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精心分类 银宇生辉——电影片种样式探究
作者 李泱 《北京师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 1992年第1期71-79,108,共10页
电影属于视觉、听觉和想象相结合的综合艺术,时空综合艺术,动静结合以动为主的综合艺术,各种艺术手段融为一体的综合艺术。电影流行五种分类方法。我们主张把电影分成纪录电影、故事电影、美术电影、科教电影四类,亦即四大片种。一个片... 电影属于视觉、听觉和想象相结合的综合艺术,时空综合艺术,动静结合以动为主的综合艺术,各种艺术手段融为一体的综合艺术。电影流行五种分类方法。我们主张把电影分成纪录电影、故事电影、美术电影、科教电影四类,亦即四大片种。一个片种往往包含若干样式。常见电影样式有现实片、改编片、革命历史片、战争片、喜剧片、惊险片、传记片、科幻片、技艺片、儿童片、戏曲片等。要用马克思主义认识论、方法论指导电影分类。 展开更多
关键词 电影理论 电影分类 分类法 四大片种 样式举隅 求同存异 逐渐完善
西罗莫司对异种动脉补片移植后的免疫调节作用研究 被引量:1
作者 张青 周翠冰 +2 位作者 王城军 蔡志明 牟丽莎 《器官移植》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期181-187,共7页
目的探讨西罗莫司在异种动脉补片移植中的免疫调节作用。方法选择野生型巴马猪至食蟹猴异种动脉补片移植手术后14 d受体猴的外周血单核细胞(POD14)为研究对象。设置二甲基亚砜(DMSO)对照组(体积比为1︰1 000)和西罗莫司实验组(终浓度为... 目的探讨西罗莫司在异种动脉补片移植中的免疫调节作用。方法选择野生型巴马猪至食蟹猴异种动脉补片移植手术后14 d受体猴的外周血单核细胞(POD14)为研究对象。设置二甲基亚砜(DMSO)对照组(体积比为1︰1 000)和西罗莫司实验组(终浓度为0.1μmol/L和0.5μmol/L),分别培养1.0 d和5.5 d,检测POD14细胞活性;设置DMSO对照组和西罗莫司实验组(终浓度为0.1μmol/L),培养5.5 d,检测POD14细胞中T、B细胞的数量并检测细胞因子含量和信使核糖核酸(mRNA)表达水平。结果与DMSO对照组比较,终浓度为0.1μmol/L和0.5μmol/L的西罗莫司处理1.0 d后,POD14细胞活性降低(P<0.01~0.001);终浓度为0.1μmol/L和0.5μmol/L的西罗莫司处理POD14细胞5.5 d后,POD14细胞活性均明显降低(均为P<0.001)。与DMSO对照组比较,西罗莫司(终浓度0.1μmol/L)降低POD14细胞中CD3+CD4+T细胞和CD3+CD8+T细胞的数量(P<0.05~0.01),而CD3-CD20+B细胞数量略有升高(P<0.01)。与DMSO对照组比较,西罗莫司实验组的细胞因子干扰素(IFN)-γ、白细胞介素(IL)-2、IL-4、IL-5和IL-6含量均明显降低(P<0.05~0.001);西罗莫司降低细胞因子IFN-γ、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)-α、IL-2、IL-4、IL-5和IL-6的mRNA表达水平(P<0.05~0.001)。结论西罗莫司抑制异种动脉补片移植术后受体猴POD14细胞的增殖,主要机制是降低T细胞数量和抑制免疫排斥相关细胞因子的表达和分泌。 展开更多
关键词 西罗莫司 动脉补移植 细胞活性 细胞增殖 T细胞 B细胞 细胞因子
作者 唐晨 唐靖 +3 位作者 宫林 徐志红 黎静 罗清礼 《农垦医学》 2003年第1期1-4,共4页
目的 :探讨经外路途径行视网膜下腔的全层异种视网膜移植的方法 ,并对移植结果进行初步观察。方法 :用明胶包埋小鼠视网膜制成视网膜移植片 ,九只兔按外路手术方法将植片植入视网膜下腔。移植术后 1~ 2 3天摘除动物眼球 ,石蜡包埋、切... 目的 :探讨经外路途径行视网膜下腔的全层异种视网膜移植的方法 ,并对移植结果进行初步观察。方法 :用明胶包埋小鼠视网膜制成视网膜移植片 ,九只兔按外路手术方法将植片植入视网膜下腔。移植术后 1~ 2 3天摘除动物眼球 ,石蜡包埋、切片、HE染色 ,光学显微镜观察。结果 :明胶包埋的视网膜移植片可以被植入宿主视网膜下腔中 ,视网膜移植片平铺于宿主视网膜下腔中 ,植片外层与宿主视网膜色素上皮层相贴、存活 ,未见明显免疫排异反应。结论 :视网膜下腔是较为理想的视网膜移植的受位 ;明胶包埋的异种视网膜植片可作为供体进行移植 ;移到视网膜下腔的异种视网膜能够存活 。 展开更多
关键词 经外路途径 视网膜 移植 实验研究
作者 李天芳 陈晓龙 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 2005年第2期6-7,共2页
关键词 太阳 花开放 砖瓦 眼帘 五谷 泥土 花草 家乡 太阳花》 广东顺德
《领导科学》 北大核心 2012年第2期I0001-I0001,共1页
巴勒斯坦有两片海:一个叫加里利海,另一个叫死海。这两片海来自同一个源头——约旦河。但是,这两片海的景象却截然不同。加里利海是一片活水,这里波光粼粼,沿岸绿意盎然。鱼儿在清澈的水中嬉戏,鸟儿在翠绿的枝头呜叫,四周围绕着... 巴勒斯坦有两片海:一个叫加里利海,另一个叫死海。这两片海来自同一个源头——约旦河。但是,这两片海的景象却截然不同。加里利海是一片活水,这里波光粼粼,沿岸绿意盎然。鱼儿在清澈的水中嬉戏,鸟儿在翠绿的枝头呜叫,四周围绕着绿色的田园,人们在紧靠海边的岸上建起住宅和别墅,过着快乐而幸福的日子: 展开更多
关键词 《两海与两人》 随笔 杂文 杂谈
作者 林坚贞 张艳璇 《武夷科学》 1997年第0期131-138,共8页
本文记述肉食螨亚科三新种:双圆哥螯螨Golumbicheyla bicirci sp. nov. ,舟霍夫螨Hoffmannita navicula sp. nov. ,三十二尾片螯螨Caudacheles trigintaduae sp. nov. ,和一中国新纪录种:大扇毛哥螯螨Columbicheyla macroflabellata The... 本文记述肉食螨亚科三新种:双圆哥螯螨Golumbicheyla bicirci sp. nov. ,舟霍夫螨Hoffmannita navicula sp. nov. ,三十二尾片螯螨Caudacheles trigintaduae sp. nov. ,和一中国新纪录种:大扇毛哥螯螨Columbicheyla macroflabellata Thewke & Enns,1972。标本采自福建省浦城、建瓯、福州、大田、漳州、永定六县市,存放在福建省农科院植保所。 展开更多
关键词 哥螯螨属 霍夫螨属 螯螨属新 福建
作者 薛廷明 《聚酯工业》 CAS 1990年第2期60-60,共1页
Axxis公司出售一种透明的热塑性聚酯片,商品名叫Viyak。这种片的最大特征是冲击强度大、光学性质好、有良好的成形功能。低温成形温度为121—160℃,可用热成形、快循环的操作方式加工。能锯、雕刻、冲孔、粘接、高频焊接、印刷、涂漆等... Axxis公司出售一种透明的热塑性聚酯片,商品名叫Viyak。这种片的最大特征是冲击强度大、光学性质好、有良好的成形功能。低温成形温度为121—160℃,可用热成形、快循环的操作方式加工。能锯、雕刻、冲孔、粘接、高频焊接、印刷、涂漆等。具有透明和成形性,冲击强度又高的Vivak,适合微机器罩。据美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)确认,可广泛用作储藏和装食品的材料。用于医疗方面可用环氧乙烷和伽玛射线杀菌。也可与其它性质栩结合,用于工业、商业方面。它可做成小模型,如制巧克力的模子等。片的厚度为0.75—6mm。 展开更多
关键词 成形性 热成形 冲击强度 低温成形 光学性质 高频焊接 伽玛射线 成形温度 冲孔
作者 万良君 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 1989年第3期78-84,共7页
关键词 消隐算法 等值线图 并行处理 向量图 世界坐标系 区域填充 坐标点 对应区域 数据描述
作者 王飞 《农村天地》 2003年第7期13-13,共1页
一、芦荟盆景 芦荟盆景以其独特、漂亮的外形,繁殖能力强,食用、药用以及养颜美容等多种功能,而备受人们的青睐。每盆芦荟盆景卖到几元、几十元、上百元不等,十分畅销。 二、蔬菜盆景 盆栽蔬菜既可放在室内阳台上,也可放于公园、广场上... 一、芦荟盆景 芦荟盆景以其独特、漂亮的外形,繁殖能力强,食用、药用以及养颜美容等多种功能,而备受人们的青睐。每盆芦荟盆景卖到几元、几十元、上百元不等,十分畅销。 二、蔬菜盆景 盆栽蔬菜既可放在室内阳台上,也可放于公园、广场上;既满足人们的食用需求,又满足了人们的观赏需求,还可以美化、绿化环境。 展开更多
关键词 盆栽植物 养颜美容 金毛狗 狗毛 市场潜力 小狮子
作者 杨艳伟 林志 +8 位作者 屈哲 张頔 李双星 陈旭林 高苏涛 张勇 柳风丽 耿兴超 霍桂桃 《药物评价研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第9期2026-2031,共6页
目的建立临床前毒理学研究中能充分涵盖正常恒河猴眼球解剖组织学结构和恒河猴眼球实施异种角膜内皮植片移植后包含角膜及异种角膜内皮植片的一致性组织制片方法。方法成年恒河猴10只为对照组,10只为模型组,模型组右眼实施异种角膜内皮... 目的建立临床前毒理学研究中能充分涵盖正常恒河猴眼球解剖组织学结构和恒河猴眼球实施异种角膜内皮植片移植后包含角膜及异种角膜内皮植片的一致性组织制片方法。方法成年恒河猴10只为对照组,10只为模型组,模型组右眼实施异种角膜内皮植片移植手术。动物剖检时,摘取眼球,采用Davidson's液固定。左侧正常眼球:在平行于颞侧睫状后长动脉及视神经上方1 mm处,使用取材刀片沿视神经、黄斑(中心凹)与角膜作一切面,切片经常规脱水、包埋、切片、染色后进行镜检。右侧眼球:从睫状体后方切取角膜及虹膜,摘除晶状体,然后使角膜面向上,间隔2.5 mm切取角膜及虹膜,将切取的组织以切面向下按顺序放入分格包埋盒中,剩余眼球组织再切3个横切面并放入包埋盒,然后组织经脱水、包埋、切片和HE染色及Masson染色,最后对正常眼球、角膜及异种角膜内皮植片的解剖及组织学结构特点进行确认。结果所制备的正常眼球切片可清晰显示眼球所有组织结构,染色鲜艳,眼球形态真实。实施异种角膜内皮植片移植后,眼球角膜及异种角膜内皮植片结构清晰,且能良好地展示异种角膜内皮植片与角膜的贴合状态。所制备的组织切片表面平整,未见人工假象。结论通过自主建立的制片方法,可获得包含所有眼球组织结构特征的正常眼球切片,以及包含完整角膜、异种角膜内皮植片及眼球其他组织的良好切片。所建立的眼球制片方法简单易行,并且一致性较高,可用于临床前毒理学研究中眼部用药及实施异种角膜内皮植片移植后眼部的病理学评价。 展开更多
关键词 恒河猴 眼球 一致性制 角膜内皮植 角膜 临床前毒理学
复合材料层合板斜接式挖补修理稳定性分析 被引量:1
作者 卢俊文 王倩营 +1 位作者 朱新宇 张成雷 《宇航材料工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期24-26,30,共4页
对复合材料层合板挖补修理模型进行了参数化的有限元计算,分析了挖补修理结构失稳栽荷与挖补角、胶层厚度以及铺层方式之间的关系,得到了最优挖补修理模型。结果表明,异种材料补片会显著提高挖补修理结构的稳定性,在一定范围内,减... 对复合材料层合板挖补修理模型进行了参数化的有限元计算,分析了挖补修理结构失稳栽荷与挖补角、胶层厚度以及铺层方式之间的关系,得到了最优挖补修理模型。结果表明,异种材料补片会显著提高挖补修理结构的稳定性,在一定范围内,减小胶层也会改善挖补修理结构的稳定性。当胶层厚度在0.15~0.25mm变化时,随着胶层厚度减小,挖补修理结构的稳定性增强;当铺层方式为[03/±45/±45/90]。时,挖补修理结构稳定性最强。 展开更多
关键词 挖补修理 线性屈曲 材料补 有限元分析
色情影视剖析 被引量:1
作者 胡廷溢 赖妍彤 《中国性科学》 2007年第9期11-15,共5页
本文对色情影视进行剖析,分析其历史走势,了解其种类及分级状况,指出色情影视片与性教育片的区别,探讨色情片生存的土壤及火爆的根源,指出目前色情影视对观众的误导所在,对当前国内影视片存在的问题提出了5点对策,并对已婚夫妇可否看三... 本文对色情影视进行剖析,分析其历史走势,了解其种类及分级状况,指出色情影视片与性教育片的区别,探讨色情片生存的土壤及火爆的根源,指出目前色情影视对观众的误导所在,对当前国内影视片存在的问题提出了5点对策,并对已婚夫妇可否看三级影片问题及色情影视、淫秽物品与性犯罪的关系,分别从性医学、性心理学、性社会学、性文化与性法学多角度进行了讨论与探索。 展开更多
关键词 色情影视 片种 影视审查标准 电影三级制 性犯罪 性教育
Differences in Primary Callus Induction among Different Anthurium andraeanum Varieties 被引量:1
作者 祁伟 周丽丽 +2 位作者 孔周阳 李坚 谈建中 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期822-825,共4页
[Objective] This research aimed to optimize continuously the highly efficient regeneration system of Anthurium andraeanum. [Method] The leaves and petioles of four A. andraeanum varieties were used as explants to inve... [Objective] This research aimed to optimize continuously the highly efficient regeneration system of Anthurium andraeanum. [Method] The leaves and petioles of four A. andraeanum varieties were used as explants to investigate the differences in primary callus induction among different A. andraeanum varieties. [Result]The callus formation capacity of SAM and SST was stronger than that of SDM and SHG. Among the four varieties, the leaf regeneration capacity of SAM, SDM and SHG was stronger than the corresponding petiole regeneration capacity. However,the petiole regeneration capacity of SST was stronger. The optimum medium for petiole callus induction of SST was 1/2 MS + TDZ 4.0 mg/L + 2, 4-D 0.2 mg/L with induction rate of 87.5%; the optimum medium for leaf callus induction of SAM was 1/2 MS + TDZ 2.0 mg/L + 2, 4-D 0.2 mg/L with induction rate more than90%; the optimum medium for leaf callus induction of SDM and SHG was all 1/2MS + ZT 2.0 mg/L + 2, 4-D 0.2 mg/L with induction rates of 59.34% and 79.63%,respectively. [Conclusion] In addition to variety differences, the differences in differentiation ability among different types of calluses should be also taken into account in the establishment and optimization of tissue culture and rapid propagation technology system of A. andraeanum. 展开更多
关键词 Anthurium andraeanum VARIETY Leaf culture Petiole culture Primary culture Callus induction
Effects of Water Deficit and Increased Nitrogen Application in the Late Growth Stage on Physiological Characters of Anti-aging of Leaves in Different Hybrid Rice Varieties 被引量:1
作者 李木英 王竹青 +3 位作者 曾蕾 石庆华 潘晓华 谭雪明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2311-2322,共12页
[Objective] This study aimed to explore the effects of water and fertilizer regulation on the function of leaves in the filling stage. [Method] Six hybrid rice vari- eties including prematurely aged types and non-prem... [Objective] This study aimed to explore the effects of water and fertilizer regulation on the function of leaves in the filling stage. [Method] Six hybrid rice vari- eties including prematurely aged types and non-prematurely aged ones were selected as experimental materials. Limiting water treatment (with soil water potential of about -25 kpa) and increasing nitrogen treatment (additional 10% of granular nitrogen fertiliz- er in addition to limiting water treatment) were applied after heading to analyse the rates of aging and physiological responses of anti-aging in different hybrid rice vari- eties under water deficit and increased nitrogen conditions taking regular water and fertilizer as control. [Result] The results showed that water deficit accelerated the leaf senescence, and prematurely aged types-'Zhongyou838', 'Tianyou998' and 'Long- ping601 '-were more markedly affected by water deficit, of which the rates of chloro- phyll degradation were 6%-8% higher compared to that in another three hybrids. In- creasing nitrogen treatment raised chlorophyll content and slowed down its degrada- tion. Water deficit caused the increase of abscisic acid (ABA) content to obviously varying degrees in leaves of six hybried rice varieties. Responses of ABA content in six hybried rice varieties to increased nitrogen fertilizer were not consistent. Except in 'Zhongyou838', ABA content in the other five hybrids had varying degrees of in- crease. The responses of the activity of antioxidant enzymes in different hybried rice varieties were inconsistent. In response to increased nitrogen fertilizer in combination with water deficit, the activity of each antioxidant enzyme changed differently. Water deficit enhanced the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) in leaves of each hybrid rice. The correlation analysis showed that chlorophyll content was extremely signifi- cantly positively correlated to the resistance of each antioxidant enzyme; SOD activity in leaves also positively related to ABA content. [Conclusion] The rate of leaf aging, physiological activity of anti-aging, and response to water deficit varied in different hy- bried rice varieties. The activity of antioxidant enzymes were not all induced to improve by ABA. SOD activity can be an indicator of resistance to stress. Increasing nitrogen ap- plication significantly postponed leave senescence in the late growth stage of rice. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid rice Leaf senescence Abscisic acid(ABA) Antioxidant enzymes
Concentrations of foliar and surface soil in nutrients Pinus spp. plantations in relation to species and stand age in Zhanggutai sandy land, northeast China 被引量:5
作者 陈广生 曾德慧 陈伏生 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期11-18,J001,共9页
The concentrations of the foliar and surface soil nutrients and the variation with species and stand age were studied inPinus spp. plantations in Zhanggutai area, northeast China. The results showed that the total N, ... The concentrations of the foliar and surface soil nutrients and the variation with species and stand age were studied inPinus spp. plantations in Zhanggutai area, northeast China. The results showed that the total N, total P and C: N ratio of the soil inP. sylvestris var.mongolica stands were significantly higher in comparison with those inP. tabulaeformis andP. densiflora stands. ForP. sylvestris var.mongolica, the foliar P concentration appeared to decrease with age, and the foliar N and K concentrations did not show a consistent change with age. As for the different tree species of the similar age, the foliar N and P concentrations were significantly different (p<0.05), being withP. sylvestris var.mongolica>P. densiflora>P. tabulaeformis. The foliar N: P ratio ofP. densiflora significantly was higher thanP. sylvestris var.mongolica andP. tabulaeformis, while the foliar K was no obvious difference between the three tree species. There were significant correlation (p<0.05) between soil total N and P, soil organic matter and total P, foliar N and P, but it did not show significant correlations between soil and foliar nutrient concentrations, which might attribute to the excessive litter raking, overgrazing and low soil moisture in this area. Based on the foliar N: P ratio, we introduced a combination threshold index of N: P ratio with their absolute foliar nutrient concentrations to determine the possible limiting nutrient. According to the critical N: P ratio and their absolute foliar N, P concentrations, theP. sylvestris var.mongolica stands showed a decreased N limitation degree with age, theP. densiflora stands showed unlimited by N and P in the whole, and theP. tabulaeformis stands showed co-limited by N and P. No significant difference in soil nutrient concentrations of the surface soils was found between 45, 29, 20-yr-oldPinus sylvestris var.mongolica plantation stands. Keywords coniferous trees - foliar nutrient concentration - limiting nutrients - N - P ratio - Zhanggutai sandy land CLC number S718.55 Document code A Article ID 1007-662X(2004)01-0011-08 Foundation item: This research was supported by Key Knowledge Innovation Project (KZCX3-SW-418) of Chinese Academy of Sciences.Biography: CHEN Guang-sheng (1978-), male, master candidate in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. ChinaResponsible editor: Song Funan 展开更多
关键词 coniferous trees foliar nutrient concentration limiting nutrients N P ratio Zhanggutai sandy land
作者 钟乎博 《甘蔗糖业》 1980年第8期11-14,共4页
关键词 夏植蔗 苗龄 片种 平均 秧龄 春植蔗 大田生长期 栽培研究
Effect of water stress on N_2O emission rate of 5 tree species
作者 王淼 李秋荣 +1 位作者 肖冬梅 王长科 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期19-23,J001,共6页
The N2O emission rates, photosynthesis, respiration and stomatal conductance of the dominant tree species from broadleaf/Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain were measured by simulated water stress with the closed ... The N2O emission rates, photosynthesis, respiration and stomatal conductance of the dominant tree species from broadleaf/Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain were measured by simulated water stress with the closed bag-gas chromatography. A total of five species seedlings were involved in this study, i.e.,Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc,Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr,Juglans mandshurica Maxim,Tilia amurensis Rupr, andQuercus mongolica Fisch. ex Turcz.. The results showed that the stomatal conductance, net photosynthetic rate and N2O emission of leaves were significantly reduced under the water stress. The stoma in the leaves of trees is the main pathway of N2O emission. N2O emission in the trees mainly occurred during daytime. N2O emission rates were different in various tree specie seedlings at the same water status. In the same tree species, N2O emission rates decreased as the reduction of soil water contents. At different soil water contents (MW, LW) the N2O emission rates ofPinus koraiensis decreased by 34.43% and 100.6% of those in normal water condition, respectively. In broadleaf arbor decreased by 31.93% and 86.35%, respectively. Under different water stresses N2O emission rates in five tree species such asPinus koraiensis, Fraxinus mandshurica, Juglans mandshurica, Tilia amurensis, andQuercus mongolica were 38.22, 14.44, 33.02, 16.48 and 32.33 ngN2O·g?1DW·h?1, respectively. Keywords Trees - N2O emission rate - Soil water stress - broadleaf/Korean pine forest - Changbai Mountain CLC number S718.55 Document code A Foundation item: This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30271068), the grant of the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ-CX-SW-01-01B-10), and the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Program of China (No. G1999043407)Biography: Wang Miao (1964-), male, associate professor in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Song Funan 展开更多
关键词 Trees N2O emission rate Soil water stress broadleaf/Korean pine forest Changbai Mountain
作者 孙红 《农友》 2001年第11期13-13,共1页
一、选好种片最重要。就像种植普通的衣作物要选名优良种一样,栽植食用仙人掌也应当选好的种片。选好种片除了应分清、辨别食用仙人掌的真伪之外,在引种时还应注意择优。从外观上看:好的种片丰满、深绿、毛刺脱掉,表皮没有其他颜色... 一、选好种片最重要。就像种植普通的衣作物要选名优良种一样,栽植食用仙人掌也应当选好的种片。选好种片除了应分清、辨别食用仙人掌的真伪之外,在引种时还应注意择优。从外观上看:好的种片丰满、深绿、毛刺脱掉,表皮没有其他颜色的斑点,没有皱褶,弹性很好,长度应在20厘米、宽度应在10~15厘米、厚度应在1.0~1.5厘米为宜有的种片虽然较大,但是太薄、不厚实, 展开更多
关键词 食用仙人掌 栽植技术 选择 整地 环境控制
作者 郝继伟 《农业知识》 2002年第10期19-19,共1页
关键词 温室栽培 天然保健食品 降血压 壮苗肥 微酸性 磷钾肥 生理病害 生长旺盛期 最适温度
Changes of Gas Exchanges in Leaves of Different Cultivars of Winter Wheat Released in Different Years 被引量:5
作者 刘合芹 蒋高明 +6 位作者 张其德 孙家柱 渠春梅 郭仁俊 高雷明 白克智 匡廷云 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第8期913-919,共7页
Three winter wheat cultivars ( Triticum aestivum L.), representatives of those widely cultivated in Beijing over the past six decades, were grown in the same environmental condition, and their physiological features w... Three winter wheat cultivars ( Triticum aestivum L.), representatives of those widely cultivated in Beijing over the past six decades, were grown in the same environmental condition, and their physiological features were investigated. Daily changes of net photosynthetic rate (P-n), transpiration (T-r) in different growth stages were measured in order to find the relationship between leaf photosynthesis and yield. Instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE) of leaf was calculated from P-n/T-r. It is suggested that relationship between photosynthetic rate and yield changed with the developing stages of wheat. High yield wheat cultivar Jingdong 8 (released in the 1990s) had a higher photosynthetic rate ( the maximal P-n increased by 77%) and transpiration rate (the maximal T-r increased by 69%), but a lower WUE than the low yield cultivar Yanda 1817 (released in the 1940s) during the day time at stem elongation stage. However; difference of P-n among the three cultivars changed with wheat growth process. Before 10 o'clock P-n in leaves of Jingdong 8 usually was the highest of the three cultivars, but P-n of Yanda 1817 was the highest after 10 o'clock. At dough ripe stage, P-n in leaves of Yanda. 1817 was the highest among the three cultivars during the whole day. The difference of changing trend of transpiration in three wheat cultivars was similar to P,, but WUE of Yanda 1817 was the highest in those three cultivars, indicating that the higher yield of Jingdong 8 was achieved via a greater consumption of water. Contrary to the cultivars released in the later period, midday depression of photosynthesis was small in Yanda 1817, which might suggest that Yanda 1817 was resistant to photoinhibition. It is possible that photosynthetic potential in leaves of wheat increased as wheat cultivars was improved over the past six decades. However, it became less resistant to photoinhibition. 展开更多
关键词 net photosynthesis daily change wheat cultivars transpiration rate water use efficiency
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