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西华师范大学博物馆所藏墓券述论 被引量:2
作者 蒋晓春 员鑫 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第5期70-77,共8页
关键词 西华师范大学博物馆 买地券 镇墓券 释文 堪舆 历史地理
作者 徐新伟 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期73-75,共3页
《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中未见于《楚文字编》的新字达900余个,它们与《楚文字编》相配合,更完整地揭示了战国楚简的字符集。新补字提前了一些通用汉字的出现时间;它们的一些新见用法丰富了其字义系统;有的新补字形有助于纠正过去... 《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中未见于《楚文字编》的新字达900余个,它们与《楚文字编》相配合,更完整地揭示了战国楚简的字符集。新补字提前了一些通用汉字的出现时间;它们的一些新见用法丰富了其字义系统;有的新补字形有助于纠正过去的某些楚文字误释;大量新补字形更充分地显示了战国楚方域内的一些特殊字词对应关系。 展开更多
关键词 楚简 楚文字 《楚文字编》 《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》
作者 李守义 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第11期9-17,共9页
作为中国国家博物馆重要的学术载体,反映博物馆科研水平的学术期刊,伴随着博物馆百年事业的发展历程,经历了四个重要的发展阶段。本文主要从微观的角度对每一阶段的办刊理念、办刊风格、主要刊发的学术文章进行了梳理,以此反映出学术期... 作为中国国家博物馆重要的学术载体,反映博物馆科研水平的学术期刊,伴随着博物馆百年事业的发展历程,经历了四个重要的发展阶段。本文主要从微观的角度对每一阶段的办刊理念、办刊风格、主要刊发的学术文章进行了梳理,以此反映出学术期刊的每一次改版,均是不同时期中国国家博物馆发展的现实需求和时代使命。 展开更多
关键词 国立历史博物馆丛刊 中国历史博物馆 党史研究资料 中国历史文 近代中国与文 中国国家博 物馆
作者 黄浩胜 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)图书情报》 2023年第7期214-218,共5页
馆际互借业务催生了馆际物流发展,馆际物流高质量发展是馆际互借业务可持续开展的前提保障。以佛山市联合图书馆为例,基于馆际互借物流标准化、用户资源查询与索取、馆员物流意识与能力、第三方物流系统等维度,从物流标准、操作规范、... 馆际互借业务催生了馆际物流发展,馆际物流高质量发展是馆际互借业务可持续开展的前提保障。以佛山市联合图书馆为例,基于馆际互借物流标准化、用户资源查询与索取、馆员物流意识与能力、第三方物流系统等维度,从物流标准、操作规范、学习手册、联合目录、馆员物流意识、图书配送能力、图书管理能力、流程规范、责任清晰、资费优惠等指标出发,界定了馆际物流高质量发展的关键要素,并提出优化路径。 展开更多
关键词 高质量发展 关键要素 优化路径 佛山市图书
博物馆序厅设计的构成要素及方法策略探析 被引量:1
作者 李天培 《明日风尚》 2018年第18期12-12,共1页
博物馆序列大厅的设计是在满足基本功能的前提下,通过具有一定美学艺术的造型设计来营造一个符合主题、分布合理、指示明确的空间环境,以满足不同层次人群的观展需求。因此,设计师要从展览的分布层面入手,掌握基本的博物馆分布原理,将... 博物馆序列大厅的设计是在满足基本功能的前提下,通过具有一定美学艺术的造型设计来营造一个符合主题、分布合理、指示明确的空间环境,以满足不同层次人群的观展需求。因此,设计师要从展览的分布层面入手,掌握基本的博物馆分布原理,将空间表现与序厅艺术相结合,对序厅的空间分布、照明、材质等方面进行相应的创新设计,使序厅设计艺术主题化、人性化,运用博物馆中看展的流线分布规律将最佳的环境效果展示在序厅有限的空间里,从而提高博物馆序厅空间的功能性和美观性。 展开更多
关键词 物馆序厅 设计特征 构成要素
作者 奥尔罕·帕慕克 《新读写》 2010年第6期8-9,共2页
关键词 中学 课外阅读 阅读材料 《纯真的物馆
作者 辛宇 《中国美术》 2023年第4期83-89,共7页
20世纪是西方现代艺术市场快速发展的重要阶段。西方现代艺术市场从欧洲国家向美国转移的过程中,涌现出一批颇具远见的艺术管理者。他们在收藏、建立画廊和艺术博物馆及艺术批评等领域多有建树,促进了现代艺术市场在西方的传播与接受。... 20世纪是西方现代艺术市场快速发展的重要阶段。西方现代艺术市场从欧洲国家向美国转移的过程中,涌现出一批颇具远见的艺术管理者。他们在收藏、建立画廊和艺术博物馆及艺术批评等领域多有建树,促进了现代艺术市场在西方的传播与接受。这些艺术管理者中出现了女性的身影。她们打破传统,不仅亲力亲为地参与现代艺术市场的构建,同时还对现代艺术表现出了较一些男性更加坚定的态度。本文主要以玛丽·卡萨特、格特鲁德·斯坦因和露易丝·哈夫迈耶夫人为例,通过梳理与研究她们的贡献,说明女性力量在现代艺术市场发展过程中的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 现代艺术市场 女性力量 收藏家 现代艺术博 物馆
作者 李奇 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第7期78-80,共3页
本文简要介绍了由美国教育部资助的、长达6年的四维项目(Four Dirctions),详细介绍了一个子课题——技术在美国本土学校中的角色。该课题主要目标是探讨如何防止技术的发展对美国印第安人文化的侵蚀,如何利用技术的力量保存、复兴本土... 本文简要介绍了由美国教育部资助的、长达6年的四维项目(Four Dirctions),详细介绍了一个子课题——技术在美国本土学校中的角色。该课题主要目标是探讨如何防止技术的发展对美国印第安人文化的侵蚀,如何利用技术的力量保存、复兴本土文化。该项目的研究成果对于在目前的课程改革中,如何加强本土文化和技术的整合,如何保存文化的多样性具有普遍的借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 美国 本土学校 课程改革 虚拟得物馆 数字烟雾信号 文化承载教学 印第安人文化 信息技术
清代京畿地区的土地典交易 被引量:1
作者 赵牟云 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期37-46,共10页
清代京畿地区土地交易中的典,其内涵并不纯粹,而是跨越了从租佃到买卖这一地权交易体系的各个阶段,具有多样性表现。这种情况的出现既是当地民间对典与抵押两者认识模糊的产物,也是规避土地买卖纳税和旗民交产限制的结果。在旗地、旗租... 清代京畿地区土地交易中的典,其内涵并不纯粹,而是跨越了从租佃到买卖这一地权交易体系的各个阶段,具有多样性表现。这种情况的出现既是当地民间对典与抵押两者认识模糊的产物,也是规避土地买卖纳税和旗民交产限制的结果。在旗地、旗租地交易的历程中,通过“典租”等形式的应用又使得典与租佃发生内在联系,二者相互浸透,互相包含。当地自发“构筑”的这套与典相关的,灵活处理土地财产的方式是民间日常与国家制度、成文法之间相互博弈时不断进行调试的结果。 展开更多
关键词 《首都博物馆藏清代契约文书》 旗地 典租 地权秩序
浅谈延安历史文化特点与保护 被引量:1
作者 张华 《中国民族博览》 2017年第1期211-212,共2页
延安的历史文化遗产特色优势显明,种类较多,时代跨越较大,上至年代距今约3.5~5万年的黄龙人,下至明清,各个时期都有人类在此活动。文物资源不可再生,保护文物人人有责,只有提高群众的文物保护意识,大家共管齐下,才能有效地保护文化遗产... 延安的历史文化遗产特色优势显明,种类较多,时代跨越较大,上至年代距今约3.5~5万年的黄龙人,下至明清,各个时期都有人类在此活动。文物资源不可再生,保护文物人人有责,只有提高群众的文物保护意识,大家共管齐下,才能有效地保护文化遗产,才能真正实现文化遗产传承,推动文化大发展大繁荣的历史重任。 展开更多
关键词 延安 文化 特点 物馆建设
Dilemma and Exploration of Resource Sharing in University Museums of Natural History——using Natural History Museum of Zhengzhou Normal University as an example
作者 李长看 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第7期1064-1068,F0003,共6页
A natural history museum is a museum for collection, researching and presenting natural environment and natural heritages about natural history. In the research, based on the analysis on necessity of university museum... A natural history museum is a museum for collection, researching and presenting natural environment and natural heritages about natural history. In the research, based on the analysis on necessity of university museums’ services to society in resources sharing, the difficulties and dilemmas were summarized in sharing resources of museums and the approaches for resources sharing were explored with the case of Natural History Museum of Zhengzhou Normal University in order to investigate the way for better services of university museum to the public. 展开更多
关键词 University museum of natural history Social services Resource sharing METHODS
望之弥高 钻之弥深──盐业史研究成就斐然
作者 宋劬 《盐业史研究》 1999年第2期13-14,共2页
中国盐业史特别是以自贡为代表的中国井盐史,有其丰富的内涵和鲜明的特色。它是中国经济史、社会史、科技史和文化史的有机组成部分。盐业史研究在自然科学和社会科学领域均占有一定的地位,并有着巨大的潜力和广阔的前景。有关盐的记... 中国盐业史特别是以自贡为代表的中国井盐史,有其丰富的内涵和鲜明的特色。它是中国经济史、社会史、科技史和文化史的有机组成部分。盐业史研究在自然科学和社会科学领域均占有一定的地位,并有着巨大的潜力和广阔的前景。有关盐的记载,史不绝书,时越数千余年,地跨大... 展开更多
关键词 盐业史研究工作 自贡市 盐业历史搏物馆 学术成就 学术活动
A new species and new recorded species of Lumbrineridae Schmarda,1861(Annelida:Polychaeta)from China 被引量:4
作者 蔡文倩 李新正 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期356-365,共10页
Based on material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao), a new species, Lurnbrineris sinensis sp. nov., as well as Augeneria albidentata (Ehlers, 1908), which is re... Based on material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao), a new species, Lurnbrineris sinensis sp. nov., as well as Augeneria albidentata (Ehlers, 1908), which is recorded for the first time from coastal water of China, are reported in the present paper. The specimens examined were collected during 1958 to 1960 from the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea at depths of 4 to 182 m. 展开更多
关键词 POLYCHAETA Lumbrineridae Lumbrineris sinensis sp. nov. Augeneria albidentata (Ehlers 1908) new species new record Chinese waters
First report of the genus Lysippe Malmgren, 1866 (Polychaeta:Ampharetidae) from Chinese waters 被引量:3
作者 隋吉星 李新正 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期846-849,共4页
The ampharetid genus Lysippe Malmgren, 1866 is reported for the first time from Chinese waters. The identification was based on material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qi... The ampharetid genus Lysippe Malmgren, 1866 is reported for the first time from Chinese waters. The identification was based on material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao). A new species, Lysippe trichobranchia sp. nov. is described. The new species is widely distributed in shallow waters of the Bohai Gulf, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea at depths of 10-40 m. 展开更多
关键词 POLYCHAETA Ampharetidae Lysippe trichobranchia new record new species
Pelage color of red bats Lasiurus borealis varies with body size:An image analysis of museum specimens 被引量:2
作者 Andrew K.DAVIS Steven B.CASTLEBERRY 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期401-405,共5页
Mammalian pelage color can vary among individuals of many species, although this intraspecific variation is oftenoverlooked by researchers, perhaps because of its sometimes subtle nature and difficulty in assessing it... Mammalian pelage color can vary among individuals of many species, although this intraspecific variation is oftenoverlooked by researchers, perhaps because of its sometimes subtle nature and difficulty in assessing it quantitatively. Thus, suchvariation is rarely studied in mammals, and this is especially true within the order Chiroptera, where there has been very little empiricalresearch. We examined museum specimens of red bats (Lasiurus borealis, family Vespertilionidae) from Georgia, USA, todetermine the extent of sexual dimorphism in pelage color and to explore possible associations between body size and pelagecolor. We photographed 54 specimens under uniform lighting, and used an image analysis program to measure pelage hue on theuropatagium region, which is fully furred in members of the genus Lasiurus. Statistical analyses of pelage hue scores showedmales had significantly redder pelage than females when considered alone, but when examined together with effects of body sizeand collection year, sex was not significant, and collection year and body size were. More recent specimens tended to be less redthan older specimens, which might indicate a wearing of the buffy tips of hairs from older specimens, and smaller bats of bothsexes tended to be more red. These interesting findings are encouraging and we suggest that future explorations into intraspecificvariation in pelage color of bats using this or similar approaches are warranted to clarify the significance of the patterns. Thisstudy also demonstrated that care must be taken in analyses of mammalian pelage color from older museum skins, or at least thatresearchers must take into account the age of the specimens . 展开更多
关键词 Pelage color Sexual dimorphism Red bats Lasiurus borealis Image analysis
Review of Anobothrus (Polychaeta: Ampharetidae) from China 被引量:2
作者 隋吉星 李新正 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期632-635,共4页
We reviewed ampharetid genus Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884 in China seas based upon material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao). The genus includes A. glandularis (Ha... We reviewed ampharetid genus Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884 in China seas based upon material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao). The genus includes A. glandularis (Hartmann-Schr6der, 1965), A. gracilis (Malmgren, 1866), A. mironovi Jirkov, 2008 and A. nataliae (Jirkov, 2008). A. glandularis and A. mironovi are recorded for the first time in Chinese waters. A key to Chinese species of Anobothrus is given. 展开更多
关键词 POLYCHAETA Ampharetidae new records Chinese waters
A new species of Nassarius(Gastropoda:Nassariidae) from the western Pacific Ocean 被引量:1
作者 张素萍 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期431-434,共4页
This paper describes a new species of Nassarius from the South China Sea,which was recognized when re-sorting the collection of Nassariidae in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao,China.The... This paper describes a new species of Nassarius from the South China Sea,which was recognized when re-sorting the collection of Nassariidae in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao,China.The shells were collected during several investigations,including the National Comprehensive Oceanic Survey in 1958-1959,and the China-Vietnam Co-Investigation on Marine Resource of the Beibu Gulf during 1959-1962.The morphology of the shell and the radula places the new species of Nassarius within the subgenus Zeuxis.It is named Nassarius(Zeuxis) nanhaiensis sp.nov. 展开更多
关键词 GASTROPODA NASSARIIDAE new species western Pacific Ocean South China Sea
The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam" A Museum and Literary Landscape Goes Virtual Reality 被引量:1
作者 Rudi Hartmann 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第10期625-644,共20页
The Anne Frank House, site of Anne Frank's place of hiding 1942-1944, has become a leading tourist attraction in Amsterdam and among heritage sites of the Holocaust. This paper reviews the historical context of the p... The Anne Frank House, site of Anne Frank's place of hiding 1942-1944, has become a leading tourist attraction in Amsterdam and among heritage sites of the Holocaust. This paper reviews the historical context of the political events from 1933 to 1945, the circumstances for the betrayal, and arrest of the group in hiding, the saving of Anne Frank's diary and its publication after her death at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945. Further, the paper reconstructs the beginnings of the heritage site as a small museum at 263 Prinsengracht in 1960 as well as the management issues and capacity problems that led to a larger museum complex including an educational center in 1999. During the years of 2007-2010, when the annual visitation of the museum surpassed one million, the Anne Frank House decided to introduce a high quality 3D version of the Secret Annex on the Intemet. In the final part of the paper, trends in museum management and the more frequent uses of a digital documentation of heritages sites are reviewed. 展开更多
关键词 Anne Frank House Anne Frank Diary literary landscapes virtual reality museums
A new species of Lataxiena Jousseaume,1883(Gastropoda:Muricidae) from the East and South China Seas
作者 张素萍 张树乾 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期506-509,共4页
A new muricid gastropod species,L ataxiena lutescena sp. nov.,is described and illustrated. The new species was recognized during reidentification of the Muricidae collection in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Ac... A new muricid gastropod species,L ataxiena lutescena sp. nov.,is described and illustrated. The new species was recognized during reidentification of the Muricidae collection in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao. The specimens of the new species were collected from the East and South China Seas off Fujian,Guangdong,and Hainan Provinces. Lataxiena lutescena sp. nov. is similar to Lataxiena blosvillei(Deshayes,1832) in general shape,but can be distinguished from the latter by the shell sculpture and radular characteristics. Lataxiena lutescena sp. nov. also resembles Lataxiena bombayana(Melvill,1893),but differs from that species in the shell shape and anal notches and in lacking short spines on the shell. 展开更多
关键词 GASTROPODA MURICIDAE Lataxiena new species East China Sea South China Sea
Design and research of gymnasium structure in Zhejiang University 被引量:1
作者 吴开成 庄一舟 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期237-242,共6页
This paper deals with the issues involved during the design of a complex gymnasium located at the new campus of Zhejiang University. The complexity comes from the gymnasium’s being of three parts: long-span membrane ... This paper deals with the issues involved during the design of a complex gymnasium located at the new campus of Zhejiang University. The complexity comes from the gymnasium’s being of three parts: long-span membrane structure, prestressed concrete structure and extraordinarily long tubular steel structure without seams. The paper first presents considera- tions of the prestress design, followed by analyses of the stress states due to temperature changes and concrete shrinkage. Buckling and postbuckling analyses were performed to determine the load-carrying capacity of the perfect and imperfect tubular steel structure of the inclined arch system, while dynamic relaxation method and general nonlinear finite element analysis were used to carry out shape-finding and stress analyses of the membrane structure respectively. Finally, collated monitoring date was applied to control the construction quality and verify the design parameters. Some useful conclusions are available at the end of the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Prestress structure Membrane structure Tubular structure Extraordinarily long seamless structure Temperature shrinkage Stability
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