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作者 方明生 《教育生物学杂志》 2017年第3期119-124,共6页
通过城市环境中的生物事例描述尤克斯奎尔的"环世界"(德文:Umwelt)论生物学。通过与生物的比较,理解作为生物主体的人的"环世界",进而理解由这一概念构筑的生物学。由于人类生命之初的生物性,"环世界"论... 通过城市环境中的生物事例描述尤克斯奎尔的"环世界"(德文:Umwelt)论生物学。通过与生物的比较,理解作为生物主体的人的"环世界",进而理解由这一概念构筑的生物学。由于人类生命之初的生物性,"环世界"论的方法有助于理解儿童的真实状态,对儿童学建构有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 环世界”论 功能 最远平面 儿童学建构
环世界的扩张与重叠:一种国家治理话语体系的变革指向 被引量:4
作者 柳亦博 《学海》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期147-154,共8页
在现代国家的治理叙事中,有三种受到广泛认同的正典话语,分别是精英斗争、行动者网络以及场域互动,它们围绕着各自的理论内核形成了一系列概念群、制度框架和行动伦理,进而构筑了三种迥异的环世界。通过审视这三种环世界,我们可以看到... 在现代国家的治理叙事中,有三种受到广泛认同的正典话语,分别是精英斗争、行动者网络以及场域互动,它们围绕着各自的理论内核形成了一系列概念群、制度框架和行动伦理,进而构筑了三种迥异的环世界。通过审视这三种环世界,我们可以看到三种话语清晰地指向国家内部的不同阶层:精英斗争话语塑造了一个顶层环世界,场域互动话语构筑了一个中层环世界,而行动者网络话语则建构了一个底层环世界。随着互联网和人工智能的不断发展,信息与智能技术将会越来越深刻地改造人类社会。技术当然不会对它所正在全面改造的世界无话可说,而是非常有可能生成一种适应信息社会的治理话语,即所谓"第四种叙事"。第四种叙事的层累同样会形成新的话语体系,进而建构起一个新的环世界。这种由数字触角感知所形成的"信息环世界",将促使所有存在者的环世界都快速向外扩张而非内卷。在此过程中,多个环世界难免会发生碰撞,同质的环世界可能在碰撞中重叠,最终实现启蒙运动以来人类文明对"共在到共生"的不懈追求。 展开更多
关键词 环世界 国家治理 话语体系 正典叙事
算力的环世界:一种新的国家治理话语体系 被引量:4
作者 郭明飞 向继友 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期42-48,共7页
传统的国家治理正典叙事,包括精英斗争、行动者网络、场域互动,均依据于20世纪以电气化为主要表征的电力时代。在如今以大数据为物质资料和算力为生产力的智能化时代,急需国家治理体系和治理范式的创新。“算力的环世界”将人类视为数... 传统的国家治理正典叙事,包括精英斗争、行动者网络、场域互动,均依据于20世纪以电气化为主要表征的电力时代。在如今以大数据为物质资料和算力为生产力的智能化时代,急需国家治理体系和治理范式的创新。“算力的环世界”将人类视为数据的计算能力的集合,适应了21世纪的生产力特征,有望成为一种新的国家治理正典叙事和话语体系。作为一种规训权力和话语权力,算力的环世界被引入到国家治理体系中,不仅突破了时间和空间维度的桎梏,而且搭建了存在者数据计算能力与生命体自身之间的映射。算力的环世界潜在地重构着人们的交往方式,创新了现代国家治理的路径,即倡导共建共治共享的治国理念,主导公共政策的扩张,优化社会制度和助力国家治理现代化。 展开更多
关键词 算力 算力的环世界 国家治理 正典叙事 话语体系
话语体系与“环世界”——现代国家治理的正典叙事及话语重构 被引量:2
作者 柳亦博 《探索与争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期124-133,175,176,共12页
精英斗争、行动者网络以及场域互动,是关于现代国家治理运行的三种正典叙事。它们分别继承自精英主义、社群主义和法团主义,并围绕结构变迁、制度建构和行动生成发展出了“自上而下递推”“自下而上渗透”以及“中间向两端弥散”三种叙... 精英斗争、行动者网络以及场域互动,是关于现代国家治理运行的三种正典叙事。它们分别继承自精英主义、社群主义和法团主义,并围绕结构变迁、制度建构和行动生成发展出了“自上而下递推”“自下而上渗透”以及“中间向两端弥散”三种叙事。曾经界限分明的学科纷纷被话语统合起来——政治学对国家、经济学对市场、社会学对市民社会的研究,都被纳入治理话语体系的框架中,与三种正典化的国家治理叙事结合,介入政治生活的所有位面,构筑了迥异的环世界。随着互联网和人工智能的不断发展,国家必然会生成一种适应信息社会的治理话语,即所谓“第四叙事”,它有可能挣脱前三种叙事的缠斗,建构起一种由数字触角的感知所形成的经验世界——“信息环世界”。它将令所有环世界都获得极大扩张,最终,环世界的重叠会令人们由共在转变为共生,进而为开启一个合作社会创造可能。 展开更多
关键词 国家治理 话语体系 环世界 正典叙事 话语重构
环世界与超国家:民族主义退场后的世界秩序重构 被引量:6
作者 柳亦博 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期115-124,共10页
民族主义在建国与治国中展现出差异极大的两副面孔,这意味着民族—国家这一组合不会永续存在,而当前这个被民族国家所填充的世界,也会因此渐渐远离竞争性国际秩序。随着民族主义的退场,国家可以将"环世界理论"作为一套意识形... 民族主义在建国与治国中展现出差异极大的两副面孔,这意味着民族—国家这一组合不会永续存在,而当前这个被民族国家所填充的世界,也会因此渐渐远离竞争性国际秩序。随着民族主义的退场,国家可以将"环世界理论"作为一套意识形态之外的、足以动员社会并形成超国家共同体的新理论。环世界是存在者用以接触世界的"壳",它在世界层面的应用将构建一种"分形同构"的人类命运共同体。同质环世界的融合是形成超国家的关键,当超国家代替民族国家成为国际社会成员的主流,国际关系将由"竞争"走向"合作",世界秩序也将由传统的"威斯特伐利亚体系"转变为"天下体系"。中国作为一个民族国家的属性终将渐渐淡去,与此同时,环世界理论将率先于中国扩展开来,其所创造的世界共在秩序也将首先于亚洲展开实践。 展开更多
关键词 环世界 民族国家 超国家 共在秩序 天下体系
《变频器世界》 2015年第4期68-71,共4页
关键词 测试台 世界最大功率水真空泵 HD92高压变频器
作者 何文斐 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第6期109-111,共3页
在《非常道》中自杀现象,消极意识,是尼文一概表达的传统的科幻风格,没有《圆环世界》作品中的豁达积极,充斥后现代主义的气息。然而更重要的是,《非常道》中体现着浓厚的物理、哲学思想,体现作者是一名十分优秀的后现代科幻作家。我们... 在《非常道》中自杀现象,消极意识,是尼文一概表达的传统的科幻风格,没有《圆环世界》作品中的豁达积极,充斥后现代主义的气息。然而更重要的是,《非常道》中体现着浓厚的物理、哲学思想,体现作者是一名十分优秀的后现代科幻作家。我们就作者个人的科幻作品成就以及创作理念进行分析,探讨量子理论的产生过程,阐释《非常道》中对于哲学的认真分析之处。 展开更多
关键词 平行世界 科幻小说 环世界 思想实验
作者 边留久 刘楠(译) 方晓灵(译) 《新建筑》 2018年第1期16-21,共6页
以库哈斯《垃圾空间》结尾的一句话——"装饰的即新宇宙的"为引子,首先对"宇宙性"概念作出考察。几乎所有传统文化对此都有所表达,特别是经由建筑。其次,通过此概念与尤科斯库尔"周身世界"理论的比况来阐... 以库哈斯《垃圾空间》结尾的一句话——"装饰的即新宇宙的"为引子,首先对"宇宙性"概念作出考察。几乎所有传统文化对此都有所表达,特别是经由建筑。其次,通过此概念与尤科斯库尔"周身世界"理论的比况来阐明:宇宙性表达将人类的三种基本价值(真、善、美)整合为紧密整体,符合生命世界的本体必然。再次,试图说明现代二元主义分离了价值整体,悖离了宇宙性而导向失序。库哈斯所宣扬的垃圾空间恰恰是失序的一个范式典型。最后,要超越失序,建筑方法是不够的,我们更需要本体与逻辑层面的变革:在现代二元主义的彼岸,重新建立物理学、生物学与人类价值间的联系。受尤科斯库尔周身世界理论与和辻哲郎风土学启发而创立的环世界学寄望于此。 展开更多
关键词 晚期现代 宇宙性 垃圾空间 环世界
A Framework for Selecting Indicators to Assess the Sustainable Development of the Natural Heritage Site 被引量:5
作者 WEI Jie ZHAO Yongtao +1 位作者 XU Houqin YU Hui 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期321-330,共10页
Sustainable world heritage management represents an approach for managing the resources of a property by integrating environmental, economic, and social issues. It aims to provide sustainable benefits for future gener... Sustainable world heritage management represents an approach for managing the resources of a property by integrating environmental, economic, and social issues. It aims to provide sustainable benefits for future generations, while protect the property and minimize the possible adverse social, economic and environmental impacts. Indicators of sustainable development, which summarize information for decision-making, are invaluable to learn the efficiency and effectiveness of property management. Scientists in many fields devised several conceptual models of environmental statistics and indicators, of which, DPSIR (Driving forces – Pressure – State – Impact – Response) is thought to be the best available one in identifying and developing indicators of sustainable development. Based on the DPSIR conceptual model and indicator selection criteria, the present paper proposed a methodology framework for selecting indicators to assess the sustainable development of a natural heritage site. The proposed framework included a multi-level hierarchical structure for various indicators and indexes, a modified DPSIR frame to identify key issues in property management and a set of indicators for evaluating the sustainability in Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable development naturalheritage DPSIR conceptual model Giant Panda Sanctuary INDICATOR
作者 LIUAn-guo YANGKai-zhong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第4期289-295,共7页
This paper meant to analyze the spatial evolution of a large country in its process of integration with the world economy in general, and, to look into the possible effect of China′s accession into WTO on the future ... This paper meant to analyze the spatial evolution of a large country in its process of integration with the world economy in general, and, to look into the possible effect of China′s accession into WTO on the future development of its spatial economy in particular. Through an approach of increasing returns, external economy, product differentiation and path-dependence, with foreign trade costs incurred by different regions within the large country discriminated, a model of investment and employment flow is developed as a simulation of a large country′s process of integration with the world economy. The modeling indicates that in the process of integration, as there exist differences in foreign trade costs among different regions within the large country, either the spatial economy of the country deviates from its symmetric structure in autarky and falls into a core-periphery relationship, or the effect of industrial agglomeration is reinforced, amplified and locked in, if the agglomeration had been started. The economic gap on either the aggregate or structural basis between different regions within the large country will increase rapidly as the integration proceeds. 展开更多
关键词 increasing returns pecuniary externality trade cost INVESTMENT EMPLOYMENT
A dynamic model for railway freight overbooking 被引量:2
作者 冯芬玲 张佳琪 郭晓峰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期3257-3264,共8页
In order to apply overbooking idea in Chinese railway freight industry to improve revenue, a Markov decision process(dynamic programming) model for railway freight reservation was formulated and the overbooking limit ... In order to apply overbooking idea in Chinese railway freight industry to improve revenue, a Markov decision process(dynamic programming) model for railway freight reservation was formulated and the overbooking limit level was proposed as a control policy. However, computing the dynamic programming treatment needs six nested loops and this will be burdensome for real-world problems. To break through the calculation limit, the properties of value function were analyzed and the overbooking protection level was proposed to reduce the calculating quantity. The simulation experiments show that the overbooking protection level for the lower-fare class is higher than that for the higher-fare class, so the overbooking strategy is nested by fare class. Besides, by analyzing the influence on the overbooking strategy of freight arrival probability and cancellation probability, the proposed approach is efficient and also has a good application prospect in reality. Also, compared with the existing reservation(FCFS), the overbooking strategy performs better in the fields of vacancy reduction and revenue improvement. 展开更多
关键词 revenue management railway freight OVERBOOKING dynamic model
Environmental Effects on Rural-to-Urban Migration in China 被引量:1
作者 Qin Hua 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第3期9-17,共9页
Abstract: Migration process has become increasingly important in recent research on population and the environment. A majority of the existing migration and environment literature has focused on the environmental cau... Abstract: Migration process has become increasingly important in recent research on population and the environment. A majority of the existing migration and environment literature has focused on the environmental causes and determinants of migration. With the largest rural-to-urban migration flow in world history, and growing concerns about the environmental problems accompanying its fast economic development, China provides a particularly important case for migration and environment research. This paper reviews major migration theories and recent research on environmental effects on migration, with specific attention to the influences of en- vironmental factors on rural-to-urban labor migration in China. A comprehensive multilevel conceptual framework is developed for studying the environmental causes of rural-to-urban migration in China. The effects of land resources on household labor migration decisions in rural China are explored to illustrate the application of this framework. 展开更多
关键词 migration and environment environmental influ-ences multilevel conceptual framework land resources householdmigration decisions
China’s Economic Growth and High-Quality Development:2020-2035 被引量:9
作者 Liu Wei Chen Yanbin 《China Economist》 2021年第1期2-17,共16页
The time period between 2020 and 2035 is vital for China to achieve its second centennial goal.During this period,China must avoid the middle-income trap and achieve socialist modernization.To accomplish this goal,Chi... The time period between 2020 and 2035 is vital for China to achieve its second centennial goal.During this period,China must avoid the middle-income trap and achieve socialist modernization.To accomplish this goal,China must maintain a certain pace of economic growth and strive to double its real GDP per capita by 2035.However,by the current growth trajectory,China’s average economic growth rate is expected to stay at approximately 3.8%over the period between 2020-2035.This makes the GDP per capita growth target hard to achieve.Even when in a high-quality development stage,China should speed up economic growth while enhancing growth quality.Speed and quality are interdependent rather than contradictory with each other.To ramp up economic growth potentials,China must proceed with market-oriented reforms and shift economic growth drivers.To improve economic growth quality,household consumption should be increased to unleash China’s full potential,not only as the factory floor of the world but also one of world’s biggest markets,i.e.“dual circulations.”With appropriate policy response,China’s economy will be poised to achieve the goal of doubling real GDP per capita by 2035,marking a large stride in its economic aggregate and urban and rural household per capita incomes. 展开更多
关键词 economic growth growth potentials high-quality development one of world’s biggest markets dual circulations
Do copepods inhabit hypersaline waters worldwide?A short review and discussion 被引量:2
作者 Elena V.ANUFRIIEVA 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1354-1361,共8页
A small number of copepod species have adapted to an existence in the extreme habitat of hypersaline water. 13 copepod species have been recorded in the hypersaline waters of Crimea (the largest peninsula in the Blac... A small number of copepod species have adapted to an existence in the extreme habitat of hypersaline water. 13 copepod species have been recorded in the hypersaline waters of Crimea (the largest peninsula in the Black Sea with over 50 hypersaline lakes). Summarizing our own and literal_re data, the author concludes that the Crimean extreme environment is not an exception: copepod species dwell in hypersaline waters worldwide. There are at least 26 copepod species around the world living at salinity above 100; among them 12 species are found at salinity higher than 200. In the Crimea Cletocamptus retrogressus is found at salinity 360×10^-3 (with a density of 1 320 individuals/m^3) and Arctodiaptomus salinus at salinity 300×10^-3 (with a density of 343 individuals/m^3). Those species are probably the most halotolerant copepod species in the world. High halotolerance of osmoconforming copepods may be explained by exoosmolyte consumption, mainly with food. High tolerance to many factors in adults, availability of resting stages, and an opportunity of long-distance transportation of resting stages by birds and/or winds are responsible for the wide geographic distribution of these halophilic copepods. 展开更多
关键词 Copepoda HALOTOLERANCE exoosmolytes BIOGEOGRAPHY
The World Production and Trade of Rare Earth Elements: The Position of the Pacific Area
作者 Carlos Encinas-Ferrer Francisco Javier ValderreY-Villar +1 位作者 Clemente Hernandez-Rodriguez Antonio Uson-Sardana 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第4期209-220,共12页
In this paper we analyze the characteristics of the so-called rare earth elements (REEs) and its industrial applications. We present the policy, or lack thereof, in the countries in the Pacific Rim for its mining an... In this paper we analyze the characteristics of the so-called rare earth elements (REEs) and its industrial applications. We present the policy, or lack thereof, in the countries in the Pacific Rim for its mining and commerce, and the current and future weight that rare earth minerals will have in international trade. The technological revolution experienced over the last 25 years, has brought the REEs to the public's attention for being instrumental in obtaining catalysts, lasers and optical fiber, luminescent substances and LEDs, superconductors, permanent magnets, batteries and ultra-capacitors. China's leading position as the supplier of these minerals worldwide, and its recent export restriction policy for domestic industrial activities have driven up international prices. Price increase for REEs is leading to the need for both recycling and its replacement. It has also led other countries in the Asia Pacific Rim to prospect new potential sites on their own territories, or even to restart operations in deposits that had been previously abandoned. Those strategies will likely gain greater importance as environmental pollution problems associated with the exploitation, processing, and recovery of REEs increase. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth metals or elements China REEs production TRADE public policies PROSPECTING technologicalrevolution
Contextual Adaptation of Language Choices -With Reference to Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address 被引量:1
《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期94-96,共3页
An empirical research is done on how political Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address as the corpora sample speeches adapt to context in the framework of adaptation theory, taking This paper shows that language choi... An empirical research is done on how political Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address as the corpora sample speeches adapt to context in the framework of adaptation theory, taking This paper shows that language choices in the State of the Union Address are adaptive to all the levels of the context, including communicative context (language users, mental world, social world, and physical world) and linguistic context. It is confirmed one of the theoretical stances of adaptation theory that there is no language use without being adaptive to context. 展开更多
关键词 contextual adaptation 2015 State of the Union Address of the USA case study
State Policy on the Environment in Vietnamese Handicraft Villages 被引量:1
作者 Nguyen Thi Thu Huong 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第6期290-295,共6页
Handicraft villages play an important role in promoting social and economic development in rural areas as well as Vietnam's economy. Nowadays, Vietnam's handicrafts have a foothold in the world market, and are expor... Handicraft villages play an important role in promoting social and economic development in rural areas as well as Vietnam's economy. Nowadays, Vietnam's handicrafts have a foothold in the world market, and are exported over 163 countries and territories (Tuan, 2010). However, the production activities of the handicraft village have a lot of shortcomings, especially the problem of environmental pollution (Chi, 2010). Therefore, government policy plays a very important role to minimize environmental pollution villages, contributing to improving environmental quality and public health. This paper focuses on: 1). Current status of state policy environment in handicraft villages shows the achievements and limitations of the policy, from which reviews state policy in environments in handicraft villages (through fieldwork in the handicraft villages); and 2). Solution to improve state policy on environmental protection in handicraft villages in Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 craft village state policy environmental policy
Review of Issues Related to Tourism Policies regarding Environmental Management and Customary Practices of Tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
作者 Rehmat Karim Salma A. Durrani Azhar Hussain 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第9期1087-1093,共7页
The purpose of this study is to highlight the issues and problems of tourism planning, policy formulation and implementation in Gilgit-Baltistan-mountainous region of Pakistan-a place which is abound with worth seeing... The purpose of this study is to highlight the issues and problems of tourism planning, policy formulation and implementation in Gilgit-Baltistan-mountainous region of Pakistan-a place which is abound with worth seeing natural scenes and also hub of world's highest mountain ranges. Tourism in many countries plays an important role in improving not only economic conditions but it also has been used as a tool to preserve environment. Tourism policy is part of national development policy in many countries, but in Pakistan this sector has been ignored in terms of proper policy formulation and also it was not considered as a potential sector for economic betterment. Although Pakistan, particularly Gilgit-Baltistan is replete with tourism resources, haplessly policy makers never focused on this sector in capitalizing these tourism resources. It also covers the traditional practices of 4 As (Access, Attractions, Accommodation and Acceptance) in Gilgit-Baltistan. In Pakistan, there have been different laws and regulations formulated with the passage of time but they have not been implemented properly. In Pakistan, tourism policy was first prepared in 1983 but it was not enforced appropriately. According to ranking of WEF T&T (World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism) competitiveness index, Pakistan is ranked below average in policy formulation and implementation. 展开更多
关键词 Statuary policies customary practices 4 As environment Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan.
Visual Design and Instructional Effectiveness
作者 Seda Khadimally 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第8期587-600,共14页
The paradigms of old media are replaced by new forms of creativity and delivery of content by those who strive to enhance innovative ways of communication and learning based on universally accepted guidelines. These u... The paradigms of old media are replaced by new forms of creativity and delivery of content by those who strive to enhance innovative ways of communication and learning based on universally accepted guidelines. These ubiquitous rules of design are what scholars in the field of call as the principles of design. Particularly when instructional effectiveness of a new message is under close lens, instructional designers unanimously accept and implement these design principles in the process of planning and designing products for consumers and/or learners With today's digital revolution and technological break-throughs, instructional designers need to keep seeking new forms of design, communication, and learning with various forms of instructional media and innovative, technology-rich design techniques. Given this educational milieu in an ever-growing digital world of learning and instruction, this paper will focus on eliciting some of these most innovative and outstanding instructional design (ID) products and evaluate their effectiveness in learning and teaching environments based on an army of ID principles generally accepted by the scholars of the field. 展开更多
关键词 visual design instructional design (ID) COMMUNICATIONS LEARNING TEACHING English as a Second Language (ESL) ESL learning and teaching environments adult learners
Freezing Desalination
《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第3期215-218,共4页
The solidification of a binary mixture causes allowed thermosolutal convection. Under certain conditions, the separation of its components gives rise to a preferential movement of migration of solutes. The quantity an... The solidification of a binary mixture causes allowed thermosolutal convection. Under certain conditions, the separation of its components gives rise to a preferential movement of migration of solutes. The quantity and the concentration of the obtained products depend on the mechanisms of sepa',ration which depend on different parameters and the applied boundary conditions. In this way, the freezing of H20-NaC1 mixture makes it possible to obtain a liquid phase which is charged in solute and is called brine and a solid phase which is composed of ice being able to become fresh water, and so it can works as a desalination process. In this paper, a series of experiments of seawater freezing on cold surface is carried out at the laboratory under different operating conditions. During these experiments, the role of each parameter (temperature of crystallization, duration of crystallizat on...) which is able to impact the final composition is focused on. After a preliminary series of experiment, the yield is: improved to reach rates of salt and make it possible to regard the water produced as drinkable according to the standards of WHO (World Health Organization). 展开更多
关键词 DESALINATION FREEZING binary mixture thermosolutal convection.
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