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评特米斯托克利的军事战略 被引量:4
作者 宋慧娟 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第4期57-63,共7页
特米斯托克利在古希腊史中是一位不容忽视的军事家、政治家,他大力发展雅典海军的战略决策,为雅典的强大乃至走向霸权奠定了牢固的基石;他在希波战争的紧要关头,审时度势,英明指挥萨拉米海战,成为希腊反败为胜的转折点,创造了古... 特米斯托克利在古希腊史中是一位不容忽视的军事家、政治家,他大力发展雅典海军的战略决策,为雅典的强大乃至走向霸权奠定了牢固的基石;他在希波战争的紧要关头,审时度势,英明指挥萨拉米海战,成为希腊反败为胜的转折点,创造了古代军事史上以少胜多的军事范例;在希腊内部,他把战略目标对准斯巴达,积极营建港口城防,使雅典有足够的实力可以和军事强国斯巴达相抗衡.特米斯托克利的这些军事战略对希腊历史影响深远,但他本人晚节不保,令后人深思。 展开更多
关键词 特米斯托克利 波斯 雅典 斯巴达
奇克岑特米哈伊的创造力系统模型及心流体验研究 被引量:5
作者 衣新发 敖选鹏 鲍文慧 《贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第1期126-164,共39页
心理学家米哈里·奇克岑特米哈伊一生致力于创造力和心流体验的研究。基于实证研究基础,他提出了创造力的系统模型和心流体验理论,并不断在研究中丰富和完善理论模型;作为积极心理学运动的联合倡导者,他在积极心理学研究领域做了奠... 心理学家米哈里·奇克岑特米哈伊一生致力于创造力和心流体验的研究。基于实证研究基础,他提出了创造力的系统模型和心流体验理论,并不断在研究中丰富和完善理论模型;作为积极心理学运动的联合倡导者,他在积极心理学研究领域做了奠基性的研究工作,从而为开展创造力、心流的研究和探索如何促进人类的幸福做出了积极贡献。论文将从奇克岑特米哈伊的生平简介出发,全面回顾奇克岑特米哈伊的创造力系统模型及心流体验理论相关内容,并综合分析他的理论研究不断推进的历程、梳理理论所激发的相关研究的进展,并据此做出评论和展望。通过以上研究,希冀为中国的创造与创新工作提供学术之支撑。 展开更多
关键词 奇克岑特米哈伊 积极心理学 创造力系统模型 心流体验 心理体验抽样法
作者 何月光 张富娥 +2 位作者 罗炳辉 何世利 迟伟 《中国实用医药》 2007年第10期41-43,共3页
目的观察特米沙坦对高血压病(EH)病人的疗效及内皮血管活性物质内皮素1(ET-1)、一氧化氮(NO)、降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)和血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)的影响。方法对96例EH病人用特米沙坦治疗8周,观察用药前后血ET、NO、CGRP和AngⅡ的变化。结... 目的观察特米沙坦对高血压病(EH)病人的疗效及内皮血管活性物质内皮素1(ET-1)、一氧化氮(NO)、降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)和血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)的影响。方法对96例EH病人用特米沙坦治疗8周,观察用药前后血ET、NO、CGRP和AngⅡ的变化。结果特米沙坦治疗EH总有效率为91·7%。特米沙坦治疗后血NO、CGRP浓度均较治疗前显著升高(P<0·01),血ET浓度显著下降(P<0·01),AngⅡ水平也升高(P<0·01)。结论特米沙坦有较好的降压作用,可明显改善EH病人血管内皮功能。 展开更多
关键词 特米沙坦 高血压病 内皮素1(ET-1) 一氧化氮(NO) 降钙基因相关肽(CGRP) 血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)
阿特米西亚的画作《苏珊娜与长老》——图像中的故事 被引量:1
作者 刘要 《美术大观》 2013年第5期51-51,共1页
关键词 特米西亚 苏珊娜 女性画家
“没有故事,只有讲述”——论女性主义艺术史对阿特米西亚·简特内斯基的新解读 被引量:2
作者 金影村 《艺术设计研究》 CSSCI 2015年第1期92-100,共9页
阿特米西亚.简特内斯基是巴洛克时期传奇而富有争议的女艺术家,热衷表现性、暴力、死亡等题材。传统艺术史研究较为简单地将她的个人经历与创作联系起来,将艺术家创作的极端题材作为其少女时期遭到强奸的传记式反映。然而,20世纪70... 阿特米西亚.简特内斯基是巴洛克时期传奇而富有争议的女艺术家,热衷表现性、暴力、死亡等题材。传统艺术史研究较为简单地将她的个人经历与创作联系起来,将艺术家创作的极端题材作为其少女时期遭到强奸的传记式反映。然而,20世纪70年代兴起的女性主义艺术史研究,则以新艺术史的理论视野与角度,重新审视了阿特米西亚的艺术作品,并得出了更多富有学理价值的结论。本文将集中讨论其三幅代表作:《苏珊娜与长老》(1610)《朱迪斯斩首霍洛芬尼斯》(1612~1613)以及《克利奥帕特拉》(或《埃及艳后》,1621~1622),并通过女性主义艺术史研究方法对其绘画的解读,重构阿特米西亚在新艺术史范畴中的意义空间。 展开更多
关键词 特米西亚.简特内斯基 女性主义 苏珊娜 朱迪斯 克利奥帕特拉
阿特米西亚绘画中的女性意象——《朱迪斯与荷洛芬尼斯》图像分析 被引量:2
作者 李柯臻 《美术大观》 2016年第9期51-51,共1页
关键词 特米西亚·真蒂莱斯基 朱迪斯 女性主义
作者 周聪颖 《美与时代(美术学刊)(中)》 2020年第3期67-68,共2页
画作《朱迪丝与荷罗孚尼》的题材源自《圣经》中的《朱迪丝记》,这一题材历史上曾多次被男性艺术家作为创作题材。17世纪画家阿特米西亚是佛罗伦萨艺术学院史上第一位女性艺术家。1612年阿特米西亚父亲为挽回女儿名节向法庭起诉塔西对... 画作《朱迪丝与荷罗孚尼》的题材源自《圣经》中的《朱迪丝记》,这一题材历史上曾多次被男性艺术家作为创作题材。17世纪画家阿特米西亚是佛罗伦萨艺术学院史上第一位女性艺术家。1612年阿特米西亚父亲为挽回女儿名节向法庭起诉塔西对女儿的多次强暴,塔西在法庭上的诬陷使阿特米西亚受到精神的创伤,但也坚定了她的艺术道路。阿特米西亚对《朱迪丝与荷罗孚尼》主题的描绘贯穿了其人生的这段时期,她创作出不同于男性视角下的朱迪丝形象,其作品也在同类题材绘画中独树一帜。 展开更多
关键词 特米西亚 《朱迪丝与荷罗孚尼》 女性艺术家
作者 WGSN TroyCheung 《服装设计师》 2003年第6期14-14,共1页
关键词 特米斯有限公司 弗朗索瓦-亨利·皮诺特 服装业 人事变动
作者 米雅楠 宋莉 《美术文献》 2021年第4期29-30,共2页
女性主义艺术史研究以两次女权运动为基础,受20世纪以来的女性主义史观的影响,要求发现、记录历史上的女性艺术家,并且介入艺术史的书写。女性主义艺术史家认为,正典书写的艺术史对女性的轻视与偏见导致女性艺术家的创造力被严重低估,... 女性主义艺术史研究以两次女权运动为基础,受20世纪以来的女性主义史观的影响,要求发现、记录历史上的女性艺术家,并且介入艺术史的书写。女性主义艺术史家认为,正典书写的艺术史对女性的轻视与偏见导致女性艺术家的创造力被严重低估,因此有必要在艺术史领域内重新定位与理解女性艺术创造主体。阿特米西亚·真蒂莱斯基以传奇的人生经历与高水平的艺术创造力受到了女性主义艺术史家的注意,关于阿特米西亚的研究主要集中于从正典研究的缝隙里为阿特米西亚正名的基础研究以及被侵犯事件反映出的性与性别之间的关系、创作主体与话语权之间的关系、朱迪斯与苏珊娜主题绘画的理解问题等方面的研究。 展开更多
关键词 特米西亚·真蒂莱斯基 女性主义艺术史观 女性艺术家
作者 陈旭 《艺术与设计(产品设计)》 2003年第5期73-75,共3页
自1879年爱迪生和史沃顿发明钨丝灯泡以来,现代生活已经越来越离不开电灯照明了。上世纪初,美国著名的蒂法尼公司(Tiffany)聘请两百多名手工艺人制造彩绘玻璃工艺灯,因张扬“新艺术运动”精神,而一时间传为佳话;二三十年代,包... 自1879年爱迪生和史沃顿发明钨丝灯泡以来,现代生活已经越来越离不开电灯照明了。上世纪初,美国著名的蒂法尼公司(Tiffany)聘请两百多名手工艺人制造彩绘玻璃工艺灯,因张扬“新艺术运动”精神,而一时间传为佳话;二三十年代,包豪斯学院师生设计的适于批量化生产 家用灯具,则成为现代主义设计的典范;消费主义盛行的六七十年代,生产成本相对低廉的塑料,逐渐渗透到家用灯具行业——“阿特米德公司”(Artemide)便是该时期,在设计与研发塑料灯具、树立塑料产品价值观,以至最终在市场上牢固确立塑料灯具地位方面,做出卓越贡献的著名意大利灯具生产企业。 展开更多
关键词 电灯照明 灯具设计 特米德公司 产品创新 人性化灯具 技术依托 设计文化战略 意大利
国外中继卫星对航天器交会对接的测控通信支持 被引量:7
作者 史西斌 费立刚 +1 位作者 寇保华 程砾瑜 《航天器工程》 2011年第6期79-85,共7页
中继卫星系统的天基测控通信是近代航天技术的重大突破,它能够有效地满足航天器交会对接的测控通信需要。文章分析了美国"跟踪与数据中继卫星系统"(TDRSS)和欧洲"阿特米斯"(ARTEMIS)中继卫星对"自动转移飞行器... 中继卫星系统的天基测控通信是近代航天技术的重大突破,它能够有效地满足航天器交会对接的测控通信需要。文章分析了美国"跟踪与数据中继卫星系统"(TDRSS)和欧洲"阿特米斯"(ARTEMIS)中继卫星对"自动转移飞行器"(ATV)与"国际空间站"(ISS)交会对接任务的测控通信支持,总结了国外中继卫星系统支持航天器交会对接任务的4个特点:①构建以中继卫星系统为主的天地一体化测控通信网;②推荐使用TDRS卫星单址天线支持同一波束内2个目标的测控通信;③中继终端采用多副S频段天线实现测控通信的连续覆盖;④在加强国际合作的同时大力发展自己的中继卫星系统。研究表明,以中继卫星系统为主的天地一体化测控通信网,可以解决当前陆海基测控网所面临的覆盖率低、运行成本高等难题,能为航天器交会对接任务提供有力的测控通信保障。 展开更多
关键词 “跟踪与数据中继卫星系统” “阿特米斯”卫星 交会对接 “自动转移飞行器” “国际空间站”
Synthesis of One-Dimensional ZnO Na norods by Oxidating Zinc Films Deposited with Magnetron Sputtering 被引量:5
作者 石礼伟 李玉国 +2 位作者 王强 薛成山 王书运 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第10期1211-1214,共4页
One-dimensional ZnO nanorods are synthesized by ox idating thin metal zinc films deposited on Si(111) substrates with radio frequen cy magnetron sputtering.The crystal structure,surface morphology,and optical pro per... One-dimensional ZnO nanorods are synthesized by ox idating thin metal zinc films deposited on Si(111) substrates with radio frequen cy magnetron sputtering.The crystal structure,surface morphology,and optical pro perties of nanorods are investigated.X-ray diffraction(XRD) pattern,scanning el ectron microscopy(SEM),and transmission electron microscopy(TEM) analyses show t hat the synthesized single-crystal ZnO nanorods develop like hairpins along dif ferent radials,with a hexagonal wurtzite structure.The diameters of nanorods ran ge between 30 and 60nm and lengths up to micrometers.Photoluminescence(PL) analy sis shows that,under 280nm light excitation,a strong and sharp near band-edge U V light emission band at 372nm and a relatively weak green deep-level light emi ssion band at 516nm are observed from the ZnO nanorods,which indicates excellent crystallization and optical quality of the fabricated ZnO nanorods. 展开更多
关键词 magnetron sputtering thermal oxidation ZNO nan orods properties
Effects of Storage Temperature on Pasting Properties of Brown Rice 被引量:1
作者 宋伟 刘璐 +1 位作者 支永海 陈瑞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第11期21-24,共4页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the effects of storage temperature on pasting properties of brown rice.[Method] Rapid viscosity analyzer was used to determine the viscosity of brown rice under differe... [Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the effects of storage temperature on pasting properties of brown rice.[Method] Rapid viscosity analyzer was used to determine the viscosity of brown rice under different storage temperatures(30,25,20 and 15 ℃).[Result] The peak viscosity value increased with storage time prolonging.The higher the storage temperature was,the more rapidly the increasing of peak viscosity value;different storage temperatures and storage time showed significant effects on peak viscosity value of brown rice;the difference on peak viscosity value of brown rice under different storage temperatures was significant.The hot viscosity value of brown rice stored under 30 and 25 ℃ gradually increased with the storage time prolonging;and storage time and storage temperature showed significant effects on hot viscosity value;there was extremely significant difference on hot viscosity value of brown rice under 30,25 and 20,15 ℃.The breakdown value showed a first increasing and then decreasing trend with the storage time prolonging;storage temperature and storage time had extremely significant effect on the breakdown value of brown rice;the breakdown value of brown rice among each storage temperature was extremely significant.The final viscosity of brown rice increased with storage time prolonging.The higher the temperature was,the higher the increasing rate of final viscosity;storage time and temperature showed extremely significant effect on the final viscosity of brown rice;the difference on final viscosity among different storage temperature treatments was extremely significant.The changes on setback value of brown rice under different storage temperature treatments were different with the storage time prolonging;and the storage temperature showed extremely significant effect on the setback value of brown rice.[Conclusion] The study had provided theoretical basis for the storage of brown rice. 展开更多
关键词 TEMPERATURE Pasting properties Brown rice STORAGE
几种新型药剂防治水稻纹枯病药效比较研究 被引量:1
作者 邹先金 戴元球 +2 位作者 曾晓勇 肖咏梅 徐善忠 《现代农业科技》 2015年第6期121-121,128,共2页
研究阿特米、拿敌稳、阿米妙收等6种药剂对纹枯病的药效,结果表明:以阿米妙收对纹枯病防治效果最好,为90.00%,5%井冈霉素水剂最差,为64.77%。阿米妙收、阿特米等5种药剂可作为防治纹枯病的替代药剂,防治效果良好,可有效控制纹枯病的蔓... 研究阿特米、拿敌稳、阿米妙收等6种药剂对纹枯病的药效,结果表明:以阿米妙收对纹枯病防治效果最好,为90.00%,5%井冈霉素水剂最差,为64.77%。阿米妙收、阿特米等5种药剂可作为防治纹枯病的替代药剂,防治效果良好,可有效控制纹枯病的蔓延和危害。 展开更多
关键词 水稻纹枯病 药效示范 阿米妙收 特米 江西泰和
Clinical Trial of Letrozole (femara) versus Aminoglutethimide in Postmenopausal Women with Advanced Breast Cancer
作者 刘晓晴 宋三泰 +3 位作者 江泽飞 李维廉 王伟霞 杨辉 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第6期338-340,共3页
Objective: To compare the response and adverse reactions of aminoglutethimide with that of femara, an oral aromatase inhibitor, in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. Methods: Fifty patients were rando... Objective: To compare the response and adverse reactions of aminoglutethimide with that of femara, an oral aromatase inhibitor, in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. Methods: Fifty patients were randomly assigned to femara 2.5 mg once daily (n=26) or aminoglutethimide (n=24) 125 mg twice daily in the first week, 250 mg twice daily in the second week, 250 mg three times daily in the third week and 250 mg four times daily in the fourth week, 30 days for one cycle for both groups. Results: Overall objective response rate (complete+partial) of 26.9% for femara was 12.5% higher than that of aminoglutethimide, but there was no significant difference (P=0.294). The percentages of stable disease were 53.8% and 50.0% respectively in both treatment groups and that of progressive disease of two groups were 19.2% and 37.5%. There was no significant difference between two arms in the receptor status, disease-free intervals, sites of disease and stages of treatment. Femara-related adverse events were fatigue (15.4%), anorexia (11.5%), dizziness (7.7%), nausea (3.8%) and somnolence (3.8%). However, incidence of nausea (25.0%) and vomiting (16.7%) in aminoglutethimide group was obviously higher and severer than that in femara group (P=0.045 and P=0.046). Compared to femara group, frequency in dizziness (25.0%), fatigue (20.8%), anorexia (16.7%), somnolence (12.5%) and cutaneous pruritus (12.5%) was higher in aminoglutethimide group. Allergic rash occurred in aminoglutethimide group. Conclusion: Femara was more effective and well tolerated than aminoglutethimide with respect to side effects in the treatment of postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. 展开更多
关键词 breast neoplasms endocrinotherapy FEMARA AMINOGLUTETHIMIDE
An Evanescent Coupling Approach for Optical Characterization of ZnO Nanowires 被引量:1
作者 杨青 楼静漪 +1 位作者 杨德仁 童利民 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期425-428,共4页
Using a nanoscale silica fiber taper,light can be efficiently coupled into a single ZnO nanowire by means of evanescent coupling. The method is valid for launching light into a single nanowire in the ultraviolet to in... Using a nanoscale silica fiber taper,light can be efficiently coupled into a single ZnO nanowire by means of evanescent coupling. The method is valid for launching light into a single nanowire in the ultraviolet to infrared range with a coupling efficiency of 25%, Low-loss optical guiding of ZnO nanowires is demonstrated, and the photoluminescence of a single ZnO nanowire is also observed. Compared to conventional approaches in which a lensfocused laser beam is used to excite nanowires at specific wavelengths,this evanescent coupling approach has advantages such as high coupling efficiency and broad-band validity, and it is promising for the optical characterization of semiconductor nanowires or nanoribbons. 展开更多
关键词 ZnO nanowire evanescent coupling optical characterization
Preparation and Fluorescence Properties of Co-doped Nanocomposite Film Based on Supra Molecular Structure 被引量:3
作者 李贵安 李貅 +4 位作者 宋建平 李发荣 马少华 张玉荣 方晓玲 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期183-186,共4页
A novel materials design procedure based on the co-doping of metal nanoparticle and azo dye compound (MNPADC) is developed to improve the properties of functional molecules. The synthesized materials were characteri... A novel materials design procedure based on the co-doping of metal nanoparticle and azo dye compound (MNPADC) is developed to improve the properties of functional molecules. The synthesized materials were characterized by transmission electron micrograph (TEM), ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra (UV-Vis) and fluorescence spectra (FS). It was found that the fluorescence intensity of methyl orange (MO) was enhanced by 5 times in the aqueous composite system doped with silver nanoparticles whereas it was reduced by 15% and 20% in composite films with co-mixing and coating structures, respectively. The results indicate that the properties of functional molecules can be greatly improved in composite film with supra molecular structure and that the procedure presented here is effective. 展开更多
关键词 Supra molecular structure Nanocomposite film Silver nanoparticles Methyl orange Fluorescence properties
Comparison of Letrozole and Aminoglutethimide in Treatment of 113 Cases of Postmenopausal Women with Advanced Breast Cancer
作者 刘冬耕 管忠震 +3 位作者 沈镇宙 韩企夏 宋三泰 刘晓晴 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2004年第2期90-92,125,共4页
Objective: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of letrozole with aminoglutethimide (AG) in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. Methods: The multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial was cond... Objective: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of letrozole with aminoglutethimide (AG) in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. Methods: The multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in 113 patients. They randomly received letrozole 2.5 mg once daily (letrozole group) or AG 250 mg 4 times daily (AG group) with hydrocortisone. Results: The OR in letrozole group was 23.73% (2 cases of CR and 12 cases of PR, ITT OR was 21.88%), which was higher than in AG group (the OR 11.11%, 1 CASE of CR and 5 cases of PR, ITT 10.17%), but there was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05). Adverse events (AE) and the treatment related AE (RAE) in letrozole group (n=59) was 18.54% and 13.56% respectively, significantly lower than those (42.11% and 33.33% respectively) in AG group (n=57, P=0.002). Conclusion: The OR of letrozole in the treatment of postmenopausal advanced breast cancer positive or unknown for hormonal receptor is 23.73%, showing no significant difference to that of AG. The AE of letrozole are significantly less than AG. 展开更多
关键词 LETROZOLE AMINOGLUTETHIMIDE advanced breast cancer
Cultivation Techniques for High-yield Corn in a Karst Area of Southwest Guizhou
作者 郭银萍 王永树 黄蔚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1339-1341,共3页
The cultivation techniques for high-yield corn in a karst area of southwest Guizhou were elaborated in this research from the respects of choosing farmland, preparing farmland, picking good seeds, timely sowing, ratio... The cultivation techniques for high-yield corn in a karst area of southwest Guizhou were elaborated in this research from the respects of choosing farmland, preparing farmland, picking good seeds, timely sowing, rational close planting, im-proving the quality of planting, mulching, scientific fertilization, field management, timely harvest, etc. we hoped to provide a reference for the realization of high-effi-ciency corn planting in mountain areas. 展开更多
关键词 Karst area CORN High yield Cultivation technique
Grain-filling Characteristics of Two Differentpanicle Type Rice Cultivars in Heilongjiang Province
作者 薛菁芳 陈书强 +2 位作者 杜晓东 潘国君 王玉成 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期301-308,共8页
The grain-filling processes at different grain positions of curved-panicle type Longjing 29 and semi-erect-panicle type Longjing 31, two major rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars in Heilongjiang Province, were simulate... The grain-filling processes at different grain positions of curved-panicle type Longjing 29 and semi-erect-panicle type Longjing 31, two major rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars in Heilongjiang Province, were simulated by Richards growth eq-uation, so as to determine the reason of great differences in head rice rate of different rice cul- tivar among different years and to improve the processing quality of different rice cul- tivar through cultivation regulation measures. The results showed that the yield of Longjing 29 was slightly higher than that of Longjing 31, but the head rice rate of Longjing 29 was significantly lower than that of Longjing 31. More grains on sec- ondary rachis branch resulted in lower plumpness, lower seed-setting rate and lower milled rice rate of Longjing 29. The grain-filling rates at the six grain positions of Longjing 31 reached the peaks simultaneously, so the synchronous grain filling char- acteristic of Longjing 31 was more obvious. The grain-filling rate on the primary rachis branch of Longjing 31 was higher, and it reached the peak in the middle peri- od. Although the grain-filling rate on the secondary rachis branch of Longjing 31 was lower, it early reached the peak. In addition, the middle and late filling period of Longjing 31 was longer, resulting in plump and compact grains on the secondary rachis branch of Longjing 31. After the grain-filling rate on the primary rachis branch was decreased, the grain-filling rate on the secondary rachis branch of Longjing 29 started to be increased greatly, characterized by asynchronous grain filling. In the early grain filling stage, the grains on the upper, middle and basal secondary rachis branch were all significantly suppressed by those on the primary rachis branch of Longjing 29. The initial growth potential and maximum filling rate of grains on the secondary rachis branch of Longjing 29 were all lower. The grain-filling rate on the secondary rachis branch of Longjing 29 late reached the peak. Even worse, the mid- dle and late filling period of Longjing 29 was shorter. Therefore, the grains of Longjing 29 had poor plumpness. Synchronous grain filling led to small difference in grain quality within the same panicle, and this was also the reason for stable head rice rate of Longjing 31 among different years. In contrast, asynchronous grain filling led to great difference in grain quality within the same panicle of Longjing 29. In addi- tion, low temperature often occurred during the fast filling of grains on the secondary rachis branch of Longjing 29. Thus, the head rice rate of Longjing 29 was decreased. 展开更多
关键词 Oryza sativa L Panicle type Grain-filling characteristics Head rice rate Heiloncliiang Province
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