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外源腐解微生物的物种组合对土壤微生物群落结构及代谢活性的影响 被引量:6
作者 周璇 李玉明 +4 位作者 丛聪 王倩倩 江恒 岳龙凯 尧水红 《中国生态农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1056-1066,共11页
本文采用饲料类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus pabuli,P)、深红紫链霉菌(Streptomyces violaceorubidus,S)和黄绿木霉(Trichoderma aureoviride,T),组合构建了3种单菌剂(P、S和T)、3种两菌种复合菌剂(PT、PS和ST)及1种3菌种复合菌剂(PST),并... 本文采用饲料类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus pabuli,P)、深红紫链霉菌(Streptomyces violaceorubidus,S)和黄绿木霉(Trichoderma aureoviride,T),组合构建了3种单菌剂(P、S和T)、3种两菌种复合菌剂(PT、PS和ST)及1种3菌种复合菌剂(PST),并将之添加到红壤中,监测各菌剂添加后土壤总磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs)量、特征微生物PLFAs百分含量、土壤呼吸速率及总代谢熵的变化,旨在探明外源腐解微生物的物种组合对土壤微生物群落结构和代谢活性的影响,进而为优化有机物分解菌剂种群配置提供参考。结果显示,添加单菌剂的P、S和T处理及添加两菌种复合菌剂的PT和PS处理,土壤微生物生物量显著增加,增幅17.2%~121.6%(P<0.05)。添加外源腐解微生物后,各处理的土壤微生物群落的细菌百分含量基本稳定在79.6%~83.1%,真菌百分含量显著增加8.8%~50.6%;而放线菌百分含量除P和ST处理外,其他处理显著降低9.4%~69.8%。PLFAs数据的主成分分析表明,各外源菌剂处理与CK处理间的群落结构变异由小到大依次为:接种单菌剂的P、S和T处理,接种两菌种复合菌剂的PT、PS和ST处理,接种3菌种复合菌剂的PST处理。添加单菌剂的P、T处理以及添加两菌种复合菌剂的ST处理,在短期内影响了土壤微生物的对数生长,使土壤呼吸速率的峰值分别提高48.7%、53.7%和78.7%;且外源腐解微生物组合的物种数量越多,土壤微生物进入潜伏期所需的时间越长。从外源腐解微生物对土壤肥力的长期影响来看,两菌种复合菌剂ST的添加使土壤微生物代谢活性提高28.9%,因此该处理的土壤碳矿化量增加11.1%;添加单菌剂的S处理使土壤微生物代谢活性显著降低32.4%,因此该处理的土壤碳矿化量仅降低7.3%;而添加两菌种复合菌剂的PS处理和3菌种复合菌剂的PST处理,在保持代谢活性不变的情况下,其土壤碳矿化量也降低5.8%~8.7%,其原因有待进一步研究。综上所述,外源腐解微生物的添加会改变土壤微生物的群落结构及其生长轨迹,且随外源腐解微生物组合的物种数量增多这一干扰程度越大,而土壤微生物代谢活性与外源腐解微生物组合的物种数量无显著相关性。 展开更多
关键词 土壤微生物 外源腐解微生物 物种组合 微生物生物量 微生物群落结构 微生物代谢活性 土壤呼吸速率
鸟类物种组合模式的稳定性——以珠海淇澳自然保护区红树林鸟类群落变化为例 被引量:3
作者 叶锦玉 虞皓琦 +5 位作者 廖宝文 游奕来 刘新科 林寿明 杨道德 胡慧建 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期265-276,共12页
动物群落的物种组合反映了群落构建的特点,具有多种相对固定的模式。验证植被变化前后动物群落物种的组合模式是否具有稳定性,是验证动物群落构建可重复性的重要依据,也可对动物群落的保护与修复提供有力的理论支撑。该研究开展了广东... 动物群落的物种组合反映了群落构建的特点,具有多种相对固定的模式。验证植被变化前后动物群落物种的组合模式是否具有稳定性,是验证动物群落构建可重复性的重要依据,也可对动物群落的保护与修复提供有力的理论支撑。该研究开展了广东珠海淇澳自然保护区内人工恢复红树林前后的2次鸟类调查(恢复前于2001年3月—12月,恢复后于2015年10月—2016年6月),采用卡方检验进行红树林恢复前后物种组成、种属结构关系、体长分布、区系、居留型和生态类型的差异显著性分析。同时,应用线性回归模型和乘幂模型分别对种-属数量和属含物种数频次分布进行拟合,用协方差分析判断红树林恢复前后模型的一致性。2次调查共记录到鸟类99种,分别为11目29科58属78种和12目33科57属80种,约24%的鸟类物种发生变化,棕扇尾莺(Cisticola juncidis)等4种在水边灌丛或空地上觅食的鸟类消失,而蓝矶鸫(Monticola solitaries)等3种在林间活动的鸟类,以及青脚滨鹬(Calidris temminckii)等3种在较深水域觅食的鸟类出现,这与红树林恢复后滩涂区面积减少,红树林区面积增加有关。但恢复前后的鸟类物种丰度仅相差2种,卡方检验表明红树林恢复前后总物种以及单次调查各季节物种的体长、区系、居留型和生态类型的频次分布均无显著差异;协方差分析表明恢复前后的种-属数量线性模型和属含物种数频次分布乘幂模型均具有一致性。因此得出结论:淇澳岛大规模种植红树林后,部分鸟类物种发生变化,但在物种组合模式上具稳定性,即鸟类群落在构建物种组合上具有可重复性。这在指导群落重建与恢复中判断动植物群落的稳定性及确定恢复对象等方面具有应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 物种组合模式 群落构建 鸟类群落 红树林 植被变化 淇澳岛
作者 姚祖兵 刘宇明 +4 位作者 洪李川 刘怡峰 王硕 谢松光 宋一清 《南方水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期56-67,共12页
全球气候变化导致的海洋环境改变将对海洋生物适宜栖息地产生潜在影响。利用“珊瑚杀手”——长棘海星(Acanthaster planci)及其重要捕食者——褐拟鳞鲀(Balistoides viridescens)的发生数据及环境变量,基于BIOMOD2建模平台中的7个模型... 全球气候变化导致的海洋环境改变将对海洋生物适宜栖息地产生潜在影响。利用“珊瑚杀手”——长棘海星(Acanthaster planci)及其重要捕食者——褐拟鳞鲀(Balistoides viridescens)的发生数据及环境变量,基于BIOMOD2建模平台中的7个模型算法构建物种分布组合模型,模拟它们在当前环境及未来不同气候情景下的潜在适宜生境分布情况。结果表明:1)长棘海星与褐拟鳞鲀投票平均(Committee Averaging,CA)和概率加权平均(Weighted Mean of Probabilities,WM)组合物种分布模型的真实技巧统计(True skill statistic,TSS)、受试者操作特征曲线(Receiver operating curve,ROC)值分别为0.96、0.99与0.97、0.99,优于多数单一模型结果,可较好地预测两物种的空间分布格局。2)温度和离岸距离是影响长棘海星分布的主要因素,而影响褐拟鳞鲀空间分布的主要因素为温度、溶解氧浓度和离岸距离。3)当前长棘海星与褐拟鳞鲀潜在适宜生境主要位于澳大利亚大堡礁、印度尼西亚、中国南海以及红海海域,褐拟鳞鲀的潜在适宜生境比长棘海星更广泛,未来气候情景条件下,两物种的潜在分布范围总体均有所扩大,且有向高纬度地区迁移的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 长棘海星 褐拟鳞鲀 适宜生境 组合物种分布模型 气候变化
基于组合物种分布模型(Ensemble Model)的厚朴适宜生境分布模拟 被引量:15
作者 朱妮 《四川农业大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期481-489,共9页
【目的】建立组合物种分布模型,模拟厚朴在我国南方的分布格局,探讨影响其生长环境因子的阈值,为厚朴的人工种植,野生资源保护等提供理论依据。【方法】基于公开发表的文献中精确的厚朴分布数据与23个环境因子变量,利用BIOMOD2建模平台... 【目的】建立组合物种分布模型,模拟厚朴在我国南方的分布格局,探讨影响其生长环境因子的阈值,为厚朴的人工种植,野生资源保护等提供理论依据。【方法】基于公开发表的文献中精确的厚朴分布数据与23个环境因子变量,利用BIOMOD2建模平台中的9个模型算法构建组合物种分布模型模拟厚朴的适宜生境分布。【结果】①厚朴在我国南方适宜生境面积为0.53×10^6 km^2,主要分布在四川东部、陕西南部、重庆东部、湖北西部、贵州、福建、江西、湖南等地区。②在组成组合物种分布模型的9个单模型算法中,推进式回归树模型(GBM)和随机森林(RF)的模拟效果最好,表面分室模型(SRE)与分类树分析模型(CTA)结果较差。组合物种分布模型的TSS为0.905,ROC值为0.975,说明组合模型能够在一定程度上提高模型的精度。【结论】厚朴在我国南方分布较为广泛,但是考虑植被类型限制时,其生境较为破碎,应该在其适宜生境区域加强物种保护。 展开更多
关键词 厚朴 物种分布模型 BIOMOD2 组合物种分布模型
西南地区护坡植物筛选与组合研究 被引量:2
作者 梁猛 李绍才 龙凤 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第14期59-61,共3页
为了确保西南地区路基边坡的稳定,合理选择植物与各植物间的播种组合,快速构建地表覆盖层,充分发挥植被涵水固土的作用显得尤为重要。现以11种木本植物和2种草本植物为试材,采用单播和混播对比试验,研究播种组合对植物萌发率、盖度、数... 为了确保西南地区路基边坡的稳定,合理选择植物与各植物间的播种组合,快速构建地表覆盖层,充分发挥植被涵水固土的作用显得尤为重要。现以11种木本植物和2种草本植物为试材,采用单播和混播对比试验,研究播种组合对植物萌发率、盖度、数量和高度的影响。结果表明:柠条、刺槐、山毛豆、柏木、小冠花和荆条的萌发率和长势均较差,可能不适宜用于西南地区的边坡植被构建;猪屎豆、白刺花、多花木蓝、马棘和黄金岛可能是该地区较为适宜种植的物种,在该试验中长势较好。木本植物有效萌发苗24株/m2,草本植物播种量梯度1.5g/m2和木本植物有效萌发苗36株/m2,草木植物播种草梯度1.5g/m2组合处理下的成株数较高,同时群落盖度也较合理。 展开更多
关键词 边坡 植被恢复 物种筛选与组合 盖度 高度
作者 佟思明(译) 边思敏(校) 《中国园林》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期26-33,共8页
风景园林师通常更倾向以季相特征的方式去理解植物随时间发生的变化。认为从蒂莫西·莫顿(Timothy Morton)的时间推移(time lapse)概念中汲取灵感,并通过时间性的概念来思考植物,将有机会改变风景园林师认知和设计植物的方式。虽然... 风景园林师通常更倾向以季相特征的方式去理解植物随时间发生的变化。认为从蒂莫西·莫顿(Timothy Morton)的时间推移(time lapse)概念中汲取灵感,并通过时间性的概念来思考植物,将有机会改变风景园林师认知和设计植物的方式。虽然这种种植设计方法不直接指向一种形式(form),但它确实与当前称为生态主义或自然主义的种植概念有许多相似之处。调查了2个建成项目——格伦斯通博物馆(Glenstone Museum)和布鲁克林大桥公园(Brooklyn Bridge Park),以理解时间性是如何影响设计的。最后,提出了通过慢速植物知识(slow plant knowledge)引导设计的新发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 植物 植物设计 视觉表达 设计方法论 自然主义种植 设计过程 物种组合
基于MaxEnt的青藏高原区光核桃适宜分布区预测 被引量:6
作者 李小熊 李佶芸 +1 位作者 喻武 杨东升 《西部林业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第5期142-148,154,共8页
光核桃是藏东南地区分布较为广泛的一种乔木,其主要分布于海拔2600~4500 m的河谷区域,外观美丽,特别是在春季光核桃花盛开时具有良好的景观效果。为弄清其在青藏高原的分布格局,本文基于光核桃实际空间分布点及23个环境因子,以MaxEnt模... 光核桃是藏东南地区分布较为广泛的一种乔木,其主要分布于海拔2600~4500 m的河谷区域,外观美丽,特别是在春季光核桃花盛开时具有良好的景观效果。为弄清其在青藏高原的分布格局,本文基于光核桃实际空间分布点及23个环境因子,以MaxEnt模型为基准,建立组合物种分布模型预测光核桃在青藏高原区的潜在地理分布范围。结果表明:最冷月年均最低温、土壤酸碱度、最暖季年均降水量这3个环境因子对其潜在适宜生长区的影响最大。经PCA降维后,基于10种环境因子的组合物种分布模型比单独使用MaxEnt模型可以更精确地描绘光核桃在青藏高原区的基本分布特征,所有的光核桃实际分布点均落在模型所预测出的高及中高适宜分布区,其面积为6.94×104 km 2。以ANN、RF、MARS为代表的复杂机器学习模型可以起到较好的预测效果,对其进行建立组合物种分布模型后的预测效果好于使用单一模型。 展开更多
关键词 MAXENT 光核桃 青藏高原 组合物种分布模型 适宜分布区
Effects of an artificial reef system on demersal nekton assemblages in Xiangshan Bay, China 被引量:9
作者 姜亚洲 林楠 +3 位作者 袁兴伟 焦海峰 申屠基康 李圣法 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期59-68,共10页
In 2012,an artificial reef system was deployed in Xiangshan Bay,China,to enhance its fishery resources. To determine the effect of the artificial reef system on the demersal nekton assemblages,a beforeafter-control-im... In 2012,an artificial reef system was deployed in Xiangshan Bay,China,to enhance its fishery resources. To determine the effect of the artificial reef system on the demersal nekton assemblages,a beforeafter-control-impact study design was applied. Comparisons of assemblages from impact and control habitats revealed that the assemblage in the impact area had a gradual response to reef deployment. The assemblages in the impact and control areas changed in different ways after reef deployment. During the study period,total biomass,species richness and average body weight in the control area remained relatively stable,whereas there were significant increases in these indicators in the impact area. Responses to the reefs differed among nekton species,inducing assemblage succession in the reefs post-deployment. Sparus macrocephalus and Cynoglossus abbreviat us benefited most from reef deployment. Conversely,smallsized shrimp Palaemon gravieri showed a progressive decrease in biomass following reef deployment. Overall,the artificial reef system diversified the demersal nekton assemblage,enhanced the total biomass,and increased the proportion of large-sized species. 展开更多
关键词 artificial reefs nekton assemblage before-after-control-impact Xiangshan Bay
Combination of Ecoprofile and Least-cost Model for Eco-network Planning 被引量:3
作者 XIAO He LIU Yunhui +2 位作者 YU Zhenrong ZHANG Qian ZHANG Xin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期113-125,共13页
The protecting requirements and functional connectivity of species in isolated habitat patches are crucial factors of eco-network planning.This study aimed to improve the method of eco-network planning for species con... The protecting requirements and functional connectivity of species in isolated habitat patches are crucial factors of eco-network planning.This study aimed to improve the method of eco-network planning for species conservation.Ecoprofiling was used to group the species by similar behavior types,namely,choice of ecosystem,area requirement,and short distance dispersal abilities.A least-cost model was used to simulate the optimal corridor location to maintain functional connectivity.A combination of ecoprofile and least-cost model was hired to develop an eco-network that promoted species conservation.A case study was also conducted in Beijing,China.In addition to the required ecosystem,habitat area is an important parameter for habitat extraction.Habitat area can remove noise habitat patches because of lacking area.Short-distance dispersal can be used to identify corridor requirements and avoid unnecessary building requirements.Species with various dispersal abilities exhibit significant differences in terms of corridor length and location requirement.Habitat isolation is the main threat for weakly mobile species,and habitat loss is the major risk of mobile species protection.Different species groups also exhibit distinct landscape pattern demands for an eco-network,and the eco-network planning based on specific species can not protect other species.We proposed that a combination of ecoprofile and least-cost model improved the efficiency of species conservation by eco-network planning. 展开更多
关键词 eco-network ecoprofile least-cost model biodiversity conservation BEIJING China
Long-term changes in sedimentary diatom assemblages and their environmental implications in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary, China 被引量:2
作者 程芳晋 俞志明 宋秀贤 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期155-161,共7页
Long-term data on diatom assemblages in a sediment core (60 cm) obtained from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were analyzed in order to assess the environmental changes that took place in the approximately ... Long-term data on diatom assemblages in a sediment core (60 cm) obtained from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were analyzed in order to assess the environmental changes that took place in the approximately 38 years (as determined by 210pb measurements), i.e., between 1974 and 2012, of sediment accumulation. From the sediment core, 62 diatom taxa and genera were identified. The diatom biomass in the core generally increased beginning in the mid-1990s (core depth: 35 cm), accompanied by a shift in the dominant species from Podosira stelliger and two species of Cyclotella (C. stylorum and C. striata) to Paralia sulcata, three species of Thalassiosira ( T. eccentria, I". oestrupii, and T. excentrica), Actinoptychus undulates, and Thalassionema nitzschioides. The changes in both species diversity and abundance suggested that since the 1980s the estuary has undergone extensive eutrophication. This conclusion was supported by the increased proportion of planktonic species, another indicator of high nutrients inputs, in the Changjiang River estuary. 展开更多
关键词 diatom assemblages Changjiang River estuary East China Sea environmental implications
Breeding of New Japonica-indica Hybrid Rice Combination Chunyou 59 被引量:9
作者 WU Ming-guo LIN Jian-rong +1 位作者 SONG Xin-wei RUAN Guan-hai 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第8期1139-1140,1143,共3页
Chunyou 59 is a japonica-indica hybrid rice combination developed from Chunjiang 16A(a late japonica CMS line with dwarfness and early anthesis time)and CH59(an indicaclinous wide compatibility restorer line).It has t... Chunyou 59 is a japonica-indica hybrid rice combination developed from Chunjiang 16A(a late japonica CMS line with dwarfness and early anthesis time)and CH59(an indicaclinous wide compatibility restorer line).It has the characteristics of strong heterosis,strong stem,good lodging resistance,large panicles,good cold tolerance,high yield and wide adaptability.It was registered and released by Jiangxi Provincial Crop Variety Appraisal Committee in March 2009.The breeding procedure,characteristics,major techniques of cultivation and seed production of Chunyou 59 were introduced in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Japonica-indica hybrid rice Chunyou 59 Lodging resistance BREEDING
Depth distribution and ecological preferences of periphytic algae in Kenyir Lake,the largest tropical reservoir of Malaysia 被引量:1
作者 ROUF A.J.M.Abdur PHANG Siew-Moi AMBAK M.Azmi 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期856-867,共12页
We studied the depth distribution of periphyton,growing on inundated dead trees in Kenyir Lake,Malaysia in June 1995.The algal floral composition and structure manifested changes down the depth gradient in terms of sp... We studied the depth distribution of periphyton,growing on inundated dead trees in Kenyir Lake,Malaysia in June 1995.The algal floral composition and structure manifested changes down the depth gradient in terms of species richness,abundance,diversity and cell density.In regression analysis,all these algal attributes were negatively correlated with the depth gradients at P<0.05.In terms of species richness,the bacillariophytes showed dominance over the cyanophytes and chlorophytes;whereas with respect to standing crop,the cyanophytes showed dominance over the bacillariophytes and chlorophytes.The chlorophyll a was higher at the mid and bottom-depths than the surface-depth in both the downstream and upstream sites,which showed that vertical productivity or biomass accumulation was greater in low light irradiance.The product-moment correlation analysis showed that conductivity,turbidity,dissolved oxygen,reactive phosphate and ammonium-nitrogen were highly correlated with the algal assemblage data.However,photosynthetic active radiation(PAR) showed poor correlation with the community data.These observations have cast some light on the autoecological characteristics,habitat preferences and environmental responses of tropical periphytic communities. 展开更多
关键词 depth periphytic algae TROPICAL large reservoir Kenyir Lake community structure biomass
Use of Human Urine (ALW) in Cultivation of Radish
《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第5期574-578,共5页
Inefficient fertilizer use can lead to deficient soil nutrition. There is little information on whether human urine (ALW) can be used as a nutrient source in crop cultivation. A study was conducted to explore the po... Inefficient fertilizer use can lead to deficient soil nutrition. There is little information on whether human urine (ALW) can be used as a nutrient source in crop cultivation. A study was conducted to explore the potential of human urine in cultivation of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). The ALW was provided to radish in a pot trial. Comparison was with combinations of using synthetic fertilizers. Human urine contained N (0.45%), P (0.18%), K (0.16%), Ca (4.25 me Ll), Mg (5.15 me L"t) and Na (0.36%). The highest available nutrients N, P and K contents in soil at harvest, and the more number of leaves, tallest, root length, root yield and root diameter were from the in 3:1 ALW--three parts of ALW (human urine and one part of water used pot). Water treatment applied in two splits compared to the recommended fertilizer rate (75:37.5:37.5 kg hal of N, P and K) and absolute control (no fertilizer and no ALW added). 展开更多
关键词 Raphanus sativus ALW development GROWTH NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS potassium.
Characteristics of Fruit Quality of Peach Cultivars and Hybrids in the Steppe Crimea
作者 Tatyana Latsko 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第6期325-331,共7页
The study of peach fruit quality and biochemical composition of cultivars and hybrids were conducted in terms of the steppe zone of Crimea. A total of 40 cultivars and hybrids from five periods of ripening were analyz... The study of peach fruit quality and biochemical composition of cultivars and hybrids were conducted in terms of the steppe zone of Crimea. A total of 40 cultivars and hybrids from five periods of ripening were analyzed for content of basic biochemical components: solids, sugars, acids, polyphenolic compounds and vitamin C. The main fruit quality parameters: the size, the attractive appearance, the consistency flesh, the stone adherence to flesh, taste and others have been evaluated. As a result of studies peach cultivars with a high content of sugar in the fruit under the steppe Crimea have highlighted: Kremlyovskiy (13.6), Regina (13.2), Velvet (12.9), hybrids C7/38 (13.1) and C4/57 (12.9). Cultivars and hybrids of peach 10607, C1/227 C7/38, C7/6, C8/162, C4/147, C16/87, C4/64, Early Red Haven, Miorita, 7/221, Kremlyovskiy, 10848 are characterized by the best biochemical and morphological indices of fruits. They are recommended for State cultivar testing or use in breeding work to improve the quality of peach fruits. 展开更多
关键词 PEACH HYBRIDS fruit quality biochemical components sugars anthocyans leucoanthocyans catechins.
Community Structure of Urban Forest and Disposition Characteristics of Trees in Hefei Ring Park 被引量:7
作者 WUZemin WANGYuan ZHANGShaojie YANGHaiyan XUYinbi 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2004年第3期53-59,共7页
Themethods of vegetation ecology were used to analyze the community structure of Hefei Ring Park, andspecies composition, distribution patternoftree heightand DBH weredescribed.Through calculation of tree growth index... Themethods of vegetation ecology were used to analyze the community structure of Hefei Ring Park, andspecies composition, distribution patternoftree heightand DBH weredescribed.Through calculation of tree growth index and association correlation of component species, the community structures were analyzed. The results showed that community structures are complex, there are 22 pairs of species with positive association, and tree individual in the following communities grow well and are more stable, the majorarePlatycladus orientalis-Prunuscerasifera f.atropurpurea-Osmanthusfragrans, Robinia pseduacacia- Ligustrum lucidum,Robinia pseudoacacia-Ginkgobiloba-Photinia serrulata,Populuscadadensis-Ligustrum lucidum-Osmanthusfragrans, Sophora japonica-Ligustrum lucidum-Buxussinica, Cyclobalanopsis glauca- Distylium racemosum. 展开更多
关键词 community structure species composition association of species tree arrangement China
Hybridization and genome evolution II: Mechanisms of species divergence and their effects on evolution in hybrids 被引量:4
作者 Richard I. BAILEY Fabrice EROUKHMANOFF Glenn-PETER SaeTRE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期675-685,共11页
Recent genomic studies have highlighted the importance of hybridization and gene exchange in evolution. We ask what factors cause variation in the impact of hybridization, through adaptation in hybrids and the likelih... Recent genomic studies have highlighted the importance of hybridization and gene exchange in evolution. We ask what factors cause variation in the impact of hybridization, through adaptation in hybrids and the likelihood of hybrid speciation. During speciation, traits that diverge due to both divergent and stabilizing selection can contribute to the buildup of reproductive isolation. Divergent directional selection in parent taxa should lead to intermediate phenotypes in hybrids, whereas stabilizing se- lection can also produce extreme, transgressive phenotypes when hybridization occurs. By examining existing theory and em- pirical data, we discuss how these effects, combined with differences between modes of divergence in the chromosomal distribu- tion of incompatibilities, affect adaptation and speciation in hybrid populations. The result is a clear and testable set of predic- tions that can be used to examine hybrid adaptation and speciation. Stabilizing selection in parents increases transgression in hy- brids, increasing the possibility for novel adaptation. Divergent directional selection causes intermediate hybrid phenotypes and increases their ability to evolve along the direction of parental differentiation. Stabilizing selection biases incompatibilities to- wards autosomes, leading to reduced sexual correlations in trait values and reduced pleiotropy in hybrids, and hence increased freedom in the direction of evolution. Directional selection causes a bias towards sex-linked incompatibilities, with the opposite consequences. Divergence by directional selection leads to greater dominance effects than stabilizing selection, with major but variable impacts on hybrid evolution [Current Zoology 59 (5): 675-685, 2013]. 展开更多
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