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心与物游 念兹在兹--读《艺游发轫--何瑞乐艺文论稿》
作者 冯铄 《内蒙古艺术》 2021年第6期105-107,共3页
关键词 心与物游 艺文 论稿
作者 左剑峰 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期33-39,共7页
游物是《庄子》提出的自然审美方式,它要求如其本然地欣赏自然事物之大美。游物对自然的欣赏,尚具有粗疏和抽象化等不足,应借鉴当代环境美学成果对它加以改造。其具体改造包括:注重身体感官对自然细节的直接专注,发挥科学知识的引导深... 游物是《庄子》提出的自然审美方式,它要求如其本然地欣赏自然事物之大美。游物对自然的欣赏,尚具有粗疏和抽象化等不足,应借鉴当代环境美学成果对它加以改造。其具体改造包括:注重身体感官对自然细节的直接专注,发挥科学知识的引导深化作用,有意识地由欣赏对象转为欣赏环境。 展开更多
关键词 《庄子》 自然审美 大美
《艺术与设计》 2019年第5期142-142,共1页
2019年4月13日-2019年5月26日耿画廊展览标题援引自《文心雕龙》中作者刘勰探讨艺术创作之篇章,描述人在构思创作时受事物牵引而有情感、思维之交流和共鸣。本次创作题材多围绕在人文景观,包含一切可见与不可见的自然元素和随之发展的... 2019年4月13日-2019年5月26日耿画廊展览标题援引自《文心雕龙》中作者刘勰探讨艺术创作之篇章,描述人在构思创作时受事物牵引而有情感、思维之交流和共鸣。本次创作题材多围绕在人文景观,包含一切可见与不可见的自然元素和随之发展的人类文明. 展开更多
关键词 题材 人文景观 画廊 创作 神思 个展 情感 物游 艺术创作
从“物与神游”到“天人合一”——浅谈中国传统绘画中的一类心灵状态 被引量:1
作者 张锴祥 《美与时代(美学)(下)》 2015年第11期68-70,共3页
艺术创作是一种文化创作,更是一种心灵创作,"物与神游"让创作主体在这种虚静空灵的心灵状态中,体悟恒久延伸的时空和客观世界的奥妙;"天人合一"更是一种中国传统文化的纲领与核心,当我们试图去探索从"物与神游... 艺术创作是一种文化创作,更是一种心灵创作,"物与神游"让创作主体在这种虚静空灵的心灵状态中,体悟恒久延伸的时空和客观世界的奥妙;"天人合一"更是一种中国传统文化的纲领与核心,当我们试图去探索从"物与神游"到"天人合一"的心灵状态时,创作也就翻开了新的一章。 展开更多
关键词 心灵状态 与神 静虚 本体论 天人合一
略论旅游的境界层次 被引量:2
作者 曹诗图 《中国市场》 北大核心 2008年第26期104-105,共2页
文章从旅游哲学的角度分析论述了旅游的层次。认为旅游者因其在旅游中对生命意义的追求和对精神的自觉不同,可以分为四种不同的境界或旅游层次,即俗游层次、物游层次、知游层次、神游层次。在对旅游者个性尊重的前提下,社会有责任在旅... 文章从旅游哲学的角度分析论述了旅游的层次。认为旅游者因其在旅游中对生命意义的追求和对精神的自觉不同,可以分为四种不同的境界或旅游层次,即俗游层次、物游层次、知游层次、神游层次。在对旅游者个性尊重的前提下,社会有责任在旅游境界追求上自觉地对游客加以引导。 展开更多
关键词 层次 境界 物游
作者 王凯 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2014年第6期110-115,共6页
天地有大美,因为它含着道的朴素;自然有大情,因为它涌动着永恒的生命之流。"物我为一"肯定了人与大自然的同质同源,"以物观物"主张以审美的目光观看万物。只有齐物,才能逍遥,"物化"之际,人与物交感互动,... 天地有大美,因为它含着道的朴素;自然有大情,因为它涌动着永恒的生命之流。"物我为一"肯定了人与大自然的同质同源,"以物观物"主张以审美的目光观看万物。只有齐物,才能逍遥,"物化"之际,人与物交感互动,浑然一体。体现在心物关系上,是物的自然作用于心灵的自然,碰撞的结晶则是朴素、纯粹的美的情感的生成。庄子的心物观、物化观及其"逍遥游"的自然美学思想,深刻启迪和直接催发了中国古典美学许多重要的范畴。 展开更多
关键词 自然 心与物游
古代文论“游”范畴阐说 被引量:1
作者 王乐乐 《绥化学院学报》 2008年第3期105-107,共3页
"游"是艺术主体与客体在澄澈清明状态下心与物的紧密结合,是心灵的由静入动的审美体验活动。"游"作为艺术思维的状态,是指审美主体通过强烈的情感、想象和直觉等活动,进入心醉神迷、物我消融,即心与目、物与我相互... "游"是艺术主体与客体在澄澈清明状态下心与物的紧密结合,是心灵的由静入动的审美体验活动。"游"作为艺术思维的状态,是指审美主体通过强烈的情感、想象和直觉等活动,进入心醉神迷、物我消融,即心与目、物与我相互触发而又相互融为一体的审美境界,从先秦时代开始,中国古代文论家就充分认识到"游"丰富的内涵并加以挖掘,"心游万仞""神与物游""梦往神游"等便是对"游"的文学审美本质的生动诠释。 展开更多
关键词 物游
浅析我国园林植物造景的意境之美 被引量:3
作者 陈玉兴 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第2期77-79,共3页
从天人合一、诗情画意、因借之巧、物与神游四方面剖析总结了我国园林植物造景的意境之美。通过植物客观存在的形状、体量、色彩、质感等因素以及与其它园林景观要素的水体、地形、地面构筑物、铺装之间的相互配置来呈现,由表及里,由外... 从天人合一、诗情画意、因借之巧、物与神游四方面剖析总结了我国园林植物造景的意境之美。通过植物客观存在的形状、体量、色彩、质感等因素以及与其它园林景观要素的水体、地形、地面构筑物、铺装之间的相互配置来呈现,由表及里,由外及内,由形至神,最终和人的主观情感自然吻合,情景交融,共鸣不断,艺术境界不宣而明。 展开更多
关键词 造景 意境 天人合一 诗情画意 巧于因借 与神
作者 刚祥云 《合肥学院学报(综合版)》 2017年第3期10-13,19,共5页
庄周认为人生问题的解决,就是一个不断"体道""游物"的过程。"物"一词在庄学思想中是一个极为重要的概念,据不完全统计,《庄子》一书"物"字出现约300余次。倘若以此为观测点,可以寻出庄周是通过... 庄周认为人生问题的解决,就是一个不断"体道""游物"的过程。"物"一词在庄学思想中是一个极为重要的概念,据不完全统计,《庄子》一书"物"字出现约300余次。倘若以此为观测点,可以寻出庄周是通过以"不累于世"和"不靡于物"为审美之维,以"以道观物"和"万物一马"为形上审美之思,以"彼物皆化"和"与物同游"为通达审美之境的人生哲学智慧。选此视角旨在为理解庄周审美人生哲学提供一个参照,同时意在为物欲横流的今天,如何处理人与物的关系获得某种启示义。 展开更多
关键词 庄子 《庄子》 ”论 不靡于 以道观
中国古代自然审美方法 被引量:9
作者 薛富兴 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期96-105,共10页
中国古代自然审美为人类提供了三组自然审美方法:仰观与俯察、观物与游物及感物与体物。前者言对象自然之审美欣赏与环境自然之审美欣赏;中者言静态地欣赏自然与动态地欣赏自然,后者言以自然表达自我与同情式地体验自然对象之命运。其中... 中国古代自然审美为人类提供了三组自然审美方法:仰观与俯察、观物与游物及感物与体物。前者言对象自然之审美欣赏与环境自然之审美欣赏;中者言静态地欣赏自然与动态地欣赏自然,后者言以自然表达自我与同情式地体验自然对象之命运。其中,游物与感物尤为中国古代自然审美之主导方法。立足于当代环境美学与环境伦理学,此二者自有其主观性与肤浅性之局限,当以观物与体物之法补充、超越之。上述三组方法既突出地体现了中华文化个性,同时对当代人类环境审美具有普遍性借鉴与反思价值。 展开更多
关键词 自然审美方法 仰观与俯察 与体
Phytoplankton in Prydz Bay and Its Adjacent Sea Area of Antarctica During the Austral Summer (1998/1999) 被引量:6
作者 朱根海 宁修仁 +1 位作者 蔡昱明 刘子琳 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第4期390-398,共9页
The cell density, species composition and distribution of phytoplankton, and their relations to environmental factors in Prydz Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica (69degrees-77degrees E, 62degrees-70degrees S) d... The cell density, species composition and distribution of phytoplankton, and their relations to environmental factors in Prydz Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica (69degrees-77degrees E, 62degrees-70degrees S) during the austral summer of 1998/1999 were investigated. A total of 48 taxa belonging to 21 genera of phytoplankton in the sea area were identified. The average cell density of phytoplankton was 22.46 x 10(3) cells/dm(3), of which diatoms were predominant (84.51%). The highest cell density of phytoplankton occurred in Prydz Bay and the adjacent continental shelf where the average cell density was 46.03 x 10(3) cells/dm(3). The lowest cell density (3.34 x 10(3) cells/dm(3)) occurred in deep sea area. The dominant species of phytoplankton was Fragilariopsis curta. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton density was highest in the upper part of 0-50 in depth, lower in 100 in and lowest in 150 in. The species composition and cell density of phytoplankton were influenced by water circulation. The cell density was positively correlated with water temperature and salinity, and negatively correlated with the concentration of nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOPLANKTON DISTRIBUTION Prydz Bay and its and adjacent sea area ANTARCTICA
Preliminary Study of Microzooplankton Grazing and Community Composition in the North of South China Sea in Autumn 被引量:3
作者 苏强 黄良民 +5 位作者 谭烨辉 徐润林 李涛 许战洲 张建林 邱大俊 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第2期43-53,共11页
Microzoopiankton community composition in the north of South China Sea was investigated during autumn (between September and October), 2004. Dilution technique using chlorophyll a (Chl a) was employed to estimate ... Microzoopiankton community composition in the north of South China Sea was investigated during autumn (between September and October), 2004. Dilution technique using chlorophyll a (Chl a) was employed to estimate grazing rates and grazing pressure. The results showed that Polymenophorea Oligotrichida was the dominant group with 16 species, and there were 4 species in Oligotrichina and 11 species in Tintinnina. The ciliates abundance ranged from 9 to 102 ind/m^3, instantaneous growth rates of phytoplankton (k) varied from 0.03 / d to 2.13 / d. Grazing rates of microzooplankton(g) ranged between 0.01 / d and 1.06 / d. The grazing pressure on initial phytoplankton stock (Pi) and primary production (Pp) was 0.089 % - 65.23 % and 33.63 % - 86.04 %, respectively. The grazing of microzooplankton was mainly limited by ciliates abundance. Results of grazing pressure on primary production indicated that microzooplankton played an improtant role in transmitting primary production in the north of South China Sea. 展开更多
关键词 Microzoopiankton Grazing pressure Dilution technique South China Sea
Mechanism of Nutrient Silicon and Water Temperature Influences on Phytoplankton Growth 被引量:3
作者 杨东方 高振会 +2 位作者 孙培艳 李梅 曲延峰 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第2期49-59,共11页
This paper analyzed how nutrient silicon and water temperature influenced the variation of phytoplankton growth and the change of its assemblage structure, and probed the different characteristics of the variation of ... This paper analyzed how nutrient silicon and water temperature influenced the variation of phytoplankton growth and the change of its assemblage structure, and probed the different characteristics of the variation of phytoplankton growth and the different profiles of the change of its assemblage structure influenced by nutrient silicon and water temperature. Taking Jiaozhou Bay for example, this paper showed the process of both the variation of phytoplankton growth and the change of its assemblage structure, unveiled the mechanism of nutrient silicon and water temperature influencing the variation of phytoplankton growth and the change of its assemblage structure, and determined that nutrient silicon and water temperature were the motive power for the healthy running of the marine ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 SILICON water temperature phytoplankton growth assemblage structure mechanism
Relationship between Phytoplankton Distribution and Environmental Factors in the Chukchi Sea 被引量:3
作者 林更铭 杨清良 唐森铭 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2009年第2期55-64,共10页
Based on the samples collected from the Chukchi Sea during the FCNARE cruise from July to August in 1999 with the "Xuelong", the research vessel of SOA, China, the relationship between the distribution characterizat... Based on the samples collected from the Chukchi Sea during the FCNARE cruise from July to August in 1999 with the "Xuelong", the research vessel of SOA, China, the relationship between the distribution characterization of phytoplankton and environmental factors was analyzed with Primer 5.2 software. The result showed that the assemblages of phytoplankton in Chukchi Sea can be divided into three ecological groups: Arctic-boreal group, distributed mostly in northeastern ice-edge where the depth is more than 2 000 m and affected directly by Arctic Ocean; Boreal group, distributed in shelf-break ice in the center water where the depth is less 100 m; Eurythermal group, mainly distributed in the south which exchanged with North Pacific water through Bering Strait. The species diversity, cell density and distribution variability of phytoplankton among stations were great different. The range of phytoplankton density among stations was 1.6 × 10^3- 90 680.2 × 10^4 cells/m^3, and the ranges of diversity index and evenness index among stations were 0.07 - 0.87 and 0.33 - 3.82, respectively. Principal components analysis (PCA) showed that temperature and salinity had made important roles in the distribution of phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea. Furthermore, the different influences of the variant water regimes, and the extremely dynamic physical nature of the drifting pack ice (e.g. packing, breaking up and melting ) introduce short-term variability into the water conditions that no doubt affect the phytoplankton distrubition. 展开更多
关键词 Chukchi Sea Phytoplankton Distribution Environmental factors Multivariate analysis
Phytoplankton Community Structure and Its Spatial Distribution along Anhui-Jiangsu Reaches of the Yangtze River in Autumn 2009 被引量:2
作者 孟顺龙 陈家长 +4 位作者 胡庚东 吴伟 瞿建宏 范立民 裘丽萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第1期220-226,共7页
[Objective] Surveys of phytoplankton were taken during the autumn of 2009 along Anhui-Jiangsu reaches of the Yangtze River to understand the species com- position and their spatial distributions. [Method] Phytoplankto... [Objective] Surveys of phytoplankton were taken during the autumn of 2009 along Anhui-Jiangsu reaches of the Yangtze River to understand the species com- position and their spatial distributions. [Method] Phytoplankton species, their quanti- ties, biomass and the Mcnaughton's dominance indices were all measured and their spatial distribution characteristics were determined using cluster analysis. [Result] There were 27 species, belonging to 5 phyla, namely Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta and Cryptophyta, of phytoplankton collected and identified from the surveys. Results showed that Bacillariophyta was the predominant phyto- plankton with 16 species collected which accounted for 59.3% of the total species identified. The number of species collected belonging to Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Cryptophyta and Euglenophyta were 6, 2, 2, and 1, accounting for 22.2%, 7.4%, 7.4% and 3.7% of the total number identified, respectively. At the species level, the predominant species were Fragilaria crotonensis, Melosira italica, Navicula crypto- cephala, Cyclotella striata and Chroomonas acuta. Phytoplankton abundance was ranging from 5.68×10^4 to 7.08×10^4 cells/L with its average of 6.01×10^4 cells/L. Phyto- plankton biomass was ranging from 30.43 to 34.73 μg/L with its average of 32.46 μg/L. Compared with the previous reports, the number of phytoplankton species was decreased but its abundance and biomass was increased along the Jiangsu reach of the Yangtze River. However, Bacillariophyta species were still the predominant species and the phytoplankton community structure had not significantly changed from the previous studies. [Conclusion] These results might be explained as that the water quality in the Yangtze River was deteriorated but had not come to the worst. The results of similarity analysis gave two clusters of phytoplankton community as Nanjing, Wuhu and Jiangyin sampling sites were clustered into one group and Tongling and Anqing were clustered into another group. 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOPLANKTON Community structure Yangtze River Anhui-Jiangsu reaches Spatial characteristics
Responses of Picoplankton to Nutrient Perturbation in the South China Sea, with Special Reference to the Coast-wards Distribution of Prochlorococcus 被引量:3
作者 焦念志 杨燕辉 +2 位作者 Hiroshi KOSHIKAWA Shigeki HARADA Masataka WATANABE 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第6期731-739,共9页
Responses of Prochlorococcus (Pro), Synechococcus (Syn), pico-eukaryotes (Euk) and heterotrophic bacteria (Bact) in pelagic marine ecosystems to external nutrient perturbations were examined using nitrogen- (N), phosp... Responses of Prochlorococcus (Pro), Synechococcus (Syn), pico-eukaryotes (Euk) and heterotrophic bacteria (Bact) in pelagic marine ecosystems to external nutrient perturbations were examined using nitrogen- (N), phosphorus- (P), iron- (Fe), and cobalt- (Co) enriched incubations in the South China Sea in November 1997. Variations in abundance of the 4 groups of microorganism and cellular pigment content of the autotrophs during incubation were followed by flow-cytometric measurements for seven days. During the incubation, Syn and Euk showed a relatively higher demand on Fe and N, while Pro required higher levels of Co and P. The Fe was inadequate for all the organisms in the deep euphotic zone (75 m) of the study area. The experimental results also implied that biological interaction among the organisms played a role in the community structure shift during the incubation. It seemed that besides the effects of temperature, there are some other physical and chemical limitations as well as impacts from biological interactions on Pro distribution in coast waters. 展开更多
Dynamics of Dimethylsulfide and Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Produced by Phytoplankton in the Chinese Seas - Distribution Patterns and Affecting Factors 被引量:5
作者 焦念志 柳成章 +3 位作者 洪华生 原田茂树 越川海 渡边正孝 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第7期774-786,共13页
Distribution of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and/or particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp) concentrations in the Jiaozhou Bay, Zhifu Bay and East China Sea were investigated during the period of 1994 - 1998. Both DMS... Distribution of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and/or particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp) concentrations in the Jiaozhou Bay, Zhifu Bay and East China Sea were investigated during the period of 1994 - 1998. Both DMS and DMSPp levels showed remarkable temporal and spatial variations. High values occurred in the coastal or shelf waters and low values in the offshore waters. The highest levels were observed in spring or summer and lowest in autumn. DMS or DMSPp distribution patterns were associated with water mass on a large geographical scale, while biological and chemical factors were more likely influential on smaller-scale variations. Diatoms could play an important role in total DMS or DMSPp abundance in coastal waters. Nitrate was found to have a two-phase relationship with DMSPp concentrations: positive when nitrate concentration was lower than 1 mumol/L, and negative when it was above. Anthropogenic factors such as sewage input and aquaculture also showed influences on DMS or DMSPp concentration. 展开更多
关键词 dimethylsulfide (DMS) particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp) nitrogen DIATOMS Chinese seas
Characteristics of Phytoplankton and Its Correlation with Water Environment in SFTWs 被引量:1
作者 张丹 吴小慧 +4 位作者 黄民生 何岩 张勇 童敏 潘震 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第3期439-442,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to carry out study on characteristics of phytoplankton and its correlation with water environment in SFTWs. [Method] Based on the pilot-scale SFTWs in Hongqiao transportation hub of Shanghai,ph... [Objective] The aim was to carry out study on characteristics of phytoplankton and its correlation with water environment in SFTWs. [Method] Based on the pilot-scale SFTWs in Hongqiao transportation hub of Shanghai,phytoplankton's community structure,diversity index and their correlation with water purification performance were investigated. [Result] 57 species of seven phylum of phytoplankton were detected in this tested river,including 12 species of Cyanophyta,2 of Cryptophyta,10 of Bacillariophyta,1 of Xanthophyta,7 of Euglenophyta,1 of Pyrrophyta and 24 of Chlorophyta,respectively. Additionally,it was found that Cyanophyta was the dominant phytoplankton,followed by Bacillariophyta and Cyanophyta. Biological density was far more than 10×105 ind./L,thus it could be considered that the river was eutrophic. The range of Shannon-Wiener index was 0.6-2.2,Pielou index was 0.5-2.5 and Margalef index's range was 0.35-0.85,which could further prove that the water was eutrophic. The biological density and species were significantly positively correlated with temperature and N content,indicating that the absorption of N by phytoplankton was the main N-removal pathway in SFTWs. [Conclusion] This study had provided basis for the river regulation and ecological restoration. 展开更多
关键词 SFTWs PHYTOPLANKTON Community structure Diversity index Physicochemical indexes
Study on Different Size-fractionated Phytoplankton Assemblage Change in the Mesocosm Ecosystem
作者 李涛 刘胜 +2 位作者 黄良民 简伟军 严岩 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2008年第2期58-67,共10页
A algal bloom process had been simulated via field mesocosm experiment, and the change of phytoplankton assemblage of different sizes in different growing phases had been studied. Nutrients addition could promote the ... A algal bloom process had been simulated via field mesocosm experiment, and the change of phytoplankton assemblage of different sizes in different growing phases had been studied. Nutrients addition could promote the growth of phytoplankton In the mesocosm of Prorocentrum donghaiense (M1) and the mesocosm of natural waters (M2), and the peaks of chlorophyll a were 112.79 mg/m and 235.60 mg/m, respectively. The restraining effect of nano-phytoplankton on pico-phytoplankton growth was stronger in M2 than in M1. When nutrients were abundant, the relative growth rate of diatom was higher than that of P. donghaiense, and they reached the peak quickly and then came to die out very fast. The decreasing of Si promoted diatom bloom to die out. 展开更多
关键词 Daya Bay MESOCOSM PHYTOPLANKTON Size fractionation Community change
Investigation of Dominant Populations of Late-summer Phytoplankton and Comprehensive Nutritional Evaluation of Water Quality in Bailang Lake
作者 张静 杨坤 +2 位作者 程云生 李静 卢文轩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期453-457,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the dominant populations of late-summer phytoplankton and conduct comprehensive nutritional evaluation of water quality in Bailang Lake. [Method] A series of water quality s... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the dominant populations of late-summer phytoplankton and conduct comprehensive nutritional evaluation of water quality in Bailang Lake. [Method] A series of water quality survey and phytoplankton sampling was conducted in Bailang Lake in September 2011, a total of four sam- pling points were set, to detect and analyze the total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and permanganate index in water samples and further conduct comprehensive nutritional evaluation of the water quality factors using comprehensive nutritional state index method. [Result] Water in Bailang Lake was neutral to slightly alkaline with pH of 8.57. The average water trans- parency was 0.4 m, with relatively high content of dissolved oxygen. The content of total nitrogen was relatively high of 3.043 mg/L averagely. Comprehensive nutritional evaluation showed that the water quality of Bailang Lake belonged to moderate eu- trophication. As can be seen from various comprehensive nutritional state indices TLI, the contribution of transparency, chlorophyll a and total nitrogen to the eutrophi- cation in Bailang Lake was the greatest, followed by the permanganate index and total phosphorus. Statistical analysis showed that the average weight-biomass of phy- toplankton in Bailang Lake was 6.442 mg/L, and the average was 146.46x104 individuals/ml. There were eight dominant species in Bailang Lake, including Scenedesmus, Tetraedron, Merismopedia sinica, Phormidium, Merismopedia, Tribonema, Chroomonas and Synedra. [Conclusion] This study provided data informa- tion for the environmental protection and fisheries production in Bailang Lake. 展开更多
关键词 Bailang Lake Comprehensive nutritional evaluation index PHYTOPLANKTON Dominant species
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