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作者 刘林刚 陈达双 +1 位作者 皮忠权 邹应春 《昆钢科技》 2023年第2期34-37,共4页
通过加强铁-钢界面管理减少铁水至转炉物理温度损失大于50℃,并结合实际生产测算铁水物理温度变化±10℃带来的热量变化与铁水Si含量±0.05%带来的热量变化相当,提出以减少过程铁水物理温降来弥补转炉冶炼对铁水Si含量的需求,... 通过加强铁-钢界面管理减少铁水至转炉物理温度损失大于50℃,并结合实际生产测算铁水物理温度变化±10℃带来的热量变化与铁水Si含量±0.05%带来的热量变化相当,提出以减少过程铁水物理温降来弥补转炉冶炼对铁水Si含量的需求,最终达到降低高炉燃料比和稳定转炉冶炼操作的目的。 展开更多
关键词 铁-钢界面管理 物理温度 铁水Si含量
利用嫦娥一号卫星微波探测仪数据反演月球表面物理温度 被引量:3
作者 李芸 姜景山 +2 位作者 王振占 张德海 张晓辉 《中国工程科学》 北大核心 2013年第7期106-112,共7页
本文利用理论研究的结果,建立了月表物理温度反演模型,结合嫦娥一号微波探测仪(CELMS)数据对全月球物理温度进行了反演。同时分析了物理温度变化对微波辐射的影响及其与表面地形等的关系,为其他月表信息反演提供了依据和物理温度的测量... 本文利用理论研究的结果,建立了月表物理温度反演模型,结合嫦娥一号微波探测仪(CELMS)数据对全月球物理温度进行了反演。同时分析了物理温度变化对微波辐射的影响及其与表面地形等的关系,为其他月表信息反演提供了依据和物理温度的测量信息。 展开更多
关键词 嫦娥一号微波探测仪 月球表面物理温度 反演
月表微波辐射对月壤厚度及其物理温度廓线的反演 被引量:3
作者 宫晓蕙 金亚秋 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期1-11,共11页
以中国"嫦娥"1号(CE-1)卫星多通道微波辐射计对月球辐射亮度温度测量数据,选取月球两极、赤道与沿经度150°W作为目标区域,结合月表面地形的数字高程模型(DEM),讨论环形山月球表面(特别是光照度低的两极区域)微波辐射亮... 以中国"嫦娥"1号(CE-1)卫星多通道微波辐射计对月球辐射亮度温度测量数据,选取月球两极、赤道与沿经度150°W作为目标区域,结合月表面地形的数字高程模型(DEM),讨论环形山月球表面(特别是光照度低的两极区域)微波辐射亮度温度的分布。由昼夜温度变化产生的月壤物理温度分布廓线的三层辐射传输理论模型为基础,结合阿波罗登月点月壤厚度测量数据,用CE-1多通道微波辐射观测数据反演与讨论了目标区域的月壤层物理温度廓线及其月壤层厚度。 展开更多
关键词 “嫦娥”1号 环形山地形 微波辐射亮度温度 月壤物理温度廓线 月壤层厚度
作者 汪哲思 杨于杰 +1 位作者 程春悦 刘杰 《宇航计测技术》 CSCD 2011年第3期1-4,共4页
Dick式辐射计天线物理温度的变化,直接影响辐射计接收的亮温度。设计一种实验方法,通过改变天线物理温度,测量辐射计输出电压,依据二元回归分析方法推出天线的辐射效率,实验中的外推曲线与测量数据吻合。给出了天线物理温度变化和辐射... Dick式辐射计天线物理温度的变化,直接影响辐射计接收的亮温度。设计一种实验方法,通过改变天线物理温度,测量辐射计输出电压,依据二元回归分析方法推出天线的辐射效率,实验中的外推曲线与测量数据吻合。给出了天线物理温度变化和辐射计接收亮温度变化的关系。 展开更多
关键词 微波辐射计 温度 天线物理温度
“嫦娥一号”微波辐射计观测月球虹湾地区表面物理温度昼夜时间分布 被引量:8
作者 宫晓蕙 金亚秋 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第23期1877-1886,共10页
由中国"嫦娥一号"(CE-1)微波辐射计对月球虹湾地区观测时刻相对应的太阳入射角与方位角,由极点球面坐标系与月球观测点局部坐标系的转换关系,得到CE-1对月球虹湾区域(Bay of Rainbow,拉丁文Sinus Iridum)观测的当地时间.采用C... 由中国"嫦娥一号"(CE-1)微波辐射计对月球虹湾地区观测时刻相对应的太阳入射角与方位角,由极点球面坐标系与月球观测点局部坐标系的转换关系,得到CE-1对月球虹湾区域(Bay of Rainbow,拉丁文Sinus Iridum)观测的当地时间.采用CE-1微波辐射计观测数据,得到月球虹湾地区当地不同时间的辐射亮度温度(Tb)变化分布.由月表三层模型的热辐射传输理论,结合CE-1微波辐射计19与37GHz通道的Tb数据,反演得到月球昼夜不同时段虹湾地区表面月尘层与月壤层的物理温度变化,分析了影响虹湾地区月表面物理温度的主要因素. 展开更多
关键词 “嫦娥一号”(CE-1) 微波辐射计 虹湾地区 辐射亮度温度 物理温度反演
作者 张宁超 叶鑫 +4 位作者 李多 解孟其 王鹏 刘福生 钞红晓 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期3666-3673,共8页
冲击物理温度是武器弹药性能测试、极端环境材料状态的重要参量,温度的精准获取在国防建设和工业制造领域有重要意义。冲击过程由于持续时间短、较难接触式测量以及温度范围广等特性,常规测温方法较难满足要求。利用多光谱辐射测温法,... 冲击物理温度是武器弹药性能测试、极端环境材料状态的重要参量,温度的精准获取在国防建设和工业制造领域有重要意义。冲击过程由于持续时间短、较难接触式测量以及温度范围广等特性,常规测温方法较难满足要求。利用多光谱辐射测温法,获取材料辐射强度值,以普朗克辐射定律为基础建立温度反演模型,从而获取目标的冲击物理温度值。实际中,由于不同目标发射率存在一定随机性,在模型反演温度时误差较大。冲击压缩下材料的结构可能发生相变,发射率随之变化,因此直接将发射率模型假定用于冲击物理温度求解,很难准确的获取温度值。基于约束优化理论,将多光谱测温实验中温度求解问题转为约束优化问题。针对每个通道获取到的温度值应该相同,将物体发射率限制在特定范围,利用约束优化算法计算获取目标温度和发射率,克服了未知发射率对于冲击物理温度求解的障碍。同时,将平衡优化器算法(EO)与序列二次规划法(SQP)相结合应用于温度模型的求解中,避免了单一算法求解稳定性差和速度慢的缺点,提高了温度反演的效率和准确性。对四种常见的发射率模型在3 000 K时的发射率数据进行了仿真验证,结果表明温度反演误差均小于1%,反演时间小于3 s。最后利用本算法对冲击压缩下金属铜的温度进行了反演,并与最小二乘法和内点罚函数法进行了对比,结果表明所提出的方法得到金属铜的冲击物理温度值更接近理论计算结果。因此,该方法为其他未知发射率模型目标的冲击物理温度值获取,提供了一种有效的反演方法。 展开更多
关键词 多光谱测量 冲击物理温度 发射率 反演算法
特高压C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)混合气体GIL温度分布 被引量:9
作者 史荣斌 秦炜淇 +4 位作者 张猛 周宏扬 王浩 叶三排 马国明 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期698-705,共8页
气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路(gas insulated metal-enclosed transmission line,GIL)中绝缘气体热学特性会影响GIL整体绝缘性能。目前,国内外对C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)混合新型环保气体应用于GIL的研究刚刚起步,其热学特性尚不明确。为此对特... 气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路(gas insulated metal-enclosed transmission line,GIL)中绝缘气体热学特性会影响GIL整体绝缘性能。目前,国内外对C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)混合新型环保气体应用于GIL的研究刚刚起步,其热学特性尚不明确。为此对特高压C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)混合气体GIL建立了温度-流体多物理场仿真模型,通过开展现场温升试验对该模型进行了有效性验证,研究了额定电流下GIL内部温度场分布及内部气体密度场、流速场分布,以及不同通流水平下导体和铝合金外壳顶部温升关系,并对比分析了在C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)与SF;两种不同气体下GIL内部温升的差异性。研究结果表明:C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)气体GIL内部温度梯度整体大于SF;气体GIL,在后续环保型GIL设计中应关注这一问题;相同通流条件下C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)气体GIL与SF;气体GIL温度分布差异的主要原因为SF;对流性能优于C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)混合气体;探索了C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)GIL外壳顶部温升与GIL中心导体温升间的关系,GIL导–壳温升比例系数为0.482,该系数可应用于后续基于外壳温度的中心导体温度监测系统中。 展开更多
关键词 GIL 热传递模型 C_(4)F_(7)N/CO_(2)混合气体 温度-流体多物理
Bi对Pb-Al层状复合电极材料制备与性能的影响 被引量:7
作者 竺培显 周生刚 +3 位作者 孙勇 陈敬超 黄子良 孙丽达 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期911-914,共4页
采用热物理温度场浸镀成Al-Bi双金属层状板材,并利用液固包覆技术制备Pb-Bi-Al层状复合电极材料,借助线性扫描伏安法(LSV)、SEM、抗弯曲性能试验等测试手段对样品的结构与性能进行表征。结果表明,第三组元过渡金属Bi的引入,实现了Pb与A... 采用热物理温度场浸镀成Al-Bi双金属层状板材,并利用液固包覆技术制备Pb-Bi-Al层状复合电极材料,借助线性扫描伏安法(LSV)、SEM、抗弯曲性能试验等测试手段对样品的结构与性能进行表征。结果表明,第三组元过渡金属Bi的引入,实现了Pb与Al之间的冶金结合,所制得的Pb-Bi-Al层状复合电极材料与同体积的传统Pb合金电极相比,机械强度提高33.7%,质量减轻11.0%,电极极化电位降低21.8%,且在极化区具有趋近于0的致钝电流。因此,Al-Bi-Pb层状复合电极材料是一种质量轻、导电好、强度高、耐腐蚀的电极材料,有着重要的开发应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 电极材料 层状复合 第三组元 物理温度 Al-Pb非混溶体系
电阻热噪声的研究 被引量:8
作者 伍刚 张小平 《兵工自动化》 2006年第4期86-87,共2页
关键词 电阻热噪声 均方电压 物理温度 工作频带
含分层损伤的复合材料格栅(AGS)板的非线性热屈曲分析 被引量:2
作者 陈浩然 周柏华 白瑞祥 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期172-177,共6页
采用基于复合材料一阶剪切效应理论的有限元法分别研究了含分层损伤的复合材料层合光板、单向加筋板和格栅加筋(AGS)板的热屈曲性态。在分析中考虑材料热物理性质与温度相关特性,同时在分层前缘采用了位移约束条件以保证分层区域的各子... 采用基于复合材料一阶剪切效应理论的有限元法分别研究了含分层损伤的复合材料层合光板、单向加筋板和格栅加筋(AGS)板的热屈曲性态。在分析中考虑材料热物理性质与温度相关特性,同时在分层前缘采用了位移约束条件以保证分层区域的各子板的变形相容要求。3种结构的典型算例分析和结果的比较表明,复合材料格栅(AGS)板具有很强的抗热屈曲的能力,但是,分层损伤将使其临界温度降低,同时还会导致热屈曲的模态发生改变。本文中提出的方法和所得结论对AGS结构的热承载能力预测和损伤容限设计将具有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 复合材料格栅结构 分层损伤 临界温度 材料热物理性质与温度相关 非线性热屈曲性态
指纹传感器芯片FCD4B14的原理及应用 被引量:1
作者 黄智伟 王彦 李金龙 《传感器世界》 2002年第11期32-35,共4页
指纹传感器芯片FCD4B14具有8280=2240象素,象素尺寸50 m50 m=500dpi;象素时钟高达2MHz,1780frame/s。本文介绍了该芯片的结构、原理及应用特性。
关键词 指纹传感器 芯片 FCD4B14 原理 温度物理效应 集成电路
作者 马宁 《心理学进展》 2021年第3期665-674,共10页
本研究旨在探究墨镜是否会通过激活“酷”的身份图式,对人际间温度的感知,以及物理温度的感知产生“降温效应”。研究共包括2个实验,两个实验的自变量都为眼镜的类型(墨镜/平光镜),实验1使用独裁者博弈游戏和人格印象量表作为对人际温... 本研究旨在探究墨镜是否会通过激活“酷”的身份图式,对人际间温度的感知,以及物理温度的感知产生“降温效应”。研究共包括2个实验,两个实验的自变量都为眼镜的类型(墨镜/平光镜),实验1使用独裁者博弈游戏和人格印象量表作为对人际温度的测量,实验2通过被试对饮料的选择意愿以及房温的评定作为对物理温度的测量。研究结果显示:实验1和实验2都无显著结果,但通过对控制变量的分析,发现不同性别被试选择饮料意愿有显著结果。结果表明,由于现场实验的影响因素太多,墨镜引发的“酷”的图式并未产生心理冷漠感以及物理温度的感知的下降。 展开更多
关键词 “酷”的身份图式 墨镜 降温效应 人际温度 物理温度
Locating method of fire source for spontaneous combustion of sulfide ores 被引量:8
作者 刘辉 吴超 石英 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1034-1040,共7页
in order to achieve a more efficient way to accurately detect the position of the fire source of spontaneous combustion underground mine, a simple fire source locating method, based on infrared scanning system which c... in order to achieve a more efficient way to accurately detect the position of the fire source of spontaneous combustion underground mine, a simple fire source locating method, based on infrared scanning system which can determine the point where the highest temperature on the surface of igniting ores occurs, was proposed. First, the differential equations that describe heat flow in ore body were presented and the relationship between the surface temperature distribution and the depth and intensity of inner fire source was established with a relatively simple heat transfer model. With the solution of equation, the expression of the relationship between the surface temperature distribution and the inner fire source was deduced and the mathematical-physical model of heat transfer process was set up. Then, with the model, visualization of fire source on the basis of MATLAB simulation platform was realized. The results show that: 1) within 10 m, when the detecting depth is less than 2 m, the temperature perturbation on ores surface can change rapidly, and then slowly; after 4 m, in contrast, it changes very little, and is even close to zero at 10 m; 2) When it is close to self-ignition duration and the detective depths are 2, 5 and 10 m, respectively, the maximum temperature differences are correspondingly 0.5, 0.04 and 0.005 ℃ in the scope of 1 m×1 m; under the same condition, the maximum temperature differences are 1.391, 0.136 and 0.018 ℃, respectively, in the scope of 2 m×2 m. Therefore, this system can be used to measure the temperature differences on the surface of ore body and determine the highest temperature point directly. Also, it is possible to determine the depth of fire source and its intensity by locating method of fire source indirectly. 展开更多
关键词 sulfide ores spontaneous combustion location of fire source DETECTION
Studying creation of bulk elementary excitation by heaters in superfluid helium-II at low temperatures 被引量:1
作者 ZAKHARENKO A. A. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第7期1065-1076,共12页
In this paper, the obtained experimental results concerning creation of bulk elementary excitations (BEEs) in isotopically pure liquid ^4He at low temperatures -60 mK are discussed. Positive rotons' (R^+-rotons)... In this paper, the obtained experimental results concerning creation of bulk elementary excitations (BEEs) in isotopically pure liquid ^4He at low temperatures -60 mK are discussed. Positive rotons' (R^+-rotons) creation by a pulsed heater was studied. Signals were recorded for the following quantum processes: quantum evaporation of ^4He-atoms from the free liquid-helium surface by the BEEs of the liquid helium-Ⅱ, and BEEs reflection from the free surface back into the bulk liquid. Typical signals are shown, and ratios of signal amplitudes are evaluated. For long heater pulses from 5 to 10 μs, appearance of the second atomic cloud consisting of evaporated ^4He-atoms was observed in addition to the first atomic cloud. It is thought that the first atomic cloud of the evaporated helium atoms consists of very fast ^4He-atoms with energies ~35 K evaporated by positive rotons with the special energies ~17 K (~2ER~2×8.6 K with ER representing the roton minimum energy) corresponding to the third non-dispersive Zakharenko wave. The second cloud of slower ^4He-atoms was created by surface elementary excitations (SEEs or ripplons) possessing the special energies ~7.15 K representing the binding energy. It was assumed that such SEEs can be created by phonons incoming to the liquid surface with special energies ~6.2 K corresponding to the first non-dispersive Zakharenko wave which can interact at the liquid surface with the same phonons already reflected from the surface for long heater pulses. Also, some pulsed-heater characteristics were studied in order to better understand the features of such heaters in low temperature experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Superfluid helium-II Bulk elementary excitations (BEEs) Low temperatures Cooper pairing phenomenon Non-dispersive Zakharenko waves
Study on temperature property of band structures in one-dimensional photonic crystals 被引量:1
作者 TONG Kai CUI Wel-wei +1 位作者 YAN Guo-hui Li Zhi-quan 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2007年第6期444-447,共4页
Using transfer matrix method, the optical transmission properties in one-dimensional (l-D) photonic crystal is analyzed, When the temperature varies, not only the refractive index of the optical medium is changed be... Using transfer matrix method, the optical transmission properties in one-dimensional (l-D) photonic crystal is analyzed, When the temperature varies, not only the refractive index of the optical medium is changed because of the thermo-optical effect, but also the thickness of the optical medium is changed due to the thermal-expansion effect. Thus, the structure of 1/4 wave-plate stack in original photonic crystal is destroyed and the band structure varies. In this work, the effects of the temperature variation on the first and second band gap in a I-D photonic crystal are analyzed in detail. It is found that the changes of the starting wavelength, the cut-off wavelength and the forbidden band width depend linearly on the temperature. 展开更多
关键词 晶体 物理性质 温度 技术性能
Effects of temperature and age on physico-mechanical properties of cemented gravel sand backfills 被引量:5
作者 JIANG Fei-fei ZHOU Hui +2 位作者 SHENG Jia KOU Yong-yuan LI Xiang-dong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期2999-3012,共14页
Cemented backfill used in deep mines would inevitably be exposed to the ambient temperature of 20−60℃in the next few decades.In this paper,two types of cemented gravel sand backfills,cemented rod-mill sand backfill(C... Cemented backfill used in deep mines would inevitably be exposed to the ambient temperature of 20−60℃in the next few decades.In this paper,two types of cemented gravel sand backfills,cemented rod-mill sand backfill(CRB)and cemented gobi sand backfill(CGB),were prepared and cured at various temperatures(20,40,60℃)and ages(3,7,28 d),and the effects of temperature and age on the physico-mechanical properties of CRB and CGB were investigated based on laboratory tests.Results show that:1)the effects of temperature and age on the physico-mechanical properties of backfills mainly depend on the amount of hydration products and the refinement of cementation structures.The temperature has a more significant effect on thermal expansibility and ultrasonic performance at early ages.2)The facilitating effect of temperature and age on the compressive strength of CGB is higher than that on CRB.With the increase of temperature,the compressive failure modes changed from X-conjugate shear failure to tensile failure,and the integrity of specimens was significantly improved.3)Similarly,the shear performance of CGB is generally better than that of CRB.The temperature has a weaker effect on shear strength than age,but the shear deformation and shear plane morphology are closely related to temperature. 展开更多
关键词 cemented backfill gravel sand TEMPERATURE physico-mechanical properties deformation characteristics
Numerical Simulation of Effects of Cloud Top Temperatures and Generating Cells on Secondary Ice Production in Stratiform Clouds with a Detailed Microphysical Model 被引量:1
作者 Yang Jie-Fan Lei Heng-Chi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第2期75-81,共7页
This paper outlines a one-dimensional,heightdependent bin model with detailed microphysical processes in which ice splinters are produced by a riming process.The model is then applied to simulate the shift of particle... This paper outlines a one-dimensional,heightdependent bin model with detailed microphysical processes in which ice splinters are produced by a riming process.The model is then applied to simulate the shift of particle size distribution effected by the secondary ice production process within clouds with different generating cells and cloud top temperatures.The result of model simulations reveals the general effects of cloud updrafts on increasing ice particle concentration by extending the residence time of ice particles in clouds and providing sufficiently large supercooled water droplets.The rimesplintering mechanism is more effective in clouds with lower ice seeding rates than those with higher rates.Evolutions of hydrometeor size distribution triggered by the rime-splintering mechanism indicate that the interaction between large ice particles and supercooled water drops adds a "second maximum" to the primary ice spectra. 展开更多
关键词 MULTIPLICATION generating cells bin model size spectra
High temperature plastic deformation behavior of non-oriented electrical steel 被引量:1
作者 肖于德 李敏 +3 位作者 王伟 周娟 吴光亮 彭跃明 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第1期25-31,共7页
High temperature plastic deformation behavior of non-orientated electrical steel was investigated by Gleeble 1500 thermo-mechanical simulator at strain rate of 0.01-10 s^-1 and high temperature of 500-1 200 ℃. The st... High temperature plastic deformation behavior of non-orientated electrical steel was investigated by Gleeble 1500 thermo-mechanical simulator at strain rate of 0.01-10 s^-1 and high temperature of 500-1 200 ℃. The stress level factor (a), stress exponent (n), structural factor (A) and activation energy (Q) of high temperature plastic deformation process of non-orientated electrical steel in different temperature ranges were calculated by the Arrhenius model. The results show that, with dynamic elevation of deformation temperature, phase transformation from α-Fe to γ-Fe takes place simultaneously during plastic deformation, dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization process, leading to an irregular change of the steady flow stress. For high temperature plastic deformation between 500 and 800 ℃, the calculated values of a, n, A, and Q are 0.039 0 MPa 1, 7.93, 1.9× 10^18 s^-1, and 334.8 kJ/mol, respectively, and for high temperature plastic deformation between 1 050 and 1 200 ℃, the calculated values of a, n, A, and Q are 0.125 8 MPa1, 5.29, 1.0 × 10^28 s^-1, and 769.9 kJ/mol, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 non-oriented electrical steel plastic deformation flow stress
The Application of Microwave Low Temperature Plasma in Pretr-eatment of Cotton Fabric
作者 马晓光 崔桂新 顾振亚 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期78-82,共5页
The effect of microwave low temperature plasma pretreatment on desizing and removing natural impurity of cellulose fiber was studied. The influencing factors of pretreatment such as treating power, gas pressures and t... The effect of microwave low temperature plasma pretreatment on desizing and removing natural impurity of cellulose fiber was studied. The influencing factors of pretreatment such as treating power, gas pressures and time were discussed in detail and the final effect had been compared with that of traditional pretreating process of cotton fabric. The results showed that better capillary effect, strength, whiteness and dyeing K/S value could be given by means of microwave low temperature plasma treatment. 展开更多
关键词 MICROWAVE low temperature PLASMA cotton fabric pretreatment.
Multi-stage ponds-wetlands ecosystem for effective wastewater treatment 被引量:3
作者 彭剑峰 王宝贞 王琳 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第5期346-352,共7页
The performance of the Dongying multi-stage ponds-wetlands ecosystem was investigated in this work. Study of the removal of different pollutants (BOD5, COD, SS, TP, TN, NH3-N, etc.) in different temperature seasons an... The performance of the Dongying multi-stage ponds-wetlands ecosystem was investigated in this work. Study of the removal of different pollutants (BOD5, COD, SS, TP, TN, NH3-N, etc.) in different temperature seasons and different units in this system indicated that effluent BOD5 and SS were constant to less than 11 mg/L and 14 mg/L throughout the experimental proc- esses; but that the removal efficiencies of pollutants such as TP, TN, NH3-N, COD varied greatly with season. The higher the temperature was, the higher was the observed removal in this system. Additionally, each unit of the system functioned differently in removing pollutants. BOD5 and SS were mainly removed in the first three units (hybrid facultative ponds, aeration ponds and aerated fish ponds), whereas nitrogen and phosphates were mainly removed in hydrophyte ponds and constructed reed wetlands. The multi-stage ponds-wetlands ecosystem exhibits good potential of removing different pollutants, and the effluent quality meet several standards for wastewater reuse. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-stage ponds WETLAND ECOSYSTEM Temperature Performance
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