验样本,自唐宋后,历经各朝代而长期使用;其形制是依附于工匠所期望的试验功能,从打孔坯片发展为以管型试样为主的多种形制;其试验内容也在不断的扩展,... 归纳了一组景德镇窑照子(135枚)的形制,对照文献探求了它们的功能。指出:照子作为试验样本,自唐宋后,历经各朝代而长期使用;其形制是依附于工匠所期望的试验功能,从打孔坯片发展为以管型试样为主的多种形制;其试验内容也在不断的扩展,从原本单一测定烧结的"火照",逐步发展为"试照"等试验多因素对陶瓷制造影响的试验用具。 展开更多
关键词 景德镇窑 照子 形制 功能 陶瓷试验
作者 郑乃章 洪星 熊春华 《中国陶瓷》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期45-48,共4页
本文从考察"照"字的本意入手,结合中国陶瓷的历史史实,探索了唐代以来"照子"在各个历史时期的不同用途,指出:照子按其使用目的,可分为测量窑内温度的"火照"和探究某些影响陶瓷生产因素的"试照"... 本文从考察"照"字的本意入手,结合中国陶瓷的历史史实,探索了唐代以来"照子"在各个历史时期的不同用途,指出:照子按其使用目的,可分为测量窑内温度的"火照"和探究某些影响陶瓷生产因素的"试照"两大类;照子是窑工长期使用且不断发展的试验试样,其试验的目的是迎合当时社会要求;其试验内容是试验者根据自身对物质世界的认知水平和所拥有的试验条件而思考设计的,即照子饱含了窑工当时的技术思想。 展开更多
关键词 陶瓷技术史 照子 试验 试样
对盘县照子河向斜北翼断层构造形态的研究 被引量:1
作者 盘福常 张超 《资源信息与工程》 2016年第6期50-51,53,共3页
关键词 断层构造 煤炭资源 照子河向斜
作者 郭志军 向文鑫 +3 位作者 赵凌云 向刚 周培明 徐虎 《能源技术与管理》 2022年第5期43-44,63,共3页
贵州煤层气勘探开发的深入需要增加新的区块,因此对照子河盘北区块这种新增的空白区块进行基础地质特征研究十分重要。系统地总结了该区块的地质背景、可采煤层特征、煤层含气性、储层特征,并基于区块的地质特征,划分了研究区煤层气勘... 贵州煤层气勘探开发的深入需要增加新的区块,因此对照子河盘北区块这种新增的空白区块进行基础地质特征研究十分重要。系统地总结了该区块的地质背景、可采煤层特征、煤层含气性、储层特征,并基于区块的地质特征,划分了研究区煤层气勘探开发的甜点区和次有利区。 展开更多
关键词 照子河向斜 地质特征 煤层气 甜点区 贵州
作者 吕元明 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1980年第1期66-72,100,共8页
长谷川照子(中国人民都知道她叫绿川英子,那是她秘密逃出日本,参加中国抗战时,使用的化名)终于盼到了这一天:第八个“七七”终于“变成侵略者的黄昏葬送曲”。一九四五年日本帝国主义无条件投降,中国人民获得了抗战的胜利。自“七七”... 长谷川照子(中国人民都知道她叫绿川英子,那是她秘密逃出日本,参加中国抗战时,使用的化名)终于盼到了这一天:第八个“七七”终于“变成侵略者的黄昏葬送曲”。一九四五年日本帝国主义无条件投降,中国人民获得了抗战的胜利。自“七七”事变的八年来,长谷川照子——绿川英子在战火纷飞中,和中国人民并肩抗战,同尝苦难,现在又和中国人民同庆胜利,她是多么高兴啊! 她情不自禁地说:“离开祖国已经八年了,怀念之殷莫过于今日。” 展开更多
关键词 中国人民 东北解放区 无条件投降 世界语 日本人 照子 火车 祖国 八路军 副主席
作者 吕元明 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1978年第3期55-64,24,共11页
日本帝国主义在芦沟桥发动了全面侵华战争的第二年的一个夜晚。在波涛汹涌的长江江面上,一只日本侵略军的运输船在哆哆嗦嗦地移动着。船上的日军用茫然的眼神望着远方,听着日语广播。听了东京的,又听大阪的。军国主义的狂叫,再加上靡靡... 日本帝国主义在芦沟桥发动了全面侵华战争的第二年的一个夜晚。在波涛汹涌的长江江面上,一只日本侵略军的运输船在哆哆嗦嗦地移动着。船上的日军用茫然的眼神望着远方,听着日语广播。听了东京的,又听大阪的。军国主义的狂叫,再加上靡靡之音。 展开更多
关键词 照子 中国人民 日本帝国主义 世界语 国际主义战士 国民党 蒋介石 中国共产党 日本法西斯 日本侵略者
作者 张云土 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第5期33-33,共1页
1992年6月,衢州市博物馆征集到一面南宋铭文铜镜,是衢县石梁镇陈家村村民在建房挖基时出土的。该镜为六瓣葵花形,小环钮,钮右侧长方框内有"衢州徐卸五叔青铜照子"牌记,直径14厘米,质地粗劣轻薄(图一)。南宋制镜,有官府铸造的... 1992年6月,衢州市博物馆征集到一面南宋铭文铜镜,是衢县石梁镇陈家村村民在建房挖基时出土的。该镜为六瓣葵花形,小环钮,钮右侧长方框内有"衢州徐卸五叔青铜照子"牌记,直径14厘米,质地粗劣轻薄(图一)。南宋制镜,有官府铸造的,也有私家作坊所铸。以浙江发现的铜镜为例,官家铸造的,如" 展开更多
关键词 照子 博物馆 铭文 青铜 铜镜 浙江 南宋 铸造 出土 牌记
Facilitators and barriers to parent-child communication in pediatric palliative care:An integrative review
作者 Miao Zhang Huanhuan Li +1 位作者 Fei Li Yongai Zhang 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2024年第4期495-503,共9页
Objectives:This study aimed to identify facilitators and barriers to parent-child communication in pediatric palliative care,providing insights for medical professionals developing targeted interventions to enhance pa... Objectives:This study aimed to identify facilitators and barriers to parent-child communication in pediatric palliative care,providing insights for medical professionals developing targeted interventions to enhance parent-child communication and improve its effectiveness.Methods:Whittemore and Knafl’s integrative review method was employed to guide a systematic search for literature in six databases(Medline,Embase,CINAHL Complete,PsycINFO,Web of Science,and Cochrane Library).Peer-reviewer articles published in the English language from inception to December 2023.All of the identified studies were screened,extracted,and analyzed independently by two researchers.Results:Twenty-four articles were included.Thefindings of the relevant studies were analyzed using thematic analysis.Four themes were identified as facilitators:legacy-making,resilience training programs,guidance from the healthcare team,and positive communication.Seven themes were identified as barriers:denial,being unprepared and evasive,mutual protection,being overwhelmed by painful emotions and overloaded with information,incorrect views of medical professionals and parents,negative communication,and cultural context.Conclusions:Parents and professionals should avoid myths about protecting the child and encourage open communication that respects the child’s wishes.The specialized pediatric palliative care team should carefully monitor parent-child communication,determine if any obstacles exist,and design more interventions to enhance it. 展开更多
关键词 COMMUNICATION Palliative care Parent-child relationship PEDIATRICS REVIEW
Axial Local Lifetime Control in High-Voltage Diodes Based on Proximity Gettering of Platinum by Proton-Implantation Damages 被引量:1
作者 贾云鹏 张斌 +1 位作者 孙月辰 亢宝位 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期294-297,共4页
A new lifetime control technique-localized platinum lifetime control (LPLC) is introduced. Silicon samples are implanted with 550keV protons at dosages from 1 × 10^13 to 5 × 10^14 cm^-2. Subsequently, plat... A new lifetime control technique-localized platinum lifetime control (LPLC) is introduced. Silicon samples are implanted with 550keV protons at dosages from 1 × 10^13 to 5 × 10^14 cm^-2. Subsequently, platinum diffusion in silicon is performed at 700 or 750℃ for 15 or 30min,respectively. Then the in-diffused platinum into damaged regions of the proton-implanted silicon is investigated by use of deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Finally, for all of the LPLC samples, the distribution of the in-diffused substitutional platinum agrees well with the damage distribution resulting from the low-dosage proton implantation. Also, the diodes show a very low leakage current even at elevated temperatures while keeping the major advantages of ion irradiation devices, including low turn-off loss and soft recovery. 展开更多
关键词 PLATINUM DLTS hydrogen implantation INTERSTITIAL
SRAP Marker Analysis of Genomic Mutation Induced by ^(60)Coγ-Ray Irradiation in Potato (Solanum tuberosum) 被引量:1
作者 黄先群 刘子瑜 +5 位作者 黄团 唐章林 李丽 丁小令 林平 陈梦玉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第8期1092-1098,共7页
[Objective] This study was to explore the mutagenic effect of 60Co γ-ray on Solanum tuberosum chromosomes.[Method] The 60Co γ-ray at different irradiation doses was applied to treat the minitubers of potato variety ... [Objective] This study was to explore the mutagenic effect of 60Co γ-ray on Solanum tuberosum chromosomes.[Method] The 60Co γ-ray at different irradiation doses was applied to treat the minitubers of potato variety 'Favorita',and the genomic mutations in VM1 and VM2 gene rations in treatments with different doses were analyzed by SRAP markers.[Resalt] Thirty pairs of SRAP primers out of 88 pairs exhibited polymorphism with a rate of 34.1% in the bulked selection of VM1 generation.A total of 225 bands were obtained,of which 64 were polymorphic with a rate of 28.4%.The polymorphism was reflected in the forms of deleted bands and added bands.Based on the result of the bulked selection of VM1 generation,25 primers with polymorphism were selected to scan VM2 generation.Five primers performed poorly,and nine of the rest 20 pairs revealed polymorphism and obtained nine polymorphic bands,of which only four bands were detected in VM1 generation and the other five ones were newly deleted bands.Only 9.8% of the bands detected in VM1 generation were obtained in VM2 generation.Eventually,nine stable and dear polymorphic bands were recovered and cloned,and DNA sequences of six bands of them were acquired by sequencing.According to the comparative analysis,five fragments sequences were similar to potato chromosome with a similarity rate of 77%-89%,three of them located at the resistance gene cluster; another one fragment had a similarity of 93% with some regions of the No.5 chromosome in tomato.[Conclusion] 60Co γ-ray irradiation can cause mutation of genomic DNA in potato;there is no significant correlation between the number of polymorphic bands and the irradiation dose; potymorphic bands are characterized by a larger number of deleted bands than that of the added ones. 展开更多
关键词 POTATO ^60Co γ-ray irradiation SRAP markers MUTATION
Deformation defects and electron irradiation effect in nanostructured Al-Mg alloy processed by severe plastic deformation 被引量:3
作者 刘满平 孙少纯 +4 位作者 Hans J.ROVEN 于瀛大 张桢 Maxim MURASHKIN Ruslan Z.VALIEV 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第8期1810-1816,共7页
In order to explore the exact nature of deformation defects previously observed in nanostructured Al-Mg alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation, a more thorough examination of the radiation effect on the format... In order to explore the exact nature of deformation defects previously observed in nanostructured Al-Mg alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation, a more thorough examination of the radiation effect on the formation of the planar defects in the high pressure torsion (HPT) alloys was conducted using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The results show that high density defects in the HRTEM images disappear completely when these images are exposed under the electron beam for some duration of time. At the same time, lattice defects are never observed within no-defect areas even when the beam-exposure increases to the degree that holes appear in the areas. Therefore, it is confirmed that the planar defects observed in the HPT alloys mainly result from the significant plastic deformation and are not due to the radiation effect during HRTEM observation. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Mg alloy severe plastic deformation high pressure torsion electron irradiation deformation defects transmission electron microscopy
Effect of electron beam irradiation on multi-walled carbon nanotubes 被引量:2
作者 李斌 凤仪 +3 位作者 丁克望 钱刚 张学斌 刘衍芳 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第3期764-769,共6页
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were irradiated with focused electron beams in a transmission electron microscope at room temperature. The results showed that carbon nanotubes had no obvious structural damage... Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were irradiated with focused electron beams in a transmission electron microscope at room temperature. The results showed that carbon nanotubes had no obvious structural damages but only shell bending under 100 keV electron beam irradiation. However, when the electron energy increased to 200 keV, the nanotubes were damaged and amorphization, pits and gaps were detected. Furthermore, generating of carbon onions and welding between two MWCNTs occurred under 200 keV electron irradiation. It was easy to destroy the MWCNTs as the electron beams exceeded the displacement threshold energy that was calculated to be 83-110 keV. Conversely, the energy of electron beams below the threshold energy was not able to damage the tubes. The damage mechanism is sputtering and atom displacement. 展开更多
关键词 multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCCNTs) electron bean irradiation MORPHOLOGY damage mechanism
Comparison of Germination Strategies of Artemisia ordosica with Its Two Congeners from Deserts of China and Israel 被引量:50
作者 黄振英 Yitzchak GUTTERMAN 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第1期71-80,共10页
Artemisia ordosica Krasch. is a dominant shrub occurring mainly on stable sand dunes in the Gobi Desert of China, in the Mongolian phytogeographic region. Achenes of A. ordosica germinate in light but poorly in ... Artemisia ordosica Krasch. is a dominant shrub occurring mainly on stable sand dunes in the Gobi Desert of China, in the Mongolian phytogeographic region. Achenes of A. ordosica germinate in light but poorly in dark and light is the limiting factor regulating the achene germination in sand depth. Achenes germinate in spring or autumn with an optimal temperature of 20 ℃. Achene mucilage can absorb large amounts of water and has important ecological function. Salt concentrations and sand moisture may regulate achene germination in sand. A. ordosica, A. sphaerocephala Krasch. and A. monosperma Delile. from different climates have similar responses to light, the underground location of achene, and sand moisture. Percentage of seedling emergence from different levels of sand depth is depends on the specific, temperature and intensity of light penetrating through the sand depths, as well as on sand moisture. The desert sand habitat seems to have had a dominant influence on the evolution of the germination strategies of these 3 Artemisia species. 展开更多
关键词 ARTEMISIA mucilaginous achenes sand temperatures light sand depth sand moisture germination strategies
作者 刘东志 刘广辰 齐翠娥 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1997年第2期62-66,共5页
A series of N, N′ dialkyl (and aryl) perylene 3,4:9, 10 bis (dicarboximide) compounds were prepared and purified, and their photoelectric properties as organic photoconductors were explored. It is found that N, N′... A series of N, N′ dialkyl (and aryl) perylene 3,4:9, 10 bis (dicarboximide) compounds were prepared and purified, and their photoelectric properties as organic photoconductors were explored. It is found that N, N′ dimethyl perylene 3,4:9, 10 bis (dicarboximide) and perylene 3,4:9,10 tetracarboxylic acid bisbenzimidazole show excellent photoconductivities, their charge acceptance reaches 700 V and 485 V, and the photosensitivity is 45 lx·s and 10 lx·s with dark decays 70 and 60 V/s respectively. The introduction of chlorine atoms can improve their photoelectric properties. SEM analyses also show that the dispersion of pigment in OPC could affect its photosensitivity. 展开更多
关键词 organic photoconductor ELECTROPHOTOGRAPHY perylene derivatives functional dyes
Effects of Different Illumination Intensity and Soil Moisture on Seed Germination of Parashorea chinensis 被引量:2
作者 金晓瑾 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期668-670,共3页
Objective] This study almed to soIve technical probIems in artificial breed-ing of Parashorea chinensis. [Method] The effects of different iI umination intensity and soiI moisture on seed germination rate and emergenc... Objective] This study almed to soIve technical probIems in artificial breed-ing of Parashorea chinensis. [Method] The effects of different iI umination intensity and soiI moisture on seed germination rate and emergence of P. chinensis were in-vestigated. [Result] Under conditions of ill umination intensity of 40% and soiI mois-ture of 60%, the seeds of P. chinensis showed the highest germination rate. [Con-clusion] This study wiI provide some basic information for the ex-situ conservation, repopuIation and deveIopment and utiIization of P. chinensis. 展开更多
关键词 Parashorea chinensis llluminatlon intensity Soil moisture Seed germi-natlon
Proton Irradiation and Thermal Annealing of GaAs Solar Cells
作者 向贤碧 杜文会 +1 位作者 廖显伯 常秀兰 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期710-714,共5页
The investigation on proton irradiation and thermal annealing of AlGaAs/GaAs solar cells has been reported.The energy of the proton irradiation is 325keV and the fluences are ranging from 5×10 10 to 1×1... The investigation on proton irradiation and thermal annealing of AlGaAs/GaAs solar cells has been reported.The energy of the proton irradiation is 325keV and the fluences are ranging from 5×10 10 to 1×10 13 cm -2 .It is demonstrated that the irradiation-induced degradation in the photovoltaic performance of the solar cells exists mainly in the short circuit current and the irradiation damage can be partly recovered by low temperature annealing at 200℃.In addition,it is found that the borosilicate cover glass has an obvious protection effect against the proton irradiation. 展开更多
关键词 proton irradiation thermal annealing solor cell
《国外科技资料目录(医药卫生)》 1999年第8期180-180,共1页
9930814 角膜不正散光合并斜视的治疗[日]/曲直部照子//眼临医报.-1997,91(7).-103~105 一军大9930815 激光可矫正轻度远视:安全性和效果18个月评价/Bruce Jackson W//JAm Acad Ophthalmol.-1998,105(9).-1727~1738
关键词 远视散光 安全性 眼屈光学 角膜 屈光度 斜视 治疗 激光 远视眼 照子
《国外科技资料目录(医药卫生)》 1999年第11期116-116,共1页
9941441 小儿及其家族分离出肺炎衣原体株的药物敏感性[日,英摘]/菰田照子∥日化疗会志.-1998,46(6).-205~209 冀医情 9941442
关键词 小儿支气管哮喘 肺炎衣原体 药物敏感性 治疗经验 族分离 胸部疾病 呼吸道合胞病毒 化疗 照子 反复感染
Effects of Heavy-ion Beams Irradiation on Survival Rate and Antioxidant Enzymes of Sweet Sorghum Seedlings
作者 刘智全 谷卫彬 李文建 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2257-2260,2268,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of heavy-ion beams irradiation on the seed germination potential, survival rate, antioxidant enzyme activi- ties and lipid peroxidation of sweet sorghum. [Method... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of heavy-ion beams irradiation on the seed germination potential, survival rate, antioxidant enzyme activi- ties and lipid peroxidation of sweet sorghum. [Method] The dry seeds were irradiated by '2(36. heavy ion beams with absorbed doses: 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 Gy, respectively. Then, the seed germination potential, survival rate, antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation of sweet sorghum were measured. [Result] Heavy-ion beams irradiation exhibited different influence on germination potential and survival rates. Germination rate showed a downward trend, but the corresponding survival curve of seedlings was saddle-shaped. The activities of SOD, POD, CAT and ASA- POD changed in different trends as well. The MDA content rose toward increasing irradiation dose, suggesting that high dose of heavy-ion beams irradiation enhanced the damage to membrane of sweet sorghum seedlings. [Conclusion] After being irra- diated, germination potential and survival rates of sweet sorghum were decreased, and antioxidant enzymes activity changed greatly. This study laid the basis for fur- ther work on breeding and improvement of sweet sorghum irradiated by ,^(12)C^(6+) heavy ion beams. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy ion beams IRRADIATION Sweet sorghum Antioxidant enzymes
作者 栗原小卷 《重庆与世界》 2002年第2期18-18,共1页
1979年9月,中国举办的日本电影周活动,我第一次访问了中国。没想到过后不久,如此早地又有机会再次访问中国,我感到非常高兴。这次来的目的是为了拍摄日中第一次合作的电视剧《望乡之星》。《望乡之星》描写的是世界语者刘仁和长谷川照子... 1979年9月,中国举办的日本电影周活动,我第一次访问了中国。没想到过后不久,如此早地又有机会再次访问中国,我感到非常高兴。这次来的目的是为了拍摄日中第一次合作的电视剧《望乡之星》。《望乡之星》描写的是世界语者刘仁和长谷川照子(即绿川英子),在1937年-1947年间,中国与日本都处于黑暗的不幸的时代里,以真挚的爱情和崇高的理想,反抗着镇压并对和平作出了贡献的故事。我们踏着长谷川照子的足迹,到上海和重庆拍摄。回顾起来,这虽然是很短的时间,但却留下了不少的回忆。充满生气的上海街道、广阔的长江、景色秀丽的重庆农村……,各种情景现在都在我脑海里涌现。使我永远不会忘却的是。 展开更多
关键词 中国与日本 电视剧 上海街道 世界语 照子 访问 重庆 描写 回顾 合作
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