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中国特色社会主义理论体系哲学思想的方法论特质探析 被引量:1
作者 李勇强 倪志安 《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学)》 CAS 2014年第10期97-101,共5页
在对中国特色社会主义建设三大基本问题的回答中,中国特色社会主义理论体系哲学思想形成了自身独有的方法论特质。主要体现为:"解放思想"的现实诉求、"与时俱进"的思想风范、"中国道路"的话语逻辑和"... 在对中国特色社会主义建设三大基本问题的回答中,中国特色社会主义理论体系哲学思想形成了自身独有的方法论特质。主要体现为:"解放思想"的现实诉求、"与时俱进"的思想风范、"中国道路"的话语逻辑和"以人为本"的价值取向。这四大方法论特质表征了中国特色社会主义理论体系哲学思想的基本症候,为进一步深化和推进马克思主义哲学的中国化研究提供了有益的方法论启迪。 展开更多
关键词 中国特色社会主义理论体系 哲学思想 方法特质
论“毛泽东哲学思想”的方法论特质 被引量:2
作者 倪志安 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期52-56,共5页
"毛泽东哲学思想的方法论特质"是以往人们学术研究中很少涉及的一个问题。研究"毛泽东哲学思想的方法论特质"的问题,主旨在于探究"毛泽东哲学思想"在方法论方面所具有的一些明显的特征或特殊性质。对&qu... "毛泽东哲学思想的方法论特质"是以往人们学术研究中很少涉及的一个问题。研究"毛泽东哲学思想的方法论特质"的问题,主旨在于探究"毛泽东哲学思想"在方法论方面所具有的一些明显的特征或特殊性质。对"毛泽东哲学思想"四大方法论特质的探究,有助于人们更好地理解和把握毛泽东哲学思想方法论,从而有助于人们更完整、准确地理解和把握毛泽东哲学思想。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东哲学思想 毛泽东哲学思想方法 方法特质
孔孟儒学管理文化探析——兼谈管理特质分析方法的应用 被引量:1
作者 施祖留 《理论学刊》 北大核心 2005年第3期50-53,共4页
孔孟儒学蕴涵着丰富的古代管理思想,也是转型时期中国管理创新的重要知识资源。对儒学管理思想的研究,归根结底是对儒学古代管理文化的发掘。本文在提出管理文化、管理特质、管理特质分析方法等基本概念的基础上,遵循管理哲学层面整体... 孔孟儒学蕴涵着丰富的古代管理思想,也是转型时期中国管理创新的重要知识资源。对儒学管理思想的研究,归根结底是对儒学古代管理文化的发掘。本文在提出管理文化、管理特质、管理特质分析方法等基本概念的基础上,遵循管理哲学层面整体开发与管理操作层面具体剖析相结合原则,运用管理特质分析这一管理创新方法对孔孟儒学管理文化进行了初步的发掘,包括发掘、搜集和整理各种管理文化特质、特质结构,并对建立管理文化特质库进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 儒学 管理文化 管理特质 特质分析方法
浅探题型对应试者英语阅读测试表现的影响——基于多特质多方法的证据 被引量:1
作者 孔菊芳 《外语测试与教学》 2020年第2期28-37,共10页
构念是测试中最重要的概念,是测试开发与效度验证的基准。本研究以英语阅读测试选择与简答两种题型为例,通过独立样本T检验与多特质多方法验证性因子分析,交叉验证题型对应试者英语阅读测试表现的影响。本研究发现,题型对应试者测试成... 构念是测试中最重要的概念,是测试开发与效度验证的基准。本研究以英语阅读测试选择与简答两种题型为例,通过独立样本T检验与多特质多方法验证性因子分析,交叉验证题型对应试者英语阅读测试表现的影响。本研究发现,题型对应试者测试成绩产生一定影响,题型与特质交互,一定程度上支持交互的构念观。 展开更多
关键词 题型 英语阅读测试 构念 特质方法 验证性因子分析
小学数学核心素养的特质与建构方法分析 被引量:1
作者 赵志会 《科教导刊(电子版)》 2019年第10期189-189,共1页
现如今,新课程标准正在不断的进行着改革,我国在教育上将传统形式下应试教学的模式打破,需要重视的是培养学生的核心素养,特别是对小学生进行个人素质的培养。在进行小学数学教学的过程中,需要对小学生的核心素养进行有效的构建,有利于... 现如今,新课程标准正在不断的进行着改革,我国在教育上将传统形式下应试教学的模式打破,需要重视的是培养学生的核心素养,特别是对小学生进行个人素质的培养。在进行小学数学教学的过程中,需要对小学生的核心素养进行有效的构建,有利于学生在未来中的发展与学习,既可以使学生在学习上的兴趣与综合的素质得到有效的培养,还能够为未来学习数学的知识打下坚实的基础,有利于形成数学的核心素养。 展开更多
关键词 小学数学 核心素养 特质与建构方法
文化“动态建构”的理论和证据 被引量:14
作者 侯玉波 张梦 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期83-89,共7页
文化心理学的发展是20世纪后半期心理学发展中最为引人注目的领域之一。传统的文化心理学研究以"特质方法"为基础,证明了不同文化下人们在自我概念、认知过程、动机和价值取向等方面存在显著的差异。动态建构理论从社会认知... 文化心理学的发展是20世纪后半期心理学发展中最为引人注目的领域之一。传统的文化心理学研究以"特质方法"为基础,证明了不同文化下人们在自我概念、认知过程、动机和价值取向等方面存在显著的差异。动态建构理论从社会认知的视角出发,把文化的影响看成是内隐的过程,认为文化对人的心理和行为的影响是通过人在文化环境中习得的内隐文化理论来发挥作用的,不同文化下人们的内隐文化理论不同,导致了人们在认知、情绪、动机及行为上的差异。 展开更多
关键词 文化心理学 特质方法 社会认知 动态建构理论
俄罗斯语言学传统中的方法论特质 被引量:6
作者 赵爱国 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期80-110,共31页
俄罗斯学研究有各种不同的视角,语言哲学即语言学方法论研究应该是其中不可或缺的重要方面。研究表明,方法论视角的俄罗斯语言学传统形成于18世纪中叶至19世纪末,期间经历了俄罗斯思想史上的两场"革命性变革"——欧洲主义和... 俄罗斯学研究有各种不同的视角,语言哲学即语言学方法论研究应该是其中不可或缺的重要方面。研究表明,方法论视角的俄罗斯语言学传统形成于18世纪中叶至19世纪末,期间经历了俄罗斯思想史上的两场"革命性变革"——欧洲主义和斯拉夫主义的洗礼,因此,其语言学方法论也体现为包容两种不同哲学思潮的"雅努斯"特质。该特质又在哲学维面上分别展现为"形而上"与"形而下"、"本体论"与"载体论"、"言尽意"与"言不尽意"、"不断完善"与"有限超越"等对立统一的学理形态。 展开更多
关键词 俄罗斯语言学 欧洲主义 斯拉夫主义 方法特质 学理形态
毛泽东在推进“两个结合”中的方法论特质 被引量:1
作者 彭冰冰 《毛泽东思想研究》 2022年第4期81-89,共9页
毛泽东在以“两个结合”开创马克思主义中国化的事业中蕴含着鲜明的方法论特质:一是在理论建构中坚持问题导向,结合中国的历史与现状,对“中国向何处去”这一中国革命的总问题作了实事求是的分析和判断,揭示了中国革命的规律;二是使“... 毛泽东在以“两个结合”开创马克思主义中国化的事业中蕴含着鲜明的方法论特质:一是在理论建构中坚持问题导向,结合中国的历史与现状,对“中国向何处去”这一中国革命的总问题作了实事求是的分析和判断,揭示了中国革命的规律;二是使“国际主义的内容”和“民族的形式”紧密地结合起来,形成中国作风和中国气派的马克思主义;三是彰显了人民主体地位,善于用老百姓喜闻乐见的方式把马克思主义中国化的理论成果表达出来,从而更好地为人民群众所掌握。这些方法论特质是由马克思主义理论的实践性特征内在决定的。作为改造世界的哲学,马克思主义哲学所关注的实践不是离开人的抽象的活动,而是处在一定的社会历史环境中的人民群众的活动。因而,马克思主义中国化的事业必然是在不断解决那些人民群众最关心的时代问题中推进的,其产生的理论成果必然要以民族形式和大众话语表现出来。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东 “两个结合” 方法特质
Role of Kasai procedure in surgery of hilar bile duct strictures 被引量:9
作者 Jin-Bo Gao Li-Shan Bai Zhi-Jian Hu Jun-Wei Wu Xin-Qun Chai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第37期4231-4234,共4页
AIM:To assess the application of the Kasai procedure in the surgical management of hilar bile duct strictures.METHODS:Ten consecutive patients between 2005 and 2011 with hilar bile duct strictures who underwent the Ka... AIM:To assess the application of the Kasai procedure in the surgical management of hilar bile duct strictures.METHODS:Ten consecutive patients between 2005 and 2011 with hilar bile duct strictures who underwent the Kasai procedure were retrospectively analyzed.Kasai portoenterostomy with the placement of biliary stents was performed in all patients.Clinical characteristics,postoperative complications,and long-term outcomes were analyzed.All patients were followed up for 2-60 mo postoperatively.RESULTS:Patients were classified according to the Bismuth classification of biliary strictures.There were two Bismuth Ⅲ and eight Bismuth Ⅳ lesions.Six lesions were benign and four were malignant.Of the benign lesions,three were due to post-cholecystectomy injury,one to trauma,one to inflammation,and one to inflammatory pseudotumor.Of the malignant lesions,four were due to hilar cholangiocarcinoma.All patients underwent Kasai portoenterostomy with the placement of biliary stents.There were no perioperative deaths.One patient experienced anastomotic leak and was managed conservatively.No other complications occurred perioperatively.During the follow-up period,all patients reported a good quality of life.CONCLUSION:The Kasai procedure combined with biliary stents may be appropriate for patients with hilar biliary stricture that cannot be managed by standard surgical methods. 展开更多
关键词 Kasai procedure Hilar bile duct STRICTURE SURGERY
Sensitivity Analysis of Geological Parameters Influencing a Solute Transport from a Deep Repository of Spent Nuclear Fuel
作者 Josef Chudoba 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第5期250-261,共12页
When evaluating Nuclear Waste DGR Safety, it is necessary to confirm its safety in a long run and above all its safety towards the biosphere which is more precisely that the biosphere will not be in any hazard caused ... When evaluating Nuclear Waste DGR Safety, it is necessary to confirm its safety in a long run and above all its safety towards the biosphere which is more precisely that the biosphere will not be in any hazard caused by radioactive substances, With the aid of geologists, a model of a hypothetical area was elaborated and described with the use of geological and hydrogeological parameters. The volume of isotopes released out of the massif at the borderline of the near/far field from the DGR was determined. The paper results showed that ground water flow and transport of substances within the area were first to be determined. The Flow123D SW was used for the determination. The resulting outcome represents a determination of transported substances concentration depending on time. The disadvantage of the model is the fact that all the input parameters were set deterministically. The problem is solved by using the sensitivity analysis (changing the input parameters) or using the Monte Carlo Method. The major results are: calculations of the radionuclide concentrations in the elements depending on time and determination of parameters that have the biggest impact on the sensitivity of the whole model. 展开更多
关键词 Deep repository waste safety model Flow 123D sensitivity analysis
Natural ventilation performance of single room building with fluctuating wind speed and thermal mass 被引量:3
作者 TAN Gang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期733-739,共7页
Natural ventilation is driven by either buoyancy forces or wind pressure forces or their combinations that inherit stochastic variation into ventilation rates. Since the ventilation rate is a nonlinear function of mul... Natural ventilation is driven by either buoyancy forces or wind pressure forces or their combinations that inherit stochastic variation into ventilation rates. Since the ventilation rate is a nonlinear function of multiple variable factors including wind speed, wind direction, internal heat source and building structural thermal mass, the conventional methods for quantifying ventilation rate simply using dominant wind direction and average wind speed may not accurately describe the characteristic performance of natural ventilation. From a new point of view, the natural ventilation performance of a single room building under fluctuating wind speed condition using the Monte-Carlo simulation approach was investigated by incorporating building facade thermal mass effect. Given a same hourly turbulence intensity distribution, the wind speeds with 1 rain frequency fluctuations were generated using a stochastic model, the modified GARCH model. Comparisons of natural ventilation profiles, effective ventilation rates, and air conditioning electricity use for a three-month period show statistically significant differences (for 80% confidence interval) between the new calculations and the traditional methods based on hourly average wind speed. 展开更多
关键词 natural ventilation fluctuating wind speed thermal mass GARCH model
Optimum mining method selection using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process–Qapiliq salt mine,Iran 被引量:7
作者 Karimnia Hamed Bagloo Heydar 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第2期225-230,共6页
Mining method selection is the first and the most critical problem in mine design and depends on some parameters such as geotechnical and geological features and economic and geographic factors. In this paper, the fac... Mining method selection is the first and the most critical problem in mine design and depends on some parameters such as geotechnical and geological features and economic and geographic factors. In this paper, the factors affecting mining method selection are determined. These factors include shape, thick- ness, depth, slope, RMR and RSS of the orebody, RMR and RSS of the hanging wall and footwall. Then, the priorities of these factors are calculated. In order to calculate the priorities of factors and select the best mining method for Qapiliq salt mine, Iran, based on these priorities, fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique is used. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared and was given to the associated experts. Finally, after a comparison carried out based on the effective factors, between the four mining methods including area mining, room and pillar, cut and fill and stope and pillar methods, the stope and nillar mining method was selected as the most suitable method to this mine. 展开更多
关键词 Mining method selection Fuzzy AHP Multiple criteria decision making Salt mine
Discussion on incentives of Physical Education Teaching Methods
作者 Hongtao PAN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期140-142,共3页
The use of literature, logical reasoning and other research methods are used in this thesis, classification and analysis of the definition of incentive methods, motivation methods are also stated in this paper, and th... The use of literature, logical reasoning and other research methods are used in this thesis, classification and analysis of the definition of incentive methods, motivation methods are also stated in this paper, and this article also combine with students' psychological characteristics, different teaching content, teaching methods together, discussed how to stimulate students' interest in sports and mobilize students' enthusiasm, initiative by motivation methods in the sports teaching, thus promoting teaching effectiveness, improve teaching quality, provide some theoretical reference for improving the quality of teaching physical education. The results showed that: we have already made some researches in the stimulation methods in teaching sports, but few are studied combining with the psychological characteristics of students 展开更多
关键词 Physical education motivation methods SECONDARY
Nanometallocarbosilanes: Synthesis, Physicochemical Properties and Structure
作者 Galina Shcherbakova Pavel Storozhenko +4 位作者 Mariya Blokhina Valery Shatunov Denis Sidorov DmitrySidorov Gleb Yurkov 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第3期232-242,共11页
Highly efficient synthesis methods have been developed and characteristics of nanometallocarbosilanes molecular structure were studied by the research team of GNIIChTEOS (State Research Institute for Chemistry and Te... Highly efficient synthesis methods have been developed and characteristics of nanometallocarbosilanes molecular structure were studied by the research team of GNIIChTEOS (State Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds). Nanometallocarbosilanes were synthesized by thermal co-condensation of oligocarbosilanes and alkyl amides of refractory metals. Initial, intermediate and final products of side reactions were characterized by 1H, 13C, 29Si NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), IR (infra-red) spectroscopy, GPC (gel-penetrating chromatography), TGA (thermal gravimetric analysis), TEM (transmission electron microscopy), SEM (scanning electron microscopy), RES (X-ray phase analysis) and elemental analysis. The proposed synthesis method of nanometallocarbosilanes was lbund to produce fusable soluble organosilicon oligomers with homogeneous distribution of nanoscale (10-20 nm) metal particles in the oligomer matrix. A computational model of the group and elemental composition of nanometallocarbosilanes was developed; it was shown that they are molecular globules of near-spherical shape and rigid polycyclic structure. Thermochemical treatment of nanometallocarbosilanes leads to SiC-nanoceramics (a high yield of up to 75-80 mass%) modified by metal nanoparticles (20-30 nm) contributing to its stabilization. The application of preceramic oxygen-free nanometallocarbosilanes will make it possible to advance in solving the problem of ceramic composite materials with long-term resistance at temperatures above 1,500 ℃ in oxidizing environments. 展开更多
关键词 Nanometallocarbosilanes ZIRCONIUM HAFNIUM tantalum alkyl amides.
Molecule-based kinetic modeling by Monte Carlo methods for heavy petroleum conversion 被引量:4
作者 de OLIVEIRA Luís Pereira VERSTRAETE Jan J. KOLB Max 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期1608-1622,共15页
A methodology for kinetic modeling of conversion processes is presented.The proposed approach allows to overcome the lack of molecular detail of the petroleum fractions and to simulate the reactions of the process by ... A methodology for kinetic modeling of conversion processes is presented.The proposed approach allows to overcome the lack of molecular detail of the petroleum fractions and to simulate the reactions of the process by means of a two-step procedure.In the first step,a synthetic mixture of molecules representing the feedstock is generated via a molecular reconstruction method,termed SR-REM molecular reconstruction.In the second step,a kinetic Monte Carlo method,termed stochastic simulation algorithm(SSA),is used to simulate the effect of the conversion reactions on the mixture of molecules.The resulting methodology is applied to the Athabasca vacuum residue hydrocracking.An adequate molecular representation of the vacuum residue is obtained using the SR-REM algorithm.The reaction simulations present a good agreement with the laboratory data for Athabasca vacuum residue conversion.In addition,the proposed methodology provides the molecular detail of the vacuum residue conversion throughout the reactions simulations. 展开更多
关键词 Monte-Carlo molecular reconstruction kinetic modeling stochastic simulation algorithm vacuum residue hydrocracking
Image quality assessment method based on nonlinear feature extraction in kernel space 被引量:2
作者 Yong DING Nan LI +1 位作者 Yang ZHAO Kai HUANG 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第10期1008-1017,共10页
To match human perception, extracting perceptual features effectively plays an important role in image quality assessment. In contrast to most existing methods that use linear transformations or models to represent im... To match human perception, extracting perceptual features effectively plays an important role in image quality assessment. In contrast to most existing methods that use linear transformations or models to represent images, we employ a complex mathematical expression of high dimensionality to reveal the statistical characteristics of the images. Furthermore, by introducing kernel methods to transform the linear problem into a nonlinear one, a full-reference image quality assessment method is proposed based on high-dimensional nonlinear feature extraction. Experiments on the LIVE, TID2008, and CSIQ databases demonstrate that nonlinear features offer competitive performance for image inherent quality representation and the proposed method achieves a promising performance that is consistent with human subjective evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 Image quality assessment Full-reference method Feature extraction Kernel space Support vector regression
Critical Properties of a Generalized Planar Rotator Model
作者 孙运周 谭艳荣 陈飞明 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期893-896,共4页
The critical properties of the planar rotator model with chiral Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction are analyzed using a hybrid Monte Carlo method.Simulations on different lattices conform an observation that there is an... The critical properties of the planar rotator model with chiral Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction are analyzed using a hybrid Monte Carlo method.Simulations on different lattices conform an observation that there is an XY-like Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase transition in this model.The ground state and some thermodynamics properties are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 critical property phase transition XY model Monte Carlo method
BATE curve in assessment of clinical utility of predictive biomarkers 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU XiaoHua 1,2,3,& MA YunBei 4,5 1 Northwest HSR&D Center of Excellence,VA Puget Sound Health Care System,Seattle,WA 98198,USA 2 Department of Biostatistics,University of Washington,Seattle,WA 98198,USA +2 位作者 3 Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China 4 Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering,Princeton University,Princeton,NJ 08540,USA 5 School of Statisitcs,Southwest University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 611130,China 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第8期1529-1552,共24页
In this paper, for time-to-event data, we propose a new statistical framework for casual inference in evaluating clinical utility of predictive biomarkers and in selecting an optimal treatment for a particular patient... In this paper, for time-to-event data, we propose a new statistical framework for casual inference in evaluating clinical utility of predictive biomarkers and in selecting an optimal treatment for a particular patient. This new casual framework is based on a new concept, called Biomarker Adjusted Treatment Effect (BATE) curve. The BATE curve can be used for assessing clinical utility of a predictive biomarker, for designing a subsequent confirmation trial, and for guiding clinical practice. We then propose semi-p^rametric methods for estimating the BATE curves of biomarkers and establish asymptotic results of the proposed estimators for the BATE curves. We also conduct extensive simulation studies to evaluate finite-sample properties of the proposed estimation methods. Finally, we illustrate the application of the proposed method in a real-world data set. 展开更多
关键词 predictive biomarker cutoff points INTERACTION BATE curve time-to-event outcome
Unitary fermions and Lscher's formula on a crystal
作者 Manuel Valiente Nikolaj T.Zinner 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期36-43,共8页
We consider the low-energy particle-particle scattering properties in a periodic simple cubic crystal. In particular, we investigate the relation between the two-body scattering length and the energy shift experienced... We consider the low-energy particle-particle scattering properties in a periodic simple cubic crystal. In particular, we investigate the relation between the two-body scattering length and the energy shift experienced by the lowest-lying unbound state when this is placed in a periodic finite box. We introduce a continuum model for s-wave contact interactions that respects the symmetry of the Brillouin zone in its regularisation and renormalisation procedures, and corresponds to the nae continuum limit of the Hubbard model. The energy shifts are found to be identical to those obtained in the usual spherically symmetric renormalisation scheme upon resolving an important subtlety regarding the cutoff procedure. We then particularize to the Hubbard model, and find that for large finite lattices the results are identical to those obtained in the continuum limit. The results reported here are valid in the weak,intermediate and unitary limits. These may be used to significantly ease the extraction of scattering information, and therefore effective interactions in condensed matter systems in realistic periodic potentials. This can achieved via exact diagonalisation or Monte Carlo methods, without the need to solve challenging, genuine multichannel collisional problems with very restricted symmetry simplifications. 展开更多
关键词 scattering theory effective field theory lattice fermions finite-size effects
Efficient implementation of the Barnes-Hut octree algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations of charged systems 被引量:1
作者 GAN ZeCheng XU ZhenLi 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2014年第7期1331-1340,共10页
Computer simulation with Monte Carlo is an important tool to investigate the function and equilibrium properties of many biological and soft matter materials solvable in solvents.The appropriate treatment of long-rang... Computer simulation with Monte Carlo is an important tool to investigate the function and equilibrium properties of many biological and soft matter materials solvable in solvents.The appropriate treatment of long-range electrostatic interaction is essential for these charged systems,but remains a challenging problem for large-scale simulations.We develop an efficient Barnes-Hut treecode algorithm for electrostatic evaluation in Monte Carlo simulations of Coulomb many-body systems.The algorithm is based on a divide-and-conquer strategy and fast update of the octree data structure in each trial move through a local adjustment procedure.We test the accuracy of the tree algorithm,and use it to perform computer simulations of electric double layer near a spherical interface.It is shown that the computational cost of the Monte Carlo method with treecode acceleration scales as log N in each move.For a typical system with ten thousand particles,by using the new algorithm,the speed has been improved by two orders of magnitude from the direct summation. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROSTATICS Monte Carlo fast algorithms OCTREE colloidal interfaces
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