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作者 祁燕蓉 《畜牧业环境》 2024年第2期16-17,共2页
本文旨在探讨牧场环境管理对奶牛健康与生产性能的影响。通过分析温度、湿度、通风及空气质量等环境因素,发现牧场环境的质量对奶牛的生理和心理健康有直接影响,进而显著影响乳品的产量与品质。文章综合了国内外的研究成果,对比了各类... 本文旨在探讨牧场环境管理对奶牛健康与生产性能的影响。通过分析温度、湿度、通风及空气质量等环境因素,发现牧场环境的质量对奶牛的生理和心理健康有直接影响,进而显著影响乳品的产量与品质。文章综合了国内外的研究成果,对比了各类环境管理措施的实际效果,并基于此提出了改善建议。本研究不仅为牧场环境管理提供了科学的指导,也为奶农提供了提高乳品质量和产量的具体方法。 展开更多
关键词 奶牛 牧场环境 生产性能 健康管理 环境优化
作者 黄艳娜 蒋钦杨 《中国畜禽种业》 2023年第9期154-160,共7页
《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》提出要注重引导学生以强农兴农为己任,培养农林院校学生的“大国三农”情怀,增强服务农业、农村和农民的责任感。该文以《家畜环境卫生与牧场设计》课程思政为例,针对该课程思政教学中遇到的思政元素... 《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》提出要注重引导学生以强农兴农为己任,培养农林院校学生的“大国三农”情怀,增强服务农业、农村和农民的责任感。该文以《家畜环境卫生与牧场设计》课程思政为例,针对该课程思政教学中遇到的思政元素还有待进一步挖掘,教学方式单一等主要问题,提出以立德树人为根本,以强农兴农为己任,在新农科背景下,围绕“教什么,怎么教”来提出解决问题的方法,充分挖掘课程思政元素,创新改革教学方法及组织特色教学环节,为培养学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,强农兴农意识,具备良好职业道德和强烈社会责任感,成为德才兼备的高素质人才奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 新农科 家畜环境卫生与牧场设计 课程思政 教学改革
作者 高金喆 寇志伟 +3 位作者 孔哲 景高乐 马佳音 许寒琪 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2024年第4期222-230,共9页
针对牧场巡检机器人定位精度和鲁棒性低、建图精度和稳定性差的问题,提出一种基于激光雷达测距和测绘技术与改进LOAM-SLAM算法的LOM-SLAM算法。LOM-SLAM算法在LOAM-SLAM算法的基础上将SLAM分解为运动估计和地图构建两个过程,利用激光雷... 针对牧场巡检机器人定位精度和鲁棒性低、建图精度和稳定性差的问题,提出一种基于激光雷达测距和测绘技术与改进LOAM-SLAM算法的LOM-SLAM算法。LOM-SLAM算法在LOAM-SLAM算法的基础上将SLAM分解为运动估计和地图构建两个过程,利用激光雷达的高精度测距和测绘技术,实现同时进行机器人的定位和地图构建,从而提高定位与建图的精度,提高鲁棒性和稳定性。将LOM-SLAM搭载在麦轮结构的巡检机器人上进行试验验证。结果表明:在位姿估计试验中,LOM-SLAM算法的绝对轨迹误差(ATE)和相对位姿误差(RPE)的RMSE值分别仅为7.28 m和2.23 m,均低于对比算法。在定位与建图试验中,当巡检机器人分别以0.2 m/s、0.5 m/s、1 m/s的速度运动时,LOM-SLAM的定位误差分别为0.12 m、1 m、1.2 m,具有更好的定位精度和稳健性。 展开更多
关键词 巡检机器人 激光雷达 改进SLAM 牧场环境 定位与建图
高职高专牧场设计与环境卫生课程的教改研究 被引量:4
作者 何华西 丰艳平 《湖南环境生物职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2007年第1期56-58,共3页
牧场设计与环境卫生是养殖类专业的一门专业课,并且随着养殖业发展和人们对无公害畜产品的认识和需求量的增加,其在本专业内的地位日益更受重视.同时它又是一门应用性很强的课程,对高职高专的学生培养教育更应注意其掌握技术实用、理论... 牧场设计与环境卫生是养殖类专业的一门专业课,并且随着养殖业发展和人们对无公害畜产品的认识和需求量的增加,其在本专业内的地位日益更受重视.同时它又是一门应用性很强的课程,对高职高专的学生培养教育更应注意其掌握技术实用、理论够用的原则.以此为基础介绍了对该课程进行教学方法的改革、效果和体会.参5. 展开更多
关键词 牧场设计与环境卫生 教学改革 方法 效果
高校“牧场设计与环境卫生学”课程建设与改革 被引量:2
作者 高玉红 李宏双 单春花 《河北农业大学学报(农林教育版)》 2016年第4期59-62,共4页
"牧场设计与环境卫生学"是将"牧场设计"和"家畜环境卫生学"两门独立课程整合在一起的具有完整性、系统性和综合性的高校课程之一,是研究畜牧场规划设计和环境调控的重要专业课。为适应当今社会对现代化... "牧场设计与环境卫生学"是将"牧场设计"和"家畜环境卫生学"两门独立课程整合在一起的具有完整性、系统性和综合性的高校课程之一,是研究畜牧场规划设计和环境调控的重要专业课。为适应当今社会对现代化技术人才的需求,河北农业大学动物科技学院紧紧围绕实践,调整教学结构、优化教学内容,特别是增加教学实习环节将理论运用到实践中,从中掌握牧场环境评价及牧场设计等相关的实践技能;另外,教学方法也进行了改革,采用课堂与网络相结合以及启发-互动的方式提高教学效果,激发学生自主学习和创新能力;此外,从提高教师专业素质和优化教学团队结构方面加强教学团队的培养,这对创新性应用型畜牧人才的培养将起到重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 牧场设计与环境卫生学”课程 教学结构 教学方法 课程建设
高职“牧场规划设计与家畜环境卫生”课程建设与改革 被引量:7
作者 闫红军 沈文正 +1 位作者 牛华锋 任建存 《家畜生态学报》 2011年第1期110-112,共3页
按照高等职业教育高技能应用型人才培养目标,根据养殖企业的用人标准与职业资格标准,通过组建课程教学团队、重构课程内容、编写特色教材、改革教学方法与手段、完善考核体系、实施校外工学结合等措施,进行牧场规划设计与家畜环境卫生... 按照高等职业教育高技能应用型人才培养目标,根据养殖企业的用人标准与职业资格标准,通过组建课程教学团队、重构课程内容、编写特色教材、改革教学方法与手段、完善考核体系、实施校外工学结合等措施,进行牧场规划设计与家畜环境卫生课程建设与改革,提高了教学质量和效果,实现了高职畜牧兽医专业人才培养与牧场生产岗位的零距离对接。 展开更多
关键词 高等职业教育 课程建设 牧场规划设计与家畜环境卫生
基于五星教学原理的混合式教学模式下课程思政探索与实践--“动物环境卫生与牧场设计”课程为例 被引量:2
作者 崔莲花 高青山 李钟淑 《现代农业研究》 2022年第11期63-66,共4页
“新农科”建设要求培育卓越农林人才,打造人才培养创新模式,培养具有理论知识和技能,具有“三农”情怀的复合型农业人才,其中课程思政建设必不可少。本文以延边大学农学院《动物环境卫生与牧场设计》课程为例,构建基于五星教学原理的... “新农科”建设要求培育卓越农林人才,打造人才培养创新模式,培养具有理论知识和技能,具有“三农”情怀的复合型农业人才,其中课程思政建设必不可少。本文以延边大学农学院《动物环境卫生与牧场设计》课程为例,构建基于五星教学原理的混合式教学模式,深入挖掘该课程的思政元素,分析了课程教学过程中存在的问题,提出了解决措施,旨在为进一步探索适应新农科发展要求的课程思政建设思路提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 五星教学 课程思政 混合式教学 动物环境卫生与牧场设计
“环境友好”理念下的《家畜环境卫生与牧场设计》课程教学改革与实践 被引量:1
作者 胡迎东 《畜牧与饲料科学》 2016年第10期83-84,共2页
《家畜环境卫生与牧场设计》是动物科学专业的专业必修课。在建设"环境友好"型社会的大背景下,该课程的重要性越显突出。通过创新教学内容、改变教学方法、完善考核体系等一系列课程教学改革措施,来调动学生的积极性、主动性... 《家畜环境卫生与牧场设计》是动物科学专业的专业必修课。在建设"环境友好"型社会的大背景下,该课程的重要性越显突出。通过创新教学内容、改变教学方法、完善考核体系等一系列课程教学改革措施,来调动学生的积极性、主动性和创造性,提高教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 《家畜环境卫生与牧场设计》课程 教学改革 实践
奶牛牧场养殖环境中产ESBL耐药菌的流行特征 被引量:4
作者 左扬 李田 +4 位作者 胡秀花 宋志强 孙城涛 吴聪明 王少林 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期4027-4034,共8页
本研究旨在探索奶牛养殖环境中产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(extended-spectrum beta-lactamases,ESBL)耐药菌的流行特征。2020-2021年,采集6个内蒙古和宁夏牧场共160份牛奶、乳区皮肤拭子和环境来源的多种类型样本,分别进行了β-内酰胺酶检测、... 本研究旨在探索奶牛养殖环境中产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(extended-spectrum beta-lactamases,ESBL)耐药菌的流行特征。2020-2021年,采集6个内蒙古和宁夏牧场共160份牛奶、乳区皮肤拭子和环境来源的多种类型样本,分别进行了β-内酰胺酶检测、产ESBL耐药菌的分离鉴定、药敏试验以及菌株的全基因组测序。结果显示:24份奶样的检测结果显示,各牧场β-内酰胺酶阳性率为75%~100%。其中,5个牧场的153份样本共分离出6种产ESBL耐药菌,这些产ESBL耐药菌对阿莫西林(100%)、头孢噻肟(91.0%)和头孢他啶(78.2%)均具有较高耐药率;全基因组显示,14株产ESBL大肠杆菌携带多种耐药基因,以bla_(CTX-M)(100%)携带率最高。通过对内酰胺酶阳性奶样进行分析,发现造成牧场奶样β-内酰胺酶阳性的主要菌株是产ESBL鲍曼不动杆菌,并且该耐药菌携带有bla_(CTX-M)、bla_(TEM)、bla_(OXA)型β-内酰胺类耐药基因。本研究明确了内蒙古和宁夏牧场养殖环境中产ESBL耐药菌的流行特征,并对造成内蒙古1个牧场牛奶内酰胺酶阳性原因进行了追溯研究。 展开更多
关键词 产ESBL耐药菌 牧场养殖环境 奶牛乳房炎 流行特征 Β-内酰胺酶
奶牛场环境污染微生物控制剂研究 被引量:2
作者 李自刚 刘永录 +2 位作者 边传周 赵跃进 王宏斌 《河南科技学院学报》 2008年第1期62-65,103,共5页
本文分离筛选了两株具有纤维素酶活性的嗜热细菌,两株可降低堆肥过程中氨气释放量的耐高温酵母和一株具有多酚氧化酶活性的高温放线菌,建立了能够人工快速腐熟奶牛场环境污染物的菌群,称为ZZMZ菌群。本文研究了该菌群中各菌株的分类地... 本文分离筛选了两株具有纤维素酶活性的嗜热细菌,两株可降低堆肥过程中氨气释放量的耐高温酵母和一株具有多酚氧化酶活性的高温放线菌,建立了能够人工快速腐熟奶牛场环境污染物的菌群,称为ZZMZ菌群。本文研究了该菌群中各菌株的分类地位、发酵条件。细菌编号B022和B023,酵母编号Y124和Y127,放线菌编号F04,通过形态特征和生理生化特性初步鉴定,B022为芽孢杆菌属,B023为芽孢杆菌属,Y124为裂殖酵母属,Y127为汉逊酵母属,F04为高温放线菌属。 展开更多
关键词 牧场环境污染 堆肥 菌种筛选
作者 李明艳 雷风 《当代畜牧》 2023年第12期65-67,共3页
为了提升《家畜环境卫生与畜牧场设计》课程的教学效果,使学生掌握最先进的环境控制及畜禽废弃物处理技术,了解学科发展动态和研究热点,笔者结合课程建设的目标,以生产场景为主线,围绕课程设计的理念与思路,针对教学手段和教学方法、实... 为了提升《家畜环境卫生与畜牧场设计》课程的教学效果,使学生掌握最先进的环境控制及畜禽废弃物处理技术,了解学科发展动态和研究热点,笔者结合课程建设的目标,以生产场景为主线,围绕课程设计的理念与思路,针对教学手段和教学方法、实践教学、创新评价体系等方面进行优化,对教学模式进行改革和探索,以提升教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 家畜环境卫生与畜牧场设计 生产场景 教学模式 教学改革
作者 叶素华 高海霞 郭勇 《乳业科学与技术》 2005年第4期189-190,共2页
关键词 长富乳业集团股份有限公司 生鲜牛奶 卫生质量 企业标准 人才培养 牧场环境 微生物学
A preliminary discussion on the construction of marine ranching in Tianjin 被引量:1
作者 FANG En-jun WANG Hong +1 位作者 WANG Shuo ZHANG Bo-lun 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2019年第1期1-15,共15页
Introduces the development connotation,development ideas,practice history and future prospects of Tianjin Ocean Ranch under the background of the development of national marine pastures.Combine the development process... Introduces the development connotation,development ideas,practice history and future prospects of Tianjin Ocean Ranch under the background of the development of national marine pastures.Combine the development process of China's marine pastures with the practice of Tianjin Ocean Ranch,the development characteristics of Tianjin marine pastures are analyzed.It is concluded that,for the future construction of Tianjin Ocean Ranch,we can focus on promoting the transformation of marine development mode to recycling,and construct a marine space development pattern of land-sea coordination and human-sea harmony,in order to accelerate the realization of Tianjin's"One Base and Three Districts"objective.We will make greater contributions to the quality of a well-off society and the creation of a beautiful new environment in Tianjin.Modern marine pastures are a long-term,complex and scientific systematic project that requires great attention and attention from all walks of life. 展开更多
关键词 marine pasture fishery resources ecological environment
Water Intake and Utilization in Mithun (Bos frontalis):Effect of Environmental Temperature,Rearing System and Concentrate Feed Supplement
作者 D.T.Pal A.Dhali +2 位作者 S.K.Mondal C.Rajkhowa K.M.Bujarbaruah 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第2期178-188,共11页
Seasonal and sexual variations as well as the effect of dry feed supplement on total drinking water intake and its utilization were observed in mithun (Bosfrontalis) - a semi-wild animal found in North Eastern Hill ... Seasonal and sexual variations as well as the effect of dry feed supplement on total drinking water intake and its utilization were observed in mithun (Bosfrontalis) - a semi-wild animal found in North Eastern Hill Region (NEHR) of India. In a completely randomized design, twelve adult mithuns (B. frontalis) as per their sex and body weight were assigned in two different rearing systems (free grazing and free grazing with dry concentrate feed supplementation), and ten growing male mithuns as per their body weight assigned in two different levels of dry concentrate feed supplementation (1.o kg and 2.0 kg dry concentrate feeds on green forage based diet) and in two different seasons (summer and winter). It was observed that the environmental temperature had a significant effect on drinking water intake by mithuns. Drinking water consumption (per unit of body weight) was significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in summer than in winter. Supplementation of concentrate feed on free grazing animals resulted in increase in water consumption. Total water consumption (drinking as well as performed water) was found to be 15.18 litres per 100 kg body weight by growing mithun. Feed dry matter and digestible nutrient intakes by growing mithun were observed to be increased with the increase of supplementation of dry concentrate feed. Roughage to concentrate ratio did not affect the nutrient digestibility. Mithun calves drank an average of 4.30 litres water for each kg of dry matter intake. Metabolic water was significantly (P〈0.01) increased with the increase of supplementation of concentrate feed whereas water turn over, which depends upon the body weight of the animals, did not differ significantly on offering of lower or higher level of dry feed. Faecal water loss of growing mithun was decreased with the increase in intake of concentrate feed and was estimated to be 33 - 46 % of total water intake. Excretion of water through faeces of mithun was about 3.8 % of body weight. It could, therefore, be inferred that water intake by mithun varied with seasons, rearing systems and dry feed consumption. As far as the water nutrition is concerned, it is needed to give an attention while feeding mithun in summer with dry feed supplementation under semi-intensive system of rearing. 展开更多
关键词 MITHUN water intake water excretion SEASONS GRAZING concentrate feed feed utilization
Mountain Pastures and Grasslands in the SW Tien Shan,Kyrgyzstan-Floristic Patterns,Environmental Gradients,Phytogeography,and Grazing Impact 被引量:4
作者 BORCHARDT Peter SCHICKHOFF Udo +1 位作者 SCHEITWEILER Sabrina KULIKOV Maksim 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第3期363-373,共11页
Vast grasslands are found in the walnut-fruit forest region of southern Kyrgyzstan,Middle Asia.Located above the worldwide unique walnutfruit forests and used for grazing,they play a pivotal role in the mixed mountain... Vast grasslands are found in the walnut-fruit forest region of southern Kyrgyzstan,Middle Asia.Located above the worldwide unique walnutfruit forests and used for grazing,they play a pivotal role in the mixed mountain agriculture of local farmers.Accordingly,these pastures are subject to an increasing utilization pressure reflecting the changing political and social conditions in the transformation process from a Soviet republic to an independent state.A first detailed analysis of mountain pasture vegetation in the Ferghana Range answers the following questions:What are the main plant community types among Kyrgyzstan's mountain pastures? What are the main environmental gradients that shape their species composition? Which phytogeographical distribution types are predominant? How does grazing affect community composition and species richness in these grasslands? Species composition was classified by cluster analysis;underlying environmental gradients were explored using DCA.A dataset of 395 relevés was used for classification,and a subset of 79 relevés was used in a DCA to analyze the correlation between vegetation,environment,and grazing impact.The investigated pastures were classified into four distinctive plant communities.The site factors altitude,heat load,inclination and grazing impact were found to be the major determinants of the vegetation pattern.A significant overlap between floristic composition and structural and spatial properties was shown.The majority of the species pool consisted of Middle Asian endemics and Eurosiberian species.However,disturbance-tolerant species played a significant role with respect to species composition and coverage of the herbaceous layer in vast areas of southern Kyrgyzstan's mountain pastures.In general,an intense grazing impact is clearly reflected by both species composition and structural variables of plant communities.The highly diverse and unique ecosystem is modified by an increasing utilization pressure.In order to maintain vital processes and functioning of this valuable ecosystem-in both economical and ecological terms-,it is indispensable to adopt appropriate pasture management strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Central Asia Classification ENDEMICS Gradient Analysis Grazing impact Middle Asia Pasture Management Ruderals Transformation Process Walnut-fruit forest.
The Ingestive Behaviour of Cattle in Large-scale and Its Application to Pasture Management in Heterogeneous Pastoral Environments
作者 Jean Carlos Mezzalira Carolina Bremm Julio Kuthn Da Trindade Carlos Nabinger Paulo Cesar de Faccio Carvalho 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第7期909-916,共8页
Cattle may improve their feeding efficiency by altering their ingestive behaviour in response to changes in the quality of their pastoral environments. To test this hypothesis, an experiment was conducted in a native ... Cattle may improve their feeding efficiency by altering their ingestive behaviour in response to changes in the quality of their pastoral environments. To test this hypothesis, an experiment was conducted in a native pasture that has been managed in continuous stocking at different daily forage allowances (4%, 8%, 12%, and 16% of live weight) for twenty two years thus creating different pastoral environments. For the current experiment, the animals were allocated to their respective experimental units on April 27, 2007. Two experiments were conducted; one was performed at the end of winter (experiment 1), and the other was undertaken at the end of spring (experiment 2). Four tester animals were observed per experimental unit (3-5 ha each). The animals increased their daily grazing time when forage allowance decreased. Most of this increased time was devoted to harvesting, whereas searching was reduced to a few minutes per day. Under conditions of ideal range of forage allowance (between 12% and 14%), the grazing time was reduced, and the search activity increased. These results suggest that the monitoring of indicators of ingestive behaviour can be used to determine the attributes of forage resources. 展开更多
关键词 CATTLE feeding duration search time harvest time grazing time native pasture.
A Case Study on Environmental Evaluation and Planning for Range and Forest Management by Means of Geographic Information System (GIS) 被引量:1
作者 M. Reyahi Khoram M. Karami Nour 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第6期57-62,共6页
The aim of this research is to identify the most suitable land for forestry, afforestation and rangeland management in Hamadan province. This research has been accomplished using Makhdoum's model. In this research 30... The aim of this research is to identify the most suitable land for forestry, afforestation and rangeland management in Hamadan province. This research has been accomplished using Makhdoum's model. In this research 30 digital data layers are used. The Geographic Information System (GIS) has been used as main tool and overlay method has been used to implement the mentioned model. The results of this research revealed that the extent of favorite areas for fifth grade forestry, favorite areas for fourth grade afforestation, and favorite areas for third grade and fourth grade range management in the studied area. Based on the results of this research, the studied area has limited potentials for forestry and afforestation activities. The obtained results of evaluation also showed that the rangelands of Hamadan province are extremely poor. Since the rangelands have a substantial role in preservation of soil and water, therefore it is necessary to take appropriate measures for better exploitation of rangelands. 展开更多
关键词 Afibrestation ENVIRONMENT evaluation FORESTRY rangeland.
Feasibility analysis and implementation of marine ranching integration of offshore wind power development in Guangdong Province
作者 CHEN Hao LU Chuqian CHEN Bin 《Marine Science Bulletin》 2021年第2期57-72,共16页
Marine ranching is a new model for restoring marine ecological environment and conserving offshore fishery resources.Offshore wind power is a new clean energy industry in China.Based on the analysis of the constructio... Marine ranching is a new model for restoring marine ecological environment and conserving offshore fishery resources.Offshore wind power is a new clean energy industry in China.Based on the analysis of the construction of offshore wind farms in Guangdong Province,this article proposes to actively promote the integrated development of offshore wind power and marine ranching.The suitability and deployment conditions of Sargasso algae reef construction in offshore wind farms,the feasibility of developing an integrated development model featuring artificial algae reefs+offshore wind farms in Guangdong Province,as well as the importance of ecological sea area use and management were discussed.Regarding the necessity of intensive and economical utilization of sea and sea resources,it is believed that the development model of"marine ranching+offshore wind power"will become an important direction for improving the comprehensive utilization of sea areas in the future. 展开更多
关键词 marine ranching offshore wind power ecological restoration artificial algae reef
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