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作者 何海军 《煤质技术》 2024年第4期24-33,47,共11页
利用循环流化床锅炉合理处置产量大且含有有害物质的污泥,可使其烟气中污染物排放浓度达标,因而燃煤循环流化床锅炉掺烧污泥具有广阔的应用前景。从污泥的掺烧现状、掺烧机理、燃烧工况、存在问题以及优化方案等方面对燃煤循环流化床锅... 利用循环流化床锅炉合理处置产量大且含有有害物质的污泥,可使其烟气中污染物排放浓度达标,因而燃煤循环流化床锅炉掺烧污泥具有广阔的应用前景。从污泥的掺烧现状、掺烧机理、燃烧工况、存在问题以及优化方案等方面对燃煤循环流化床锅炉掺烧污泥进行综述研究。煤炭与污泥混燃可实现燃料特性互补,消除单一燃料的负面特性。结合国内外燃煤循环流化床锅炉掺烧污泥相关工艺,指出现阶段我国污泥掺烧对燃烧效率、锅炉运行以及烟气污染物排放的影响,并提出优化工况的具体措施。综合认为,燃煤循环流化床锅炉掺烧污泥可实现污泥的减量化、无害化、资源化处置,需从污泥预处理、锅炉系统优化、数值模拟等多角度出发,进行系统优化设计和改造,以确保混合燃料在炉内高效燃烧、达标排放。 展开更多
关键词 污泥 掺烧机理 燃煤循环流化床 掺烧现状 燃烧工况优化 燃烧效率 数值模拟
作者 钱钢 《江苏锅炉》 2024年第1期1-4,共4页
针对燃煤循环流化床锅炉出现的部分问题,通过总结具体问题及案例分析,提出相应的解决方案。通过对高温分离器的优化、对布风系统的优化以及对二次风系统的优化,采用烟气再循环系统等措施,使得循环流化床锅炉从冷态启动投煤到低负荷原始... 针对燃煤循环流化床锅炉出现的部分问题,通过总结具体问题及案例分析,提出相应的解决方案。通过对高温分离器的优化、对布风系统的优化以及对二次风系统的优化,采用烟气再循环系统等措施,使得循环流化床锅炉从冷态启动投煤到低负荷原始排放达标、再到满负荷工况时投入SNCR+SCR脱硝的全负荷工况,使得NOx排放满足环保要求。 展开更多
关键词 燃煤循环流化床锅炉 高温分离器优化 布风系统优化 二次风系统优化 烟气再循环系统
燃煤循环流化床掺烧城市生活垃圾过程中酸性气体排放 被引量:28
作者 董长青 金保升 +3 位作者 仲兆平 兰计香 李锋 黄亚继 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期32-37,共6页
在一燃煤循环流化床实验装置上进行了掺烧城市生活垃圾实验 ,主要研究了掺烧过程中酸性气体 (NO、N2 O、HCl和SO2 )的排放。实验结果显示 :加入城市生活垃圾 (MSW )时 ,HCl排放量增加 ,NO和SO2 的排放量减少 ,N2 O随掺烧比R(MSW /Coal)... 在一燃煤循环流化床实验装置上进行了掺烧城市生活垃圾实验 ,主要研究了掺烧过程中酸性气体 (NO、N2 O、HCl和SO2 )的排放。实验结果显示 :加入城市生活垃圾 (MSW )时 ,HCl排放量增加 ,NO和SO2 的排放量减少 ,N2 O随掺烧比R(MSW /Coal)增大先降低 ,随R进一步增大 ,N2 O排放浓度略有增加 ;当垃圾与煤掺烧比 (R)不变时 ,温度增加 ,NO排放量增加 ,N2 O排放减少 ,SO2 和HCl排放浓度基本不变。采用前向神经网络模型预测NO排放随混合燃料的变化 ,当隐层单元数为 9时 ,模拟值与实验值符合较好。 展开更多
关键词 城市生活垃圾过程 酸性气体排放 掺烧 燃煤循环流化床
作者 张鸿鹄 刘晓慧 徐思新 《酒.饮料技术装备》 2023年第2期63-67,共5页
1引言生物质燃料作为一种绿色可再生能源,是清洁燃料,挥发分含量较高,含硫量和灰分都比煤低,燃烧过程中温室气体、氮氧化物、二氧化硫排放相对较少;使用生物质燃料可减少燃煤等化石能源消耗量,从而减少二氧化碳排放,实现经济效益与环境... 1引言生物质燃料作为一种绿色可再生能源,是清洁燃料,挥发分含量较高,含硫量和灰分都比煤低,燃烧过程中温室气体、氮氧化物、二氧化硫排放相对较少;使用生物质燃料可减少燃煤等化石能源消耗量,从而减少二氧化碳排放,实现经济效益与环境效益双赢。《湖北省能源发展“十四五”规划》中明确指出“因地制宜开发利用生物质能”。 展开更多
关键词 生物质燃料 挥发分含量 循环流化床燃煤锅炉 生物质成型燃料 二氧化碳排放 绿色可再生能源 温室气体 化石能源消耗
循环流化床燃煤锅炉污泥掺烧试验研究 被引量:4
作者 洪扬生 黄亚继 许建国 《能源与环境》 2015年第5期8-10,共3页
为研究不同污泥掺烧量对循环流化床燃煤锅炉特性的影响,对扬州港口污泥发电有限公司130t/h循环流化床燃煤锅炉进行工况试验,重点考察污泥掺烧对炉膛出口烟气温度、锅炉效率与锅炉出力的影响。结果表明:随着污泥掺烧量从0增至3.75t/h,炉... 为研究不同污泥掺烧量对循环流化床燃煤锅炉特性的影响,对扬州港口污泥发电有限公司130t/h循环流化床燃煤锅炉进行工况试验,重点考察污泥掺烧对炉膛出口烟气温度、锅炉效率与锅炉出力的影响。结果表明:随着污泥掺烧量从0增至3.75t/h,炉膛出口烟气温度从905℃降至900℃,高负荷下污泥掺烧对出口烟气温度降低影响减弱;排烟损失与机械损失增大,锅炉效率不断降低,降低约5%,低负荷下污泥掺烧质量分数更大,锅炉效率降低更快;锅炉主蒸汽流量不断降低,减少约7t/h,试验过程中污泥掺烧质量分数最高达到15%,锅炉运行良好。 展开更多
关键词 循环流化床燃煤锅炉 污泥 掺烧 锅炉效率
循环流化床燃煤锅炉在稠油开发中的应用 被引量:1
作者 刘永学 戴玉良 何泽伟 《新疆石油科技》 2012年第4期56-58,共3页
稠油注蒸汽开采的主要成本为燃料费用,注汽锅炉的燃料以天然气为主,由于每年冬季天然气供应紧张,冬季需要燃烧大量原油或渣油,以补充天然气供给不足,造成了优质能源的极大浪费,同时运行成本居高不下。通过调研认为电站用循环流化床燃煤... 稠油注蒸汽开采的主要成本为燃料费用,注汽锅炉的燃料以天然气为主,由于每年冬季天然气供应紧张,冬季需要燃烧大量原油或渣油,以补充天然气供给不足,造成了优质能源的极大浪费,同时运行成本居高不下。通过调研认为电站用循环流化床燃煤锅炉经过油田适应性改造应用于面积汽驱井组注汽是可行的。通过实施后认为,循环流化床锅炉运行参数满足设计要求,其产生的过热蒸汽有利于计量,满足油藏动态分析要求。根据项目实施后10年预测,可累积增产原油27.9×104t。并且在当前天然气、煤价下,每吨蒸汽可节约成本29.5元。 展开更多
关键词 稠油热采 循环流化床燃煤锅炉 注汽
220t/h循环流化床锅炉温度测点布置及其仪表选型 被引量:1
作者 蔡丹 魏庆韪 《化工自动化及仪表》 CAS 2014年第12期1384-1386,1431,共4页
关键词 循环流化床燃煤锅炉 温度测点 热电偶 仪表选型
作者 王青 《当代贵州》 2024年第36期40-40,共1页
近日,在黔西南高新技术产业开发区黔西南州再生资源综合利用项目建设现场,一派热火朝天的施工景象,数百名工人正在马不停蹄地赶工期。黔西南州再生资源综合利用项目是黔西南州水资源开发投资(集团)有限公司下属子公司贵州鹏昇(集团)纸... 近日,在黔西南高新技术产业开发区黔西南州再生资源综合利用项目建设现场,一派热火朝天的施工景象,数百名工人正在马不停蹄地赶工期。黔西南州再生资源综合利用项目是黔西南州水资源开发投资(集团)有限公司下属子公司贵州鹏昇(集团)纸业有限责任公司的三期项目,总投资19.68亿元,占地面积约264亩,总建筑面积18.089万平方米,项目建设内容包括两条年产60万吨的废纸制浆造纸生产线(一条35万吨箱板纸生产线、一条25万吨瓦楞纸生产线)、一台60吨固废焚烧锅炉、一台130吨循环流化床燃煤锅炉及附属设施。 展开更多
关键词 高新技术产业开发区 项目建设内容 再生资源 综合利用项目 循环流化床燃煤锅炉 占地面积 箱板纸 水资源开发
作者 李闻达 《风景名胜》 2019年第4期202-202,共1页
燃煤锅炉排放的烟气中的含硫氧化物会带来严重环境污染,因此需要严格控制,本文介绍了几种有效的烟气脱硫装置,以及脱硫效率和整体经济性更好的流化床燃煤锅炉,分析了各自的特点,表明了电厂在不同情况下应采取不同的脱硫工艺,以使安全性... 燃煤锅炉排放的烟气中的含硫氧化物会带来严重环境污染,因此需要严格控制,本文介绍了几种有效的烟气脱硫装置,以及脱硫效率和整体经济性更好的流化床燃煤锅炉,分析了各自的特点,表明了电厂在不同情况下应采取不同的脱硫工艺,以使安全性,环保性,经济性达到最优。 展开更多
关键词 烟气脱硫 循环流化床燃煤锅炉 回收率
CFB锅炉内等密度颗粒的分层模型研究 被引量:1
作者 杨海瑞 吕俊复 +2 位作者 岳光溪 Wirsum M Fett F N 《应用基础与工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 2002年第4期412-417,共6页
CFB锅炉的床料由碳,灰,脱硫剂等具有不同密度,宽筛分的颗粒构成,因此分层现象很普遍.颗粒的终端速度对于颗粒分层(segregation)具有十分重要的影响,本文利用终端速度表示不同粒径,不同密度的颗粒的分层倾向,提出一模型来描述CFB整个炉... CFB锅炉的床料由碳,灰,脱硫剂等具有不同密度,宽筛分的颗粒构成,因此分层现象很普遍.颗粒的终端速度对于颗粒分层(segregation)具有十分重要的影响,本文利用终端速度表示不同粒径,不同密度的颗粒的分层倾向,提出一模型来描述CFB整个炉膛内颗粒分层现象,并通过最优化已有的实验数据,推导出分层参数的经验式. 展开更多
关键词 CFB锅炉 等密度颗粒 分层模型 颗粒分层 终端速度 燃煤循环流化床锅炉
Physicochemical properties and heavy metals leachability of fly ash from coal-fired power plant 被引量:5
作者 Xiang Wei Han Baoping +1 位作者 Zhou Dong Nzihou Ange 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第3期405-409,共5页
The physicochemical properties of fly ash from two kinds of coal-fired power plants were studied. Three aspects were examined: the micro-morphology, the mineral composition and the content of heavy metals. The result... The physicochemical properties of fly ash from two kinds of coal-fired power plants were studied. Three aspects were examined: the micro-morphology, the mineral composition and the content of heavy metals. The results show that the fly ash from plants using a circulating fluidized bed are more irregular par- ticles, while the particles from the plants using a pulverized coal-fired boiler are mainly spherical in shape. Quartz and mullite are the main crystalline phases in the ash. Clearly, both the technology and the coal used by a power plant can influence the mineral composition of the ash. The mineral composition of fly ash from a circulating fiuidized bed is more complex than that from a pulverized coal-fired boiler. The quantity of elements found in the fly ash is greater than that found in the bottom ash for the same plant. Heavy metals are likely to be enriched in the fly ash. Heavy metal leachability was studied using two leaching methods. The results indicate that most of the heavy metals that leached during either batch leaching or column leaching experiments did not exceed the related maximum concentration standards. But Ni concentrations in the leachates from both batch and column tests exceed the standard. The highest excess rates in both tests were 572~ and 497~, which levels might threaten the environment. 展开更多
关键词 Fly ashPhysicochemical propertyLeachabilityHeavy metal
氨法脱硫技术在锅炉烟气脱硫中的应用 被引量:1
作者 车艳妮 李飞飞 《中氮肥》 2016年第4期25-27,共3页
关键词 锅炉烟气脱硫 氨法脱硫 循环流化床燃煤锅炉 三废混燃炉 工艺选择 运行情况 系统特点
Conversion of Fuel-N to N2O and NOx during Coal Combustion in Combustors of Different Scale 被引量:3
作者 周昊 黄燕 +2 位作者 莫桂源 廖子昱 岑可法 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第9期999-1006,共8页
With focus on investigating the effect of combustor scale on the conversion of fuel-N to NOx and N20, experiments are carried out in three combustors, including single coal particle combustion test rig, laboratory sca... With focus on investigating the effect of combustor scale on the conversion of fuel-N to NOx and N20, experiments are carried out in three combustors, including single coal particle combustion test rig, laboratory scale circulating fluidized-bed boiler (CFB) and full scale CFB in this work. For single coal particle combustion, the majority of f-uel-N (65%-82%) is released as NOx, while only a little (less than 8%) fuel-N yields N20. But in labora- tory scale CFB, the conversion of fuel-N to N20 is increases, but the conversion of fuel-N to NOx is quite less than that of single coal particle combustion. This is because much char in CFB can promote the NOx reduction by in- creasing N20 formation. In full scale CFB, both of the conversion of fuel-N to NOx and the conversion of fuel-N to N20 are smaller than laboratory scale CFB. 展开更多
关键词 fuel-N N2O NOx COAL fluidized bed
Adsorption properties of CFBC ash-cement pastes as compared with PCC fly ash-cement pastes 被引量:4
作者 Zhijuan Wang Yuanming Song 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第1期62-67,共6页
Circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) ash can be potentially used as supplementary cementitious materials for concrete production due to its desirable pozzolanic activity. The adsorption properties of CFBC ash... Circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) ash can be potentially used as supplementary cementitious materials for concrete production due to its desirable pozzolanic activity. The adsorption properties of CFBC ash-cement pastes were studied, and ordinary pulverized coal combustion (PCC) fly ash-cement pastes were used as control. The water-adsorption and superplasticizer (SP)-adsorption properties of the pastes were evaluated by water demand and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy respectively. The results show that CFBC ash-cement system has greater compressive strength as compared with PCC fly ash-cement system at a given curing age, although the water demand of the former is significantly higher than that of the latter. CFBC ash-cement pastes possess higher adsorption ability of aliphatic SP than PCC fly ash-cement pastes and the adsorption amount increases with an increase in ash replacement ratio. CFBC ash- cement pastes exhibit lower workability with higher slump loss. It is concluded that CFBC ash can be potentially used as supplementary cementitious material in concrete production, but the mix design of CFBC ash concrete needs to be appropriately adjusted. It is suggested that CFBC ash is used for the production of the concrete needing low flowability. 展开更多
A Revised CFB Wall-to-suspension Heat Transfer Model
作者 苏亚欣 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期97-101,共5页
Based on the Cluster Renewal Model of the particle motion in a CFB riser, a revised heat transfer model is developed, which introduces the latest research results of the hydrodynamics of the suspension flow in CFB. Th... Based on the Cluster Renewal Model of the particle motion in a CFB riser, a revised heat transfer model is developed, which introduces the latest research results of the hydrodynamics of the suspension flow in CFB. This model divides the heat transfer into two parts, which are due to the transient heat conduction by the covered clusters and the convection between the uncovered wall and the dispersed phase. Radiation at high temperature is regarded as being additive. The fraction of the covered wall by clusters is revised by a new formula, which is a function of the operating condition and the particle properties. The radiation between the dispersed phase and the uncovered wall includes not only the direct radiation to the uncovered wall, but also the radiation to the clusters and then reflected to the uncovered wall. Calculation was carried out for the CFB heat transfer model. The results were compared with the published typical experimental data of other researchers and showed a good agreement between them. 展开更多
关键词 circulating fluidized bed heat transfer model cluster renewal model modification.
《矿山资源开发利用与环境保护(科技与信息)》 2002年第1期15-15,共1页
关键词 洁净煤 发电技术 增压流化床燃煤联合循环 PFBC—CC
机械力活化固硫灰固化处理生活垃圾焚烧飞灰 被引量:6
作者 齐一谨 彭熙 +3 位作者 徐中慧 徐亚红 蒋灶 罗日主 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期2469-2474,共6页
为实现城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰的安全处理,通过机械力化学法活化循环流化床燃煤固硫灰,探讨了球磨样品制备固化体的参数。并采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)手段对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固化机制进行了研究。结果表明... 为实现城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰的安全处理,通过机械力化学法活化循环流化床燃煤固硫灰,探讨了球磨样品制备固化体的参数。并采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)手段对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固化机制进行了研究。结果表明,当垃圾焚烧飞灰掺加比为60%,球磨转速为600 r·min^(-1),球磨时间为5 h,养护温度60℃时的固化体28 d和56 d抗压强度分别达到15.6 MPa和17.9 MPa,采用原子吸收光谱仪(AAS)测得固化体中Zn、Pb、Cu、Cd和Cr重金属浸出量均低于GB 5085.3-2007规定限值。XRD和FTIR表征结果表明,在水化过程中,该混合体系生成了水化硅酸钙(C—S—H)、斜方钙沸石和钙矾石(AFt)等水化产物,并且C—S—H凝胶可通过物理包裹的形式固化垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属;斜方钙沸石和钙矾石以化学吸附的方式使垃圾焚烧飞灰中的重金属离子达到固化/稳定化效果,实现了垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的安全处理。 展开更多
关键词 城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰 循环流化床燃煤固硫灰 机械力化学法 固化处理 重金属
The Simulation of Influence of Different Coals on the Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler's Combustion Performance 被引量:3
作者 Yumei Yong Qinggang LuInstitute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100080 Beijing, China 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期185-187,184,共4页
The combustion performance of the boiler largely depends on the coal type. Lots of experimental research shows that different fuels have different combustion characteristics. It is obvious that fuel will change the wh... The combustion performance of the boiler largely depends on the coal type. Lots of experimental research shows that different fuels have different combustion characteristics. It is obvious that fuel will change the whole operating performance of Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC). We know even in a pilot-scale running boiler, the measurement of some parameters is difficult and costly. Therefore, we developed the way of simulation to evaluate the combustion performance of Chinese coals in CFB. The simulation results show that, different coals will result in different coal particle diameter and comminution depending on their mineral component and the change will affect the distribution of ash in CFBC system. In a word, the computational results are in accordance with experimental results qualitatively but there are some differences quantitatively. 展开更多
关键词 COAL circulating fluidized bed COMBUSTION simulation.
Analysis of a Coal Fired Combined Cycle with Carried-Heat Gasification 被引量:3
作者 XuXiangdong F.N.Fett 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1994年第4期217-224,共8页
In the research of a more efficient, leSS costly, more environmentally responsible and less technically difficult method for generating electrical power from coal, the Carried-heat Gasilication Combined Cycle (CGCC) i... In the research of a more efficient, leSS costly, more environmentally responsible and less technically difficult method for generating electrical power from coal, the Carried-heat Gasilication Combined Cycle (CGCC) is introduced by Tsinghua University. The high efficiency cycle includes carried-heat partial gasilication, compressed air heating in a fiuidized bed immersed air heater followed by a combustor and the heat recovery of gas turbine exhaust used as the combustion air for the differential-velocity atmospheric circulating fluidized bed (DFBC). Superheat steam is raised in the DFBC boiler. The comparison of results identifies the causes of performance difference between eight cases. Features of the cycle ensure a high coal conversion efficiency within current state of the art. 展开更多
关键词 carried-heat gasification combined cycle differential-velocity fluidized bed compressed air heater.
The Development of Coke Carried-Heat Gasification Coal-Fired Combined Cycle
作者 LiZhao XiangdongXu 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1999年第4期270-276,共7页
Carried-Heat Partial Gasification Combined cycle is a novel combined cycle which was proposed by Thermal Engineering Department of Tsinghua University in 1992. The idea of the system comes from the situation that the ... Carried-Heat Partial Gasification Combined cycle is a novel combined cycle which was proposed by Thermal Engineering Department of Tsinghua University in 1992. The idea of the system comes from the situation that the efficiency of the power plants in China is much lower than that of the advanced countries, but the coal consumption is much higher, which brings about the waste of primary energy resources and the pollution of the environment. With the deep study of the gasification technology, Coke Carried-Heat Gasification Coal-Fired Combined Cycle, as the improved system, came into birth in 1996 based on the partial gasification one. At the end of 1997, a new cycle scheme similar to IGCC was created. This paper focuses on several classes combined cycle put forward by Tsinghua University, depending on the plant configuration and carbon conversion, making the solution a viable and attractive option for efficient coal utilization. 展开更多
关键词 combined cycle carried heat gasification. Received 1999.
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