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浙江环境-经济系统发展水平的能值分析 被引量:40
作者 李加林 龚虹波 许继琴 《地域研究与开发》 CSSCI 2003年第5期33-37,共5页
能值分析方法由于能同时衡量环境-经济系统中环境资源和经济活动的价值,而成为测度区域发展水平的一种新方法。文章运用能值理论构建了浙江环境-经济系统能值分析框架体系,并对1978~2000年衡量浙江环境-经济系统发展水平的主要能值指... 能值分析方法由于能同时衡量环境-经济系统中环境资源和经济活动的价值,而成为测度区域发展水平的一种新方法。文章运用能值理论构建了浙江环境-经济系统能值分析框架体系,并对1978~2000年衡量浙江环境-经济系统发展水平的主要能值指标及其发展态势进行了系统研究。 展开更多
关键词 环境—经济系统 可持续发展 太阳能值 浙江省
矿业城市环境经济系统耦合评价—以安徽铜陵市为例 被引量:8
作者 王乃举 周涛发 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期1339-1344,共6页
从矿业城市环境—经济系统脆弱性产生的原因、表征和措施三方面构建了耦合度评价的指标体系,以三维空间建立耦合度评价模型,采用灰色斜率相似关联度模型评价耦合度约束主因子.结果表明,2002~2009年铜陵市环境—经济系统经历弱耦合度—... 从矿业城市环境—经济系统脆弱性产生的原因、表征和措施三方面构建了耦合度评价的指标体系,以三维空间建立耦合度评价模型,采用灰色斜率相似关联度模型评价耦合度约束主因子.结果表明,2002~2009年铜陵市环境—经济系统经历弱耦合度—较弱耦合度—较高耦合度的变化,耦合度呈递增趋势;铜陵市环境—经济系统耦合发展的主要贡献因子是经济增长和环境质量,主要限制因子是资源供给、环境保护投资和工业固废排放等. 展开更多
关键词 环境—经济系统 耦合度 灰色斜率相似关联度 铜陵市
生态文明视域下的青海省旅游—经济—环境系统协调发展研究 被引量:8
作者 薛华菊 唐仲霞 +1 位作者 方成江 范钟庆 《资源开发与市场》 CAS CSSCI 2016年第4期410-413,共4页
借鉴物理学中的耦合评价模型,对青海省旅游—经济—环境系统(TEE系统)的耦合关系进行了实证研究。实证研究发现,2000—2014年青海省TEE系统的耦合度与协调度总体上表现为持续上升趋势,但耦合度处在磨合阶段,协调度也仅达到初级协调水平... 借鉴物理学中的耦合评价模型,对青海省旅游—经济—环境系统(TEE系统)的耦合关系进行了实证研究。实证研究发现,2000—2014年青海省TEE系统的耦合度与协调度总体上表现为持续上升趋势,但耦合度处在磨合阶段,协调度也仅达到初级协调水平。旅游业与经济系统之间呈高度正相关,但经济和旅游业的发展在2008年后高于环境阈值,环境成为青海省TEE系统协调发展的短板。今后,青海省必须要转变经济发展模式,着力进行产业升级与转型,以促进青藏高原地区TEE系统的和谐发展和生态文明建设。 展开更多
关键词 生态文明 旅游—经济环境系统 协调度 耦合度 青海省
电力企业可持续发展中电力-环境-经济复合系统的价值分析 被引量:1
作者 邓燕 《时代金融》 2016年第15期128-,132,共2页
随着社会的发展,电力在我国的社会发展中具有重要作用,其可持续发展对于国家和社会都有重要的意义,可以满足现代社会不断发展的需求。电力能够使环境和经济之间实现平衡,促进社会的可持续发展,电力—环境—经济复合系统就是利用电力、... 随着社会的发展,电力在我国的社会发展中具有重要作用,其可持续发展对于国家和社会都有重要的意义,可以满足现代社会不断发展的需求。电力能够使环境和经济之间实现平衡,促进社会的可持续发展,电力—环境—经济复合系统就是利用电力、环境和经济这三个子系统之间的配合促进电力企业和整个社会的可持续发展。本文主要对电力企业可持续发展中的电力—环境—经济复合系统的价值进行分析,以便为相关发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 电力企业 可持续发展 电力—环境—经济复合系统 价值
新疆地区能源—经济—环境系统耦合协调发展研究 被引量:5
作者 王欢 《现代商贸工业》 2022年第24期32-34,共3页
中国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,经济高质量发展的关键是实现能源、经济和环境的协调发展。本文构建了三个维度,24个指标的评价体系,采用熵值法计算三系统各指标权重,并引入了耦合协调度模型对三者之间的协调状况进行了定... 中国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,经济高质量发展的关键是实现能源、经济和环境的协调发展。本文构建了三个维度,24个指标的评价体系,采用熵值法计算三系统各指标权重,并引入了耦合协调度模型对三者之间的协调状况进行了定量分析。研究结果表明:新疆地区的经济系统发展水平大体呈上升态势,而能源和环境系统发展水平整体呈下降趋势;新疆地区三元系统耦合度较好,几乎都在0.7以上,2017年以来能够达到0.8以上,这表明三个系统关系密切;10年间,新疆地区的耦合协调度由勉强协调调整到初级协调。 展开更多
关键词 能源—经济环境系统 耦合协调度 新疆 协调发展
江苏省农村地区资源-环境-经济耦合协调发展研究 被引量:1
作者 吴玉 朱秀杰 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2022年第9期140-145,共6页
以江苏省为例,在耦合协调度模型的基础上,采用熵权法,分析了2010—2020年江苏省近10年的农村地区资源、环境、经济复合系统的耦合协调发展水平。结果表明,江苏省农村地区资源、环境、经济复合系统的综合发展程度整体呈逐年递增趋势,3个... 以江苏省为例,在耦合协调度模型的基础上,采用熵权法,分析了2010—2020年江苏省近10年的农村地区资源、环境、经济复合系统的耦合协调发展水平。结果表明,江苏省农村地区资源、环境、经济复合系统的综合发展程度整体呈逐年递增趋势,3个子系统的综合评价值整体上均呈现上升的变化趋势,其中环境子系统综合发展水平增幅最大,经济子系统综合发展水平次之,资源子系统增幅最小。江苏省农村地区资源—环境—经济耦合协调度呈现上升趋势,协调状态不断改善,实现了从2010年严重失调状态向2020年勉强协调状态的转变,呈现出向好的变化趋势,但目前耦合协调水平仍然有进一步提升的空间。因此,需要进一步强化江苏省农村地区资源、环境、经济之间的耦合协调度,统筹各系统间平衡发展,以助力农村高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 资源—环境—经济系统 耦合协调度 农村地区
广东省旅游—经济—环境耦合协调发展研究 被引量:15
作者 吴清 谢瑞萍 宋晨 《生态经济》 北大核心 2021年第4期140-146,155,共8页
运用GIS空间分析技术,从经济、产业、地形及关联性等方面对广东省21个地级市旅游—经济—环境三子系统的耦合协调发展规律进行研究,结果表明:(1)对旅游—经济—环境耦合作用机制进行分析,其中旅游系统是调节中枢,经济系统是资金保障,环... 运用GIS空间分析技术,从经济、产业、地形及关联性等方面对广东省21个地级市旅游—经济—环境三子系统的耦合协调发展规律进行研究,结果表明:(1)对旅游—经济—环境耦合作用机制进行分析,其中旅游系统是调节中枢,经济系统是资金保障,环境系统是发展基础,三子系统互相牵制,互相驱动。(2)2007—2016年广东省21个地级市耦合协调度总体呈上升趋势,逐渐演变为中部渐弱,第三梯队城市由西部向东部转移的空间分布格局。(3)根据2007—2016年的面板数据解析三子系统的耦合协调发展特征:环境子系统发展综合效益基本以中部为界,东部沿海整体上优于西部地区;经济子系统发展综合效益呈现以广州、深圳为圆心,同心圆辐散式分布且辐射作用向外逐渐变弱的特征;旅游子系统发展综合效益北高南低,随时间推移表现出东部渐强、西部渐弱的发展态势。 展开更多
关键词 旅游—经济环境系统 耦合协调度 综合效益评价 广东省
作者 张良 董菁 代道军 《陕西开放大学学报》 2023年第2期61-71,共11页
旅游业不仅是新兴产业,对于提高居民生活水平有重要作用,而且也成为国民经济的重要性支柱产业,对于促进地区经济发展有重要作用,因此,其发展受到多方关注。随着可持续发展观念的不断深入人心,旅游业与经济和环境因素之间的协调性显得十... 旅游业不仅是新兴产业,对于提高居民生活水平有重要作用,而且也成为国民经济的重要性支柱产业,对于促进地区经济发展有重要作用,因此,其发展受到多方关注。随着可持续发展观念的不断深入人心,旅游业与经济和环境因素之间的协调性显得十分重要。本文以耦合协调度理论、可持续发展理论等多种理论为基础,以陕西省为研究对象,共选取陕西省国内旅游人数等22项指标构建旅游、经济和环境的评价指标体系,以查阅历年《陕西省统计年鉴》的方法获取相关数据,通过使用熵值赋权法确定各指标的权重,通过构建的耦合协调度模型确定陕西省在近十余年间的耦合协调度等级。最后,根据分析,从坚持可持续发展理念、政府的主导作用、旅游系统优化、优化经济系统和环境系统优化等五个方面提出了合理化的建议。 展开更多
关键词 陕西省 旅游—经济环境系统 耦合协调度
我国能源—经济—环境(3E)系统协调度的地理空间分布与动态演进 被引量:46
作者 苏静 胡宗义 唐李伟 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期19-24,30,共7页
在对2004—2010年我国30个省域3E系统协调度进行科学测算的基础上,利用空间计量方法分析了我国3E系统协调度的地理空间分布特征,并进一步采用非参数核密度分布对各空间集聚区3E系统协调度的动态演进趋势进行了估计与分析。结果表明:①我... 在对2004—2010年我国30个省域3E系统协调度进行科学测算的基础上,利用空间计量方法分析了我国3E系统协调度的地理空间分布特征,并进一步采用非参数核密度分布对各空间集聚区3E系统协调度的动态演进趋势进行了估计与分析。结果表明:①我国3E系统协调水平总体上不容乐观,有26个省域3E系统协调水平处于不同程度的失调状态。②我国3E系统协调水平的地区分布具有显著的空间依赖性,形成了3E系统协调水平高值和低值两大空间集聚区,并且集聚区保持高度的空间稳定性。③我国3E系统协调水平整体上趋于下降,高值和低值两大空间聚集区以及中值片区3E系统协调水平呈现不同的动态演进趋势。我国依然面临能源消费、经济增长与环境保护协调可持续发展的巨大压力。 展开更多
关键词 能源—经济环境(3E)系统 协调度 空间集聚 动态演进
作者 王艳萍 《环境经济》 2023年第13期62-65,共4页
近年来,应对气候变化协同效应研究与其他可持续发展议题相结合的紧密度越来越高,对应对气候变化协同政策的研究逐渐增多。部分经济政策实施在能源—经济—环境系统产生了积极的协同效应,为统筹推进应对气候变化与生态环境保护、促进经... 近年来,应对气候变化协同效应研究与其他可持续发展议题相结合的紧密度越来越高,对应对气候变化协同政策的研究逐渐增多。部分经济政策实施在能源—经济—环境系统产生了积极的协同效应,为统筹推进应对气候变化与生态环境保护、促进经济高质量发展提供了重要启示。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境保护 可持续发展 应对气候变化 协同效应 紧密度 能源—经济环境系统 协同政策 高质量发展
Evaluation on Coordination between Grassland Ecological Environment and Economic Development 被引量:10
作者 王晓芳 宗刚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期163-166,共4页
Taking grassland resources in Nagqu District of Tibet as example,the evaluation index system of environment and economy coordination degree was set up according to coordination degree evaluation model,and environment ... Taking grassland resources in Nagqu District of Tibet as example,the evaluation index system of environment and economy coordination degree was set up according to coordination degree evaluation model,and environment economic system coordination degree of 11 counties in Nagqu District was analyzed by using coordination functions. 展开更多
关键词 Grassland environmental system Economic system Coordination degree
作者 吕彤 韩文秀 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2001年第2期81-85,共5页
In order to realize the coordination oriented management of the economy resource environment(Ec R Ev) composite system,its optimal aggregate coordinating measurement model is established.A self learning method is... In order to realize the coordination oriented management of the economy resource environment(Ec R Ev) composite system,its optimal aggregate coordinating measurement model is established.A self learning method is presented,which combines the optimizing technology and stability analysis together to achieve a tradeoff between the optimizing objective and system stability.So a model for chaos control of the composite system based on coordination is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Ec R Ev system composite system system coordinating chaos control
Spatio-temporal Difference and Influencing Factors of Environmental Adaptability Measurement of Human-sea Economic System in Liaoning Coastal Area 被引量:6
作者 LI Bo SHI Zhaoyuan TIAN Chuang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期313-324,共12页
Adaptability theory is an important tool to analyze the degree, mechanism and process of interaction between human and environment, which provides a new perspective for the research of sustainability assessment. Based... Adaptability theory is an important tool to analyze the degree, mechanism and process of interaction between human and environment, which provides a new perspective for the research of sustainability assessment. Based on the entropy weight-TOPSIS method and the panel Tobit model from the perspective of adaptability, spatio-temporal difference and influencing factors of environmental adaptability assessment of human-sea economic system in Liaoning coastal area was measured by using the city panel data from 2000 to 2014. The results indicate that: 1) The environmental adaptability of human-sea economic system in Liaoning coastal area rose slowly from 2000 to 2014, the developing trend of each city was linearly related, and Dalian was in a leading position. 2) The different adaptability elements and adaptability subsystem show polarization phenomenon and completely different regional evolution characteristics. The adaptability of human-sea environment system and human-sea economic system rose slowly and had the characteristics of linear relationship, and the adaptability of human-sea environment system is the main reason for the difference of environmental adaptability of human-sea economic system. 3) Science and technology, environmental management, marine economic development level, port construction are the driving factors of the healthy development of environmental adaptability of urban human-sea economic system. 展开更多
关键词 human-sea economic system ADAPTABILITY human-sea environment system influencing factors Liaoning coastal area
Dynamic Assessment on Regional Eco-environmental Quality Using AHP-Statistics Model—A Case Study of Chaohu Lake Basin 被引量:8
作者 LI Ruzhong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期341-348,共8页
An indicator system closely connected with eco-environment, in which indicator involves in such fields as society, economy, resources, environment and ecology, is first proposed for eco-environmental quality assessmen... An indicator system closely connected with eco-environment, in which indicator involves in such fields as society, economy, resources, environment and ecology, is first proposed for eco-environmental quality assessment. Then, a hierarchical model with four levels is established by virtue of these indicators and attributes. In the model, weights of indicators and attributes are determined by combining Delphi method with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and a statistic method is used to eliminate the influences arising from the differences in dimension and magnitude of indicators. On these grounds, an AHP-statistics model is provided for regional eco-environmental quality assessment. As a case, such AHP-statistics model is utilized in the dynamic analysis of regional eco-environmental assessment in Chaohu Lake basin. Study results show that natural environmental quality in the watershed was in the declining state while social environmental quality was in a markedly improved situation from 1996, and the synthetic eco-environmental quality was gradually and slowly improved under the common influences of both natural and social environmental factors. Example of application testified the capacities of above methodology to evaluate the real and dynamic state of regional eco-environmental quality. 展开更多
关键词 eco-environmental quality assessment AHP-statistics model Chaohu Lake
Comprehensive Measurement for Carrying Capacity of Resources and Environment of City Clusters in Central China 被引量:12
作者 FANG Chuanglin LIU Xiaoli 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期281-288,共8页
Studying the carrying capacity of resources and environment of city clusters in the central China has important practical guidance significance for promoting the healthy, sustainable and stable development of this reg... Studying the carrying capacity of resources and environment of city clusters in the central China has important practical guidance significance for promoting the healthy, sustainable and stable development of this region. According to their influencing factors and reciprocity mechanism, using system dynamics approaches, this paper built a SD model for measuring the carrying capacity of resources and environment of the city clusters in the central China, and through setting different development models, the comprehensive measurement analysis on the carrying capacity was carried out. The results show that the model of promoting socio-economic development under the protection of resources and environment is the optimal model for promoting the harmony development of resources, environment, society and economy in the city clusters. According to this model, the optimum population scale of the city clusters in 2020 is 42.80×106 persons, and the moderate economic development scale is 22.055×1012 yuan (RMB). In 1996-2020, the carrying capacity of resources and environment in the city clusters took on obvious phase-change characteristics. During the studied period, it is basically at the initial development stage, and will come through the development process from slow development to speedup development. 展开更多
关键词 carrying capacity of resources and environment comprehensive measurement city clusters central China
Measuring coordination of economy-society and resource-environment based on major function oriented zoning: a case study of Pearl River Delta 被引量:2
作者 FANG Zhong-quan WANG Zhang-jun 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第3期264-271,共8页
A reasonable coordination degree assessment of the social-economic development level and the resource-environment quality level are essential to ident the key factory of the development, and vital to determine the app... A reasonable coordination degree assessment of the social-economic development level and the resource-environment quality level are essential to ident the key factory of the development, and vital to determine the appropriate development strategy and achieve sustainable development. The major function oriented zoning plays a role in spatial coordination mainly' by spatial guidance and restriction, so. the proposal of major function oriented zoning gives a new train of thought to generate a coordination evaluation of economy-society and the resource-environment system, From the view of major function oriented zoning that considers resource environmental bearing capacity, existing development density and development potential, this paper constructs an index system and model of coordination evahtation with a case study on Pearl River Delta. The results have shown: (I) It can reveal the conflicts of economic-social development and resource-environment quality to ac- curately consider resource environmental bearing capacity, existing development densio~ and development po- tential; (2) The coordination degree between social-economy system and resource-environment system in Pearl River Delta continued to decline in the past 10 years. The spatial extent of coordination evoh,es.from coordina- tion in the whole Pearl River Delta to imbalance in the core areas, and at present, the uncoordinated areas have already diffused from core areas to the outlying regions: (3) Most regions of the Pearl River Delta are in uncoordinated condition When considering the coordination degree of economic-social development and resollrceenvironment quality, not as coordinated as some scholars considered. 展开更多
关键词 Major function oriented zoning Economy-society system Resource-environment system Coordination evalu- ation: the Pearl River Delta
Unit Environmental Property Rights: Efficiency, Responsibility and System
作者 Li Ruie Huang Yi 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第4期13-19,共7页
The inexplicit efficiency of environmental property rights lies in its fuzziness. Based on the character of environmental property rights discussed, unit environment shows intra relationship between efficiency and dut... The inexplicit efficiency of environmental property rights lies in its fuzziness. Based on the character of environmental property rights discussed, unit environment shows intra relationship between efficiency and duty of environmental property rights, and constructs a symmetrical system arrangement. Through analyzing the possibility and feasibility of unit environmental property rights, the significance of symmetrical system arrangement to avoid the inexplicit efficiency of environmental property rights is discussed in this dissertation from the aspect of the validity of offering and implementing system. 展开更多
关键词 environmental property rights EFFICIENCY RESPONSIBILITY SYSTEM
Environmental protection versus economic growth
作者 Cristina Mioara Vasile 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2008年第12期52-57,共6页
This paper presents and analyses the differences in the eco-models implemented worldwide (such as whether and how carbon taxes being "recycled"), or in their efficiency parameters (inconsistent parameter values t... This paper presents and analyses the differences in the eco-models implemented worldwide (such as whether and how carbon taxes being "recycled"), or in their efficiency parameters (inconsistent parameter values that account for different results). This is the assumption that a real tradeoff exists between the production of environmental goods. The present article empirically proves that something must be given up in order to gain something else, and once equations are specified to trace out the path of the economy over time, the natural economic formulation of such equations will embody the notion of economic and bio-tradeoffs. 展开更多
关键词 energy efficiency cost-saving models INVESTMENTS environmental goods utility function
Basic Structures and Political Implications of a Sustainable Welfare Model
作者 Gerd Ahlertt Bemd Meyer +1 位作者 Roland Zieschank Hans Diefenbacher 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2014年第4期189-203,共15页
A synopsis of political welfare concepts, which are currently discussed under labels such as "green growth", "zero growth" and "degrowth", has identified fundamental shortcomings concerning the informational bas... A synopsis of political welfare concepts, which are currently discussed under labels such as "green growth", "zero growth" and "degrowth", has identified fundamental shortcomings concerning the informational bases of the complex links between ecological, social and economic systems, which were taken into account in the creation of the concept. In the development of a concept for political action, a rationally acting environmental policy cannot neglect reflecting on which economic, ecological and social contexts have to be taken into account and on which normative statements its decisions should be grounded. The proposed sustainable welfare model consists of a positive impact and a normative decision model. The positive model provides a description of the "world" with which the effects of the various options for action on the environmental, social and the economic systems can be assessed. The normative model is a tool for selecting and assessing the options for action in pursuing the desired goal of sustainable welfare development. Principally the key environmental goals are prearranged to socio-economic goals. The model at hand provides the reference points for the development of a sustainable welfare concept, which can be used as a political action plan in the context of environmental policy. 展开更多
关键词 Planetary boundaries environmental and socio-economic goals sustainable welfare model sustainable development green economy.
Development of the eco-community planning studies under the concept of low-carbon
作者 Xina Ma 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期119-121,共3页
Universality of low-carbon eco- city planning measures, Government regulation, as an important planning means to guide urban development urban; it is an allocation mechanism for land and space resource. Low-carbon eco... Universality of low-carbon eco- city planning measures, Government regulation, as an important planning means to guide urban development urban; it is an allocation mechanism for land and space resource. Low-carbon eco- city planning is especially important for China as it is in a state of rapid economic growth, urbanization acceleration, carbon emissions increase, ecological environment deterioration and intensifying economic transformation. During the process of low-carbon eco-city planning, we must consider the whole range of temporal and spatial distribution of the city and grasp the overall coordination system of time and space. We should regard it as a system of the entire biosphere and regulate urban according to true features of ecosystems, that is in a basically a three-dimensional, integrative compound patterns. We need consider the natural ecological system factors, technological physics factors, economic assets factors, social and cultural factors as well as various humanitarian factors among the urban system structure; consider the impact of the internal and external urban environmental systems; make them interact and influence each other and restrict each other through the planning of the urban system material flow, energy flow, information flow and capital flow; insists the evaluation basic of the healthy development of urbanization and the of exercise macro -control on the dynamic representation" of the city development, the "qualityrepresentatiou" ofthecity' s connotation and the air representation" of the city state in order to overcome the " urban disease " by development, to reduce the " urban disease " by planning, to treat the " urban disease " by management. Only by bringing the design and control into the scope of long-term planning and governing can we effectively monitor and guide the development and construction of low-carbon eco- towns. 展开更多
关键词 eco-community low-carbon ecological civilization
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