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学前儿童大肌肉动作发展特点与规律——基于身体移动与物体控制能力具体动作任务的分析 被引量:9
作者 戴雯 李雪佩 +1 位作者 张剑 谭晓缨 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期29-39,共11页
本研究选用大肌肉动作发展测试(TGMD-2)对上海市206名3~6岁儿童的大肌肉动作发展情况进行评价,旨在探讨儿童"肌肉—关节"和"视—动"发展的规律,结果发现3~6岁是儿童大肌肉动作发展的重要时期;其身体移动能力发展良... 本研究选用大肌肉动作发展测试(TGMD-2)对上海市206名3~6岁儿童的大肌肉动作发展情况进行评价,旨在探讨儿童"肌肉—关节"和"视—动"发展的规律,结果发现3~6岁是儿童大肌肉动作发展的重要时期;其身体移动能力发展良好;"肌肉—关节"协调能力基本习得;"视—动"发展处于初级阶段。学前儿童体育活动应更注重儿童肢体间的配合,促进其动作模块化的形成;应进一步提高儿童物体控制能力,在培养儿童感知—运动的精确联结的基础上,更多地激发儿童的运动兴趣,正确、合理地组织和安排学前儿童体育活动。 展开更多
关键词 大肌肉动作 动作发展 身体移动 物体控制
作者 徐连迪 孙昊 +1 位作者 陶金 孙俊清 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期229-239,共11页
采用声波操纵克拉尼平板上的微小物体,在精准医学、液滴和颗粒的工业控制等方面有着广阔的应用前景.传统声波操纵认为在运动过程中,声波对微粒的影响是无序的,而近年来,研究得出声振动是有序的,但缺乏精确、有效的建模手段,限制其应用.... 采用声波操纵克拉尼平板上的微小物体,在精准医学、液滴和颗粒的工业控制等方面有着广阔的应用前景.传统声波操纵认为在运动过程中,声波对微粒的影响是无序的,而近年来,研究得出声振动是有序的,但缺乏精确、有效的建模手段,限制其应用.针对该问题,本文提出了结合Faster R-CNN算法与局部加权回归(LOESS)算法的方法对声波场进行建模.采用图像识别技术辨识微粒在克拉尼平板上的位置,计算在某一固定声波频率下微小粒子在克拉尼平板不同位置上的位移.在积累大量位移数据后,基于LOESS算法,建立平板上的完整声波位移模型,分析声波力场如何在平面上对微小物体的运动施加影响,并建立仿真模型,进行克拉尼平板上微粒操纵的仿真实验.最后,本文将基于所搭建的声波操纵平台,对易碎的速溶咖啡颗粒进行控制,通过与仿真实验相对比,验证了建模与控制方法的可行性,证明该模型可实现微小粒子的运动控制. 展开更多
关键词 声波操纵 微小物体控制 克拉尼平板 Faster R-CNN 局部加权回归
作者 刘婷 杨通烈 吕万刚 《体育科技文献通报》 2024年第3期122-125,共4页
目的:在国家、社会、学校及家庭的多方合力下,目前我国儿童的肥胖、视力弱等情况有所改善,但体质健康依然是需要攻坚的问题。本文通过开展利用快乐体操运动干预监测儿童大肌肉群发展情况的研究,旨在找到适宜儿童锻炼的途径,以促进有效... 目的:在国家、社会、学校及家庭的多方合力下,目前我国儿童的肥胖、视力弱等情况有所改善,但体质健康依然是需要攻坚的问题。本文通过开展利用快乐体操运动干预监测儿童大肌肉群发展情况的研究,旨在找到适宜儿童锻炼的途径,以促进有效提高其体质。方法:采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、德尔菲法、实验法、录像观察法、数理统计法,对5-6岁儿童进行18周的快乐体操干预,探究其对大肌肉群动作发展影响的情况。结果与结论:快乐体操对5-6岁儿童大肌肉群动作发展有显著性促进效果,其中位移技能的影响效果大于操控技能;幼儿园常规课程对5-6岁儿童大肌肉群动作发展有一定程度的影响,但改善效果不明显。 展开更多
关键词 快乐体操 5-6岁儿童 大肌肉群动作 位移技能 物体控制技能
3~10岁儿童基本动作技能发展比较研究 被引量:52
作者 李静 刁玉翠 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期129-132,共4页
儿童是形成并发展多种基本动作技能的关键期。运用美国大肌肉动作发展测试第二版(TGMD-2)对我国山东省济南市随机抽取的1046名3~10岁的儿童(平均6.6±2.07岁)进行测试,将结果与美国常模进行对比,同时结合香港和巴西儿童基本动作技... 儿童是形成并发展多种基本动作技能的关键期。运用美国大肌肉动作发展测试第二版(TGMD-2)对我国山东省济南市随机抽取的1046名3~10岁的儿童(平均6.6±2.07岁)进行测试,将结果与美国常模进行对比,同时结合香港和巴西儿童基本动作技能发展情况进行比较研究。结果显示:济南市3~10岁儿童的移动和控制物体能力随着年龄的增长逐步提高,且移动能力的发展要好于物体控制能力的发展;位移动作中,跑、立定跳远、侧滑步和跨跳的表现较好,而单脚跳表现相对较差;物体控制动作中,踢球动作表现较好,原地拍球和上手投球的表现较差;位移动作技能发展整体上要好于美国儿童,只是达到优秀水平的儿童较少;物体控制动作发展水平达到优秀的极少,大部分处于平均及以下的水平,发展出现迟缓的儿童达到了62.33%;整体上儿童基本动作技能发展优秀的太少(0.9%),处于平均水平的儿童相对较多(58.59%),而发展滞后(处于平均水平之下)的人数也相对较多(38.05%)。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 动作发展 TGMD-2 位移动作 物体控制动作 比较研究
山东省3~10岁儿童动作发展研究 被引量:25
作者 李静 《山东体育学院学报》 北大核心 2009年第4期47-50,共4页
采用大肌肉动作发展测试量表(TGMD-2),对山东省511名3~10岁男女儿童进行实验研究,对所测数据进行统计处理,并进行对比分析。研究结果表明:3—10岁男女儿童大肌肉动作的发展能力随年龄的增长不断提高,各个动作发展的幅度和速率... 采用大肌肉动作发展测试量表(TGMD-2),对山东省511名3~10岁男女儿童进行实验研究,对所测数据进行统计处理,并进行对比分析。研究结果表明:3—10岁男女儿童大肌肉动作的发展能力随年龄的增长不断提高,各个动作发展的幅度和速率存在差别,呈波浪式增长;位移动作发展好于物体控制能力的发展;跑、侧滑步、踢球动作的动作发展情况较好,击固定球和上手投球动作发展情况相对较差。 展开更多
关键词 大肌肉动作 位移 物体控制 儿童 性别差异
3~6岁幼儿大肌肉动作发展现状及促进策略研究 被引量:5
作者 莫月红 《运动》 2015年第14期34-35,53,共3页
本文采用大肌肉动作发展测试量表(TGMD-2),对浙江省108 名3-6 岁幼儿进行12 个大肌肉动作测定,对所测数据进行统计分析.结果表明,浙江省3-6 岁幼儿大肌肉动作发展水平一般;大肌肉动作的发展能力随年龄的增加不断提高,各个动作发展的... 本文采用大肌肉动作发展测试量表(TGMD-2),对浙江省108 名3-6 岁幼儿进行12 个大肌肉动作测定,对所测数据进行统计分析.结果表明,浙江省3-6 岁幼儿大肌肉动作发展水平一般;大肌肉动作的发展能力随年龄的增加不断提高,各个动作发展的幅度和速率存在差别;位移动作技能发展优于物体控制技能的发展.另文献调研显示,目前浙江省幼儿体育活动内容的选取、活动强度、场地设施、师资和体育活动氛围营造等方面存在一定的问题,针对现状本文从学校层面、家庭层面和社区层面提出幼儿大肌肉动作发展的相关建议. 展开更多
关键词 幼儿 大肌肉动作 位移技能 物体控制技能 促进
运动干预促进儿童粗大动作发展效果的Meta分析 被引量:4
作者 任园园 刘丹 +1 位作者 陆阿明 赵双迎 《湖北体育科技》 2020年第5期434-439,共6页
目的以Meta分析方法检验儿童粗大动作发展运动干预效果,以提出更佳的运动方案。方法对纳入的10篇文献进行Meta分析及方法学检验。结果1)运动干预对儿童移动动作(MD=3.57,p<0.001)与物体控制动作(MD=4.13,p<0.001)影响的效应量均... 目的以Meta分析方法检验儿童粗大动作发展运动干预效果,以提出更佳的运动方案。方法对纳入的10篇文献进行Meta分析及方法学检验。结果1)运动干预对儿童移动动作(MD=3.57,p<0.001)与物体控制动作(MD=4.13,p<0.001)影响的效应量均具有统计学意义。2)与运动干预促进移动动作发展的整体效应结果(I2=69%,p<0.0001)相比,儿童年龄、干预内容、干预时间、干预频率、干预周期以及文献质量亚组的异质性明显降低。3)与运动干预促进物体控制动作的整体效应结果(I2=97%,p<0.0001)相比,儿童年龄、干预内容、干预时间、干预频率以及干预周期亚组的异质性降低。结论1)早期的运动干预能有效改善儿童的粗大动作发展。2)功能性动作训练对移动动作发展表现出明显的优势;身体活动干预对物体控制动作的促进效果更佳。3)30~60min、12~24周的方案对儿童粗大动作发展促进效果最显著;干预频率3~5次/周对儿童物体控制动作发展的促进效果更突出。 展开更多
关键词 运动干预 儿童 粗大动作发展 移动动作 物体控制动作
山东省3~6岁幼儿大肌肉动作发展特征研究 被引量:3
作者 刘莹莹 《山东体育科技》 2018年第3期57-61,共5页
3~6岁幼儿是形成并发展大肌肉动作的关键期。运用美国大肌肉动作发展测试第二版(TGMD-2)对山东省济南市、潍坊市及莱芜市788名3~6岁的幼儿(平均4.35±0.80岁)进行测试,并结合城乡、年龄、性别等因素进行比较分析。结果显示:3~6... 3~6岁幼儿是形成并发展大肌肉动作的关键期。运用美国大肌肉动作发展测试第二版(TGMD-2)对山东省济南市、潍坊市及莱芜市788名3~6岁的幼儿(平均4.35±0.80岁)进行测试,并结合城乡、年龄、性别等因素进行比较分析。结果显示:3~6岁城市幼儿的位移动作发展水平与农村幼儿相差不大,但是在物体控制动作上,城市幼儿的动作发展水平明显高于农村幼儿,尤其是踢球和地滚球动作;双手接球动作农村幼儿得分高于城市幼儿,但却没有明显统计学差异;3~6岁幼儿随着年龄的增加,大肌肉动作的发育逐渐成熟,但是每个动作发展的速率在不同的年龄段不同,立定跳远、接球、击固定球、上手投球以及地滚球动作,在3~3.5岁与3.5~4岁这两个年龄段出现发展缓慢的现象,并没有年龄差异。在3.5~4岁与4~4.5岁这两个年龄阶段上,前跨跳、侧滑步、前滑步、拍球、踢球以及击固定球等动作的发展也比较平缓,没有发现显著的年龄差异;3~6岁幼儿大肌肉动作发展表现在性别上,虽然男性幼儿的位移动作得分与物体控制动作得分高于女性幼儿,但是却没有明显的统计学差异。但是具体到某个动作的发展水平,出现了显著的性别差异,在单脚跳与侧滑步动作中女性幼儿的得分明显高于男性幼儿,但是在踢球、击固定球以及上手投球动作中,男性幼儿的发展水平非常明显地高于女性幼儿。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿 大肌肉动作发展 位移动作 物体控制动作 发展特征
垂直击打技能教学技巧在木球项目教学中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 刘海洋 赵小雪 《青少年体育》 2021年第8期105-106,共2页
关键词 物体控制技能 垂直击打技能 青少年 木球
MFC中使用OpenGL实现三维运动仿真 被引量:1
作者 张震 施颂椒 范启富 《微型电脑应用》 2003年第6期12-14,共3页
在物体运动控制系统的研究中 ,常需要直观地显示控制对象的实时运动状态 ,因此 ,研究开发实用、直观、可靠的三维运动动态仿真软件是实用价值的。本文结合一个飞艇多自由度实时运动姿态控制项目 ,阐述在 MFC中使用Open GL开发运动控制... 在物体运动控制系统的研究中 ,常需要直观地显示控制对象的实时运动状态 ,因此 ,研究开发实用、直观、可靠的三维运动动态仿真软件是实用价值的。本文结合一个飞艇多自由度实时运动姿态控制项目 ,阐述在 MFC中使用Open GL开发运动控制系统三维仿真程序的方法。作本方法开发的软件在实际应用中 ,工作可靠。 展开更多
关键词 三维运动仿真 0penGL MFC 物体运动控制系统 计算机仿真
A Molecular Phylogeny of Macaca Based on Mitochondrial Control Region Sequences 被引量:8
作者 李青青 张亚平 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期385-390,共6页
Nucleotide sequences of segments of the mitochondrial control regions were analyzed to infer the phylogenetic relationships among 7 macaques.High nucleotide diversity in Macaca assamensis and relatively low diversity ... Nucleotide sequences of segments of the mitochondrial control regions were analyzed to infer the phylogenetic relationships among 7 macaques.High nucleotide diversity in Macaca assamensis and relatively low diversity in M.thibetana were found.Based on the ML tree from control regions,species in our study can roughly be sorted into three species groups except for the phylogenetic position of M.fascicularis,i.e.,silenus group,including M.leonina;sinica group,including M.arctoides,M.assamensis,and M.thibetana;and fascicularis group,including M.mulatta and M.cyclopis.A discrepancy between earlier studies (Fooden & Lanyon,1989;Tosi et al,2003a;Deinard & Smith,2001;Evans et al,1999;Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales & Melnick,1998),our result supported the hypothesis that M.fascicularis diverged earlier than M.leonina.Mitochondrial paraphyly in eastern M.mulatta (with respect to M.cyclopis) and eastern M.assamensis (with respect to M.thibetana) were clearly observed in our study.In accordance with the results of Y chromosome,allozyme,nuclear genes and some morphological data (Delson,1980;Fooden & Lanyon,1989;Fooden,1990;Tosi et al,2000,2003a,b;Deinard & Smith,2001),our study on control region sequences supported M.arctoides to be classified into the sinica group.However,this result disagreed with the previous mtDNA studies (Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales & Melnick,1998;Tosi et al,2003a). 展开更多
关键词 MACACA MACAQUE Mitochondrial DNA Control region PHYLOGENY
SOFC temperature evaluation based on an adaptive fuzzy controller 被引量:1
作者 Xiao-juan WU Xin-jian ZHU +1 位作者 Guang-yi CAO Heng-yong TU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期688-694,共7页
The operating temperature of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack is a very important parameter to be controlled, which impacts the performance of the SOFC due to thermal cycling. In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy cont... The operating temperature of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack is a very important parameter to be controlled, which impacts the performance of the SOFC due to thermal cycling. In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy control method based on an affine nonlinear temperature model is developed to control the temperature of the SOFC within a specified range. Fuzzy logic systems are used to approximate nonlinear functions in the SOFC system and an adaptive technique is employed to construct the controller. Compared with the traditional fuzzy and proportion-integral-derivative (PID) control, the simulation results show that the designed adaptive fuzzy control method performed much better. So it is feasible to build an adaptive fuzzy controller for temperature control of the SOFC. 展开更多
关键词 Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) Temperature control Adaptive fuzzy controller Affine temperature model
Scheduling transactions in mobile distributed real-time database systems 被引量:1
作者 雷向东 赵跃龙 +1 位作者 陈松乔 袁晓莉 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第4期545-551,共7页
A DMVOCC-MVDA (distributed multiversion optimistic concurrency control with multiversion dynamic adjustment) protocol was presented to process mobile distributed real-time transaction in mobile broadcast environment... A DMVOCC-MVDA (distributed multiversion optimistic concurrency control with multiversion dynamic adjustment) protocol was presented to process mobile distributed real-time transaction in mobile broadcast environments. At the mobile hosts, all transactions perform local pre-validation. The local pre-validation process is carried out against the committed transactions at the server in the last broadcast cycle. Transactions that survive in local pre-validation must be submitted to the server for local final validation. The new protocol eliminates conflicts between mobile read-only and mobile update transactions, and resolves data conflicts flexibly by using multiversion dynamic adjustment of serialization order to avoid unnecessary restarts of transactions. Mobile read-only transactions can be committed with no-blocking, and respond time of mobile read-only transactions is greatly shortened. The tolerance of mobile transactions of disconnections from the broadcast channel is increased. In global validation mobile distributed transactions have to do check to ensure distributed serializability in all participants. The simulation results show that the new concurrency control protocol proposed offers better performance than other protocols in terms of miss rate, restart rate, commit rate. Under high work load (think time is ls) the miss rate of DMVOCC-MVDA is only 14.6%, is significantly lower than that of other protocols. The restart rate of DMVOCC-MVDA is only 32.3%, showing that DMVOCC-MVDA can effectively reduce the restart rate of mobile transactions. And the commit rate of DMVOCC-MVDA is up to 61.2%, which is obviously higher than that of other protocols. 展开更多
关键词 mobile distributed real-time database systems muliversion optimistic concurrency control multiversion dynamic adjustment pre-validation multiversion data broadcast
2.7-4.0 GHz PLL with dual-mode auto frequency calibration for navigation system on chip 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Zhi-jian CAI Min +1 位作者 HE Xiao-yong XU Ken 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2242-2253,共12页
A 2.7-4.0 GHz dual-mode auto frequency calibration(AFC) fast locking PLL was designed for navigation system on chip(SoC). The SoC was composed of one radio frequency(RF) receiver, one baseband and several system contr... A 2.7-4.0 GHz dual-mode auto frequency calibration(AFC) fast locking PLL was designed for navigation system on chip(SoC). The SoC was composed of one radio frequency(RF) receiver, one baseband and several system control parts. In the proposed AFC block, both analog and digital modes were designed to complete the AFC process. In analog mode, the analog part sampled and detected the charge pump output tuning voltage, which would give the indicator to digital part to adjust the voltage control oscillator(VCO) capacitor bank. In digital mode, the digital part counted the phase lock loop(PLL) divided clock to judge whether VCO frequency was fast or slow. The analog and digital modes completed the auto frequency calibration function independently by internal switch. By designing a special switching algorithm, the switch of the digital and analog mode could be realized anytime during the lock and unlock detecting process for faster and more stable locking. This chip is fabricated in 0.13 μm RF complementary metal oxide semiconductor(CMOS) process, and the VCO supports the frequency range from 2.7 to 4.0 GHz. Tested 3.96 GHz frequency phase noise is -90 d Bc/Hz@100 k Hz frequency offset and -120 d Bc/Hz@1 MHz frequency offset. By using the analog mode in lock detection and digital mode in unlock detection, tested AFC time is less than 9 μs and the total PLL lock time is less than 19 μs. The SoC acquisition and tracking sensitivity are about-142 d Bm and-155 d Bm, respectively. The area of the proposed PLL is 0.35 mm^2 and the total SoC area is about 9.6 mm^2. 展开更多
关键词 auto frequency calibration phase lock loop voltage control oscillator lock time
A New Neogregarine Entomopathogen from Crioceris asparagi (Linne, 1758) in Turkey
作者 Hilal Baki 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第1期11-17,共7页
In present study, a neogregarine from Crioceris asparagi is reported for the first time in Turkey. C. asparagi (common asparagus beetle) is an important pest of Asparagus officinalis L. crops in Turkey and the world... In present study, a neogregarine from Crioceris asparagi is reported for the first time in Turkey. C. asparagi (common asparagus beetle) is an important pest of Asparagus officinalis L. crops in Turkey and the world. Therefore, determining of the protist pathogens of C. asparagi is aimed. During the study, a total of 1,099 C. asparagi adults were examined thoroughly using a light microscope. Insects were collected from the provinces of Manisa, Eskisehir and Bahkesir in Turkey, with 117 of them collected from Manisa, 204 of them from Bahkesir and 778 of them from Eskisehir. A neogregarine pathogen was found in Bahkesir and Manisa. Total infection rate was 18% for Bahkesir between the years 2014-2015 and 15.3% for Manisa in 2011. Oocysts of the neogregarine pathogen were observed only in malpighian tubes of C. asparagi adults. Fresh mature oocysts of the neogregarine was measured as 9.34 ± 0.74 lam (n = 50) in length and 5.27 ± 0.36 μm (n = 50) in width. Identification of entomopathogens is prerequisite for their use in biological control. 展开更多
关键词 A. officinalis C. asparagi ENTOMOPATHOGEN neogregarine.
作者 锺光生 《湖南有色金属》 CAS 北大核心 1995年第6期20-23,共4页
关键词 皮带输送机 探测器 旋转物体的速度控制
Strata movement controlling effect of waste and fly ash backfillings in fully mechanized coal mining with backfilling face 被引量:27
作者 Zhang Jixiong Zhang Qiang +3 位作者 Huang Yanli Liu Jinwei Zhou Nan Zan Dongfeng 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第5期721-726,共6页
A fully mechanized coal mining with backfilling (FMCMB) provides advantages of safety and efficiency for coal mining under buildings, railways, and water bodies. According to the field geological conditions, we analyz... A fully mechanized coal mining with backfilling (FMCMB) provides advantages of safety and efficiency for coal mining under buildings, railways, and water bodies. According to the field geological conditions, we analyzed the controlling effect of strata movement by the waste and fly ash backfilling in FMCMB face. Based on the key strata theory, we established the equivalent mining thickness model, and analyzed the action of the bulk factor of backfilling body to the equivalent mining thickness. In addition, we numerically simulated the controlling function of the strata movement by backfilling bodies with differ- ent strength. And the numerical simulation result show that the deformation of stratum and the subsi- dence of surface can be controlled by FMCMB. The result provides references to the effective execution of fully mechanized coal mining with solid waste backfilling in goaf. 展开更多
关键词 Waste and tly ashBackfilling body (BB)FMCMBStrata movementEquivalent mining thicknessNumerical simulation
Expression of green fluoscrescent protein gene in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
作者 张军政 杨谦 杨雷 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期346-349,共4页
Protoplasts of the pathogenic plant fungus,Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,were transformed using the pPGF plasmid,which contains green fluorescent protein gene,under the control of Aspergillus nidulans regulatory sequences.... Protoplasts of the pathogenic plant fungus,Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,were transformed using the pPGF plasmid,which contains green fluorescent protein gene,under the control of Aspergillus nidulans regulatory sequences. The pPGF plasmid was introduced by PEG/CaCl2 treatment. Positive transformants were harvested with hygromycin B (HYG) resistance as selective marker,and then were observed with green fluorescence phenomena in response to blue light,which suggested that GFP gene was cloned into genome DNA of S. sclerotiorum. The transformants were verified mitotically stable by Southern blotting analysis and passage culturing. This study is developed as an initial step for further research into infection mechanisms of S. sclerotiorum to plants and interactions with bio-control fungus. 展开更多
关键词 sclerotinia sclerotiorum green fluorescent protein TRANSFORMATION hygromycin resistance gene PROTOPLAST
Bio-control of Some Food-Borne Pathogenic Bacteria by Bacteriophage 被引量:1
作者 S. Kalkan E. UEnal Z. Erginkaya 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第4期237-244,共8页
In recent years, researchers tended to bring new alternative to biological protective systems used in conservation of food and production of safe food. Use of bacteriophage against to pathogen bacteria in food was the... In recent years, researchers tended to bring new alternative to biological protective systems used in conservation of food and production of safe food. Use of bacteriophage against to pathogen bacteria in food was the most hopeful system in these methods about bio-control. Controls of bacteriophage for each pathogen species and subspecies and determination of phage-host originality are important because efficient bio-control was achieved. Researches concentrated on some food-borne pathogen bacteria such as E. coli O157:H7, Campylobacter, Salmonella and Listeria. In a consequence of these studies made as in vitro and in vivo, first commercial production of phage which will be used in foods was made in Netherlands. Also, it has been informed that use of phage is cost-efficient alternative as compared with other preservatives. This review, discussed application of bacteriophages as bio-control agents in food and advantages and disadvantages about uses of bacteriophages by taking into account antimicrobial characteristics of them. 展开更多
关键词 BACTERIOPHAGE food-born pathogenic bacteria BIO-CONTROL ANTIMICROBIAL FOOD review.
Broader pattern of tandem repeats in the mitochondrial control region of Perciformes 被引量:2
作者 崔朝霞 刘媛 朱嘉濠 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期785-794,共10页
Perciformes,the largest order of vertebrates with 20 suborders,is the most diverse fish order that dominates vertebrate ocean life.The complete mitochondrial control region(CR) of Trichiurus japonicus(Trichiuridae,Sco... Perciformes,the largest order of vertebrates with 20 suborders,is the most diverse fish order that dominates vertebrate ocean life.The complete mitochondrial control region(CR) of Trichiurus japonicus(Trichiuridae,Scombroidei) and Pampus sp.(Stromateidae,Stromateoidei) were amplified and sequenced.Together with data from GenBank,the tandem repeats in the mitochondrial CR from 48 species,which covered nine suborders of Perciformes,are reported in this study.The tandem repeats tend to be long in the suborder Percoidei and Stromateoidei.The identical repeats in 21 species of Cichlidae suggest a common origin and have existed before species divergence.Larimichthys crocea shows tandem repeats instead of the typical structure of the central conserved sequence blocks,which was first reported in Perciformes and vertebrates.This might have resulted from interruption of the polymerase activity during the H-strand synthesis.The four broader patterns presented here for the tandem repeats,including those in both the 5' and 3' ends,only in the either 5' or 3' end,and in the central conserved domain of the control region,will be useful for understanding the evolution of species. 展开更多
关键词 MTDNA control region tandem repeats PERCIFORMES EVOLUTION
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