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浅谈《小二黑结婚》人物形象的塑造 被引量:4
作者 王松霞 《现代语文(上旬.文学研究)》 2008年第10期108-109,共2页
短篇小说《小二黑结婚》是赵树理的成名作,这篇小说成功塑造了三种不同类型的人物形象:1.老一代农民——二诸葛和三仙姑;2.新一代农民——小二黑和小芹;3.封建残余势力——金旺和兴旺。小说通过不同类型人物之间的矛盾冲突,深... 短篇小说《小二黑结婚》是赵树理的成名作,这篇小说成功塑造了三种不同类型的人物形象:1.老一代农民——二诸葛和三仙姑;2.新一代农民——小二黑和小芹;3.封建残余势力——金旺和兴旺。小说通过不同类型人物之间的矛盾冲突,深化了作品的主题。作者主要通过富有特征性的动作、语言刻画人物,塑造出了鲜明、生动、真实,而又容易被读者所接受的艺术形象。 展开更多
关键词 《小二黑结婚》 物形象类型 物形象塑造
作者 姜淑梅 《最漫画·学校体音美》 2018年第31期00167-00167,共1页
关键词 塑造 物形象
作者 曾迪来 《湖南医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第3期167-168,共2页
关键词 影视广告 形象 市场 品牌形象
长篇小说影视改编的人物塑造探析——以电影《白鹿原》为例 被引量:1
作者 武瑾 《今传媒》 2014年第4期78-79,共2页
2012年公映的电影《白鹿原》在上映之前,它的宣传团队就打出了《白鹿原》是"最难拍的中国电影"的口号。作家陈忠实的史诗巨著《白鹿原》通过描写陕西白鹿原上白家与鹿家两大家族的情感纷争,展现了中国旧社会北方农民的群像,... 2012年公映的电影《白鹿原》在上映之前,它的宣传团队就打出了《白鹿原》是"最难拍的中国电影"的口号。作家陈忠实的史诗巨著《白鹿原》通过描写陕西白鹿原上白家与鹿家两大家族的情感纷争,展现了中国旧社会北方农民的群像,具有强烈的民族内涵。其中人物众多,性格各有千秋,关系复杂,要将其改编为电影,在人物形象塑造上的难度的确不容小觑,本文旨在通过分析电影《白鹿原》在对原著小说改编中塑造人物形象的方法与技巧来探析长篇小说改编电影中如何塑造人物性格,展现人物形象。 展开更多
关键词 行动元 物形象 选取 关系
重庆旅游形象暨主题口号 被引量:12
作者 王毅 《涪陵师范学院学报》 2002年第4期74-77,共4页
设计和塑造重庆旅游形象的前提,是找出自己的优势和发展重点。从旅游业最热门的垄断性历史文化旅游、自然生态旅游、民俗旅游和城市旅游等方面看,重庆旅游文化特色的优势都不在“秀美、明丽”,而在“耿直、豪爽”。以此为理论依据,重庆... 设计和塑造重庆旅游形象的前提,是找出自己的优势和发展重点。从旅游业最热门的垄断性历史文化旅游、自然生态旅游、民俗旅游和城市旅游等方面看,重庆旅游文化特色的优势都不在“秀美、明丽”,而在“耿直、豪爽”。以此为理论依据,重庆旅游形象主题口号为:“耿直巴渝风、豪气山水城。” 展开更多
关键词 主题口号 旅游形象 旅游业 巴渝文化 形象标志 旅游文化
作者 王许林 《东南文化》 CSSCI 1991年第2期284-284,共1页
中国是世界文明古国之一,历史悠久,地上和地下的文化遗存极其丰富,它们构成了灿烂辉煌的中华民族文化的形象物证,是进行爱国主义教育的最生动的教材.但长期以来,文物的研究和鉴赏一直局限在狭小的学术圈子内;即使有一些普及性的介绍,也... 中国是世界文明古国之一,历史悠久,地上和地下的文化遗存极其丰富,它们构成了灿烂辉煌的中华民族文化的形象物证,是进行爱国主义教育的最生动的教材.但长期以来,文物的研究和鉴赏一直局限在狭小的学术圈子内;即使有一些普及性的介绍,也往往是零零散散,不成大观,缺乏雅俗共赏、系统而全面的读物.鉴于此,当两年多前,“孔方兄”正在出版界横行无忌,种种庸俗、低劣的出版物泛滥成灾之时,江苏教育出版社恪守正确的出版宗旨和信念,不迷向,不追风,不媚俗,毅然投入巨资,约请南京博物院、南京大学历史系及故宫博物院、上海博物馆、西安博物馆等单位的一批文物考古专家、学者,着手编纂我国第一部具有开创意义的《中华文物鉴赏》.如今,经过近一千个日日夜夜的艰辛劳动,这部渗透着100多位专家、学者的心血,煌煌百余万言文字,一千余幅精美图版的巨著, 展开更多
关键词 民族优秀文化 形象 图版 出版宗旨 迷向 开创意义 金银器
平视人性法在小说教学中的运用——《药》教学实录及感言 被引量:1
作者 王克强 《语文教学通讯(高中)(A)》 2019年第2期37-40,共4页
平视人性法是基于特定背景,用一种平等、理解的眼光去分析小说中的人物形象,同时与世界文学中相似形象进行比较,最终探究人性背后之文化意义的小说鉴赏方法。本课立足于纠偏——学界在分析鲁迅小说中底层人物所取的常态化俯视视角,尝试... 平视人性法是基于特定背景,用一种平等、理解的眼光去分析小说中的人物形象,同时与世界文学中相似形象进行比较,最终探究人性背后之文化意义的小说鉴赏方法。本课立足于纠偏——学界在分析鲁迅小说中底层人物所取的常态化俯视视角,尝试用平视人性法来帮助学生分析小说中的人物,从而拓宽其赏读视野,优化其鉴赏视角,深入体味作者的匠心。 展开更多
关键词 平视人性法 鲁迅小说 物形象 人性
汉字构形的思维模式 被引量:15
作者 孙雍长 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1990年第4期71-79,共9页
关键词 构形方式 形象 汉字构形 初文 象事 思维模式 借形 声符 文字 词的意义
作者 袁文丽 《电影评介》 北大核心 2008年第21期35-35,63,共2页
《投名状》选材虽囿于老套的商业大片模式:历史题材+战争片,但在内容上的"夺胎换骨"、立意上的蕴藉幽深、叙事方式上的耳目清新,却是"新酒装旧瓶"。影片的叙事成就主要体现在三方面:深层历史感的建构、个性鲜明的... 《投名状》选材虽囿于老套的商业大片模式:历史题材+战争片,但在内容上的"夺胎换骨"、立意上的蕴藉幽深、叙事方式上的耳目清新,却是"新酒装旧瓶"。影片的叙事成就主要体现在三方面:深层历史感的建构、个性鲜明的人物形象的塑造、温情的人文关怀的体现。 展开更多
关键词 《投名状》 历史感人 物形象 人文关怀
作者 宁静 《河南教育(教师教育)(下)》 2009年第7期50-51,共2页
关键词 中学 语文教学 物形象 《雷雨》
作者 李家光 《农业考古》 1999年第2期248-249,共2页
关键词 《说文解字》 司马相如 《本草纲目》 桑寄生科 《儒林外史》 《尚书》 十味中药 钝果寄生属 形象 《辞源》
语文情境教学直观性特征探幽 被引量:2
作者 陈军民 《常德师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2000年第3期93-95,共3页
语文情境教学最本质特征是直观性特征。研究语文情境教学直观性特征应从其情境具体形象物入手。语文教学直观情境作为一种教育混沌体 ,它是直观表象和潜隐内涵的统一 ,是具体形象物和具体“形象场”的统一。把具体形象物放入相应“形象... 语文情境教学最本质特征是直观性特征。研究语文情境教学直观性特征应从其情境具体形象物入手。语文教学直观情境作为一种教育混沌体 ,它是直观表象和潜隐内涵的统一 ,是具体形象物和具体“形象场”的统一。把具体形象物放入相应“形象场”中考察 ,深入发掘其潜隐内涵 ,从更高层面把握其直观性特征 ,实现从感觉到知觉 ,从表象到意象的理性飞跃 。 展开更多
关键词 语文 情境教学 直现性 形象 形象
朱光潜意象理论及其对当代美学的影响 被引量:1
作者 周奕希 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期25-32,共8页
探索美感与美的关系,解释美与艺术的本体意义,始终是朱光潜意象理论的核心内容。20世纪50年代之前,朱光潜以克罗齐学说为基底,以美感心理与经验生成为主要研究方法,在有机整体观与超越的人生观的基础上,提出"心物同一"的意象... 探索美感与美的关系,解释美与艺术的本体意义,始终是朱光潜意象理论的核心内容。20世纪50年代之前,朱光潜以克罗齐学说为基底,以美感心理与经验生成为主要研究方法,在有机整体观与超越的人生观的基础上,提出"心物同一"的意象理论,初步讨论意象与理想美的关系。50年代以后,他吸收马克思主义意识形态论和劳动生产实践观,提出"主客统一"的意象理论,在保持与前期观念一致的同时,建立起意象与美的深层联系,最终实现对艺术与审美的本体阐释。朱光潜意象理论的思路与方法影响着当代美学从更多的研究渠道"接着讲"。 展开更多
关键词 朱光潜 意象 形象 同一 主客统一
A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Animal Images in The Wind Among the Reeds 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Chen-shu REN Xiao-fei 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第5期454-461,共8页
The Wind Among the Reeds, written from 1889 to 1939, is regarded as one of the most remarkable poetry collections of William Butler Yeats. It altogether includes 80 poems touching upon several themes such as love, rel... The Wind Among the Reeds, written from 1889 to 1939, is regarded as one of the most remarkable poetry collections of William Butler Yeats. It altogether includes 80 poems touching upon several themes such as love, religion, dignity, and life. Yeats is one of the most distinguished Irish poets throughout the world, whose works perfectly embody the incorporation of romanticism, modernism, and occultism. It is noteworthy that in some of his poems, animals are portrayed frequently or even taken as the title of a poem, such as bird, fish, swan and so on. Therefore, this essay attempts to study the meaning of animal images of this poetry anthology in terms of different writing phases of Yeats. Firstly, the author builds the corpus of The Wind Among the Reeds and employs corpus search software Ant Cone to check the number and distribution of the animal image. Next, the author focuses on certain prominent images and investigates them further by analyzing the concordance lines of them. Thirdly, according to the result of distribution information, the author also attaches importance to the phenomenon of image combination in the poetry and then explores its function and effect. To conclude, by exploring the animal image in The WindAmong the Reeds, a deeper understanding of the poetry and the writing style of the poet will be gained on another level. What is more, a more direct and objective data is provided through the method of corpus and its relevant software, thereupon a new research approach is introduced. 展开更多
关键词 CORPUS animal images The Wind Among the Reeds
Tess - A Pure but Tragic Woman
作者 张群 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期147-151,共5页
Thomas Hardy had a developing conception of tragedy in the process of his novel creation. When he wrote Tess of D'Urbervilles, he became fully aware that the human tragedy resulted far more from society than chara... Thomas Hardy had a developing conception of tragedy in the process of his novel creation. When he wrote Tess of D'Urbervilles, he became fully aware that the human tragedy resulted far more from society than characters themselves. The article is to elaborate how society imposes on Tess the tragedy in a planned way. 展开更多
关键词 Thomas Hardy Tess of D'Urbevilles tragedy SOCIETY
Cultural Transference of Plant and Animal Images in Shijing Translation
作者 ZHENG Jing-jing BI Hui-xue ZHENG Da-hua 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第7期736-743,共8页
As one of the Confucian classics, Shijing (i~) occupies a pivotal position in the development of Chinese culture. This paper makes a comparative study on the English translation of plant and animal images in Shijing... As one of the Confucian classics, Shijing (i~) occupies a pivotal position in the development of Chinese culture. This paper makes a comparative study on the English translation of plant and animal images in Shijing, trying to reveal the cultural connotations in them and to suggest some translation strategies for the correct transference of cultural implications in plant and animal images in the poems of this ancient book. 展开更多
关键词 Shijing translation cultural transference plant images animal images
On Chris's Unyielding Spirits Against Fate in The Pursuit of Happyness
作者 BAO Ruo-jun 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第8期905-910,共6页
The Pursuit of Happyness has always been a well-received film ever since its release in 2006. This film mainly describes how a black American worms his way from the bottom of the society to success. This paper intends... The Pursuit of Happyness has always been a well-received film ever since its release in 2006. This film mainly describes how a black American worms his way from the bottom of the society to success. This paper intends to make a detailed description of the life experience of the main character, including his life obstacles and fighting. It also expounds on the image of the main character. Moreover, through the analysis of the reasons why Chris, an average American with his unyielding spirits, succeeds in seizing his happiness through sorrow and pain in life, the practical significance with regard to individual and social development is put into the limelight. 展开更多
关键词 unyielding spirit HAPPINESS fighting against fate individual and social development
Hamlet's Mobled Queen: The Displacement of the Figure in Contemporary Discourse, Communication, and Art
作者 Ewa Bobrowska 《Sociology Study》 2017年第3期160-167,共8页
The paper will focus on communication through the figures of discourse. The problem of the entanglement of the visual and the semantic is discussed extensively by lean-Francois Lyotard, in his notable Discourse, Figur... The paper will focus on communication through the figures of discourse. The problem of the entanglement of the visual and the semantic is discussed extensively by lean-Francois Lyotard, in his notable Discourse, Figure, in relation to the perception and representation of space and the role and form of the sign. According to this philosopher, the figure dominates the communication process by deconstructing the text. Both the topography of the figure and art is the result of repression processes and the subsequent discharge of libidinal energy. Art in particular is a formalism of the death drive, according to Lyotard. The figure of "the mobled queen", the expression of a possible slip of the tongue in Hamlet, becomes a symbol of the distorted relationship of the visual, the semantic, the ethical, and the critical role of this in art and communication. In addition to Lyotard's model, the possible figures of globalization will be discussed in relation to Peter Sloterdik's Globes. Spheres II. 展开更多
关键词 HAMLET mobled queen the figure Lyotard contemporary philosophy contemporary art
The Functions of Componential Analysis to the Translation of Cultural Animal Images in The Classic of Mountains and Seas
作者 YU Chen-chen LIANG Jin-zhu 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第9期724-735,共12页
The thesis aims to explain the functions of componential analysis to animal images in The Classic of Mountains and Seas. It serves as a treasure to the tremendous Chinese classics. However, as most of the animal image... The thesis aims to explain the functions of componential analysis to animal images in The Classic of Mountains and Seas. It serves as a treasure to the tremendous Chinese classics. However, as most of the animal images in the classic book are rarely seen in daily life, translation of animal images in the ancient Chinese book remains a hard nut to crack. In this case, explicit and accurate interpretation of these culture-loaded items is crucial to make readers understand. However, few previous studies touched upon this area. In this case, componential analysis serves as a solution. As an effective approach for analyzing semantic components, componential analysis is an effective way to break down semantic components of words and make them easily understood. In the previous studies, papers relating translation to componential analysis were not the majority. Among them, few papers are concerning application of componential analysis to the translation of literary works. In this essay, the analysis of animal images could be interpreted in lexical and textual level respectively. In this case, componential analysis bridges the gap for culture differences and enables readers of target language to savor the beauty. Therefore, readers of the target language can enjoy alien cultures of ancient China by reading this translated version. 展开更多
关键词 componential analysis The Classic of Mountains and Seas animal image
Learn Chinese and Western Culture From the "Kung Fu Panda"
作者 HE Yin 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期23-25,共3页
This paper introduces the film "Kung Fu Panda," which contains the elements of Chinese culture and Western culture, respectively, from the philosophical thinking, animal image, folk life and expression of Chinglish ... This paper introduces the film "Kung Fu Panda," which contains the elements of Chinese culture and Western culture, respectively, from the philosophical thinking, animal image, folk life and expression of Chinglish and etiquette introduced Chinese elements, from individualism, fatalism and character introduced western culture reflected in the movie.The success of the film in the world shows that the new trend of the integration of Chinese and Western culture in the context of globalization. At the end of the paper, it gives the inspiration of the film "Kung Fu Panda" to the Chinese culture communication. 展开更多
关键词 Kung Fu Panda Chinese and Western culture traditional culture
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