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燕岩溶洞旅游资源及其旅游深度开发研究 被引量:2
作者 江金波 《资源开发与市场》 CAS 2007年第5期468-470,共3页
广东怀集的燕岩溶洞因金丝燕的定期群居而成为独特的溶洞旅游景观。基于对它的深入考察,阐述了地貌环境与结构、小气候生境、溶蚀过程等与金丝燕群居于此溶洞的关系。结果表明,新生代造山运动形成的高险地貌,继之溶蚀形成的节理裂隙发... 广东怀集的燕岩溶洞因金丝燕的定期群居而成为独特的溶洞旅游景观。基于对它的深入考察,阐述了地貌环境与结构、小气候生境、溶蚀过程等与金丝燕群居于此溶洞的关系。结果表明,新生代造山运动形成的高险地貌,继之溶蚀形成的节理裂隙发育的巨洞为金丝燕提供了着附的安全环境;宽阔的地下河及其造就的高湿度提供了金丝燕习惯栖息的海洋性小气候;硬质水温条件以及盆地孤峰模拟的海岛生境则成为金丝燕久居的重要原因。燕岩旅游资源划分为观赏性旅游资源、参与性旅游资源、娱乐性旅游资源等不同类型,形成洞内与洞外不同组合。燕岩旅游的深入开发有赖于对生态文化的发掘。为此,要通过客流分流、建筑控制、活动限定等措施保护金丝燕的生存环境;提炼金燕文化的精髓,积极利用“燕子节”等节庆活动以及其它文化场馆展示其深厚的文化底蕴,优化旅游资源结构,塑造燕岩生态文化旅游的独特品牌形象。 展开更多
关键词 旅游开发 生态文化
韩国18世纪后期燕岩小说再探讨 被引量:1
作者 申相星 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 1995年第3期89-95,70,共8页
韩国18世纪后期燕岩小说再探讨[韩国]申相星学术界一向认为,燕岩朴趾源 ̄①小说的出现,是韩国古典文学向近代文学发展的一大转折。科学的实学 ̄②思想的兴起,使得以朱子学说为核心思想的李朝传统儒教社会产生了新的矛盾冲突,开... 韩国18世纪后期燕岩小说再探讨[韩国]申相星学术界一向认为,燕岩朴趾源 ̄①小说的出现,是韩国古典文学向近代文学发展的一大转折。科学的实学 ̄②思想的兴起,使得以朱子学说为核心思想的李朝传统儒教社会产生了新的矛盾冲突,开拓了政治的、社会的、文学的新视野。... 展开更多
关键词 小说研究 《虎叱》 文学性 实学派 文学作品 韩国 朱子学 18世纪 小说美学
《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 1981年第Z1期128-128,共1页
燕岩朴趾源是十八世纪朝鲜实学派杰出的思想家和政论家,又是伟大的现实主义作家。燕岩朴趾源于一七三七年三月五日诞生在汉城安国坊,字仲美,号燕岩。虽然出生在“冠冕大族”的两班家庭,但幼失父母,在祖父膝下,过着贫寒生活。从小喜好读... 燕岩朴趾源是十八世纪朝鲜实学派杰出的思想家和政论家,又是伟大的现实主义作家。燕岩朴趾源于一七三七年三月五日诞生在汉城安国坊,字仲美,号燕岩。虽然出生在“冠冕大族”的两班家庭,但幼失父母,在祖父膝下,过着贫寒生活。从小喜好读书,爱好音乐和绘画,喜听世上趣闻和民间故事。燕岩不应科举,攻读“百家之流”,研究政治、经济、哲学、天文、地理、历史和文学。燕岩选择了实学之路。实学派思想运动是产生于十七世纪初叶,经过十八世纪更加系统化,至十九世纪由丁若镛集大成。当时,代表中小地主利益的先进贵族知识分子,痛恨李朝政治腐败,反对“空理空谈”、形式主义,主张通过研究实际事物来探求真理,解放奴婢,改革社会,这就是实学派思想运动的主要内容。实学派文学是“ 展开更多
关键词 朴趾源 实学派 十八世纪 十九世纪 现实主义作家 十七世纪 民间故事 贵族知识分子 政治腐败
作者 张丽娜 《洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第2期81-88,共8页
《燕岩集》是18世纪朝鲜著名实学家和文学巨匠朴趾源的著作汇编,堪称朝鲜汉籍中的经典。“序跋”类散文在《燕岩集》中比重很大。《燕岩集》中的序跋文渗透着朴趾源及朝鲜实学派的北学精神,并涉及文学与自然、时代的关系、内容和形式的... 《燕岩集》是18世纪朝鲜著名实学家和文学巨匠朴趾源的著作汇编,堪称朝鲜汉籍中的经典。“序跋”类散文在《燕岩集》中比重很大。《燕岩集》中的序跋文渗透着朴趾源及朝鲜实学派的北学精神,并涉及文学与自然、时代的关系、内容和形式的关系、继承和革新关系、文学批评理念和方法等文论命题。“序跋”类散文立论坦率中肯,行文不拘体例,语言精警凝练,饱含着实学精神和文论价值,其丰富的内蕴可作为今人窥探朝鲜李朝文学世界的窗牖,也反映出中华文化对东亚文学的深远影响。 展开更多
关键词 岩集》 朴趾源 序跋 北学精神 文学观念
朴趾源小说的近代思想因素与艺术形式探索 被引量:1
作者 蔡美花 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 1986年第4期86-94,共9页
燕岩朴趾源是十八世纪朝鲜最杰出的实学思想家和卓越的现实主义作家。朴趾源活动在朝鲜封建社会的历史性转变时期。他一生为改变社会的落后和停滞状态,改善人民生活而探索奋斗。他忧国忧民的爱国衷情,追求先进文化、先进技术的科学精神... 燕岩朴趾源是十八世纪朝鲜最杰出的实学思想家和卓越的现实主义作家。朴趾源活动在朝鲜封建社会的历史性转变时期。他一生为改变社会的落后和停滞状态,改善人民生活而探索奋斗。他忧国忧民的爱国衷情,追求先进文化、先进技术的科学精神,对那些阻碍生产力发展的旧社会制度的改革思想紧密联系在一起形成为他的实学思想体系。 展开更多
关键词 朴趾源 小说形式 思想因素 十八世纪 封建社会 朝鲜 实学思想 近代小说 现实主义作家
十八世纪朝鲜杰出的思想家和作家朴趾源 被引量:1
作者 黄辉 金云喆 《解放军外国语学院学报》 1982年第2期34-39,共6页
关键词 朴趾源 十八世纪 作家 思想家 统治阶级 文学作品 《虎叱》 实学思想 批判现实主义
作者 谭子荣 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 2002年第2期152-152,共1页
关键词 桥头镇 岩溶生物 风洞 生态景观
作者 金世贞 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第2期5-11,共7页
儒教内含着丰富的人与自然和谐共处的有机体思考方式和生态论式要素。这种要素为克服机械式世界观、人类肆意破坏大自然提供了理论基础,同时也为树立生态中心主义理论的形成提供了可能性。韩国的儒教也不例外。文章试图通过对韩国性理... 儒教内含着丰富的人与自然和谐共处的有机体思考方式和生态论式要素。这种要素为克服机械式世界观、人类肆意破坏大自然提供了理论基础,同时也为树立生态中心主义理论的形成提供了可能性。韩国的儒教也不例外。文章试图通过对韩国性理学者栗谷李珥、阳明学者霞谷郑齐斗,还有实学者湛軒洪大容及燕巖朴趾源等学者们思想的分析,找出其中有机体的、生态论的要素,为"韩国生态儒教"的确立提供基础。性理学者栗谷主张天地万物和人是同体,宇宙自然是一个有生命力的有机体,认为人类的生命源于宇宙自然,追求人与自然合一。在栗谷那里,人类被定义为赋予了以天地之心去照顾和养育自然的义务的存在。人类主体、能动地参与天地的化育中去,达到自然和人类合二为一的时候才能真正感受到乐趣(真乐)。阳明学者霞谷则主张人类和万物的同一性和一体性,把人类的心规定为天地之灵,即与万物感应的主体。人类通过生生不息的仁体的发显和展开来参与到宇宙自然万物的创生、养育过程中,来实现生命的本质,忠实履行天地之灵的作用。在性理学和阳明学看来,人类不是征服自然的主体,更不是自然的支配者。也不像在生态中心主义主张的那样,被赋予了同自然物等同的价值,作为自然的一部分生活的寒酸的存在。人类是在这个世界上最优越的存在,所以被称为天地之心或天地之灵,同时也被赋予了保护和养育自然的义务和责任。这种思考既能克服人类中心主义把自然看作是道具的弊端,也可以避免生态中心主义忽视人类价值的缺陷。实学家湛轩和燕严把自然物视为"活物",在重视人类和自然的有机统一关系方面与栗谷或霞谷持有类似的观点。但与栗谷和霞谷把人类规定为天地之心或天地之灵相比,湛轩和燕严则主张从天的立场上来看人和事物时二者的存在是平等,即人与事物的均等性,并提示了人与自然在平等的条件下互相尊重、互相帮助、互相依靠、相辅相助、共存共生的原理。人物均思想与生态学的平等主义相通,相生的原理和生态主义者的共生的原理也是一致的。这种认为人和事物平等的思考不仅是对‘自然存在物的尊重’,而且更进一步讲是‘追求人类和自然存在的和谐和共存’,为克服人类中心主义提供了契机。而且也可以避免性理学者们一不小心会倾向人类中心主义的顾虑,但有必要过于倾向于人均等而造成不利的影响。 展开更多
关键词 韩国儒学 环境哲学 生态意识 栗谷 霞谷 燕巖 湛轩
作者 王海鹰 《商界》 2003年第2期66-67,共2页
关键词 广州窝制品有限公司 市场营销 保健食品企业 经营管理
作者 吴泽莹 《岭南文史》 2005年第3期19-21,共3页
由广东省政府参事室(文史研究馆)、广东省珠江文化研究会、中山大学民俗研究中心、中共肇庆市委、肇庆市政府联合主办,中共怀集县委、怀集县政府承办,肇庆市社会科学联合会、肇庆市炎黄文化研究会协办的"泛珠三角和燕都文化论坛&qu... 由广东省政府参事室(文史研究馆)、广东省珠江文化研究会、中山大学民俗研究中心、中共肇庆市委、肇庆市政府联合主办,中共怀集县委、怀集县政府承办,肇庆市社会科学联合会、肇庆市炎黄文化研究会协办的"泛珠三角和燕都文化论坛",于7月5日在怀集县举行。来自各大专院校、科研机构和团体的40多位专家学者出席论坛并提交了论文,就"怀集是金丝燕繁衍生息的宝地"、"怀集是孕育中国禅宗文化的圣地"、"怀集是海陆丝绸之路的交汇地"以及泛珠三角文化资源的整合开发等方面进行探讨,其中15篇在论坛上宣读。本期选登论文5篇,以飨读者。 展开更多
关键词 金丝 中国 广东 历史文化
作者 唐达强 《人民之声》 1996年第11期29-29,共1页
怀集县桥头燕岩是我国大陆唯一栖息金丝燕的地方,每年有数以万计的金丝燕栖居洞内筑巢建窝,繁殖后代。近年来,由于管理不善,燕岩生态环境受到污染,乱捕、滥捕燕子现象严重,致使洞内聚燕逐年下降。去年7月28日,怀集县人大常委会作出了《... 怀集县桥头燕岩是我国大陆唯一栖息金丝燕的地方,每年有数以万计的金丝燕栖居洞内筑巢建窝,繁殖后代。近年来,由于管理不善,燕岩生态环境受到污染,乱捕、滥捕燕子现象严重,致使洞内聚燕逐年下降。去年7月28日,怀集县人大常委会作出了《关于加强对燕岩的保护管理,挽救金丝燕问题的决议》。决议公布实施后。 展开更多
关键词 金丝 怀集县 人大常委会 洞内
作者 蓝淙仁 《源流》 2005年第5期60-60,共1页
地处粤西北山区的怀集县桥头镇,石峰林立,竹翠树绿, 山奇水秀,是别具一格的旅游风光胜地。这里有闻名遐迩的燕岩,洞内栖居着数以十万计的金丝燕,群燕逐舞洞天。每年农历六月初六,成千上万的游客云集此地,漫游燕岩,观赏燕舞洞天和当地勇... 地处粤西北山区的怀集县桥头镇,石峰林立,竹翠树绿, 山奇水秀,是别具一格的旅游风光胜地。这里有闻名遐迩的燕岩,洞内栖居着数以十万计的金丝燕,群燕逐舞洞天。每年农历六月初六,成千上万的游客云集此地,漫游燕岩,观赏燕舞洞天和当地勇士攀崖掏燕窝绝技,好不热闹。燕岩坐落在素有"小阳朔"之称的桥头镇。 展开更多
关键词 金丝 桥头镇 洞天 奇观 北山区 旅游 游客 栖居
作者 苏上侯 《人民之声》 2001年第9期29-29,共1页
6月21日,怀集县人大常委会领导带领驻会委员10余人,顶着烈日来到该县桥头镇燕岩风景名胜区,这次专程到燕岩不是观光游览,而是检查人大议案实施情况。沿着新修建的环岩公路,再穿进岩洞,从北一直往南走,洞内燕子喳喳歌唱,翩翩起舞,好一个... 6月21日,怀集县人大常委会领导带领驻会委员10余人,顶着烈日来到该县桥头镇燕岩风景名胜区,这次专程到燕岩不是观光游览,而是检查人大议案实施情况。沿着新修建的环岩公路,再穿进岩洞,从北一直往南走,洞内燕子喳喳歌唱,翩翩起舞,好一个鸟的天堂,委员们脸上露出了微笑。燕岩是省级风景名胜,也是我国内陆珍稀侯鸟金丝燕唯一栖息繁衍地,金丝燕成了燕岩主要景观之一。一个时期,由于疏于管理,燕岩洞内生态环境污染日趋严重,危害了金丝燕栖身生息,诱捕、滥捕金丝燕行为愈来愈突出,导致洞内聚燕量急剧下降,发展下去,势必"燕绝洞空",燕岩旅游景点便是徒有虚名。保护风景名胜,拯救金丝燕成为群众反映的"热点"问题和强烈要求。县人大常委会根据群众的呼声。 展开更多
关键词 金丝 风景名胜 生态环境污染 群众 洞内 议案
作者 张开诚 《中国钓鱼》 2002年第1期54-54,共1页
听乡下一位老伯说,燕岩村后山腰上有一个很神秘的岩洞,岩洞发生的事很是蹊跷: 那是1999年的春天,广州来的几位客人想去山上游玩,老伯就带领他们去看岩洞。当时正值春汛期,岩洞的水差不多溢出洞口,且形成一个大漩涡。少有见山的客人正在... 听乡下一位老伯说,燕岩村后山腰上有一个很神秘的岩洞,岩洞发生的事很是蹊跷: 那是1999年的春天,广州来的几位客人想去山上游玩,老伯就带领他们去看岩洞。当时正值春汛期,岩洞的水差不多溢出洞口,且形成一个大漩涡。少有见山的客人正在惊叹之际,不小心碰落几块松动的石头,石头掉进洞中的水里,突然,一阵由远而近如雷般的声音从洞中传出,霎时间岩洞的水位急速下降,呈现在眼前的是黑乎乎不见底的洞口。一行人见此情景,以为怪物出现,慌不择路地拔腿逃命…… 展开更多
关键词 岩洞 春汛期 西洋菜 大漩涡 踩成泥浆 急速下降 暗河 突然上涨 垂直地带
《源流》 2011年第13期46-46,共1页
关键词 桥头镇 岩溶洞穴 风景名胜 民间歌谣 金丝 风景区 中心区 文化
论朴趾源的哲学思想 被引量:3
作者 朱七星 《哲学研究》 1981年第7期53-58,共6页
朴趾源,字仲美,号燕岩,于1737年3月5日出生在朝鲜京城安国坊两班家庭,卒于1805年10月20日。 朴趾源自幼丧父,身病体弱,其祖父“敦宁公怜不授书”,“十六岁聘始就于妇叔弘文校理荣木堂公”。荣木堂深受实学思想影响,朴趾源在荣木堂的指导... 朴趾源,字仲美,号燕岩,于1737年3月5日出生在朝鲜京城安国坊两班家庭,卒于1805年10月20日。 朴趾源自幼丧父,身病体弱,其祖父“敦宁公怜不授书”,“十六岁聘始就于妇叔弘文校理荣木堂公”。荣木堂深受实学思想影响,朴趾源在荣木堂的指导下,“学问遂以大进”(《燕岩集·年谱》)。在三年多时间里,掌握了政治、经济、文化等各方面的丰富知识,到二十岁时已成为社会改革的倡导者和著名的批判现实主义作家。四十四岁。 展开更多
关键词 朴趾源 哲学思想 实学思想 现实主义作家 社会改革 倡导者 家庭 唯物论 祖父
Multiple-aged granitoids and related tungsten-tin mineralization in the Nanling Range, South China 被引量:51
作者 CHEN Jun WANG RuCheng +2 位作者 ZHU JinChu LU JianJun MA DongSheng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期2045-2055,共11页
The Nanling metallogenic belt in South China is characterized by well-developed tungsten-tin mineralization related to multi- ple-aged granitoids. This belt is one of the 5 key prospecting and exploration areas among ... The Nanling metallogenic belt in South China is characterized by well-developed tungsten-tin mineralization related to multi- ple-aged granitoids. This belt is one of the 5 key prospecting and exploration areas among the 19 important metallogenic tar- gets in China. Important progress has been made in recent years in understanding the Nanling granitoids and associated miner- alization, and this paper introduces the latest major findings as follows: (1) there exists a series of Caledonian, Indosinian, and Yanshanian W-Sn-bearing granites; (2) the Sn-bearing Yanshanian granites in the Nanling Range form an NE-SW trending aluminous A-type granite belt that stretches over 350 km. The granites typically belong to the magnetite series, and dioritic micro-granular enclaves with mingling features are very common; (3) the Early Yanshanian Sn- and W-bearing granites pos- sess different petrological and geochemical features to each other: most Sn-bearing granites are metaluminous to weakly per- aluminous biotite (hornblende) granites, with zircon tHe(t) values of ca. -2 to -8, whereas most W-bearing granites are peralu- minous two-mica granites or muscovite granites with CHf(t) values of ca. -8 to -12; (4) based on the petrology and geochemis- try of the W-Sn-bearing granites, mineralogical studies have shown that common minerals such as titanite, magnetite, and bio- tite may be used as indicators for discriminating the mineralizing potential of the Sn-bearing granites. Similarly, W-bearing minerals such as wolframite may indicate the mineralizing potential of the W-bearing granites. Future studies should be fo- cused on examining the internal relationships between the multiple-aged granites in composite bodies, the metallogenic pecu- liarities of multiple-aged W-Sn-bearing granites, the links between melt evolution and highly evolved ore-bearing felsic dykes, and the connections between granite domes and mineralization. 展开更多
关键词 Nanling Range tungsten-bearing granites tin-bearing granites mineralizing potential ore-forming peculiarities
Petrogenesis of early Yanshanian highly evolved granites in the Longyuanba area,southern Jiangxi Province:Evidence from zircon U-Pb dating,Hf-O isotope and whole-rock geochemistry 被引量:27
作者 TAO JiHua LI WuXian +1 位作者 LI XianHua CEN Tao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第6期922-939,共18页
Early Yanshanian(Jurassic) granitoids are widespread in the Nanling Range,South China.Whereas large granitic batholiths commonly crop out in the center of the Nanling Range(corresponding geographically to the central ... Early Yanshanian(Jurassic) granitoids are widespread in the Nanling Range,South China.Whereas large granitic batholiths commonly crop out in the center of the Nanling Range(corresponding geographically to the central and northern parts of Guangdong Province),many small stocks occur in the southern part of Jiangxi Province.Most of the small stocks are associated closely with economically significant rare-metal deposits(W,Sn,Nb,Ta).Here we report the results for biotite granites and two-mica granites from three Yanshanian stocks of the Longyuanba complex.LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating of zircon yields an age of 156.1±2.1 Ma for Xiaomubei biotite granite,and U-Pb zircon dating using SIMS yields an age of 156.7±1.2 Ma for Longyuanba-Chengjiang biotite granite and 156.4±1.3 Ma for Jiangtoudong two-mica granite.Biotite granites are silica-rich(SiO 2 =70%-79%),potassic(K 2 O/Na 2 O>1.9),and peraluminous(ASI=1.05-1.33).Associated samples are invariably enriched in Rb,Th,Pb and LREE,yet depleted in Ba,Nb,Sr,P and Ti,and their REE pattern shows a large fractionation between LREE and HREE((La/Yb) N =10.7-13.5) and a pronounced Eu negative anomaly(δEu=0.28-0.41).Two-mica granite samples are also silica-rich(SiO 2 =75%-79%),potassic(K 2 O/Na 2 O>1.2),and peraluminous(ASI=1.09-1.17).However,in contrast to the biotite granites,they are more enriched in Rb,Th,Pb and extremely depleted in Ba,Nb,Sr,P and Ti,and exhibit nearly flat((La/Yb) N =0.75-1.08) chondrite-normalized REE patterns characterized by strong Eu depletion(δEu=0.02-0.04) and clear tetrad effect(TE 1.3 =1.10-1.14).Biotite granites and two-mica granties have comparable Nd isotopic signatures,and their εNd(t) are concentrated in the 13.0 to 9.6 and 11.5 to 7.7 respectively.Their zircon Hf-O isotopes of both also show similarity(biotite granites:εHf(t)= 10.8-7.9,δ 18 O=7.98‰-8.89‰ and εHf(t)= 13.8 to 9.1,δ 18 O=8.31‰-10.08‰;two-mica granites:εHf(t)= 11.3 to 8.0,δ 18 O=7.91‰-9.77‰).The results show that both biotite and two-mica granites were derived mainly from sedimentary source rocks with a minor contribution from mantle-derived materials.In spite of some S-type characteristics,the biotite granites were formed by fractional crystallization of I-type magma and assimilation of peraluminous sedimentary rocks during their ascent to the surface.Therefore,they belong to highly fractionated I-type granites.Two-mica granites exhibit a tetrad effect in their REE patterns,but share the same isotopic features with the biotite granites,suggesting that they are highly fractionated I-type granites as well.Their Lanthanide tetrad effects may be attributed to the hydrothermal alteration by magmatic fluids that have suffered degassing at late stages.Granitic magmas undergoing fractional crystallization and wall-rock assilimation can generate highly evolved granites with no REE tetrad effect in the uni-phase system.However,in the late-stage of magmatic evolution in the multi-phase system(i.e.,magmatic-hydrothermal system),these magmas also can lead to the highly evolved granites exhibiting mew-shaped REE pattern characterized by tetrad effect as the consequence of melt-fluid and fluid-vapor fractionation,and the resultant autometasomatism.We thus suggest that the REE pattern exhibiting tetrad effect feature is an important indicator of rare metal mineralization in the early Yanshanian time in southern China,implying the metamorphism of the ore fluid. 展开更多
关键词 highly evolved tetrad effect granite early Yanshanian southern Jiangxi Province
Petrogenetic contrastive studies on the Mesozoic early stage ore-bearing and late stage ore-barren granites from the southern Anhui Province 被引量:11
作者 YAN Jun HOU TianJie +6 位作者 WANG AiGuo WANG DeEn ZHANG DingYuan WENG WangFei LIU JianMin LIU XiaoQiang LI QuanZhong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期1920-1941,共22页
Yanshanian magmatisms are intensive in the southern Anhui Province and can be divided into early (152-137 Ma) and late (136-122 Ma) stages. A Yanshanian granitic zone was found to crop out along Qingshan to Changg... Yanshanian magmatisms are intensive in the southern Anhui Province and can be divided into early (152-137 Ma) and late (136-122 Ma) stages. A Yanshanian granitic zone was found to crop out along Qingshan to Changgai areas in the Ttmxi district in Field investigation which has a genetic link with molybdenum multiple metal mineralization. To be a representative syenitic granite in the southern Anhui Province, the Huangshan pluton has not been found so far to have any genetic link with mineralization. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating indicate that the four granitic bodies from the Qingshan-Changgai zone have concurrent formed ages from 140~:4 to 141~2 Ma, belonging to the Yanshanian early stage magmatism. However, the Huangshan granite is dated to be 12912 Ma, belonging to the Yanshanian late stage magmatism. The Qingshan-Changgai granites show high SiO2 and K20 contents, low P205 contents and middle A12O3 contents and are high-K calc-alkaline series metaluminum I-type granite. These rocks are characterized by enrichments in the large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements (REE), depletions in the high field-strength elements, and middle degree negative anomalies of Eu, geochemical features of arc or continent crustal derived magma affinities. These rocks have 87Sr/StSr(t) ratios from 0.7120 to 0.7125,εNd(t) values from -7.24 to -4.38 and zircon εHf(t) values of -4.4 to 6.7, similar to that of the coeval ore-bearing granodiorites in the southern Anhui Province. Integrated geochemical studies indicate that the Yanshanian ore-bearing granodiorites were formed by partial melting of the Meso-Neoproterozoic accreted thickened low crust. Meanwhile, the Qingshan-Changgai granites were formed through a AFC process of plagioclase+amphibole+Shangxi Group of magmas that formed the ore-bearing granodiorites. The Huangshan granites are characterized by high SiOz and K2O contents, moderate Al2O3 contents, seagull shape REE distributed pattern and distinct Eu negative abnormities. Comparing with the Qingshan-Changgai granites, the Huangshan granites show more Ba, Sr, P, and Ti negative abnormities with no Nb and Ta depletions and are high-K calc-alkaline series metaluminum A-type granite, εHr(t) values of the Huangshan granites are from -6.6 to -1.2, similar to that of the early stage ore-bearing granodiorites, indicating that they were also formed by anatexis of the Meso-Neoproterozoic accreted crust, but their magma sources might be residual granulitic crust which ever underwent Yanshanian early stage I-type intermediate-acid magma extraction. Comparing studies on the two stages granites indicate that the early stage granites derived from a relative thickened low crust under a lower temperature condition. Their magma sources were Meso-Neoproterozoic accreted crust which enriched in ore-forming materials and further became more enriched through processes of magma AFC evolution. However, the late stage A-type granites originated from relative shallow crust under a higher temperature condition. Their magma source was depleted in ore-forming materials due to the early stage magma extraction and thus had weak ore-forming capacity. From early to late stage, the magmatisms tectonic setting translated from post-orogenic to anorogenic and the later corresponded to a back-arc extensional setting as increase of the slab subducted angle of the Paleo-Pacific plate. 展开更多
关键词 YANSHANIAN Granite Low crust Ore-bearing magmatic rock The south Anhui Province Jiangnan orogenic belt
Geological characteristics and mineralization setting of the Zhuxi tungsten(copper) polymetallic deposit in the Eastern Jiangnan Orogen 被引量:25
作者 CHEN GuoHua SHU LiangShu +2 位作者 SHU LiMin ZHANG Cheng OUYANG YongPeng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期803-823,共21页
The Zhuxi ore deposit is a super-large scheelite(copper) polymetallic deposit discovered in recent years. It grew above copper/tungsten-rich Neoproterozoic argilloarenaceous basement rocks and was formed in the contac... The Zhuxi ore deposit is a super-large scheelite(copper) polymetallic deposit discovered in recent years. It grew above copper/tungsten-rich Neoproterozoic argilloarenaceous basement rocks and was formed in the contact zone between Yanshanian granites and Carboniferous-Permian limestone. Granites related to this mineralization mainly include equigranular, middle- to coarse-grained granites and granitic porphyries. There are two mineralization types: skarn scheelite(copper) and granite scheelite mineralization. The former is large scale and has a high content of scheelite, whereas the latter is small scale and has a low content of scheelite. In the Taqian-Fuchun Basin, its NW boundary is a thrust fault, and the SE boundary is an angular unconformity with Proterozoic basement. In Carboniferous-Permian rock assemblages, the tungsten and copper contents in the limestone are both very high. The contents of major elements in granitoids do not differ largely between the periphery and the inside of the Zhuxi ore deposit. In both areas, the values of the aluminum saturation index are A/CNK>1.1, and the rocks are classified as potassium-rich strongly peraluminous granites. In terms of trace elements, compared to granites on the periphery of the Zhuxi ore deposit, the granites inside the Zhuxi ore deposit have smaller d Eu values, exhibit a significantly more negative Eu anomaly, are richer in Rb, U, Ta, Pb and Hf, and are more depleted in Ba, Ce, Sr, La and Ti, which indicates that they are highly differentiated S-type granites with a high degree of evolution. Under the influence of fluids, mineralization of sulfides is evident within massive rock formations inside the Zhuxi ore deposit, and the mean SO_3 content is 0.2%. Compared to peripheral rocks, the d Eu and total rare earth element(REE) content of granites inside the Zhuxi ore deposit are both lower, indicating a certain evolutionary inheritance relationship between the granites on the periphery and the granites inside the Zhuxi ore deposit. For peripheral and ore district plutons, U-Pb zircon dating shows an age range of 152–148 Ma. In situ Lu-Hf isotope analysis of zircon in the granites reveals that the calculated e_(Hf)(t) values are all negative, and the majority range from -6 to -9. The T_(DM2) values are concentrated in the range of 1.50–1.88 Ga(peak at 1.75 Ga), suggesting that the granitic magmas are derived from partial melting of ancient crust. This paper also discusses the metallogenic conditions and ore-controlling conditions of the ore district from the perspectives of mineral contents, hydrothermal alteration, and ore-controlling structures in the strata and the ore-bearing rocks. It is proposed that the Zhuxi ore deposit went through a multistage evolution, including oblique intrusion of granitic magmas, skarn mineralization, cooling and alteration, and precipitation of metal sulfides. The mineralization pattern can be summarized as "copper in the east and tungsten in the west, copper at shallow-middle depths and tungsten at deep depths, tungsten in the early stage and copper in the late stage". 展开更多
关键词 Tungsten(copper) polymetallic deposit Late Mesozoic granites Carboniferous-Permian carbonate rocks Skarn mineralization Zhuxi ore deposit Eastern Jiangnan Orogen
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