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人与人的物化关系到资本与雇佣劳动的关系——马克思资本批判逻辑线索管窥 被引量:2
作者 赵吕生 《现代哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期17-21,共5页
交换关系是马克思资本批判理论的前提,在马克思不同时期语境中的内涵有着根本区别。哲学人本主义视域的交换关系指认人本质的丧失和物化关系特性。历史唯物主义语境的交换关系表征着具体历史过程中人与人的关系首先是物与物的关系,进而... 交换关系是马克思资本批判理论的前提,在马克思不同时期语境中的内涵有着根本区别。哲学人本主义视域的交换关系指认人本质的丧失和物化关系特性。历史唯物主义语境的交换关系表征着具体历史过程中人与人的关系首先是物与物的关系,进而深入到资本与雇佣劳动的关系。伴随这一逻辑演进过程,货币是商品实现其自身的一个表现形式,资本也是货币实现其自身的一个表现形式。资本具有多样性统一的特性,是由商品发展到货币,再于特殊条件下发展为资本的。资本不仅是物,也不仅是一种社会关系,还应是生产关系具体历史形式下的一个过程性运动。静态经验层面的交换关系决不是马克思关于资本批判的终极内容。交换价值经过一个矛盾发展过程,超越自身学理边界,达到剩余价值,是从抽象上升到具体的逻辑结果,是真正代表《资本论》及其手稿时期马克思关于资本批判的逻辑线索。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 物化关系 交换关系 资本 雇佣劳动 资本批判
现代性视域下的物化关系--马克思物化理论再研究 被引量:2
作者 陈晓林 《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期52-58,共7页
关键词 异化 物化 物化关系 现代性
论人的历史性存在方式——基于《1857-1858年经济学手稿》物化社会关系的一种理解 被引量:1
作者 郝继松 《大连大学学报》 2013年第5期77-80,共4页
在前资本主义社会,人与共同体的关系表现为一种自然的依赖性。随着这种依赖性关系的解体,人的存在方式呈现为二重性。这种二重性构成资本主义物化社会关系的主要特征。物化的社会关系是资本主义社会存在、运行和发展的基础。由于资本本... 在前资本主义社会,人与共同体的关系表现为一种自然的依赖性。随着这种依赖性关系的解体,人的存在方式呈现为二重性。这种二重性构成资本主义物化社会关系的主要特征。物化的社会关系是资本主义社会存在、运行和发展的基础。由于资本本性的驱动和历史使命的内在要求,人类社会最终会扬弃物化的社会关系,克服直接的"自然必然性"的束缚,实现人的全面自由个性。 展开更多
关键词 共同体 物化的社会关系 共产主义 资本的历史使命
货币:“社会关系的物化”及其现代性意义——对马克思《1857-1858经济学手稿》的解读 被引量:3
作者 范晓丽 《兰州学刊》 2006年第2期24-27,共4页
在《1857-1858经济学手稿》中,马克思第一次对自己的货币理论进行了详细而系统地探讨,揭示了货币是产品的商品形式和交换发展的必然结果,货币与价值内在关联;指出货币是社会关系的物化本质,并在此基础上提出了人类社会三大形态演进规律... 在《1857-1858经济学手稿》中,马克思第一次对自己的货币理论进行了详细而系统地探讨,揭示了货币是产品的商品形式和交换发展的必然结果,货币与价值内在关联;指出货币是社会关系的物化本质,并在此基础上提出了人类社会三大形态演进规律。当前,研究这一理论对于正确分析货币的现代功能及其对社会全面关系的深刻影响有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 货币 社会关系物化 现代性意义
作者 郝峰 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2002年第4期1-6,共6页
在《1 8 5 7~ 1 85 8年经济学手稿》中 ,马克思通过对交换价值这个异化的社会关系的分析 ,发现了交换价值本身包含着社会关系的异己性。在流通中表现为平等的人的社会关系 ,实际上蕴涵着本质是工资与资本的对立。马克思用劳动的二重性... 在《1 8 5 7~ 1 85 8年经济学手稿》中 ,马克思通过对交换价值这个异化的社会关系的分析 ,发现了交换价值本身包含着社会关系的异己性。在流通中表现为平等的人的社会关系 ,实际上蕴涵着本质是工资与资本的对立。马克思用劳动的二重性原理对社会关系物化———人与人之间的社会关系颠倒的表现为物与物之间的关系这一现象进行了深层的解蔽 ,说明了作为交换价值的物化劳动同作为使用价值的活劳动之间的交换是社会关系物化发生的最终原因。因而马克思此时是把异化看作是一种现实社会关系中发生的客观自反性。此外 。 展开更多
关键词 异化 社会关系物化 交换价值 资本 异化的劳动
从“人的关系物化”到“人的全面发展”——《资本论》第一卷人学思想探究 被引量:1
作者 汪盛玉 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报》 2009年第3期1-4,共4页
在《资本论》第一卷中,马克思深入研究资本主义生产关系,考察了工人和资本家之间关系被物化的事实和根由,即作为工人是劳动力商品,作为资本家是人格化资本,他们之间的对立是资本主义私有制关系的外在表现。在此基础上,马克思解析了消除... 在《资本论》第一卷中,马克思深入研究资本主义生产关系,考察了工人和资本家之间关系被物化的事实和根由,即作为工人是劳动力商品,作为资本家是人格化资本,他们之间的对立是资本主义私有制关系的外在表现。在此基础上,马克思解析了消除人的关系物化、促进人的全面发展的具体路径:以批判三大拜物教为前提;以发展生产力为基础;以建立生产资料公有制为保证。展现其中的人学思想,为我们今天分析资本主义提供了启示。 展开更多
关键词 《资本论》第一卷 人的关系物化 人的全面发展 人学思想
无言的身体 欲望的寓所——评祖尔策小说《完美的侍者》中的物化现象
作者 张克芸 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2015年第4期46-49,共4页
作为瑞士当代文学的代表作,祖尔策小说《完美的侍者》讲述了发生在三位男性之间的两段失败的同性之恋。然而,描写奇情异恋绝非小说主旨,通过文本分析,结合认知理论,不难发现隐匿在情感模式中的物化关系,这折射出现代个体所面临的交往困... 作为瑞士当代文学的代表作,祖尔策小说《完美的侍者》讲述了发生在三位男性之间的两段失败的同性之恋。然而,描写奇情异恋绝非小说主旨,通过文本分析,结合认知理论,不难发现隐匿在情感模式中的物化关系,这折射出现代个体所面临的交往困境和情感疏离,它是现代人不得不面临的问题。 展开更多
关键词 祖尔策 瑞士小说 同性恋小说 物化关系
论物化批判的三种模式 被引量:2
作者 马俊领 刘卓红 《广西社会科学》 CSSCI 2008年第12期43-46,共4页
物化批判是马克思社会批判理论和西方马克思主义社会批判理论的重要组成部分。马克思、卢卡奇和马尔库塞分别代表了物化批判的三种主导模式:关系物化批判、认知物化批判和技术理性统治批判。《资本论》及相关手稿的物化批判主导模式即... 物化批判是马克思社会批判理论和西方马克思主义社会批判理论的重要组成部分。马克思、卢卡奇和马尔库塞分别代表了物化批判的三种主导模式:关系物化批判、认知物化批判和技术理性统治批判。《资本论》及相关手稿的物化批判主导模式即关系物化批判模式为另外两种物化批判模式提供了思想资源。对资本主义社会的物化批判,本身亦有可能成为物化的牺牲品,成为意识形态。 展开更多
关键词 社会关系物化批判 认知物化批判 技术理性统治批判 意识形态
遮蔽的探究历程与解蔽的路径 ——演进方法论视域下的青年卢卡奇物化理论 被引量:1
作者 乔茂林 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第1期34-39,共6页
早在《心灵与形式》的文艺理论中,青年卢卡奇就提出了人的总体性完满与现代性遮蔽的问题,而在《小说理论》中则指出,人的总体性完满状态在古希腊时代的世界秩序中曾经得以实现,他最终将重构现存世界秩序的重任交付给作为当代史诗的小说... 早在《心灵与形式》的文艺理论中,青年卢卡奇就提出了人的总体性完满与现代性遮蔽的问题,而在《小说理论》中则指出,人的总体性完满状态在古希腊时代的世界秩序中曾经得以实现,他最终将重构现存世界秩序的重任交付给作为当代史诗的小说。问题的复杂性在于:青年卢卡奇对小说能否解决这一问题并不抱有真正的信心,但解蔽主体存在困境的渴望又使其不得不做出这种承诺。这就要求研究视角转入青年卢卡奇的思想支援背景,通过梳理出其物化理论生成的逻辑环节,即西美尔的客观文化理论与韦伯资本主义“合理化”思想资源,来揭示青年卢卡奇物化理论演进的正反路径。依此理论,才能够清晰看到青年卢卡奇物化理论的思想结构,即物化社会关系的发现史、生产过程的物化、人与人之间关系的物化、劳动者本身的物化和无产阶级及其政党超越物化的任务。 展开更多
关键词 总体性完满 现代性遮蔽 客观文化 合理化 物化的社会关系 商品
马克思劳动价值论是与旧劳动价值论根本对立的理论——兼论马恩为何是旧劳动价值论的反对者 被引量:6
作者 鲁品越 《创新》 2016年第1期16-22,共7页
认为马克思劳动价值论是李嘉图的劳动价值论的发展,甚至将其当作后者的一个别支,是对马克思劳动价值论的各种曲解的产生原因之一。实际上,二者是具有本质区别的完全不同的理论。旧劳动价值论仅仅从个人主义的角度来理解劳动是交换价值... 认为马克思劳动价值论是李嘉图的劳动价值论的发展,甚至将其当作后者的一个别支,是对马克思劳动价值论的各种曲解的产生原因之一。实际上,二者是具有本质区别的完全不同的理论。旧劳动价值论仅仅从个人主义的角度来理解劳动是交换价值的来源,其中有的从生产成本角度,认为一切成本归根到底是劳动成本;有的从先天的道义角度,认为劳动理所当然地必须得到交换价值的回报。马克思的劳动价值论则是建立在唯物史观基础之上,它不再把劳动仅仅看成个人的活动,而是看成创造历史的作为总体的"社会劳动",个人劳动在创造物质财富的同时创造着人与人的最基本的社会关系。作为社会集体生命的结晶的价值实体,通过使用价值载体而形成了人与人之间活生生的物质化的社会关系。于是通过社会总劳动所生产的全社会的产品体系建立了人与人之间的最基本的物化的社会关系体系。 展开更多
关键词 旧劳动价值论 社会总体性 物化的社会关系
Study on 3D-QSAR of Retinoids 3D-Interaction between Retinoids and their Receptor **
作者 王敏敏 黄牛 +1 位作者 杨光中 郭宗儒 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1996年第2期56-62,共7页
Fast and precise prediction of the receptor-ligand binding constant is an important aspect of structure-based drug design. Almost all de novo design methods or 3D database search methods tend to structure generation i... Fast and precise prediction of the receptor-ligand binding constant is an important aspect of structure-based drug design. Almost all de novo design methods or 3D database search methods tend to structure generation instead of structure evaluation. In this article, epididymal retinoic acid binding protein (ERABP) was used as a template to simulate the interaction between retinoids and their receptor. We deduced an equation predicting the drug-receptor binding constant. Furthermore, the conformers after docking were used in CoMFA analysis to get a pharmacophore model of this series of compounds. 展开更多
作者 雪婷 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期22-28,共7页
马克思对于货币本质的分析,是在政治经济学批判的语境中始终围绕其哲学的理论任务——揭露人在"非神圣形象"中的自我异化展开,这构成从《巴黎手稿》到《政治经济学批判大纲》的一条隐性线索。如果说《巴黎手稿》侧重于从异化... 马克思对于货币本质的分析,是在政治经济学批判的语境中始终围绕其哲学的理论任务——揭露人在"非神圣形象"中的自我异化展开,这构成从《巴黎手稿》到《政治经济学批判大纲》的一条隐性线索。如果说《巴黎手稿》侧重于从异化劳动和私有财产出发把货币理解为人的类本质的自我异化的话,那么《大纲》更侧重于把货币看作一种物化的社会关系,这反映了马克思货币批判的"视域转换"。这种"转换",不仅关涉人在"非神圣形象"中自我异化的现实根源,而且关乎消解这一异化的现实道路,它始终围绕资本主义生产中的资本、劳动和人的存在方式展开,这三个维度构成马克思货币批判的"三位一体"。 展开更多
关键词 非神圣形象 异化劳动 物化社会关系 作为资本的货币 货币批判
作者 刘菲菲 《南通航运职业技术学院学报》 2020年第3期11-15,共5页
现代的生活方式衍生了现代性问题。需要与欲望及其关系是分析现代性问题、审视现代生活方式的一个重要的切入口,呈现了历史唯物主义的一个独特问题域。现代性的剩余成为当下时代的重要特征,人被要求产生无限的对欲望的需要,并将欲望合... 现代的生活方式衍生了现代性问题。需要与欲望及其关系是分析现代性问题、审视现代生活方式的一个重要的切入口,呈现了历史唯物主义的一个独特问题域。现代性的剩余成为当下时代的重要特征,人被要求产生无限的对欲望的需要,并将欲望合法化为客观的需要。欲望需要化在本质上是现代社会全面物化关系的表现形式。操控物化逻辑、成就欲望需要化是资本逻辑的必然结果,同时也表征着资本完成使命走向终结的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 历史唯物主义 欲望需要化 物化关系 资本批判
Development of Cardiovascular Drugs Based on Isoquinoline Compounds from Chinese Medicinal Materials
作者 彭司勋 华维一 +2 位作者 黄文龙 黄枕亚 蔡惠民 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1993年第1期1-10,共10页
By using active principles of Chinese medicinal materials as lead compounds soquinoline derivatives have been designed and synthesized.Their chemical structures include bisbenzylisoquinoline,benzyl-isoquinoline and pr... By using active principles of Chinese medicinal materials as lead compounds soquinoline derivatives have been designed and synthesized.Their chemical structures include bisbenzylisoquinoline,benzyl-isoquinoline and protoberberine.Their cardiovascular effects were studied involving α-adrenoceptor,adenosine A_1,A_2 and DPH-calcium channel radioreceptor assays.In addition,calmodulin inhibiting,calcium antagonistic potassium channel blocking and antiplatelet aggre- gation activities were also performed.It was found that compound VI_(19) was a new potassium channe blocker with α-adrenoceptor antagonism,compound V_9,and V_(21) lowered blood pressure on various animal models with negative chronotropic action,compound VI_(13)possessed antiarrhythmic and antifi- brillation action,and it may be a candidate tot clinic evaluation.The structure-activity relationships deduced may provide a theoretical basis for further development of new agents. 展开更多
关键词 Isoquinoline compounds Cardiovascular drugs
A 3D-QSAR Study on C-3 Substituted 4,6-Dichloroindole-2- Carboxylic Acids with Comparative Molecular Field Analysis
作者 宋怀恩 沈建华 +1 位作者 闻韧 蒋华良 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2004年第2期119-123,共5页
Aim and Method Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA), a threedimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) method was applied to a novelseries of C-3 substituted 4, 6-dichloioindole-2-carbo... Aim and Method Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA), a threedimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) method was applied to a novelseries of C-3 substituted 4, 6-dichloioindole-2-carboxylic acids to study the relationship betweentheir structure and the affinity for the glycine site of the NMDA receptor. Result Hie coefficientsof cross-validation q^2 and non cross-validation r^2 for the model established by the study are0.744 and 0.993, respectively, the value of variance ratio F is 261.343, and standard error estimate(SE) is 0.039. Conclusion These values indicate that the CoMFA model may have a good prediction forthe activity of C-3 substituted 4, 6-dichloroin-dole-2-carboxylic acids. As a consequence, thepredicted activity values of new designed compounds supports our conclusion from the model. 展开更多
关键词 3D-QSAR COMFA C-3 substituted 4 6-dichloroindole-2-caiboxylic acids NMDAreceptor
Some remarks on the dynamical conformity of rock joints 被引量:2
作者 T.Ficker 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第3期385-390,共6页
A recently developed computerized method for assessing the rock joint coefficients is discussed. The performances of formerly introduced relative similarity indicators, along with the correlation coefficient, are subj... A recently developed computerized method for assessing the rock joint coefficients is discussed. The performances of formerly introduced relative similarity indicators, along with the correlation coefficient, are subjected to critical analysis. These relative numerical indicators are replaced by two absolute indicators whose properties better describe surface textures of rock joints. The first absolute indicator results from the Fourier Matrix and evaluates wavy shapes of surfaces. The second absolute indicator quantifies the heights of surface reliefs, and is defined as the root mean square height of the surface outline. The behavior of the newly introduced numerical indicators are investigated by means of the deterministic periodic surface reliefs. The practical application of the new indicators is presented and the convenient performances of both the indicators are documented. 展开更多
关键词 Rock joints Shear strength Joint rock coefficients Numerical indicators Computerized assessment
Multi-Physics Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Fueled by Methane and Analysis of Carbon Deposition 被引量:1
作者 Bao-xuan Wang Jiang Zhu Zi-jing Lin 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期299-307,I0001,共10页
Internal reformation of low steam methane fuel is important for the high efficiency and low cost operation of solid oxide fuel cell. Understanding and overcoming carbon deposition is crucial for the technology develop... Internal reformation of low steam methane fuel is important for the high efficiency and low cost operation of solid oxide fuel cell. Understanding and overcoming carbon deposition is crucial for the technology development. Here a multi-physics model is established for the relevant experimental cells. Balance of electrochemical potentials for the electrochemical reactions, generic rate expression for the methane steam reforming, dusty gas model in a form of Fick's model for anode gas transport are used in the model. Excellent agreement between the theoretical and experimental current-voltage relations is obtained, demonstrating the validity of the proposed theoretical model. The steam reaction order in low steam methane reforming reaction is found to be 1. Detailed information about the distributions of physical quantities is obtained by the numerical simulation. Carbon deposition is analyzed in detail and the mechanism for the coking inhibition by operating current is illustrated clearly. Two expressions of carbon activity are analyzed and found to be correct qualitatively, but not quantitatively. The role of anode diffusion layer on reducing the current threshold for carbon removal is also explained. It is noted that the current threshold reduction may be explained quantitatively with the carbon activity models that are only qualitatively correct. 展开更多
关键词 Numerical model Methane reforming kinetics Current-voltage relation Carbon activity Diffusion barrier layer
Synthesis,algal inhibition activities and QSAR studies of novel gramine compounds containing ester functional groups 被引量:2
作者 李霞 于良民 +2 位作者 姜晓辉 夏树伟 赵海洲 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期309-316,共8页
2,5,6-Tribromo-l-methylgramine (TBG), isolated from bryozoan Zoobotryon pellucidum was shown to be very efficient in preventing recruitment of larval settlement. In order to improve the compatibility of TBG and its ... 2,5,6-Tribromo-l-methylgramine (TBG), isolated from bryozoan Zoobotryon pellucidum was shown to be very efficient in preventing recruitment of larval settlement. In order to improve the compatibility of TBG and its analogues with other ingredients in antifouling paints, structural modification of TBG was focused mainly on halogen substitution and N-substitution. Two halogen-substitute gramines and their derivatives which contain ester functional groups at N-position of gramines were synthesized. Algal inhibition activities of the synthesized compounds against algae Nitzschia cIosterium were evaluated and the Median Effective Concentration (EC50) range was 1.06-6.74 lag ml^-1. Compounds that had a long chain ester group exhibited extremely high antifouling activity. Quantitive Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) studies with multiple linear regression analysis were applied to fred correlation between different calculated molecular descriptors and biological activity of the synthesized compounds. The results show that the toxicity (log (I/EC50)) is correlated well with the partition coefficient log P. Thus, these products have potential function as antifouling agents. 展开更多
关键词 gramine derivative SYNTHESIS algal inhibition activity QSAR
Seasonal variation in fatty acid composition of seston and the copepod Calanus sinicus(Brodsky,1962)in Jiaozhou Bay and its trophic implications 被引量:5
作者 刘梦坛 李超伦 孙松 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1164-1173,共10页
The fatty acid compositions of seston and Calanus sinicus were investigated to study trophic relationships in Jiaozhou Bay. Principal component analysis was carried out to ordinate the fatty acid patterns of seston in... The fatty acid compositions of seston and Calanus sinicus were investigated to study trophic relationships in Jiaozhou Bay. Principal component analysis was carried out to ordinate the fatty acid patterns of seston in stations and months. The results showed that diatoms were most abundant in the phytoplankton at station A5 (located in the northwest of the bay: 36~9'N, 120~20'E) and least abundant at station D7 (located outside of the bay: 35~59'N, 120~26'E). By contrast, dinoflagellates were most abundant at station D7 and least abundant at station A5. According to the annual variations of 16:1 (o7 and 18:4(o3/ 16:1(o7, diatoms flourished mainly in spring and summer, while dinoflagellates bloomed exclusively in summer. A distinctive feature of the fatty acid composition of C. sinicus was the prevalence of 20:5o3 and 22:6(o3. The higher content of 16:1(o7 over 18:4(o3 in females indicated that diatoms contributed more than dinoflagellates to the diet of C. sinicus. The feeding intensity of C. sinicus on diatoms was higher in spring and autumn than in other seasons. The herbivorous indicators 20:1 and 22:1 were comparatively low, suggesting that besides phytoplankton, C. sinicus might feed on a wider range of particles including organic detritus, bacteria and small copepods. 展开更多
关键词 fatty acid SESTON Calanus sinicus trophic relationships
Structural Characteristics of Vessels in Three Families of Cycadopsida 被引量:2
作者 Yuyuan Huang Wenbo Liao +3 位作者 Xiaoqing Zhong Lijun Wei Hongda Zhang Yuanfeng Lu 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2010年第7期1-15,共15页
The pinna of Cycasferruginea F.N. Wei (Cycadaceae), pinnas or rachises ofStangeria eriopus (Kune) Baill. (Stangeriaceae), Dioon holmgrenii De Luca, Sabato & Vazq. Torres, Macrozamia moorei F. Muell. ex C. Moore... The pinna of Cycasferruginea F.N. Wei (Cycadaceae), pinnas or rachises ofStangeria eriopus (Kune) Baill. (Stangeriaceae), Dioon holmgrenii De Luca, Sabato & Vazq. Torres, Macrozamia moorei F. Muell. ex C. Moore (Zamiaceae) were macerated and dissociated by Jeffrey's technique, rinsed with water, dehydrated and gold-plated for observation with scanning electron microscopes. The results showed that the pinna and rachis of the leaf tissues of the four cycad species possess many vessel elements and a few tracheid elements in the conducting tissue of the xylem. Annular, spiral, scalariform, pitted and reticulate vessels and some transitional types, including scalariform-pitted, scalariform-reticulate and reticulate-pitted vessels, were observed in the conducting tissues. The characteristics of the vessels of each species, and the evolutionary relation of four genera of cycads were analyzed. Compared with those of angiosperms, the structural characters of vessels of cycad are at the moderate level of evolution and more advanced than some primitive taxa of angiosperms and ferns. Vessels have been discovered in many genera of ferns, which are even more primitive than cycads. In many ferns, only vessel elements, but no tracheids are found in vascular tissue. In the present study, the authors discovered vessels in different genera of three families ofcycads which showed that the existence of vessels in primitive plant taxa is a widespread phenomenon. Vessel elements in vascular tissues of cycads have probably allowed cycads to adapt to various environmental stresses and enabled their persistence over their long evolutionary history. Cycads are the most primitive of the extant seed plants and the widespread existence of vessels in the group has broad implications for plant systematics, evolution and comparative morphology. 展开更多
关键词 ADAPTABILITY CYCADS EVOLUTION structural characteristic VESSEL scanning electron microscopes.
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