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晚熟金艳的品牌保卫战 被引量:1
作者 姚媛 《果农之友》 2016年第2期39-40,共2页
金秋10月,到了猕猴桃上市的季节。在全国的猕猴桃主产区域,猕猴桃果实正高挂枝头被陆续采摘。然而,也有一些猕猴桃未到采摘时间,却已在市场上销售。事实上,早采不仅限于猕猴桃。很多水果都或多或少面临“采青”的困扰。果实未成熟时,一... 金秋10月,到了猕猴桃上市的季节。在全国的猕猴桃主产区域,猕猴桃果实正高挂枝头被陆续采摘。然而,也有一些猕猴桃未到采摘时间,却已在市场上销售。事实上,早采不仅限于猕猴桃。很多水果都或多或少面临“采青”的困扰。果实未成熟时,一些种植户与经销商私下达成协议,使其流向市场。然而,早采早卖,果品口感差、品质低,贮藏、加工都会受到影响,还会严重影响品牌形象。 展开更多
关键词 猕猴桃果实 采摘时间 熟金 挂枝 蒲江县 销售终端 头被 耐贮性 品种 组织市场
作者 崔英奎 《黑龙江科技信息》 2008年第35期23-23,共1页
关键词 分类 熟金 鉴定
《英语学习》 2011年第3期7-7,共1页
Psychologists in Scotland have found that as women become more financially independent, they want an older, more attractive male partner.
关键词 《多女青睐魅力男》 英语学习 学习方法 阅读
《新疆有色金属》 2016年第1期62-62,共1页
黄金是在自然界中以游离状态存在而不能人工合成的天然产物。按其来源的不同和提炼后含量的不同分为生金和熟金等。生金亦称天然金、荒金、原金,是熟金的对象,是从矿山或河底冲积层开采出,没有经过熔化提炼的黄金。生金分矿金和沙金两... 黄金是在自然界中以游离状态存在而不能人工合成的天然产物。按其来源的不同和提炼后含量的不同分为生金和熟金等。生金亦称天然金、荒金、原金,是熟金的对象,是从矿山或河底冲积层开采出,没有经过熔化提炼的黄金。生金分矿金和沙金两种。矿金,也称合质金,产于矿山、金矿,大都是随地下涌出的热泉通过岩石的缝细而沉淀积成, 展开更多
关键词 熟金 天然产物 游离状态 热泉 人工合成 清色 低洼地带 混色
作者 泓宇 《环境》 2015年第3期70-72,共3页
又到了年货采购的旺季,您是否在市场上看过、听过、购买过"金箔酒"呢?这种相比起传统酒类价钱高出很多的新品种,是否真的十分贵重呢?近年来,一种名为"金箔酒"的酒类在市场上悄然兴起,这些价钱动辄在成百上千的酒类,因其不菲的价... 又到了年货采购的旺季,您是否在市场上看过、听过、购买过"金箔酒"呢?这种相比起传统酒类价钱高出很多的新品种,是否真的十分贵重呢?近年来,一种名为"金箔酒"的酒类在市场上悄然兴起,这些价钱动辄在成百上千的酒类,因其不菲的价格、"闪亮"的外表而显得十分"高大上"。那么金箔酒到底是什么样的一个品种?是否又像其价钱和外观一样珍贵高档呢? 展开更多
关键词 食品添加剂 法典委员会 西凤 文艺复兴时代 固态发酵 熟金 卡布其 物理方式 人体健康
作者 高琪 《农业知识(瓜果菜)》 2016年第11期49-49,共1页
近年来,山东省沂水县泉庄镇把发展壮大合作社,作为转变农村经济发展方式、促进农业增效农民增收重要举措来抓,取得明显成效。沂水县泉庄镇金龙山农业旅游专业合作社由沂水五洲房地产有限公司于2015年投资建设,共流转土地356户、118.7公... 近年来,山东省沂水县泉庄镇把发展壮大合作社,作为转变农村经济发展方式、促进农业增效农民增收重要举措来抓,取得明显成效。沂水县泉庄镇金龙山农业旅游专业合作社由沂水五洲房地产有限公司于2015年投资建设,共流转土地356户、118.7公顷,种植晚熟金秋蜜桃7万棵,修筑道路30千米、塘坝6处,建设7000吨恒温库一座,有机肥料厂一处,总投资5000万元。开辟新机制。 展开更多
关键词 秋蜜桃 泉庄 农业转型 龙山 修筑道路 农业旅游 熟金 经济发展方式 在外务工人员 生产劳动
"The Man Was Dead and so He Had to Kill the Things He Loved": "Medusation" as Metatheatre in Eugene O'Neill's Mature Plays
作者 Annalisa Brugnoli 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2011年第1期1-8,共8页
This study is about Eugene O'Neill's use of "medusation" as an effective metatheatrical device and foremost achievement in his art. Occurring onstage as an unexpected "anagnorisis", the medusation is a traumatic... This study is about Eugene O'Neill's use of "medusation" as an effective metatheatrical device and foremost achievement in his art. Occurring onstage as an unexpected "anagnorisis", the medusation is a traumatic experience that engenders ritual death. This author argues that the medusation is a quintessentially metatheatrical act, insomuch as here O'Neill carries out a commentary on the function and functioning of theatre, through the consciously fictitious events that unfold on the stage. In the "Introduction", the author reviews its development in O'Neill's plays, from the more traditional melodramatic situations of the early works to the subsequent portrayal of a self-defeating pattern calling for psychological violence and symbolic death. In the section called "Medusation", the author addresses the concept of medusation in order to account for the process whereby O'Neill's people, annihilated by their sudden glimpses into the other within themselves, undergo major physical and spiritual change In "Case Studies", the author analyzes the chief correlatives of medusation: the dead-in-life, the death mask and the dead double. The author's point in this paper is, thus, to show how extensively and pervasively O'Neill deploys medusation in order to signify a rite of passage that engenders metatheatrical death. Its outcome may either be the perpetuation of an endless spiral of violence and self-defeat, or a premise for rebirth arising from the characters' assumption of responsibility as to their share of guilt in the evil of the world, together with the renewed human sympathy and understanding that this awareness brings along 展开更多
关键词 Eugene O'Neill medusation metatheater THEATER American drama
Breeding and Cultivation Technique of New Watermelon Variety Jingang No.2 Heimeiren
作者 孙裕蕴 张小勇 +1 位作者 陶小美 张世天 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第3期490-491,495,共3页
Jingang No. 2 Heimeiren is a new early-maturing watermelon vadety in small to middle size with strong disease resistance bred with ZK09 as female par- ant and ZS05 as male parent. As to whole growth period, the spring... Jingang No. 2 Heimeiren is a new early-maturing watermelon vadety in small to middle size with strong disease resistance bred with ZK09 as female par- ant and ZS05 as male parent. As to whole growth period, the spring crop grows for 90-110 d, the autumn crop grows for 70-80 d, and the fruit development period is 27-29 d. The fruit is oblong with a fruit shape index of 1.5, the average single fruit weight is 3.18 kg, and the fruit surface is smooth in deep green color with dark green netted stripes. The fruit flesh is bright red, crisp, with a soluble solid content in the center of 11.5%. The fruit has a peel thickness of 1.0 cm with high storage tolerance, good appearance and good commodity. The variety is suitable for Guangxi, Guangdong and Halnan. 展开更多
关键词 Seeded watermelon Jingang No. 2 Heimeiren Early maturing Storagetolerance
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