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镍精矿干燥生产过程中的物料动态 被引量:1
作者 柳琳 《有色金属(冶炼部分)》 CAS 2001年第3期14-16,共3页
介绍镍精矿气流干燥过程中各个阶段物料动态 。
关键词 镍精矿 气流干燥 物料动态 闪速熔炼
作者 曾世樑 李文利 +1 位作者 文化 覃科 《装备制造技术》 2019年第8期226-230,共5页
针对工程机械行业企业装配制造业务找取料效率低、BOM与工位数据差异、错漏装、装配线边物料多等现况,结合工程机械行业装配物料批量小品种多的特点,研究出适合工程机械装配制造的SPS单台物料动态拣配管理模式。在装载机装配过程中采用... 针对工程机械行业企业装配制造业务找取料效率低、BOM与工位数据差异、错漏装、装配线边物料多等现况,结合工程机械行业装配物料批量小品种多的特点,研究出适合工程机械装配制造的SPS单台物料动态拣配管理模式。在装载机装配过程中采用SPS单台物料动态拣配管理模式后,不但对装配过程起到防错作用,达到在线控制质量的目标;还能满足多品种单线生产的柔性化要求,节约线边物料占地面积;降低装配物料定位的难度,使缺件得到及时发现;提高装配效率,将装错风险显著降低,避免重大装配质量事故的发生。SPS单台物料动态拣配管理模式为今后在工程机械行业企业逐步构建精益物流体系提供重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 SPS SPS单台物料动态拣配 电子拣选系统
基于动态物料信息的带式输送机群调控系统研究 被引量:1
作者 聂永朝 冯宝忠 《煤矿机械》 2024年第1期55-57,共3页
针对当前多层级带式输送机群在起/停机时常存在无效运行时间过长、载荷过大造成的物料撒落及过流过压停机等问题,研究了一种基于动态物料信息的带式输送机群调控系统,将各级带式输送机输送带承载的实时物料信息与其对应加速度结合,并按... 针对当前多层级带式输送机群在起/停机时常存在无效运行时间过长、载荷过大造成的物料撒落及过流过压停机等问题,研究了一种基于动态物料信息的带式输送机群调控系统,将各级带式输送机输送带承载的实时物料信息与其对应加速度结合,并按照实时物料信息与上下级带式输送机加速度制定最为安全高效的起/停策略,从而解决上述问题。 展开更多
关键词 带式输送机群 动态承载物料 加速度
一个动态不连续物料的在线中子测水系统 被引量:4
作者 苏桐龄 姚泽恩 +1 位作者 贾文宝 陈尚文 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第6期368-371,共4页
介绍了一个用γ密度计作密度补偿的用于测量在传送带上处于运动状态的一块一块不连续物料中水分的在线中子测水系统.来自中子、γ射线及电子秤探测器的实测数据均通过一个计数卡输入到PC机中,由微机作数据处理、记录和显示,并用表... 介绍了一个用γ密度计作密度补偿的用于测量在传送带上处于运动状态的一块一块不连续物料中水分的在线中子测水系统.来自中子、γ射线及电子秤探测器的实测数据均通过一个计数卡输入到PC机中,由微机作数据处理、记录和显示,并用表格和图形给出各时刻的瞬时湿度及某段时间间隔内通过传送带的物料的总重量、干料量和水分量。 展开更多
关键词 中子 湿度计 动态不连续物料 在线测量
基于物联网技术的车间动态物料配送问题研究 被引量:6
作者 杨清 张彦如 马靖 《制造业自动化》 2015年第10期129-131,146,共4页
针对发展物联网技术对于促进机械制造业发展所具有的重要现实意义,在结合物联网技术的基础上,以机械产品装配系统为基本研究对象,提出了基于实时感知信息驱动的车间动态物料配送方法。形式化定义了物料类型,构建了多元数据感知模型;提... 针对发展物联网技术对于促进机械制造业发展所具有的重要现实意义,在结合物联网技术的基础上,以机械产品装配系统为基本研究对象,提出了基于实时感知信息驱动的车间动态物料配送方法。形式化定义了物料类型,构建了多元数据感知模型;提出了虚拟配送工位园概念,并规划了动态物料配流程与工位园划分模型。最后,以某汽车公司车桥装配线为例,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 动态物料配送 机械产品 实时感知信息 物联网
连续累计自动衡器动态物料试验控制衡器的研究和应用 被引量:3
作者 胡强 《计量学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第S1期122-126,共5页
为满足国家对自动衡器型式评价的管理要求,基于相关技术法规的要求,针对连续累计自动衡器(皮带秤)检测装置中进行动态物料试验的控制衡器相关技术参数的选择进行了分析研究,分别给出控制衡器的准确度等级、最大秤量、最小秤量、最少分... 为满足国家对自动衡器型式评价的管理要求,基于相关技术法规的要求,针对连续累计自动衡器(皮带秤)检测装置中进行动态物料试验的控制衡器相关技术参数的选择进行了分析研究,分别给出控制衡器的准确度等级、最大秤量、最小秤量、最少分度数、检定分度值与显示分度值的选用建议并在实际中得以应用。 展开更多
关键词 计量学 自动衡器 动态物料试验 控制衡器
基于泛在制造信息的动态物料配送批量决策 被引量:3
作者 武保全 孙棣华 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期16-19,37,共5页
多品种、小批量生产模式下物料配送问题是一个涉及影响因素众多的复杂计划调度问题,小批量、多频次物料配送除了考虑满足生产线多变的物料需求外,还应考虑配送成本节约的问题。针对传统物料配送未能同时考虑物料需求变化和配送成本节约... 多品种、小批量生产模式下物料配送问题是一个涉及影响因素众多的复杂计划调度问题,小批量、多频次物料配送除了考虑满足生产线多变的物料需求外,还应考虑配送成本节约的问题。针对传统物料配送未能同时考虑物料需求变化和配送成本节约问题,基于泛在制造信息,建立一种新的动态物料配送批量决策模型。通过层次划分将整体决策转化为分层决策,采用运输-库存联合优化方式求取最佳配送批量。示例结果表明,该决策模式在满足生产线多变物料需求的同时,对配送成本有很好的控制作用。 展开更多
关键词 动态物料配送 泛在制造信息 配送批量决策 成本节约
机器人动态物料追随抓取技术的轨迹算法设计 被引量:2
作者 袁晗 童上高 +1 位作者 顾文昊 杨君娟 《机器人技术与应用》 2019年第1期29-32,共4页
动态物料追随抓取技术是拾捡包装应用领域的重要技术之一。物料在输送线上高速通过机器人下方,具备视觉能力的机器人在一定抓取策略下对抓取目标进行筛选和定位,借助追随抓取算法,机器人可高速追随物料动态完成抓取动作。本文针对该应... 动态物料追随抓取技术是拾捡包装应用领域的重要技术之一。物料在输送线上高速通过机器人下方,具备视觉能力的机器人在一定抓取策略下对抓取目标进行筛选和定位,借助追随抓取算法,机器人可高速追随物料动态完成抓取动作。本文针对该应用领域,设计了一种动态物料追随抓取运动轨迹算法,并且在仿真与实际应用中证明了该算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 机器人 动态物料追随 动态物料抓取 轨迹规划
作者 D.霍都因 C.巴辛 +1 位作者 S.马克尼 王合祥 《国外选矿快报》 1998年第14期5-10,共6页
关键词 动态物料 平衡算法 选矿 浮选回路 探测器
作者 李世平 《科技信息》 2009年第4期276-277,共2页
关键词 动态物料计量 非接触式 核子皮带秤
作者 李源 《冶金与材料》 2020年第5期57-58,60,共3页
作为计量器具的一种,连续累计自动衡器在工业定量盛装环节得到了广泛应用。为保证计量结果准确,还要定期通过物料试验进行检定校准,做好控制衡器选择。在对该种器具及其动态物料试验展开分析的基础上,文章对控制衡器选择方法展开了分析... 作为计量器具的一种,连续累计自动衡器在工业定量盛装环节得到了广泛应用。为保证计量结果准确,还要定期通过物料试验进行检定校准,做好控制衡器选择。在对该种器具及其动态物料试验展开分析的基础上,文章对控制衡器选择方法展开了分析,结合准确度、秤量等规格参数要求提出了选用建议。 展开更多
关键词 连续累计自动衡器 动态物料试验 控制衡器选择
作者 杨岱巍 王晶 +2 位作者 周靖林 吴海燕 靳其兵 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期627-636,共10页
单克隆抗体药物是当前国际市场上最具价值的药品种类之一,而N连接糖基化反应是单克隆抗体制备过程中非常重要的一个环节.本文采用有向图来描述糖蛋白结构,图模型描述反应网络,因此可以方便地采用分支限界法来生成整个反应网络.而且在这... 单克隆抗体药物是当前国际市场上最具价值的药品种类之一,而N连接糖基化反应是单克隆抗体制备过程中非常重要的一个环节.本文采用有向图来描述糖蛋白结构,图模型描述反应网络,因此可以方便地采用分支限界法来生成整个反应网络.而且在这种图模型表示的反应网络中,糖基化反应的分析计算会变得更为容易.综合考虑实际细胞动态变化中高尔基体内转运反应的影响,提出了N连接糖基化反应的动态平衡方程,相比较现有的稳态模型可以提供更多的反应过程信息,并且为反应质量的实时控制做出了理论依据.另外,本文以理论计算与实测值偏差为目标,采用遗传算法对反应过程的大量生化参数进行优化,从而提高计算模型的精度.为了提升仿真模型的计算能力和对实验设计的指导作用,本文基于C++开发了一款专用的糖基化仿真计算平台,提供网络结构的可视化、反应过程的动态曲线、反应参数优化等功能.通过对比本文模型的数据分析与实际机理分析一致验证了模型的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 N连接糖基化过程 图模型反应网络 动态物料平衡模型 仿真平台
Design and Research on Artificial Rumen Continuous Culture System
作者 孟宪章 李敏 +2 位作者 施继红 胡晓丽 刘庆福 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2445-2448,共4页
[Objective] The paper was to study the dynamic changes of forage nutrient substance fermentation in rumen, and a set of continuous culture system of artificial rumen was designed. [Method] With in vivo as control, the... [Objective] The paper was to study the dynamic changes of forage nutrient substance fermentation in rumen, and a set of continuous culture system of artificial rumen was designed. [Method] With in vivo as control, the simulating rumen fer- mentation effect in vitro culture system was evaluated. [Result] The simulation rumen fermentation test needed adaptive phase of 2-3 d, and the fermentation state was relatively stable within 3-9 d, with good effects. The test showed certain regularity variation with index value of rumen in vivo. [Conclusion] The continuous culture sys- tem of artificial rumen could be used as the ideal model to study the rumen fermen- tation in vivo. 展开更多
关键词 Rumen fermentation Continuous culture system Experimental research Effect evaluation
Dynamic recrystallization and silicide precipitation behavior of titanium matrix composites under different strains 被引量:6
作者 Er-tuan ZHAO Shi-chen SUN +3 位作者 Jin-rui YU Yu-kun AN Wen-zhen CHEN Rui-run CHEN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期3416-3427,共12页
In order to elucidate the microstructure evolution and silicide precipitation behavior during high-temperature deformation,TiB reinforced titanium matrix composites were subjected to isothermal hot compression at 950... In order to elucidate the microstructure evolution and silicide precipitation behavior during high-temperature deformation,TiB reinforced titanium matrix composites were subjected to isothermal hot compression at 950℃,strain rate of 0.05 s^(−1) and employing different strains of 0.04,0.40,0.70 and 1.00.The results show that with the increase of strain,a decrease in the content,dynamic recrystallization of theαphase and the vertical distribution of TiB along the compression axis lead to stress stability.Meantime,continuous dynamic recrystallization reduces the orientation difference of the primaryαphase,which weakens the texture strength of the matrix.The recrystallization mechanisms are strain-induced grain boundary migration and particle stimulated nucleation by TiB.The silicide of Ti_(6)Si_(3) is mainly distributed at the interface of TiB andαphase.The precipitation of silicide is affected by element diffusion,and TiB whisker accelerates the precipitation behavior of silicide by hindering the movement of dislocations and providing nucleation particles. 展开更多
关键词 titanium matrix composites dynamic recrystallization silicide precipitation hot compression
One-dimensional Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Planar Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 被引量:2
作者 康英伟 李俊 +3 位作者 曹广益 屠恒勇 李箭 杨杰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第2期304-317,共14页
This article aims to investigate the transient behavior of a planar direct internal reforming solid oxide fuel cell (DIR-SOFC) comprehensively. A one-dimensional dynamic model of a planar D1R-SOFC is first developed... This article aims to investigate the transient behavior of a planar direct internal reforming solid oxide fuel cell (DIR-SOFC) comprehensively. A one-dimensional dynamic model of a planar D1R-SOFC is first developed based on mass and energy balances, and electrochemical principles. Further, a solution strategy is presented to solve the model, and the International Energy Agency (IEA) benchmark test is used to validate the model. Then, through model-based simulations, the steady-state performance of a co-flow planar DIR-SOFC under specified initial operating conditions and its dynamic response to introduced operating parameter disturbances are studied. The dynamic responses of important SOFC variables, such as cell temperature, current density, and cell voltage are all investigated when the SOFC is subjected to the step-changes in various operating parameters including both the load current and the inlet fuel and air flow rates. The results indicate that the rapid dynamics of the current density and the cell voltage are mainly influenced by the gas composition, particularly the H2 molar fraction in anode gas channels, while their slow dynamics are both dominated by the SOLID (including the PEN and interconnects) temperature. As the load current increases, the SOLID temperature and the maximum SOLID temperature gradient both increase, and thereby, the cell breakdown is apt to occur because of excessive thermal stresses. Changing the inlet fuel flow rate might lead to the change in the anode gas composition and the consequent change in the current density distribution and cell voltage. The inlet air flow rate has a great impact on the cell temperature distribution along the cell, and thus, is a suitable manipulated variable to control the cell temperature. 展开更多
关键词 solid oxide fuel cell direct internal reforming PLANAR dynamic model SIMULATION
Dynamics of Lumber Production from Buttressed-Stumps of Logging Residues Using a Fuel Powered Horizontal Mobile Bandsaw Machine
作者 Reynolds Okai Esi Ametoxe Banful Stephen Jobson Mitchual 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第2期82-89,共8页
Logging residue can be defined as any form of wood, which under the highest stage of technological development could be used in manufacturing but is left in the forest during logging. Lumber production from logging re... Logging residue can be defined as any form of wood, which under the highest stage of technological development could be used in manufacturing but is left in the forest during logging. Lumber production from logging residues of a previous logging activity by a timber firm was undertaken with the objective of determining the suitability of utilizing buttressed-stumps as raw material for the timber industry. A horizontal mobile bandsaw machine was used to process the buttressed-stumps into lumber. The machine was characterized by a thin-kerr sawing technology (kerf-width 1.6 mm) compared to the conventional bandsaw machines of kerr-widths ranging from 3.0-4.5 mm. Lumber value and volume yields, fuel consumption rate, frequency of tool replacement and lumber production rate were assessed. Results indicated that there is the potential to increase timber production from logging residues by utilizing buttressed-stumps. Lumber value and volume yields of eight timber species investigated in this study ranged from 5%-31% and 34%-54% respectively. Fuel consumption rate which increased with increasing wood density, ranged from 5-14.5 liters/m3 of lumber produced. Frequency of saw replacement increased with increasing wood density. The number of saws required to produce one cubic meter of lumber, ranged from 1 to 7. Lumber production rate ranged from 0.10-0.38 m3/hour, increasing with decreasing wood density. 展开更多
关键词 Buttressed-stumps downstream processing logging residues lumber value and volume yields mobile bandsawmachine.
Dynamic Modeling of Tubular SOFC for Marine Power System 被引量:1
作者 伞宝钢 周培林 David Clealand 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第3期231-240,共10页
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) has been identified as an effective and clean alternative choice for marine power system.This paper emphasizes on the dynamic modeling of SOFC power system and its performance based upon m... Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) has been identified as an effective and clean alternative choice for marine power system.This paper emphasizes on the dynamic modeling of SOFC power system and its performance based upon marine operating circumstance.A SOFC power system model has been provided considering thermodynamic and electrochemical reaction mechanism.Subcomponents of lithium ion battery, power conditioning unit, stack structure and controller are integrated in the model.The dynamic response of the system is identified according to the inertia of its subcomponent and controller.Validation of the whole system simulation at steady state and transit period are presented, concerning the effects of thermo inertia, control strategy and seagoing environment.The simulation results show reasonable accuracy compare with lab test.The models can be used to predict performance of a SOFC power system and identify the system response when part of the component parameter is adjusted. 展开更多
关键词 tubular SOFC marine power system thermodynamic modeling
Research of the Thermal Parameters and the Accuracy of Flow Measurement of the Biological Fuel
作者 Igor Korobiichuk Shavursky Yurij +1 位作者 Michal Nowicki Roman Szewczyk 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第7期415-419,共5页
The heat parameters, the thermoanemometric flow-meter (TAF) errors and the experimental characteristics have been defined. The results of experiments were conducted with the help of physically-informational models a... The heat parameters, the thermoanemometric flow-meter (TAF) errors and the experimental characteristics have been defined. The results of experiments were conducted with the help of physically-informational models allowing to realize all major thermal methods and their inherent informative options. The metrological evaluation was made and the sensitivity to the consumption of gas and liquid have been defined, their static and dynamic errors, followed by the comparison of costs according to these criteria. The developed method provides accurate measurement of volumetric flow of motor fuel 1.0-1.5% at heater temperature measurement accuracy of 1%. 展开更多
关键词 Thermoanemometric flow-meter biological fuel physically-informational models
Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Stack Modelling in VHDL-AMS Language with Temporal and EIS Experimental Validations
作者 EI-Hassane Aglzim Amar Rouane +2 位作者 Daniela Chrenko Djilali Kourtiche Mustapha Nadi 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第2期343-349,共7页
This paper deals with two basic issues of fuel cell research: modelling and experimental validation. In particular, the EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) technique is applied to a PEMFC (proton exchange... This paper deals with two basic issues of fuel cell research: modelling and experimental validation. In particular, the EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) technique is applied to a PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell). Experiments have been performed using a low-cost test bench and instrumentation developed around a 1,200 W Ballard Nexa fuel cell system. An electrical and dynamic model in VHDL-AMS language for PEM fuel cell stack is described. The privileged approach in this paper is an electrical method. Few papers deal with the modelling of a fuel cell in VHDL-AMS language with an electric approach. The fuel cell is characterised cell wise in VHDL-AMS; AC and DC measurements show the good agreement between the simulation results of the model and those measured in experiments. The model is capable to predict accurate stack profiles. The model is validated using temporal and impedance spectroscopy method; the impedance spectroscopy is performed at low and high frequencies. The experimental and simulated Nyquist plots show that the frequency response of the fuel cell stack can be predicted by the proposed fuel cell stack model. At high frequencies, comparisons between experimental and model impedance results are performed and show some similarities between the two Nyquist. Error between the two approaches is below 1.5%. 展开更多
关键词 PEM fuel cell VHDL-AMS language EIS method modeling.
基于客户订单分离点的多级供应控制与延迟制造 被引量:12
作者 王海军 马士华 赵勇 《工业工程与管理》 2003年第5期26-29,共4页
关键词 供应控制 延迟制造 客户订单分离点 产品设计 动态物料清单 制造业
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