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施用鹅粪与化肥对牧草生物量和土壤肥力的影响 被引量:6
作者 胡民强 方热军 +1 位作者 邢廷铣 陈惠萍 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第3期10-13,共4页
在苜蓿和黑麦草人草地上施用鹅粪,与施用化肥比较,探讨不同种类肥料对牧草生物量和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,给苜蓿施用鹅粪与施化肥比较,能提高牧草产量25%~35%左右,提高根系干物质量15/~30%左右;给黑麦草施用鹅... 在苜蓿和黑麦草人草地上施用鹅粪,与施用化肥比较,探讨不同种类肥料对牧草生物量和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,给苜蓿施用鹅粪与施化肥比较,能提高牧草产量25%~35%左右,提高根系干物质量15/~30%左右;给黑麦草施用鹅粪,能提高牧草产量6%左右,提高根系干物质量17%左右。同时,鹅粪可使人工草地土壤有机质含量提高11%左右,全N、全P和全K均有很大提高。施用鹅粪对提高人工草地牧草产量和土壤肥力均有明显的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 鹅粪 苜蓿 黑麦草 牧草生物量 化肥
南方人工草地山羊牧食行为及对牧草生物量的影响 被引量:5
作者 张子军 黄桠锋 +2 位作者 郭晓飞 陈家宏 凌英会 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期67-71,共5页
在南方人工草地上,采用跟踪观察法和齐地刈割法,研究了不同月龄贵州黑山羊的牧食行为和放牧前后牧草群落地上生物量的变化。结果表明:3月龄和15月龄山羊在牧食行为上存在明显差异,3月龄山羊的采食时间和游走站立时间均较15月龄的长(P<... 在南方人工草地上,采用跟踪观察法和齐地刈割法,研究了不同月龄贵州黑山羊的牧食行为和放牧前后牧草群落地上生物量的变化。结果表明:3月龄和15月龄山羊在牧食行为上存在明显差异,3月龄山羊的采食时间和游走站立时间均较15月龄的长(P<0.05),反刍卧息时间比15月龄的短(P<0.01),两种月龄的山羊不同放牧时间段的采食规律也不一样;3月龄羊放牧后各牧草品种的地上生物量与15月龄羊放牧后地上生物量存在差异,与3月龄贵州黑山羊放牧后的草地相比,15月龄羊放牧后鸭茅、多年生黑麦草和白三叶生物量显著减少(P<0.05),两种月龄的山羊都喜欢选择采食鸭茅和多年生黑麦草,而较不喜食白三叶;山羊的牧食行为对人工草地牧草群落地上生物量变化影响很大。 展开更多
关键词 南方人工草地 贵州黑山羊 牧食行为 牧草生物量
柠条枝条覆盖对宁夏荒漠草原土壤水热及补播牧草生物量的影响 被引量:8
作者 张茹 李建平 +2 位作者 彭文栋 王芳 李志刚 《草业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期58-67,共10页
干旱是影响宁夏东部沙化区荒漠草地退化的主要自然因素,也是天然草地补播成功率低的主要原因,该地区大面积种植的柠条是土壤覆盖保水的丰富资源,但是缺乏相关研究。选择平坦的、未生长柠条的退化天然补播草地作为研究对象,在临近有柠条... 干旱是影响宁夏东部沙化区荒漠草地退化的主要自然因素,也是天然草地补播成功率低的主要原因,该地区大面积种植的柠条是土壤覆盖保水的丰富资源,但是缺乏相关研究。选择平坦的、未生长柠条的退化天然补播草地作为研究对象,在临近有柠条生长的草地平茬其柠条枝条用于试验覆盖,研究不同柠条覆盖厚度(TSM_0,覆盖0cm;TSM_1,覆盖1 cm;TSM_2,覆盖2 cm;TSM_3,覆盖3 cm)对该地区荒漠草地0~40 cm土壤水热以及补播牧草地上生物量的影响。结果表明,柠条枝条覆盖显著提高了土壤含水量,并且随着覆盖厚度的增加逐渐增大,但2018和2019年间所有覆盖处理下0~20 cm土壤水分平均值与TSM0之间差异不显著(P>0.05);在20~40 cm土层,3种柠条枝条覆盖厚度明显较对照提高了土壤水分含量,表现出TSM_3>TSM_2>TSM_1>TSM_0的趋势。结果还表明,柠条枝条覆盖还具有降低草地0~10 cm温度的作用,生长季8:00、14:00和18:00的土壤温度总体均随着柠条枝条覆盖厚度的增加出现降低趋势,且2019年土壤温度随着覆盖厚度的增加,变异系数也在减小,依次为4.6%、2.3%、1.7%,表明覆盖对土壤温度的变化具有缓冲作用。补播牧草地上生物量亦随着覆盖厚度的增加而增大,蒙古冰草、沙打旺及补播的3种牧草的总生物量均与草地20~40 cm土壤水分呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。本研究表明,柠条枝条覆盖有效地改善了荒漠草地土壤的水热,提高了土壤墒情,为牧草种植提供了良好的生长环境,可为该地区及类似地区退化草地的补播改良提供技术借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 柠条枝条覆盖 土壤水分 土壤温度 补播牧草生物量 宁夏荒漠草地
干旱对呼伦贝尔草原牧草生物量的影响 被引量:8
作者 金磊 王永芳 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期80-90,共11页
利用野外观测试验、数理统计、模型模拟等技术手段,探讨干旱对草原牧草生物量的影响及其造成的损失。结果表明,在1961~2017年期间,呼伦贝尔市气候趋于干旱,尤其是2000年以后,干旱发生的频率和程度均有所增加;空间上,新巴尔虎左旗和新巴... 利用野外观测试验、数理统计、模型模拟等技术手段,探讨干旱对草原牧草生物量的影响及其造成的损失。结果表明,在1961~2017年期间,呼伦贝尔市气候趋于干旱,尤其是2000年以后,干旱发生的频率和程度均有所增加;空间上,新巴尔虎左旗和新巴尔虎右旗发生严重和极端干旱的次数较多。6个月和12个月尺度的干旱趋势率呈显著增加趋势,趋势率较大地区包括满洲里市、额尔古纳市和新巴尔虎右旗。通过计算呼伦贝尔市6个地区2004~2016年5~8月份的生物量损失率后,发现2004~2009年和2015~2016年两个时期大多地区牧草生物量均有不同程度的损失,平均损失率达到了-50%,严重月份达到了-80%^-70%。利用牧草生物量损失率与SPEI 3构建了呼伦贝尔草原6个地区干旱-损失率模型,结果显示两者之间呈显著线性相关关系,随着干旱程度的增加,相应地区的牧草生物量损失率有所增加。 展开更多
关键词 呼伦贝尔草原 SPEI 牧草生物量 干旱-损失率模型
水热条件与特定区域天然牧草生物量的关系 被引量:10
作者 金磊 张伟 菅晓蕾 《内蒙古农业科技》 2008年第3期71-72,共2页
天然牧草生物量与气候因素存在着不可分割的联系,但气象因素对植物生长发育或生物量的影响并非是简单地与某个气象因子有关,植物在生长发育的不同阶段,同一气象要素所反映的作用效果具有很大的差异。文章在前人工作的基础上,对天然牧草... 天然牧草生物量与气候因素存在着不可分割的联系,但气象因素对植物生长发育或生物量的影响并非是简单地与某个气象因子有关,植物在生长发育的不同阶段,同一气象要素所反映的作用效果具有很大的差异。文章在前人工作的基础上,对天然牧草生长发育各个阶段的气象因子进行分析,讨论了天然牧草生物量的时空分布与水热条件的关系。 展开更多
关键词 水热条件 天然牧草生物量 对比关系
天祝草甸、草原草场植被生物量形成的气象条件及预测模型 被引量:24
作者 刘明春 马兴祥 +1 位作者 尹东 张惠玲 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 2001年第3期65-67,69,共4页
通过分析得出 :影响天祝县草甸、草原草场地上生物量的主要气象因素是热量和水分。用积分回归法分析了牧草生长发育各时段单位因子变化量对年产量的影响程度及正负效应时段。并用逐步回归法将气温和降水作为预报因子得出牧草生物量气候... 通过分析得出 :影响天祝县草甸、草原草场地上生物量的主要气象因素是热量和水分。用积分回归法分析了牧草生长发育各时段单位因子变化量对年产量的影响程度及正负效应时段。并用逐步回归法将气温和降水作为预报因子得出牧草生物量气候模型 ,预报误差 6 %~ 15%。 展开更多
关键词 牧草生物量 气象效应 预测模型 草甸 草原 甘肃
牧草生长系统的CTM模型与系统模拟 被引量:1
作者 李自珍 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1991年第4期150-155,共6页
引言在现代草地的宏观管理中,有关牧草生长系统的调控以及生长系统模拟方法的研究,无论是理论分析上或是对于生产实践上,都具有十分重要的现实意义。关于描述牧草增长机制的数学模型,从建模方法看大体可以区分为两大类:一类是运用数理... 引言在现代草地的宏观管理中,有关牧草生长系统的调控以及生长系统模拟方法的研究,无论是理论分析上或是对于生产实践上,都具有十分重要的现实意义。关于描述牧草增长机制的数学模型,从建模方法看大体可以区分为两大类:一类是运用数理统计方法所建的各种统计模型;另一类是用微分方程、控制论方法等所建的动力学模型。 展开更多
关键词 牧草生长 系统模拟 建模方法 牧草生物量 微分方程 数学模型 资源因子 跃迁速率 统计模型 动力学模型
草地承包中、前期放牧行为及相关生态补偿对策建模研究 被引量:2
作者 宋波 辛永亮 曹文田 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期528-532,共5页
分析牧民的放牧行为并予以指导,有助于缓解或避免由于过度放牧导致的草地退化。利用牧草生长-消费模型,引入贴现影响,分析了牧民接手草地后的承包前期和中期放牧行为。结果显示,在承包前期,无论草地产权制度多么完善,当初始牧草生物量... 分析牧民的放牧行为并予以指导,有助于缓解或避免由于过度放牧导致的草地退化。利用牧草生长-消费模型,引入贴现影响,分析了牧民接手草地后的承包前期和中期放牧行为。结果显示,在承包前期,无论草地产权制度多么完善,当初始牧草生物量较高时,牧民总会采用最大放牧强度,使牧草生物量迅速下降至经济最佳牧草生物量水平。在承包中期,牧民会降低放牧强度,使牧草生物量维持在经济最佳牧草生物量水平。承包中期的放牧强度与贴现率正相关,此时的牧草生物量与贴现率负相关。为保障牧草生物量不低于一定的阈值,可以采取向牧民发放生态补偿金的经济措施,以促使牧民降低放牧强度。补偿金额是补偿系数与实际牧草生物量的乘积,补偿系数与贴现率正相关,与牧草生物量阈值负相关。 展开更多
关键词 生长-消费模型 承包前期放牧行为 承包中期放牧行为 经济最佳牧草生物量 生态补偿 草地管理
Herbage Production and Species Richness in Sub-alpine Grasslands of Different Soil Parent Material in Northern Greece
作者 MPOKOS J.Panagiotis YIAKOULAKI D.Maria +3 位作者 PAPAZAFEIRIOU Z.Agapi SGARDELIS Stefanos ALIFRAGIS Dimitrios PAPANIKOLAOU Konstantinos 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期1579-1592,共14页
Several abiotic and biotic factors were investigated as possible predictors of local species richness in two sub-alpine grasslands of Jenna and Belles Mountains in Northern Greece.For species richness modelling a hier... Several abiotic and biotic factors were investigated as possible predictors of local species richness in two sub-alpine grasslands of Jenna and Belles Mountains in Northern Greece.For species richness modelling a hierarchical modelling framework based on generalized additive models was adopted.The two sub-alpine grasslands differed in aspect,altitude and soil parent material(volcanic origin,mostly trachyte,and andesite(TA) for Jenna and metamorphic rocks,mostly gneiss(G) for Belles).12 fenced squared plots,16 m2 each,were used per grassland,where soil properties,herbage production,species presence and cover of grasses,legumes and forbs were estimated.Mean herbage production was significantly affected by slope and altitude,soil K content and floristic composition as expressed by an ordination axis.Soil p H,floristic composition and average herbage production were significant predictors of forbs and total species richness.For the former,soil N content and for the latter the occurrence of Agrostis capillaris,were also included as significant terms in the predictive model.Thepredictors for grasses species richness were N content,having a positive effect,and average herbage production.In all cases higher species richness was predicted for intermediate values of average herbage production.Differential responses were found between forbs and grasses.The predictors of their species richness were different while for the case of the common predictor(N) the responses of the two groups were also different(grasses species numbers increase and forbs species numbers decreased with increasing N).Maximum species richness of grasses was observed at relatively low production levels while forbs species richness maximized at relatively high production levels. 展开更多
关键词 Mountain pastures Biomass production Functional groups ALTITUDE Agrostis capillaris
Effect of Weed Control on Establishment and Herbage Production in Dwarf Napiergrass
作者 Renny Fatmyah Utamy Yasuyuki Ishii +2 位作者 Kouji Iwamura Sachiko Idota 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第1期46-50,共5页
Weed control is a crucial factor for maintaining establishment and herbage production in dwarf variety of late-heading type (DL) napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) in southern Kyushu, Japan. This study wa... Weed control is a crucial factor for maintaining establishment and herbage production in dwarf variety of late-heading type (DL) napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) in southern Kyushu, Japan. This study was aimed to verify the weeding-effect on dry matter (DM) production in the farm level and to examine the effect of several weed control, i.e. mixed sowing of annual setaria (abbreviated as S), which has no regrowth ability after stem-elongation, paper-mulching (as P) and hand-weeding (as +W), compared with no-weeding (as -W) on DM yield and quality of DL napiergrass in two years. Weed control practices significantly (P 〈 0.05) promoted several plant growth attributes in DL napiergrass, compared with no-weeding both in the farm and experimental levels. Paper-mulchidng (P-W or P+S-W) had highest yields among several practices in both years. Setaria-sowing ha a partially mitigating effect of weed damage on DM production of DL napiergrass, while additive DM gain from setaria could compensate the yield decrease in DL napiergrass and reduce herbicide cost. Neither digestibility nor crude protein was affected by any weed control in either year. Thus, paper-mulching and annual setaria-sowing could be effective alternative practices for weed control of this species. 展开更多
关键词 Annual setaria dwarf napiergrass herbage yield paper mulch weed control.
Madagascar High Lands Dry Season Forages: Lofium multiflorum (Italian Ray Grass) and Avena sativa (Oat)
作者 Isabelle Herisoa Hantanirina Olivier Jean Rakotonirina Rivo Nirina Rabearimisa Jean de Neupomuscene Rakotozandriny 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第6期316-324,共9页
Italian ray grass and oat are two grass species characterized by their ability to adjust tropical climate conditions. This study proposed to assess forage productivities to allow an appropriate mowing period determina... Italian ray grass and oat are two grass species characterized by their ability to adjust tropical climate conditions. This study proposed to assess forage productivities to allow an appropriate mowing period determination in their use as dairy female feed in Madagascar. A test on small plots has been set up in the southern part of the capital city Antananarivo during one dry period (4 months). Live observations followed by laboratory proximate analyses have been performed for forage productivity and feeding value determination. Cultivated on tanety (hill), irrigated in counter season, results show that: (I) oat higher height (H = 96.7 cm) than Italian ray grass (H= 69.4 cm) at 99 days of age; (2) similar biomass productivity; (3) dry matter yields significantly different (p = 0.05); (4) certain similarity between dry matter yields and FMU (fodder milk unit) score evolution; (5) leafy stage of Italian ray grasses at 99 days of age; (6) mid-flowering stage for oats during the same period. Cell wall content, crude fiber and dry matter contents increased with age (p = 0.05). Crude proteins and minerals evolved in opposite directions. Gross energy content did not present precise variation with age. This study allowed that for an acceptable quantitative and qualitative production during dry seasons, good mowing period for Italian ray grass could start at 76 days age, while oat could start being harvested at 68 days. 展开更多
关键词 Counter season forages productivity feeding values Lolium multiflorum Avena sativa Madagascar.
Effects of Vegetation Cover, Grazing and Season on Herbage Species Composition and Biomass: A Case Study of Yabello Rangeland, Southern Ethiopia 被引量:3
作者 Yeneayehu FENETAHUN XU Xinwen +1 位作者 YOU Yuan WANG Yongdong 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2020年第2期159-170,共12页
The Yabello rangeland is a semi-arid area in Borana, Ethiopia that is facing great degradation challenges. Increasing infestation of vegetation cover, over grazing and high seasonal variation have significantly affect... The Yabello rangeland is a semi-arid area in Borana, Ethiopia that is facing great degradation challenges. Increasing infestation of vegetation cover, over grazing and high seasonal variation have significantly affected the herbage composition and biomass in the Yabello rangeland. This study focused on assessing the effect of vegetation cover, grazing and season on both herbage composition and biomass in the Yabello rangeland. An experiment was conducted using randomized plots of 1m×1m. Sites were selected based on vegetation cover type and grazing variation, and seasonal impacts were also assessed. Data on herbage composition, height and mass with respect to those parameters were analyzed using SAS statistical software version 9.1(SAS Institute, 2001) and Microsoft Excel. A total of 26 grass species were recorded and Chloris roxburghiana Chrysopogon aucheri and Chrysopogon aucheri grass species showed the highest average single species cover height and biomass production, for all the sites among all parameters. As a result, those grass species are highly recommended for the rehabilitation of degraded rangeland in the study area. This study also showed that vegetation cover type grazing and seasonal variation were the key factors in determining herbage species composition, height and biomass production. Finally, we recommended that sustainable management which controls bush vegetation cover and balances grazing levels is essential for sustainable herbage production and biodiversity conservation in the area. 展开更多
关键词 Yabello rangeland species composition BIOMASS bush land GRAZING herbage height rainy season dry season
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