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玉米转Bt基因自交系的抗玉米螟特性鉴定初报 被引量:6
作者 刘宗华 汤继华 +4 位作者 李宝健 范云六 李桂玲 季良越 陈伟程 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期621-625,共5页
通过田间接卵和室内PCR分子检测 ,对采用回交法育成的Mo17Bt、4 78Bt、综 3Bt和 87 1Bt等 4个转Bt基因自交系的抗虫性以及Bt基因的存在 ,进行鉴定。结果表明 ,4个转基因自交系群体的抗虫性明显提高 ,虫孔隧道长度比阴性对照平均缩短 4 9... 通过田间接卵和室内PCR分子检测 ,对采用回交法育成的Mo17Bt、4 78Bt、综 3Bt和 87 1Bt等 4个转Bt基因自交系的抗虫性以及Bt基因的存在 ,进行鉴定。结果表明 ,4个转基因自交系群体的抗虫性明显提高 ,虫孔隧道长度比阴性对照平均缩短 4 9.70 % ,差异达显著水平 ,但抗虫性不如阳性对照 ;群体内 ,单株间抗虫性仍存在差异 ,有高抗到高感不同类型 ,其中抗虫株的虫孔隧道长度比阴性对照平均缩短 78.4 0 % ,达极显著水平。 4种转基因自交系均含有Bt基因 ,扩增出小于 10 0bp的DNA片段。已选出既含有Bt基因、田间抗虫性表达又较明显的自交系 ,为进一步进行抗虫转基因杂交种的选育 ,奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 转BT基因 自交系 玉米特性 鉴定技术
玉米种子脱粒特性的试验研究 被引量:24
作者 李心平 高连兴 马福丽 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2007年第2期156-158,共3页
为了解决玉米种子脱粒过程中存在的玉米种子机械损伤大的问题,了解机械对玉米种子的作用机理,进而为新型低损伤玉米种子脱粒机的研制提供技术依据,通过在各种施力状态下玉米种子的冲击试验,获得了玉米种子在不同施力位置和不同施力方向... 为了解决玉米种子脱粒过程中存在的玉米种子机械损伤大的问题,了解机械对玉米种子的作用机理,进而为新型低损伤玉米种子脱粒机的研制提供技术依据,通过在各种施力状态下玉米种子的冲击试验,获得了玉米种子在不同施力位置和不同施力方向下的脱粒性质。结果表明:在同一水分级下,冲击力的作用方向是影响玉米种子脱粒效果的主导因素,冲击力的作用部位对其也有重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 农业工程 玉米种子脱粒特性 试验研究 机械损伤
玉米苞叶力学特性试验研究——基于玉米联合收获机剥皮机构 被引量:9
作者 赵成帅 徐丽明 +1 位作者 刘佳 张东兴 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2011年第12期100-105,共6页
玉米是我国重要的粮食作物,目前多数地区的玉米收获仍然以手工为主,收获环节已经成为制约玉米机械化生产发展的瓶颈。为此,以先玉335为样本,在测定玉米苞叶纵向和横向拉力的基础之上,分析玉米苞叶纵向拉力与苞叶层数的关系、横向拉力与... 玉米是我国重要的粮食作物,目前多数地区的玉米收获仍然以手工为主,收获环节已经成为制约玉米机械化生产发展的瓶颈。为此,以先玉335为样本,在测定玉米苞叶纵向和横向拉力的基础之上,分析玉米苞叶纵向拉力与苞叶层数的关系、横向拉力与玉米苞叶层数的关系以及苞叶纵向拉力与横向拉力之间的关系。试验结果表明:玉米苞叶纵向拉力的最大值为86.892 9N,最小值为57.357 6N;横向拉力的最大值为10.001 7N,最小值为3.771 2N;纵向拉力和横向拉力由外层到内层均呈减小趋势;玉米苞叶单位截面上纵向平均拉力约为横向拉力的8~10倍。因此,设计玉米联合收获机剥皮机构过程中,在权衡苞叶剥净率与籽粒破碎率的同时,应综合考虑苞叶纵向和横向的拉力。 展开更多
关键词 玉米联合收获机 剥皮机构 玉米苞叶力学特性 万能材料试验机
玉米秸秆拉伸特性的试验研究 被引量:23
作者 于勇 林怡 +4 位作者 毛明 王为民 田凤 泮进明 应义斌 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期70-76,共7页
该文利用二次正交旋转组合试验设计方案,深入研究了含水率、叶鞘位置和取样位置3个因素对玉米秸秆拉伸特性的综合影响。结果表明,含水率和取样位置的单因素效应对玉米秸秆的拉伸特性有显著影响,而叶鞘位置基本上不影响拉伸特性。此外,... 该文利用二次正交旋转组合试验设计方案,深入研究了含水率、叶鞘位置和取样位置3个因素对玉米秸秆拉伸特性的综合影响。结果表明,含水率和取样位置的单因素效应对玉米秸秆的拉伸特性有显著影响,而叶鞘位置基本上不影响拉伸特性。此外,含水率和取样位置的交互作用对拉伸特性也有显著的影响,且随着玉米秸秆样品的取样位置的不断升高,顶部和底部的秸秆样品的最大拉伸载荷和抗拉强度的变化与含水率的变化截然相反,可能是因为不同位置的秸秆有着不同特性的内部组织结构。该研究为玉米秸秆机械化收获装备的设计提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 秸秆 拉伸特性 含水率 玉米 叶鞘位置 取样位置
浅析农大372玉米品种特性及栽培管理探讨 被引量:2
作者 杨珍 《农业与技术》 2020年第5期101-103,共3页
山东是玉米生产大省,对山东而言,玉米种植不仅在粮食建设方面具有重要的意义,同时在畜牧业养殖等方面也有积极的意义。而在玉米产业发展的过程中,优质的玉米品种及高产栽培技术起着重要的作用。因此,不断提高玉米高产栽培技术对提高玉... 山东是玉米生产大省,对山东而言,玉米种植不仅在粮食建设方面具有重要的意义,同时在畜牧业养殖等方面也有积极的意义。而在玉米产业发展的过程中,优质的玉米品种及高产栽培技术起着重要的作用。因此,不断提高玉米高产栽培技术对提高玉米的产量和质量具有重要的意义。本文主要阐述了农大372品种特征及玉米高产栽培技术方面内容。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 农大372 玉米特性 田间管理
作者 尹丽妍 吴文福 张亚秋 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1629-1633,共5页
在设计叉指式平板电容介电参数检测元件的基础上,构建了真空状态下的介电测试系统,研究了玉米介电特性的变化规律,为真空干燥过程测试控制提供了基础。研究结果表明:在真空度为0~0.06MPa下,玉米的介电常数、损耗因数、损耗角正切等参... 在设计叉指式平板电容介电参数检测元件的基础上,构建了真空状态下的介电测试系统,研究了玉米介电特性的变化规律,为真空干燥过程测试控制提供了基础。研究结果表明:在真空度为0~0.06MPa下,玉米的介电常数、损耗因数、损耗角正切等参数与温度、真空度等干燥参数之间存在非线性关系。介电常数、损耗因数随真空度的增大呈现类Z形递增趋势;损耗角正切随真空度的增大呈现类似反Z形递减趋势。玉米含水量和温度对介电特性参数的影响也很大,二者与损耗角正切呈负线性相关,含水量与介电常数在一段水分范围内呈正线性相关,含水量较高时,介电常数变化较大;温度与介电常数呈正线性相关;而损耗因数随含水量的增加有一陡降过程,随后缓降,且随温度的增高呈线性上升趋势。 展开更多
关键词 农业工程 真空 叉指式电极板 玉米介电特性
小麦/玉米复合群体中玉米的光合特性研究 被引量:1
作者 何海军 王荣花 《甘肃农业科技》 2003年第8期23-25,共3页
对小麦 /玉米复合群体中玉米的光合速率 (Pn)、光合有效辐射 (PAR)、蒸腾速率 (Tr)、水分利用率(We)、相对湿度 (RH % )、叶室温度 (CT)、叶片温度 (L T)、二氧化碳浓度 (CO2 )等生态生理指标的研究表明 :玉米群体的 Pn与 Tr、气孔阻抗 ... 对小麦 /玉米复合群体中玉米的光合速率 (Pn)、光合有效辐射 (PAR)、蒸腾速率 (Tr)、水分利用率(We)、相对湿度 (RH % )、叶室温度 (CT)、叶片温度 (L T)、二氧化碳浓度 (CO2 )等生态生理指标的研究表明 :玉米群体的 Pn与 Tr、气孔阻抗 (Sr)相关性最好 ,其相关系数分别为 0 .94 2 9* * 和 - 0 .86 17* ;玉米群体不同冠层 Pn、Tr、PAR由高到低的排序为上部、中部、下部 ,而 Sr在冠层中的变化趋势与 Pn、Tr、PAR完全相反 ;灌浆期玉米群体的Pn与穗粒数、千粒重的相关系数分别为 0 .795 6 *、0 .80 16 * ,与经济产量的相关系数为 0 .8793* *。 展开更多
关键词 小麦/玉米 带田 复合群体 玉米光合特性
作者 张宪双 《现代农业研究》 2017年第5期13-13,共1页
关键词 众单5号 玉米特性 栽培技术
菌糠与生物炭配施对玉米生理特性及Cu累积的影响 被引量:7
作者 郝千萍 李丹洋 +4 位作者 杨雄杰 王効挙 程红艳 常建宁 黄菲 《山西农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第3期73-80,共8页
[目的]为了利用菌糠与生物炭修复石灰性土壤与植物中Cu污染并确定最佳配施比例以达到修复效果。[方法]通过盆栽试验,研究了生物炭(100g)与菌糠(单施与配施)对石灰性Cu污染土壤中玉米生理特性及Cu累积的影响。[结果]在幼苗期,生物炭与300... [目的]为了利用菌糠与生物炭修复石灰性土壤与植物中Cu污染并确定最佳配施比例以达到修复效果。[方法]通过盆栽试验,研究了生物炭(100g)与菌糠(单施与配施)对石灰性Cu污染土壤中玉米生理特性及Cu累积的影响。[结果]在幼苗期,生物炭与300g菌糠配施处理对提高玉米植株高度效果最好,较对照组提高26.7%。生物炭与300g菌糠配施处理时玉米中叶绿素含量最高,较对照提高71.16%。单独施用300g菌糠处理时,植物体内丙二醛(Malondialdehyde,MDA)含量最低,较对照降低57%;过氧化氢酶活性(Catalase,CAT)最高,较对照高出63%。在成熟期,生物炭与300g菌糠配施处理对提高玉米株高效果最好,比对照高出30.14%。生物炭与300g菌糠配施处理时MDA含量最低,较对照组降低62%;单独施用300g菌糠处理时,玉米体内CAT含量最高,高出对照164%;植物的根部是整株植物中Cu含量最高的部位,由高到低依次为根>叶>果实>茎。生物炭与300g菌糠配施处理的富集系数、转移系数均最低,分别较对照降低33.9%、32.7%。[结论]施用生物炭及与菌糠不同处理均能提高玉米叶绿素含量,提高玉米CAT酶活性,降低逆境或衰老条件下玉米细胞膜所受损伤,并且可以减少玉米各部位Cu含量,缓解玉米所受的Cu胁迫,促进玉米植株的生长。 展开更多
关键词 秸秆生物炭 菌糠 玉米生理特性 重金属
桔梗皂甙对玉米淀粉糊部分理化特性的影响 被引量:1
作者 纵伟 李翠翠 《中国食品添加剂》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期98-101,共4页
为了研究桔梗皂甙对玉米淀粉糊部分理化特性的影响,在玉米淀粉糊中添加桔梗皂甙,测定添加皂甙后玉米淀粉的颗粒形态、玉米淀粉糊的表观黏度、凝沉特性和淀粉糊形成的凝胶特性。结果表明,随着皂甙添加量的增大,淀粉颗粒变小,淀粉糊的黏... 为了研究桔梗皂甙对玉米淀粉糊部分理化特性的影响,在玉米淀粉糊中添加桔梗皂甙,测定添加皂甙后玉米淀粉的颗粒形态、玉米淀粉糊的表观黏度、凝沉特性和淀粉糊形成的凝胶特性。结果表明,随着皂甙添加量的增大,淀粉颗粒变小,淀粉糊的黏度增加,抗凝沉能力增加;桔梗皂甙的添加也对淀粉糊形成的淀粉凝胶特性产生影响,玉米淀粉凝胶的凝胶强度、硬度、弹性、胶着性、咀嚼度及回复力与桔梗皂甙的添加量呈负相关,黏着性与桔梗皂甙的添加量呈正相关。桔梗皂甙可对玉米淀粉性能产生一定的影响。 展开更多
关键词 桔梗皂甙 玉米淀粉 颗粒形态 表观黏度 凝沉特性 凝胶特性
作者 孙宝明 《黑龙江粮食》 2013年第7期55-56,共2页
关键词 玉米储藏特性 保管方法 减少损失
玉米配方施肥技术 被引量:2
作者 刘凤丽 《吉林农业(学术版)》 2011年第6期125-125,共1页
关键词 营养元素 玉米的需肥特性
煤矸石粒径结构对充填复垦重构土壤理化性质及农作物生理生态性质的影响 被引量:28
作者 徐良骥 黄璨 +2 位作者 李青青 朱小美 刘曙光 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期141-148,共8页
为了研究自然煤矸石充填复垦地和不同覆土厚度条件下不同颗粒级配煤矸石充填复垦地重构土壤理化性质及在其之上生长的玉米(Zea mays L.)的生理生态特性,以淮南创大“煤矸石充填复垦示范基地”为研究区域,通过分区分层采集实验区范围... 为了研究自然煤矸石充填复垦地和不同覆土厚度条件下不同颗粒级配煤矸石充填复垦地重构土壤理化性质及在其之上生长的玉米(Zea mays L.)的生理生态特性,以淮南创大“煤矸石充填复垦示范基地”为研究区域,通过分区分层采集实验区范围内土壤样品,检测并分析其主要营养元素及重金属含量,监测实验区内玉米各生理生态指标变化情况及其植株各部分的重金属含量,探究以不同颗粒级配煤矸石作为填充基质对其充填区域农作物的影响.实验结果表明:经过分选后的煤矸石作为填充基质比自然状态下的煤矸石填充基质具有较好的保水保肥性和透气性,尤其以70%-100%粒径为〈80 cm 的煤矸石作为填充基质的重构土壤培育的玉米,其各项生理生态指标均表现良好,说明该复垦方案更有利于玉米的生长.但两种以煤矸石作为主要填充基质的复垦方案都面临土壤中部分重金属含量超标和向植物体迁移的问题.如何降低重构土壤中重金属含量,减少土壤中重金属向植物体内的迁移将成为今后研究的重点. 展开更多
关键词 不同颗粒级配煤矸石 充填复垦 玉米生理生态特性 重金属含量
Analysis on Genetic Characteristics of Leaf Angle in Waxy Corn 被引量:1
作者 陈趣 曾慕衡 +3 位作者 蒋锋 黄成威 王晓明 刘鹏飞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1147-1150,共4页
The leaf angle in waxy corn is a significant trait for breeding corn with compact plant type, which is beneficial to improve yield. According to the Griffing method II, the GCA (general combining ability) and SCA (... The leaf angle in waxy corn is a significant trait for breeding corn with compact plant type, which is beneficial to improve yield. According to the Griffing method II, the GCA (general combining ability) and SCA (specific combining ability) of leaf angle trait in the 7 waxy corn inbred lines and 21 combinations were esti-mated, and the genetic characteristics of leaf angle in corn were also analyzed. The results showed that among the 7 inbred lines, the GCA values ranked as N22 〉N8 〉 N28 〉 N7 〉 N23 〉 N27 〉 N4. The GCA of N27 showed great negative ef-fect, and the genetic variance of its SCA was lower. It suggested that the N27 can be used as an ideal parent for breeding excel ent combinations with smal leaf angle and compact plant type. The inheritance of leaf angle trait in waxy corn is in ac-cordance with the model of "additive - dominant - epistatic". The efficiency of leaf angle trait is control ed by recessive genes. The broad heritability of leaf angle trait in waxy corn is relative low (68.5%), but its narrow heritability is relatively high (72.62%). In the breeding practices, the early-generation selection is more suitable for the leaf angel trait. 展开更多
关键词 Waxy corn Leaf angle Combining ability Genetic characteristics
The molecular characterization of maize B chromosome specific AFLPs 被引量:7
作者 ZHONG XIA QI, Hui ZENG, Xiu LAN LI, CHENG BIN CHEN, WEN QIN SONG, RUI YANG CHEN The College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期63-68,共6页
The origin and evolution of B chromosomes could be explained by the specific DNA sequence on them. But the specific sequences known were quite limited. To investigate maize B chromosome sqicific DNA sequeces, maize ge... The origin and evolution of B chromosomes could be explained by the specific DNA sequence on them. But the specific sequences known were quite limited. To investigate maize B chromosome sqicific DNA sequeces, maize genomes with and without B chromosomes were analyzed by AFLP. Only 5 markers were found specific to genomes with B chromosomes among about 2000 AFLP markers. Southern hybridization and sequence analysis revealed that only the sequence of M8-2D was a B chromosome specific sequence. This sequence contained the telomeric repeat unit AGGGTTT conserved in plant chromosome telomeres. In addition, the sequence of M8-2D shared low homology to clones from maize chromosome 4 centromere as well. M8-2D were localized to B chromosome centrorneric and telomeric regions. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE B chromosome AFLP FISH.
Ignition and Emission Characteristics of Ignition-assisting Agents for Densified Corn Stover Briquette Fuel 被引量:4
作者 袁海荣 庞云芝 +4 位作者 王奎升 刘研萍 左晓宇 马淑勍 李秀金 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期687-694,共8页
Ignition-assisting agents for densified corn stover briquette fuel(DCBF) were developed,and their ignition and emission characteristics were investigated using type LLA-6 household cooking stove.Three waste liquid fue... Ignition-assisting agents for densified corn stover briquette fuel(DCBF) were developed,and their ignition and emission characteristics were investigated using type LLA-6 household cooking stove.Three waste liquid fuels,waste engine oil(E) ,diesel oil(D) ,and industrial alcohol(A) ,were used as raw materials to make 25 ignitionassisting agents by mixing at different ratios.Their ignition performance was evaluated in terms of ignition time and cost.It was found that ignition-assisting agents ED15(a mix of E and D at volume ratio of 1︰5) and DA51(a mix of D and A at volume ratio of 5︰1) presented better ignition results with shorter ignition time(40-53 s) and lower cost(6.1 and 5.3 cents) at the dosages of 9 ml and 8 ml,respectively.The emission of O2,CO,CO2,NOx,and SO2,the temperature in fume gas,and combustion efficiency were investigated for ED15 and DA51.The results show that the emission of ED15 with the dosage of 9 ml is lower than that of DA51 with the dosage of 8 ml in the ignition process.ED15 at the dosage of 9 ml achieves satisfactory combustion efficiency and emits less pollutant,so it is recommended for practical application.The study will provide a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach to fast ignite DCBF and break the barrier to the practical application of DCBF. 展开更多
关键词 ignition-assisting agent densified corn stover briquette fuel fume gas EMISSION
Comparative Study of Grain Filling Characteristics in Maize
作者 Haiwang YUE Shuping CHEN +6 位作者 Haicheng PENG Congmin SONG Junliang XIE Jianwei WEI Jie LI Anqiang GUO Junzhou BU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第1期41-46,共6页
Abstract This study was conducted to illustrate the differences in grain filling characteristics between different maize materials in the Northern area of Huanghuaihai Plain, to provide a theoretical basis for the bre... Abstract This study was conducted to illustrate the differences in grain filling characteristics between different maize materials in the Northern area of Huanghuaihai Plain, to provide a theoretical basis for the breeding of maize varieties with suitable maturation stage. The new maize hybrid Hengzao 8 was selected as an experimental material, and varieties Huamei 1 and Zhengdan 958 were selected as CK. The changes in grain size, water content, dry weight and grain filling characteristics during grain filling process were studied, and the yield components were analyzed. The grain sizes of the 3 maize materials increased rapidly within 20 d after pollination and reached their peak values on the 45^th d after pollination. Hengzao 8 had the biggest grains, while Zhengdan 958 showed the smallest grains. The 3 maize materials showed high growth speeds of dry matter from the 15^th to the 55^th d after pollination, Hengzao 8 being the fastest and Zhengdan 958 being the slowest. The growth speeds of grain dry matter dropped afterwards. The grain filling rates of the 3 materials fit the unimodal distribution; and Hengzao 8 presented the highest peak value, while Zhengdan 958 exhibited the lowest peak value. Grain size was positively correlated with water amount and negatively correlated with water content, and the grain filling rate was positively correlated with water amount. Regression analysis revealed that when the water contents of the 3 materials reached 57%, grain filling rates reached their peak values. The Logistic model showed that the maximum grain filling rate (Gmax) and the mean filling rate (Gmean) were higher in Hengzao 8 whose active grain filling stage, early stage (T1) , middle stage (T2) and late stage (T3) were shorter than other 2 varieties. The differences in 1 000-grain weight between the 3 materials were responsible for the differences in the yield. The grain filling characteristics of Hengzao 8 are decisive for achieving early maturation and high yield. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE Grain filling characteristics YIELD
Structure, Physico-chemical and Microbiological Properties of Ozone-oxidized Wheat, Corn, Potato and Rice Starches 被引量:3
作者 Hatice Catal Senol Ibanoglu 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第4期196-205,共10页
A limited number of studies have been conducted on the effects of ozone use on cereal and its components. Starch, an important natural macromolecule, is an essential component of cereals. In present study, the effects... A limited number of studies have been conducted on the effects of ozone use on cereal and its components. Starch, an important natural macromolecule, is an essential component of cereals. In present study, the effects of ozone on the structure, physico-chemical and microbiological properties of wheat, corn, potato and rice starches were investigated. Wheat starch, corn starch, potato starch and rice starch water mixtures were prepared in the ratio of 1:9 (dry sample to water ratio) and treated with ozone at a rate of 60 g/h for 1 hour, while unozonated samples were used as controls. Light microscopy represented that the structures of corn and potato starch samples were affected by 1 hr ozonation rather than the structures of wheat and rice starch samples. Colour of ozone-oxidized wheat, corn and potato starch samples could meet the consumer preference due to the higher lightness, higher whiteness and lower chroma value. However, high chroma, high yellownes and low whiteness values of ozonated rice starch is not adequate for consumer desire. Microbiological analysis showed that 1 hr ozonation reduced the total bacteria and mould/yeast counts significantly for all wheat, corn, potato and rice starch samples (P 〈 0.05) due to most probably the reduced pH of samples. Ozonation can be an alternative modification technique, but further research is needed to understand the certain benefits and limitations of ozone applications on starch oxidation for human safety and health. 展开更多
关键词 OZONE starch STRUCTURE colour pH microbiology.
Exploration on the Regularity of Nitrogen Requirement of Zhoumai 22 in the Condition of Yield Increase of Wheat-maize Integration
作者 邢永锋 李银平 +3 位作者 方思霞 穆向华 卢青梅 李新平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第7期1421-1424,1428,共5页
[Objective] In this study, the aim was to explore the annual dosage and allocation proportion of nitrogenous fertilizer for Zhoumai 22 in the condition of wheat-maize integration. [Method] The rules of growth and yiel... [Objective] In this study, the aim was to explore the annual dosage and allocation proportion of nitrogenous fertilizer for Zhoumai 22 in the condition of wheat-maize integration. [Method] The rules of growth and yield variation of Zhoumai 22 under different dosages of nitrogenous fertilizer and different distribution ratios were studied. [Result] With the increase of nitrogenous fertilizer application and distribution rate from maize to wheat, the physiological indexes of Zhoumai 22 population showed an increasing trend, while the yield presented the variation trend of increasing firstly and decreasing then. [Conclusion] Annual amount of nitrogenous fertilizer of 600 kg/hm2 and the distribution ratio of 5:5 in the condition of wheat- maize integration was beneficial to the high yield of the whole year's crops and Zhoumai 22. 展开更多
关键词 Wheat-maize Nitrogen application Physiological characteristics Yield
Effect of Gluten-Free Flours on Physical Properties of Cakes 被引量:1
《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第5期354-360,共7页
In this study, the effect of lupin flour (LF) and whole buckwheat flour (BF) on the physical properties of gluten-free cake was studied. LF up to 40% and BF flour up to 20% level were partially replaced with corn ... In this study, the effect of lupin flour (LF) and whole buckwheat flour (BF) on the physical properties of gluten-free cake was studied. LF up to 40% and BF flour up to 20% level were partially replaced with corn starch and rice flour mix in the gluten free cake recipe. Cake dough properties (specific gravity and pH), cake properties (weight, volume, symmetry and uniformity index, hardness), crust and crumb color values were investigated. High addition levels of LF decreased the pH values of the dough. Compared to control, volume index of the cakes improved with BF at 5% addition level or LF up to 20% level. While minimum level of the LF/BF gave softer cake texture, high substitution levels of LF (30%-40%) and BF (15%-20%) had detrimental effect on softness of the samples. All addition level of the LF increased the darkness and yellowness of the cake's crust and crumb, whereas BF above 5% level decreased lightness and yellowness of the samples. The high levels of LF (30%-40%) and BF (15%-20%) had reducing effect all physical properties of gluten-free cake samples. 展开更多
关键词 Buckwheat flour lupin flour GLUTEN-FREE cake making.
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