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高粱与旱稻属间杂交部分遗传物质导入的F_3及BC_1表型鉴定 被引量:2
作者 赵风悟 李慧敏 +2 位作者 宋聪敏 刘冬成 张爱民 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期44-46,78,共4页
以高粱(S.BICOLOR)为母本、旱稻(O.SATIVA)为父本进行属间杂交,F1出现双亲没有的短芒和黄色柱头新性状,并能在F2、F3及BC1稳定遗传。F3在株高、穗长、穗型、分蘖性等性状上仍疯狂分离,并出现父本白色籽粒单株。BC1在株高、分蘖二性状上... 以高粱(S.BICOLOR)为母本、旱稻(O.SATIVA)为父本进行属间杂交,F1出现双亲没有的短芒和黄色柱头新性状,并能在F2、F3及BC1稳定遗传。F3在株高、穗长、穗型、分蘖性等性状上仍疯狂分离,并出现父本白色籽粒单株。BC1在株高、分蘖二性状上接近父本,回交效应非常明显,T测定无差异,并出现多子房新性状。高梁与旱稻杂交及回交,能创造变异,产生新性状,对创造矮秆、优质、多子房新种质十分有效。然而,二者杂交后代主体性状仍似母本,只表现父本少数性状,属于部分遗传物质导入。 展开更多
关键词 高梁 旱稻 远缘杂交 部分遗传物质导入 表型鉴定
单季籼粳杂交稻地上部分干物质和谷草比研究 被引量:1
作者 陈建明 卢王印 江德权 《上海农业科技》 2015年第6期55-57,共3页
为进一步了解单季籼粳杂交稻谷草比情况,探索地上部分干物质重与产量之间的关系,2013-2014年对单季籼粳杂交稻38份样品进行了研究。结果表明,籼粳杂交稻地上部分干物质重与产量成正相关,平均每195kg干物质可生产100 kg稻谷,每667m^2干... 为进一步了解单季籼粳杂交稻谷草比情况,探索地上部分干物质重与产量之间的关系,2013-2014年对单季籼粳杂交稻38份样品进行了研究。结果表明,籼粳杂交稻地上部分干物质重与产量成正相关,平均每195kg干物质可生产100 kg稻谷,每667m^2干物质重在1 000-1700 kg,能生产稻谷540-790 kg,每667m^2干物质重在1700 kg以上,能生产稻谷800 kg甚至850 kg以上;每667 m^2地上部分干物质重量:"甬优15"可达1500kg以上,"浙优18"可达1700 kg以上,"甬优12"可达1800 kg以上。谷草比研究结果表明,不同种植品种、不同栽培方式、不同施肥技术、不同农户间均有区别,但38份样品的平均谷草比为0.983,幅度为0.700-1.171。 展开更多
关键词 籼粳杂交稻 地上部分物质 谷草比
阿拉善地区新元古代早期花岗岩的地球化学和锆石Hf同位素特征 被引量:44
作者 耿元生 周喜文 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期897-908,共12页
阿拉善地区新元古代早期变形花岗岩地球化学具有高硅富碱,高钾贫铝、钙和镁为特点,FeOT/MgO值和10000Ga/Al值都明显高于I型和S型花岗岩,与A型花岗岩相似,可能形成于拉张环境。在AFM对CFM图解上多数样品落在变杂砂岩部分熔融区。锆石Hf... 阿拉善地区新元古代早期变形花岗岩地球化学具有高硅富碱,高钾贫铝、钙和镁为特点,FeOT/MgO值和10000Ga/Al值都明显高于I型和S型花岗岩,与A型花岗岩相似,可能形成于拉张环境。在AFM对CFM图解上多数样品落在变杂砂岩部分熔融区。锆石Hf同位素中,εHf(t)值在0值附近,与同时期亏损地幔的εHf(t)有较大的差距。锆石Hf两阶段的模式年龄峰值在1.56Ga,与岩石的形成时间9.04~9.26Ga有较长的时间间隔。这些特点表明该区花岗岩的母岩来自具有较长地壳滞留时间的地壳物质的部分熔融。AL0817-2号样品锆石Ti的饱和温度计计算表明,它们结晶温度在815℃左右。 展开更多
关键词 变形花岗岩 新元古代早期 锆石HF同位素 地壳物质部分熔融 阿拉善地区
作为中国经验的理论自觉与小说美学——以王安忆小说理论为核心 被引量:3
作者 顾金春 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期149-155,共7页
在中国当代作家中,王安忆基于对职业写作危机的高度警醒而较早建构自己的小说理论。她注重小说的物质部分,以逻辑严密性从经验写作的自囿中破开,赋予小说以独特标识与品格;她切入小说本体,把小说理解为心灵世界,使小说挣脱对社会功能的... 在中国当代作家中,王安忆基于对职业写作危机的高度警醒而较早建构自己的小说理论。她注重小说的物质部分,以逻辑严密性从经验写作的自囿中破开,赋予小说以独特标识与品格;她切入小说本体,把小说理解为心灵世界,使小说挣脱对社会功能的附庸而成为自足世界;她把思想理解为"小说的核",认为小说成功与否取决于作家思想体积大小,思想要向纵深处推进以体现其深度。王安忆的小说理论以高度的理论自觉不断超越自己,破解各种不可能,在使中国当代文学具有通往更大可能性和丰富性的路径与方向的同时,也成为当代中国以独特中国经验与中国叙事为人类文明发展提供多种可能性的文学表征。 展开更多
关键词 王安忆 小说理论 物质部分 小说思想 理论自觉
Dynamic Changes in Distribution of Lignin and Hemicelluloses in Cell Walls During Differentiation of Secondary Xylem in Eucommia ulmoides 被引量:5
作者 贺新强 崔克明 李正理 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第9期899-904,共6页
The dynamic changes in the distribution of lignin and hemicelluloses (xylans and xyloglucans) in cell walls during the differentiation of secondary xylem in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. were studied by means of ultraviolet... The dynamic changes in the distribution of lignin and hemicelluloses (xylans and xyloglucans) in cell walls during the differentiation of secondary xylem in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. were studied by means of ultraviolet light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy combined with immunogold labelling. In the cambial zone and cell expansion zone, xyloglucans were localized both in the tangential and radial walls, but no xylans or lignin were found in these regions. With the formation of secondary wall S-1 layer, lignin occurred in the cell corners and middle lamella, while xylans appeared in S-1 layer, and xyloglucans were localized in the primary walls and middle lamella. In pace with the formation of secondary wall S-2 and S-3 layer, lignification extended to S-1, S-2 and S-3 layer in sequence, showing a patchy style of lignin deposition. Concurrently, xylans distributed in the whole secondary walls and xyloglucans, on the other hand, still localized in the primary walls and middle lamella. The results indicated that along with the formation and lignification of the secondary wall, great changes had taken place in the cell walls. Different parts of cell walls, such as cell corners, middle lamella, primary walls and various layers of secondary walls, had different kinds of hemicelluloses, which formed various cell wall architecture combined with lignin and other cell wall components. 展开更多
关键词 cell wall LIGNIN hemicelluloses secondary xylem differentiation Eucommia ulmoides
锌肥施用量及方式对夏玉米籽粒淀粉含量和产量的影响 被引量:24
作者 甘万祥 高巍 +2 位作者 刘红恩 王巧燕 赵鹏 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期202-207,共6页
为了探明不同土壤类型和生态气候条件下夏玉米的适宜锌肥施用量及方式,2013年6-9月,在浚县、禹州和偃师分别布置田间小区试验,研究不同土壤类型和生态气候条件下锌肥施用量及方式对夏玉米籽粒淀粉含量及产量的影响。结果表明,适量的锌... 为了探明不同土壤类型和生态气候条件下夏玉米的适宜锌肥施用量及方式,2013年6-9月,在浚县、禹州和偃师分别布置田间小区试验,研究不同土壤类型和生态气候条件下锌肥施用量及方式对夏玉米籽粒淀粉含量及产量的影响。结果表明,适量的锌肥能增加夏玉米大喇叭口期、吐丝期和灌浆期叶片中可溶性糖含量、籽粒淀粉含量和籽粒产量。总体上,浚县、禹州和偃师3个研究区域夏玉米叶片中可溶性糖含量均以锌肥施用量30 kg/hm2最好;等量锌肥施用量条件下,土施处理优于土施+喷施处理。浚县、禹州和偃师夏玉米籽粒淀粉含量分别在土施锌肥15,30,30 kg/hm2时达到最大值;等量锌肥施用量条件下,土施处理优于土施+喷施处理。浚县、禹州和偃师夏玉米地上部分干物质量分别在土施锌肥15 kg/hm2+2次各喷施锌肥7.5 kg/hm2、土施锌肥30 kg/hm2和土施锌肥15 kg/hm2处理时达到最大值;土施+喷施锌肥能增加浚县夏玉米地上部分干物质量,而在不同锌肥水平下禹州和偃师夏玉米地上部分干物质量呈现不同变化规律。浚县、禹州和偃师的夏玉米籽粒产量分别达到最大值的锌肥施用量与夏玉米地上部分干物质量相同;与浚县比较,土施锌肥对禹州和偃师夏玉米的增产作用较大。 展开更多
关键词 锌肥 土施 喷施 籽粒产量 可溶性糖 淀粉 地上部分物质
Decomposition of Toluene as a Biomass Tar through Partial Combustion
作者 Noriaki Nakatsuka Yasushi Imoto +4 位作者 Jun Hayashi Miki Taniguchi Kenichi Sasauchi Mayumi Matsuda Fumiteru Akamatsu 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第6期869-877,共9页
One way for reducing tar is oxidative and thermal cracking by partial combustion of the biomass producer gas in the gas reformer. Cracking and polymerization of the tar occur simultaneously at the proximity of inverse... One way for reducing tar is oxidative and thermal cracking by partial combustion of the biomass producer gas in the gas reformer. Cracking and polymerization of the tar occur simultaneously at the proximity of inverse diffusion flame. Experimental study has been performed to clarify the effect of hydrogen concentration on soot formation and the growth of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In the present study, hydrogen concentration is controlled by the small amount of hydrogen addition to the oxidizer. The main results are as follows. Soot formation is suppressed by the small amount of hydrogen addition. The suppression of soot formation is caused by higher concentration of hydrogen. Carbon yield increases by hydrogen addition since carbon content in the undetectable components by the integrated gas chromatograph decreases. In addition, the increase in carbon yield is caused mainly by the increase in carbon monoxide stemmed from reforming of high-boiling components. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS TAR inverse diffusion flame PAHS soot formation.
Information Interaction Is the Fifth Type of Fundamental Interactions
作者 Igor Gurevich 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第10期813-817,共5页
Information is an integral part of the Universe. By its physical essence information is heterogeneity of matter and energy. Therefore information is inseparably connected with matter and energy. The universal measure ... Information is an integral part of the Universe. By its physical essence information is heterogeneity of matter and energy. Therefore information is inseparably connected with matter and energy. The universal measure of information in physical heterogeneity is the Shannon information entropy. An information approach along with a physical one allows to obtain new, sometimes more general data in relation to data obtained on the ground of physical rules only. The results presented in this paper show the effectiveness of informational approach for studying the interactions in the Universe. The paper shows that, along with the physical interactions the gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, weak interactions exists fifth type of fundamental interactions--information interaction, whose magnitude is not dependent on distance. The existence of information interaction is determined by the entanglement of quantum states, of quantum subsystems. The magnitude of information interaction is measured in bits. 展开更多
关键词 Physical interactions quantum system entangled states information interaction.
Energetic analysis of gasification of biomass by partial oxidation in supercritical water 被引量:1
作者 关清卿 韦朝海 +5 位作者 柴欣生 宁平 田森林 谷俊杰 陈秋玲 庙荣荣 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期205-212,共8页
Partial oxidation gasification in supercritical water could produce fuel gases(such as H2, CO and CH4) and significantly reduce the energy consumption. In this work, an energetic model was developed to analyze the par... Partial oxidation gasification in supercritical water could produce fuel gases(such as H2, CO and CH4) and significantly reduce the energy consumption. In this work, an energetic model was developed to analyze the partial oxidative gasification of biomass(glucose and lignin) in supercritical water and the related key factors on which gasification under autothermal condition depended upon. The results indicated that the oxidant equivalent ratio(ER) should be over 0.3 as the concern about energy balance but less than 0.6 as the concern about fuel gas production. Feedstocks such as glucose and lignin also had different energy recovery efficiency. For materials which can be efficiently gasified, the partial oxidation might be a way for energy based on the combustion of fuel gases. Aromatic materials such as lignin and coal are more potential since partial oxidation could produce similar amount of fuel gases as direct gasification and offer additional energy. Energy recovered pays a key role to achieve an autothermal process. Keeping heat exchanger efficiency above 80% and heat transfer coefficient below15 k J·s-1is necessary to maintain the autothermal status. The results also indicated that the biomass loading should be above 15% but under 20% for an autothermal gasification, since the increase of biomass loading could improve the energy supplied but decrease the efficiency of gasification and gaseous yields. In general,some specific conditions exist among different materials. 展开更多
关键词 AUTOTHERMAL GASIFICATION Supercritical water BIOMASS Energetic model
Identification of Emergent Substances as an Indicator of the Presence of Microorganism in the Downstream of River Moraca in Locality-Vukovci
作者 Drazana Radonj ic Marijana Krivokapic Mirjana Miloradov 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第9期556-560,共5页
Based on the screening analysis for the first time in Montenegro, water samples for the presence of emergent wereanalyzed. Results from the locality Vukovci, the lower course of the river Morale, have shown the presen... Based on the screening analysis for the first time in Montenegro, water samples for the presence of emergent wereanalyzed. Results from the locality Vukovci, the lower course of the river Morale, have shown the presence of chemical components that indicate the presence of emergent in the water. Thus identification component is associated with the presence of fiziological groups of microorganisms at the site, which with its functional and significant role in many ways reduce environmental stress. 展开更多
关键词 Emergent fiziological groups of microorganisms environmental stress.
Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Biomass/Oil Mixture
作者 VaclavVesely Jiri Hanika +2 位作者 Vratislav Tukae Jaromir Lederer Dusan Kovae 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第10期1940-1945,共6页
Investigation was focussed to application of waste POX (partial oxidation), e.g., meal rape in form of suspension in high boiling hydrocarbons from crude oil distillation. There is an opportunity for utilization of ... Investigation was focussed to application of waste POX (partial oxidation), e.g., meal rape in form of suspension in high boiling hydrocarbons from crude oil distillation. There is an opportunity for utilization of biomass waste resulted from fuels bio-components production. A decrease of oxygen and water steam demand in feed for POX process was observed in this variant. Catalytic effect of iron nanoparticles or nickel nitrate as catalysts in improvement of the pilot plant biomass/oil partial oxidation was investigated as well. Presence of catalyst in the feed supports formation of carbon monoxide and suppression content of methane in the gas product. Experimental data were well compared with process simulation based on eauilibrium reactor model. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrocarbon oil BIOMASS catalytic partial oxidation NICKEL iron nanoparticles.
Regional diversity of agricultural labor productivity and its driving force in east China
作者 Liu Ziqiang Li Jing Lu Qi 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第2期144-151,共8页
China's eastern area is at middle and later stage of industrialization during which the relation between urban and rural areas, industry, and agriculture appears maladjusted. The main problems are shrinkage in agricu... China's eastern area is at middle and later stage of industrialization during which the relation between urban and rural areas, industry, and agriculture appears maladjusted. The main problems are shrinkage in agricultural comparative earning and lack of driving force of agricultural development. Based on calculating agricultural labor productivity in east China from 1996 to 2005, this paper analyzes contributing degree of motive forces of agriculture develop in ten provinces and cities of east China applying GCA (Grey correlative analysis). The results show that there is no absolute correspondence between the level of industrialization and agricultural labor productivity in China's eastern area. There is no synchronous development between industry and agricultural labor productiviry in some areas. Fertilizer and agricultural machinery input had high contributing degree for ten years; however; contributing degree in land and irrigation work input was low. Non-materialization inputs became the leading role in most provinces and cities' increase of agricultural labor productivity. Modern agricultural development need non-materialization inputs as primary motive force, at the same time, direct material input and facility input as guaranteed function. For some reasons, agricultural development is characterized by "more direct material input, less facility input " in east China now. Optimal driving.force model of future agricultural development in east China is that non-materialization inputs are dominant, that perfected facility input arc guarantee, and that certain substance inputs are necessary 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural development Driving force Direct material input Facility input. Non-materialization inputs East China
Recent advances in catalytic production of sugar alcohols and their applications 被引量:5
作者 Bakht Zada Mengyuan Chen +5 位作者 Chubai Chen Long Yan Qing Xu Wenzhi Li Qingxiang Guo Yao Fu 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期853-869,共17页
Conversion of non-edible biomass into fuels and value-added chemicals has achieved great attention to cope the world's energy requirements. Lignocellulose based sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, ... Conversion of non-edible biomass into fuels and value-added chemicals has achieved great attention to cope the world's energy requirements. Lignocellulose based sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and erythritol can be potentially used as emerging fuels and chemicals. These sugar alcohols can be converted into widely used products(e.g. polymer synthesis, food and pharmaceuticals industry). The heterogeneous catalytic production of sugar alcohols from renewable biomass provides a safe and sustainable approach. Hydrolysis, coupled with hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis has been proved to be more effective strategy for sugar alcohols production from biomass. This review summarizes the recent advances in biomass upgrading reactions for the production of sugar alcohols and their comprehensive applications. 展开更多
关键词 sugar alcohols mannitol xylitol sorbitol erythritol
Correlating gravitational waves with W-boson mass,FIMP dark matter,and Majorana seesaw mechanism
作者 Xuewen Liu Shu-Yuan Guo +1 位作者 Bin Zhu Ying Li 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第14期1437-1442,M0003,共7页
We study a minimal extension of the standard model by introducing three right-handed neutrinos and a new scotogenic scalar doublet,in which the mass splittings between neutral and charged components are responsible fo... We study a minimal extension of the standard model by introducing three right-handed neutrinos and a new scotogenic scalar doublet,in which the mass splittings between neutral and charged components are responsible for the W-boson mass newly measured by the CDF Collaboration.This model can not only generate non-vanishing Majorana neutrino masses via the interaction of right-handed neutrinos and scotogenic scalars,but also explain the Universe’s missing matter in the form of FIMP dark matter.We also study the influence of the mass splitting on the first order electroweak phase transition,and find that it can further enhance the transition strength and thus induce gravitational waves during the phase transition,which may be detected in the forthcoming detectors such as U-DECIGO. 展开更多
关键词 W boson mass Dark matter NEUTRINO Electroweak phase transition Gravitational waves
Embracing Traditional Operas
《Beijing Review》 2016年第22期2-2,共1页
Traditional Chinese operas are an important part of China’s intangible cultural heritage,including well-known genres such as Peking Opera,Kunqu Opera and Cantonese Opera.Among them,Peking Opera has greatly outperform... Traditional Chinese operas are an important part of China’s intangible cultural heritage,including well-known genres such as Peking Opera,Kunqu Opera and Cantonese Opera.Among them,Peking Opera has greatly outperformed others in terms of recognition abroad.Some foreigners not only travel to China to watch it,but also to pick up some of the opera’s performance techniques. 展开更多
关键词 Peking heritage opera watch travel today consume something maintenance dozen
Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on Isolated Prompt Photon and Isolated Prompt Photon+Jet Productions in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
作者 代巍 陈时勇 +1 位作者 张本威 王思科 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期349-355,共7页
We investigate the cold nuclear matter(CNM) effects on isolated prompt photon and isolated prompt photon associated jet productions in nuclear collisions at the NLO accuracy by using the EPS09 NLO nuclear parton distr... We investigate the cold nuclear matter(CNM) effects on isolated prompt photon and isolated prompt photon associated jet productions in nuclear collisions at the NLO accuracy by using the EPS09 NLO nuclear parton distribution functions and their error sets.Nuclear modification factors of isolated prompt photon and isolated prompt photon+jet productions due to CNM effects in p+A and A+A reactions at the RHIC and the LHC are provided with varying rapidity and transverse momentum of the final state photon.It is shown that the CNM effects on isolated prompt photon and photon+jet are modest,which give a small enhancement at low pT region and a more obvious suppression at large pT at central rapidity.At forward rapidity a pronounced suppression of γ as well as γ+jet is always observed. 展开更多
关键词 isolated photon prompt photon photon +jet cold nuclear matter effects heavy ion collisions EPS09 photon production
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