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尾矿料的物理力学性试验研究 被引量:16
作者 保华富 张光科 龚涛 《四川联合大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 1999年第5期115-121,共7页
本文结合云南省兰坪铅锌矿尾矿料的大量物理力学性试验成果进行了系统的分析研究。得出:尾矿料自然堆积稳定的干密、含水量大小与其所处排水条件、放矿浓度、颗粒级配等因素关系密切,试验得出了尾矿料在不同固结压力、不同孔隙比下的... 本文结合云南省兰坪铅锌矿尾矿料的大量物理力学性试验成果进行了系统的分析研究。得出:尾矿料自然堆积稳定的干密、含水量大小与其所处排水条件、放矿浓度、颗粒级配等因素关系密切,试验得出了尾矿料在不同固结压力、不同孔隙比下的渗透系数与破坏比降;用西田建议的经验公式计算尾矿料渗透系数与实测值吻合较好。同时对尾矿料的压缩性、抗剪强度进行了详细分析讨论,建议改善尾矿堆坝的排水条件是提高堆坝稳定的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 尾矿料 自然堆积密度 选矿 物理力学性试验
南黄海油气资源区粘性土物理力学性质及微结构特征 被引量:6
作者 李萍 李培英 +2 位作者 徐兴永 刘乐军 杜军 《海洋科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期482-486,共5页
用土质学的显微结构理论和技术方法,研究了南黄海油气资源区粘性土微结构特征。结合原状样物理力学性质参数,研究颗粒接触、堆垒、孔隙等现象与物理力学性质之间的关系。研究结果表明,沉积物主要为粘质粉土、淤泥质粉质粘土和淤泥等粘性... 用土质学的显微结构理论和技术方法,研究了南黄海油气资源区粘性土微结构特征。结合原状样物理力学性质参数,研究颗粒接触、堆垒、孔隙等现象与物理力学性质之间的关系。研究结果表明,沉积物主要为粘质粉土、淤泥质粉质粘土和淤泥等粘性土,其微结构类型有粒状链接微结构、蜂窝状微结构和疏松基质状微结构3种,其中淤泥类土主要为蜂窝状微结构和疏松基质状微结构,结构疏松,孔隙度较大,含水率很高,强度低,压缩性高。粘质粉土为粒状链接微结构,含水率较低,孔隙度相对淤泥类土较小,抗剪强度比淤泥类土略高,压缩性较高。该区粘性土为不理想工程地基土,工程施工时应采取相应措施避开或对其进行改良。 展开更多
关键词 南黄海 油气资源区 做结构 物理力学性
作者 徐凡 杨永晶 李吉权 《土工基础》 2018年第2期229-232,共4页
拟建尾矿库位于西藏甲玛铜多金属矿二期西南面的果郎沟山沟,工程筑坝材料以废石料为主,筑坝料场就近选择,优先考虑库内。根据设计要求,拟采用尾砂作为子坝筑坝材料,该项目土工试验项目除了坝基、库区内岩土试验项目外,需要对一期尾砂采... 拟建尾矿库位于西藏甲玛铜多金属矿二期西南面的果郎沟山沟,工程筑坝材料以废石料为主,筑坝料场就近选择,优先考虑库内。根据设计要求,拟采用尾砂作为子坝筑坝材料,该项目土工试验项目除了坝基、库区内岩土试验项目外,需要对一期尾砂采样并模拟实际工况进行抗剪强度试验及进行相关测试,检测项目主要为:尾矿的物理和力学性质试验;尾矿的平板载荷试验;模袋震动密实试验。试验结果表明,尾砂在不同的状态下,含水率和密度的变化对尾砂的力学指标有较为显著的影响。 展开更多
关键词 筑坝尾砂 物理力学 泌水 渗透 竖向静载试验 模袋震动密实试验
作者 胡宏伟 《江淮水利科技》 2024年第5期1-6,20,共7页
通过对引江济淮沿线引江济巢段及江淮沟通段大量黏性土膨胀性数据进行统计分析,揭示出引江济淮沿线膨胀土空间分布规律及膨胀性与多种物理力学性指标的相关性。研究结果表明:引江济淮沿线膨胀土多分布于低山丘陵岗地等地貌单元处,膨胀... 通过对引江济淮沿线引江济巢段及江淮沟通段大量黏性土膨胀性数据进行统计分析,揭示出引江济淮沿线膨胀土空间分布规律及膨胀性与多种物理力学性指标的相关性。研究结果表明:引江济淮沿线膨胀土多分布于低山丘陵岗地等地貌单元处,膨胀性均以弱~中等膨胀潜势为主;引江济淮沿线膨胀土膨胀性强弱受液、塑限,黏粒含量及塑限指数等黏性指标影响较大,而受含水率及黏聚力等强度性能指标影响较小。研究根据主控因素构建自由膨胀率多元回归预测模型,以期为后期分析引江济淮沿线膨胀土提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 引江济淮 膨胀土 物理力学性指标 相关分析
作者 秦英广 《山西建筑》 2012年第31期66-68,共3页
关键词 黄土 湿陷黄土 物理力学性 强夯法 挤密桩法
作者 陈振全 李丹丽 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2021年第2期274-276,共3页
次生黄土又称黄土状土,属于新近堆积黄土的范畴,其工程特性与黄土差别较大,其湿陷性特征一直是工程界普遍关注的问题。本文根据南水北调中线工程新郑南段次生黄土的勘察和试验,分析了该渠段次生黄土的时代成因、岩性、分布特征及物理、... 次生黄土又称黄土状土,属于新近堆积黄土的范畴,其工程特性与黄土差别较大,其湿陷性特征一直是工程界普遍关注的问题。本文根据南水北调中线工程新郑南段次生黄土的勘察和试验,分析了该渠段次生黄土的时代成因、岩性、分布特征及物理、力学性特征、矿物组成及骨架结构特征、湿陷性特征等,并根据次生黄土的工程特性分析了该渠段不良地质现象的勘察及处理、主要工程地质问题及处理,并对该渠段湿陷性地基处理方法及效果进行了分析评价。 展开更多
关键词 南水北调中线工程新郑南段 次生黄土 时代成因、岩、分布特征 物理力学特征 湿陷特征 湿陷
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Coral Sand in the Nansha Islands 被引量:16
作者 于红兵 孙宗勋 唐诚 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第2期31-39,共9页
Coral sand is a unique material developed in the tropical ocean environment, which is mainly composed of coral and other marine organism debris, with the CaCO3 content up to 96 %. It has special physical and mechanica... Coral sand is a unique material developed in the tropical ocean environment, which is mainly composed of coral and other marine organism debris, with the CaCO3 content up to 96 %. It has special physical and mechanical properties due to its composition, structure and sedimentary environment. In this contribution, we discuss its specific gravity, porosity ratio compressibility, crushing, shearing and intensity for coral sand samples from the Nansha islands based on laboratory mechanical tests. Our results show distinct high porosity ratio, high friction angle and low intensity as compared with the quartz sand. We believe that grain crushing is the main factor that influences the deformation and strength of coral sand. Comprehensive study on the physical and mechanical properties of coral sands is significant in providing reliable scientific parameters to construction on coral islet, and thus avoids accidents in construction. 展开更多
关键词 Nansha Islands coral sand physical and mechanical properties
Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and tensile strength of NiCoCrAl alloy sheet fabricated by EB-PVD 被引量:3
作者 史国栋 王智 +2 位作者 王奕首 武湛君 梁军 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第10期2395-2401,共7页
The NiCoCrAl alloy sheet was fabricated by electron beam physical vapor deposition technique and the effects of the heat treatment on the microstructure and tensile strength of the NiCoCrAl alloy sheet were investigat... The NiCoCrAl alloy sheet was fabricated by electron beam physical vapor deposition technique and the effects of the heat treatment on the microstructure and tensile strength of the NiCoCrAl alloy sheet were investigated. The heat treatment at 1050 °C is favorable to improve the interface bonding between the columnar structures due to the disappearance of the intergranular gaps. Comparing with the thin NiCoCrAl alloy sheet before heat treatment, the Ni3Al phase appears in the NiCoCrAl alloy sheet after heat treatment, which is favorable to improve the interface bonding between the columnar structures. The increase in the tensile strength and elongation is attributed to the improvement of the interface bonding between the columnar structures. The residual stress in the NiCoCrAl alloy sheet after heat treatment is reduced significantly, which also confirms that the interface bonding is improved by the heat treatment. 展开更多
关键词 nickel-base alloys heat treatment MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties physical vapor deposition
A first-principle calculation of structural,mechanical and electronic properties of titanium borides 被引量:3
作者 闫海燕 魏群 +1 位作者 常少梅 郭平 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第7期1627-1633,共7页
The first-principle calculations are performed to investigate the structural,mechanical and electronic properties of titanium borides (Ti2B,TiB and TiB2).Those calculated lattice parameters are in good agreement wit... The first-principle calculations are performed to investigate the structural,mechanical and electronic properties of titanium borides (Ti2B,TiB and TiB2).Those calculated lattice parameters are in good agreement with the experimental data and previous theoretical values.All these borides are found to be mechanically stable at ambient pressure.Compared with parent metal Ti (120 GPa),the larger bulk modulus of these borides increase successively with the increase of the boron content in three borides,which may be due to direction bonding introduced by the boron atoms in the lattice and the strong covalent Ti-B bonds.Additionally,TiB can be regarded as a candidate of incompressible and hard material besides TiB2.Furthermore,the elastic anisotropy and Debye temperatures are also discussed by investigating the elastic constants and moduli.Electronic density of states and atomic Mulliken charges analysis show that chemical bonding in these titanium borides is a complex mixture of covalent,ionic,and metallic characters. 展开更多
关键词 titanium borides first-principle calculations mechanical properties density of states Mulliken atomic population analysis
Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties of Populus × canadensis Moench and Populus ×euramericana(Dode) Guinier cv. Gelrica
作者 张英杰 冯德君 窦延光 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2532-2535,共4页
The physical-mechanical properties of Populus x canadensis Moench and Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guinier cv. Gelrica were studied to provide theoret- ical and scientific bases for the directional breeding and eff... The physical-mechanical properties of Populus x canadensis Moench and Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guinier cv. Gelrica were studied to provide theoret- ical and scientific bases for the directional breeding and efficient use of artificial forests with P. canadensis and P. euramericana Gelrica. The results showed the air-dried density, basic density of P. canadensis were 0.468 g/cm3 and 0.372 g/cm3, respectively; the shrinkage coefficient of radial, tangential and volume were 0.133%, 0.270% and 0.553%, respectively;the modulus of elasticity in static bending, the bending strength and the compressive strength parallel to grain were 9 302.99 MPa, 79.69 MPa and 40.32 Mpa, respectively. As for the P. euramericana Gelrica, the air-dried density, basic densitywere 0.453 and 0.355 g/cm3, respectively; the shrink- age coefficient of radial, tangential and volume were 0.205%, 0.304% and 0.554%, respectively; the modulus of elasticity in static bending, the bending strength and the compressive strength parallel to grain were 9 014.44, 55.87 and 33.09 Mpa respectively. Comprehensive analysis of the indicators showed that the properties of P. canadensis were better than those of P.euramericana Gelrica. 展开更多
关键词 Populus x canadensis Moench Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guiniercv. Ge/rica Physical properties Mechanical properties
作者 申长吉 《煤》 2018年第11期37-39,共3页
针对常村煤矿S6-1工作面回采时,胶带巷矿压显现较为剧烈,巷道变形明显的问题,通过单轴抗压实验和劈裂实验对巷道围岩物理力学性质进行测试及分析,提出了高预应力让压锚杆+双钢筋托梁+金属经纬网+锚索的联合支护方案,根据现场监测结果表... 针对常村煤矿S6-1工作面回采时,胶带巷矿压显现较为剧烈,巷道变形明显的问题,通过单轴抗压实验和劈裂实验对巷道围岩物理力学性质进行测试及分析,提出了高预应力让压锚杆+双钢筋托梁+金属经纬网+锚索的联合支护方案,根据现场监测结果表明:胶带巷道采用联合支护的方案后,围岩变形破坏程度大大降低,支护效果明显变好,确保巷道能够长期稳定有效。 展开更多
关键词 巷道围岩 物理力学性 围岩等级 支护方案
Effects of Freeze–thaw Cycles on Soil Mechanical and Physical Properties in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau 被引量:34
作者 XIE Sheng-bo QU Jian-jun +2 位作者 LAI Yuan-ming ZHOU Zhi-wei XU Xiang-tian 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期999-1009,共11页
Extreme freeze-thaw action occurs on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau due to its unique climate resulting from high elevation and cold temperature.This action causes damage to the surface soil structure, as soil erosion in t... Extreme freeze-thaw action occurs on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau due to its unique climate resulting from high elevation and cold temperature.This action causes damage to the surface soil structure, as soil erosion in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is dominated by freeze-thaw erosion.In this research,freezing–thawing process of the soil samples collected from the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau was carried out by laboratory experiments to determinate the volume variation of soil as well as physical and mechanical properties, such as porosity, granularity and uniaxial compressive strength, after the soil experiences various freeze–thaw cycles.Results show that cohesion and uniaxial compressive strength decreased as the volume and porosity of the soil increased after experiencing various freeze–thaw cycles, especially in the first six freeze–thaw cycles.Consequently, the physical and mechanical properties of the soil were altered.However, granularity and internal friction angle did not vary significantly with an increase in the freeze–thaw cycle.The structural damage among soil particles due to frozen water expansion was the major cause of changes in soil mechanical behavior in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Qinghai Tibet Plateau Soil erosion Freeze thaw action Mechanical behavior
A coupled DEM and LBM model for simulation of outbursts of coal and gas 被引量:9
作者 Sheng Xue Liang Yuan +2 位作者 Junfeng Wang Yucang Wang Jun Xie 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2015年第1期22-29,共8页
An outburst of coal and gas is a major hazard in underground coal mining. It is generally accepted that an outburst occurs when certain conditions of stress, coal gassiness and physical-mechanical properties of coal a... An outburst of coal and gas is a major hazard in underground coal mining. It is generally accepted that an outburst occurs when certain conditions of stress, coal gassiness and physical-mechanical properties of coal are met. Outbursting is recognized as a two-step process, i.e., initiation and development. In this paper, we present a fully-coupled solid and fluid code to model the entire process of an outburst. The deformation, failure and fracture of solid (coal) are modeled with the discrete element method, and the flow of fluid (gas and water) such as free flow and Darcy flow are modeled with the lattice Boltzmann method. These two methods are coupled in a two-way process, i.e., the solid part provides a moving boundary condition and transfers momentum to the fluid, while the fluid exerts a dragging force upon the solid. Gas desorption from coal occurs at the solid-fluid boundary, and gas diffusion is implemented in the solid code where particles are assumed to be porous. A simple 2D example to simulate the process of an outburst with the model is also presented in this paper to demonstrate the capability of the coupled model. 展开更多
关键词 Coal and gas outburst Discrete element method Lattice Boltzmann method Solid-fluid coupling
Effect of MoSi_2 content on dielectric and mechanical properties of MoSi_2/Al_2O_3 composite coatings 被引量:5
作者 WU Zhi-hong ZHOU Wan-cheng +1 位作者 LUO Fa ZHU Dong-mei 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期111-116,共6页
Molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) sheath and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) core blended powders were fabricated by spray drying. A derived coating material was produced for the application as microwave absorbers using the as... Molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) sheath and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) core blended powders were fabricated by spray drying. A derived coating material was produced for the application as microwave absorbers using the as prepared powders by atmospheric plasma spray (APS) technology. The effects of MoSi2/Al2O3 mass ratio on the dielectric and physical mechanical properties of the composite coatings were investigated. When the MoSi2 content of the composites increases from 0 to 45%, the flexure strength and fracture toughness improve from 198 to 324 MPa and 3.05 to 4.82 MPa-m1/2 then decline to 310 MPa and 4.67 MPa-m1/2, respectively. The dielectric loss tangent increases with increasing MoSi2 content, and the real part of permittivity decreases conversely over the frequency range of 8.2-12.4 GHz. These effects are due to the agglomeration of early molten MoSi2 particles and the increase of the electrical conductivity with increasing MoSi2 content. 展开更多
关键词 MoSi2/Al2O3 composite coating atmospheric plasma spraying mechanical properties dielectric properties
Analytical solution for stress and deformation of the mining floor based on integral transform 被引量:5
作者 Feng Qiang Jiang Binsong 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期581-586,共6页
Following exploitation of a coal seam, the final stress field is the sum of in situ stress field and an excavation stress field. Based on this feature, we firstly established a mechanics analytical model of the mining... Following exploitation of a coal seam, the final stress field is the sum of in situ stress field and an excavation stress field. Based on this feature, we firstly established a mechanics analytical model of the mining floor strata. Then the study applied Fourier integral transform to solve a biharmonic equation,obtaining the analytical solution of the stress and displacement of the mining floor. Additionally, this investigation used the Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion to determine the plastic failure depth of the floor strata. The calculation process showed that the plastic failure depth of the floor and floor heave are related to the mining width, burial depth and physical–mechanical properties. The results from an example show that the curve of the plastic failure depth of the mining floor is characterized by a funnel shape and the maximum failure depth generates in the middle of mining floor; and that the maximum and minimum principal stresses change distinctly in the shallow layer and tend to a fixed value with an increase in depth. Based on the displacement results, the maximum floor heave appears in the middle of the stope and its value is 0.107 m. This will provide a basis for floor control. Lastly, we have verified the analytical results using FLAC3 Dto simulate floor excavation and find that there is some deviation between the two results, but their overall tendency is consistent which illustrates that the analysis method can well solve the stress and displacement of the floor. 展开更多
关键词 Integral transform Mining floor Plastic failure depth Floor heave Analytical solution
Effects of temperature and age on physico-mechanical properties of cemented gravel sand backfills 被引量:5
作者 JIANG Fei-fei ZHOU Hui +2 位作者 SHENG Jia KOU Yong-yuan LI Xiang-dong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期2999-3012,共14页
Cemented backfill used in deep mines would inevitably be exposed to the ambient temperature of 20−60℃in the next few decades.In this paper,two types of cemented gravel sand backfills,cemented rod-mill sand backfill(C... Cemented backfill used in deep mines would inevitably be exposed to the ambient temperature of 20−60℃in the next few decades.In this paper,two types of cemented gravel sand backfills,cemented rod-mill sand backfill(CRB)and cemented gobi sand backfill(CGB),were prepared and cured at various temperatures(20,40,60℃)and ages(3,7,28 d),and the effects of temperature and age on the physico-mechanical properties of CRB and CGB were investigated based on laboratory tests.Results show that:1)the effects of temperature and age on the physico-mechanical properties of backfills mainly depend on the amount of hydration products and the refinement of cementation structures.The temperature has a more significant effect on thermal expansibility and ultrasonic performance at early ages.2)The facilitating effect of temperature and age on the compressive strength of CGB is higher than that on CRB.With the increase of temperature,the compressive failure modes changed from X-conjugate shear failure to tensile failure,and the integrity of specimens was significantly improved.3)Similarly,the shear performance of CGB is generally better than that of CRB.The temperature has a weaker effect on shear strength than age,but the shear deformation and shear plane morphology are closely related to temperature. 展开更多
关键词 cemented backfill gravel sand TEMPERATURE physico-mechanical properties deformation characteristics
Optimum cutting speed of block-cutting machines in natural stones for energy saving 被引量:3
作者 N.Bilim 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期1234-1239,共6页
Energy consumption of block-cutting machines represents a major cost item in the processing of travertines and other natural stones. Therefore, determining the optimum sawing conditions for a particular stone is of ma... Energy consumption of block-cutting machines represents a major cost item in the processing of travertines and other natural stones. Therefore, determining the optimum sawing conditions for a particular stone is of major importance in the natural stone-processing industry. An experimental study was carried out utilizing a fully instrumented block-cutter to investigate the sawing performances of five different types of travertine blocks during cutting with a circular diamond saw. The sawing tests were performed in the down-cutting mode. Performance measurements were determined by measuring the cutting speed and energy consumption. Then, specific energy was determined. The one main cutting parameter, cutting speed, was varied in the investigation of optimum cutting performance. Furthermore, some physico-mechanical properties of file travertine blocks were determined in the laboratory. As a result, it is found that the energy consumption (specific energy) of block cutting machines is highly affected by cutting speed. It is determined that specific energy value usually decreases when cutting speed increases. When the cutting speed is higher than the determined value, the diamond saw can become stuck in the travertine block; this situation can be a problem for the block-cutting machine. As a result, the optimum cutting speed obtained for the travertine mines examined is approximately 1.5-2.0 m/min. 展开更多
关键词 cutting speed TRAVERTINE block cutting machine specific energy natural stone energy saving
Effects of thermal treatment on physical and mechanical characteristics of coal rock 被引量:15
作者 YIN Tu-bing WANG Pin +2 位作者 LI Xi-bing SHU Rong-hua YE Zhou-yuan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2336-2345,共10页
To study the physical and mechanical properties of coal rock after treatment at different temperatures under impact loading, dynamic compression experiments were conducted by using a split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB)... To study the physical and mechanical properties of coal rock after treatment at different temperatures under impact loading, dynamic compression experiments were conducted by using a split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB). The stress–strain curves of specimens under impact loading were obtained, and then four indexes affected by temperature were analyzed in the experiment: the longitudinal wave velocity, elastic modulus, peak stress and peak strain. Among these indexes, the elastic modulus was utilized to express the specimens' damage characteristics. The results show that the stress–strain curves under impact loading lack the stage of micro-fissure closure and the slope of the elastic deformation stage is higher than that under static loading. Due to the dynamic loading effect, the peak stress increases while peak strain decreases. The dynamic mechanical properties of coal rock show obvious temperature effects. The longitudinal wave velocity, elastic modulus and peak stress all decrease to different extents with increasing temperature, while the peak strain increases continuously. During the whole heating process, the thermal damage value continues to increase linearly, which indicates that the internal structure of coal rock is gradually damaged by high temperature. 展开更多
关键词 rock mechanical property split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) high temperature coal rock dynamic mechanical property
Stability control of a deep shaft insert 被引量:4
作者 LI Guofeng 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第4期491-498,共8页
The deterioration of a deep shaft insert at the Xing'an Coal Mine was analyzed by studying the physical and mechanical properties of the rock located at key positions relative to the shaft. Factors that influence ... The deterioration of a deep shaft insert at the Xing'an Coal Mine was analyzed by studying the physical and mechanical properties of the rock located at key positions relative to the shaft. Factors that influence shaft stability were obtained. The numerical simulation program FLAC3D was used to simulate the destruction of the deep shaft insert. Two different support methods were analyzed by simulation. The simulations demonstrate that a single stiffness support is inappropriate for this shaft insert. The appropriate support method is an integrated coupling method of rigid and flexible supports. The flexible support is applied first and then the rigid support is second. Engineering practice in the Xing'an Coal Mine shows that this technology can effectively control deep-shaft insert deterioration. This support approach provides an important direction for future project design and construction, as well. 展开更多
关键词 deep shaft shaft insert STABILITY
Physical and mechanical properties of sandstone containing a single fissure after exposure to high temperatures 被引量:19
作者 Zhu Tantan Jing Hongwen +3 位作者 Su Haijian Yin Qian Du Mingrui Han Guansheng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第2期319-325,共7页
In order to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of sandstone containing fissures after exposure to high temperatures,fissures with different angles α were prefabricated in the plate sandstone samples,a... In order to investigate the physical and mechanical properties of sandstone containing fissures after exposure to high temperatures,fissures with different angles α were prefabricated in the plate sandstone samples,and the processed samples were then heated at 5 different temperatures.Indoor uniaxial compression was conducted to analyze the change rules of physical properties of sandstone after exposure to high temperature,and the deformation,strength and failure characteristics of sandstone containing fissures.The results show that,with increasing temperature,the volume of sandstone increases gradually while the quality and density decrease gradually,and the color of sandstone remains basically unchanged while the brightness increases markedly when the temperature is higher than 585 ℃;the peak strength of sandstone containing fissures first decreases then increases when the temperature is between 25℃and 400℃.The peak strain of sandstone containing fissures increases gradually while the average modulus decreases gradually with increasing temperature,and the mechanical properties of sandstone show obvious deterioration after 400 ℃.The peak strain of sandstone containing fissures increases gradually while the average modulus decreases gradually with increasing temperature;with increasing angle αof the fissure,the evolution characteristics of the macro-mechanical parameters of sandstone are closely related to the their own mechanical properties.When the temperature is 800 ℃,the correlation between the peak strength and average modulus of sandstone and the angle α of the fissure is obviously weakened.The failure modes of sandstone containing fissures after high temperature exposure are of three different kinds including:tensile crack failure,tensile and shear cracks mixed failure,and shear crack failure.Tensile and shear crack mixed failure occur mainly at low temperatures and small angles;tensile crack failure occurs at high temperatures and large angles. 展开更多
关键词 High temperature Sandstone containing fissure Strength characteristics Deformation characteristics Evolution law
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