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岩石单轴压缩条件下裂纹扩展试验研究——以片状岩石为例 被引量:75
作者 张晓平 王思敬 +1 位作者 韩庚友 张兵 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期1772-1781,共10页
为研究片状岩石渐进性破坏,首先对其应力门槛值:裂纹起始应力σci、裂纹破坏应力σcd、单轴抗压峰值强度σf及相互间的关系进行系统的总结和论述。基于片状岩石——丹巴二云英片岩单轴压缩试验轴向应力-轴向/径向应变曲线,首次将岩石渐... 为研究片状岩石渐进性破坏,首先对其应力门槛值:裂纹起始应力σci、裂纹破坏应力σcd、单轴抗压峰值强度σf及相互间的关系进行系统的总结和论述。基于片状岩石——丹巴二云英片岩单轴压缩试验轴向应力-轴向/径向应变曲线,首次将岩石渐进性破坏过程应力门槛值分析应用于片状岩石,得出加载方向与片理面方向平行、垂直和成30°夹角3种加载条件下的应力门槛值,并将其与其他岩石种类的应力门槛值研究结果进行比较。结果表明裂纹扩展过程与岩石种类有关,不同岩石矿物颗粒、胶结状况、片理面发育情况等因素都会影响岩石的渐进性破坏过程,从而对应不同的应力门槛值范围。二云英片岩的试验结果直接表明,由于片理面的发育,片状单轴压缩条件下的裂纹扩展过程存在显著的各向异性,这一特点显著区别于其他种类岩石,在地下工程开挖中应对其进行具体的量化分析,以指导开挖设计和支护加固。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 片状岩石 裂纹起始应力 裂纹破坏应力 单轴抗压峰值强度 渐进性破坏
片状岩石全应力应变压缩过程及力学机制试验研究 被引量:6
作者 于德海 彭建兵 +1 位作者 崔春义 孙治国 《应用基础与工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 2010年第5期792-800,共9页
为了解片状岩石的全应力应变压缩过程及力学机制,利用RMT-150C岩石力学刚性伺服试验系统,对绿泥石片岩和云母石英片岩进行压缩力学试验.基于试验结果,得到岩石全应力应变压缩过程,提出峰前压密、线弹性、微裂隙稳态扩展和微裂隙不稳态扩... 为了解片状岩石的全应力应变压缩过程及力学机制,利用RMT-150C岩石力学刚性伺服试验系统,对绿泥石片岩和云母石英片岩进行压缩力学试验.基于试验结果,得到岩石全应力应变压缩过程,提出峰前压密、线弹性、微裂隙稳态扩展和微裂隙不稳态扩展4个变形阶段以及峰后应变软化、残余应力稳定两个变形阶段,分析岩石在各阶段的强度变形特性以及体应变、横向应变和轴向应变之间的关系;详细探讨压缩条件下水对试样物理力学性质的影响规律,重点对比峰值强度、弹性(变形)模量等指标的敏感程度和围压效应;并揭示片状岩石在压缩状态下的破裂模式,将整个破坏过程分为单一剪切破裂、鼓状破裂、Y字形破裂及平行劈裂4种形式. 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 片状岩石 压缩过程 全应力应变 力学机制
作者 时斌 赵建军 +4 位作者 王运生 肖华波 刘豪放 唐涛 冯卓 《四川地质学报》 2024年第1期73-79,共7页
受区域变质及后期岩浆活动影响,雅江木灰地区变质砂岩岩组主要岩性表现为千枚岩、片岩、片麻岩,片柱状矿物呈定向构造具有典型的各向异性特征。根据岩石薄片鉴定及单轴抗压实验,对岩石各向异性及对应强度特征进行研究,得到如下认识:该... 受区域变质及后期岩浆活动影响,雅江木灰地区变质砂岩岩组主要岩性表现为千枚岩、片岩、片麻岩,片柱状矿物呈定向构造具有典型的各向异性特征。根据岩石薄片鉴定及单轴抗压实验,对岩石各向异性及对应强度特征进行研究,得到如下认识:该地区区域低温变质作用形成的变质砂岩经后期岩浆侵入接触变质作用,进一步变质为千枚岩、片岩、片麻岩,矿物成分为石英、长石、辉石、角闪石、云母;受片柱状矿物含量影响,岩石平行面理和垂直面理单轴抗压强度相差较大,各性异性较强;考虑片状矿物影响系数、柱状矿物影响系数、改造作用系数,提出了各向异性系数计算公式。所得结果对于认识片状组构岩石强度的各向异性和岩石强度参数取值具有一定指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 片状组构岩石 岩石学特征 各向异性 单轴压缩 相关性分析
作者 ASGHAR Aamir 苏立君 +2 位作者 赵波 NIAZ Abrar ULLAH Faheem 《土木与环境工程学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期52-69,共18页
滑坡是山区公路安全运行的重要威胁,开展滑坡灾害评估尤为重要,尤其是深切峡谷区域的公路滑坡。以巴基斯坦北部Muzaffarabad-Mansehra公路沿线某大型滑坡为研究对象,采用野外调查、遥感分析、地貌解译、地球物理探勘和运动学分析等多种... 滑坡是山区公路安全运行的重要威胁,开展滑坡灾害评估尤为重要,尤其是深切峡谷区域的公路滑坡。以巴基斯坦北部Muzaffarabad-Mansehra公路沿线某大型滑坡为研究对象,采用野外调查、遥感分析、地貌解译、地球物理探勘和运动学分析等多种调查手段,进行滑坡的失稳特征、触发机理、地下结构特征和边坡稳定评估等研究,结果表明:滑坡发生在Hazara地层中,该地层以顺层斜坡为主,容易发生翘曲变形等破坏,属于滑坡易发地层。地球物理探勘表明:滑坡体内部存在多个不同深度和厚度的复杂结构,低电阻率区(0.325~1350Ω·m)以松散、饱水的堆积体为主,高电阻率区域(1510~26092Ω·m)与覆盖层有关,包括冲积层、巨石和干板岩碎片等。地震反射层分析结果表明,在高度饱和的覆盖层、改造区块和表层风化层内,P波速度较低(400~1800 m/s);而下垫层散布着高密度岩石碎片和大块巨石,P波速度为3000~5000 m/s。两种地球物理探勘结果均表明滑坡体内有一条延伸30 m深的破碎带,这是触发滑坡的重要因素。滑坡顶部的滑动面在深度25~30 m处,主体处的滑动面深度在45 m处。运动学分析表明:锲形体失稳是公路滑坡的主要破坏模式。研究结果表明,采用综合技术分析滑坡灾害的潜在机制可以有效减轻此类灾害带来的相关风险。 展开更多
关键词 Lohar Gali滑坡 片状岩石 地貌学 地球物理成像 巴基斯坦北部
Geochemistry, geochronology, and petro-genesis of the early Paleozoic granitic plutons in the central-southern Jiangxi Province,China 被引量:23
作者 ZHANG Yuan SHU LiangShu CHEN XiangYun 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第10期1492-1510,共19页
This paper reports the systematic study on petrology, geochemistry, LA ICPMS zircons U-Pb dating, and in situ Hf isotope geology of the four plutons in the central-southern Jiangxi Province, an important part of the S... This paper reports the systematic study on petrology, geochemistry, LA ICPMS zircons U-Pb dating, and in situ Hf isotope geology of the four plutons in the central-southern Jiangxi Province, an important part of the South China Block. In the outcrops, rocks are gradually changed from wall rock (slate or schist) to pluton (gneissic granite); some residual blocks of sandy rock occur in the margin of pluton, and the foliations of residual blocks are parallel to those of both wail rock and gneissic granite. The thin-section observations show that the four plutons contain peraluminous minerals such as muscovite and sillimanite. The flattened and elongated feldspar and quartz grains are often visible in the gneissic granite, parallel to direction of lineation, suggesting that the granitic rock were subjected to a strong ductile sheafing. Geochemically, the A/CNK values from 13 granitic samples are between 1.03 and 1.37 with an average of 1.16, indicating that the granites are of strongly peraluminous plutons. The REE compositions of the 13 samples are similar, showing higher EREE contents, with enrichment in LREEs, depletion in Eu and REE patterns with relative LREE-enrichment and negligible Eu anomalies. They show enrichment in Rb, Th, U and depletion in Ba, Sr, Nb, Ti, belonging to a low Ba-Sr type of granite. Thus, the four bodies should be derived from the same magmatic source. Zircons used as U-Pb dating mostly exhibit euhedral shape and high Th/U values from 0.52 to 1.54 with an average of 1.08, suggesting that most zircons are of magmatic genesis. The zircons from four plutons yielded rather similar 206pb/238U vs. 207Tpb/235U concordia ages: 436.1±5.7 Ma for the Tangwan granite, 440.6±4 Ma for the Jiekou gneissic granite, 435.9±6.2 Ma for the Dongbao gneissic granite, and 441.9±3.1 Ma for the Jinxi K-granite, respectively, corresponding to Silurian Llandovery. Several xenocrysts yielded U-Pb ages around 700 Ma, implying that a breakup event took place during Neoproterozoic in the South China Block. In situ Lu-Hf isotopic analysis shows that all εHf(t) values of zircons are negative and have two-stage Hf model ages (TDM2) from 1.4 to 3.6 Ga, indicating that the Silurian granitic magma came from the re- cycle of Meso-Paleoproterozoic basement and even partly Archean rocks, and had not been effected by mantle magma. Re- searches on regional geology suggest that an intracontinental tectono-magmatic event took place during the early Paleozoic in the study areas, which is characterized by folding and thrusting, leading to crustal shortening and thickening, up to 20 km thickness. The high geothermal temperature from thickening crust and accumulation of producing high-heat radioactive elements gradually softened crustal rocks and caused a partial melting, forming peraluminous granitic magma. Under the post-orogenic extensional and de-pressure condition, these granitic magma rose and was emplaced in the upper crust, leading to development of S-type plutons 展开更多
关键词 granite GEOCHEMISTRY LA ICPMS zircon U-Pb dating Hf isotope early Paleozoic central-southern Jiangxi Province
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