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作者 田春 《艺术探索》 2011年第3期104-106,144,共3页
"物脉"既是物的聚集,更是人在生活中与物建立起来的一种适应关系。"物脉"的构成,首先在于建立良好的产品环境,即物自身有一套完好的维持系统;在此基础上,把握知觉特性,让产品从物理距离到心理距离都一步步走近人的... "物脉"既是物的聚集,更是人在生活中与物建立起来的一种适应关系。"物脉"的构成,首先在于建立良好的产品环境,即物自身有一套完好的维持系统;在此基础上,把握知觉特性,让产品从物理距离到心理距离都一步步走近人的身体,并在被使用过程中产生移情,最终把物所关涉的主体期望、兴趣、回忆、想象等"不在场"因素挖掘出来,实现人与物之间的亲切交流。 展开更多
关键词 物脉 产品环境 知觉 移情
RP-HPLC法测定灯盏生脉提取物中野黄芩苷的血药浓度 被引量:3
作者 段琼 闫东旭 +2 位作者 魏晓亮 赵超 赵怀清 《沈阳药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期643-647,共5页
目的测定中药复方制剂灯盏生脉提取物灌胃后大鼠血浆中野黄芩苷的浓度。方法采用液-液萃取法制备血液样品。以芦丁为内标,采用C18柱,乙腈-体积分数为0.05%的磷酸(体积比为65∶320)为流动相,流速为1.0 mL·min^-1,检测波长为335 nm... 目的测定中药复方制剂灯盏生脉提取物灌胃后大鼠血浆中野黄芩苷的浓度。方法采用液-液萃取法制备血液样品。以芦丁为内标,采用C18柱,乙腈-体积分数为0.05%的磷酸(体积比为65∶320)为流动相,流速为1.0 mL·min^-1,检测波长为335 nm,柱温为40℃。结果野黄芩苷血浆中质量浓度在0.05-5.00 mg·L^-1(r=0.997 9),定量下限为0.05 mg·L^-1,日内、日间精密度均小于15%。在质量浓度为0.1、0.5、4.0 mg·L^-1时,提取回收率分别为(81.6±3.6)%、(79.2±3.0)%和(78.7±2.4)%。主要药动学参数为:ke=(0.269±0.035)h-1、t1/2=(2.61±0.36)h、AUC0-24=(25.272±5.682)mg.h·L^-1。结论该方法可用于灯盏生脉提取物中野黄芩苷的药动学研究。 展开更多
关键词 灯盏生提取 野黄芩苷 高效液相色谱法 药动学
冰川水和五脉绿绒蒿提取物的美容功效研究 被引量:4
作者 陈迪 章漳 +2 位作者 蒋耀权 方兆华 丛峰松 《日用化学工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期207-211,共5页
研究了冰川水和五脉绿绒蒿提取物对人真皮成纤维细胞(HDF-a)的作用。采用MTT法检测了冰川水和五脉绿绒蒿提取物对HDF-a增殖活性的影响,利用荧光试剂盒检测了二者对HDF-a内ATP水平的影响,利用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法检测了二者对HDF-... 研究了冰川水和五脉绿绒蒿提取物对人真皮成纤维细胞(HDF-a)的作用。采用MTT法检测了冰川水和五脉绿绒蒿提取物对HDF-a增殖活性的影响,利用荧光试剂盒检测了二者对HDF-a内ATP水平的影响,利用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法检测了二者对HDF-a细胞外基质中透明质酸含量的影响,利用Western Blot法研究了二者对HDF-a细胞外基质中Ⅰ型胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白表达的影响。实验结果表明,与对照组相比,冰川水处理后HDF-a增殖速度加快、代谢水平提高、透明质酸含量上升、弹性蛋白表达上调,且差异有统计学意义。五脉绿绒蒿提取物对HDF-a的作用在上述方面更为明显,同时可以促进Ⅰ型胶原蛋白的表达。二者共同作用时效果更为显著。 展开更多
关键词 化妆品添加剂 冰川水 绿绒蒿提取 人真皮成纤维细胞 抗衰老 保湿
密脉鹅掌柴提取物中总皂苷及齐墩果酸的含量测定 被引量:2
作者 彭玲芳 夏伟军 崔涛 《中国药师》 CAS 2012年第11期1551-1553,共3页
目的:建立密脉鹅掌柴提取物中总皂苷及齐墩果酸的含量测定方法。方法:总皂苷的含量测定采用比色法,于552nm测定;齐墩果酸的含量测定采用高效液相色谱法,色谱柱:Agilent ZORBAX SB-C_(18)(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相:乙腈-水(84:1... 目的:建立密脉鹅掌柴提取物中总皂苷及齐墩果酸的含量测定方法。方法:总皂苷的含量测定采用比色法,于552nm测定;齐墩果酸的含量测定采用高效液相色谱法,色谱柱:Agilent ZORBAX SB-C_(18)(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相:乙腈-水(84:16),流速:1.0 ml·min^(-1),检测波长:203 nm,柱温:25℃。结果:按选定的紫外条件进行测定,齐墩果酸在2.0~20.0μg·ml^(-1)范围内呈良好线性关系(r=0.999 5),平均回收率为99.57%;HPLC定量试验中,齐墩果酸在0.4~8.0μg范围内呈良好线性关系(r=0.999 9),平均回收率为100.44%。结论:建立的方法简便易行,结果准确可靠,可作为本产品的质量控制方法。 展开更多
关键词 鹅掌柴提取 总皂苷 齐墩果酸 含量测定
作者 侯侠 《科技信息》 2011年第32期266-266,共1页
目的:找出生脉注射液中毒性成分的毒性靶点;方法:小鼠尾静脉注射生脉注射液提取物(从生脉注射液中提取,毒性较大)0.5mg/kg,观察小鼠死亡情况和中枢神经系统兴奋性影响;结论:生脉注射液提取物0.5mg/kg可导致小鼠的最小致死剂量在0.6ml/20... 目的:找出生脉注射液中毒性成分的毒性靶点;方法:小鼠尾静脉注射生脉注射液提取物(从生脉注射液中提取,毒性较大)0.5mg/kg,观察小鼠死亡情况和中枢神经系统兴奋性影响;结论:生脉注射液提取物0.5mg/kg可导致小鼠的最小致死剂量在0.6ml/20g~0.7ml/20g,可导致小鼠中枢神经系统兴奋。 展开更多
关键词 注射液 注射液提取 毒性靶点
作者 刘晓燕 马海玲 +2 位作者 张咏梅 余晖 巫静华 《世界中医药》 CAS 2017年第10期2466-2469,共4页
目的:测定通脉散瘀凝胶提取物及指标成分在不同溶剂中的平衡溶解度及不同pH下的表观油水分配系数,探索通脉散瘀凝胶提取物的溶解性能。方法:采用沉淀法测定提取物的溶解度,以指标成分法测定提取物在不同溶剂中的平衡溶解度以及在正辛醇... 目的:测定通脉散瘀凝胶提取物及指标成分在不同溶剂中的平衡溶解度及不同pH下的表观油水分配系数,探索通脉散瘀凝胶提取物的溶解性能。方法:采用沉淀法测定提取物的溶解度,以指标成分法测定提取物在不同溶剂中的平衡溶解度以及在正辛醇/水和正辛醇/缓冲液中的表观油水分配系数。结果:37℃时提取物在乙醇中的平衡溶解度较大,在缓冲液中呈先减小后增大趋势;以指标成分来看,丹酚酸B和丹参素在pH缓冲液中溶解度先减小后增大,丹参酮ⅡA和隐丹参酮在pH 9时平衡溶解度达到最大;丹酚酸B和丹参素的油水分配系数随pH增大而减小,丹参酮ⅡA和隐丹参酮在pH8时lgP达到最大。结论:通脉散瘀提取物在醇类中的溶解度较大,可考虑在处方中加入适量乙醇提高溶解度;pH影响提取物的油水分配系数,可通过调节pH值来促进其经皮吸收。 展开更多
关键词 平衡溶解度 表观油水分配系数 散瘀提取
作者 张悦 张雪文君 +4 位作者 王季安 朱逸飞 李百川 林尽染 吴文育 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2020年第6期24-27,共4页
目的:探讨含百脉根籽提取物(Loutus Corniculatus seed Extract,LCE)的产品治疗面部轻中度痤疮的临床疗效。方法:将90例面部轻中度痤疮患者依据治疗措施不同进行分组,LCE安瓶组(观察1组)、LCE安瓶及LCE喷雾组(观察2组)和不含LCE的安瓶组... 目的:探讨含百脉根籽提取物(Loutus Corniculatus seed Extract,LCE)的产品治疗面部轻中度痤疮的临床疗效。方法:将90例面部轻中度痤疮患者依据治疗措施不同进行分组,LCE安瓶组(观察1组)、LCE安瓶及LCE喷雾组(观察2组)和不含LCE的安瓶组(对照组)各30例。观察三组患者皮损疗效、痤疮(炎性丘疹)部位毛孔数量和单个痤疮体积的变化。结果:治疗4周后,观察1组和观察2组皮损总有效率高于对照组,单个痤疮体积值及皮肤毛孔数量值的减少率优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:以百脉根籽提取物为有效成分的LCE安瓶及喷雾治疗面部轻中度痤疮疗效显著,能有效改善痤疮体积及毛孔数量,可在临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 根籽提取 面部轻中度痤疮 疗效 痤疮体积 毛孔数量
作者 巫静华 张咏梅 +3 位作者 陈燕 刘晓燕 余嘉 余辉 《安徽医药》 CAS 2016年第12期2253-2257,共5页
目的建立超高效液相色谱与质谱联用(UPLC-MS)同时测定通脉散瘀提取物中7个指标成分丹参素、丹酚酸B、隐丹参酮、丹参酮Ⅱ_A、三七皂苷R_1、人参皂苷R_(g1)、人参皂苷R_(b1)的定量方法。方法以水(0.1%甲酸)-乙腈为流动相,选用Acquity UPL... 目的建立超高效液相色谱与质谱联用(UPLC-MS)同时测定通脉散瘀提取物中7个指标成分丹参素、丹酚酸B、隐丹参酮、丹参酮Ⅱ_A、三七皂苷R_1、人参皂苷R_(g1)、人参皂苷R_(b1)的定量方法。方法以水(0.1%甲酸)-乙腈为流动相,选用Acquity UPLC BEH C_(18)柱(2.1 mm×100 mm,1.8μm),梯度洗脱,流速0.2 m L·min^(-1),柱温35℃。质谱条件:ESI源,采用多反应检测模式(MRM)。结果 7个成分分别在进样浓度范围内呈现良好的线性关系(r>0.999),加样回收率均在90%~110%,RSD<5.0%。结论该研究建立的方法简便准确快速,重复性好,灵敏度高,可用于通脉散瘀提取物中7个有效成分的快速检测,为后续通脉散瘀处方剂型的质量标准奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 超高效液相色谱与质谱联用 散瘀提取 含量测定
生脉散辨治老年慢性心力衰竭 被引量:6
作者 周源林 尤可 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第6期77-79,共3页
报告2例生脉散治疗老年慢性心力衰竭。某男,82岁。胸闷、憋喘反复发作10余年,加重1月。面色晦暗,胸闷、憋喘,无胸痛,无咳嗽咯痰,周身乏力,自汗出,口干,双下肢水肿,纳尚可,眠差,二便调,舌紫黯有瘀斑,舌下脉络青紫,脉弦细数。中医诊断:喘... 报告2例生脉散治疗老年慢性心力衰竭。某男,82岁。胸闷、憋喘反复发作10余年,加重1月。面色晦暗,胸闷、憋喘,无胸痛,无咳嗽咯痰,周身乏力,自汗出,口干,双下肢水肿,纳尚可,眠差,二便调,舌紫黯有瘀斑,舌下脉络青紫,脉弦细数。中医诊断:喘证(气阴两虚,心血瘀阻证),益气养阴,活血化瘀,生脉散合桃红四物汤,人参12g,麦冬30g,五味子9g,桃仁、红花各30g,生地黄20g,当归9g,川芎15g,赤芍20g,柴胡15g,黄精30g,玉竹15g,车前子、冬瓜皮各30g。水煎400m L,1剂/d,嘱患者避风寒,畅情志,节饮食,适劳逸。7剂后复诊,憋喘较前减轻,周身乏力、口干症减,仍时有胸闷,双下肢水肿,舌紫黯,边有齿痕,原方加陈皮15g,茯苓30g。继服7剂后复诊,诸症好转。守方加减继服1月,病情稳定,无复发。某女,78岁。阵发性胸闷、憋喘20年,加重3天。神志清,精神差,胸闷、憋喘,活动后加重,烦躁,自述时有烦热,喜凉,口干,乏力,双下肢水肿。纳眠差,二便调。中医诊断:喘证(气阴两虚证)。治以益气养阴,生脉散,党参、麦冬各30g,五味子9g,石斛12g,炒白术15g,茯苓15g,当归12g,醋制鸡内金9g,焦山楂、麸炒神曲、炒麦芽各12g,三七粉冲服3g。水煎400m L,1剂/d,嘱患者避风寒,畅情志,节饮食,适劳逸。7d后复诊,胸闷、憋喘较前减轻,乏力、双下肢水肿减轻,仍时有烦热、口干,渴喜饮冷。守方加知母15g,秦艽9g。继服7剂后,诸症减轻。守方加减服用半年,随诊,病情稳定,无复发。尤可教授认为慢性心力衰竭辨证属气阴两虚,以生脉散为基础方,标本兼顾,临证加减,收效甚佳。 展开更多
关键词 慢性心力衰竭 老年 喘证 心悸 水肿 医学启源 桃红四 气阴两虚 中医药治疗
都江天府 川路泉流——都江堰水文化漫谈 被引量:3
作者 罗美洁 李鹏 《三峡论坛》 2013年第5期23-29,共7页
关键词 都江堰 川江 峡江 文化之源 物脉
Pharmacokinetics of Native r-SAK in Rabbit's Femoral Artery Thrombosis Model
作者 李春坚 黄峻 +3 位作者 邵志高 王蔚青 杨国平 黄蓬 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2004年第2期89-93,共5页
Objective: To study the pharmacokinetics of native r SAK in rabbit's femoral artery thrombosis model, the “lytic circle' method was used to determine plasma levels of r SAK. Methods: Thirty New Zealand rabb... Objective: To study the pharmacokinetics of native r SAK in rabbit's femoral artery thrombosis model, the “lytic circle' method was used to determine plasma levels of r SAK. Methods: Thirty New Zealand rabbits were randomly assigned to the control (saline 10 ml, 30 min), r SAK low dose (0.25 mg/kg, 30 min), medial dose (0.50 mg/kg, 30 min), high dose (1.00 mg/kg, 30 min), single bolus (0.50 mg/kg, 2 min) and conjunctive therapy (initiated with heparin 200 U/kg, followed by infusion of r SAK 0.50 mg/kg for 30 min, and subsequently infused heparin 50 U/(kg·h) to endpoint) groups. The right femoral artery thrombosis model in rabbit was made by balloon injury, then the thrombolytic agents were infused through parallel ear vein and the blood samples were collected pre thrombolysis and at different time post thrombolysis to determine the plasma levels of r SAK by “lytic circle' method, the plasma levels of r SAK were processed by pharmacokinetic computing procedure to fit the model. Results: The plasma levels of r SAK and the diameters of lytic circles showed a pretty good linear correlation under the scope of 2.0×10 4 2.0×10 6 U/L, and the averaged recycle rate was (96.05±11.35)%(RSD =±11.82%).All peak concentration time in each infusion group was 30 min, and the peak concentrations positively correlated with the doses administrated in infusion groups(r=0.999 98, P <0.000 1). In single bolus group, Peak concentration time was 2 min, and the peak concentration reached (5.16±1.02) mg/L, which was significant higher than that in the same dose r SAK infusion group ( P <0.01). In conjunctive therapy group, the peak concentration showed no significant difference from that in the same dose r SAK infusion group ( P >0.05). The plasma levels of r SAK fit in two compartment model as processed by pharmacokinetic computing procedure in each group. Conclusion: The “lytic circle' method is a simple, practical and reliable method to determine the plasma level of r SAK, and the pharmacokinetics of native r SAK infusion fits in two compartment model in rabbit's femoral artery thrombosis model. 展开更多
关键词 recombinant staphylokinase(r SAK) PHARMACOKINETICS animal model THROMBUS femoral artery RABBIT
Mechanism of anti-arterial thrombosis of Dahuangzhecong Fang screened by Ti-Al intermetallic compound porous material 被引量:2
作者 万玲 王战义 +6 位作者 魏星 李佶阳 钟广伟 段晓鹏 贺福元 江垚 王东生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第12期3156-3160,共5页
The mechanism of antithrombotic of Dahuangzhechong Fang separated and purified by Ti-Al intermetallic compound porous material (TAICPM) was researched. Dahuangzhechong Fang, which was isolated and screened by TAICPM, ... The mechanism of antithrombotic of Dahuangzhechong Fang separated and purified by Ti-Al intermetallic compound porous material (TAICPM) was researched. Dahuangzhechong Fang, which was isolated and screened by TAICPM, was used to oral rats. At the end of study, their blood and thrombus were collected. The results show that TAICPM with the pore size of 1-5 μm can screen Dahuangzhechong Fang well. Dahuangzhechong Fang can increase 6-keto-PGF1α, lower content of TXD2 and platelet. Dahuangzhechong Fang has good effect to resist arterial thrombosis. 展开更多
关键词 Ti-Al intermetallic compound porous materials Dahuangzhecong Fang arterial thrombosis isolated Chinese medicine
Effects of a proline solution cover on the geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of high-sulfur coal gangue 被引量:2
作者 Youfa Luo Yonggui Wu +3 位作者 Tianling Fu Hu Wang Rongrong Xing Zhilin Zheng 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期701-714,共14页
Batch experiments tively evaluate the inhibition were conducted to compara- effects and mechanisms of a low-concentration (1%) proline solution cover on the release of pollutants from high-sulfur coal gangue. High- ... Batch experiments tively evaluate the inhibition were conducted to compara- effects and mechanisms of a low-concentration (1%) proline solution cover on the release of pollutants from high-sulfur coal gangue. High- sulfur coal gangue was continuously immersed in a proline solution and in deionized water (as a control treatment) for 540 days. The results showed that the coal gangue in the control treatment was oxidized and generated leachate with poor water qualities, i.e., the leachate exhibited lower pH values, higher redox potential values, higher pollutant concentrations (804^2-, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn), and high levels of acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. However, compared to the control treatment, the addition of the proline solution (1%) significantly improved the water quality of the leachate by significantly reducing the Eh values, the pollutant concentrations (804^2-, Fe^2+, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn), and the activity of acidophilic sulfur-oxidiz- ing bacteria and by significantly increasing the pH value to neutral. The proline treatment significantly inhibited the oxidation of coal gangue and the release of pollutants, mainly by inhibiting the activity of acidophilic sulfur-ox- idizing bacteria and by altering the heavy metal fractions and the mineralogical characteristics. Therefore, in engi- neering practice, workers should consider using an envi- ronmental friendly aqueous proline solution cover to achieve the in-situ control of pollutant releases from coal gangue dumps. 展开更多
关键词 PROLINE Coal gangue Pollution control Heavy metal fraction Mineralogical characteristics
Analysis of heat pulse signals determination for sediment-water interface fluxes
作者 朱腾义 Rajendra Prasad Singh 傅大放 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第2期192-196,共5页
The heat pulse signal is analyzed in a new way with the goals of clarifying the relationships between the variables in the heat transfer problem and simplifying the procedure for calculating sediment-water interface f... The heat pulse signal is analyzed in a new way with the goals of clarifying the relationships between the variables in the heat transfer problem and simplifying the procedure for calculating sediment-water interface fluxes J. Only three parameters x0 λand pc l are needed to calculate J by the heat pulse data for this analysis method.The results show that there is a curvilinear relationship between the peak temperature arrival time and sediment-water interface fluxes and there exists a simple linear relationship between sediment-water interface fluxes and the natural log of the ratio of the temperature increase downstream from the line heat source to the temperature increase upstream from the heat source.The simplicity of this relationship makes the heat pulse sensors an attractive option for measuring soil water fluxes. 展开更多
关键词 sediment-water interface flux seepage meter heat pulse peak arrival time
作者 Bin Wu Wei-jun Peng +5 位作者 Pei-jun Wang Ya-jia Gu Wen-tao Li Liang-pin Zhou Feng Tang Guo-ming Zhong 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2006年第4期258-264,共7页
Objective To investigate the value of in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in the assessment of hepatocelhilar carcinoma (HCC) and monitor its metabolic change shortly after transcatheter arterial ... Objective To investigate the value of in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in the assessment of hepatocelhilar carcinoma (HCC) and monitor its metabolic change shortly after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE). Mothoda In this prospective study, 28 consecutive patients with large HCC ( ≥3 cm in diameter) confirmed by fine needle aspiration biopsy were recruited. The ^1H MRS of all hepatic lesions and some uninvolved liver parenchyma were performed with 1.5T whole body MR scanner. Among them, 15 cases were evaluated again about one week after TACE. The main metabolites such as choline and lipid before and after interventional therapy were measured to assess the early response of the tumor. The technical success rate of IH MRS in liver was high (33/41, 80% ), closely related to breath motion, location of lesion, and size of voxeL In spectra, the choline compound peak of HCC elevated compared with uninvolved liver parenchyma. After TACE, both the amplitude and the area of choline resonance peak significantly descended ( choline-to-lipid ratios from 0.352±0. 080 to 0. 167±0. 030, P = 0. 026; from 0. 205±0. 060 to 0. 070±0. 020, P = 0. 042, respectively ) ; yet lipid resonance peak ascended. Conclusions In vivo tH MRS is technically feasible for the evaluation of large focal hepatic lesions, however, the reproducibility and stability are not as good as routine MR scan. IH MRS can monitor the early stage metabolic changes of HCC after TACE but limitation like quantification still exists. 展开更多
关键词 hepatocellular carcinoma magnetic resonance imaging proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy transcatheter arterial chemoembolization
Effect of statins use on the prevention of venous thromboembolism: a meta-analysis 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Zaiwei Tian Hongyan +8 位作者 Pan Junqiang Zhao Yaling Wan Zhaofei Zhang Junbo Ma Qiang Tian Hua Han Junli Liu Ya Deng Jizhao 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第5期261-269,共9页
Objective: To estimate the effect of statins use on the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE (1980-June 2012), EMBASE (1980-June 2012), Google Scholar, Cochrane Libra... Objective: To estimate the effect of statins use on the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE (1980-June 2012), EMBASE (1980-June 2012), Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, and ISI Web of Science, manually reviewed references, and contacted experts. Case-control studies and cohort studies that compared any dose of statin with no statin or placebo are included. Data extraction and study quality evaluation were independently conducted in duplicate. Results: 12 studies including four cohort studies and eight case-control studies were identified and eligible for meta-analysis. Upon meta-analysis, statin use was associated with a statistically significant reduction in the odds of developing VTE (OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.86-0.96). Conclusion: This meta-analysis of current and available literature suggests that statins can reduce patient's risk of developing VTE. Due to the limitations of observational study, this conclusion should be considered with caution, and additionally, specifical well-designed trials are needed. 展开更多
关键词 STATINS Venous thromboembolism Meta analysis
Establishment of a pig model with enteric and portal venous drainage of pancreatoduodenal transplantation 被引量:4
作者 Zhao-Da Zhang Fang-Hai Han Ling-Xiang Meng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第35期5475-5479,共5页
AIM: To establish the pig model of pancreatoduodena transplantation with enteric drainage (ED) and porta venous drainage (PVD). METHODS: Forty-six hybrid Landrace pigs were divided into two groups (donors and r... AIM: To establish the pig model of pancreatoduodena transplantation with enteric drainage (ED) and porta venous drainage (PVD). METHODS: Forty-six hybrid Landrace pigs were divided into two groups (donors and recipients) randomly, and pancreatoduodenal allotransplantation was performed. Donors were perfused via abdominal aorta without clamping the portal venous outflow with UW solution at 80-100 cm H2O after heparinization. Whole pancreatoduodenal grafts were harvested with segments of abdominal aorta and portal vein, and shaped under 4℃ UW solution. Then, end-to-end anastomosis was performed with the donor iliac artery bifurcation Y graft to the recipient superior mesenteric artery and celiac artery. Furthermore, type I diabetes model was made by removal of the recipient pancreas. The venous anastomosis was reconstructed between the donor portal vein and the recipient superior mesentery vein. Meanwhile, end-toside anastomosis was performed with the donor common iliac artery bifurcation Y graft to the recipient abdominal aorta, and side-to-side intestinal anastomosis was performed between the donor duodenum and the recipient jejunum. External jugular vein was intubated for transfusion. Levels of plasma glucose, insulin and glucagon were measured during the operation and on the 1^st 3^rd 5^th and 7^th d after operation. RESULTS: Pancreatoduodenal allotransplantation was performed on 23 pigs of which 1 died of complication of anesthesia. The success rate of operation was 95.6%. Complications of operation occurred in two cases in which one was phlebothrombosis with an incidence of 4.6%, and the other was duodenojejunal anastomotic leak with an incidence of 4.6%. The level of plasma glucose decreased within 30 min, after removal of pancreas and recovered on the 2^nd after operation. The level of plasmainsulin and glucagon increased within 30 min after removal of pancreas and recovered on the 2^nd d after operation. Rejection occurred on the 1^st and reached the worst level on the 7^th d after transplantation, without change of plasma insulin and glucagon or clinical symptoms of rejection. CONCLUSION: Pancreatoduodenal transplantation in pigs can treat type I diabetes. ED and PVD can keep the function of endocrine in normal. The technique of pancreatoduodenal transplantation with ED and PVD may pave the way for the further application of pancreas transplantation in clinic. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatoduodenal transplantation Entericdrainage Portal venous drainage
Sustained Contraction of Isolated Rabbit Thoracic Aortic Rings in Endothelial-dependent Manner Induced by βγ-CAT 被引量:3
作者 刘树柏 何英英 +1 位作者 钱金桥 张云 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期493-502,共10页
In vertebrates, non-lens βγ-crystallins are widely expressed in various tissues and their functions are not well known. The molecular mechanisms of trefoil factors (TFFs), which involved in mucosal healing and tum... In vertebrates, non-lens βγ-crystallins are widely expressed in various tissues and their functions are not well known. The molecular mechanisms of trefoil factors (TFFs), which involved in mucosal healing and tumorigenesis, have remained elusive. βγ-CAT is a novel multifunctional protein complex of non-lens βγ-crystallin and trefoil factor from frog skin secretions. Here we report that βγ-CAT could induce sustained contraction of isolated rabbit aortic rings in dosage (2-35nmol/L) and endothelium dependent manners (P〈0.01 ). In addition, in situ immunofluorescence indicated that positive TNF-α signals were mainly detected at the endothelial cell layer of βγ-CAT (25nmol/L) treated rings. Furthermore, βγ-CAT induced primary cultured rabbit thoracic aortic endothelial cells (RAECs) rapidly to release TNF-α. After βγ-CAT (25nmol/L) treated for 10 and 30min, the levels of the endothelial cells released TNF-ct were 34.17±5.10 pg/mL and 98.01±4.67 pg/mL (P〈0.01), respectively. In conclusion, βγ-CAT could induce sustained contraction of isolated aortic rings, and the contractile effect might be partially explained by the release of TNF-α. These findings will give new insight into understanding the functions and physiological roles of non-lens βγ-crystallins and trefoil factors. 展开更多
关键词 Tumor necrosis factor-a Trefoil factor Non-lens βγ-crystallin Endothelium-dependent aorta vasoconstriction βγ-CAT
作者 Jun-huaZhang LiZhou Hong-chaoYin Pei-maoLiu HuaZhang Ming-pengShe 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2005年第2期112-115,共4页
Objective To investigate the molecular mechanism of atherosclerosis that related to age. Methods Immunohistochemistry staining and Western blot were adopted to determine the nuclear translocation of nuclear factor-kap... Objective To investigate the molecular mechanism of atherosclerosis that related to age. Methods Immunohistochemistry staining and Western blot were adopted to determine the nuclear translocation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) and expression of platelet-derived growth factor B (PDGF-B) in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) co-cultured with low density lipoprotein (LDL), oxidized LDL (ox-LDL), and ox-LDL+high density lipoprotein (HDL) originated from rats of 2 and 10 months old respectively. Fat stain was used to identify the lipid intake in SMCs. Results The optimal stimulation time of ox-LDL to SMCs was 12 hours. NF-κB intensity increased in most nuclei of SMCs that originated from rats of either 2 or 10 months old co-cultured with ox-LDL. The intensity of NF-κB and the amount of intracellular lipid taken in SMCs were more obvious in cells from 10-month-old rats than from the younger ones. Change of PDGF-B expression in SMCs was not remarkable in each group of rats. Conclusions The 10-month-old rats are more susceptive to ox-LDL than 2-month-old rats in activating nuclear transloca- tion of NF-κB. Maybe this is one of the important reasons contributing to the difference between the older and younger rats on the initiation and development of atherosclerosis lesion. Expression of PDGF-B is not associated with the activity of nuclear translocation of NF-κB. 展开更多
关键词 oxidized low density lipoprotein nuclear factor-kappa B platelet-derived growth factor B smooth muscle cell
Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2 in pancreatic adenocarcinoma:Correlation with microvessel density 被引量:14
作者 Hans U.Kasper Hella Wolf +2 位作者 Uta Drebber Helmut K.Wolf Michael A.Kern 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第13期1918-1922,共5页
AIM:Cydooxygenases (COX) are key enzymes for conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins.Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is the enzyme responsible for formation of nitric oxide. Both have constitutive and inducible i... AIM:Cydooxygenases (COX) are key enzymes for conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins.Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is the enzyme responsible for formation of nitric oxide. Both have constitutive and inducible isoforms.The inducible isoforms (iNOS and COX-2) are of great interest as regulators of tumor angiogenesis,tumorigenesis and inflammatory processes.This study was to clarify their role in pancreatic adenocarcinomas. METHODS:We investigated the immunohistochemical iNOS and COX-2 expression in 40 pancreatic ductal adenocardnomas of different grade and stage.The results were compared with microvessel density and dinicopathological data. RESULTS:Twenty-one (52.5%) of the cases showed iNOS expression,15 (37.5%) of the cases were positive for COX-2. The immunoreaction was heterogeneously distributed within the tumors.Staining intensity was different between the tumors.No correlation between iNOS and COX-2 expression was seen.There was no relationship with microvessel density. However,iNOS positive tumors developed more often distant metastases and the more malignant tumors showed a higher COX-2 expression.There was no correlation with other clinicopathological data. CONCLUSION:Approximately half of the cases expressed iNOS and COX-2.These two enzymes do not seem to be the key step in angiogenesis or carcinogenesis of pancreatic adenocarcinomas.Due to a low prevalence of COX-2 expression,chemoprevention of pancreatic carcinomas by COX-2 inhibitors can only achieve a limited success. 展开更多
关键词 Adenocarcinoma Aged Aged 80 and over Cyclooxygenase 2 Female Humans Immunohistochemistry ISOENZYMES Male Membrane Proteins MICROCIRCULATION Middle Aged Nitric Oxide Synthase Nitric Oxide Synthase Type II Pancreas Pancreatic Neoplasms Prostaglandin-Endoperoxide Synthases
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