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经纬网络充气机翼构形特征与气动性能分析 被引量:1
作者 张俊韬 侯中喜 郭正 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期36-44,共9页
将充气机翼应用于临近空间太阳能飞行器是具有创新性的设计概念。针对充气机翼构形特征和气动分析的相关问题,对构形特征进行分析和设计,并建立经纬网络充气机翼的模型;进一步运用数值方法,通过与标准翼型对比,分析二维充气机翼、三维... 将充气机翼应用于临近空间太阳能飞行器是具有创新性的设计概念。针对充气机翼构形特征和气动分析的相关问题,对构形特征进行分析和设计,并建立经纬网络充气机翼的模型;进一步运用数值方法,通过与标准翼型对比,分析二维充气机翼、三维经纬网络充气机翼的气动性能。数值分析结果表明,在设计的雷诺数条件下,充气机翼的气动性能相比于标准翼型有所降低。在此基础上,结合对流场结构和流动机理的研究,分析出导致充气机翼总阻力系数明显增加的主要原因是:充气机翼表面许多凹陷的局部区域所形成的涡结构,导致局部的摩阻有小幅的减小,但压差阻力大幅增加,最终使得总的气动性能有所降低。 展开更多
关键词 充气机翼 构形特征 气动性能 流动机理
作者 左晓明 陈兆明 《淮阴工学院学报》 CAS 2001年第2期13-15,10,共4页
关键词 特征构形 CAD 应用
一种七自由度冗余机械臂的奇异构形特征分析 被引量:6
作者 史士财 尹斌 蒋再男 《机械与电子》 2014年第10期67-70,共4页
总结了对七自由度冗余机械臂进行奇异性分析的常用方法,并引入了一种基于相关旋量抑制的方法。采用这种方法,对一种构型与加拿大臂2相同的七自由度冗余机械臂进行了奇异性分析,得出了七自由度冗余机械臂出现奇异时的5种情况。为了深入... 总结了对七自由度冗余机械臂进行奇异性分析的常用方法,并引入了一种基于相关旋量抑制的方法。采用这种方法,对一种构型与加拿大臂2相同的七自由度冗余机械臂进行了奇异性分析,得出了七自由度冗余机械臂出现奇异时的5种情况。为了深入和形象地理解机械臂的奇异构形,针对每种情况进行了详细分析,得出了每种情况对应的奇异构形的几何特征,并用图解形式直观地给出了奇异构形的例子。 展开更多
关键词 七自由度冗余机械臂 奇异性分析 相关旋量抑制方法 奇异构形特征
高师古汉语象形会意构形特征教学新探索 被引量:1
作者 李振中 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2014年第4期143-148,共6页
象形和会意是汉字符号的两种基本构形方法。象形法的构形结果是具象符号,通称象形字;会意法的构形结果是意合符号,通称会意字。两种方法的构形特征既有内在联系又有本质区别。构形特征主要体现在符号构形的结构特点、符号构形的思维特... 象形和会意是汉字符号的两种基本构形方法。象形法的构形结果是具象符号,通称象形字;会意法的构形结果是意合符号,通称会意字。两种方法的构形特征既有内在联系又有本质区别。构形特征主要体现在符号构形的结构特点、符号构形的思维特点以及符号构形的文化特点等方面。 展开更多
关键词 符号学 象形 会意 构形特征 有效教学
《古壮字字典》所收象形字及其构形特征分析 被引量:2
作者 胡惠 《广西民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期143-151,共9页
“象形字”是《古壮字字典》的文字类型之一,对其基本构形特征的研究具有重要的文字学、民族学研究价值。字典所收象形字字形与构形时依据的词义互为表里,具有反映与被反映的关系;它采用形符、标示符构造形体,形成独体形符字、标形合成... “象形字”是《古壮字字典》的文字类型之一,对其基本构形特征的研究具有重要的文字学、民族学研究价值。字典所收象形字字形与构形时依据的词义互为表里,具有反映与被反映的关系;它采用形符、标示符构造形体,形成独体形符字、标形合成字、会形合成字等构形模式。不过与古汉字、纳西东巴文等象形文字相比,字典“象形字”的书写风格有向楷书体方向发展的趋势;字形简单,表意抽象;部分字符的构形具有民族文化内涵。此外,字典“象形字”字数少,对其象形功能的识别有消极的影响,且无法反映所代表的自源型壮族象形文字的面貌。 展开更多
关键词 古壮字字典 象形字 古壮字 构形特征 象形功能
作者 王丽霞 《扬州教育学院学报》 2006年第4期77-80,共4页
关键词 鱼类水族纹 构形特征 构形意识
作者 程菲菲 《漯河职业技术学院学报》 2021年第4期1-4,共4页
甲骨文是我国已知最早的成熟汉字。甲骨文的文字系统比较严密,汉字的“六书”原则在甲骨文中均有体现;其格局比较稳定,具备书法的三个要素:用笔、结笔和章法。以《新甲骨文编》为参考书目,对书中所收的338个女部字进行字形研究,对其主... 甲骨文是我国已知最早的成熟汉字。甲骨文的文字系统比较严密,汉字的“六书”原则在甲骨文中均有体现;其格局比较稳定,具备书法的三个要素:用笔、结笔和章法。以《新甲骨文编》为参考书目,对书中所收的338个女部字进行字形研究,对其主要构形特征进行分析梳理并联系文字背后的文化内涵,为感受甲骨文女部字提供立体化信息。 展开更多
关键词 甲骨文 女部字 构形特征 文化
作者 纪黎 《美术大观》 2012年第4期78-78,共1页
关键词 太平泥叫叫 构形特征 娱乐性 传承与保护
作者 刘佳 李心桥 +1 位作者 梁国星 杨胜强 《高教学刊》 2024年第22期140-143,共4页
围绕传统工程制图课程在教学过程中存在学生图与形思维转换困难、图学知识实际应用效果不佳的问题,课程围绕“高阶性”构建基于形体特征构形和集合运算理论的数学、计算机、图论相互融合的课程内容。教学过程以学生为中心,实施“视-触-... 围绕传统工程制图课程在教学过程中存在学生图与形思维转换困难、图学知识实际应用效果不佳的问题,课程围绕“高阶性”构建基于形体特征构形和集合运算理论的数学、计算机、图论相互融合的课程内容。教学过程以学生为中心,实施“视-触-感”一体化,“线上”+“线下”两条腿,“课前”+“课中”+“课后”三阶段有机结合的创新性教学方法,确立师生共同参与的可持续改进协同式教学评价体系,最终形成一套具有挑战度的应用“图论-形数-逻辑”方式学习工程制图、增强工程规范意识和创新意识的新方法。培养科学思考图学问题的习惯和能力,为“双一流”学科建设培育具有敬业、精益、专注的大国工匠人才。 展开更多
关键词 工程制图 教学改革 图形逻辑 特征构形 集合运算
中西神话构形特征与叙事传统 被引量:4
作者 张开焱 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期55-66,共12页
《山海经》与《神谱》在叙事话语和内容组织上,分别呈现出强化空间性和时间性的明显差别,这一差别也体现在中国与希腊上古其它神话传说和史诗文本之中。总体上看,中国神话叙事话语和内容组织偏重于空间形态,西方神话叙事话语和内容组织... 《山海经》与《神谱》在叙事话语和内容组织上,分别呈现出强化空间性和时间性的明显差别,这一差别也体现在中国与希腊上古其它神话传说和史诗文本之中。总体上看,中国神话叙事话语和内容组织偏重于空间形态,西方神话叙事话语和内容组织偏重于时间形态。两个民族神话叙事形态中积淀着不同的时空优势构形心理,这种构形心理深刻地影响了各自后世文学、尤其是叙事文学构形传统。西方叙事文学经历了一个漫长的以时间为主、以时统空的形态转化为以空统时的形态,而中国叙事文学则经历了一个从以空间为主、以空统时的形态转化为以时间为主、以时统空的形态的发展过程。但即使在以时统空阶段,中国文学叙事中,空间要素依然具有重要的结构性作用。 展开更多
关键词 《山海经》 《神谱》 中西神话 构形特征 叙事传统
贞人名字体在宾组分类中的作用与价值 被引量:2
作者 王建军 《殷都学刊》 2012年第4期14-24,共11页
在分类过程中,重视甲骨文的字体因素,旨在强化字形变化的特殊作用。卜辞中有关贞人名的字体较多,分类学者列举的特征字形中多有涉及。贞人名字形多置于前辞"干支卜"后,"贞"字之前,其他则多见于非占卜性记事刻辞中... 在分类过程中,重视甲骨文的字体因素,旨在强化字形变化的特殊作用。卜辞中有关贞人名的字体较多,分类学者列举的特征字形中多有涉及。贞人名字形多置于前辞"干支卜"后,"贞"字之前,其他则多见于非占卜性记事刻辞中的签名或记录,也有一些处在贞卜内容之中。其中有些贞人名字形,较之其他形式的特征字体,明显地具有较突出的"构形特征",且具备"通用性"最高的字形、字体属性等特点。 展开更多
关键词 甲骨文 贞人名字形 构形特征
Surface reconstruction of complex contour lines based on chain code matching technique 被引量:1
作者 姜晓彤 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第4期432-435,共4页
A new method for solving the tiling problem of surface reconstruction is proposed. The proposed method uses a snake algorithm to segment the original images, the contours are then transformed into strings by Freeman'... A new method for solving the tiling problem of surface reconstruction is proposed. The proposed method uses a snake algorithm to segment the original images, the contours are then transformed into strings by Freeman' s code. Symbolic string matching technique is applied to establish a correspondence between the two consecutive contours. The surface is composed of the pieces reconstructed from the correspondence points. Experimental results show that the proposed method exhibits a good behavior for the quality of surface reconstruction and its time complexity is proportional to mn where m and n are the numbers of vertices of the two consecutive slices, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 chain code string matching surface reconstruction local shape feature
Logical-Structure Modeling for Conceptual Design
作者 孙正兴 张福炎 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2001年第1期59-65,共7页
Based on the definition of a logic structure feature to relate logically functional requirements to geometric representation independent upon detailed geometric representation, this paper presents an idea of logical s... Based on the definition of a logic structure feature to relate logically functional requirements to geometric representation independent upon detailed geometric representation, this paper presents an idea of logical structure modeling for computer aided conceptual design and makes attempt to establish a representation formalism of logic structure modeling. The definition and representation of logical structure feature are given and an assembly module definition for supporting top down conceptual design is also proposed. The proposed scheme contributes to several aspects of conceptual design research, especially to provide elementarily a formal methodology for computer aided conceptual design system development and operation. 展开更多
关键词 conceptual design function form transformation logic structure feature representation formalism
浅谈甲骨文及相关古文字书法的临习与创作 被引量:1
作者 王蕴智 《大学书法》 2021年第5期112-117,共6页
以殷墟出土的10万余片刻辞甲骨为代表的商代文字符号,是迄今所见最早的大宗古汉字书写真迹。从审美的角度来看,古汉字结体本身就是艺术的,加之不同书家个性风格的情趣释放,极具视觉上的美感享受。殷墟甲骨文所表现出来的线条造型及其早... 以殷墟出土的10万余片刻辞甲骨为代表的商代文字符号,是迄今所见最早的大宗古汉字书写真迹。从审美的角度来看,古汉字结体本身就是艺术的,加之不同书家个性风格的情趣释放,极具视觉上的美感享受。殷墟甲骨文所表现出来的线条造型及其早期汉字的构形特征,处处体现着华夏先民的智慧. 展开更多
关键词 殷墟甲骨文 刻辞甲骨 汉字书写 古文字 美感享受 个性风格 构形特征 商代文字
作者 李煜 《广东教育学院学报》 2002年第1期77-80,共4页
对汉字产生时代的正确判断 ,关系到汉字在世界文字史上的地位 ,关系到中华文明的历史。从地下出土文物、学者们的理论推阐、汉字构形取象的时代特征以及古代的汉字起源传说几方面加以综合考察 ,认为汉字产生于新石器时代的晚期 ,即距今... 对汉字产生时代的正确判断 ,关系到汉字在世界文字史上的地位 ,关系到中华文明的历史。从地下出土文物、学者们的理论推阐、汉字构形取象的时代特征以及古代的汉字起源传说几方面加以综合考察 ,认为汉字产生于新石器时代的晚期 ,即距今大约五六千年的上古时代的结论是可信的。这也正与世界其他几种古老的文字的产生时代相一致 ,说明上古时代东西方文明的进化历程基本是同步的。 展开更多
关键词 汉字 原始汉字 甲骨文 汉字构形特征 新石器时代晚期
Electro-spark epitaxial deposition of NiCoCrAlYTa alloy on directionally solidified nickel-based superalloy 被引量:6
作者 王茂才 王维夫 +1 位作者 谢玉江 张杰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期795-802,共8页
An 8 mm-high NiCoCrAlYTa coating was epitaxially built-up on a directionally solidified (DS) Ni-based superalloy blade tip by electro-spark deposition.Epitaxial morphologies of the coating and its microstructural char... An 8 mm-high NiCoCrAlYTa coating was epitaxially built-up on a directionally solidified (DS) Ni-based superalloy blade tip by electro-spark deposition.Epitaxial morphologies of the coating and its microstructural characteristics were investigated by means of SEM,XRD and TEM etc.It is observed that the fine column-like dendrites originated from the γ'-particles or γ'-clusters of the DS substrate and are un-continuously coarsened.The β-phase particles precipitate and grow eutectically with the γ-phase.The orientation of fine column dendrites depends on electro-spark deposition processing parameters and the microstructure can be characterized with superfine γ and β phases. 展开更多
关键词 electro-spark deposition epitaxial growth MCrAlY alloy Ni-base superalloy
Deformation characteristics and constitutive model of seafloor massive sulfides
作者 胡建华 刘少军 +1 位作者 张瑞强 胡琼 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期1986-1991,共6页
Deformation characteristics and constitutive model of seafloor massive sulfide(SMS)were selected as the research object.Uniaxial/triaxial compression test were carried out on the mineral samples,and the deformation ch... Deformation characteristics and constitutive model of seafloor massive sulfide(SMS)were selected as the research object.Uniaxial/triaxial compression test were carried out on the mineral samples,and the deformation characteristics of specimens under various conditions were studied.According to characteristics of the mineral,a new three stages constitutive equation was proposed.The conclusions are as follows:The axial strain,peak strain and maximum strength of seafloor massive sulfide increase with the confining pressure.The elastic modulus of the metal sulfide samples is decreased sharply with the increase of confining pressure.According to characteristics of seafloor massive sulfide,the constitutive equation is divided into three parts,the comparison between theoretical curves and experimental data shows that both of them are in good agreement,which also proves the correctness of the constitutive equation for uniaxial compression. 展开更多
关键词 seafloor massive sulfide constitutive model failure characteristics DAMAGE uniaxial strain triaxial strain
Morphology of Films of SEBS Triblock Copolymers
作者 HAN Xia(韩霞) +5 位作者 LIU Honglai(刘洪来) DONG Yaming(董亚明) Hu Ying(胡英) 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第4期498-503,共6页
Surface morphologies of the films of poly [styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butene)-b-styrene] (SEBS) have been studied by using tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (TM-AFM). The films of block copolymer were prepared bo... Surface morphologies of the films of poly [styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butene)-b-styrene] (SEBS) have been studied by using tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (TM-AFM). The films of block copolymer were prepared both by spin-coating on mica and by solvent-casting on different solution surfaces. For spin-coating samples, the effect of solution concentration, solvent, and annealing temperature are investigated. It is shown that changing the concentration of the solution makes no difference on the morphology of the film of the block copolymer. The microstructures are quite stable during thermal annealing; only the size of the domains changes toward the equilibrium configuration. However, solvent annealing can notably change the microstructures. When different selective solvents are used for film spin-coating, different morphologies can be obtained and explained by the different solubility parameters of the solvents. As expected, significant different morphologies in the top and the bottom surfaces of the casting films were observed. The images of the top surfaces reveal cylinder microdomains, while those of the bottom surfaces were spherical morphologies. 展开更多
关键词 atomic force microscopy (AFM) MORPHOLOGY block copolymer SPIN-COATING solvent-casting
A Preliminary Analysis of Relations Between Tectonic Deformation of Sedimentary Cover and Basement in Kuqa Depression
作者 LiuJie QuGuosheng +3 位作者 TongXiaoguang SongHuizhen ZhouQing ZhangNing 《Earthquake Research in China》 2004年第4期406-416,共11页
Study of seismic activity in the Kuqa area enables us to infer some possible active faults in basement from the epicentral distribution on different profiles. The relations between active faults in the basement and su... Study of seismic activity in the Kuqa area enables us to infer some possible active faults in basement from the epicentral distribution on different profiles. The relations between active faults in the basement and surface structures are analyzed and the difference between sedimentary cover and basement in their deformation characteristics and the genesis are discussed. The following conclusions have been drawn: (1) the epicentral distribution indicates that, the east Qiulitag and south and north Qiulitag deep faults in the basement correspond to the east and west Qiulitag anticlines, respectively. Moreover, deep faults also exist beneath the Yiqiklik and Yaken anticlines. It indicates that the formation of surface structures is controlled by deep structures; (2) A NE-trending strike-slip fault develops along the line from the western termination of Yiqiklik structure to Dongqiu Well 5 and a NW-trending active fault on the western side of Baicheng. The two active faults across the tectonic strike are the main causes for tectonic segmentation of the Kuqa depression and possibly the cause for the middle segment (Kuqa-Baicheng) of the depression to be more shortened than both its eastern and western terminations; (3) The difference between the sedimentary cover and basement in their deformation characteristics depends mainly on the different properties of media between them. The lithospheric strength of the basement in the basin is fairly high, which determines the basement deformation to be mainly of brittle fracture——seismic activity. While the strength of sedimentary cover is low, where there exist weak thin layers, such as coal and gyps. Under the effect of strong tectonic compression, the sedimentary rocks may undergo strong viscous or plastic flow deformation; meanwhile, an aseismic detachment may take place along the weak layers. 展开更多
关键词 SEISMICITY Surface structure Basement fault Deformation character Kuqa depression
Review and Discussion on Seismic Subsidence of Loess 被引量:2
作者 Wang Qiang Sun Junjie +1 位作者 Wang Lanmin Chen Xiuqing 《Earthquake Research in China》 2013年第4期479-489,共11页
The research and achievements made on seismic subsidence of loess,obtained over the past30 years,were reviewed.Seismic Subsidence of Loess(SSL)has been verified by microstructure characteristics,dynamic triaxial exper... The research and achievements made on seismic subsidence of loess,obtained over the past30 years,were reviewed.Seismic Subsidence of Loess(SSL)has been verified by microstructure characteristics,dynamic triaxial experiments,and in-situ explosion tests,and has become an important subject in the field of seismic loess engineering research.While,the research is still in the stage of theoretical study of saturated soil,and there are no representative cases of seismic subsidence of loess in historical earthquakes.It is difficult to express structure characteristics using microstructure morphology.While,soil mechanics are available methods for this.Seismic subsidence judgment is absolute in some certain value ranges for several parameters.Therefore,probabilistic judgment should be developed.The seismic subsidence ratio is estimated mostly by empirical formulas or semiempirical and semi-theoretical formulas,which are based on laboratory data.These formulas are not established on the basis of physical process and mechanics of seismic subsidence,and this leads to more variables,complicated computation,and poor practicability.To solve these problems,we need to distinguish the main factors and corresponding variables,to establish a mechanics model for seismic subsidence estimation,and to characterize its physio-mechanical process.The key of anti-seismic subsidence treatment is to reduce the seismic subsidence property of soils,and to lower the interaction between the soil body and underground structures. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic Subsidence of Loess (SSL) Mechanism of seismic subsidence Seismic subsidence assessment Estimation of seismic subsidence amount MICROSTRUCTURE
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